Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, July 07, 1915, Page FIVE, Image 5

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1-3 Off
The Great Detective Story
By George Broadhurst.
A World Comedy
A Japan scene and a Giraffe Hunt.
Holt Plunges To Death
Poll Tn EIac-
(Continued from Togo One.)
moat important clues which have yet
been found in the case involving the
hooting of Morgan ami the attempt
to blow up the capitul.
Holt is snid to have admitted to the
authorities that he did not construct
Ihc bomb which he placed in the
capitol in a house in Washington, as
he first declared. A cottage was
found near Ilieksville, L. 1., where Holt
lived apparently for weeks. It was
1hero that ho constructed the Wash
ington bomb. He also practiced shout
ing at a target in preparation for the
attack upon Morgan.
Lewis Ott, who rented the cottage to
Holt, positively identified him, (ieorge
tv. lames, station agent also identified m the putters tield.
Jied Holt ns the man who, under the! Kfforls of tho New York police ami
name of Hendricks, received n ship- authorities of long Island were today
ment of 120 pounds of rtvnnniite.
From the cottage near Hicksville,
detectives traced n black trunk which
they had beon advised Holt brought
'ith him there, to a warehouse on east
Thirty-eighth street here. In the trunk
1hey found enough explosives to wreck
fevcral blocks of business houses.
Other things found in the cottage that
Holt had experimented for weeks
with combustibles. Burned matches.
corks, acids nnd fuses galore
scattered about the house.
Inspector Kgnn, of the bureau of
combustibles, today said Holt must
havo beeu a student uf bomb making
for years as his equipment was the
most complete he had ever seen. Per
sons living near the cottage knew
Holt as "Totten." They said he had
been there fur thron u-,il. I.efoci It,,,
Morgan shooting. i
The coroner and jail officials were
agreed todav that Holt must have
inini,A.l on .,, f.,, : .i:.. i,:l
life. It was at first thought that n
hot had been fired or a percussion i
cap exploded in his cell. The report
that was heard was accepted today,,
however, as having been caused by iC
board being knocked loose and fall-'
'"B on the floor. Climbing to the top1
if the cell tier, Holt must have
couched low and th"n have thrown:
himself head first to the floor. His
entire skull, from a point just above I
the eyes back to the base, was broken.
He was found upon the floor in a po.d!
of blood by Jerry O'Ryan, a special
JJiiard, who was attracted bv the1
noise of the falling board and the:
'hud of Holt's body.
Following an autopsy Coroner Walter
Mutual Master Pictures
Out of the Fog and the Midnight
a woman's voice reached Jack Hillard's ears he
dashed madly into the street seeking in vain the
mysterious stranger. This was the beginning of
The Lure of the Mask
A Mutual Masterpicture
By Harold MacGrath. As strong in feeling and
action as real life a photo-drama of romance and
adventure that grips and thrills from start to
Yes, you should see this picture.
Tomorrow, Friday and Saturday
Adults 10c Worth More Children 5c
Sooner or Later
You'll need summer weight Underwear.
We wish to call your attention to a line of Cooper Closed
Crotched mercerized white lisle thread cut with short
sleeves and long legs, a value never sold for less than
$2.50 per suit
We have taken all the mill had left of this number and
will make the price less than wholesale while they last
$1.50 the Suit; sizes 34 to 48.
'Jones today said Holt died from a cere
bral hemorrhage induced bv fracture
of tin, skull.
I "The entire skull from just nbove
jthe eyes, back lo the base was broken
j a id crushed' said Junes. "Dentil
i was probably instaiitanems."
! Jerry O'Hynn, the guard who found
Holt's boilv, telling of what he knew
of tho prisoner's suicide said:
"I was sitting near the cell door nt
I I0: lf. Holt was apparently fast asleep
when 1 heard a queer noise far down
the cell tier. 1 went to investigate
and just 1 reached the far end of the
I 1 i l t i , ,
iiuTr, i in-iiru u crasn. i ran naca anil
imiw nun a nun lying mi me nagging
below. He was (lead when Jr. t'leii-l
noi u readied hi mi
l.,, ... .,(,IU !.,.. '
Ute this morninir Holt's bndv was
being held at the Nassau countv '
morgue. No requests for the body have :
been received from relatives or friends. ,
It will he held for two davs. and jf:ainen notiiiiig regarding a plot except,
not claimed by that time, will be
pur. i
neiug ceuicriii upon discovering the ac
complices Holt is believed to have had.
