rv J 4JSSj Editorial Page of "The Capital Journal" CHARLES H. FISHER, Eilitor and Manager. ,y , i:T, rCJLUHEU EVXIT EVESiKO EiCi.rr Capital Journal Ptg. Co., Inc. k l".'.'st j ') I'" ''- "'.'.'' t;A l't m-t.'-t . nil UA-r.n wiiefc T.;..'mrn kkjkt The Toi'.-'io B!u souris a timely warning which the ,t;(,yi ar.'l ra-.v.-paj'-rs generally will do well to heed, for there's a disposition every now and then to encroach upon . the guarantee of freedom of the press of the country. ,.r. ,.r-n iht. V.'r-rr tVi. (l..mnnrl mnrln r.f Vf-'.V OI K S . state cor.5titut;onaI convention lor tne insertion oi a .-"ration prohibiting the papers from dealing too much with the details of crime. The Blade notes this and other TJa u tfn tu!.-ho'.'. of fieman.-l to interfere witn tne rights or tne pres i a nir.'. r- .'iiar'i-er ara en hyi.-u and exrr wi wkii ii.f H U oa:: . ,"' . f'.".i. ... .i ...nr. u.rr.OH car- ar.a re.-pcci. mr uie uguis oi me p-in- iv . ; i , l . .. . t . i i: . - .1 : , j u.- an'i ui rignih oi me jiiuiMuuais conctr ;.k i ;i. I the i.rir.rinr' of it. M-ISTS AN! FIN'AVIAL CONDITION'.-; f It has vem-d at tir::es as if thf newspapers were ?le-p- ' I ir.g upon t(."ir rights in witnessing the tendencies of the ( Wr.-rci;,! lU-vi.-v. for the past u.-ek has the; tin,.- without voicing th-ir condemnation as a matter of f ol!, pifr t-vii-w of b';-:rw - ar.d fi.ar.cial c-nditions: if-int.-n-.t an-i preM-rvation and of a still larger inter- at "f h,-:"1"1 h;tlf (,f th" J'"1"' ,t' ,h;it ,,f lh" !;'i!'!lC ,n i?" npht 10 (;Ver' I'0"1"1'' f",T:: 9ff(r,iaVtnkir;gcon?,a-tt,th..., of six m-nth, of ;,,ty t hat ,s th; su.v.-t .syogxiard against abus-s. Th,n rew l-robl.-n.. v..-..- i,..v-. :-l that mad.- th- out- , I he w. .vt of th- iate f han.-s K. Littlefield f..r s-;i.e bdia Oa Verge Of Revolt Says J Misrow i.s";.--ii- till j-ing clear and tru". II a yi't politi'-ians and others v. hoM. schci.'.es uub!:c;t !-r.a.f ;ir:. whv ... - i linn, r.t-w ')i.,i-n.. v,.,. . . ...... . ,-xti-emi-lv uncrtain. v.h' re. l.-juti ias sine- r-e- .im" a .i..o.- coojn.-.vMnaii. .hiu nng ciear ana uv. n-! torn, i!or" f Si Li ..i--'..-d to th- unusual conditions said he v.ou!. hudd.-r to think of the abuses and v.ha:jPlot To DsSftoy Ships .1 .i i .1... t ... ... :.. ....! u.th v.u'i ( en on v'.i it not tor r-i fee t'ft-al-il OV in- war arm uk- iu.ui.- i.t .1 .1 . 'I! janniiM v latte-r imm com-.-i o. or- r.f iii!:.'."U. . ''l;(o'lf.''i .'1 at;. 'I'm-.- j.r.ui ,ui- not mo.', to mi I me agitation to 0.110; ;. y . .. . ... , f V I i-.t i r i ..,....., .... i - i-'.t r i fi i f-itr.ri-i ! i lit' i n ' i -1 m u.- j . . nn.iiniinii I'lur t ....... . - , -. , , , . . half of l'.d') is laryiv on- of (ii!!'.'-u:':..-.- iieo'if.'