FIVE -V.W MM V-k WW ' CLIMA f Oat cent per word eaek Isaar 1 I tiOB. i ' . vgpy lor maTeriuemeBia an- der this headiag ihoald be la by 4 X t p. m. J 1 OF OUR i PHONE MAIN 81. 1 t . Salem People Treated To Skillful Rendition Of Grand Opera PIGS FOR SALE Phone 23F4. Jv 9 Clearance OAK wood $5, fir $3.50 per cord. Phone 2249. FOK SALK Pigs for sale. I'houe Julv 12 THE SALEM DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM, ORE., FRIDAY, JITY D. 1915. X DAY 3914 FORD CAR For sale, for cash. Phone 17-2. bargain : Julv 10 A Salem audience of 1 100 was thrill. ' 1 ed and delight.'d evening with the T.- C X k l . ...... . . " MCE FK1KO PIKCKS CHICKEN At presentation oi' selections trim grand Fred'a night lunch July 10 opera and the remarkable jdnving of ; I irioillo and his Itnliuu bund. As the FOR KENT-Mx .room house furnished, leader of the band. Ciriilio fulfilled bee ( . Johnson. July 10 Cu expectations. He had absolute mas- viiv vfup.i . . J'l ov" "i?.iwia"; and kept them .-.j...! "; miiy uniier his control as accompnni.its cucap. v.,u.. c. July ii llurlu,j tne amun,, o( ,le 8..,.ctions FOR SALE-Two fresh cow., $43 and ,0Ted?- if ''.TuT' v""?1 . .V. lit S hot 101 Inlvli l00KlU 1118 art of i,alll" director.. $oo. lit. S, box 1UJ. JuljUjWa8 t,as). anJ Branet.ul ; ,lis llile,.tillt, WANTED About 12 loganberrv pirck-' an' roall-v become excited only during' era. Phone 37F3 evenings. Julv 12, 'he losing piis.atges of the overture - 1 Irom William Tell and the Turreador FOR SALE Hood Ludwig pitiuo, at a: song from Carmen. . i bargain. Address L. V. care of; evidently tne Salem nudictice lournal. July 10 proves or grand u.iera and also ii : proved or tne soloists last evening, an- WANTED Lady bailing crew. C. help cook for , they wcrij lepente.lly called before the , care of Journal, curtain. July 10 This evening, Father Patrick J. Mac ... , vn,.,,. Tj ; r -Horry will deliver his famous lecture, WANThD-d or 4 room house or ajrt- .The storv ivautiful." Father Mac (orry is regarded es one of the best r., ,n.i 4'.,. ,n,..i-....,.:,... ' . Address L. M., care Journal. Julv 9 WANTED To hire a Ford Sunday a careful and experienced driver. M. 14th Julv bv 24 10 1'JNK DKIVINU HOUSE ami buggy for sale. Enquire at Cherry city barn. Julv 111 BARGAIN Large' lot and house. Price $523. terms. & Co., 347 State street. speakers on the Chautauqua platform and by the Ellison-White management, as one iif their leading attractions. Dur ing the lecture, 100 views will be thrown on a Bcreen, showing in color, many of the famous pictures touching on the life of Christ. Col. Main, the aged lecturer, who was billed to sieak sSumlnv cveiiinir. will n small give his lecture on "Jf I had Life to L. Beehtel , Live Over, "Saturday evening. July 12, Union services will be held in Will- sin park Siiiulav evening at li o'clock. common Tho Swiss Aliiine Yodlors will also appear Sunday. They renllv became WANTED Married man for Inbor work. i?2.00 a dav and house furnished. 