They believe the work done by Holt
ton colossal to have been accomplished
alone. It waH dis'-ovoied today that
the bomb exploded at the entrance to
'police headquarters: here Sunday night
I was similar in construction to that
I which wrecked the reception room in
the east end of the capitul at Wash-
iiigtui. This strengthened the belief
! that Holt was aided by some one, as he
was in jail at Mineola at the time the,
bomb was planted. :
Holt lold a detective "stool pigeon "i
in the Mineola iuil that he was born on 1
1 tne outsKirls of .Milwaukee
educated in Iterliu.
Idantificd As
Mineola, L. 1., Julv
7. The bodv
rr"llk ,lolt va 1
l. ,0,"-v ''' .""
"''""or hnch
Harvard professor.
sitivolv identified
Cambridge men as
Muenter, former
Thev were S. T,
Smith, a state policeman .and T. W.
Hilller, who lived in the same house
with Muenter for nine months;,
Smith took bertillion measurement),
of ihe body and declared they tallied
with those of Muenter. He also ex
niuiiied the body closely for distinguish
ing marks on Holt and found he had a
I uliar gold filled tooth, wh
Muenter's identification murk
to the police.
h was
Mrs. holt Collapse,
Dallas, Texas, July 7. Mr.
Holt, wife of Frank' Unit, was
in the
care of a physician today. When word
was received of Holt's suicide lat
aijjht, the physician refused to permit
I Or. O. T. Si'usKbnnph, Mrs. Holt 's fath
er, to Ml her ot the tragedy, but she
is believed to have been informed uf
it this morning.
tuljio Cockiell, the fiiniily nttornoy,
conferred with lr. Sonsahangh today
as to the disposition of Halt's body
and other mutters. Mrs. Molt is on the
verge itf a breakdown, lint Dr. Seusn
langh said ie believed she should know
of her husband's denth.
I. liter this rii or ii i ii the finnily physi
cian mid Mrs. Holt had been told of
the dentil of her husliHiiil, and whs
bearing up bravely. She is u strong
minded woman and will easily Biirvive
the shock he said.
I'nllas, Texas, Julv
attorneys, representing
". New York
the family of
llr. (. I". Sensnbangh, father-in Inw of
"rank Unit, were tndnv instructed tn
burv Holt at Ithaca tomorrow. Thevi
will claim the body now in the Nassau
county morgue, this afternoon,
Mrs. Holt will leave Dallas soon to
visit the grave of her husband. After
she had been told tha: Holt committed
suicide last night, Mrs. Holt could only
be prevented from leaving for New
York immediately by the promise that
she could soon see ber husband's grave.
Judge Cockroll, the family attorney,
explained today that he withheld from
the public the letter received bv Mrs.
regarding the bomb which her
husband said he had placed aboard a
' '
Uniis-Atlantic liner, as he considered it
ontidentinl. lie iniine.liaately notified
' 'ohnhon, solicitor of the state
'"'parlmeiit and a Texan, however,
Judge Cockrell said the letter con-
rcierence to tile
, .' "
ho plan to ho , the Morgan family
iu'inii uonin ii amino
,"s- in,. vArci-n.-(i unliving op
of a ship.
Identified as Muenter,
Chicago. July 7. Chester Nathan;
Could, li-sHtaiit 1 rotessor of tiorninn j
in ( hicau iiniwrsitv, to. lav positively;
identified !'rii!.l; II,', h as' J'rofesso'r!
Kri.-h Muenter, former Harvard ill-!
s 1 1 in tur, wanted in Huston On a chaigei
of wile murder. Could said he was in-!
Innately acquainted with I'rotessor
-Muenter and tirst n cognized Holt
he tnissiiiL' pri'ie.snr last 'i.'I.,l.r
"I first met Unit it ; Conn 11 univer
sity last November." said Could. "I
paid nttl
nttintion at first and we
were together only a few minutes, loiter
Dr. L. N. Andrus. a I oruell profosnr,
-aid Holt was peculiar and hard to un
derstand. I sai, llol 'a peculiar ear
riage and manner of spee.-h reminded
me 1.' some one, and then it flashi
"ver me that it
was Muenter.
A t.w days biter ,et Holt face
to line. We were alone. I must hnve
shown some nejtatiou when I recog
nized him. Siveral times he sought me
out. obviously for 'he purpose of lot
ting me s,e,. him. I'ariiiioiaie like, he
was entirely c ..fident of being ineog
iiilo. lie appeared to be starting life
am w.
