EIGHT THE SALEM DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM, ORE., MONDAY, JUNE 28, 1915. 't . . . .. . . . .. . it 11 . t w n rf-t . . iir-.r f I L 7-- - Always tne Lowest rrice consistent wun uooa iriermufimac An Introductory Sale of New Advance Fall 1 it i Our 749th Surprise Sale Wednesday, June 30th An Offering of Women's Dainty White Waists At only 79c each Here are new Waists, procured as a special attractive value for our Wednesday Surprise Sales, Several pretty styles to choose from show ing the latest collar effects; plain white with embroidered collar also in self figured and stripe patterns. You will be surprised at such value giving when you see these Waists, Sale starts at 8:30. Next Wednesday Only 79c Each See window display Models of Women's Suits at Meyers 50 Advance Models sent to us by our New York representative. The hi; wuji jijito jyiuciciii ii viii muse juu nuuiu cajjcii, m a oan; oi this time of year. Every one new just come in this week and they're guaranteed to be absolutely new for the coming Fall Season. For travel ing they are just the right thing. Salem's Style Store tt Regular $25.00 Suits Introductory price $19.85 Regular $:i0.00 Suits Introductory price $23.85 Regular $35.00 Suits Introductory price , , $27.85 Regular $40.00 Suits Introductory price $31.85 See the Window and inside Displays of These Garments. . Decorative Bunting Cherry Fair and Fourth of July Colors 5c a yard. .caod1gmps v t? I twain ??? tttttt ttttrrtTi JUDGE GALLOWAY IS BELIEVER IN RETURN OFPROSPEROUSTIIS Extends Time In Foreclosure Suit To Let Defendant Recover Losses Mill fl'fn P. vuj nmu oiage leaves 475 State . P-'- daily toftV1 ?'e. Sublimity "Au" Meh,ira a.,d Lv,I's . 8 WK Mi Ct 7:40 p! iii rI?8 " nR leave. Mill Ciiy .30 a " and arrives Salem at u- in ' I'bove 963, ' v"i0 m. : NOTICE! Institution 'a, Ti T tl,e Stte inr trips. "B- Leaves Bligh 10:30 a. m. 5:00 p. m. 10:30 nve Training School 12:50 p. ':00 p.m. M tractive features of the Cherry Fair, A W A mm f will Assemble at the capital grounds A 11 A . IT" 1 ail Around i own I MMM-M-MMMMMMMMMMM--M-M- nunttoxttiti.il l'W""lltlM)ll Or. Mendelsohn, sneciallst in fittlns glasses correctly. U. 8. bank bhlg. o The West Salem baseball team won by a score of to 3 in the (,'iiuie played on the West Nalem grounds with 'tin? liethol team. Let Beinhard do your cabinet work. I'honc 511, Among those who attended the Moose carnival and picnic last Natiiidav at Aur:it wero Julius Hopt, rhris. Scbuman and Clarence Shaw. Dr. Wisllcenus Sanitorlum for pres ervation anil restoration uf health. Hubbard building. O. W. Qrannls, who Came to Salem to address the clerks ami letter car riers' meeting .Saturday, preached .Sun day morning and evening at tile First Methodist church. Dr. Stone's Itch Ointment cures the itch. William Jennings Bryan will today receive u tclcirnun fi-nm tiwi .nn..i,iri.:iii club inviting him to stop off for a iv in 1 1 in oiiirin wnen no is on Ihh west ern trip. He expects to be in uSn Francisco on July -Jth, "The High Eoad" was Mrs. Fiske's greatest success, L. J. ChAUin will nucnH nno nt ' - ...wi.v V. M1U Week in the Krencj I'rnirio country tit asiist in circulating it petition for the lorniing of a drainage district, should the district be formed, it is estimated that fully l!.r) square miles of farm laud will be greatly benefitted. Dr. Asaolu, Dentist, second Jlank of C'ominercu Hldg. Among those who sailod this after "' 'i'ni Havel on the steamer deal .Northern are Airs. H. S. Kasl, Miss tier trade Kast, and Miss Caiulvne Kast, gimig to Han Diego; t A. Ciiiinett, for Augusta, Maine; Will I'. Muggins, Man Jruneiseo, and M. A. Koppliu, Hun Francisco. See "Chicago Strike" for two car fa res, The committee iu charge of the pro gram fur next Friday, the first day of the Cherry Fail, todtv miniumi-cl Hint I IIC l III C Ul II I I'lif 11' Mill 1,11 Ml, II U take nlace Kriilnv ufim-twin.. nt i.