. FULL LEASED WIRE DISPATCHES si. I TODAY'S NEWS PRINTED TODAY lilt ! vi r? ii ill ii ii ii v ni ii vi it 11 ii lrii it . m m mm m m mm mm r. ma n it k 1 THIRTY-EIGHTH YEAR AMERICANS ASSUR OF SAFETY KEEP 10 (Germany's Reply To American Rejoiner Friendly In Tone But Regarded As Unsatisfactory In Official Circles Kaiser Makes No Real Concessions To American Demands-Endless Diplomatic Exchanges Probable BY JOHN EDWIN NEVIN. j plotoly paralyzing peaceable traffic (United Press Staff Correspondent.) ! I'i't ween Germany and neutral couu- Washiiigtoii, July 0. Germany's re- ,ril's' !mv "iieii from tlie beginning ply to the American I.usitani'a and ' wit'1 increasing luck of consilient subiuariiip war protest is entirelv iiu-i'"" a ''K' destruction, nut so much of antistiictory. " j he armed forces us the life of the Officials here today did not try to ' Germnn nation, repudiating in doing conceal this opinion. ' ' . so nil the rules of international law The situation is .fraught with danger- nll1 disregarding all the rights of neu ous possibilities, they considered. Hut"Tr"'!, they would n.o' tall; 'of it today. They; "I'll November 3, 11)11. Kngland de are leaving that to President Wilsoii. i '"laroj the North sea u war urea, and It was the concensus of opinion that by planting poorly anchored mines and the president would reiterate his de- i by. the stoppage and capture of vessels nands for recognition of the rights of made passage extremely dangerous liud American to travel in safety up cm the difficult for neutral shipping, so (hyf) hii.li seas. Asked whether they did not' that actually blockading neutral coasts oiisidcr that negotiations were getting nnd ports contrary to nil international nowhere and that a break in relations law. Long before the beginning of between tli two government was pos- submarine war Kngliiud practically sible, however, those best Hosted suid coiiii.b.ti.le inton.,.,,....! !..,.; ..' thev did not think so). , vooiu.eiit in vtasnmgiou luday was all to the ettect that while the (ier-1 nan note males coul ter proposals, they j amount to no concessions at all, since' ....,., , ,, ut .Americans are hale a. neutral s ups., but implies they ; Th r . ' i ., . r- lliere .s no more evidence that Ger - mint- n r ioses renanirion tor tin .le.,ti. .V i .;...,'i ...... ........ . I If, while refusing to accept the Amer ican p(.iition in principle, Germuny re- I'm,,, in practice trom resummg sub.1 ,, Zrt, "L '1 1" in.ui ... pruci.i marine attack upon vessels earivin.'l Americans, it is aereed that the niat-i ter will probably continue to drift along as at l'rescut. In case another ship is torpedoed, however, officials hesitnle to predict the outcome. Full Text of Reply. The text of the German not" fol lows: on.,.i;n t.,1.. c -et. . i hasV e hnn; 'o ,,krtl, r ! i reply to Hi Kxoellency, Ambasador Gerunl, to the note of the I'.Hh ultimo in re the impairment of American in terest by the Oerman mibmnrine war: The imperial government learned will. Htifiuf,icti,,n t'r.,,,, tl... . . .-. I. "" note how earnestly the government of the I nite.l States is ooncerned in seeing the principles of humanity realized in the present war. Also this appeal finds ready echo in Germany, and the imperial government is quite Killing to permit its statements und lecisions in the present casa to be governed by the principles of human ity, just n it hns done alwavs. Early Friendship Recalled. "The imperial government wel- , . ....,:,..). ......... 4... 4 1 in... glut. time wueu lilt nilirr- i an ir.il-l.rntnniit in tV.i n.f.i s.f M..t. . " ' . ri itr' nr.. .re,..,.-., u... ucr.imn nan always permitted itself to be g..y;it wml(i br uiv ,ofr( ci,,.I an.l hi' -mcd by the principles of progress tnrv M. violation of those prin- .. ... ouMM.,,y , ucui.ng win. me law ; ri.,,., of highest humanity wl.il h are t maritime war. Since the time ,). foundation of evcrv 'national ex vwien i-redetick the .treat negotiated st,.nee. with John Adams Benjamin Frank-. Britain Blamed for LusHanJi. In and l .omns .Tetterson the treaty; ..Thl. 0nse of the l.usilunia shows of t nciidshti) nnd eonimerce of Sen- i ...i.. ..i i.... : teiiilnr !'