"There was never any ividence that
he poisoni.) l,is tirst ,'f,.. KvervtlniiK
I knew regarding Muenter was good ex-
''pi ror 1 in' iinproveii hint
the death of his w ife. ' '
Pastor At Dallas
Resigns His Place1
Ihillns. re., duly 7.-liev. C. C, Cr
tis Sunday announced his resigna
tion as pntor of the First Christian
church of this city. He has accepted
the pastorate of the Christian rhur.l,
nt Corvnllis. Mr. Curtis will go to the
Christian camp meeting t,t Turner this
week, after whiih he will return to
tins city und deliver his last serni
on as
pastor here. ,lulv Is,
Lour nior.th. ago Mr. Curtis offered
his resignation as pistor, but at that
tune the f.,i jjregiition dii lined to re
lease bun.
n,r.-re ehnrmit rlv iinusim
n l ie
"The has b.-en shown rceetitjv in nioto
tares thnii Hint of the fou in
I. are i.f the Mann, Hie four part Mu
tual Masterpicture based on Hnr,,ld
Mvfirnth ' p"iiir novel. The swirl
ii.g dampre.. f ,f h it , fa,hed
against the white background of the
rc-n nffeet, rvrn n enmf rtablv sent
I'd audience. When f.,,e June Wilson,
in the s-iuiiorina Soma, comes hurrving
It no eh it. sir.ging a only the warm
td uded Jtiibriiis sing when they ar
lim-l-y. when Harold Lock oo.l. as .In, k
Hiiimrd. bxk oit if lis window nnd
deseeieU to find her, hl fil'gllig Indv
of tiic f.f. then, indeed, k r onuntie t
mot,i,ere is i.Ti,t-ij(,t,ej mith rurp ptt
rs. Ti e I lire i f the Mink'' illtl,e ii'rth. rn "lyillpie .iin..u!ll ms be
1-e h'-we nt the Fteeh tln-atre f,mor .ing in-i e. t, it is hani'-d, wi'h tin
row. rnday r 1 Su' irdny uf tins arrival here ; terday of several annv
merit. lolfi.irs.
Marion County Starts Upon
Extensive Permanent Im
prorement of Roads
Marion county's new paving jdant
for the mixing of asphalt-concrete hard
urfnre jiavement, begnu actual opera
tions last Monday morning in North
Salem and the first pavement of a
contemplated extensive campaign of
permanent road improvement through
out the county was laid on the l'aeitic
highway starting northward from the
city limits on the l'ortland -iSalem road.
Hood progress was made on Monday but
the work was somewhat interfered with
yeHterday on account of the unsettled
weather conditions. As soon as the
weather settles again the work will be
pushed forward to the capacity limit of
the plant.
It is expected to hard surface about
a mile and a half of the I'acific high
way north and then uu equal distance
will be laid upon the main traveled
roads in other directions from the city.
In the meantime the widening drive
ways around the court house
building will be hard-surfaced and it is
expected that the state fair beard will
soon be prepared to begin the laving
of hard surface upon the driveways and
main approaches to the fair grounds.
A largo force of nu n and tennis is en
gaged in the road building work aside
from the crew employed in the opera
tion of the mixing plant and tie' gravel
crushing plant.
In order to fulfill its gunnuitee with
the nsphnlt company, leasing the ma
chine to the county with option to pur-1
ihasc, the county will lay about "0,1100
cubic yards of hard surface pavement
upon the county roads, after which
plans will be made to extend the work
to cover a greater mileaje of county
roads. The state also eoiitempliites lin re
surfacing all of the mads and drive
ways of the several state institutions in
and about the eitv hich will work a
improvement to the state's
sc )( )J( rjc )jc jc Jc ?)c ffc sc
ifc sfc jc tfc jc a)t i iqc ift sc i s )c ifi
AH HA MS At the family residence,
No. 1(14 Wilson street, Snlem, Ore
gon, Tuesday, July t, Wlli, to Mr.
and Mrs. Carle Abrams, tin light
pound boy.
Mr. Abrams, the paternal parent of
the "newest rilicn" is the recently
appointed niemiicr of the itulustiinl
commission and is now busily engaged
searching the workmen's eoiiipensat mo
low for some authority for voting him
i self a life pension but ns yet has been
in . i.. i
' unai'ie hi 1 1 mi ii ii v i ii i ii li c
;,,,,.,., j , .,' 1,
ering the
ubout dc-
ided to ask Attorney (leni ral Hronn
to place a special construction upon it.
