Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, July 07, 1915, Page THREE, Image 3

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'Salem's Best Market Place
For during this month re-building makes
it necessary for us to sacrifice our entire
stock. With no thought of profits and
facing an absolute loss the orders are
Sell For What It Will Bring
85c Pongee Silks 35c
50c Silk Mulls 25c
75c Foulard Silks 45c
85c Messaline Silks 48c
65c Wool Dress Goods . .39c
75c-$l Dress Goods.... 49c
City Authorized To Purchase';
Certain Parcels of Real
Estate '
$10.00 and $12.50 Ladies' Tailored
Suits, plains and novelties
and $10.00 Wool Serge
Poplin One-Piece Dresseg
S8.50, $10.00
and $12.50
Jackets at
Coats and
$4.90 and $6.90
$1-$1.25 Lingerie Waists 48c
$1.50-$2 Voile and Linen Waists... 98c
$2.50-$3.50 Silk and Crepe Waists $1.98
$1-$1.25 House Dresses 65c
12'icandl4c.. 81-3c
Sl-ScudS!. 5c
15c and 18c TEA3AK.DCEEI:ES.. Wk
At a quiet session uf tin- city council
last night the city was authorized to
purchase u few parcels of real estate
and the light nt-tlie corner of Com
mercial mid Kearney streets will re-
Seattle. Wash.. July 7. Seattle folks
are being asked if they'd like to hoard
a couple uf camels for a week, or if
thev cnild furnish up a flat for a nice
fat water buffalo J Or permit three
lo.en wild Texas pamhcis. to dine at
their home.
For downright nerve these visiting
jShriners, who are coming here for the
; national convention beginning next
j Monday, have the whole world skinned.
Nile Temple of Seattle tiild each
other temple it might bring, along a
mascot or something else to give di
I tiuctioa. 1 tut . look!
.Moiln Temple of St. Joseph, Mo., is
I bringing a thick of camels light fnen
(the Sahara.
j Two hundred lli.iiidiiluiis of Aloha
Canned Goods
to continue as long as the stock lasts.
Pe. Sliced l'tneapple irc
l.'o Solid Pack Tomatoes 10c
Si'e String Henna 13c
lt'e String henna So
:.Ve New York 1'eas l.rc
.t.".e String Heniis 12' ;c
IC'-.e Siring Heiius 10c
1 "c
1 -V
1 ,"c
Pineapple Vresorvea, 3 lor 50c
. Teas ". 10c
l'ca W ;C
SipiasU 10c
l oi n ;i for 25c
sliced rineapple 10c
Pens ,1 for &"c
;lc Milk 2 for 15c
main in its present locution until the ; 1 emple are on their way here with a
novt moetinc- of the council. The iltncv t water huffalo that spurns the t -mch of
onlinance tailed to conic up. .lavor
White is on his vacation and but eight
cotincilmon were present. Councilman
Mills served as acting mayor in place
of Mayor White.
The street committee icported that
lot five Mock three i;..n, lull's addi
tion, across which a sidewalk has not
lieen built because of an expensive fill,
con lil be purchased for 150. It was
stated lhat the city had use for a
dumping ground and that this lot could
be filled with the dirt taken from
excavations and grades at no expense
nnd the lot would prove a valuable
addition to the city's propeity. The
assessment against the property of J. O.
and .1. A. Mursh was reported illegal
and the lien ordered cancelled. It was
1 reported that $.10 would purchase a lot
' in Kivorviow park addition. The Ev
ans VropertV on Twelfth street can be
the Hand ot man
And I'M Maida Temple of Kl Paso,
Texas, is just carrying a small delega
tion of panthers.
Tu say nothing of tlie rMO.ooii bull
dog with I'd Znril'uh Temple of Phoenix
Ari'.oun, the lO.iXin cubic feet captive
balloon belonging lo Moolah Temple, of
St. Louis, and the tribe of Id luiwling
and savage Ne. IVp'O Indians that are
pari of the delegation f i nil I'nloiu Tem
ple ot Lcwiston, Idaho.
Ono hundred and thirty-seven special
trains of Shrincrs are on the way here,
line hundred thousand visitors are ex
Ipected in the city during Shrine week.