23, care Journal . July 9 iHmnua last vw:r. as thev nni ro.l on tne same i nautaiiipin program with . CCI!er-:.L Hrvan. ami wns milch discllSKi1! in onncction with lirvan's ( haiitauiina EXP E R1ENCED GIRIj Wants al house work for adults or chamber work. Phone 1907 W, mornings. July'J' r( ,lt tmt (ilm, OTE Secured by first mortgage on real estate to exchange for automo bile. 405 Hubbard lll.lg. Phone 1722. July 9 JT)R RENT Modern 4 room new house furnished complete, one block fruii F.pplov's More. Phone "9SV or call at 31 1 S. 25. July 10 FOR TRADE A new No. 9 $5(1 Rea oult violin and 25 lessons, value $75; for a talking machine. Phone SF3. July 10 10 good loganberry pickers wanted to morrow. Apply P. J. Clark. Oppo site Ward K. Richardson's store. X. Front street. Julv 9 WANTED rVoung woman for ho work in family ttf two, no object house i' lion to one small child. .Moderate "ai;cH. 13 care Journal. July 9 WANTED Loganberry pickers at in creased price. East D street, take Asylum ar. Civue on here is your chance. M. E. Gitter. . Superintendent J. Herbsnian said that he hoped Salem would have a larger and better Chautauqua next year. He said Salem should be the be.-t Chautauqua town in the Willam ette valley. It will require a sale of lino season tickets to secure the bet ter grade of attractions for 1910, Fully 300 were subscribed for last evening. The program for touight includes (In famous baritone soloist ltuthvcu Mac Donald, and the lecture by Father Mac Curry. '1 lie Saturday protria.i is as follows: I Morning Junior ( hui.lauqiia, "Old Testament Siurien,' ' W, II. Head. I Afternoon Prelude, Gullottu Trio. ! Popular lecture, "The Man Worth i While." Rulnnd A. Nichols. Admis I sion 25c. Evening Concert, (lullutta Trio. Lec ture, "If 1 Had Lite to Live Over," Col. Geo. W. Pain. FOR KENT "roomed dwelling, largi lot, good location, 7 per month. Phone Carey F. Martin. Phono 419. GORDON SEAT (OVERS ! or 1912 Fcird for sale. Untight new car. do not need them. They are new. fcii.Od. Sec them at Vick Pros. Julv 9 WANTED To hear from owner good farm for fnle. Send cash and description. D. F. Hush, neapolis, Minn. of a price Mia- Julv b FOR RENT A modern 5 room ciMagi positively not tor sale, tl for the agent that semis me the partv that rents this. A. .1. l'.ascy, li!H S. Cap ital street. ' July 10 TAKEN I P A stray bay mare, weiuhi 1000 pumds, the owner can have it by proving propeitv ami paying costs. Inquire of W. J. licntnu, li. F. D. 3. Hox 5. Turner, Oregon tf I FOR RENT Modern five-ro'tn houee ; with fireplace. Corner Slate and 3rd i street. Housekeeping rooms am); ltleeping rooms, 330 North High St. See 0. W. Johnson. tf j FOR SALE CHEAP A good team of j work horses. Owner has left city. I See them at the Center St. Feed roubles Mini make me an (titer. K. li. liingo. Phone 2171. July 9 FOR SALE t henp. A good team of work horses. Owiht lias bdt Hie city. Fee theni at the Center Stiect Feed Sheds and make me an offer. K. K. liingo. Phone 2171. July V FOR SALE I! room resilience, near state house an I university. Very at . . tractive, furnace, fireplace, mid built i in cuaveniinees. Price J3mhi. I5oO! cash, balance tortus, t! per cent. Ad rlros owner. F. X., care Journal. tf Robert Warwick In "The Man Who Found Himself Robert Wanck, admittedly the great est motion picture sclor now before the public, has an ideal part in the drama, one (hat combines all the guod I opportunities that were given him in "The Man of the Hour," "The Dollar' Mark," "Alias Jimmy Valentine," and other un able film plays. As James Clarke, a thieving cashier! in the power of an acquaintance, Pay-! ton, who blackmails him, he has the im- meiiso problem of finding himself, of retrieving himscil in the eyes of the law, and in those of the girl who loves til in. He is sent to prison and escapes,! land then his real troubles begin. 