FULL LEASED WIRE DISPATCHES TODAY'S NEWS TRINTED TODAY i 1' fl til 13 - - ft I I II II III. ZLILIA V II II 1 III !I OT lim it J miraw THIRTY-EIGHTH YEAR TORNADO SWEEPS I EAST LEAVING 35 Whole Families Killed and Much Property Destroyed In Missouri BODIES BURIED IN RUINS OF WRECKED HOMES Ten Minutes Of Disaster Worst In History Of City Of Cincinnati Thirty-five persons ar known to have been killed, 70 wore injured and .".() arc min ing us n result of tornadoes which swept Cincinnati, south- era Indiana, Illinois and Mis- souri and Kentucky. Kstimnfcs today of the damage from the storms which wrecked these re- ginns last ni;ht put the proper- ty damage at so.OOO.Onn. Th,. casualties were as follows: Known Dead. lnj M. Cincinnati Indiana ,. Illinois , . Missouri ., Kentucv ., .. 21 50 Missouri " 20 Totals ,u 70 Cincinnati, Ohio, ,lilv s. T. t0l taken by the tornado which struck Cin cinnati last niulit and within ten min utes brought down upi.a the citv the worst disaster in its history grew'hour ly today as ruins were searched and the river dragged for bodies. The police estimated early in the .lay that at least forty perished. Fifteen lie known to have In en killed and more bodies are expected to be found as the city proceeds in gathering the sturni 's harvest of dead. Three fnmilies are believed to have been eomjiletoly wiped out. This would account for eleven dead alone. They no the families of Meyer and Israel Teiiiiabnuin and ' Mrs. Fsthcr Cohen. The latter was taken out of her wreck ed home by rescuers, but died in a hospital. The others are still buried in uie w-recange. i mess tliey happen to be frunil alive, the entire families will have been lost. Known dead In Cincinnati. Mrs. Ksther Cohen, :ifl. Pagan, tiii, killed in collapse of building. .lames Allen, chief officer of Ohio Humane society, killed bv falling roof. Irene lilntthiinr. li. collapse of build ing. t'lmrles Klein, cook, collapse nf house. I.ce Spicer, ."0, drowned when sliantv boat overturned. (Iraee Splcer, hij V.ife, also drwned. IfHchael Teiineliaiitn, 4, suffocated in debris. Ileiiny Fberson, killed in wreck when IViii'sylviinin (rain was blown from the track. Ccorgo Allen, Birmingham, Ala., killed I'ennsylvnnin wreck. Fast ley Cndt, (negro) Nashville, Tenn.. killed rennsylvaiiia wreck. Cni leiitified tnnn. Max t riggers. ."0. bode found in deb " Sixth nnd Mound streets. Si. lie Tennebaiim, L':'. Walker. ncurri found in '"ins at 7,14 West Sixth sircet. Four coaches nf n Pennsylvania pa ' iu'er train were blown from the track ""'I tolled down n sti'ep em ban lie cut at Hechmont, a suburb of Cincinnati. nche, which were crished like egg hells, while sixteen injured who were "oere, were rushed to hospitals. I'"lice and firemen were sn btiv to ' digging in the ruins of buildings '' i'li iniuiti and its suburbs for dead 1 minted that no n.vi.rato estimate "' 'hi' pmpertv dulling,, was possible. ' was believed, however, that the dun would Hmoiint to about fl .noonon. ''" " of buildings were levelled. Ibg '"ti '' throughmt the . ity wee brok- i. tu. uses were unrnofc I, chen h steep ' 1 Mown 0ft and the street's littered " 'III debris. At i'i:.10 it,.,t riuhtli street the fj'n '''s of Meyer and Israel Te'Ccbauni " re entombed in the reins f their h'nei' when the house partially col 'I'd. The f'roitnre whs then twd "I bi'lnre the storm for over 'I lin ks w,'"f It fell to piece", b'irving the 1 ,v "f Mrs, Ksther ru'ici, s;.;er ot h" Ti'tiio-bniims, Tin' totv bouts Com, iv anl Hick lid 'li were sunk in the mi I ile of the I Oi,o Thrir crews of thirteen men 'e "'.-ltlg. N. irlv iwentv pcr-ons were c '" ruin, lit huilduigs ni ,-;, :,7u. ,"'.' ""I "7 1 West Sutli street. A boar I 1 ' 11 in the cast end was b' "'e I. One i I an I one ir.-r.. have been r ' I there n far an I tb runs are "'! I bcnii ,ar. hej bv relic in f.re ' Ml. 