-im o'clock, instead n'f in tlm nKirnitiir u! award first aniiittinceil. Tim innin ,..u i aeroplane flights will take dace Sat- iiuiuy uiiernoou at L':.(U o clock. Chicago car strike Die hires nrco-mi in. night. The city Is beginning to take on a elebiation appearance with the Mum. tauipia banners flying and the mer chants decorating their stores for the Cherry fair. It is expected that evciv store iu the city will be appropriately '"i "iuiimi Dciorc next r'rulny. Dr. Stone's Itch Ointment cures the itch. Only a fair-sized audionce greeted Mizzi lla ins in "Hm i" i.si,i,..l,. :..i. The opera was novel in many respects -ieer iicTing or tne star was Kc ienuiy appiecialeil, as was the ex cellent singing of , w. Jlnrsb, as l.aczi and (iictciien llonl as .luliski. Cluiutauqua tickets have now been placed on sale at the Kiiiiwlaud music store, the Will music, stone, Wiley It. Allen's, and the Commercial and'l'at tun's bookstores. Heports received bv the KUison-Wliite managers all indicate that this is the greatest Chiuitauuun year ever known on the Pacific coast. o next rm In V murium' before ten n 'clock i The parade will proceed west on Court tu Cottage street, south on Cottage to State, and east on .State street where the awards will be made, and from State returning to the Capitol grounds. This -will be the only event of Friday morning and according to those in charge of this feature, at least 250 ba bies will be entered. With the excep tion of the general sweepstake prize, riit-ii cinry can Alice Davis, the young woman who was arrested here Friday night when she climbed off of the blind baggage in men's clothes, was tuken back to Cortland yesterday by Juvenile Of ficer Ms. Jackson. The Davis wramin wns wanted in Portland for a felony. Iler brother was released from juil yes terday morning. .. E, H. Anderson, well known in this i ...1... I..... l i:. l Yesterday Great Dav At -J i Brooks-Fitz Revival!? firmly believe that, better condi tions will prevail in a year from now, the war will close mul with flood of prosperity the defendant, John "c"8'ii win oe ejiaoicii to recover his hisses mul snvn tiia f,. :.i i.. .... lialloway from the bench .Saturday afternoon in handing down his decision I.. .Iin ..'..-...l a r, ... .I niv luicciunure sine or i. r;, Shafer against John McHugh and Kate Me- iiugn, ins wile. His honor accordingly teninered iustico Witt. tl ll.t,n ,ii4 extended the foreclosure date ' six I months until January 1, 10I0. The de l femlant. will then be allowed a yearl from that date to redeem the In ml i., 11IICSI1UII. . I , . 4 the boom, "sni.l 1, ii mini. i: " lower in valuo but I believe it ' ont;o (Lion) lodco No. m t rr come back to even higher values tl.n!Mv a "umber oil iiromim'-t during the flood tide of realty around I 8U" visitcd thriving li t e vlT Siilein. I therefore, wish tn (i.Jcuu,1ty city on Satnr,l,,v .?.. .. io'" defemlnnt vn .....: . blthtful trio l,i., ......i. """ llm lnn.l nn1 in ..i .... !L . OllCN II10VII cil l,v . ,v i'y "in. ud n, iew luiiicrs unserve a snare of tho pros' , . " 1- "I, Salem Taxicab Co. " Office Blijjl, notel PHONE 700 bueS orovii,. :.. 'rc uy.u'o- lum, liny F. Uicliardson. SI,, i..;... 1 ,, , .'. 'vaiti:. tlio pros- , ' ,J """'i'iisoii, .Uom. .1.:. nr.