5oaW rf Personal t, KOLUI BVI90U THE SALEM nr V TAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM OFF THrBSDAY. Jl'LY 8. 1915.. Foreign Selling of American Stock to Finance War Loan u..,f. ri.r,.- Wolf. were: ier ".... . ' D...1. Wo.. MM lv,.j. -.- --- Vernon Materr n, o. ''-"' BichardiM.n, ertr. .... BOB l.reB ' Margaret Ja' W. Jgbm have UNO I KK1AI. H8WI. T ')iUl Jrnl l al .,. glad ! ".! "I ," ft ut4 Hal, ' imrwmlf rlBti af k'4 a-at ia r llT'"" r hy ibU. I rdiS In the wfilr't B "w wa1 bt trii I"'1'1"'' (jaw, but M ''. ta natter u ulrfibl. " do t rmt rt' ' kaM bw author of it. U. ...I Ur. V A I.D.I til Wcfk ""I ""n "'I ,f. - A fr. JatT,f- mi- ..... ..; ,, ,1 from t ri -1 r i' " aod after raiuiu., at b. m' to '0'" fn i" ! rtiri! northern r...ir.!i Hi mil ' i . ' . . ... f .. . r...t at princh natural tendenrr for activity on the Dur- .. ,v.-. h,., somewhat small'. Th lit- New York, Jolr J.- '.'. P j ":;",". .P,rlti since January Jat of Independence HolMia.T-. i . ;, 111,0.11110, and compares with $1 nk'-.0o0,ooi a year ago. ine Jun ifni' r'n particularly sriiRll wale. b.n? od half of last year s fig , ()n the other han.l. new infor- oorti(,B in the principal r-fte.l j:i.ihii,w .-,,k il,ni. vis to dinillii-n iD( th week foreien tUt ! A.xer. on ntwki became irore an.i mor evi .lent. Thia wsi due mainly to li'j'J.'U- tw.n of foreien holilir.O. rB'erf.l r,rr it. W.rr.jerite ('.ir.f.l-r i !' i-i- w . u,l., V..i..nrr l.r.lc IB JW7 ' , ii A i.rr ........... -r . if..'- rh'ir'b. enter-1 " ,. r,i..vine ccrr.ir.K mine war loan i ..... ...,ni i.iaVj the Ural M.... -I i'-'ter.ir -''';,i,,u!, ...I pBymeM . W - fonfi,lene. A goo .U.t B.fht wi.k a '-b. TV j .he t.rn.or,." w" P"V" Mr:,lal of rrent investment m'ffiey a Hi', ihii'i unit - fc. nrtk. (reettxl ..t".l.".'-" or . V..-V.. ,t Kondar uptbeeary i.y prep. ' " . ,orH !han a year ago an.i the lariiest , at lh MeDeBtl. re.wni'f -n '':-", . Ilri.uma road, Itie boom- Thee fiiftirci' at leant fair 1 I- v . j. mak. r. dacorated la thiea lanterni aou Tin lue.ta wera reied t.y Vim Anna Cappa aad Mim ra M.JJ. cald. the dm, ai pawed 'th l I "rpnate ,.!! A liimted tiaie n a Imp frpr iip.n a .,lle-tioa .( rhineae eur .... k.l..ini Pip Mm Nellie l'lrk, hii aaa id China for i )ear a. mipii..n ary. A tir.t bhw ampri"i i SAtrM folk wf plet.M to !'' ,u J,,,,,, H. Walker (, r the il.-fn.it i-n . tii ai(... that Mim Marvllif u UM ,jf tl , artid.-. Hpnr, a former Halem (irl, w,,,f, ere- Mim Vman Hat aaakiag aurreaa Bt I wommi pirtor' -rvf y,M Aana I'utnaoi. Mi" Jeie Kliw. aa4 Mar are t Uiaiail UDt ' M Voanpta hrp.pn.-r. M." U te( ef h. fc' l2',llVipai Berk, M... I'earl I ..Hit... V. TttPBC I l-W i Ik' -M" ',. (... IIimp Hhia M.i..nnl.l. ka lhla (Mim Kraae NeBB) M,ir.nMt.j : M.