Don't hesitate Supply your Wants for months to comol
161 North nigh Street Grocery Thone 830; Meat Thon 810 jj
Children's 50c and 75c Summer Hats of
Straw and Canvas
$1.50 and $2.00
Fibre Sailors,
Canvas, Straw and
all must go at
!.00 and $2.50 Ladies' Summer Hats
and Corduroy Tama
50c Shirts and Drawers 25c
85c Union Suits . . . 48c
85c and $1 Dress Shirts 48c
25c Socks, Silk Fibre. .12' c
65c Saline Shirts 39c
$1.00 Silk Outing Hats. .69c
Silverton Celebrated j
With Great Success
sister, Miss Ksther,
Conrad, enjoyed the
Arthur Unhurt homo
and Miss Vesta
hospitality of the
last Sunday after-
i Capital Journal Special Service.)
The celeliration held in Silverton last
Saturday was worthy of a town of
much larger -size, liut Silverton never
dues things ley halves ami Saturday's
festivities surely demonstrated the fact
Hugh Small spent the week-end with
friends nt the I'apital City.
1.. C. Goplernd, brother of Mrs. O. O.
Kvans and cousin of John Ooplernd.'
of this place, spent the past week with
the relatives here. Mr. (ioplernd is
prominent in the business circles of
from Nyssa, Ore., has purchased th
Hotel Silverton.
Mrs. Km ma Coldi entertained he
I friends, Mr. anil Mis. A. I.. Haillii
From the time of the first boom of the ! l'ortland, North Dakota, and has been
sunrise salute, there wus something do
ing and at 10 o clock tin immense
crowd hnrl gathered. The parade was
exceptionally good anil many beautiful
finals representing churches, lodges,
si'lo.ols nnd business houses passed ma
jestically through the admiring throng.
'Ihc crowd followed the parade to the'
park and listened to a fine oration by
(inventor Withyeombe.
The musical program in the afternoon
was exceptionally good and part uf the
crowd were nt the bnll park to watch
the game between the Silverton Colts
ami North Howell boys. After that
came the street sports that were enjoy-.
d by those who were fortunate in get-'
ting near enough to see them.
Later the greased pig stunt nnd
swimming race followed by the Cain
hmnpians rounded out the day until
mpper time. Special mention should be
made of the band music throughout the
whole day. The Victor l'oint, Silver
ton Seniors and the Juvenile bands en
ti rtaincd the crowd all the time except
when other music or speaking was go
ing n, and it is the band music that
makes the fourth of July celebration
complete every time. In the evening
the automobile parade wns followed by
the dance of the fairies at the corner of
Main nnd Water streets. There wns a
I' i dance in the Moose hall and two
D'nving picture shows that ended the
fmrioiis Fourth of Julv celebration.
unending the rrisco exposition
it l I T . . i l . . - e
rinwurti ji, jnmes, supei i uieinienr ni i
from Cliii'kaiiias, the past week. The
Haillie and the Cobb families were
neighbors in Nebraska ninny years ago.
Miss Ksther Hinos was a North
Howell visitor the Sunday past, a guest
at the Kd McDonald home.
Mrs. ('. M. Wcgsted, of l'ortland,
was an over Sunday visitor at the liniuc
of her sister, Mrs. Kd Johnson.
H. V. Hrnv has purchased n barber
the Silverton schools, is in Kiigene at-1 shop ut Woodburu and with his family
.tending the summer lecture course. hus moved to that place.
Alvin Hobart was given a roval wol- ' K- Thomas was down from Hult
,come home from Corvullis. where he 011 ""'"'ess a "hort time the past week,
has been attending summer school, by a I A'"'r Williams ctnne over from Mo
bunch of his friends last Thursday j l!.llla to spend the fourth ami attcud
night. It was a surprise and very sue-'""' e'lobiatiuii.
eessfullv carried out. The big hav barn
M. .sr.. Walters and Kimball of Tort
Intel, have leased the large room at the
f 'i!heii( corner of the opera house.
1' has recently been repaired nnd the
t ii'.-my removed, the whole interior
g ven a new coat of pnint.
Mrs. Miles Adamson nnd children, of
K"rh Howell, visited Silverton rein-t-v.'
b,. Wedtiesdav.