'I he blackmailer still pursues him and fin- hilly when he twits his victim with, ! cowardice, t larke, secure in the love of I his sweetheart, voluntarily returns to 'gaol, to serve the balance of his sen ' tence. "The Man Who Found MimselP" belongs to that class of production which justifies a motion picture exhib itor in raising his prices to the public. but this has not I n done in its ap praraneo at the Oregon to. lay. SUNDAY & MONDAY At YE LIBERTY CLOTHING About 30 Men's Suits, one or two suits of a stylo kft from large lots. Suits sold by us for $15.00. Some light colors and some dark colors. Take C Q 7 C5 your pick tor pO O YES, EIGHT-SEVENTY-FIVE! A lot of beautiful $15.00 Suits, in both worsteds and soft faced cassimeres. Some are lightish in color, but a large portion are of dark, staple patterns. These are of first class workmanship and right up to the minute i a in style Cp A U. O In this lot are many very nobby and stylish suits for young men; suits made with patch pockets and cut both on the English close-fitting and the conservative models; suits which have been" specially priced by us at $18.00. W'e now offer you, during this Clearance Sale, yourr i Q f CC pick of a large number of 'patterns for P 1 5 C In our $20.00 range of Men's Suits are some very choice pat terns and the tailoring is of a superior character. For this Clearance Sale we offer all broken lines o r i v these $20.00 Suits at ip 1 3 At $25.00 we show some of the choicest suits made in Amer ica. The tailoring is of the very best and the cloths are the product of such mills as the Wanscott, Globe, lloeliamim, Lippett and the American Woolen Co. All q q 7 broken lots of these $25.00 suits now go at $ 1 O. FURNISHINGS 50c ' r resident" Suspenders cut to 29c OFF ALL Straw Hats 50c '"Porous-Knit" Shirts and Drnv 50c B. V. D. and Athletic Shirts and Drawers 15c Black and Tan Cotton Hose 25c Tan and Navy Cotton Hose 35c Black "Uwanta" Hose 35c 35c . 9c 19c 23c 50c "Shaw-Knit" Tan Hose 39c SHIRTS $1.00 Shirts reduced to $ .79 $1.50 Shirts reduced to $ .05 $2.00 Shirts reduced to $1.35 $2.50 Shirts reduced to $l.f5 $3.00 Shirts reduced to $l .),-, $5.00 Shirts reduced to $3.(i5 SUMMER UNION SUITS $1.00 Porous Knit cut to ... $1.00 Park Mill of P.. V. P. $1.50 Cooper Mesh $2.50 Cooper Mercerized . $3.00 Cooper Mercerized . style $ .79 $ .J9 , $1.15 $1.95 . $2.35 PAJAMAS $1.50 Pajamas cut to $1.75 Pajamas cut to ' $3.00 Pajamas cut to $3.50 Pajamas cut to $1.50 Tan Soisette NMghl Shirts 1 Florsheim MamfflClffiffl-lDlSlllOP tOo o 1 '- I anoes 167 Commercial St. "LEADING CLOTHIERS" $1.15 I $1.29 1 $2.S5 1 $1.15 1 lfOL Off All G W r-i 1 rlorsheim Shoes The Toggery I Ocrman Reply Shows Its Influence On Wall Street (Copyr ght 1IU5 by the New York Cv cuing Post.) New York. July !l. Kuropcau liquid; Glittering Advertisements Of Cashier Company iVrtliiii'l, lr.. Julv rrti nn Mm Im'IiIhi I FOR RENT! Two Office Rooms Best location in Salem. Inquire of Dr.W.AXox 303 State St STEAMERS ARE BUUNEO. I I I f n r wirwwfiiv ;lu-'-;l""' , "T fi r ..',''':;.,:,ii