-rvl aii'l ''"'-s fft. Ja-.or are not mov, to tu ifi trie agitation to curb ,.1 .,,),. Kiirn.oufiti'd. and th- fundamental soumln.. of th.- r- - h-iv and then-. th.- f-conomic ctructui.- is d.-ftt'-r.-.tra'.-d by th-- M'-ady tln- ( !!fc. oi t!;e iitvious swam. has ! n sa- i-.l t.v graauauy infarct s dy i.'Uoo ('co'.'-ry, it cimiU r.ot !;s;i u, i,.- o.untorting news for tr Carrjing Munitions Found i:.i:niv;s of thk kailuoads ,j,..f r horn -I .'... LI-Jla-.r.. ! .f.-j cunt ration from (lMXT,.iun in tto'inv im'' reviving activity, arid in some .m,r in if 4 iinfii :i ln-i' s in- I'f. ne i m i i n s m-i.'-i i now than was the Cim- even before the outbreak of tin- '"t per c-nt of the mil.-age in the I'nitcd Stat.-s net ' .j-.-fa t-! :! " h, -'t t-.r mi' it i..r Apni ir:cr.-as.-l V, li-10 per cent or a: h ,r. V, .i i i i i . i ii. . r . ... l.. . ..,:o. I aving more inan i. m ; r., - i tne oaianee oi in.-icni'.ie mm-. ,!.,',.: v ,' " ' ' v ; ... - i v.ar, i r. Objects To Smoke n i J : . .1 i: tuur.-v,j-.iv r.ul! I 'r.i; .n 1. i. i-.-v. tir't I! .-r :. x ity ..i' i.r-t in .'ni.-n,:i .i- ;,. ,....i. ;, ti, t . mj I'.it tl,.. HM- m .il.;,.n int.- l. !.,."" . .ni .,t i.ii..j t II I . -I I j ' I v i . . . I III. i"i in in- ll.-.. il ,1'.". J'l.i .1...... ".v ' ... ..n .1 l in II ,lU il KIllOlll III I.t'L,- Ii.!' 1 10 , ; - ,-,t.. ! . , ... rr,. ,,f t. .,, this nation has compl.-tely i.-verN-'l its intcrriationa! be achieved cannot !..- anything but bad news for cvrv-!.in "i1 ''" t.. t'... mo.ietarv position and tin- exchanges conlifiiie to i:i.-v- body el.-e ,n the c.iwntry; in the long run it could not bV"-"1 '!''ril- ' y"-slrof-gly in our favor, both Mcilii'g and Continental bill- to the I, i tie fit. of stockholders and lioiidholders either. Wnttan fAimrv:im4. s,!. n tie. i. - Mi' In ... ,.i,.U tl.ivt week All of In- !'.. i ho.-e r:.: ri,.-ii i n,,f ,w t ,-.; ..... 1. . I .. """ vwuiivuiliail 'i'-"''''"'f , . ...-.VII,..,.,!.. i u' 1 1 i it -1 1 1 ;r. 1 1 ; i . 1 1 v that left the coiintiy during the eii-i-; nf ;t-t sumnier and doing more business and by taking in more mern-v. Thev fall has since Ih en letiirifd. at id Kurope i M-ndi-ig back did it by spending b-.-s. 'i'hey got along with l.-s lalior (oii'videruble blocks of American si-cuiities uithout scri- 'hey did less cuii.-t ruction work, they bought. It-s eiuip- oiih'V dif'ttii'bing the markets here, Kecent foreign bor- nu-nt arid other .supplies, they rendered in the io'e-er' -i row inj.'s testify to the growing importance of N'eA Vrnk smaller service, and they shut their eyes to provis it.s ii M.u Id linancial center and it. is r a .-i 1 1 ini; that fund:, which omdit. to be made for the future lire liMilile to Inert tl'ise iilil iile iIi.mkiihIs nn.1 .,11 Iim.h,. ( )i ii i-'i I i h if ..i.i... f..ll ill. I . . , ' ,l, t ' ' ' " ' " s .......e. mi mi . 