Carl Kellner has fitted up a nice lit
tle shop rn the comer of First and Oak
tercets and is ready to do all kinds of
'imc repninriiT,
T. Y.. 1 'rest on received the sad news
1 f the serious illness of his father.
hne home is at South Bend. Wah
1'i.tnn. Messrs. Walter nnd Kimball have
I the southeast corner of the opern
we. that has recently been put in
''ie for billiard hull."
I d lb ge has added a new barrel elec-
''' rn popper to his outfit nnd
ferc will , ho wnitinir for fresh pop-
I' l com in future.
ii Peardi-rff. of Molnlla. aecom
ihr.i.d by his mother, came Saturday
rnii g t-, attend the celebration and,
' silverton relatives. j
Ti e J.,e I, sis family entertained tela
,,'' fren, Mt. Angel Suturday and
'' 'ay. "
Mni Agnes Brocks, of TortUnd, was
" i ecd guest tf Silverton frieids.
kvljh HulluwaT, acconirtBifil by hii
was cleared out and decorated tor the
occasion. There were about 20 of these
nappy young people and such a gngd
time as every one had. Mrs. Hobart
and Miss Anna served refreshments
consisting of sandwiches, cake and 1
punch. The following were present:'
Clarn Howard, Klta I'h'tt. I.aurn Tuft,
Maude McMorris, Faye Allen, Ksther!
Holloway, Hilda Clinse and Anna Ho-
hurt; Harry Sprai-ne, lVwey Allen.'
Arthur Dic'kinua, Walter Tuft. Ralph'
Holloway, l.eon Sprague. Harvey nnd ,
Kalph Jtick, Alvin and Theodore Hobart
and Master Cleo Cidtrin.
Mr. nnd Mrs. C. I'. ilade entertained
the former's cousin, W. I), rntriernn. a,
Woodland. Wash., merchant, this weck.i
N. M. I.iwis, repr tiling the Salem
Monument works, was in the city the'
first of the week.
The Home Circle of tlio.syifod church
met at the country home of Mr. and
Mrs. John Tweed lust Sunday. A good
crowd was in nttcndiinee and a sm ial
dav paed with an excellent program
and nice lunch that are pecii,l re.pii.
ites of these: enjoyable get together
meeting". !
The Charles Hartmtir. family, with
Mrs. Cobb and her guests. Mr. and Mis.
Haillie. et-ioved nn automobile trip
thrmieh the count rv in tl.
Mt. Angel last Sundnv.
H. M. I.aHiite. a f .ni . r r. i.b
Victor 1'oint, but vh.i riow U
Vr..n m n bll-ir.ess call. 1 ill tli
a slmrt time ago.
Henry t'lvin is heme f. r tl.e rm
mer vacation. His friend arc g'ad to
know of hi sue,-,... in his school work
at the medical college in Portland.
The I'arMow family arc cni
visit from their trend, Mrf
t..r's ,,f l..a Vail.. I s.
Frit?, slsde. i f Sub m. b
our genial tnnmnn, 1 l.r.rle.
touring the eiiten ""
make nn extended vi-it with
i.:. ..l.l lo.n.c in Nnva .-cc.tin
1 I, .v.l Hnvis. of I '
days 'the pt.-t .k wi'h hi- parents.
Mr. ni.d Mil I- ''vis.
Mr.. I.ou W'.lf'.rd rn'erta
nine Ml". Jl"i' I.HC-niis. 'f
the last of the "'
Mr. Judd. r.f Sab ni. S'eomi ar.ie.1 by
I d-i-i-hter. M: Alice. ere g'le.ts
(Capital Journal Special Sendee.)
Victor l'oint, July 7. Karl Woods,
the well known hop and wool buyer, or
Silvortitn, is buying cuttle in this lo
cality, some of the sales already made
were by Henry .lacjuct, Jacob Oppligcr
nnd Hoy Kox.
A good "joke" nn Albany, Jus.
Iioertler, while louring with his brother
came clear through Albany and not un
til he lauded in Jefferson did he know
he hud been in Albany.
James Ihirbv an. I fnuiilv wire at the
Falls yi-teidav and are planning a
trip to Mehamii next Sunday with
Ja.oli lioeifler an. I Kd Kian.e.'