-p-.r. aaraiet .1 Mr. id Mr. W. . Tail. katrliff-, Jme II .ekeu .trt a l HI.,, llen er ,; Al,,,1(, ,...) r-. a. w - - Mi lir, (petal. Iiuhmu awatki B.. to enter the "movio rol , way. iktia a a pa'a" - i ftiaada keta who will wal-h auk eagrt vt i Ul.nuf H aiorlat.ii their piofrraa ib filmlai..! fi,tt htikula, ami Mr Mmth wet area miaot laita lBt , funy, Vina, who In. aiKhl at B l'al l "t imuae -t.lkrl a hoipian'e,' Mt IhIIob lie laf aeea bete M.ita la "The Mar f Ua tWorr." and "Mr. Walla.h V al Ur " Mia. I'ill..n'l i i. l la a airvlnr for the "I'omie" coipipanv, Iwtk fk aad Ut. Iin. Irr.ua a rnl la liliaa fr thia and lh M ilnal and B1lBBr- rantpain.a. Mpi. PIIi.I1 mil 4 kt itenti la halrni abottly aftet rklllta.ai la,t rl Mr. llendrtMIl a lr,l)..tf l.a.t In the I.,- I taleal binilip. Ii.a. of "AfKona," an l "llrawa of llartap.l " k te .(:'! af the kait wialrr and ailta- t-t pnii'h Ian-la tay tili'i,oi u ( a work al lhal lipnr (lnrifiaria I Vauc'm, Mr tran iv k; W. C fi-.k Lr.d i t,r. ildy. and r..n, Warren and the Matea. tot mute time to '.- : am.;,-n ..i-nritiea returned l-'tt- "" "I"'" TZ ' I oma ,'..ad v.rv ootLideralile sums in ,. likely ,o hav. a material rffe.-t upon J'fYod, "aving been Uken the international (wvuritWB U"'V , . i,; ,. to wk In .a.- ....i.i.f ... i- . , Hid l (bin ay cur international del.t in prot)-pjr-laMy b.-inn redneed more rapidly than in recoifnizeii. runner seniiiu ou oi-rif-a ap--oii.t in anti. ipatfd. which will tend to retrain cold imports; also to da-iab-i., .... i... - ,i. liiniidat 'diiiiinmh the necenry credits fsraotw : T. J. ! ' i-..... -. "ii.... 'i, . . i to Kiirorr-. Now that the available sup- Hallaa "l,M-rv.-r. "Th-.ne: , . ("....In .14 ' . .. .... . tti-r i . vi. i Oeneviee and mm-, , v H il'nrin thi twelve m.Bitbn j"t wif, and daschti-r. '""rB': , ;our mcrchandinf. eiporti havr eJ v,,r and '-(e ard .lurhter. I aui- , , rf hy )ou, iimm.'- ,ne, and w-n. flair and ill: , IT, the name period we have aiwi ira an. I Ki.iana ri"'-." ; prted over tViiJOW.10 ib (.'m-i. far the uneen itetna in the ir.tfri.at.on f. . . -. t r urope Rousing General Specials of t .,f f'ttirti...iint. l:. It. i.iy, of ,,- l.,.n v p : f p t.fcf at the r..iintry li-ime if Mr. bikI " II A. Haina.' left t.elay fr K ij. ne They mil return k..me I.y ny ' all fi.rnia, where th.-y ill iit the im. fain, alo fn.'ndn and r.lniu. ut . tl. ,r iH.mi. Tlicr ete 1 . i i l: I, I ! i'h . - halcm an-l n e r i t. . 1 1 1 . Lf II ali. had mill lli.m f .r th.- Mit llarrn' l.r..ih.-r, II f. i.f hi.uk ane, W ah l linr d i;l.t daiirht.-r. I r..i ri v . (i.i.rt'i- f. I- '-vdcr f.irtiv pif Salem ,, ""1;f,o;.,l,le to ..v. Dimini.hed rermttani; ! fly of k'old at Ottawa lias Dc-en prac- M.Minnville;!' ,.. ot .vj..,. ,t.-r.-nt tically eitau-te,!, imporN Irom r ram.-e PERSONALS . ... in III.' freiifhtit, tourida, iommnioi., ftM ' . would tend to matenillv t.ra.'t i Th,. aeeur.ty marke i. .on a nound and thia eire.. of eiporti. 'Neverthelen,.) pre iiiamK haniH, but the prnnpect of there every proapect that a heavy additional Ktiropean lK,i.idatinn pr.-,.rei.nderan.-e: of the latter will coo I venta any important further enhance- Umue until the term, nation of the war. meat ot value, junt at tnin lime. ayjiirdera for munition, by Kuropesn I Hf-Mtk ernni.