Mrs. Abrams una formerly Miss Myrtle
Duncan, daughter of Mr. and .Mrs. It.
11. Dun, im.
Salem Elks Will Be Seen
and Heard In Los Angeles
When the L'reat natioiinl ,arnde of
Klks takes place at Los Angeles text
week. Salem will be represented by a
delegation of I.Iks that will uruloul, tel
ly nttraet ntteiition to themselves ns
well as to tins part nf the staC'. At
tired in white trousers, blue serge eonts,
white hat with a purple band, each
currying purple parasol, A. L. Walline.
L. Cooke Pntton, Lowell Will. August
I .M'Ugenaiier nil, I rmi .i. ,-iock will Il'le
I ill the parade in the biggest automobile
. to be found in I. os Angeles, till decrat
ed in purple ;,hd flying Snlem banners
K. Cooke Putt, ,11 and A. I.. Wnlli will
distribute aiiuing the eastern delegates
their personal cards, 011 the buck of
which is prilled statistics regarding
Snlem, and 11" invitation to step i.tf
in our city a tew days on their letnrn
home. Tl'ie -a I em party expect Inter
to go to the I'ntaline islands to en
joy sonic lug fishing, but wherever
they are, the invitation to visit Salem
will be extend, d in n way becuunng an
I.Ik in good standing.
.Linn County Superintendent
Sends In Annual Report :
Siiperill'ei, !
i .1. A. ' Imr, u-i
1 ty Superml' '
the annual i I
'county lor it,,
jJl. Mr. .In. s,
ten, lent in tl,,
with the rtn',
' The repoit ;', '
ing items: I
Hilt girl, '-'
lit of Public 1 1, l I lo t ion
has received from ' nun
-tit Jackson ot Albany,
,rt ot the M'hiei's of I, inn
school year ending June
m was the fust -,-r 1 1 1
s-llte to lib' his report
department of c,u, aliun.
s Ihe tollow it,g interest
re are I, Mi l ,ov and I,
.i t'ltal of s , ; s 7 7 peison
I under twenty yiars of
hi the eoillitv. (if tins
attended s, ho,, I 'I h, re
I'llts rniolled in high
I'l pupils Were gnidullt.-d
1 Ih grade Tlie children;
.' ilar in their atten uu,- e
verage for the entire
" per cent. Tin re aie
' riets in I. inn , oiint v, em
i" hers. Thirteen dilri, t
tin of school, f itv four
thu, thirty two had ev
I twenty eight had
ol during the year. 'I lie
'ly salsrv a "I male
M.I". While fen, Hie t'li, h
' '-Vl'l, The average al
ie riHim i. ho, .' whs C,"i
ere weie 14 t i boi.i.s all
'Kil librsnei during 111"
over four 'ii
;' tesidiug
number 0"
(Were 7'S "tie
I schools, ulei
from t he c,;'
I Were very f
1st , huol, ti,
I vear being '.
I'll:; m hoid .i-
It'luv nig J.'m t'
, iilld IIIIK' I' 1
had tight ii
en mouth a
1 months of I
'average in"' '
1 tea, -hers Hi- '
(l'rs ceetvi.l
arv aid in
pr tiionth. T
d to tho s
Pur Aug- ,' s Sshirigtoo, Julv 7.
l'tes tor a lo fort at Milne imi.t on
Retired Early Last Night and
Found Unconscious In Bed
By Daughter
William F. Jones, one of the oldest
citixens of Marion county and mem
ber of the pioneer family of "Sile'"
Jones, an early settler of ISfiO, died
at his home, No. 7!2 North Sixteenth
street, at :30 o'clock this morning, as
the result of a stroke of npoplexy,
which -he suffered while in bed some
time between ! nnd It o'clock last
evening. Funeral servicea will be held
nt Kigdon's undertaking parlors at 2
o'clock tomorrow afternoon and inter
ment will be had in the dagger! ceme
tery, north of Salem, at ,1:1,1.
Deceased was born in Idaho in IStll,
where the family had moved after the
big flood had washed everything out
in the valley n year in so before, and
came back with iiis parents To Salem in
the following year and has resided here
continuous!)' since. His father, famil
iarly known ns "Sile" Jones to dis
tinguish him from another Silas Jones
who resided on Mission bottom but no
relation, came across the plains to Ore
gon and Marion county in IS.'ill and was
married to Nancy Skeen in the year
1K.r:i. Huth father mid mother have
luen dead several years.