HairiMHi June, was arrested in Sil
vcrtoa during the celebiation Inst Sal
unlay for speeding.
.VIcAlplI.e will pluy I II I (i ii Hill next:
Sunday in the MeAipm.. ball ground". '
The Victor l'oint land took Sihcitoii
in a s'irni .lining mo eeieiiriition
ceiv ing the Land rowulv alt
; purchased for tfS'.'S stated the report
of the street committee. There are
j four lots in this list and it is valuable
i for av gravel bank and badly needed
by the city at this time. It was order
ed purchased.
The street committee reported llie
bridge across North Mill creek between
Fourteenth and Fifteenth streets to be
in bud shape uud not likely to stand
through the winter. A concrete bridge
for this place will cost $1,4-10 accord
ing to the plans of the city engineer.
Councilman Cook of the street commit
tee reported that the Silver poplars at
the comer of Fifth nnd Hclmont streets!
were seeding the streets and lots in that
vicinity and were proving a nuisance.
The matter was referred to the city
attorney for a report at the next meet
ing of the city council.
H. (I. Hodinglieinier presented n peti
tion asking that he be given permission
to put in a 12 gauge gasoline tank at
the Club stables on l.iheity and Ferry
streets. The city ordinances provide
only for a 14 gauge tank and the mat
ter was referred to the fin' and water
committee and city engineer.
T. 11. Haines, who owns some lots
near Twentieth and I streets 'reported
that he w ould donnte a strip ot In ml to
the city to permit the' continuaioti of
Twentieth street to J' street if the city
would pave. The I'alerson Cigar com
pany petitioned for permission to hang
an electric sign. 1 lie regular payroll
for the street department aiuouiiting to
!,l.'l.ri-l.r. wus adopted.
The mutter of the sunitury drinking
fountains in the Marion Square uud at
the llreviiian fountain was left to the
park board which reported that foun
tains could be purchased for if 2.1 and
nsked the city to put up the money. The
councilmen were inclined to think that
fountains could be purchased for less
money and that if the park board
would install and iiiaintiiin the foun
tains the city would purchase them.
A bill for 1H for repairs on the semi
fier was presented nnd this bill wn
allowed less the freight on the scarifier
to Salem.
W. T. l.aFollettc was given the cour
tesy of the floor while he called I be
attention of the council to the hero
ism displnyed by (icorge Manning and
John Tu it in the iccenl disaster on the
river in which two young women lost
their lives uud two were saved by the
young men. Acting Mayor Mills wni
instructed to write u letter to the com
mittee in charge of the Carnegie Hero
Medal fund in behalf of the young
(I. C. Millet repotted that he would
be absenl from the next meeting of the
city council on account of n trip to
custom Oregon aid II. W. I.lgin was
elected acting r rder in pluce of lie-
corder Charles I.lgin, who is soon to go
on his summer vio iition.
(Capital Join mil Specinl Service)
Quinnbv. Ore.. July 7. --Much needed
mm begun falling Sunday night und 1-or indigestion, dyspepsia, hcartbur
aside troni possible iniurv to hav that belching, sour stomach, etc., take a ten-
is down in the fields, it promises lo be! spoonful of Disunited Magnesia after
J of much benefit to grow ing crops, such eating In iicutruli.'.ci the excess llcid
,as late sown grain, garden stuff and I which is the cause of nearly every
pasture land. j stomach, disorder. Immediate rtliet ,
j Mr. Yorgoson, who has one of the j pleasant; inexpensive; at all druggistt
'film country homes near Cheniuw a, every where, in either powder or Inbh I
lias Keen Hiving tne product or Ins o- Intnl.
disunited Magnesia, No. 2d K. 2titlt
Street, N. V, c.
(Capital Journal Specinl Service.)
Claxiar, Or., July 7. - Miss Violet
Newton spent a few days in Portland
visitine; relatives,
lla?csville school board since recent
,. I, ..-(, im.l.la liner T.,,,1 .' Arm
strong, llarrv ' White and l.luvd '""' "" '''''" placed m the
b'evnoids. I11", 'n'N method giving the fruit addi-
Aiuone' the voun,' ladies fnm heici1'"""! sweetness.
takini; the recent touchers' evauiiiiii ! '1'll b'bratiotl of Indepeud
tiou ut Salem weie Miss l.ottie McAfe.