-nta ty tb extent !' abo.it . . . (iiio.(iiiii,i)iiO have already been rc.-r-e-l.. sl3l5tc ami more hi cr enntra.-tn are in . oiir?- ; t yeaterdayjuf ,,f cotiation. The hail of th.w or ! TAITDT UAIIC? NCWC dcrn, which are now beint; forwarded.! lUUlll ilUuuil llLlliJ nt t., I'oitiand to will prchably b nhipned diirn.ir tlie: Incut twelve months. That Kiimpe will! it lie ai.ie io inernaae ner nni incmi. . j mer.-haiidine in .ayment n ct. ee lii.(!y j Krnf nt t'n.l. rwi.o.l, who has been loiibtful, becaiin (a.h bellnteieiit !.. imci tn i; hii tune in the eountv ,aii , Hi. M M . k end l.-ni n li. r, Mr. and her d.ilii. r, l;ir i.f Mlterti.a. are paoii-K tlun I. at llie llnirm cuunli) j' K frnill hilvetton. .1 I. M. Kt.m lav i.i biiiil.cn" Mr.. .1 l. Virgin, i.( HallB. aa m -;.rn vi-.L-rdav. (, A. .,b..ri '.' to Ionian.. ' ,r,ni! ,0 arR, , , f , e,,rTI!, in. -n. .nil "it th.- electric H(lr jf, fniiilittiinn are, therctore. A I.. ' hii, "f ''" taKi" tiro vi?, extremely lavorable for a continued in wri. in llie ,l(v s. -tcf lav- 1 1 In x of American ncuriti"!. It in en- ,a, .1. I'm. lit.-iilr.-rK. ot ' ni-mawa. tin.atcl (hat the recorded holdnii; ot mi a u.iii.t h. re w-t.-i.av. John M. ciliainiii. r, of Woodborn, wa a ,.it..r in Ihe .itv M-ti'tday. v.. Vi-te Hrowtt. hhelloirn n vit kin .aa. I.u.liu aad ker daughter, Jta. l-la Jr.an. Irft l.-.trt lav fut Wwtt, wkete they will an the .in. BMI. f Vta VI, III. ISiak, cf I'wMl.u.l, de v rk nf at Ipouar uf Ik, w!,i of llutiot, Mt, will rtirne la hlrni hwnday to tan Ik. kto arui-ht k( U.a. J. A I'an Ma.ilar fai hc w,ll rttrallT i, m4 aver tka iii anooal la.tiillkli.in apf affirera af tk Ual lo-lite Tin. af tatawaa, tha mrmbfta af 'he ai-wing' rtwk f lha I.Mai l'rgir .f lluniip kWa aan- e, a lour aihrrinij at Ik lair uranud.. ... kil f. f. Ituwca, and .1. ,ll.lf' lUaa, ka.a IrliirarJ Tram a artrtal weka' tsltiuia wnk ftuti.,1. and rrla ti.aa la lile, w a,l.iaijlii ... I'rufrnur and Mm l iniieou. Iliil.rrta, ; of I'ltlnbuiK. l ellli" Ulina. "pent the eek end In halem. of It" v and Mm. II y. lniUri..ii. I't. fcr. r II. b frt. ha ln an In. If l.-t in the d. uf im In... la of I'mitifvlvaiiin for tl"' p..' to yi-ara The vi....t 1. 'I Ti. ..l .-. for Han krni.' ip.p, from l'lu.l. I.i h thev will atop off 'ill li.. ,r ttnv lo-cit fldcll ,t to lav in the ty with t'ien.1". Mi.. .1 A lluib, wh" a paenn..r In, iiiormi. on th.- .l.-tri. lor 1'olt Inn, I M. .1 .1 li.ir. h i.i. l Mm K. fra .n of Hi.-kr.nl, mre hi Ihe city yea "''I"1 ... ,, t V It air. foil- aitent of the NVelln Aoicriian railroad nlnirc in K,iri. e arc!,! about '.,."iiiii,iHiii,iloti1 of which morel r( tlinn two tin r. In represent l.oi-. aiol ! noten; but then finnan do not in-! .-lude in.lu.triaN, ntnte and niuii.,-i al ' i.uen nor real eitate or other fonnn; of inveatinenta. When it is r.'in.-n.ber-j ed that thin enwntry eteat.