William F. Jones, Mrs. Jones having
died about a year ago, is survived bv
three children: Ylrgil, a son, and Al
idia, now Mrs. Clifford (iamble, of
liainier. and Marie, of this eitv, daugh
ters. Itesides he is survived bv two
brothers, of this eitv, and Paul Jones.
Portland, an dtwo sisters: Marv
Jones, of Portland, and Mrs, W. V.
Hrnckott I Ida), of Sail Francisco.
He retired to his room nt his usual
time last night, between and II o'clock
ami wiiH not seen again until the duugli.
ter, Marie, came home from a picttnc
show about 11 o'clock and, having
occasion to visit his room, found him
unconscious in bed. Medical assistance
was summoned at once and although he
was worked with through the remain
der of the night, tl fforls of the phy
sician were unavailing and he died
ubout this morning without re
gaining consciousness. The sudden
death was a serious blow to his children
and immediate relatives, A. Al o.lnes,
secretury of the stnte fair board, is a
The chautauipia is growing, not only
in iitteiuliiuce, but in the general nitei
est und satisl'iii tiou with ulinh each
day's program has been leceivcl, The
Junior Cliuatuuipia, under the cine ot
Miss (iiiftith, is now under full heiid
way, a larger number of ihildien tak
ing putt in the ex, iv ins llns inoining
than any other day. following the
junior v.ork of the i -mugs, special
address,-,, uu- made V. II. Head.
esterdny lilleinoou the Iiiiiiouh iu
thor and le.tuier, Hi. Newell Hwtght
Ilillis, 'li ii-ed uu audience Hint till, ,!
the big teal to its utmost. I'r. Ilillis
IS really one of 1 1 1 great ollitols l,
the couutiy. His lllnlielue was so up
preiiative yesterday n Iter noon that he
talked fully two and a half hours and
then staled that he wus tod willing to
Stop. II'' Itlthcr Slip) o,.,( tlie ploposl
tion advanced that In yearn to come
this valley would support lii.iiiiiiiino
The N hiitniiiin ipniilet bi.-t evening
gave ti piogrinn thai not only in, baled
lllliliy of the e,. o-s, foil uiiiny of
the better hlO'lVll COinpositloilS Wlit
tell I -pel ililly of II stllllged instill
ment. The progrnm us iniole i-pe
t inlly interesting by the explaiuitions
given In fore e.o li ln,,nber by the fust
violinist, C. A. Lamport. The Sehuuiani'
ipiintit was very liberal in their en
cores, It was ii iiin-ii in-ill that they will
app'ur in ie iigain next winter as pint
ot the lyeeiiin eoinse.
The SlUx-.y singels flliaished the
so al tiiimlu rs of the prograin this
moon nnd wilt appear again tin
ning. Hut the riuiin ultra, ti,.ii t
Is tin- i i-l, He l,v .M'l.t nulling
' ' I u r
Tow ii. "
A bin, ,, nt was K,iven Mr. Iiurln.g to
day by the llieinbils of the Coiniliefeial
club lit Ihe Marion hotel. 'I his litter
fiooll hi was taken lil.oul the eitv lllol
tin- I V'liihg, III I, . h'-'nri', be-,,-s his
giving hi. leg-ih-r talk, he will 1,11 of
Ins inn ri ssions of tins 'llv, and f ion
his ... 1 1 , t of View, whrit '-lileui I
This ivelll-g, III', ie tlllill ll'IV liti,,
the c,,lir-e. Mil be of int. 'i -t I,
I'll " I II is On It of t lie eitv.
The progriiui for t.-night and I.
row is i follow.;
, ed .
r of
ii'-ert riM
1 to r Tuwii,
n, i i.ts,
dn V.
, J, nn, ,r ' l.iiutii iipiti, '
loiui.'i," W. II. Head
ri Crri'.d i on, eft, Ciri,
Cire ,1b,
Mort.ii g
. i s of S,
A fieno.'.ri
Italian hand
Admi.sii n
I. veiling, 1
runt .
Crai.d r,
Tin certs.
II 'lrva
nn". Cirliillu's Ituliiili
I ly in) in. VVa.h , Jul v ".- M in
ities mi,, I the s'il'e lire i'l'"npt fro
i tin
woireii und roniors' li inionirn wnu'e
lav, it is ii.'li'n'e.j h'-n in an opinion
bv At'ormv ' a I T 'inner to stale
libor Coiiiitiissioio r 'il'oii.