'H i- f.1lt.,u. I.u.ll. W li.g .on K.14 sen dninat'el. Hie l.i.s ( . ti .f' DEAD Id ITS IKE (Continued oa r lix.) U. S. CAVALRY PATROL 1 Brownsville, Texas, July 8. Twelve' shots were fired from ambush today at ; the I'nited States cavalry patrol a mile' east of here. Soae of the troopers was hit. j It is supposed the assailants were Mexican bandits. : The attack has brought the situation near to a crisis, as the result of the threat the sheriff received that the local bnnks would be attacked by the bandits. The Brownsville authorities have asked; for more troops. : The sheriff has been notified that the banks here may be attacked by Mcxi oau bandits operating in the vicinity! of Mntamoras, Mexico. An effort has been made to round up the brigands during the past few days. Officers have killed two border bandits at Uavniond ville. Pitched Battle Raging Pmiglas, Ariz., ,luly s. A pitched DANIELS. TAKES OVER WIRELESS STATION IN SERVICE Washington, July S-The government ' today took over the wireless station at 1 Sayville. I., I. j Charges that this country's neutral ity lias been constantly violated by the Hermans who use the Savville sta tion for communication with Berlin! have been under investigation by the government for some time. Secretary Daniels unnoiineed today that lc had scut Captain Hullird, head of the radio service, to take possession of the- ISivYvillo Mntiun in the- name of the I'nited States. j Henceforth it will be operated by the! government as other similar stations, have been operated. i Violation of this government's neu trality was given as the reason for tak-! ing over the station. . Ibinicls said he acted under the leg ! i.slative order issued August 5 in which President Wilson directed that "one or more high powered radio stations with the jurisdiction of the I'nited scutes, shall be taken over by the gov ernment to be used or controlled by it, to the exclusion of any other use or con trol, fur the purpose of currying on General Verdict Was That He, Had Not Proved Good Wit ness For Himself New Vork, Julv s llarrv K. Thaw spent an uncomfortable session in Ins sanity trial here today. Ile was called to the stand by the state and grilled as to his aliened be lief that a ring of millionaires had run spireil to keep him in Matteawan and prodded as to his views on other rnat-. ters which the prosecution claim iiuli-' cute Stanford White's slayer is in-aiie. Thaw was visibly nervous and when noon recess was taken the general ver did was that he bill not proved to be; his own best wiHioj. i During a psrt of his examination! Th.iw fought with Deputy Attorney , lieneral i ook, mailing sarcastic answers to his questions. At other times he' hilte.l uncii-ily in his seat and tiuitii bled his replies in almost i na lid lb lc tones, Thaw's own law vers frequently ad'. isi. him to "just answer the q i.-. tiun" when the wime-s stwpi a dis position to antagotiir.e ' 'ouk. The examination nf Thaw .eal ihiefly with th" previous trio's and his attitude toward William Tracers Jerome, who a-ted as proscci.tor in his niur.ler Im!) anl was eiicl a spe, tal criii.cl for the ! ft"r Thaw esi a( e. from Matteawan. One of the lirst ipesti ins ,.,f pei-ity Attoriiov In'iicial link, wts: "Do mij lieiicve Wili.ain T'a'ers Jerome is in "pirn. ,'n several n.-h cn I'l keep y..u 111 M .Itenwan .' ' ' "Mv .-...i !!-! t.d. I e " k: but 1 .1 . not believe there is H t y S e'll ei'llspira. v tiov.." Tiun re; lie ', "N. i'her d" I thmk vi'i are in bag'ie with I'.y i. ill -.ri'iire. f..r tie same p"rw.'' TI. a w :! he ...'.bf"l .IrMii' mo tives be a' -e the at'""ie,v f. Ilow.-.J hm. Io I'a'ift i. He -in I he on b rstoo.l he New Vols law t-.rt.ji !c the ' i f t : , i . I I'.'". p rs(iiik' e. aps-1 1ui;-i bevorid it" b"' ie-s the s'a'e an 1 on ....j i.-nt'v J.-nre's a t.vil.-s nr.-l him. The w '.'.