-a o. w ne-( coritiea at th rate of 1 ... U to' l.iiio.liini.tHHI y ynr, i men more,1 noma idea of tha invrntinent .'ttiacitv! !if the l'nite.1 Mnte, can be faiii.d. In! awaitiiK tr,al . n a chame of attempt is.; to noli. it t" ,r a womiiu of ill fame, wan arraigned in justice court thia nioriiii'd on a charge of illegal liquor n. lliiilT. I ii'lerwuod plcadi-1 gniltv to barge and was iven a sentence of . day in :u I ti v .lii.tgo Acbstcr. $2.50 Bed Spreads, one lot $2.75 Lace Bed Spreads $1.25 Milla Corsets $1.50 Milla Corsets 75c Figured Blue Crepe, yard All of our large assortment of Laces Fanev Trimmings 60c Kimona Silks, yard 10c Good Chamois Skins 15c Good Chamois Skins ; 45c Fancy Ribbons 30c Fancy Ribbons 25c Fancy Ribbons 60c and 50c Fancy Velvet Ribbons 35c Fancy Velvet Ribbons $1.25 Women's Union Suits $1.50 Women's Union Suits $2.00 Women's Union Suits -;v""i" One assortment of $1.25, 95c, 85c and 80c ests 50c Pants $1.25 $1.25 69c $1.00 Ce-Third Off One-Fifth Off ;. 25c 6c 9c : 29c 24c 15c 40c 21c 69c $1.00 $1.12 55c 34c TRY SALEM FIRST mum eommtmciAL etum the total mm of $A00 was due the estate and to him us residuary legatee for the pUintiff and for the defendant. Niiith Si Shields I'n.lfrw'Oi.j'd trial on the other charge from the defendant. In the answer and will be heard in the circuit court cross complaint L. F. Maltieu asserted July If. that he paid the interest on a $MmQ 1 mortgage, and a note for $iib7 with in- John 1'oM w:in arraigned in justice terest at the (.add & Hush bank for hii court this morning on a charge of father, F. X. Muttieu The First National bank of St. Johna has brought suit against 0. F. Robert son and i lara B. Robertson in the cir cuit court of this county to collect $00 All of the jury-, al.eged due and owinp; on a promissory The niarriagr of Mi, Mh Vinold to . tallica I'utl iann-l veri 'portly n-lrbrat.d Vcleidav aft.-fit i at tha tr.i.len.'r of lt 1.111! Mu-r witnd la Hmith hnlrm. ir Mi.-ti. i ufftriated. tllilv r.lari.ct rtlMiced llie frrcMiont- altoii t..ok pln.c nt li-.lf pnl tan oVbwk. The y.-unK cnpli- l ft lmaie.liatelr after Ike w.d.lnig f. t a btlnf a.irlhrra wedding ir.. nnd it! telufn to S.lrpti I.i rnnke lloir Imli.e kere The lipid n ihe dnnelii, t ..I Mi and Ml. W I An. ..Id Mr I r. bemn th ..n of Mr and Mm .1 liani.ln, and for a iinpnber ..f year, an .mi, Iota ot Die J I si... WI..H 4 o Pargu bl re.n . i.n i an (i.Ihv tin .-..nil Hl.v b.i-ioe... K i . U..iKii. c. .al agout of the ii. I i olniii Iii-.ikio ipany, m here tu.Uv on . ii!ii iiii I ii-ii ip b. I'-iinik.-, of -.,.r.., mot . re I t.. I'oi'lai.l yet. -r. lay nlt.-r ii. ntuiniiig tin- morning, H II ."-pflllgef, of lilendale, wnn ll tlie i-.tv lb ho, rim, g ..It bo. mens, tllk l,g Ihe ait. rn.... I ll.illl f tl. VI... I l.lk ll,t and Mr hlieriin..!, p I d i .1 plnoghl.- -1. M.alinaiai Ike nait,e uf a writ kawa fermrt hai.rp. ti.aa. the ..Kirlv rai-a af Ibr tPr.