Miss Vanillic Bin nick and her father,
who bit a month ago for an all sum
mi'i 'h visit in the east, returned this
w k I'ioiii Minnesota, the illness of Mr.
Haraiek causing them to return sooner
than they had planned.
Among those enjoyirtg the hospitality
of the Commercial dob at the faiiu
ers' picnic Siitindi.y were Mr. u ml Mis.
i Kills Ciinn.iv, Mr. nnd Mrs. Chailcs
Wnidcti, Chailcs Yakeley uad ilniightei,
l.vdia, uiid Mrs. H. Moore.
Mr. and Mrs. Andrews, of Vancouver,
Wash., weie week end guests of Mr. noil
Mm. A, M, Audi'ison, who were fniiucj
'.ii-initv ot
i at
iing a
Kn, ma
.. t,- ,.f
Mvb'. i.
urd will
friends k!
On Sun. lay, June 2iS, quite a number'
from this place jouriied to the home of
Mr. nnd Mis. (i.o. Thurmnn near Wa
cuinlii, whi te they were joined by other
relatives and friends from Whifson
and a tno-t enjoyuble day was spent.
While there was nothing elaborate
about tin; ri i-asion, a mo"t agreeable
tune was spent by the more than fifty
gues'.s present. At the noon hour a
sunituous picnic dinner was served,
and the afternoon wni nt in social
conv erat ion.
Tlu)"e pre'ei.t were:
(leork'e W. Thormon and family, of
Wa -onda: Mis. M J. Town, (if ana-la,
rothcr of .Ur. Th irmoii; Mrs. 1). II.
Hardy, II. V. Ilemington and family,
i hs. Colons and family, It. K. Martin
Bud family, Jas. Ijlover and family, A.
Will Girdle Earth
With Wireless System
San rrancisco, July fl. With Uie ar
rival tnday from Honolulu of K. J. Nal
: ly, vice president and general malinger
of Marconi Winlcs company on the
steamer Matsonia, it becume known
j that within n verv few days the earth
will be girdled by wireless. Nnlly has
just returned from inspecting the wire
less station at Kahukn, llnwaii. This
station is being t :'!to'd up to communi
cate with Funibii-lii, Japan, a distance
of 4,ou mile". With the completion
of this link, tin' I tig-st span in the
system, the Mar." ni chain will retu h
around the worll The rnte to be
charged for the tri.nsmisiori or a me.
age nrouiid the globo will be 1 u
ami Miss Ida Kouisc Penny, both of ;
llayesville. Also Miss l.u.-y Springs- j
tube, of K.-i.cr also tool, the examina
tions. The main crowd Iroui this vicinity
celebrated the Ith at Sulem ns guests
of the r ii in i ii -1 i I club. Kvery repmt
is one of praise for (he delightful hos
pitality of the Cherry City. Nothing u
eiual it ever bctore in Salem is the
general verdict. Many went to I'm!
inn and were well pleased.
At the salmon fisheries where many
young men from this vicinity are spend
ing the summer, .'i Ions of t is.li wci"
eauuht ei Wednesday of last week.
This it a record bleaker, as 2 tons is
ordinarily the catch of one diiy. The
Westley and b'ichie hols nie theie from
this immediate vicinity.
Keier school bourd consists of C, A.
Cnniinings, Sevuioiir Jones, K. Kvuns,
and W. Karnest Savage since In-t weeks
school election. Mr. Kvuns fills the
place furinerlv occupied bv Mr. Kd
Mrs. X. Douglas will have charge of
the advanced work at Keier s. hool
this year. I'm!. F M. Myers who
filled this position acccpt.-ilily hist year,
will now give his attention to his frott !
t ii nil hcie. Mix Hello lila.uer Willi
niMiin hai hiirue of the Kcl.'er Oli
iniirv department. Mi-s tiliiner. "I ! "'-olents of that city
I'latiini has been a guct of friends hen
for a lew davs.
Keier Ladies' Aid society will nice!
Julv 7 at 2 (,' lock in the atteioonn at
the' hoi f Mrs. K. T. Hull.
