Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, July 08, 1915, Page FIVE, Image 5

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The Hammond-Bishop Co.
Protection of State In Dis
position Up To Oregon
Delegates In Congress
Nine members of the last legislature,
3a response to a query sent out by
Governor Withyeombe early this week
asking their views regarding what ac
tion the state should take iu reference
to the Bale or disposal of the 0. ft C.
land grunt, lands, in accord with the
recent opinion of the I'. S. suoreme
court, have voiced their sentiments as
being opposed to the culling of a spe
eial session of the legislature to at- i
tempt to cope with the situation ami I
endeavor to secure greater benefits to i
the stute than the congress is likely to
provide and all believe that it is strict-.
ly a matter for congress to decide and ;
it is up to the Oregon delegates in con
gress to look after the stute 's interests
in the premises.
Those whu responded to the gover
nor's request for an expression upon
the subject were Representatives E. V.
I.ittlefield and Morris R. Wentworth,
of l'ortland, V. W. t'ardwell, of Rose
liurg, and J. I.. Kelly, of The Dalles, '
and .Senators l'lowdon Stott, Robert S. i
Kurrell, Portland; Samuel L. Garland, i
of I.ebuiion, K. I), ('muck, of Albany, i
and C. C. C lurk, of Arlington. All are
agreed that, under the opinion of the
supreme court, the railroad is still own-,
vr of the land and is entitled to re
ceive at least $-.50 per acre fur it and
whatever overplus there should he from
the sale or disposal of the land and '
timber contents will be payable to the ,
I'. N. government, unless the govern
ment sees fit to turn it over to the ;
Mate for the benefit of the school fund.
At any rate they see no necessity of
going to the useless expense of a special
wssion and feel that it is up to Ore
pon congressmen and senators to pro
tect tne state uetore congress.
IS NOW IN FULL SWING! GET YOUR SHARE OF THE BARGAINS! Our Semi-annual Clearance Sales are short, sharp and forceful,
lion t delay, as prices are cut deep and the sole object is to close out seasonable goods and broken lots
About 30 Men's Suits, one or two suits of a stvle
left from large lots. Suits sold bv us for $15.00.
Some light colors and some dark mo
colors. Take your Dick for ipO. O
A ,'ot, of beautiful $15.00 Suits, in both worsteds and
soft-faced cassimeres. Some are lightish in color but
a large portion are of dark, staple patterns. These are
of first class workmanship and right up to the minute
In this lot are many very nobby and stylish suits for vounr
men; suits made with patch pockets and cut both on the
English close-fitting and the conservative models; suits
which have been specially priced by us at $18.00. We now
offer you, during this Clearance Sale, vourm , rt 11 J.
pick of a large number of patterns for ip 1 . Q
-- -p Tiff1 1 r-y,'W'"."WH 1 ' 11 ""i? "-nw-jj
. ".'.. 4
. I
a i
I... ? : ' . .1
' ATA 'rf
In our $20.00 range of Men's Suits are some
very choice patterns and the tailoring is of a
superior character. For this Clearance Sale
we offer all broken lines of these $20 Suits at
1-3 Off On All
Straw Hats
$2.00 Straw Hats are now"" cl.:l:l
nwt,..,,.. n.. u.i .... W
m i an i iiiis in e unw ij.uu m i
$-1.00 Straw Hats aiv now S' l7
I $3.00 Straw Hats are now
14.15 Paj
f)0c "l'l-csident Suspeiulers cut to 2!c
f0c "Porous-Knit" Shirts ami Drawers ...35c
50c H.V.n. and Athletic Shirts, Drawers. .Hoc
15c Hlack and Tan Cotton Hose 9c
25c Tan and Navy Cotton Hose 19c
!!5c Black "Uwanta' Hose 23c
50c "Shaw-Knit." Tan Hose 39c
$ .79
$ .95
$1.00 Shirts reduced to
$1.50 Shirts reduced to
$2.00 Shirts reduced to $1 35
$2.50 Shirts reduced to $l.c,r
$3.00 Shirts reduced to $1.95
$5.00 Shirts reduced to $3.'5
$1.00 Porous Knit cut to $ .79
$1.00 Park Mill of I. V. D. sl le $ .09
$1.50 Cooper Mesh $1.13
$2.50 Cooper Mercerised $1.95
$3.00 Cooper Mercerized $2.35
$1.50 Pajamas cut to $1.15
$1.75 Pajamas cut to Ifl.29
IffiIQ if;1-,,() "it to $2.35
UI1I It 3 $3.50 Pajamas cut to $2.85
$1.50 Tan Soisettc Night Shirts $1.15
At $25.00 we show some of the choicest suits
made in America. The tailoring is of the verv
best and the cloths are the product of such mill's
as the Wanscott, Globe, Noekanum, Lippett and
the American Woolen Co. All broken lots of these
$25.00 suits now go at
Wo sell the celebrated "Florsheiin" $5-$ti and $7 Shoes and are
exclusive agents for Salem. Hundreds of satisfied patrons return
to us regularly for a pair of these famous shoes. Genuine foot
comfort goes with every pair of "Florsheims,"
For a few days, during this Clearance Sale, you may select any pair of shoes in our stock
and deduct one dollar from the marked price. This makes; $5.1)0 Florsheiins $ 1.00; $0.00
Florsheims $5.00; $7.01) Florsheims St'.. 00.