-,...a ,l.,ii.n.l. of ',i, Uai, hi. " Aa r.iat if m.i.k ip.l.r will I Ik. ...in,( uf Mm II, ,,.1 Ma.4r Ht.a.ii.aa an.i I in,. A A ,hI a.lk whi.a kill I-. ,l,,.r.l ., the having ' p!te H.n.h, I. f lha im.i.r.1,.1.. rrl.live. """"' p"-n l.rr numiner. I iHida and kl..tiin.M kao ko.li " 'he i.ni.g of tf fnrkd. in lk ell l... Hi.a.illHli hke l. a uradtiat of A iiluitie..- nm u ttva ila.ip.t.r uf M, an I Mm r l emit ad f..f Ike .a.i year mi. hii i t llra.ha.aa. aa ..id an.i t.mu ,. nl pi.it .lr.i.'t..r In the Mill 1 il p..li.... aad rka.il. an.i tkr a h i.,. I., .,,o i ... Mi. .1. I'aidei v. ho lia . e l r-11 ill 1 1" returned to tlicn Io VoliMlle M ... i ll.il.oii.li i Ij.llif r'liab. th, nr. he I log with her p.ircnl., Mi I., Pound. Il.p.ter, ill llie rity i jfud.i yrarn we have uup. and ab- inorbed I.IHIIMIlUMHai i,f new railroa.l pi ri ti-a alone without in.onMiin'nce. and to tlicao fiicurra must If ad, led muiiv other fiiriua nf inve.rm,.i.p. .,t the Pan..-, ' I a-.li renly recorded i,r dm. overe.l. While this country n not today en .losing the name degree ot prosperity that it did thr.'o or four year. ago. it in in verthclcss (,ving nnnry tn-. ly, r cuu-e bu.ini-sa ia fair in volume' and ec my lias taken th trii. nuance hi both b.i.u evpcioliturea. The larceny of some tools from A. I dinger, men agreed on the verdict and were out n,,tP fnr $1L'5. In addition to the eosta He pleaded not guilty and was bound for about an hour. : (,f the action the plaintiff seeks to re- oer to tr.e grnn-i inrv. lie was re- l.-aned on his own recogniao.e. Pohl The case of V. I. Howard agaiust tho K. II. Holt I'iano eomnanv was being has been in the county ;ai -incc .hilv I, when he was arrested on tlie above foucht out in ths circuit conn tndnv in -haige. I'urtlmi.l lot -on, Mur .n. tt reial davn, i- tu, lav at aa id daughter, todav Mit and Mr.. K. f the ..rn.. ! ti Mm r. Mi 1 ... of I'nlla., .0 I. gal I tl, cudiug at CltV cf I i.-partment .o. 1 before Judge Kellv. The plaintifl alleges that he purchased Yesterday after n the jury in the a stock of pianos from K. 11. Holt and case of Stephen Alfred Mat'tien, ns that Mr. Holt agreed not to again enter e...-utor of the estate of K. X, Mattieu. business in thia city. He alleges that dee.an.d, acanmt F. I.. Maltieu. found the defendant did not keep hi agree- for the defendant and returned a v,-r- ii.ent and that be entered into business diet awarding F. I.. Mattieu a iudg through the ugi-ncv of ('. F. Hull in,, I by pla e of n iinent in the sum f jii:i.n. i reason of the eompetilion he lost tho i.iiie-san.l rivatc : anawi-r ami cross complaint F. I.. Mat- um of $iiltt.4r.. The defendant denies h.rf .mire,, uf .... ti.a brought in n i-lnm. fi,--iii,at .i au ,,,1.......;.... ...... l. .. ... tragan,, today ia m L'ovcrtniieiit.l estate for :'4 rt i ,i,. i" ... v.. ... .V ' ' , ' .: nn I r.ii.ii.,.M,i ... . . ' " """ me pianos, soi. nv mm be an l nillllli'lpal nnter ri-. s: a ' to mv b,m n,fu,.,.r .1,. i . ,, . ii'n. hi iii.esiH'ii was iiiii.it- anil .' -. ...in iiun-si in a, . i tin r.i th.. mere si,,;, .