Mr. and Ml". Ilea lllilllll I lli.'i!ett Hie
leecivinu cone; i at ula 1 ions on the birth
of a little daughter last week. Mi".
Claggelt was foimerly Mi". Mable No
ion and was vety popular ninong the
younger scr of Unci s ille.
Kev. I'. S, l.awicnce of llayesville
delivered a veiy able peace lecluie 1.1
the ehiir Ii at lla cs 1 1 It on Sundav
eicniiiu. Julv nth. Throuoh the T
lorts of 'his gentleioiiii an i l b-n I
ci, unitiiiity bbiary has been added to
the attiactious ot tin. neiijihorhood.
Hay cutting is on in lull lii-i tins1
week. Much hav V ill also be cut diir-l
ing the present week, (iraiii is be
ginning to show- a ripening tinge Soine
rye is npe and i.-ndv to i nt.
l.ogaubcny woik goes stca-tilv on
Many being so engaged as to be un
able tu take a holnjav even on Nilui
dac. The drv.i. woikcl stea.lilv on
hcie as the i.iesure of woik was su. h
as to preclude taking a holiday.
Some luniilv partie. Irom hcie who
pent Satntdav at the Uillainctie nvei
weie well phased with the traginn'
lloHeis, Ihc beautiful wild vine. c"
toouing the ttees, and abuse all the
matchless views to lie had of the bean
tilol Willamette "h;iiing ami winding
in ini"hini) ami sha le,
hemnwii school i,l, their nniiual
Independence holiday on .Monday Ml
"tend ot Satin. lav. io.ot-lMg to iciu.r.
Ilo Icbratioii ot I udepeuilence was'
a four dins' affair to many in this
section. Two days were spent ut the
Cherry fair, Sunday at the bench or in
the in ,i:i lit ai ii m while Monday was giv
en up to picnics.
Mrs. II. S. McMiinti returned Monday
floin Newport, where she enjoyed uii
outing, she was a guest at the Cliff
llou.e, conducted bv Mr. and Mrs. W.
r, former Sub in people, and
Eyes Opened To Sight
After Twently-One Years
i l.os Angeles, Cab, July ti. Mb.si
i Tomsyna Carlisle, the 21 year obi
. Hctklcy student, born blin I, whose
I). Wl ler, former Sub in people, and , eyes have, just been oiieucl by t
while theie also visited the J, i Kick- surgical operation, saw her mother t'oi
mans ami Kmil Joseph, former tesi-'the first time today. Shu urrived hero
dents of Choiunwn nail Cluster. All ow n j aboard the steamer Hear from San
betiiilifol h es ut the beach, and M is. Francisco and was met at the gang
McMiinn and her daughter, Kiln, plan plank by her mother, M rs. E. It. Carlisle
to pun the permanent colony of Sulem of rasadeua. 'Die greeting was path.;-
people now living at that delightful re- tie. '
i tie gin slow iv walked down thci
The Kilcr, Hull und Savage families,
f Win on. In, motored to H illmit
i pi ing. Sunday,
Miss limn liariiN, of New Vmli Citv,
in spending a few weeks with Ike Lewis
tainily at I .abish.
j Mis. S. Taylor Joaes, the wife of Su
' peiintctident Jones, of the Siili ui, Falls
I City und Western road, ninlerw cut an
j npei nt inn at tliunb Siiinaiitiin hospital
lust week in I'ortliiud for the relief of
-limine kmc trouble and is repuited
, to be improving, She is the dinigliter
I of Mi. und Mr. Lewis, of tin. place,
-nnii Mis. Lewis has been at her bid
side. Mr. Junes was a fmnier cninluc
tor on the Oregon I'leetiic ami wi ll
j k now n here and in Sulem.
I The lieitnau Itnptist SuiuLtiy school
, of Sulem en joyed a picnic nt iinnabv
pars .vtonitay. lucre weie "II in the j my t,,
putty nun iimi, .i i nut iiimi spent the
diiv. (iiiiues, siiioing, bincl ii and
filewnrlts ultoiibd ninuseoieut of tunny
VIII let ic.
I Mrs. Flunk Mntthes and sun, Merle,
, of Wiiciiiiilu, weie weekend guests nt
"The Cedins," tin. M.-Miinn In, me.
