Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, July 07, 1915, Page SIX, Image 6

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Sport News j
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Mcfeville Elks Will Accom- Vear Increased by $10,000
dsn Team To Contest Postal Receipts For Fiscal
Willi Senators
Over Previous Year
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P'coretical Fleet Makes
! Attack Upon Three Ports
I'Ul.i l!Ntl. lONTKHh
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.The Country Gentleman
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WUkil UllCT t ii -
bouihtmyplicelltinird W
tho gwj ol4 comfv habit I
of crrTtni lomo f,PIPER"
round wnhnie. Whilrm
knocking around out-o(-&Mit
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prvpmfe about biting ofl a
delicious chew of "PlrER.M
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"r;f r u it wn,, UniJk'J itss.
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Thursday, Friday and Saturday July 8, 9 and 10
"As a int'thod of advertising, rather than spend large sums of money for newspaper space, the United Drug Company has au
thorized us to run their National One Cent bale on their well-known Kexall Kemedies and other rroducts. inis is an oppor
tunity for you to obtain these goods at practically one half their actual value.
ess oi us reian
You Pay Full Price on the First and Get the Second for One Cent
. .... . i I .1 : 11 r "1 : 1! 1 ...lM. .Ill 1 J
1 t will tuiy any article mentioned in mis auvei usemeni, regain less oi us reiau vaiue pro luing a seeonu aruae 01 uie same kuiu
is purchased at our regular price.
Toilet Articles and
so y
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2 fur 2&c
J for lik
J for 61c
Savoy Chocolates 1
Two Pounds 41c
18 pieces, 17 different kinds,
pretty box
lib. 40c BToxES21bs.41c
T ..I'll I' . l for i'k
1. X) Kexall Sarsaparilla
Tonie 2 for $1.01
2. c Kexall Mentholine
Balm 2 for 26c
L'V liotili.' Harmony Perfume, any
odor 2 for 2tc
Pottle Harmony Perfume, any
odor 2 for rl
I" - N , Y. 2 f r
... ; ... .;. . ' ...i;. fir Jtk
' I V, tv - u fur ii'c
!'-. ' l'.'i IV 'l ! -' fvr .(V
I., ill I T. t 2 fur 2t'
I'- ! I'. " 2 for 2ic
. ' i f.r 2i.ic
l -l I v. a1 : l' i I 2 fur -'tic
I' -'..'. - . i . for v.c
" I I -' di.i for lie
I i. I . . . ,., fjf He
I ' ' i ' 2 f.r lie
25c Kexall Corn Solvent
2 for 26c
2oc Box Rexall Cold
Tablets 2 for 26c
Trailing Arbutus
Talcum Powder
This Talcum is exceptional for its fineness and
odor PER K two iv
Chewing Gum
I c;;iruiint
Spearmint TUvora
u- Per Park. 2 for 6c
Household Remedies
and Merchandise
i.f' R. xll t o.l Liver Oil Emulsion....2 for 51.01
Kexall i ck-ry an.l Iron Tonio 2 for $1.01
S'V R'xall Efzoma Ointment 2 for 51c
."".. Klkav Syrup of While I'iuo an.l Tar, 2 for 51c
75c Beef Iron and Wine Tonic
- 2 for 76c
."Or Hnlil.er lili.ves 2 for 51c
L'oe llnttle Glycerine an.l Ruse Water... .2 for 26c
L'.'ie package Kexall Worm TaUets 2 for 26c
-"ic liix rhar.'cial Talilets 2 for 26c
:W H.'xall Iful.l.iny Oil 2 for 51c
.in,. Ili.x Kexall Iilo(.,I Talilets 2 for 51c
' i Hultle Kexall Ki.lney Kerne. !v 2 for 51c
"" Mettle Aieinatic Castor Oil 2 for 26c
$2.00 "Maximum" Hot Water Bot
tle 2 for $2.01
- Stork Nipples
Kach one jiacked in a sanitary carton.
Ked, white or black Rubber.