(nigtit. fhe plaintiff IHllll I I mate j our. lMf.P tnlk I.... I -!,,., , l.e, , M curt . I . .. a II in l'.iti..ii. i 1 1 1 1 li M .11, el K M ... . r. a HIO I I . I ..ill OK III ll.S l.iimli t. . tl ill,- ICO, I, l, of waste Ihnt rails .nun an., grcairr ettir-n-n.-r. ia in. ilnul. t a Urge amoiint .if "'"( g"".l imenfri. nt-; al. n i tli - -..nt i.l..... . .,..1 .... . . , e.....ri"r. hi num.. , inoil.ll.M fair that the pianos were then in transit. alleged that . Attorney Walter Winslow is appearing rover .ft" as attorneys' fees, tome lot in this city were atlaehed in connec tion with the controversy, E. E. Baker is attorney for the plaintiff. I.a.ld i Hush havo brought suit against (j. W. 1'atlerson and Ida Fat--terson in the circuit court of this coun ty to collect the sum of $K13 allepeil due on a promissory note. In addition to plaintiffs seek to recover $10 at torneys' fees. Twenty acres of land in this county were attached. J. (. Ileltzel is attorney for plaintiff. Marriage licenses have been United by ihe country clerk to: Stephen V. Hu ber, a Salem brakeiuan. and Irene May, a Salem waitress; Arlie D. Holt, a cook of Albany, and Ktlu-1 Murphy, of thw city. .tin I to her . . -l. r.l.. al 'cr a ll.l.i. M..or.-, lolo r .turn. an on the V left Ih:. tni.rrulig t III ce wt eks ' ..Ml .e..t.. I-all. I itv rwf ( itw i.i,,, S, r.,,,.,,1, I,,,, k tlx. ,.( id, p,ti. fkaptri Mi H ,,,.,,.,.,111 a fl ik. M,.l......k .i.o ...1 tb Jf aad M. It M....t,iitk la relrb'H..u .f tl-. 1 Jai .n.tlvr.raap, ,,f (i teiotrr a,. .11... Mi. lle.,i..,. .k of Sntl. limit .Irr.l, fte .1. iil.lf .. .ait T.,e elo. ..a .1., II U .rla.... ' h b. I,. ..I a illt .k,c (, Calling An Ordinary 50c Article A $1.00 Value "Reduced" to 59c Does Not Increase the Val ue of the Article And th,' gjvatJy i a):; r:ittl slattnu'tits s, iMimiioti in iivm !U day ii.honi.sm,. UIV ln-inj ninif ami nunv iliHtTrtlittil .ty tlu Iniyinjj puliiic. Mtt ytvyU rrah.'f that u nu rvhant win. will mU. nprtst nt in his atlviTtisini; will iiiiivm-,'s,T,. jn rs t!lv. The Oth-Truv. SiH.t-Cush of l-usim'ss anhuls to cartful l.iufis wu, tmt ,.,(.,. t.u.ry dolhr .mvU Cash Store Prices Arc Lower Mr .i .-.-.Ml.-. Ik. r ,i,i I 'I. ., J M h ,i . s. l I ll II ! Hi ' ll, of Hi .(on . itv. wan in v.-ier.l.iv Mi. Ileih. wliu i i ..iliog ,th the fnrt.il. ot S ., .nil ri !' r.i, to tier Uo'li. at itv it. it -.'o biv, i,. Mr. Ai.l.-w Tli.,n,....u, ot in 111 r.' In-!.. in BP! i. e, , Io V i li nh l I.I..I.,', gll yield eii-i war wh. ii Hue morn ni.rMTil opporlonitv f.,r t:K t if . t.'d. tire in .'Iter able few .. Mi .. th . mil. ,d Mi Mi. r. ii i c i . . .i.nl ..rtl. in . . i i , - ,ii r. .., i .1 r,,.v .1 1 1 !:- ..- I I...I,. .11. . t 111,. , I. 'I,e .'el i ir.-in -!,. w.ll be '. s Jew.' ll l.lll LIVESLEY NEWS A ..l Olir IllllhtV (,, like lull . Bitiint of tureicti h.ililmi-. ,Werl.-u i mi, iic-, ,.,!. ,u , ,,, ability Aii.erie.ni nivi.Htiirs will have cliance t.i bin- n,me uf the gilt .