' Mr. nnii Mrs. August Kuisci, of Sn
lerii, spent liiilepenilciice dav vvilh tl.i'ir.'miti
, ili.nghlei, Mrs. Kay I'crluii.. i -tu
I he little sou ot Mr. ii ii.l Mrs Ii re on ih
lleikoer caught his finger in the puu,
np. riit. d by a gasoline engine nt tin n
In. Ii, i n li'W dnv iii'i. unit InolU- hi., . c
Sled tl icinbcr.
llniii began fulling Hominy niid aside
from soine slight inconvenience to tlm.
milking hay, ha. been of iniu-li 1 ,-ti -1
: plana, as tliougii some or (lie tiucer
tainncss of blindness Mill affected her,
Sim looked at the crowd with ii uu
ided expression, Then the mother
.stepped eagerly forward. They met.
I What they said was whispered. No
I bystander heard it.
filtering tin automobile, they weie
.hurried to l.os Angeles ami theiuu lo
, l'aa.leiiii. In Los Angeles Miss Carl
1 isle met friends whom sho had known
i intimately for years. They were all
I strangers to Iter until they spoke
: Then she recognize, Ihcir voices.
t,iuuntilics of flowers were given
her at the reshloncn ,t( a frl I in Los
.Angeles. She expressed renewed won
ideimeiit ut the appearaiicn of the bloa
I sinus and ,'ooke, with morn wonder nt
the crowded streets ns hnr automobile
, "lowlv pri Ie, through them.
I "So this Is I,os Angeles," she said,
i" almost my own city, yt there is
i nothing familiar about it, except the.
noises. '
Seattle Factories Will
Supply Ammunition
e, Wash., Julv 7. - The need" of
lor auitonuil oti is lo be sup
i part from Scuttle lactone,.
aggregating 1 1 ,J.iii,ilou, it n
todav are In be uwanleil dm
ex! two or Ihree dav. to th"
Seattle ii, 'due uud i omtiiielion cum
puny, the I'ege Sound Inm and steel
Tin ii'ita, tlm Vulcan Manu
coiiipanv of this citv, Sunt
Works of Kverelt nnd oilo'i
in it n , I ii n n i in I Seaitlc. Th i c
f a luilliou 1 1 1. 1 Li i s in gold
h nunc. hist Satoiiliiv
l( IISslll
' plied in
I Ollt I III t
! said hen
VVoiks of
flo lill nig
lor lion
ipiaiii i" t
bullfiri win
V In-Ill o.n,-l, on ( In liner M inn -"
-niil to be used as pint pavilion
ni must
w hero,
Where tin
Land of V
received floin
W adsvvorth.
Mr. and Mr.. W. F. Il.
I'or'land, (i. r ,tn aim d bv then
Leonard and Mnv v is weie gui
T b ' m rn si Niwtolis add the ti
tons of this plio e. ,M r. Knsew
did. gate to the letter I tl I I 1 1-r e.ilivin
tion. He i. a brother of Mi. Thi.mri'
Newton and ot Mrs. i. I. Ni-wtiiii
all being native, of Linidoti. Ki.g'atid,
Wilsliniglijii, by Siipt.
weil. fit I
t. of the'
I. N- w
dl was a
to Int..
, - 1 1 ml
s w u grain und gardens
f relic ning iif pnstiiic.
VV he
V never use
l.l -I I
il'ii.-iiic Coast M ii nn f ii t ii ri-r i
The sporfsriran 'n crac of dictntug
law. to icgtilatc the tish and game in
d'l-tne. is beiiinig sonic funny f r t t .
1 Ins o. I liltll.eut colli els III I tl','1 ONII
Fair i"
II. . i
Hot .Li
To I lie
nld will run
the tiling, ate done,
I kut '. no the l-'n nig
the I iiml of ir iniiing
nt tic piilui and pine,
Ic .nil. I lie
splendid st 1 1 l'i,
I kut mi the Fn ing Liu
I a v nr in
s 11 till
i est a rid
over II, C pi
Taeoma Trrln
eng. i conplp ha
new " rannnali'
like thi! old or e
iniiae ci-rain r
or may not keep
in - A prominent ( 'hj
i - en iniirrn-.l with a
i ' jerv ir'e. It i. unj. h
in Unit tlie couple
W hi, h tlll'V (1 1 U V
iaiui recital given at th,. oer;i
1st I'ridac evemiig under th'1
ti, ul of Mrs, l.ertrndc Smith
of the mo"! ideasllig e'.'clit. of
ti iovei l.v a lo.-nl n idi
l,.- liet
Carlic and family, I. Hums and fumilv,'
f,.a W . A. lores) un. family and Miss Neb,
llie fiatlie, all of Whiteson: Mrs. K. J.