-s wis xi.i'dy n-rvicis as I oos runtil've I th; III' '( q .. boillig : (CvicLtincJ on I'ae Kiht.) SALEM, OR BULLETS battle is raging today six miles south of this city between 2.000 Cnrran.iatus commanded hv lieneral Polias Callea and 1,000 Viliistas led by tieneral Tru jillo. The roar of battle can be dis tinctly heard here. Window are rat tled by heavy detonations. A cloud of dust and smoke can be seen hovering over the field. According to reports brought in by fugitives from the fighting zone, Calles and his men sallied out fromg Agua I'rieta at ti a. m. lie inor the Viliistas four hours later. The fight began im mediately. Viliistas In Retreat. Laredo, Texas, Jjuly S. I'nrrauziata forces have dislodge, I the Viliistas in a battle between llieumole and Faro Ion, according to reports here today. Losses on both sides are said to be heavy. The Viliistas retired upon Tare don where the fighting was renewed. OF GERMANS communication with bind stations in Kurope, including code nnd cipher mes sages." Secretary liedfield notified Daniel that the Sayville station was under private management and that applica tion to the commerce departnient for a license had been refused. Lieutenant (I. R. Clark of the navy, will be given actual charge of the Say ville stction, Secre-uiy Hedfield, It whs learned this afternoon, recommended that the government take over the Sayville sta tioii. He notified Secretary of the Navy Daniels that the stock in the Sayville company wus owned indirectly by Uormnny. Consequently he said he believed the I'nited States should oper ate the station, turning over the re ceipts to the owners "to avoid any question of unneutral messages and He cure efficient commercial communica tion with (lermanv. Washington, July N Captain Nullnnl notified the navy department at 1:1,1 this afternoon that he had taken over the wireless station at Sayville, L. 1., for the government. 111 Fated Liner Carried No More Than Ordinary Car go if Munitions London, July S. The liner I'alaba, sunk by a Ccrmau submarine was not armed and illrried no gieater cargo of munitions than in ordinary peace times, was the official finding ni' Lord Mersey :i ti tin ii in ed today. Lord Mefi'.v euiidiicteil the investi gation into the sinking of the I'aluba. Leon I'. Tluesher. mi Ameiican, was a passenger on the liner and perished when the vessel wj:s torpedoeii The oll cial repott staled that the I'alaba carried thirteen tons of eartmUes mid gun priwiler. The lite saving equip merit was adequate. Lord Mersev found. "We are not iiut!ioiie. to ileleimini' the enernv's lioht., but we leild that the sihmare ilol not yive women and clnl.lien pitssenyers t, reasonablv oppor- tuiiitv t ape,-' Lord .lelc ' re Holt stilt,', I "U II, ', ..l,,, I.. 'hat the cmuiiinielei pinion q not only I to sink tne liner. In, I to sacrifice the lives of those aboard There is ev oleiice that the crew llli:l,e, end Jeered at those st rolling in the water." The decimation ot the Hermans to res -lie the diowning pi liters and crew was charm teried ss "probablv I'istil lablc on a-'i ornt of th" obvious ,:i iik'. r t'i the solot ai me. ' ' The tiitman claim that the I'alaba ci,t up rockets eallmg for iissi.tnre was . , lured not In hrve I n iil,in t.ati-d. Man's Foot Growing Smaller-Woman's Larger sail I'rsi- s.ii, . T i ) v S The nf ' font is ifrnwitiii sn alb-r. while woman's pe !al extreu.ities iir. oiu,usv losing the.r dauil ilie-s, M ordllig to Hcerv H'lt-biier. C,i.iio ,1,-liiite to the N I I"! al Mme 'ol Leatlier Finders eon-1 v ntion in -,ion lo-ie tod.o. j 1'. m ise the average wommi insmts' on w,arirg sho too suoill f,,r lr.' liowier he 1.."1. .he has iiiiir" corns hsri the averaje ;n.lti. ( Tin- d. Ict.it. a.'r. e that tl,. high her for WrnO'cri and th ( ubin ! el fur men are , ),, ., k, I OREGON, THURSDAY, JULY 8, 1915 LINE OF GERMAN I German Defenders Slaught ered In Trenches In Souch ez Region BERLIN ADMITS LOSS , OF WORKS TO FRENCH Russian Reinforcements Are Rushed To Front To Halt German Drive Paris. July S. Nlmtghter of the tier man delenders of a trench near the village of Souchey. 