mm fmm An aggregate o 117 accidents, one! of whiih was fatal, uas reported to the imliistiial ncci'lciit coinniission during the week emling .t 11 ly , seven of who'. ' happened in .Marion and Polk counties.1 All of the lalter of which, however, were of a minor nature and include Pert lliiell, Kalis City, employed in 11 sawmill; I huiles Wink.'icr, Mali. in,1 nhoulder ilitlocatcil. employed in a creamery; C. J. skinner, M c M innville, : nail in tout, I'oiistriiclion work; Philip 'Siinoliio, Palls ity, b'g bruised, cin-pb'.vi-d in sawmill; Perry Crisp, halein, hand cut, buttling woiks; It. W, Itrvaut,! Silel. (Lincoln eoiinty). injured in; logging camp; Pied Micrmick, Mill City, buck injure. I, construction work; (i. I.. Lewis, Palls City, .je injured, j emploVfil in sawmill. The fatality re ported was in th" iase of the drowning I of .lo-epli P, Pol I in of As'oria, who ! ilrowne,) while working al a saw- null. Hf the total reported i1! were sub- j j' t to th workineii 11 coiupeiiHaiiiui act; 'j; Keie from public utility iir puratioas; g'l were from firms ami cor porations who have rejected the pro visions of tl.e act and from other mms and roriiinliorm who do not em- pbiv labor in hnJU'loun occupations. The following slinws the nuitibcr of accidents by industry: miiuII 31, oiistne tooi - nulr.'iid opi'ratioa LI, logging' 1-', iron works II, department stores 7, papetmilU .", rneiit pm kcrsj M. dia.vmen .'I, elect rb'ians .'t. mining '.i, longsboreiin; l.. niilling w alehouse 2, nil I the f .ll.irt 1 Ity 1. lie eai h .lloosemov. it.g. crriiipcrv, brick vard, telegraph linciiian. bottling w irk, rock ipiarry, aoto works, w I -aw. tun nianofac. tuntu, rush nod uoor niaiiufuctuiing, exjress eon, puny, railroad passengers, woolen mills, trans.rtalioo company, pi, kle works, i e crcniu inatiotactiirtug, irug coioj any, imple'iiciit house, whole sale !io,ie, .aiiiiiry, power plant, painter. I I lit tciing nd nt piomiscs. of tion doubtless influenced pines agnin ' ll'll per cent return on the invesloieiil today,-but apparently the slock n land declaring th mil'aetuie of ma change was under the influence nf the chines was onlv 11 mailer of a fen expected German Hole to Washington. : weeks, were read in fedcial court to This was partly beenuse of die possi- day by I'nitcd Slates Atloinev Kcaines liility that the text might be given; for t ho ioslol lice shoe, ino I hat ol'l'b nils out between the closing tomorrow and j of the Coiled Slate. 1 ushii r companv the opening .lon.lay. ..,1 tnal Cor fiaiol, fulselv icpiescnled The perplexity surrounding Ihe whole ' matters lo fuither ihe sale of stock, situation as between this government! In the sum,, ads wore 1 1 -and Germany's was the real factor ' lishe, in newspapers between .lamiaiy causing hesitation, nn it was in cans- Kill mid the latier pait of I ' ' i : . then' ing ibi lines d 11 ling the past few ilnv". . uppeatcl sevi'inl s'liteiuenls ii lint on the other lili 10 1 experienced I the eonipanv a-soilod that it financial observcm were perfectly I n lh (,iniroled patents to seve aware that owing to the mutual attitude , hinos which it piopo-ed of the two countries there are vastly ' fai lure. less belligerent possibilities today tlnui A 1 1 : 1 ' i 1 1 to tl nii ils on any previous occasion. The moments I ,..,n,., H. Will 1 1 . s 1 when a wave i t passion on one side or j,u m, ,h i rl i-ing' stal l' the other might have forced the hands,.) , ,K ,,f i,,e he - 1 whi'li ow neil Till ma to inn 1 1 1 of tin i of the goNeriiMo i t are admitted to htive passed. 