1 1 1 1, a.s coin pai'eii with ; ., , n-iiuiiviiient!.. I hat larg- mjii.h are available for invest, l'.d I, .!W.:;t;.:.u7s; it the n,ads cut operating ,-v, .,,.,, '.;".! .wV"."? to. nt is indicated l,y th.- fact that the $71,HKl, UK) i.tTci inv. 1 . 1J7. They haltered tlu-ir earnings with th- knie ,;; " ri-'''' of Uud iiumicipal bonds was four times oversuii-cribed. l'.ut nobody,' l.-ast of all the successful railroad niun- ': i-v"'. 'm " an. I, thoorh aiyuiK opii,ii!.s m-ic formed :,s. t., the n ag.-r whu have always had to keep their visi.m fixed fur ' ""'-'" " r,..n,:V 'm r,!!Ver,!1;,1,li' 'iU l'"":i,l"lv'1 '",,,,;,!!) lT!l" r,,lt!,r,vca",i,,u' ,h:,t ,h" niggardly' poii x;::::- f.-itisfacturj tinder the cirx'iiinst.iiices. which lias been IoitimI upmi them bv in-idemnte r. v - ' "A, In tl...cnm...e.cial and ihdm.trial developments all in the last analysis be any better for the' rui'ro-ik Bryan Declines To Talk news ix net p,o, reus, but f.(ii,!,e . puiN still oiitnuiii- tliemsehes than f,,r rai'road win k.-rs ,1 tt, i D t r r c Imt thofe f an opp :,!e character. War c,e,r,-nc nubl.c. s H'" .Uencral Before PrO-GeM Society biisinrs coiuinm s a ital factor and both the piiid n tiim - ,. liml rensun.plion of and is rapidly expanding -!s Hailmc is riuht abo,lt tl,,- ,,.,.,,:,. ,v. .. - - v,(...e ,I;i,s ,n the el,- nKill(!s aie l,, ,.s...red , tl,.- .ei-ing SaleiuV hav cmp to r unhar s ' !'- " ' VT.f ' ' ; ' ' foina-r bans. I..l..n.ihg a shut.i.iw n .,f v,i,-i;i week,, i ' J.,. ....V.; "...V...;i . '". . " Ibc 1.1 Ce:t lllli tl l;l'l l (he e..-i! 1 ,.,s e-.'.l,i , ,,prl ., Dt'SPI'Iril HlT Illl'donfl Tn C, f CI . 0 v 1..'.'",.'.. t.o..M,!l.iai,HM-an..t ..!,.. tin ti. ui , ,-,.u vlM M.ir """N"11 lo itvcii German Submarines : time; on ibe otiu-r hand, labor t....i.!, s m i lucaiu. aff.-ct". Voles For Women" Arrive In Dardanelles (' I tit. I Ml! K Ii i,), - ll,. ... U I, 1 . ,1 . 'il ' , ,, 'iuIIVUM . ' .... n, m ii,M- i ini e is s i Co isi. i i i i- Don't Neglect Your Teeth Even if Business Is Quiet It Is True Econ omy to Guard Your Health and Personal Appearance Painless Dental Work Reasonable Prices Gold Crowns $3.30 to .S3. Gold Fillings $1 to $5 Silver Fillings SI. Plates $5 to $13. 22K Gold Bridge-Work S3.30 te $3 per tooth. Why pay more than the above prices, as these prices are for FIRST CLASS WORK AND GUARANTEED FOR TEX YEARS Dr. W. A. Cox PAINLESS DENTIST Lady Attendant. Phone 926. 