. 17 Sj. between Prussia and . i . tlie Kepublic of the West, German "id American statesmen have in fact ilnays stood together in the struggle 1 ir the freedom of the sea and for the protection of peaceable trade. In t!ic international pro. lings which .1 .nee have been conducted for the leg niation of laws of maritime war. Gor - many and America have pointly advo- 'fed progressive principles, espe- 'ally the abolishment of the right of ipture nt sea nnd the protection of interests of nevtrals. ; DeclaraUon of London InJomed. , "Lven nt the beginning of the pr.-s-' .lit war the Gernw. iTniernoiefit ini-- "...natcly ileclared its w -illirignen t '" the derlaration of Loudon and '""by subject its.-lf in the us,- of it 'Vi.l f.irce to all the restrictions -"M.1,.,1 therein in favor of neutrals. niianv likewise hu been always "a. i.iiis of the l.rinciide that war "'. .1 lie coiuluctej ugnn.t the armed nil organized forces of an enon v ";'"'v, but that the enemy .vilian 'io.Iat:on must be sf-art'd. a far as -slide, from the measure of war. he imperial government c.cr!:o' 'Ltinite hot that some way will Mind when peace is c ilu led. or ''';. earlier, to reg.ilate the law ' maritime war in a manner gnnr 'he freedom of the .;. at,. I 11 welciine it with grati'ule and "'f-.'ion if it can work ha ml in ' '"1 w ith the Anicri, an government ' 'hat occasion. Blame for Violation Dt.wlatmed. "If in the tresent war the nrin. ude hol.!d !. the ideal uf the future i . . . i'i-n traversed m-.re aril more. I .'iger it duration, the (iertcan; t.inent ha n. g'.iit therein I a I.) tlie Atc. .-an rnmcnt t Germany ' a.her.ncs. tv rem- ED BUT WILL PAST POLICY tru naviiration to Gerinnnv nlio Ti.i. Germany was driven to u submarine war on 'trade, r0od Blockade Reviewed "On November lb, 1914, the English. ,'romier dorlured in the House of iv.mmnns that it was one of Knglnnd ' ' Prini'iml task to prevent food for the 'German population from reaching ' ' . . ' "."" V"r"'"y .via neutral ports. Since ( mtim; uil llll'IVIIUUUIW - r(JC f t' (1 1 II g TO (MTinnny, uh writ us nil mvrohnntlie ' ..' .. .. " 1 . I"" P'P" '9 ul B'vtn n0 c"m;e ."r P''""" nig rrom starvation with its women rind children or of relinquishing its independence. "While our enemies thus loudly and openly proclaimed war without mercy until our utter destruction, we were eon ducting war in self-defense for our natural existence and for the sake of . P"n.anency We have been obliged to adopt a sub marine warfare to meet the declared intentions of our enemies and the method of warfure adopted by them in contravention of international law. With all its efforts in principle' to protect neutral life and property from protect neutral lite and property froi , . us ,,, a J ;,. '.,; ,....-,.,.,, , i,.i r- man government recognized unreserv edly in its memorandum of rezrunry 4, that the interests of neutrals might s iffcr from the submarine warfare. "However, the American government will also understand and appreciate that in the fight for existence which has been furred upon Germany by its adversaries nnd announced by them, it is the sucred duty of the imperial gov eminent to Ho all within it power urotect . . .... '. ami !.ve the liv.lv r,f f.i.r man nutiject. If the impend! govern ment were derelict in these, its .i " 1 1 ii iiwi 1 1 1 Mi- t .1-1. i in p.i .. v mi i it-, ii, ;i r iing of human lives the inunner of inducting war employed by our adver saries leads. In the most direct cm tradiction of international law, all dis tinction between r.icrcliuntnicii and war vessels have hecii olihguteit lv oider to Urilish in ere hunt men to unl , m.v,.n UI1,t to nun submarines nm ,. ,,;., f rewards therefore, nllll m,,ltru!s ,e merchantmen lr,,,i,T. thereby, ha 1 n exposed ,v lin i, r,.asing degree to all the ,agcrs of war. Quick Binking of Lusitania Surpi-isea. ,.,. ,u. ruii.ti.uo.G-r ,. the i.ermau ,uimlinlll, ,i,., detr..y.