Thurnian, John Tlnirinan and family,'
K.I. Miner and family Mr. and Mrs.i
F. I'. Webb. Mr. . M. Watson and
daughter, Miss Marie, of Hikerton.
silverton Appeal.
of Silvcrb
Sargent, mho U b.t. ly arriv.
Safe and Sure
should Le your relief from indi
frestion, liiliov,1 nesa, or cortHti
lia'.ion. Knov-n to lie reliable
and faniotiH f r their prompt
and certain efficacy are
l.r...t .U ml A.r MWkia. U Irs. WU.
wa 01
the kind e
cue,.. In. Indi-d in 'he number, were
t'lanri solos by .Murli-v llrowrir', llriicc
I'.r.lKlie, Helen Wohott, e. ,1 lliuwnel
Hid M'". Smith and t -i .1 n tin blots!
were played by Mi.. Smith nnd Miss
'icitrude Wohott and i.no e and Mi.r
'ev Itrone. All ilipla.". cicll.-nt ul.il
ity and were nnt v.ith enthusiastic ap
I lii'i.e. Vocal loh.s w.-re rendered bv
Mr", itn hnrl sun, Mr. Main and Mr
sla-lc.lu ca' h cne the work mas fully
up to the standard. 'I lice partn . aie
all ipnte well known ami when it i
ii ho ii rn-v J that any one of them in to
apesr no further guarantee is liecs
.ar v. Silver I'm A pt-cal.
Laredo, Tcu, July C In a big I at
tie betmrcn CurratKistas and Villi.taa
near I'aredon sevcrul hundred men
have been kilbd on both side, rircnrd
ing to wmlofficiul reports hers to
day. The result of tie buttl is not
vet knomn.
I. r
'Ihc fi-h and game lobby was power
' ,1 . -trough to do tnte to I he I. gi. Int. ire
i. i. l triiir.b.ads ot , I I . . k. . nil
r. lorrns.
Now the inside political bull. Ii of hi
partisan, are hogging the fullest ho .
With the llli-t WoK mid the bigge.l sal
'Tls nie strife of
I if si r. i, g!h ami en
Tin- br.ive nnd true
U In n tl.e w. rk 's to
A nd tkiil '. on tin
I'ull, fur tingi
ollliigc flue,
Firing I i ri
. L. ST A ST.
Weie i rent, d, Ii lid
fiT tlie CI 11 I ,i lit inn
cot) lit ie. I ii ing I,
V " liouiitv law,
arrioiig tl,. rn ts i l e
ot tlie i oyote, ... mi
I-, llde blillllty.
lit i-norse, there are thoiisniids nf
sip. arc mile, of wilderness where the
en;, i-te breeds, and in one rugat he
can travel h Inn dn d inib ..
The coyote live, off the jiii V rnbi.it,
nnd ib-.troyliig the o-li.ti' Iniikc. the
iii k rabbii. un iii.uffeiable and de-
sif li'live pest.
Following iti-in shnw. what follows
di t ril' tlon of the co)i,te, the 1,1,1 .li 111
foe i f the ml, h,t It is from the II pp.
ner Herald:
"From the north t nd of tl intv
come reports that the rabbit, are de
tnyir.g the crops. One f i l.l of I III
acres of m-lient was completely destroy
c. and we hear that they are i-i.ting
othir crops and injuring fruit tree."
JK,tt)iftiataMt'!M 1
fiP'.v-i ...;,,,,',, - -IkSX
timokert of
Turkish TuonnES
Clgartttem Uftee n year ago
art imokera of
Turkish Trophies
tltfarcttf today I
T'SPr'f'M-'r I" l-v-l '-f'iif"
Il.l i l . .1, 1 ' -c - ' '.!