P. O. Bursell entered a pica of not
guilty in department No. 1 of the cir
cuit court this morning to the charge
of murder. His trial was set for July
1!'. Mr. HurseH's wife became the
mother of a 12 pound son this morning.
Krnest Cnderwood entered a general
demurrer to the indictment this morn
ing through his attorney, tiny O. Smith.
The argument on the demurrer will be
heard Saturday morning.
The trial of Theo. Larson, who is
charged with a burglary committed
near Macleay, is set for 1 o'clock to
morrow afternoon. John D. Turner has
been appointed to defend Larson.
John Schultr., who was sentenced to
one year in jail for assault with in
tent to kill committed upon tleorgc
Brown near Newberg last December, in
formed District Attorney Hingo this
morning that he is shipping out of New
York for South America. SchulU was
a sailor before he came inland and
attacked Hrown with a hatchet. He
shipped from Tiicoinn to New York. He
was required to report to Distiict At
torney Hingo once nmonth as one of
the conditions of his parol.
A marriage license has been issued
to James Pail Daniels, a clerk of litis
city, and Mynii Odell Arnold, also of
A suit to collect ffiOO on 11 11 alleged
promissory note wns filed yesterday in
thecircuit eouit ot this county by Nan
cy J. Priest against IJIen Dealing. A
judgment in tlie sum of ifolHI Willi .',U
us attorney 's fees is touglit or 11 fon los
me ot a uiortgnge on a lot in Wood
burn. T. L. Sanders and Krnie Sunders have
brought suit in the circuit court
against J. D. Thuip and a number ot
others to quiet title tu 22 acres of land
in this vicinity.
The I.' nit ed States National bank of
Snlem has brought suit against the
Ccmeiit Tile Machinery company and
Mil v ill Koib in connection with u con
troversy over 11 concrete mixer. It is
alleged that Huvid Kerb, who is 11 con
tractor in tins city, ordered 11 coiiciete
mixer from the company and w hen it
arrived it was not up lo specilica
helix and Mr, Koib reluscd to uceept
I'iivi.I II, Smith has been appointed
guardian ol l.eta Alberta Smith, a nun-'
or, by an order of County Judge Hush 1
ey, l.ela Alberta Smith is the duugli i
ter of David A, Smith and in Id veins I
of age. She has nn Interest ill an in
suiaiiee policy of her mother, who is do- i
censed. I
The final hearing in the matter ol I
the estate of John I). Ilyilniaii wan held
in the probate court yesteidny and tin
old, 'I' of Judge Hiishey issued upplov
ing the final account of (irtint I'hcgley,
lis in I in i n i -t n t ir of the estute, (iiniit
Phcgley was also appointed executor of
rile eslate of Ida Uydiiian, deceased,
widow of John I). Itydman, d used,
and giiaiilian of Kdith Peuil Hy ilniaii
ami Marie bvelvil Kydiuaa, minor clnl
drill i f John l, nnd Ida b'ydiuini.
A divorce was given yesterday in
Ihe cne of A. P. Craw foul aginns!
C, , Crawford and the mime of Ihe
I, inner was oidered changed to her
inn ill ii it ii in i' , A. P. Ibiuphy. Ihe
defendant did not appear at the trial.
Acciiidilig to the findings the couple
were li.ui r , I in Janiinry, I H 111, and1
hnve no childtcii. ileseitioa is given
as grounds for suit.
! A judgi it for li:i.l.m ngiiiu-t
: Mai,, I I . ( 'ampl,, II nnd n not her I, i
I t lli.o.'i ngaii-st II. P. I'ampliell and
Mabel I.. ( ampin II, were given Olio'
I Miielha upt ill ilepiutineiit in ( cir :
'cut cunt yesteiilny. Liens ilinn,.
I to lie held by Muelllflllpl ill eli'll cine'
! Were ordered I oreeliiMed. The Ii mini lit is
are alleged due tor miiterinls ami labor
chiiiiil.ed to hnve been furnished the
ilefi'lldai.ls bv the In I 111 1 1 f.
I . , '
l.e-ter b. Thompsoii was urn viol la
i Poitlaiid tins im, ruing upon a bcio h
wiirrnnt issued by Judge Kellv clung
ing him with umi su.poi of Ins i hit
dreii. Th.iinpsoii gave u luni'l of s.'
in Poilliind and wus i, h as, d from i us
todv. The complaint was sworn to bv
Mis. 'Ilioiiipsoii, who is in this i ily.