-.l the l.usi ... .. : .. .... ...I n...l .......... ger to take to the limit before firing torpedo this would have meant tie sure ilrst ruction ot Ins own iv'i. .After the experience in sinking mink smaller nnd less seaworthy ve-n-K it -as to be evwrted that a might s! .1, I ,i i t n n i n unnlil ronnn ulmc w.,,.r ,,,,g enough even ufter the tor ,.,;,,., .,, i-rii,it i..-ni:et to enter tlt, 4,,ii 's boats. Cirvmustaiio- ol a very ' uliar kind. eveiuilv the pres ence on board of large quantiue of highly expl.'-iNe material iword onnttcl. .i.ilily '.liip:it-1 ') tk: ex j.ctnti..n. "In addition, it may be p..intc, nil that if the l.tiMtanin had been sre.l tliouvitids of ii of mnrutior.s wouhl have I n -"'nt to Germany's ".mics. and thereby th.o.-ttn Is of Cetman mothers and children r .bb'1 of !,rc:. 1 inner. In the 'l.irit of frier..''lnp where- K Go. German r.tit;..n ( leeri nr. .... . I ....,. I ik. I riion and its i'lhllb- in.'-.. 1" " .i it!ir),, ,),. the earl't Jy of it itenee. the imperial government will av'l.e re.y t- H it dant-ff (I'ontmutJ o I'a tfn.) SALEM, ARMIES CLASH AT CLOSE QUARTERS If F Hand Grenades and Bayonets' Freely Used In Fierce Engagement BERLIN REPORTS NO CHANGE IN GALICIA Italians Hurl Thousands Of Tons Of Metal Into Works At Goritz rnris July 10. The " Labyrinth " I rcgiou is again the scene of desperate j fighting. The Germans nre endenvoring (o re j capture position taken ny tr.e French : there by daring night nllncks in which i they hae carried the fighting to ex ! tremely close quarters with hand gren ! ades and bayonets. , I Creciung forward last night the Ger mans suddenly emerged neur the French trenches, hurling hand bombs upon the ! defenders. French light artillery and machine guns were brought into action and maintained a steady fire upon the enemy. After an hour's fighting, the German retired. In addition to the repulse of thi at tack, the official com.nuniipie today an nounced that ei ly attacks filing the road from Angles to tSouvliez had also failed. Position Improved. Berlin, via wireless to London, July 10. German force stormed an ad vanced trench of the enemy northwest at Heusjour, in the Sliuuipiigne reyiou, the war office announced today. "We have also improved our posi tions in I.e I'retre forest and elsewhere bilwocn the Mouse nnd Moselle," the official statement suid. "We took ,7!tf prisoners there, also three cannon, 12 machine guns and IS mine throwers dur ing the pust two days. "French attuck on the southern slopes of lian ile sapt broke down un der our fire. "On the eastern front, near 0sow et.t (in l'olnnd) Hussiuu attacks were easily repulsed. " Llsewhore there is no change on the Uussian front." Worka Oombarded. Home, July 1U. Thousands of ton of metal are being hurled against the Aus trian wolk along the Isonzo river in a determined effort of the Itulinns to wreck the defenses of Gorit.. iing victor r.mmuiiuel, accompanied by his cousin, Duke D'Aostu, is at the front, personally direrting the artillery attack and encouruging his men. Heavy guns ure constantly shelling the Aus trian work. l'art of the riatzwiso fort in the upper Ansici valley is in flames, Gen eral Cadorna reported to the war office today. F.lsowhero Austrian night at tack have been attempled, but all were repulsed. The Tribuna in a special dispatch to day an id the Austrian were erecting strong fortification from Triest to ward Grauti und Vienna in prepara tion for an expected Italian invasoin. German Reply Has Little Effect On Stocks C opyright ll'lo by the New York Kvening Post.) New York, July In. On the other occasion when the stock exchange was nllcd upon to pa judgment on Her lin' re-pone to the American pro i I test of the German method of conduct, ing war. it did so wijhout the least ex citement. Stock imiie.l ion a little, thi n a h an. ed, and then seeme.l to l,, entirely through with diseountiiig the communication on which the peace of this nation wa believed to nan The maiket today, although it ie- .rse.l the pr -t of June , by u.