1y ft French balal lion and fierce infantry engagements at other points along the western bat tle front were rcpiulcd in the official communique from the war office to day. Itloody liayonet fighting was reported north of Soiiche.. Ily storming the trench in which the (iermans were an inhibited, an approach to the village was opened up, it was slated. North til- the road fiom lletliune to Arras fierce infantiy fighting was re ported. About St.' Mihicl both the French and ticrniiin troops are being heavily reinforced. The enemy is niak ing desperate rushes against, the French positions but all are being maintained. 'Lively fighting is in progress along :he entire line between the .Mcusc ami Moselle," the eoiiiiiiuniqui illumed. "Soissous was subjected to heavy bn.iibardiiieiit bv the eneniv Inst uiuht. but no koi ions military damage was Germans Admit Losses. Herlin, via wireless to Loudon. Julv M. Penetration of the (iernian trenches b.V the l'i h on a half mile front in a furious battle west of Soiiihe. was admitted in an official statement from the war office today. In violent conn ter attacks, however, the (Iermans were declined to have driven the enemy out with heavy losses. German Drive Halted. I'etrogiad, July S. The arrival of fresh supplies of auimiinit ion in the Russian lines has halted the Herman drive toward Warsaw from the south and the eashvard sweep of tieneral von Linsiiigen 's forces throiieh (lalieia. Smith of Lublin the Kussians have also been strengthened by reinforce ments which have been brought up. Traiuloiiils of shells have arrived ami with these to he fed to the gnus, the liermau advance has been cheeked. The production of amiiiiiiiit ion has been greatly speeded up since file govern ment eoiniiiissiiiiier of supplies cmifcr red with the manufacturer recently ami within a few weeks the Kussians will be ready to assume the offeuiive everywhere, the officials declared to day. The official report from the war of lice emphasized that shell fire from the 1,'iissiaus hail halted Field Marshal von Mm hcnsoii between the Hug and Vis tula rivers. Sn effective wim the Slav fire that they were able to take the I'lciiBivc there. In n sharp engagement around Krasink J'MI prisoners weie Ink ell. Fvery An-lro lerman attack made in Calicia with. a the past 'Jl hours has been repulsed, it was declared Italian Alniien Active. Home, July ".--(ireat aelivitv by the Italian aerial l"iee was riq.'iited to the war ofli. e tod iv bv fleneral liidoina. An Austrian iiviator camp was bom blilded. bond's 'Iroppeil upim the lint it. ''lirriiMin an l aoiiniiiiition trains and -u ly stations littacked. In an ii' i i ;i I 'not upon an aerial .ninp al Aisovia .'eia fires were stalled :i nd a number of enemv nirirall are tielieved Ioim1 been desiroved. A.ia tors were aj-o siieeessful in dioiqnni liomiis upon li" (imtx Karrisnn Kiel tints to the ncr'll of flpleitui a diriKlble Lou, Lh r ili-.l i i u v u iii iii r i li 1 1 ion tiaiiia and supplv .'iMins. The railwiiv sta tion at Null.- till was bombarded bv an av nitor. if the net,,.',,! fiperat ions, (ieneial sdiit na 's rep i sa.d : "iior idv:ii,.e around Oorit ami over tin ail- plateau is proc Iinu nti-f;n tnrili , Since July i st have lal.eii 1 ,4oo r soiicm. ' ' An Anstr.;ii siilnuarlne sank th Italian artiini- I cruiser Amalti m ttie ot. per Adriui yesterdav, it was olfi ally nun v. as on o 1 I today. The crmscr ly when it was attack v eift. A maturity ol men was saved. first big warship to be Itaiv or Aostna siinc . the two count no it ed by the et I he i rcw lit 1 This is tl, lost of eillt hostilities b began. BEUBIAK Ei:8ERVI8T8 GOINU Aberdeen. I'-.sh., July V- Forty two -crt.niti te-ef -Is an , u pcit" today to ttifir list,-, land t parti.i.at in Hie Liiri.p. s'i iwr. The men, who Wi fe null siirlnn -r woodsmen, will prob ably gii to ti e I anadinii east coast wh.ie thev I fiibaik on I Lnlnh steanu r for F. rope. i TAKEN AT BAYONET POINT HOLT'S ACTS INSPIRE USE OF FIRE, POISION AND GUN BY MAD MAN Redwood City, Oil., July S. Kvi dently inspired by the acts of Frank Holt, nssaialnt of J. 1'. Morgan. Carl Arnswuld, na;od JO, a discharged serv ant, early today fired the mansion of C. K. Cumberson, San Francisco capi talist, shot his former employer twice in the shoulder and