Hundreds of other Genuine Bargains
All these prices will remain in force for a few davs nnlv nnM0 ..t. .. ,
, , -""- iml- lOKKiry nas alwavs
earned first-class goods, we fmd an occasional person who has misjudged our store by think
mg us "h.gh priced." The Hammond-Bishop Company hereby guaranty the r 1, ' !
THE UNITED STATES Hint means in New York or Boston or Chicago and regardless of
the freight charges across the continent. We are determined to make this store the represen
tative store of Salem, and we need your friendship and patronage. Whether or not you are a
regular patron of our store -take advantage of this Special Clearance Sale and get jour share
of the genuine bargains.
MacGratli Delighted With Ilis Novel's
H:iril,l Mai'Gnifh, ilic I'mdmhis :nitlinr
if "The I.uri' of tin- Mask,'' iwicl utlu-r
jiiiul:ir novels tlu.t have lieen widely
reuil mill ei rculiited, whs deli.'liteil ro
K'titly u ln'ii he mi.v the film 11 t a -ti'in
(if his liest known work, "The
l.ure of the Milt" 1ms liei n iniole into
n fuur-piirt il ut nil I Miistei'iiietnri', n:il
Mr. M:ir(lnitii iiniseil the work of n -iliii'orH
11111I Return lioth.
"Ml thoe who have lead the honk."
lie said recently, "will want to mm' this
pieture. for it visualizes crfer;ly the
Miriniis ehuraeters and seenes familiar
to thousands lv this tin.e. if the miles
of the liook afford any criterion. The
fight 011 the cliff is thriilinyly portray
'd. ard the scenes ill Venice are en
chanting. I am particularly delighted
with the care exercised in rnakinn the
Monte Carlo of the film so realistic.
The fog called up just tin- riylit lit
mosphere at the lieyinninc; of the pic
ture. It was t r ill v a reinnrknlde ef
fect." "The l.oto f the Mask" will he
ljon at the Hlijjli theatre today, to
morrow and Nntuplnv.
lammond-Bishop Company
J 167 Commercial Street Leading Clothiers "The Toncei v"
Thirty-Three County School
Supt s Performing Task
Program Every P. M.
Seattle. Wash., .Inly .S. Walter II.
'au'e, mipercaritn on tht selnniier An
1 ie l.arxnn. the wr ain 111 11 11 1 1 ion ship
held at Iloipiiaiti. is lin uuiiht h
-eutlle enstoin officials following his
"iiMipi earaiii e fnun the schooner sev
" 1 s 11 1 1
SUm dfu Vytf CJt 2Mb
mi i4i fOM Cwntn m Ar Vrii
' All of the county vehnnl superinier"
dents f the state, with the exception
t of Lincoln Sav!ic;e, of .losephiae, nail .1.