I 'I hollipson wtis one nl' the evpells who
i-hecki'l over the books of the county
III the en, b ) of the Althur lli'ill'lge
coiiipiniy, ,
! A e 1 1 Ii ii was tecum III the state I'll
'ciiil ro.rt la'e yesterdav nfteltiooii ti,
!rhiir tin, , loud from title to n -res
uf Inn, I, situatsii near Slav ton ni tins
I'iiiiii'v, in w-linli T. I., and I, inn- .-iiii
! di rs a eni as plaint it f im-l ,1 I '
I limp, hens 'i Imiii Voet lllol hens ot
. I,, lili III, I l.lllll'i lh llaose, and others
,i , in a- ,! ti ndiints. Pliin t'tf nil. g
I I . in Ins i oiKplanit that di lei, ni,t
In i in joint title to the land who Ii I
, ,m n iiinvid. S. II Hell -el, ot
, .-'tu . ii.ti, is nttoinev fur plainlilts.
Press Convention Tackles
! "Strict" Neutrality Problem
j Ntn I'm n ' -1 p n, Julv 7, llnw tnj-rr
j t'rvi trnt m-iitiHlitv nt the I nt tii;t
iti'MiliI 'tf i (iliirri'ii in m-inHili hcfr
;ttim tin rtlHi'ni ftlii- h rnnrrtiiitftl ,i!
ter Wilhiinih, 1 1 1 r ft r r (if tln i iinj,'ft".t
; t.j.Uiv. To (ivtinl ill frthni? hhhmi I In
i for r t; n tl--Iryiitt , I nn Uillittii-K
j 'i if thiit nil uf thi hdii'iinrv nftici'fi
Ht' t ri in ctmii! run lot I n ! cl jit I hi'
Ijir'. 'fitn wr. 'I lie ) r"i t m I'mtr
'iiii!-tt'.ilu u(il thr Nt-i ri'liirit H urt Ctt-iti
, fw ti rlm.. hixl (In- l H't.-l M;t(. .
I ll III' rntl'M M'tf tilt IipH III it , bitten
tii'lMV, U'lthjitm uhi' tin in lo i"'liiiu
i I'm in rnnl-Mi liny rtliTfrict to tin' inn
"ilict Met hit t In 1 1 i 1 1' i-c h ( ;i 1 1 tn frnu,
I iIih I. rent iiJihiins in tin ir inlfi
I'I'iili.fy liiU.n, u-K. ,iirliit fi,r lirt
tynr'liiii; 1 lie n-iii("t uf Ihf chm rniu n .
'llh I 1 M II M- I c.r. t (. (en, I (III' I ' I
I 't n of t Ii. ir i im t ii in the war
1 " 'I I'r 'r i -f. I I'll r ti . n it n. Ii 'u
mm-,." ; llM- i.(r tllTHi.i'l lu.Uv.
!'.) till' Htdflit-itH l mint ' nm i'l
tin- ii 1 1 i uu I liiiinri'il u ifHi-iii' i i i ii i ii I
j thf I itl', -iri-a 'ii.. k"ii ni t hhi
I '"'Id.
Ont tent per word acfc taier-
Cnnv fa X.mIIu. i T
der thu headiag should be la by T
vd 5 fir 3.av per cord, rhont
FUR SALE-Two fresh cows, $43 and
.' Kt. 8, box 103. Julyll
i'OK SAI.K Deering binder, been used
hi Mini-, j. .viuier, turner. July M
I.UST Cold horse shoe stick pin, small
diamond. Keward. Dr. May. July 7
l.liillT TWO SKATL'D lmWith top.
Must be good and cheap. ,. J.
Low nda. Salem li. L i'hoiiH F'J2.
PXPKHILNt KD tUKL-Wants gener
al house work for adults or chamber
work. Phone H'tii W, moruings. July'J
VAC1TM fLKANNo3oc for in,0
1 111;, Lt'e each tic two or more. L, I,
Hue k tier. Phono IMJtili. Julv j
W ATKI- l.ogatiboriv pickets at in
urensed ptiee. K'ast D street, take
.Asylum .nr. Gene on here is your
chance. M. K. Cittor.
lob, l;i.NT-7 roomed dwelling, large
lot, good location, 7 per moati.
