Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, July 09, 1915, Image 4

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    Jd ... at'. id
Editorial Page of "The Capitalioumaf
Eiiitor ami Manager.
i .
rztrjxsxo EVEET IVES
rsa txort itsoat. sale oewos. bi jr.. .par.
not improve. The reai.jjonnon President
P?fnl Tniirnal rtfif. LO., inU'th.jzht fr the common peop.e with ability &tji
Capital JOUrnai r ig. ttk.h ;, r.,rY :., hold the middle dMn.l:..
lihu-". ' v i'ti " f,r '-,-- i-.'.'-'u-v r' f-rr:.s that must precete Mex.ear.
tw J" i k';:vc a mar. a job. a bme. plenty for the r:-v:.t
Figures In Eccles Case
ir.d vou have a very
A Galley o Fun!
Catarrh Germs Breed By Million la
I Air Passages of Nose and Throat,
i Just One Way to Drive Them Out
'. Ir ..-. ... - , , .
MIr t,; fyw"'- 3 o i'.r -. i r,.i. p.,. h'r. f.f a!! tr.-.'se. turn h:m adr;:t w:tr. m.-
t , ' :,- is r:;.r..i M light. When Mexican lardo-
fTT" ruix u jLM'iW" KH-'itr !ers r'-.-ijiz" th ar.d adjust themselves to th-; intvitahv-.
7 ,, ,.... "' ,'- '-(- ?a fV.'.r fii';r.Trv. fif.d nfit hf-forf- '.;r..'e.;
t ci - T "Vt .57, r.: rriv iVtatrs c-r.c.u.k-s. to take a hand "in tf.-
JrH - rrJiT " e?..' f-rcerrrt !av and ..Her.
vi r
run Wui 1L
IT Ml'iHT WY.W .-"MK
ar.i t'-.rr.aa".-.- are sweeping over tne r:.:M.e.
V. .-r. t;.;., .'.( :. It is ;ast one catastrophe after ar."th-i
hack there.
If th- tnd States had any aut.nty in ,r,tHT.;u..:..
Ua thn.uph which il'cul-i r-tra.n Krar.d fr-v. r-'-
mii.g OrKfan hu!,rr.arir, -t. a c.a.in, I. f-' i'-V -
( I-:..:.'-1
ms nrh. r.c rr
rnihi furni-!,-! fr th.-
I;.var:re 'ji"Ire a ;r. '.. ;r? !"
.;ifii;".ce f ron-:oif.!.atar.. K
It i ir. J.'cat..- i. :; r.- t -
r. t-'k',! would -Aith'ira-
of i:,rrchar;t.-n.:. S;r)r tr..- lif.t.-h :1: ran C-u-.-,
U ' . .. ' - r
r;t ; h !
t. - .'.I
to cti I'ly w ;th our t
ihr.Tr.at.ka! la- h-ld that th- I i.'.-A i--
irr p. fh r-tricti-?:.. and t.'.- i-n:i:;r! f'.f.ff
f!,r r.-t c.'.'. .-.d that n pt.-. nta'.-::- t.. i.r.f-
UrA would t.- in ;r..- witn ir;N-rr.:.t;of..ti la'.
VV canrt t" Uji.r.d ''l'-' f'-r tl.- l'i'"tc!;
Am jri.r:.i! ar.d vr : i'.. A . t-ar noot a -i r.nifi.vid
that tlr Kiu-t n-t atta. k ar, ii.-rrii!..-f.t d. -i;-iied f-r und
fxc!;!y u.- I fr p-.:rp' "f war r." moiv than v.r
nai'f fav t'. licmar.y th;-.t !. n.a.-t iv attack an linci.di
It is ..;!y h.-n 1'iiiU-d Sta'. s ci'.i.-ris or tlu-ir pr.-p-r1s
arv l!r;k' tian-pt.itc 1 w .thin th-ir lights n mu-Ii
e':,s as f aia;. ! :i i ci.!i,rd in i f . t i iiat inna!