dropped dead as he was being locked in jail after being arrested. Arnswald had taken poison. Numerous newspaper clippings regard ing Holt's days of terror were found in his pockets, The Cumberson home and barn were completely destroyed by the fire start ed by Arnswald. Owing to the fiendish preparations he had made for working vengeance because of being discharged Inst April, lie is believed to have arrived here last night from Milwaukee, going inv mediately to the Cumberson estate. He first poisoned a watch dog, a horse and two cows in the barn, lie then emptied the water tank, spiked the pumping machine and emptied the gasoline from three automobiles in the barn. Arris wald first set fire to the barn mid then to the house. Neighbors hurried to the scene to fight the lilue, but found the water plant out of commission and were helpless. Arnswald was hiding in a chicken barn while more than a score of neigh bors were viuiily endeavoring to fight the fire, While the excitement was at MAY INDICT 20 FOR Both German and English Of ficials Under Shadow of Suspicion San Francisco, July 8. Twenty per sona including, it is believed, the con sular representatives of two belligerent nations, will be named in four indict j ments to be handed down by tint fed-i oral grand jury in the district court! late today. The true bill" aie the re ( suits of investigations going on for Ihcj past month in the case of the steamship Sacramento, which delivered an H l! ton cargo to the Herman l'licific. fleet: off Chile last November; and the cane of recruiting men hero for the llritish armies, both alleged violations of, United .States neutrality laws. The indicli its will in' placed on thei secret file according to l ulled Stiitosi Attorney John W. I'rcston and thej nnmes iif the indicted individual will not be given out until they are in custody. The men Involved are in various parts of the country, from this city to New York, I la the Snefnineiitii case, Indictment, nre diawu on two depurate charges, the making of false manifest and the mak ing of false delivery. I la the llritish recruit cases, one in-1 dictuient name one or more individual charged with hiring find retaining men for service, in the llritish armies; the second will inline others charged with conspiracy to gel men for service in. the llritish armies. I In bulh cases it is admitted, the fiimls needed to swing the deals, have! been traced to th insular oflices of ierinanv mid Knuland. TI ritfiiinl source of the funds wa either .New , Voili or ashiiiiilou, f. I-. 1 The investigation into the Sacraaieii to case, it is charged bv federal of filial, has been blocked Ihiouuh the alleged tampering with witnesses who refuse to answer ipicstiiuis. Mniiv inline. in lodav ' in 1 1. uu-n t are not residents of this iitv and il mav lake weeks define all have I, 'in caught. Merely rutmshed Money, Washington, Julv x Altlioug was niiderstiiod todiiv that the tfo' inent will not permit te. li n I. abtn interfere with the prosecution of a. of foreign i,'overiimc:iti iudo led h it . em s ti. jelits for re' railing in 'his rountrv, tbe -h II, Ctlt of isti WHs reported to be pa i ri, II- idcriii,r n point which h been r axed (I oiitiniicl on I'agii Kight ) THE WEATHER (ingmi: M,.. crs tonight, '. er interior wi p..,!,. fair Friday .1 OS west cr eust p,-rtlnll Snlllll to Wesl Willi. fX';,-4 .'..' rT -SL PUIPl? TU'rt 1 iUULj 1VU its height he stepped out and wildly asked for Cuinbersoj. At tho snnie time he caught sight of hia former em ployer, whipped out a revolver and fired three shots. Two took effect In Cumberson ' shoulde,. A dimen men jumped upon Arnswald and disarmed hi m while t umberson was rushed to the ; lluling hospital where it was said his I wounds were not serious, j "There is no need of putting me In jail. I am going to die," Arnswald ; told his captors as he smiled gleefully j at the sight of the burning buildings. ! Ile was merely believed to be insane and was hurried into nn automobile, i mid rushed to the jail. As he