l'erey Wells, of Jackson, the former of
whom was unalde t.j nttend mi neenunt
! of the death of his mother, are nsi mli
led at the Capitol liuililiii); for the hal-
! mice of this week and for the greater
part of next week, ene,'ir,cd in the tfr;:d
inu of the papers of the reeenl tein h
ers' exaniinat urns held tlirou;l out the
The forenoons and afternoons of
each day will he taken up with paper
'grading work nil I the latter portion
of the afternoons, after 4 o'clock, will
lie devoted to 11 disni.sion of various
suhjects of esrweial intercut to tlie pnh
lie school system hehl under the a'l"
pices of the eo.mtv superintcroli'iits ' lis
soeiation. The suhicct of tilny's pro-'
pram will he tl standardization of
K'.iral Si-Il"'l." Mid those scheduled
to speak upon this sullied tins i:fter
noon and everniitf are; Supt. Krcd I'c
Wson, Klamath cmiiitv: V.. .1 . '.I or.
I. ale; Kov ' annu-'ti. Iteaton, nul W .
W. Austin, of (irroit fount. The pr.--grains
for tomorrow arid ."'aturdsy. to
cether with ttlo" doienated to ti.ik.
upon the nulneetv nil. 'pled, follow:
Kridnv. .luiv 4 p. m. -- "( Inh
Work": . I- tinffin. N. '. Mari.
I.. 1'. Hurrii u"'n. the latter t .
the liovs' and sirls' li.l'.if rial rh-.h
bureB'i of the ma'e ed icino.nnl d.-tmr'
meat: M.ipt. II. 1'. C. virnir, of I'. Is.
and Mi f'av lark, rf Malhuir.
Sntunl'.T, .Inly 1''. 4 p. n.J ' l."il
j."jrTlie Mite Fair": Assis-sn
Mate Sui-rintder:t K. F. Cur'tn and
County Mupts. I. K. Younir. nf I'ntat.l
la; C. T. Bonify, of Wavo; (). ('
Hrown, of Donjilas, and W. I.. Jack-
sou, 01 i.iitu.
Miss Lillian Watts, of Culver, is the
eounty siipeiintendent of (he newly
created eounty of Jefferson, Composed
of the northern part of Crook county,
who is in attendance, the others li'e
iiic: Maker, .1. 1'. Smith; Henton, 1(.
K. I'aniion; t'luekamns. .1. I' (nlmiio-
Clatsop, (I. . Hvland: Cnlumliin. .t Ve
(Allen: Coos. R. V Maker: Crook .1 !''
Myers; Curry, li. W. Smith; Ilouojas,
(I. C. Hrown: (iilliani, ,1. C. sturgill;,
(irant. V. W. Austin; Ilarnev. L. M.
Ilainilton; lloofl River. C. I).' Thomp
son; Klamath, Fron IVtersnn; I.uke,
C. V: tiliver; I. tine. K. ,1. Moore; Lin
coln, R. 1'. (loin; l.mn. W. I.. Jack
son: Malheur. Mi-s Fay Clark; Marion..
W. M. Smith; Morrow, S. L. N'otson;
Multnomah, A. I'. Armstrong; J'olk. II.
C. Seymour: Sherman, Y. L. Fngan; Til
lamook. W. s. H'i.-I ; I'laatilla, I. '..
Young; I no. 11, Mrs. A. K. Ivntihoe;
Wallowa. J. C. Conley; Wnwo. C. T.
Honnev; Washington,' H. W. Harnes;
II. J. sin.nions, and Yamhill, S. s. Duncan.
ror'lniid. dr.. Julv ". line hun.lred
and forty even Montenegrin from the
mining can.ps at Miami and IJIohe.
An.na, a-o, thrrmgh I'ortlund yea
'"r In;-' hi luute to Vain inner, H. ( . A
halt ot secr.'il hours was made in
Portland p.hiie tlH- Naders nf the party
ascertained if thev ,.i he of tinv ii"
si "anee til .loco ! MIIOVIi h Slid I'. M.
I.ol.iirich, agent, - nf the Montenegrin
l'o emtuent who are under iirrct here
charged with totaling the neui ruhtv
of the I'nited States.
When it was found that their no was
r.ot r."'-ded, the train .( nrf. f.,r Seattle.
Lt rhanca to see Mary Plrkford
In I inrhon. tin Cricket"
iParatrcunt Double Feature In Six Reels,
"Booties' Baliy" and "Tho M.ui
J on the CaMi."