I.r as U-ijig iu.iii'nie fr-:i a aait, at lfa-t wit!ii'.it 'ut
H-aivhiftR thvin ut.il taV.ii; off tlu-ir a.-' nj."-rs, that this
jKticri;!ncfit may h'itni atfly inU-ip"-' an oliji-ction, cx-n-ptirg.
of coui'm , on huinamianan liin-s.
It inilit riot l- nut of place for our state d'-partim-nt
on hucli groumls to Mi't -t to linland that merchant
rhiM hhtiiihl Im- onlep'ii i n , t to ram Mihniariin-s hut to miI
mil to M-arcli. We U-lii ve our it i n would he strength
ciied hy huch a cour-.e, aUleaih admitting that tlu-n- i,
no wan;-! til in ifiti-i national I.va for ilra.-tic rere-e!ita-tioti-H
t'li our pai t.
MAJonrniis oitmn u hum:
a!nio...t any ipit-tiuii ;i l.iiei- mimher of (he
people Wellld o!- U I' V. lul'l', .1 . li:s(,, v Would proe.
Tliii.i ;ll.nut half of Philad. Iplua's I'i -pect.ih'.e f 1 1 :,-,!. -Mioi.j;!)
opposed th. Iei'!aiati"n of Indi p. n.lrnee.
'erv really half th. p, (.pl.- m (he t !n i t .-n St.it--
voted a('.iiiiht tin t'oi:si.i(uti.n iind' r w hieh we li( 1
for l.'l eaifimd wlruh we now ivee. I ";i( 1 ;i k llmis,
Jjtim -i Monroe and vemo of i ad.-is d.ri iaied it wi.-.j.j
K ad to u kmi'iloiu.
Half the people of (h. i-out-try wcie led to h, ;i. r th,.
t'lnt. d .t. ( Hank w;i a -!:! ic'al n;,.ti;.ter, ,,e,d ,A,-,
: on haiiilnj (In- J ! ;'i a- ov r to a -, M.-'si of t-,.. .
,-(.,:. l-at.k.v
"b-t th- liril! i!: pe.,e,-." w a p. 1 ',' 1'
I dua-e piior (, th- Ci;; W.,,-, and d .'ihioii !.,:( -):. .,
f'Cl.t pi.aelvd in n ,t!-. a p i'p t aid app':..,-id- I !...
10 W -i.lM I'-i ..!,d el!;,!.. ! (
l as' D..MV th.; n hVf the . .,! p,, ., , x. (., .
Vo(, d ai' Ml.-! the fii , eti.-'i of . , ,,1,,
liU h,e, lt.elrean C.tV fo-.U'ht .e.'.e!,"..! !!,.( ;,,,,( u.
''f a d. :A' ti..'-.o-e. i);, 1 .i ; i oad'o e ,
at lih.-Ut th. Sale,, lie;,. (!., I , ,,.,.,.,( ,, . ,
Vathof a me.,? p.,,( of ih,- p..,,,-.,,;...,. ';; ;
byM l. ( l,W weie ti.l.e , M. , . I :! ,
..... I. ' -I 1 . I .... .. .
' -e 1 v I He U o;!, v raj's
a s.
1. ni a i
'1 he tioou.'ae,. (.,. I.
II al'. J.U'C ! i..o,t.
! i :,!
"ld t t.:i f.ch'.s ,n Ind.a ;.;
tin- lu.hoiai- pl.i;.'wr.
'lhe r.eu.ly co-ut of M.ai. -i v. k (; ,.,
J';"d. I.t load tto.k tt; ra,-' V .l' ll
lhe ai e !s- a;
t-K no is.
I" -laa e:'Y ; fll.,..: - .. j
that Anas i, U:u, Kl,.,,x. ,
" li..:.t. l y ( 1 1 n . a ll sh. .Is. "
i :.- ri..ui.,i,,,a s,,;, ,,,, , , .,(. , .m
pi t pie 111 , ,t! ',,-!. I..,,; , . a. ) , (
llll. d tx OV t I f!oW if J ' '"' "
LADD & BUSH, Bankers
IM !ida Im;s
Tunl Srnrral bjnVins tejsinvs.