-ii...... w.i ."lines Imlu i urn c,i u: j 11 HMD IVlllUllietie . m, - ' '-'iniimjl8i uney aim Dy extend ncr e emencv in .. '""J cumposcil nf d.. , ..' . :j Irillll Iut..H U II . . ini nionev matters those who Uv. l.,.il Urn,,d Muster H. B. ThicU,.,, w . . come to this section mv i, .,vt kJ1 i iluster (lien C. Nil,., m,!,,i. 1 come" to this section may be ent here1'?'1 ""'"..vilt'ii C. ; to become boosters rather than sent! . s, . X:. Bulam ttnl Chus. u,r,,. .,..,ur vtiiruen V. H. Dancy; Sr Deason liay F. lliclmr.lsu.,, n, C Yesterday was by fur the greatest day in the history of the Brooks-Fitz revival. All the services wero held in the tent at Seventeenth and ('hem- eketa streets. The Bible school had set its mark for attendance at 2(10 and the goal was reached. Three hundred is CltV. will. hllH limit! livimr fni- tlin tmul .1 . . ... . ,. . x- 1 x l .1 z v- . " . .. ' . i ne recora set tor next numiny, I IPllI tnr Itnt nna lliw mniltlw at u.tf,r 1 ., '.. ... ... y J. H. Lautorman, vice-president of the Cherriuns, will assume charge of the organization during the Cherry fair, as King Jling Kay is now iu California. A special rate has been announced from l'ortlaml and from Cottage drove of r.-ie and one-thinl fare for the Cherry Fair celebration. Tickets will be good returning until the following Tuesdav, York Watson forfeited 810 ball mnn. v ninny uy not lllllieilriliir in iitJioA court iu answer to n ciiiinr.i nf ;,,i,t. iiml will ,.,,,,(',., ,.l,i, i, i. ing with ( . K, Tnel in the alley back i proposed to stretch the wire from ot the armory. Tuel pleaded guiltv the court house to the ton of the Ma- and panl a .flO fine. ' sonic building. Chester Frohmadnr and Luther Hess, The Cherriuns 1 feel that they have two young men of this eitv. were nr. one booster who iiiinrec'inten tlio n-nvh rested late this nfteriiton 'by Officer . heing done by tne organization, as they I... . . . , . . . i ii" rvuiiurimiH viMieu. Hie rirsr 11VS Ul.in mill NIIHtlllllft, uci'inna ill mt'V . . n.. . . " ,;'" unnstian ciiurcli JJili o school at their r f J S, K. ' tirSi -v.ee. Dr. Brooks spoke "Strings and TSiuls" was the sub ject announced for a children's meet ing in tho afternoon. Prof. Fitz gave an illustrated talk on "Nails," and J)r. Brooks spoke on "Strings." ' 'What Will Be Your Defense in the Judgment?" was the theme last even ing and Prof. Fitz snug "Open the Gates to the Temple." The tent would not hold the people who came to heur tho gospel in sermon and song. Jlany Mr. Anderson is piiiviiillv welt known iu Methodist circles, having been very active in the general church work, De sides taking a special interest in the Sunday school. The Cherry Fair committee is con sidering one more attraction, one that never fails to please, or at least attract, and that is a high wire, tight ropo waiKer. While no i ctinito arrniiuo .nets have as yet been made, the man:t!10 ?"I'el 'V BC,m,on nn.J 8onS-. rnn ...til .1 , , .... . ' urnnn tlirnnirnnul tlin nritii-n nnrvttn n.w " "in penurm mo act is nere toilay1 Varney, on a charge of stealing mineral water from the grocery store of Wurd K. Kichardsoii on North Front street. Otto Klett, who was arrested last night on a charee of keeuintr hi nnnl hall and billiard nuini at 47!l State 1 have alwav street open to sell unl't ,l,;l. .nl..lnn1 iiiiiign., appeiirmi in )iolice court to day ami took L'4 hours to enter his plea, are in receipt of a substantial sum from Joseph II. Albert to npply on the band uniform account. This remem brance was appreciated by the Cher riuns. While they have been boosting for the whole city, yet the Cherriuns l'ii id all their own ex- floor, See Things From the Proper Angle These Strenous Times OUR WORK Fully flunrnnteed to Fit and Finish YOU LOOK WELL and see w when we fit YOUR EYES Miss A. McCulIoch Optometrist 208-209 Hubbard Building Phon 109. Demand Clear Vision Fred S. Bynon today received a wire from lieorge M. Ilylnud, managing sec retary of the Oregon Commission, Sun 1'ianeiseii, requesting Mr. Hvnon to send twenty boxes of select