3 ALE OF ALASKA LOTS. ! Siiip I 1 e. k, Alaska, July H. - Al'er the mi la of lots ,,11 the railn.nd 1 rw is complete. I. nil persons not owners will be cniisi'l' r. d (tia tiespiinsers. ac I cording to an ' l-r of Llcnlcnunt Pied 'crick Moms, of Ihe railroad couiinis I film. The sale began today after l ling' delayed 11 In, until the st'iiiohi Mariposa nrri". I with additional buy eis. r tiiots with the couianv. I.nti I'ashi ino re. onls of the I Ire; giaru will be gone o wav. 'Ihe ads lle.sian sa either bv I'le-'ldent M 1 . 11 1 V or Irom I . M . . 11 n two Id' the sewn d'f. Al no time did thev . ror had been iciidc 10 if ad '. ert iMTiient s, he In offering th'1 Ke ads in, of the ident i I led cured lit) I I, lie, I St.lti'S Ihe advellis liian lllol Tele 1 in the siilnc 'Salem's Best Market Place' Water Sprayed Al waya I'tesli nd Crisp lie.iai Lottura, Beetn, Carrots, Turnlpfi, Celery, Cucuuihem, etc,, . New Peas, String Eeant . New potatoes, new st.iK k . . 5c each 5c lb. 2c lb. Watermelons, ripe, i)' 11 kwect, juliy L'lZ ID. C'liorncii, Iloyal Anns Urines, IllaikheirUa r 1 or lUsplirnle-i OC D0X Poaches, t hole oiicn 7c lb. ic box 20c basket Don't hesitate -Supjily your Wants for incntln to come! WESTACOTMHIELSEN COMPANY 161 North High Btraet Orocoiy rhntia 030; Meat rtiom 810 u i id u.f ere seniri'd of the .001 sales manager, ndaiits on tnal ooplain that er th.- publi' al ion stilled. tld ''t l IseihCIlt 4, s sin, I Hint he purposi d to show AXI1E8 FROM ALASKA VOLCANO. j'-v ,llr "I'1""1 whi'h " """ ; Seward, .Mi. 'a, July !t.-A-.i.'. fall "' ""' I"1'1'"' "'" "".',""" nig rroio IvM' ii.n voimno loicci itii1 r'" . steam, h.p ' Ann to k .lodfer I "lnp of "pro-eliM patci-. In his 10 il. of l.o. link iibnol tor several ' ".. uing tii lenient he d". lured thev did hours in .Inn. I,, nffirem nf the vi-. I i'"t own the pa'ctiis ' lainn-d retorted on . arrii here vcterday Vhey ".er pi. di i lcn N, 11 uflernooii. : faclora- their mo. h Wenat'hee. Wash., .My 9 Kifty thnosand dollars was tie daienge rsti n:ted today to have been done l y the lire who h '..-.ti"v... the s'ctiio.vs Col umbia, (ikan..::'.u. No;th Star and the hc!n in the river here yesterday. Tin' four l..,a .'omir.s..d tiie entire fiert f tie t and ukai.ogaa steam I U'nt cuiei-aov. ! Incendiarism Is uspe'tcd. lnurnc policni of l'," on H""! 'essei, Wfrt. ui,.,l to expire re-cHly. st-:e "Booties' Baby" and "THE MAN ON THE IPfr 'JEMS 3 at YE LIBERTY Tonight and Tomorrow 10c OREGON TODAT AND TOMORROW WHO PAYS "HOUSES OF OLA KM" Th Home of th Soul of 8o tty. path Comody "BIFF-BANG-BING" Nuf Bed The Utt rnwi In nim Uncle Stu' f lot' m the E" "t them 8ATUKDAY SUNDAY Vl di Vercler Holinin, Biietn'i Popular Vlollulvt 10c Admission 10c unaiit it o 4 compitnv l"ll am! I ndiij i. a. up .put o tl..- Il.l-ll I nor 'lid nor ihiiii'i eomuieri ial the n.-lii.-r"n in , I ) II 1 1 ' I' I to STAYTON MAN LUYH STORE, V T I'" ' '. "o r I a nt at Pa II I r, .k. lo" s'd.l his to,. in. .. to W. I!. .I. pl. ..t, of stai'mi. tlfcg'.ri. Mi. It'iw o tons v ran at r-laion in the dial Ho I will no . ' i nto the farm. Mt p.rew.r s sh.pjilig' u Ice; head of sfoi k and horses to his new l.itntioi. ' lie h . IC led at Tail I 1" U ale, It v a v.