- Mim ing at the start and then ,lc lin ing, neierthile. wnt a calm as if the iniu.er half holi lav had not unci po. te.iu brought th,. historic .. iiiiient on which iinuicliate financial judgment wa neee-sary. A little more than I mi.ooii shire of stmk were ilei.lt in dfirin the two hour and mostly for profe-sional a!- cotii.t. The s'l-u.liness with whoh the market if se. the week of almost unbroken .!,. line K. uridonl t-llv due to the he i i li.-f that diplomatic relation nl be no further straiiie-t by tho, latest ,.,,m rrnnii-a'on fr-on the kaiser's go-.ern ri 1. 1 . Pot at the .nine tune there wm a nan.fest o.-sire mi Wall Mnvt to w.;t word from Wa-hiagtoi, on tin of,'. rial natter. Seattle post Inti higeneer: The few iu migrant now rea. lung imr sh ire from Lurop r dexribed by tl a I'horit-e t beir.g of marked in i n t .-Ii i-n r . That is why they ar !.-t-,irg Uaropsx, NORTHERN RANGE OREGON, SATURDAY, JULY 10, 1915 E Petrograd Says Von Macken- sen Is Being Driven Back From Pedlip TEUTONIC ATTACKS IN GALICIA HAVE CEASED Russians Take 15,000 Pris oners In Region Around Wylkokazorn I'etrngrad, July 10. The liussiuiis have not (inly hnite.l the advance of the Austro-fiermnns upon Lublin in their soiitherii nmrement against War saw, but are driving Field Marshal von Muckensen's forces hack .nor a broad frut. From the liver Pc.llip south ol Ilykhawa, the enemy is in retreat, an official statement from the war irffice anuoKiiced today. In one region alone lo.OOl) prisoners have been taken ami successes hnve been ginned at several points. Th Teutonic at tacks in Gab ia nre declared to have ceased. "Around Wylkoknoin nlmie we have taken 1.1.(100 priso s," the statement said. "The enemy continues to retreat, resisting our advance obstinately. "The enemy attacked fruitlessly our positions about the village of Kouph he 'in the Hug, leaving ".00 dead and wounded, LTsowhere along the Hug and Zloln T.ipn rivers, our patrols re coniioiteiing captured hundred. The enemy ha reused his attack in Gab in." .Fighting on several front In Poland, west and north of Wursaw was repott ed by the war off e tolny. The Rus sian lines have everywhere been main tained. llefore Ossowctz the German lit tempted to bridge the Itobr river, Kns sian nrtilleiy destroyed their pontoon, however, nnd they were forced to with draw, the official' statement announced. On the left bank uf the Vistula attacks were dcliveied toward llolimow under cover lot' great cloud of poisonous gases. The German succeeded in oc cupving the first line of Mussina trench e in thi region, but were later dis lodged by eimnter attack. Heavy ! es are said to have been suffered bv the enemy, German Territory Lost. Pretoria, July 10. The German fore e which suireuilcred to fleneial liotha numbered li.Hiii men It wa officially announced to lav. In laying down thcii arm iiucouditinnnllv, relinquishiiig Germany' Inst h!i in her Hiiuthwest Africnn iose-ion. the Geronin nlo surren.lere.l :I7 lunnon nnd 11- mach ne guns. As a result of General Ilotha's vie tory it i expected the German posses sions will be annexed by the dominion of South Africa. Coast Towii Bombarded. Athen, July 10. Four Asia Minor const town have been bombarded bv allied warships nnd aeroplanes, dispnt he received here today declared. The warships accompanied bv the air men, systematically shelled M.vtilenc, Smyrna, Vourln and Avali. The darn nge done is not given. Two Btnamera Sunk. Loin Ion, July In. The steamer Fib mere has been mink by a submarine, "ne member of the crew perished. Hnr vivni'S from the KrleHini.rii wi.... li. .l...l I at Milfordha en today. One of the men ratoleit wa n jut e . Word was a!