cherries to arrive in Sun IVimeisen TI,,,vU,i.,v i,,i.. n,, I I 'Cl. . . , . . ' cussing su.,,e,,s of s i, interest to I l'li.vg.oui.,1 wiTl be UlViV,.,, ,V .1 Wnst"., ! U. ZZrt Z' mi pin i ins, a piogriini was uiven of! and other important niiiti..,u i I ... I 1 t i i in iit'ci,.i,i lo .....I ...i .' , . ' mi i Knicni. i.t;iieiier circle of the Iiill- The (parent-tonchers association of '''"I" school, will hold irn imiiortant meeting Wcilncsiluy atternooii at the sciiooi inniiling at three o'clock. n'aui,iiii,iAlu UJ l.ola met Satuiilay evening at the home "i .i. r crimson, in u, , in ... ,u. piano solos. siiiL'iuir im,l i,.,i..ii;.,,, T .. I her J. Chnpiu took part in the program giving Ins stereoptican lectures on air-riciiltiire. viarence Byra, eldost son of Dr. W. let A full atteiula lll'li iu liririul is-" Cards will be issued tills evening by Secretary Arthur Wilson .,f Hm el,... nans, notifying tlio members just what at he last pin t f hey will take in the celebration. I the council tics who niiKit ni, i giving pnblicitv to the Willamette valley. According to instructions given them Hie last meeting of the Ciierriuns. ir , fly "' e,aml n 01 Dr- W.l'""' ' " v w " 'n"'' " the celcbrnt on, I the eounci 0f nobles held a meetinif H.ynl . nrriveil hiime last night fro,,,""!; "I'W will n,cet. Committees!. ssesscl eve men er ot e Olivet c.llcge, Olivet. Miciiimin. wh..r,.iwi11 ' nppointed this evenim. .,, tl,.,t , I hemnns :t.vi 'v.: ' ... ' 1 A Kvnrvlk!,.., ...Ill I.. , i inn niiiiui HOSrssineilT .... . ,: ",M muni rroiu Olivet c.llcge, Olivet, Michigan, where "' i i 1 1 . i is a. II. degree this June. o was accompanied home bv Harold liignr, a junior in llnrvind uiilversitv, Imtli ret in ning by way of the San .'mi. cisco exposition. The latter will pass he summer with his mother, Mrs. Wil liam llagur, A horse lawn mower and roller com lined was received by Itay I,, Tanner, the only one ot lue kind in the count rv Ihe mower will cut a swath III inches u e. t will be used on the gulf course and will be in operation tomorrow, lnie to the "Try Salem 1'irst" sp rit the executive committee of the gist club ordered through a local mer chant, t wim ul.i ,.l ( vi . - ri'i i mil wrnugc, j J., on June 7. A sories of eight lectu-es to bo given ' under the npspiecs of the Seventh Dav ill l,1B,t ''l",r,'h '"'K"" night i',i the W. C. T. IJ. hall, corner ,,f Fcrrv land South Cuiiniereial streets, the ' subject being "Prophecy Fulfilled." Tonight at ,H o'clock the lecture will e on nr Will Knd lluwf" The rcmiiinder of the lectures will be on the Inikisli question. The public is in vited, The Orphous Male chorus will slug as their first i U'.,.i...,., i . " . , "in v evening at ! heir bene ,t to be given at the Oregon i V i' ""iter Song," (lullaid. This sg written especial l.v or a male chorus starts out with a illlsh, continues in f,,ll ..:... ... ., i, ..I,, n niu iu ine ! 'l'"' ,"!," "ml l! winllv mlnpted to ;!"; hl- the boys for the past few "The Woman," h (s presented "l pu;turi7.ed term by Jesse I,. I.askv in assoe.ati.M, ith David llclasco, iells he story of how one woman comes e ...cany ,o tne assistance of another, iri t1, . ,,"."w"l,,l! ,f " nnd the ,t ural instinct t shield another , roiu the plots of scandal hunting poll Icians. ll,, , ni.ua is to be the of eri.ig U Liberty tomorrow, con tiiiuing lor three days. , The great baby uarade, one of the t everything will be in rendiness eaca man assigned his duty. At a meeting held this morning by the Cherry Fair officials, in conference with the eitv officii! mi n,., v a., it w,,s lieci v .. . 