- t'Tftf ti Nipiili-s 30c. 12 Nipples 31c
IIh.x Ariii.-a Salve
-.M- l;..x ( ai ln.lii- Sa! e
lix Wit. h Hazel aiv
"m- Me.li. ine liroppers
-'" 1 atliaitii I'iiis
-'' Little l.iver Pills
Hex fol.l Talilets
...2 for 26c
. 2 for 26c
...2 for 26c
... 2 for 6c
2 for 26c
2 for 26c
...2 for 26c
io of Stationery
lox of Stationery
.2 for 26c
.2 for :?6c
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i. "it,.
hk Cheruli Pacitiers, 2 tor lie
2-V Kexall Medicated Skin
Soap .2 for 26c
25c Hox Kexall Foot Pow-
2 for 26c
7.V ll.iir P. rush . .
$1 Hair Unish
$1.25 Hair Prush
2 for 76c
...2 for $1.01
...2 for $1.26
der .
2 for (V -
2 for ltk .'"iWM
2 for ra'iS 1
i for ;C
i for 2o 'zill'.i'.'.i
25c Pack. Straw Hat
Cleaner 2 for 26c
25c Bottle Straw Hat Dye
2 for 26c
81.01) Fountain Syringe, 2 for $1.01
2V Kexall White Liniment
I'lieiry Hark ( ouh Syrup
"iV ( heiry Hnik t'onh Syrup
.". 2 for 26c
2 for 26c
2 for 51c
Rexall Tooth Paste
A Perfect Dentifrice
Pleasant to the taste and Antiseptic
--25c TT26c
1 lb. Hox Tulip Linen Paper,
50 K.nvelopes to match
2 for Mc
for '. M
""C 2 for 56c
1' h. li I I i i' r
, i k ,,ih,.v
' '" " 1 i Li i h v.it.:
-:,ci Hot. Kexall Blackberry
Cordial 2 for 26c
?UH) Hot. Kverydav Tonic"
2 for $1.01
2 for Mc
2 for ,"iU'
for 2iie
$1.50 "Money Back" Hot Water
K0, 2 for $1.51
oc Hot Water "Face Bot-
tle" 2 for 76c
2or Kexall Pile (lintment 2 for 26fl
o'1'' Kexall Kheumati-m IUmuo.1v .Z!..'....2 for 51c
2oe Kexall K Wash '. 2 for 26C
00.. Hex Nen,. Tablets 2 for 26C
fM"''hini! S.vrtip 2 for 26c
K,,,l"'.v ai'l l.i-r Tea 2 for 26c
iuZ .i'?'!" ro'"pon.l 2 for $1.01
i "" lttle Tonie Solution of llypuphosphites
,, , , 2 for $1.01
- Ilea l:,, he Tal.l. t, 2 for 26c
rup of Hypophosphites
.. ' :'"'l'"'.. 9 ,nr .1 n,
- ... ..... ..i.tr-nea l.etiie.lv
Kexall ( hill ltreaker '
Onr,e Tahlets
".II,. It, .1,1.. V 1, .i-i ' .'V
'"an unite l.itun.ent
2 for 26c
.2 for 51c
2 for 26c
2 for 61c
July 8, 9 and 10
rerry's urn
115 South Com'l Street
salem, Oregon
Sma.k 1M
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' Watching the Scoreboard : t
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' Jack Coombs' Pitching
,; ys Appear To Be Over
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Salem Anglers Enjoy A
Successful Fishing Trip
I "'ii. Kn'.in. hi two sons. heter
; o "r.. .1. K. Allison ami Kre.leri.'k
' ' ' '! ''I"1", the last name.l thref mi-
'' I in the .lepartitient of seeretary
' .I" l tnte. an.l all w. lmn .l.-eiple
v' laa. Waltmi an. I reeokituwl a I"1
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" ' 'ilik the i ,.rt,.. hit
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.!,. i.'er. f ,., rth f)irK of tht ti,,ti-
41AJ.J. .'" ,l"'lll.v au.l spent Sutiilav venmf
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tl' l;lil.iti ..... bh.1 Ani.ieil
r" 'tK1 Oil. i:imetn.,v
Oeore Pax,, ,,nt j.n.jjy 40J JJof
'. i Marion.