-o leceived today ol the hi nk in t of the Norwegian stenmei N.i-diis off I'. t. r Hen, I bv u .,,1 TI,.. rew was n-S'-lled. CARRANZIHTAS ROUTED. o LI Paso, T''ii'. July 10. General Triana was kill. I and hi ai rnnz.istn army roiiie.l in a battle fought at Pen oebis. according to msiiges sent to the border by (iein- al Villa today. The Villistns are dee la rr. to have pene trated an far sooth a Irepuato, rutting the (arruni-ta -omtiiiinicutiiai, Hirmiiigham A .'' Herald: A modern I Idler look bi c a member of the Ku I Kim Klan whe;, he get hi respirator ; on. TUC WCATUCD uil, njuniiiLit y,X and H.in.Uy V l sterly wnrdii GERMAN ADVANC AGAINST WARSAW HALTED BT SLAVS 'Jregon: Fair tn CONDUCTOR SCARED TO DEATH BY BANDITS WHO SECURE $200,000 Louisville, Kv.. July 10. Four mask-i ed bandit held up the New York to New Orleans express of the Louisville it 1 .Nashville railroad near Greenville. Ala.,1 early today, frightened Conductor Phil .Mc Hue to . loath, overpowered other; member of the train crew and escaped . with currency consigned to a bank in Houston, Texas. , When the mail cur was entered the mail clerk was covered with revolvers. thrown to the floor and securely liontin. He was then tossed into the weeds be-. side the road bed. The mail was rilled after the engine, and mail and expic I'ura had been detached from the pas senger carrying section of the train und j run down the track cousiilerable dis I tnnce. I These reports of the sensiitiotinl hold- j up were received nt the ottne of the general mnringer of the railroad this af ternoon. ! Kfforts nre being made to obtain fur ther details but it mis stated at. the lailroad office that there were no menus of conf inning reports from New III leans nnd Groenillo thnt the role' hers obtained Jjno.lioo. Five suspects' LIBERTY BELL WILL I STREET IH Necessary To Change Plan From State Street To Marion Square In view of the elabortite reception which the Liberty Hell is tecuiving in the nrioiis cities in which it is being; exhibit.', I on it trip to tho San Fran London, July 10. -Kveniug paper of cisco Exposition, and a it will be in Unglaml were unanimous today in pre Salem lor onlv one half hour, it ha ,. , ,, , ,. , , ,, been suggested' that an appropriate wav ('"r,"""' " r"',l' r"K"""' for the Capital City of Oregon to aliow ; ""' ""' nd suhmnr warfare its appreciation of tuning the hell in will not be ncceptnble to the I'liited hibited here, would be for the Cherriaas States, Headlines, Ivpicul of those head to turn out in full uniform with their j . ,lnf fil.iu, t(.Ht f , U(.rmllI1 bund, and lo bn up mi each side ot , Ml(.., were' the ear when it arrives, and giM. the' " ,ir, ,,',, v - v ,l(ulll Uovh," bell and the party a iiupauying it an ,, ,. An AMlaill ' offr.o appropriate salute, and to have Ih.ii .,.,. w.ist.ninster G.uctte declared: band play a lew appropriate nir l..Wl, wlir,.y mH,w (hut the I here is a commit! if about forty , , ,, UlU,H wi ,.,, , ,. , prominent, men and mbers of the in llnv W11V , ,.. , . H , ' city council of Philadelphia acioin-! Th,'. Lvening Hlnndard said: "The panying the bell on it trip, and the .pirates excuse are transparent. The above suggestion ha been made with umiuuu Germany win 'We always the idea that an appropriate reception ! respect the live of civilian a much of tho bell by the citi.en of Oregon's as possible.' lint what of llelglumt" capital city would be remembered and The New heudlinett I he not More referred to by them when they return German Cant." to their lion ily, "Germiuiy insolently blnmcs Great The Commercial Club propose to Hritiiin for the Ins of lite in the sink present each men, lor of the party with inu of the Llisitaaiii, " the Star de & small box of cherries in n luiste board box, with appropriate wording printed on the outside of the box. j Governor W it hj combe ha gone to the, eastern buiindury of the slate to re j eeiie the bell into Oregon, and he nnd! other state officials will probably take; part in the reception of the bell in Portland, hi,. I possibly nccoinpiiiiy it to Sulern. , It has been found absolutely ncee. mi r.v to change the former plans of the Liberty Hell committee, because Hie Southern Pacific l ouipaiiy i um.lile to allow us the ne of the main line for the time the Liberty Itell train i in the city, July loth. Neither can they bring this train down on Chiou trcct because of the shortness of the niru at Twelfth, street. For the above reason the ear will be brought down on Front street. The people will congregate in Marion Kipiure and n soon a the Libert. Itell car arrive the march will be taken up in the same inariner a wu planned for IJth trcet. to be announced later. We ure assured by the Assislant Superintendent Hansen of the Snath ern Pacific, that the people will have the entire thirtv minutes on Front ntreet. 