wus be ing walked down the jail corridor to a' ! cell a few minutes Inter, he collapsed and died. The dead animals on the Cpniberson estate show signs of strych 'nine poisoning and Arnswald is be lieved to have taken some of the puis ' on himself after carrying out his pro . liminary work of destruction. Arnswald uinl his wife had been cm ployed on the Cumberson estate for sev eral years. Last April he was found beating his wife and was dinchu rged, ! going to Milwaukee. Mrs. Aruswnld I remained here. I The authorities are today eadeavor , ing to learn whether Arnswald brought i nay baggage with him hei'e. They be lieve he might have brought dynamite or other explosives to use in case his ' iirsou pin ns failed. AGENT OF DEATH IS Downy Product Used To Stuff Death Dealing Shells Of Germans London, June L"-. --(Hy Mail to New Vork.) -I'lilton melius gunpowder; gun powder melius shells and shells menus death to our soldiers. Ileruianv and Austria daily fire ,r,imO bale of cotton through guns at ships ami men of the allies. It is the duty of the llritish government to declare collon absolute eoiiliaband of war. This in substance today Is the argu ment famous chemist of Kugliiinl are pulling In the gov eminent. Headed by Sir William Haiusav, the chemist nre telling the government that cotton menus life to the Herman, Austrian nnd Toil, i-li guns that daily belch death to the allied forces. The majority of this cotton, they sin, is shipped from the I'mii-d Stales through Hi aiidina via and eventually reaches llnrmanv. The chemists have combatted the argument that Ameiiea, greatest cotton growing uinl exporting coniilrv ill the world, could I me offended if cotton wcic made ubsoliile emit rabaiid. Man Chester alone, they have told the govern incut, can buv at an cucelleiil price the entire American collon crop and use il, too. This is what the llritish chemists have told the government: (luiipowdei' Imlii v s not inade of charcoal, salt poire and sulphur. Today il is made uf cnttoii. To convert cotton into atC explosive il is dipped ill nitric acid,! tln-ii v iii-lie, I and dried. It i then gun j cotton. Ilnlish cordite i two third"1 gum nt Ion. Ceruiaa ami Austrian i'l I plosives are the same. Without ijiincotton . Ileriuanv, Aus tria and 'iuikev canuol use their uons;, thev eaiiiinnt ciirrv on the war to anv, adv anlaue ' ottou does not grow in I er inn a v and cannot be cheili na 1 1 v ma nn fm I ore,! there Turkey's output is ,.-ll..,ble One shot from a great lli-ruum I' . elil lltiel re liowil.er of Ihe l.e that red' I the foils at Liege cons, unci l'"t pniinds of niiiuottiio. 'Hie same at nit would provide lil'l shots fiom a fold iuii or sonidi mini, Is from an airnv ritle licrmauv and Austria im , poll nn aveisge of "OH tons of cotton nu ll .III V. The llnti-li chemists are asking Kng bun I to sice every bale "f eiitton tiVelv to rea.li '.erioanv. Thev have oatbered it, formation t, show that there is more intlnll t . i , I it v in ships at llothenbi-rg, fcAe,(,.n than ever in historv of Ihe pi.ri. I.'.crv bale is .lent i nc. I f,.r Her nun'. li.M-.ri ships daily Hre making f'-r prio th iillv everv ne itral port in bnro,e Hnll.nid. Ilcufiiark nnd tireece for timi.ihs b.i' c si'pii!ie. fiernianv with cMtnn wi'hnot endangering fheir in utrallt V . ADIUATIC IH HA IK Liverpool. J llv H 'the While Mar lintr Adr aiic, arrived here sutclv this evening from Nw Vork. 'I I, " yr litest bltkiely hns been cf!t for the vessel owing lii rum ors that she would be nttacl-cd bv a iicrooifi siibmnrine upnit eiiti-rmg Hnii.lt water. fiPVTC 0N TRAINS AND NEWS vLfciNlO STANDS FIYB CENTS III! RACES FOR PORT (Ml MUNITIONS AFIRE Minnehaha Carried 15,000 Tons of War Supplies To Europe THEORY OF "DYNAMITE" TRUNK IS SCOUTED Officials Of Line Say Fire Is Not Threatening High Explosives New York, July 8. The big Ll.ntli) ton liner Minnehaha is racing toward Halifax today with a fire in her hold, threatening mi enormous cargo of moni tions aboard the ship. Captain K. S, A. Claret, command