1 v. . nniv. . . V. . i-"'"u- ini.q.iaie i in ii nines n, the Interest of the eitv iw ' T! '"l"' Mr Ar"i' ,,nM i lm ing t li s and i" leniarknlile fnini the fact tbiir dnrin,, the two veins since the organization iC the Cherriaiis, only one other assess ment hud been levied, one of if.l.OO.'Xo dues lire uni.l in il... i . , ,,. i.K""'-".iuii, UIIIl While tuc Cherrinnn hnv l.onn ni!vi have entire charge of these rest rooms. The funeral 01 Mrs. Frank Moeker The Business Me' !...,. , .J .. '''''' '"'"orrow- morning at 10 Sale,,, commercial club wiiThoIiU sp. Nmth V, re , ' str::,'," 's w ii '"'I meetjiig iu the rooms of the com- i be , o,ctc, l,v 1,,. Rev .1 C S ,e,p. niere.n dub this evening. This meet- j ami inter. ,t wi a Ii Place . 1. t.,t ns the by-laws of this Odd Fellows ce n e,e v Mrs Meeker department will be adopted and other died at her In, i 't,C ritv .n.. IMS of interest will come before the Sou,., Cmmcreiai 's'treet 'saVurdav " " ll""' ll'l.-,, ,1 ia survived by her THE STORE THAT SAVES YOU MONEY Quality Baby Buggies Best for at least eight reasons, .1 Steel wheel with 111 spokes to each, 2 Heavy nickeled mud gun rds. 3 barge foot hood w ith nickel trimmings. I Steel frame, which is collapsible. .1 Coinfortiiblo springs with upholstered scat. (1 Large adjust bl auto hood. 7 Vpholstered ndjusta- able back. S-Beautiful nickel handles. uvrcwgTOjw: $ j.M an(j up YOUR CREDIT IS GOOD HERE ntliers were turned lurnv. Tivn vnnnir - j w j people made the good confession, mak ing 11 for the day. "Tho First (icntlle Conversions" will be the story tonight. Prof. Fitz will sing "Oh l.ove That Will Not T.et Me fio," another of his great scrip tural songs. Miss Codilingtou will also give a solo, "Be Strong and Do It;" a new song just written by Dr. Brooks nnd Prof. Fitz, will bo introduced for the first time tonight. The song ans wers tho question "What Must I Do to Bo Saved V exactly ns the ques tion is answered in Acts of Apostles three times. Several candidates will bo baptized this evening lit 7:30 in the beautiful Btream which flows hard by the tent and some others Tuesdny evening ot 7 at the First Christian church. The revival will continue until next Sunday. Church Street Grocer Is Knocked Down By Horse While in the act of crossing Court street, at the intersection of High street Saturday afternoon, 0, 1). JSelnn nl.ried, proprietor of the grocery store ut 4(14 North Church street, wns run into by n horso driven by a farmer, knocked down nnd his head struck the pavement with such force n tn r,,,,,!,,,. him unconscious fur some time there- i utter. He stated afterward that he did not notice the horse .approaching, us his attention was attracted by an niitimnibile, and the driver of the horse I said that ho was conversing u itl, man who was riding with him and he did not notice Mr. Schmulzried until after he was struck. Mr. Schmulzried received a severe gash over his eye, which bled profusely, nnd was taken into the Opera House pharmacy where his wound was temporarily dressed aft er which he was taken home in it taxi The farmer whose horse struck him called upon Mr. Schmal.ried later, ex pressed his sincere regret of the ac cident nnd offered to condone in unv way in his power. husband, Frank Meeker, ami a diiuirh- ter, Mrs. K .1. Ante.. The fa mil v came to this country iu Inns from 'Berlin Heights, Ohio. Tho comulote - , r, . too wviui- llllllt I'llCKM to 1... I,. ,1.1 .1... I I.... I - , , itn- nt-ruim nav ... me nciiy rair, .sainrdav, July a, are announced as follows: 7:0(1 i, m maneuvering; 7:j, formation of the puiade; No. I motmbolit nice. hiss I. f if tee two mile course; Xo. 2 motorbont inc..' hiss 2, over S and under I.T horse nnw. er, 1 mile course: No. :i. evl.liii;,,,, :,,.. li'dplnne: n :i .,,il; v.. .