1 When vol start out to see the Liber ly H. II plcssi- 'ar in mind that viu must move rapidly a there will be a vnsl number of people to pa- the car The city superintendent hii. the principle of the S'liools Will be til Marion square lo look after tin- school children, who Alii be given one side of the train and the iti.cn the other. No antoinobll.-s will he permitted in the line of parade Keep in mind rapid rnov cinctit a it i ru1 f-.nrv. J. A Mill. I. V. I'.ruh J. A. Patter.. in I 'oriiriiittee. WAR LOAN POPULAR Ijiiidin, J ilv I11 Kngland ' firnt populur war loan hi no with lirii-x; led ..-. -ess. Sob eriptioi, tolav promise to to tal Lly ". io.'hi.iioii, yi-tabli-lir.g a m-w world' rctor I for n"h loan PRICE TWO have been arrested but posses are still scouring the woods in search of the bandit. The currency taken by the robber is reported to have been consigned to ex press to Houston. No estimate hns been made of the loss sustained by the rifling of the mail. Pouches were ripped open, however, and mail was found scattered noo,,r the ear and on the ground nearby. Conductor Me Ken wa well ndvnnecd in years nnd died of apoplexy induced by the shock when hi train was held up. Funds for Reserve Bank. New Oi leau, La., July 10- l-lstimntes placing the amount of loot obtained by the four highwnymen who held up the Louisville k Nashville train near Greenville at $'.'00,000 were based hole today upon the statement of n passen ger who said the train erew told him that amount was carried in the express ami mail curs. Due newspaper ileclared the train was carrying $.,00,000, part of which was intended tor the New Or leans federal reserve bank. CUriD AT MONMOUTH. j Monmouth, Or., July In. On- pid has been bested ill u battle I royal with hard cash, ucconliug to statistic here today which shuw that only 111 girliiut of JOS who have graduated from the Oregon Normal school since its reinstatement in 101 1 have married. The leinniiiiler decided to tench because of the increase in salaries in this line of endeavor in the last lew Veins. English Papers Make Caustic Comments On German Note T hired. German Press Stands Behind Latest Note By Carl W. Acker-nun. Merlin, x in The Hague, July 10. -The pre of llerliu wa unanimous today in supporting Germany' new note to the Tnilcd Slate. "i aplnin Periu, the Tage Itlutt cri tic said: "The note staled the course to be followed will be under the greatest care for the protection of American ill-. lerosK We have confidence tlu.t per feet agreement will be rcin-h, and the I Inst controversy will be idimiiinted. ' The I'ost u, In, it Hint the jeply doe not eliu.inate the eonlroversy regard j nig the Aineiiciin ileniaiKls that the right of American ship through tin' war .one must n"t be abridged. It abb, I that pobbc sen! oner, I regarding. 'icrrnanv'M side of the controversy had grcallv . hanged since Hie first Anicr nan note was delivered and expressed the opinion that the reply would meet j with the approval of a birge portion of American. CHICAGO STRIKE ENDH. I hi. ag't. Jillv 10. The car I leis' strike, culled early this spting. ari l involving mm,, than 1 '.' " I, Sill settled at lawn today. The strike re suited in a victory for the em piovi. They were granted a wage of 70 lent an hour under lin agreement which is to re main in force for three vcar. .sixteen thousand carpenter went out on the "tni.c in May when the employ ei. I'tost-d tit grunt the waye increase o.oi.niole I. Itoild.ug oper.it ion in the itv were piirulvcl and more than I'o. r men engaged in the vi.ihiu lines V coostructioii work were forced to remain Idle. The iii'f-i-mer.t ra lied raily todav follow,-! an all night confcreioe be twe.