-ara and I n Ic.ilt up sa eaten ,'.. boilie-1 m dial I.elill.iM. l og. n . I't gist. r. A RAKE OPPORTUNITY. Thoo w ho II ic hi a. Ill t. I 'bug the ' Mm mug Hour " al the ' haulm, .pm are iiiis.'in(' it tine lieiit. Me V , il ll.-iid, the illuming lectiinr i u man of great diliinnlic powd and alolitv 'I Ins. I ridnv morning, Mi ll.a l gave llie lending " lino' li Ardeu. 1 I en iivi.ii. Mr, II. ad w.i" a- 01.11 ;,u;. o i.'. Miss Kvelvu he Long, who fire a d lighll'i.l ml ol In. h i.'en as arranged by Ifo h ud stn -, l-i i '.c pllinn. Alio. it '."II .it Salem '. oo.t in I. Illgelit lllld llpp.c. Ililiv c I . o Ic I la'.hcred cm ll oiniiii'L' lo nn nor tli. U t . la t oppoi limit y. Ihe n..' I I- the II.' Ill Of the I liaotaiop a. Hil l nllhuil'll all 1.1 the be. I I eo le ol r-,i bin an not in altcioliiii. e, win, at t. nd arc of the Li -t people, I I,. , .e II. Ae 'ill t lie lidage, ' he . .1 1 ' v 111! f.ith. r Ihe bc'l. ' A 'I " I'll I'. al is I ii si ore tor 1 1 w lo I l.l lend I on, I. u lO I loVCIi OH Ssjl u.jy fi ; lo not ,i. " underground. " And I'lc-ulcut Wil oti l uinb l-t. i .1 to have not, t o d l'oi elen Mini-li r on ,h.j,i w that he did li"! wis1! to di-, u- !n' t at.' lliv.dv. al b. for' re. li. fiiianv ' toiuia! ans.v, r, It .vi, s pre. Ii. tid to, lav the r. soil "ill I e ' ho ' ... I. a I rn ha n L' . will tl. lie I'.'iper, Pi,r clo ll knowing iv hat (hi n't. ci wiit.t'., and detcriniii, d to uvoid .1 Ileal, III li it I III II I C llg 1 1 I lite nt ill I e !.. I,, d. GRADING ALAKKA ROAD "hip ' re. k, A I -l a. .1 iiv " 'I I . , 'ade of 1 1."- go' l '"lit ll' ' ll r' a n I I..' eon. I. ted t I . a ri An. Iioia.e to a I' i it I. v u V .-ill ! f I I II I. I I lie I j a Hill lie Inol I'V ,1m.. Illl V I, III . o;.,l,L' to ,. 1 1 e ,1.1 I ,' . "I . H M . .11 of tin VIKITS IN INDEPENDENCE. Mr. ai.d Mr- A. T ' ... I. . . I . M -s M.lda- S o, II. ..tis aad I'.elil.etli l'. I,.. ; lit." are on :i motor trip to Ind.'ien l t;,i. Th. V Wet'' a- ' om: lllilf I bv M.SS li. ,,'nc,. V. . Il,e... e, mi I thev Will 11. nt the lo. in.' of Mr. and M's. Iriiiik Wa tl.ei I., e, I. .g. I.f P. gl.l. f. Clurlen II. Vl' left tod.iy with a party i f u l. Pm I fi" uu overland trip to S..II t'llll" is. o. I'll. Jf W.ll I '' awav about one month. German Reply To Note In Hands Of Gerard (' oil. nurd from Tag One.) t as " s. r't Lj . in ii- v " lut -air. i . V l.s .11 of f I. Mil cat I, ling ' silliilaf the ,Im.-Ui. ,1. gllllitiolis I'gai'lllg tl,.- I 'a I '' ri Ki In i d b.'v S.v errl.i !. ss t b lidio in.-' ra' , a t tl e I'l" 1 '. ' !! 'V I '.l' . II th" stir V. ' t rt In r V ot . I;i?a I I ', 1 1 g .'a nod thai kii!.iig ua tu An Anonymous Package Containing a Black Mask ."tii a i ' 'V,d. s ' - that was ..i. .1 si. in.. i man on a "-ill . a. . 1 1 wis The Lure of the Mask l h..t 1. I 'a- k II icai I I'l'ini i im Hi nt in ' ontiaciil until he .n h.. vol !,,. hearts ....-ire. "Th" Lure ' the M.i.k" bv llandd M n '.ii.ih - a hi f (he Mutual M I-' . r i, t ii' ll ll ertlsed ill llie -lt',;.i,V L'ei,,,,' Pent, Le i,ic o it. TODAY and TOMORROW ONLY Bligh Theatre Artulta inc. Chlldici. 3o Worth. Mor. ..,rt-