1 '"'y F. Martin, phone 41t
IWM.N I P- t,,y mare two white hind
teet, main and foretop cut, white spot
in torch, ad. Inquire of W. ,1 lieu
'' d, box ;,, Tinner, Oregon.
W A.N 1 hit l.oganbeiiy pickers at once
will pay le. per lib. Adjoining Hol
lywood Hnek yaid. J. K. Dunslev.
" Jul7
tioHHON f.l-:r , ovPliS- hr 1 1 1 u
l ord tor sale. Hought new car, do
""' I I hem, Tliev are new, .f tl 110
See ili.-ni nt Vick Pros. July V
HU bl. NT- Agri'o Peach, near New
port, two furnished cottages, vurv
ilesirahle. Pr paitlciiluis addiesa s'.
I . I e-ler, tisy sh St., Portlnnd.
Julyu K
Li 1ST--Am, .mobile tool box, on rlvTr
rud, moth t Salem. Iteturn to
Joiirnnl ulliee and receive liberal re
duly 8
S ANTI-.H -Tn hear from owner of n
Kood larui for rale, ts ., ,,, jt.u
and disci iptiou. , K l:,,!,, Sij,,.
neiipolis, Minn. jy u
1'CI! b'KNT-Modem five ronu houso,
with fireplace. Corner Slate and lidrd
street, llonsekeetMiur ....i
, I "is ' .'I'liin n in
1 " 'i , tlUllllrinil,
Two Office Rooms
Best location in
Salem. Inquire of
303 State St.
Negro Murderer To Be
Examined As To Sanity
tsncrinnciitn, Cnl., Jul v 7. Iluir liar
ns, negro, who , Hentei.i ed to be
hanged at I'ohom pns. ii August il, fm
the iiiutder of K, I,,,, a liny, Cl,tiMinin
s"i lelne praetilioner in I i s Angeles,
will pioluiblv be cnuniini , ee,,nd
tune us in lis sanity.
Karri. ' aged mother is Making a d s
pi-rale i I to, o sin,, her sin, 's life nil, I
claiming Hauls hnd been sal t t,,
epllep-v, Iiiih nsked that another ex
lllinlililioc be iMnle.
lb. I'. W. Hatch, of the ,,!(,. biiuiey
coininissioii, rep, , tied after the fir-t e
iiiiniiniiori t wo im nt hs ng.i that llai i m
is suae.
II, ni is will be Ihe next murder, i
.n.'iutiil in California imnnlivg tn the
preset s, he, lule,
Christian Revival
Continues To Hold Interest
The revii.il mi ( l,e Int-i ai,,; s-v
ell'eenfh . I, eels was well alt, uded l:ls(
night. The ipiisli.m of ioiiocs ill re
llgiou was ihe theme i,' the I If 1 1 llelil,
se"ooii In I vangi li-t Itioohs. 'r, it'
1 "i"H " II W ill Ki.p linn in
I', if., t I', , ,.,"
Ilie o,. senile this evening will
l.c ' s i .in ,ai,. In,,., I', 1'it ' and Mts
Cillociv will smg ,,., i ,l addition
'" C ' "I" Alter I lo' nn etn g I'l.ll,
l it Will r. i nn, I in Mini, i,u m. u s
in, I .i,g II,,, l,,i,i,r l'u!,i,, ' Km j;
1 I'm 0 s ' a -I a ti w oth, r I'n.e .. . ii In i
'I h, si i a, in, 1 1, , i . , i,. ng will I on
I II 1 II g " I .XI l HI -,. "
Mutual Insurance Company
of Portland Investigated
If re er's rei e,Ve. by I Ii u r II In e
I ouniii.-ioi , r W. lis, to the i M.-.'t Cat
the Mt,.i.l I're ...in any, of I', it,,n.,
his I ,1 cnl'v i.f writing automobile
in. ulan e 10 violation of Its i haltered
Illllll.irilV l,i,l its state Ineli-e toil,, a
a,, it, ml tn, n Mirnuee busnie.s in this
tate, ate iiue, that ioinany standi la
danger of having it. ih.irtor revoked,
in1 ending to an opinion reiebrid by
Attorney Cei.eriil Mrowu u , a the sub
P . t this n, on, il, g, in which he held
that this iiiuiuu ion. puny has in, sin h
iiuih ofity under its charter ni.d mibjccla
itself toil levoeiition thereof, liisur.iiico
t oiitiiiissiener Wills is in i'oitland to
day in , onfi rein e with the el I'h-iuIs of
tiic company with refer, n to the mat-ter.