Saft( UjukJi
Ti 1 01 ;
'.!,., tt- .
' . I .
'!.-,.. e
., . Iv.a
. . ,,f t-. .
t.t W'.i
. - !;V
. ..t:.. ! ..
,. I....
H 1. ..a.'
To stop catarrh for good you must
'tme trom your msihu ne germs tnut
GROUND THE VICIOUS CIRCLE a'ie catarrh ami that are now feeding
a. 1 jt '''iii to reliable iKwipapor ami srowiun fat uPon ,he swollen in
r,,,, ' ,,r lart cities Vice lias bei-i. 'aitu-.l mucous membranes of your noEe
..;-..r'v1. a.n.l throat.
, 4 ... .r.Jt that tlicoandst of mer A splndi.l means of destroying
....... , ... ai: j :..i.n arc soil bci:; wf-rhed a: r-atarih yruis and overcoming catarrh
..,...(,,4,. 11 si I'.aooti ttaye. and that th"tt- has lunj bn recognized by pbysieiant
.... .!. tV.-n s-ii:.S "I hOhts arc so lir.'Kcn in iuiii-1 in the ell hnown oil of Hyomei (pro-
...... :., .,.. r.;.; ,..,.iy that even if there were ''' noun'el ilili-o-me) and it is now a
lor i!n in tl cy could not work om ' V(.rv .imj,(. matter for any catarrh
-.. :i- .j" !! --v. "-;.. ' stiflVrer to use it with splendid resuls
::.X i'- 1- It one al- t!'t honet lta'd wy-. at h"ie. l..v breathing its air through a
; pl-itai i-:l !.r:i:t- t-. t' c worker in.ibnitf I.111 iitti baol 'rubber inhaling device which
M,--. .!-..-. i'l'-nt. i""1 im-'iumic hivii:; drujitistj are suuDlvincr with
1 t:-,.it th t-n.y Jys- i'i ;; ,...,.1,1.,...,., ,.,,iiilet treatment. .!,.
.; still lies ti r i. -.1 i!.. I-((or a ,jraj,s 0f the oil of Hyomei
t .-..li.e '"nil 'A !.C. . ... It Um'
.. lM,. ' :. ... . ;"V ui: .M....1--1, i'.bw .s "vs u tuur
i t oll ill e;
-f l.'l' V: ; It
; M-r; !i i. . i ,
.1 1 s i 1. . i ' ; ? t
:.. C - !
i uct l.ul
,vrr, tieit .-!
;r r.v.
I - -i-Tt:.
',; 1;
lips and then breathe naturally and the
'l.;i.-ant smelling antisepie, germ kill
iu' air will penetrate deep down into
cvc:;. f"l l atid crevice of your raw,
.sore n.-se, t!nat and lungs and give
von 'I'li' k certain relief, opening up the
;.,;, -., .!! Vsi-. air pn-sages. mulling yon breathe easily,
t.'.c oi.iy color n. t"!'piug the inflammation and dis
charge and driving from your system
; s Vt r.trtpi-cs-"-!. : i-o-ry eatarrb get in that has found lodg
i;,"'ir';;;i.!t V ti.i'iit tin-re.
1:' you uant to be free from every
-. s u t't.iMi of catarrh, are tired of try
' ' ii.-' "!"' thing after another without
n b-iictii go to Inoiitl J. Fry or any other
" r,-i;al '' .ioig store hereabouts and get
a ' ;i pl. te Hyomei inhaler outfit, use
a (' cry day i t a few minutes and if
;' ; ' - j.. it ,jrie the catarrh germs out
"f yo .r -y.-tetu and give you real last-o-ii'-f
fomi l atarrh. your druggist
. ' ' i'. e you your nionev back.
t. e c.
r:.. :
f r :..., . ; K. : .1 bo-r
United Press War Writers
Scoring Daily Triumphs
:".!'!. i- ... Ji-.iy !' feciaring the
I l'rvss i.ivcl a big part in mak
ti" !l"w o-'i.-r ni' things in journal
": ! '.s!b!.. .'ain- s s.hermershorn.