303 State Street BWHfWITllllBMrwiri mi whiwhimi HUIE WING SANG CO. BiK line of VUifts. House, Dresses. Silk Goods, Men's and Bov.' Suit rant and Overall. Ladi-jf. Gents, and Children Underwear Ovo ,h1:ts. Sweaters and Shoes. Ladies' and Children's Vancj jKL" 291 NORTH COMMERCIAL STREET 4-. .i . i ( A t . t ... I 1 1 ' . I j-,.. mi ,t in,iiiii-. .ii -ii ioii!i,,n ,, iiien haiali -e al i. In!, ineir;,nl,!e .n,-iU(. ,,,: u,Ul ,v ,,,,.. '(,'!'' v ' - r; im!!,-, tmn-, ate t-. n, r,;!! hette,- and (h, !",,"(',--V,M"'!,,!" H,'"nii Mt.a.tirua.-Ma ' th,n m il,, fUsi thiie n;..i-lh-, ,,f the " lt;.-.....in.l,l.-i!,1:1.,i ih.-llinuihlni.ha.nilLa,;.. ' ' ' " I'l I I. I U f,, e he r- a'. ! n ' . " ,11 I i , with a I e A ,,-Vnl, . M,,x,'"' WM-ap.-.-I,, ... ho h!.,u th,,, ' V I'M-"- v, p,( ( ,. ,,,,, ,lf ,,u, fi,!i(i ( ( v ; lln ii tin nVi i nni.-nt j'.'t l,a- ;, ,,e -.,,,. , ...l-.uhom,.!.! ,.',t , ,.,,.-! i the ,.-,. an.l ana,, , r''',Mv' ''' hul n-t..,1!.,l,!.; m iw on 1 ' ' - l 1 ' t Mi 'l M' Tt I ''if.i i i . .' i . ' I - ' i i . i m i i i : t I ' 1 ! 'HI !) " , ' . ( I i ' ;i i i f . i 1 . -tn:i f j r ft' V.t.M -u ... . ' I 1 ITIm. , , "f ' hi , ( - lui. . . loNai,siioRi:n:N on- strike ITALIAN'S .VEARING G0RIT2 l'it:.int. rrt-ss: We love to rea.l ii-xv in the nation's daily i,R. ' -'"' t Li.t are more vitally in '' r,,?,,'l u I'vcliiiii in o,-.r trousei-j i -".. to si'e if that t-:n fa re nn,l lnn.li Thousands Stand In Rain To View Liberty Bell : . ) I!l"i''ll M.:!e Uv.e;-,- t,, I'M Ci .tl-.. I u ll l I : . i . . . . ' "i r ",.t.;a' life ii i. !. ni i i-. 111!) e;,, A 1 1 His Wedding Day hili : i: . "' I" I . M -, . t-.l.-.. ), t. h.ii i. ,.,.. ' ii'.il j .. ... , " lo-l.- : I':. I I I'.t) I.- hav with ..... ........ il.. ... ' ' r ''.iaci ;,. an- a, HOWS THIS . Avr e, r. j..,-i.-.i ( " ' .e-' -.''-: tli.or I.. ,j t .-,!., h,. " 1 1 ' ' Mill tll.T.'. ;;:?:;! L rr I"fants and Children. fe:!'ffillllJ! Wers Know That :'. -- - ---: - .1 I. . I I ... n.-. " 1 :lL : Bids For Sale of lle" :il. a M - , i:h ii,a:h-it;ata- t I. ' I'u I l . -.I.' - i:.-.'-l. v!,,e 1 W- a n.;nh t...s k to Block of Timber Out u'J;'-:: E, UFIK '"WfcMW TIRED FEET LADI) & BUSH, Bankers i i i e . . . . . $'0.1M)0.(K) w I .,.! .k. . !.. , . -h. i'. , "TI rut r e i v,mi t - , , ,,.( i . I fcftty Hox(!t HAviNcs ii:i'.utmi:nt A f v ru 11 ri ..s V 3 'i"TTT'M"-wWt. 1 . " I k o I. je t.-i i r, .ur f.,1, - .-.(,., l "Tl- i. . , !rrl .1 I ,r ... ii U;r,1. ItAKN PK0VED BY WINO .:e.r::'-:-.rT - . , '' ' f 'S , . . 1 . . i 1 - 1 . -i , -, . " T'-,- r ... , .. ' i i,i,,i i i,r,: - I . , ''I'i.ll,,,1', lit' i.l in. IM.. ,. K.TiP.'v ! ',k i,"'i.w.iiijiiVU -J iP-.,,..-rT.'V-7."- MtXawcotic. J Jwr jji'r- ; ... " --.' K'UWl. n UMUMJ ret i Norn s .Cmtn-u is wits .vnJi : I Loss or Suet. Genuine Castoria Always Bears the Signature - TtiECisTAinCoMrAST, NEW YOttlv. A Use For Over Thirty Years -1 a i i '.-. ... p., '-f "S. i- Si - ct Con nf Uv sfk iy b Mai sim """ hr Mm rrt. J. ' -