1 All Unusual -.iecl frulnr,., Iu ll...
latest release on the I'un ..ml 1',...
rnm, and will I e ihe 11 1 1 1 11. t inn at Ve
l.ilorty, toiiioirnt end Satiirdae, u
f stuid of one snieel story, the I'ara
nut int. has gm n phuiopla v fans a
doiil.le font 11 r 'istniir ot two stones
as diflereiil a- iw I n can possihlyj
I vet coi., Lining inn, a inrgiV
fen t re nf stfrhi.g Worth. 1
" Utilities' I n!.' " hy the noted 1111th ;
if, John Stiaii.- idler and "The p,n
on the I ii-e." I.y the eeli lirnted drain I
, atit, (itnee Ln o.stoii Fiirniss, the
first in four r-Is and the second in
1 two, proi i,o the e filing's entertain
ineiit, and teal o r 1 1, , t ,,r
rather they ai.-' "Uoutles' llahv''
tells the storv 'I u little inlaiii, who,;
Willi jls 11101 her . oeseited l.v the In." 1
hand and father 'lli cheerf uluess with
which the ,l,v :,, -epis ,ls ,,t, and the
liewileliing noil ii ' in who h ,1 I, rings
In the tesairn, wmng nuillor a new
inteieil in ,,., II piomptlv and last ,
mglv win the n , -nihil., ( ,( ,(. '
or. "'Ihe Man ti Ihe las,.'1 relates
the rtuiiiorii. ,s a i-ntiires of a yuniig,
li.'indsoiiin inihi' ' ., ire who wins the
In-Hit of the girl 'i loe, tts ft ;ir' ntly
;a pci.ni'iss nan, l.i,ause -he has de
jtellniind lot Pi imiiiii' ll mill for his
jiooiiev. 'I lo- deli, ions Inner of (he
' situation in wlinh he di- uwis that
her liiian. c is, ni'i.r all. a 'iMilioiiaiie,
IS IM :nlv inlc-iTlli'lI'li. and - V ides one
' I the U'O-I iaiii:h pio' ol i!,' ilo-idenl-l
' cell it I the si t,-. ll ill 1 1,1 tunes.
iliaud Fuil. i, V i . .lulvu s.- The
lit ieo, i;itic .,iliiin:il iilnfto'ui III I'.M'i
will ro idi- tm t he t siuliii -lung ot
uo'. i l unit lit mined waichoiiM's tor
; r.iiu a nl ptoi ' i- the i 1 1 oi I s of I he
-;'te i on null coo n in Nuilti IniKolii
:iie rueci-l'ul :i.ior.n,g t'lll "ta'elinlil
made todnv I. I' II. 1 1 .11 -1 i nil
iliu.-iti lor the oii-riior-hip on the dcui
ocialic tn set hi Uie ln-l eli ctioll and
now a laiololate I'nr nal lona I con, mil
teen, an. 'I lie Movr-lull 10 Ihe plallullll
if adopt, , will , i rondo lol uo. i I n
uiint gciilii, and 1 1 1.0 ilation ol gra,u
hesoh s a fi at uililiilig ll po-nl.!.. lol
funnels to tioiiovi ii, o in v on i ihli1 per
cent of the ' roi slol'-d in the v.lln'
hoi - e and miI.o-.I hi an ai'iae Milne
tor I he .H-t I i-lit '. e:il t.
( illlil,,,! let III, II ill tins stute Will he
.I. , led 1,1 -it Mill. I,
Rockefeller Warned By
Shooting Of J. P. Morgan
Sew Willi, Julv S The shooting of
J I'. Mmi in hi, ml. Moil ia I
John I I, Iti.i liefi III i lo c.d. l,, ,,',. I, . ,
son nl 1 s l ll lill thdll V tit la III I I'"
lesion ot Ins estate a I I 'ot not n-o llill
Thf elitiani.es In llie es;itt and the
home ol the oil lung wi le loir, ily
giiiiid d all lav.
I.'.,. I ti Her intended lo V" t" i Ii l e
lard for Ihe .1:1 V I. ul at all. ho d the
W TI Ii l.i.g,ii,.f,rv pi, In is ai in-'-"I
I'liff. F.i.t ll sllict, .,k
-. loin i ar, I n ee mi hcie is v our
' loin. e. M. C. liillcr.