-n re! re-eiitative of the carpenter and the f'.iol.lcri, Connirn, tor arid Km- j plot r as-orial ion, CENTS SJrtX? S&l REFUGEES BRING TALES OF YAP Fred Dow, Reported Dead, Reaches Nogales With Wife and Family In Rags STRIPPED OF CLOTHES BY MEXICAN SOLDIERS Adobe Wall and Armed Guard Saves Sheldon Ranch FromYaquis Nogale, Ariz., July 10. Telling of Inning been stripped by Mexican sol- lier who insulted his wife nnd burned hi ranch, Fred Dow, Amen, an, re ported killed three week ago at hi hacienda, San In llosa estate, arrived hero today. He wa iiccotnpanied by hi wife and three children. All were emaciated by fever an. I cla.l in rags, the voldierrt having taken their clothing, thaw said two week ago Mavlorenu troop at tacked hi ranch, binned the building, fired the .Tops, brutally handled him self, his wife nnd his children, and finally jailed them nil at Fiiuducion. They were finally placed aboard a train bound for Ari.oiiu and ordered never to return on pain of death. Waldo Sheldon, American refugeii from Hie Vinpii war name, arrived to day. He said the Indians looted "I ranches in the Ya.pii valley recently. Hi own ranch was untouched a h built an eight foot ailobo wull around it. ami kept a aeiilry with u high power rifle posted in a watch tower all the. time, shooting every Indian that nioiu within range, Nogale, Ari July 10. It wu re ported here today that General Fran cisco I rbulejo defeated the hostile) Vaiiiis in ii battle near Polain on tho Yii.pil river. I'rbnlejo ha a force of friendly I'nlian. 1 Inert Under Guard. LI Pnso, Texus, July 10. General V iet.it in mi lluerta is confined to Fort lllis li.dn v gunrded bv I'nlted Stale deputy marshal. He waived prelim, inary hearing on ehnrgea of conspiracy to violnle the l'nited State neutrality law and win held under .'),000 bond for the federal grand jury at San Antonio, liecember 'JO. He declined to furnish bond und was removed In Fort lllis. Marine Landed. Washington, July Id. One officer and I'll murine were lauded at Cap Guillen, Haiti, from the l iutc.l State cruiser Washington lo protect foreign er nnd prevent fighting between revolutionist and government force. Admiral t'npertou reported to the navy department today. The gunboat Fugle has moved ia close to shore to support, the Ian. ling party. C'arranta Success Expected. Washington, July 10 Member of the I nmiriu unta announce, lo.luv that Curiaiuisla have captured Villn lie Gnndcloup near the outskirts of Mexico ( ily. , ( anana follower her expect to receive new of the oci upu lion of Mexico City by Hie Cm runzistas, nt anv moment. Petition For Review Of Becker Case Is Denied Itangelc, Me., July P). Justice Hughe of the 1'iiited State supremn court today denied the application of Former Police Lieutenant lUu ker of New York for rev lew of hi case. This mean that Meeker must die in the electric chair for the murder of Gambler llorrunn ttoseiithal. Governor Vvliilii.i.a ha made It chair that he will not iuteilete in ll.-. kei 'a case and thut the forme beiili'iiiiut has no hope of oiiliiinnig a couiinotution of sentence. Whitman granted Mocker u reprieve of one week that hi ease might be taken lo the supreme court, but declared mi nlher action would be taken. Locker' '' "ion wu originally set for th wcck of July 1J. An application in Mc ker ' behalf wu made bv Attorney Moiirke Co. hrun here tester. lay, where Justice Huulii'i spending the summer. The applica tion wa denied bv Justice Hughe oa the ground that no .i!iti.ntial rderu! !,,-. lo.,, wi, involved. Cochran left f..r New York nt I ;.:! tin aft frit eon. He uncle no statement. COLONEL 18 COMIKO. New York, ,lnlv Id. Colonel lloose. veil will leave here lute thi afternoon , for a three weeks trip t i the I'acifiu coast. He has arranged lo speak one 'at San In. go exposition and will speak three times in Sun Kraneisen during hi visit to the I 'a na, li I ncifle eiposi-tioll, REIGN OE TERROR