-. ' t ' ,, . """"Si i'o- -i, nee for all, bang and go sports; No, ll, aqua- .... s,.ur,s. jne i-. ,, K llllh will play between races l, i, i and go race, the motorhnnts race down .lie course, ami return nt the firing of a gun. C. K. Dennison will i,;i,:. i.i.. new hydroplane over a t'iv,. course. This is the fir-t .; .... dioplnne has been slwevn here nnd Mr Denuisoii expects tn l.rl.,,. u .... ..' ! ... . . .. ... ' I no to II spceu ot .1.) miles an hour. 'Hie nunn- pinne sport is one brought from the Hawaiian Island. n.i .,..::..... . n, on a board, towed by ri . "tort."." , a " """"K ", four men stand on a log. The lug rolls luettv last, tho last ..,., iZ-.. ' , 1 .. , " I'.-n g ii ec la rei I the winner. " """"" " .. .,,,i.. num Hem llWIlv tO llellOlllii'n thn people. I he judge staled that he found no evnleiicse of fraud or misrepresentation on the part of the plaintiff as alleged in the defendant's answer but that a irin.,1 nrii'n it.t.i I, ...... e . . ,,,,,, utl- j ,uii II ue IU III I , . and it. wns only justice that, every . , llrriv,." ,hl' 'g'', tbc party cnnrtn... I,- .,. i.i , . ' . took Plll't ill tin. U-..-I, .'. 1 ....... vn7 t- (7aii:iiucii 10 toe i et ci. i in i , niMor who could not foresee tlm .,n.,n..i.i J1UN" "''gree, unci were sub.seoiientl. rv Hhoemnker . 1 ' ,,' H aiid Bro, U ,, W,Jivtn5S KSht Sen. Join, Arnold, W. iUX Hay Grunt, Howard Wilson, Karl ,.' muim nun rrailK tniison. master .... . . : ' ."-Aii-cieii .Mi.iiuiMiii wmen later dcvelOied. The suit was brought to foreclose a mortgage on 85 acres of land in this rmtnty purchased by the defendants at $.5 an acre. They paid down $2000 in rash and gave a mortgago for $14(1(1. The plaintiff sought .judgment in the sum of :i4;i7.2() with attorney's fees of $350, $S8 interest and 60 80 axes Turner and Turner represented the plaintiff and (I. M. Innian and John " Turner appeared for tho defendants, Salem Masons Visit Lodge At Independence By special invitation of Independ- entertained at a banquet, tngcilicr witi, delegations of Alasons from JRi.:kreail Dallas and other lodges. The cru,v,l,4 gathering was then entertained with addresses of Masonic work by Woisliiii ful Master 1. W, Baker and Bro, .Me, win of I.ioa lodge, the .Musters of D. Ins and llickreall lodges, Past-Master Thielscn of Sulem Ko. 4, and Wurbi. ful Muster Glen C. Nilcs and Senior Warden Hal V. Bulum of Pueific ., 50, ull of which were cliiBcly followed and enthusiastically received, A reunion which will bo mrniurtUe to both the home lodges nnd their vii iters terminated at ,12:;ll), mid (lie Ss loin brothers then enjoyed tlio run hum! in the brilliant mvunlight, tlio. (.'h-rry city was reached at half past one. Ye Liberty TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY June 2930, July 1 IK ASSOCIATION WITH AVID BELASCO yJESSE L. LASKY . . PicturiKed. Version of Wm. O, DeMille's Drama of Wachington Political Life The T THE WOMAN" Originally Produced In Dramatic Form Under the Direction of David Belasco and a Historic New York Triumph Special Star Cast Includes 'Lois Meredith James Neill Theodore Roberts Mabel Van Buren And Other Favorite Artists. A Drama of Love and Politics, Showing How the Desire To Do Evil May Eeact Udou the Evil-Doer General Admission 10c Children Sc Yah in a Carp. if Details Collars, Socks, Garters and Handkerchiefs are of minor importance but men n quire them, that's why we have them. Our variety of these things is chosen with the same care with which we cJow our Suits, Overcoats and Hats, becausi our policy is "the best in evcrjU"5 men wear." We will serve you to these -J courteously and conscien Uousiy w you were selecting a Bishops Kcav Tailored Suit at $lS-$20-425 . SALEM WOOLEN MILLS STORE iwmmkw-ii iim wi 1 " ww pupw .', wpi'Ii mm wnim iwibi'iwipi i i n , , -.-in. , , ( IITrll) n i fi i i n m pnininii ninn M , j I mii n l" V1