ing the Miiiiiehiihn, reported Ihe fire, which he said was in hold three, to thw Atlantic transport line offices here late last night, lie said he was then Sill in lies east of Halifax, but was miiHiiig for that pott nnd that the fire win not serious. The line officials with held the news of the captain's wire less report until i o'clock this morn ing. They refused to confirm report as to the exact nature of the Minneha ha's cargo but it was pointed out that no mention was made of the liner's de parture in the ordinary suiling lists. The ship slipped quietly from tho har bor without any ii n no n in'c me it t of her leaving, C. V. Thnmiis, an official of the At lantic Transport line, declared the fact t hit t Ihe Minnehaha carried no passen gers rendered the Ulna that Holt slip ped his "dynamite trunk" nbonnl lh ship absurd. Thomas confirmed the report (hut the Minnehaha carried 1.1,000 tons of it tit inn ii it in n, lie said, however, that while the vessel was being Ion, led ev ery precaution was taken to keep stln tigers away from the dock. The fire aboard tho liner caused the greatest speculation as to whether the Minnehaha might b the ship on which Frank Holt, assailant of J. I'. Morgan and capital bomb planter claimed he placed a bomb before rtiinmittiug sui cide in Ihe Mlneoln jail. Another the ory was that a member of a band of (leroian spie, known to be keepinf close watch on the departure of all mu nition currying vessels, might have set the M i ii n Ii it 1 1 it on fire. Holt, it believed, might have planted a hiiuil) in the Minnehaha, believing Hint she sailed Saturday. The fact that Ihe de parture of the liner was kept would ac count for Holt's miscalculation. Of fi.'inls of the Atlantic Transport line said I lit' v had not been idviscd a to the cause of the fire. The news of the Mate aboard the steamer weakened the stuck market. At the line officials issued the following statement: "The number three hold eontaiiicd only general cargo and no munition. All a in iti n in I ion aboard Is carried la the hold aft. "The Minnehaha Is one of Ihe most Icrn freighter at sen. The crew libers I lien and Is especially fit ted for fighting fires. Therefore we do not belieVK the fire to be serious." According to the best available in formation, the Minnehaha has 1.1,000 Ions of iiinmiinition of all kinds n board The vessel's riorrnul S I is hi knot an hour. Al this r!" she should reach Halifax tomorrow. The Minnehahii Is steel, twin screw liner of 11,71 1 tons, Hon feet long and t ; r, f,,,,i I, nun, hhe was built in I ."hi at llclliist and i registered f rum there. - he Minnehaha is a four deck ship. Mlc is eipiipped W itll Wireless. A wireless message received from it pi ii i ii F. S, A. I Inrel, en under 'f the liner, this afternoon ninn'inn ed that tin- fue aboard the rhip win, h hail been reported earlier in Ihe dnv was caused bv an explosion The late word fnoii upturn I larct .iiii-ed a sciioiiion in -hipping i if -b . It Wll. believed to iudo ale Hint the statement of Frank Hull, inpilul bomb p'aiit'-r and aa.lnnl nf ,1. I'. Moru'ini, Unit he had plm e, Yiantitv of d nit'iiile upmi a trans Atlantic liner, wa" "ol an idle lm.nl. I a pl a i ii liir-f did not state in his iin-sage what lis, I a,i , the explonon and declared licit Hie ti'e w;is under control, but officials of the Aliunde Trail-poll line M. In, .ltd that Holt claim of liai in pl i e I a bomb aboard II llllcr. whl. h he believed to be Ihe I'hila b I Inn or the !-a a was tin: limit III. civ evpliiiuMntl. II was (..nn I i'l on' hete that the pief of ilo hahn at fifty eighth and in ri h i i r i v erv near to those of th I hiludclphii! and Snx 'tiia. 'Ho' Miiioe Kiln i w.is a, so scheduled to sail from S.-w York on hu'iirlav, the dnv oa win h Holt -ail the liner which he et p.-i ted to lie sunk xestenlay departed. Iiwing to bciiitf delaved in loading, however, the l iiinelialui did not get nwtiv until Sou lav and then her do iiirtuie was shrouded with as much I (Continued oa Pt Pis.) i?. II'; ! ;