"iii cent per word sv'o liner- 1
J tlon. i
Copy for ilTertlaenianU on. J
f dor Una heading iliould ba lu by
I p. m. i
I'li.-i I "It SALF I'hone J.ll l. ,l!v ll
'"If HI NT 7 i. inn:, -J dwelling, largo
lot, gin d location, 7 cr mouth,
I'hoi.e i an y F. Mm t in. Flume 41:1.
' HI" sl.AT ( i IVLKS .1 . r l'i':;
Find for alc. I'.oughl new , .ir. do
toil in-i-.l i hciu I'h. c ai e to i , s.
See Ihem al n Ii hint. J di u
I '"II LI ST Ao:,v p, ,,h, near N-w
I oil, tw lunii-hed .-..ting,.., n iy
de-. ul, le. I or pin 1 1, .ilars iiddi . s S
I'. Lester, i,'J l si, ,s. Crt'iind
J ilv.i s
" A K w.,1,, I fir lii per cord. 1'hoiie
I."vl' Auiouolole )oi, ,,u rin.r
ruid, no.ih nl s.,,.iu. K.iurii Ii
Jiiiirt.al ill in t. and ie. cue hi ' r.il re
wan I. ,1 ,lv S
'A A NT I I ' To I, cue I.iiui owner of 11
good t :i t in I'm .ale Send c.l-h nc.l
and .1. s.-r torn. 1 1. F. Iitt.lt. Mm
" ") "I'". Minn. Julv 'J
l"U MAT Model ti fin. ,..;, !:.,.,
wilh Mrt'i hue. I orio r Slate and :,lrt
stnet. Ilo't'-i keeping ronuis atul
sleeping rot, in., ,i::il .Ninth II. th t.
See II. W, Johnson. tf
Coraiwf T'jniorror
Escaped Convict! Blackmailed!
Hounded uy the Law. Would this answer he your
The Great Western Actor
Star in that Remarkable f lav
In Another Great Success
"The Man Who
Found Himself"
Oregon TODAY Only
10c Worth More 10c
Fred s l.tnhl I Ii Ji.iv in
l ull KLNT .-i riiotu house furnished.
'" I! W Jo hnst.lt. Julv 1"
V. NTI.Il - I outpeti nl tirl wants
ho ,... w.tlk. I'll. i .e ::iir. Jon .
Full SAI.K Two frc'li cows, 1 1 ." and
' I I . U I In. I. J, in 1 1
i"i: - W-i: lit em,,, inn it r. I.. , ,i I,-.,., i
I. t Mile. .1. M,..r, Turn ci. Juh s
I , I ' I . i : 1 1 . N i L 1 1 mill. Want. oeiTie,!
ill ht.ise woik for adults or i li.tnther
wnik I'hone I'.uJW, inorniiis, Juh'.i
-I i "NU i,l;ii',V f 1 1 Visit7:ei
p"f ' utd. telin-r. ., :; . ord or more.
'. li.tt i.. ad, ll'l . Shipping street.
W ANll.lt ' l.riyltt single men ,,mt
s-I ttt ,,u inlterhsiiij ,-icw, inn sT hi
W I lilt(( ., w ot It i n e,o in i ii i.l r V
' all in c, -on, i bpti.il l.,i,d .' I,. '.I
p in lodav or ti.,i,.,m.i'. ,.i foi
Mr. ii;.v. , ,y m
F"l: i l.i: T's.-L i. .no h a a
l.iiru, on a ,1 rn ie tin. t it,-,, I. , 1 1 v
I Su,tiil,le hi 1 1 ,t, , arde k
Fro c ii.t nun! .. See ow iter. I', I
M-nwell, in l.i.e, .Nuith 1'iih
.ire. t.
.NuTf. s, ,r,, (l) IMr,4li!,.
n Ul I -lull, to ti. Ii.l ln'c fur It'll
llultlnift! 111. Chone I,'.'.'.
Julv II
I'ott M.C Fine tliiviiit, horse. I,a r
ne-s ar,. sufrt-y Surrev ulo.tiMt ll'-wr
I' r.asoiiolde. pMi'i S. ;i, Htreet
H ''. July H
Two Office Rooms
Best location in
Salem. Inquire of
303 State St.