i ',!i.-io r ni the lvtrwit Times, spoke
'f.at ..ig:i!.;.t:..:i at today's session
; t In:- ttia'i-ral Tress Congress
'. L'.. .;...-;;,r. 1 that under the old
- -;'. it r-s'r: tan an! limitation, it
"as j ra-tb ai'.y :m;'iissibie for a news
! ; '- to a ;.' t an aggt. s-ive policy
'. n.a;-; the j mg-. ssive newspa
'.r "r "! ' a:-i tribute to the
a I. ' e'; , !.;. ,.f t i --- I'mted 1'r. ss staff
n ;l th,. !.' ::...). an war. de luring
. e -rciM '.at...i had come with llyinf
1 'hr ; gh the greatest test" to
h "'"'l-rn .;i'iir..alism had ever
I'leil put.
I'l'li AKT OF LKITtk W Kl 1
V:t s- . - ' c's !"
I'll u:
The Evidence Is At Your Door.
a,. j mof is v.lut you want and
-;.- nf tin highly respected
'--: :. '. ib banish all doubt:
;'. . H. b'. .or, Ho;jte No. n Sa'cni, savs:
"i 1 a c..i i ftarted kidney trouble
'' ' ' ' " t'r. '1 lent action of mv
".'s at.- t t:a. day and night and
-ti:i.. l v. a. ;i:iablt. t0 ?!e,,p. Tj,e
:'--. ig"- ut Tne hid:y secretions were
;'"' ' .th a burning j ain. If I
" ; -t p. I ha: -bar;, twinges in
,!;" ;" ' y H.-U. I felt weak,
' : i'" ! .ai.g ,, ! and often I pot
V '. ,- ''"'i''"1 me until I took
o; a:. hi inev 1'ills on a friend's ad
' la .'.-s than a month 1 felt like a
'' ':!. man an 1 f;lr boxes made me
. l'',M went away and the
" ';"lis '"' -ame natural. I
! ' r''- l::l::,"-n led Uoan's Kidnev
; ' '" afcr t ".. l.elj,,. j nie P0 j-roatl'v
i i i n a vwibngly confirm that state-
.,';;. at all dealers. Don't
' . '"r " i'iney roruedv get
; a:. h.-sn-v 1'ilb-the same' that
had. Koster-Milburn Co.,
1 - - - n : - a... X. v. '
I: v Tro ,,cr
r K; 1 .. :
Swish! Corns Gone!
We JJse "GETS-IT!"
- Seconds. 2 Drops Corns Vanish
' . :. bo. :.v vt jth crns. there is in
: g -t,,re in the land one of the
'' '.:, i...s ,,, ani, th.lts
,' " r "urns. It's the first
..' .' v ' ,,!- re ever known that
.,' ..' ' " " y " 'v,'r.v com or callus
'' W'thout fussing with
T'J Crow Hair On
A Ball Head
i. As
V.-t N.
... " n-;
',i :i d
1 1 sovli
M T Trot WimiwII., WV.t? cm
Com? Ym, I l.K4 CLTS-n:
o. t.a -I..
1 M
c' i.v-. tne harnesses, corn
g -a,,,., irritating ointments.
I f 'a " '' 'i is lung, bitig
' tl:e ii r b is done, the corn
e r-i-'. '.' 1 "'' i y-r ucti aguiiv end and
' ' " ;, "i ln 'iv for-'ver! Ail th limp-
tr, '-, -., ! rr , , .V ,h 1 ; :'.-t .'.art to vour heart's
t tv . ;"' '.-u of having t.?
'.r -t lift (UC- .v..
r.'a -.r, i ti l corns, the
' ; 1 " -on from tr.akiag
: ' ! In- .;... l i .,. .,i i
't la u t
fc!jor-re f ne at Ust! "GETS-IT"
' t 'I r :"V " ' ll" in;pb. pain-
... . ' '. ,l:v U for corns, calluses.
is sobl bv drngiis'
' t, ...
' r . -tt To. or wnt direct
K I a"' ". e k i., Chicago,