-.l. l nriiiea nw ncl.l hy r I . ' tl f n.o.icis at ,r,., .(, -obral.l.. profit, after the con. lit. mis ha l, ii oie t.tv .p-nl.l, "k ..... s a cnti. eri,,. aim.i.iit if '.i.ei,. an stuck. ,' ,, nt , ,.M, .... a .n..v , ,.. ,i.t,,,. ,,, ''""""v ''oan.-iaili B, ,,lr;1,v .oiriii i.l.i'in,,,!,, wool. - , B'.'i riiropf wn, . "'. by Withdraw,,,.. t,'i,...r,,i,- ,i i,,., , .r,, f ; 'nw.te.l , ,h, ,,, s1Ht,, Ik.. .!. n,.t n,f that we .hall l"" '' ,ur"it" .npital. r that , ka.e a, y, r,.h,,, ,h, ( ,( ".', " L"v: '-'I"'" t.. l.n.l ;i.r,, """blM.nn arc- rc,,,, the let, ! of ur nt lIll n.viii J"r ,-nv ln, " 'II i. .nire lun;, -ii n,. 1 ' tl '.ll a, , ,11 I,., . . At Bo d .t int future e-",HP fll.t'l..!. .be ..,., v..s. w, ; ''.nn. one V !l,r f..,, tk,, world, if r,.t th ai k.ii nil ...li ii-tr.al lite mo. h larc- r in o.iitraij.l c may m- in tit ' n ,(i n .1 , In-! Cert,.,,,, of th,- N.'W , , l'o..g I) i k t. the ui.1,1 fiKinll..,,,! ,f(tl " 'hf low pro es rca1'-,-,! ' " ' " tv per .,., ' ' ' 'ent.lt ,.f ,h,. , r "' 'ii'i,n h'ch,., . i.iuil,) ,-.,. n ' 1. 1 t.- l ' ' s war t,, an. '.slug el. in, ..t ' '" It IB Hoi ; ,,. "" ,"''"' to " Which 1. c-'-i ajr is ,,i. , ' 1 !! tllik- tk,. ' ' "'h w...t.. , ' -""r 'nr., yn.. ' ' re;t , ,. i it. "I i : I :. Ilrr ausf It iwl, Kkh to do no i...vscs fn-in '1..I.I s' i:j t.i o".tstumt i wh.i pay tb,.,,. CIO a i':tkh l,...i .1 . .-...,.., 4ll,,, m, y vjiy hatuit;t to vhatt WHS. JiimcsCuihfUrc crptirj Saturday atV; l'Vrmn!' tV a a DIF.D .. t i . ' ' B w r , ""t flf.,1 , ' ' I r.- f will insiM :, !" 'rn. H.. ' -Btl.f.l t,, : "'.ft IMl),,,,, , ' if. but ! ., 'e ' ncouiie. ' ' llie ' . . ' ' .-'r. a- ; ' aow , " I f the r ' '-it more I '. i ' l-a- ,.-, "'i a tr U.-.v ' ' -T-.,:t. OS. ttOtf VI 'e 1. t Wan ' :ate.. b 1 '"e- -h..W . a. 4 . ..f v. e. 1 .it Io l, lik'ttutiv 1 V a a . J p . , ,, k t" t a few . ' ' .uld ii cifae t I. V , 1 ' 1 u . . f ,i . ' 1. 1 s, n , ... . (.. , .:-.;. a'K'f tha a .--t er , a ia fi,t ' -t a ' 'e t fja.! '"' f sol i f.-r d .1, q.'t.. I 'k i-'ci a Reinhart's Semi-Annual Shoe Sale SSioe that you cannot resist. We are determined to cut our nuS uAav ?nd where there isa wil1 reis a way" UUK WAY is to cut prices until the shoes move out Shojsjojtjk Whole Family AT A SATISFYING CUT IN PRICES t',i' !.oo oxf.mis $4.95 1 1 r (itV.t r S:l c:hir S -?''.00 Oxf - -" 0f..r.!s- .! Oxf.ir.is S (,l Ti "n: i A I W'p.tila:.-,! hi, $3.95 $3.35 $2.35 $2.85 The very latest Mahopany Colur Knjv'lish hal. Tho Swdlest Young Man's Shot in Salem riie lati-st Mahopany Shade lining Men1. Cuttun. A swell medium hiph top last. The very latest in Footwear Also a New r.lack Enplish bal. The very la'et pattern an.) last 4.35 4.35 4,35 s.. EVERY SHOE IN THE STORE ON SALE ... We carry only the Best Solid Leather Shoes ,"'" n-RVU&K barb aad re- SALE ALL THIS WEEK T.te State s-i..un EINH A DTJ QUALITY SHOES N0RTH COMMKKCIAL STREET Between Court and State Streets f e .:t. a. f ..rs ' 'k i t rt. w