age of "The Capital Journal'' Editorial P MONDAY KVKXINO .li'ii.' 2H, I Ofi CHARLES aFKSiJ Editor nq Mtng,. PUBLISHED EVERT EVENING EXCEPT SUNDAY, SALEM, OREGON, BY Capital Journal Ptg, Co., Inc. h. S. BARNES, President CHAS. H. FISHER, Vice-President DORA C. ANDRESKN, fcicc. und Treus. SUBSCRIPTION RATES Daily by carrier, per year $5.00 Daily by muil, per year 3.00 Per month i 45c Per month 35e FULL LEASED WIRE TELEGRAPH REPORT The Capital Journal carrier boys are instructed to put the papers on the porch. If the carrier docs not do this, misses you, or nt gleets getting the paper to you on time, kindly phone the circulation managor, as this is the only way we can determine whother or not the carrlors are following instructions. Fhor.e Main 81. OUR GAINS IN TRADE Since the first of the year the outside world has paid down here a hundred million in gold. This has been on top of many hundreds of millions of merchandise shipped to us and many hundreds of mil lions more of American stocks and bonds sold here against the prodigious foreign purchases made from us. " And yet the nations abroad, those at war and those at peace, find no way to stop the downward crash of foreign exchange. This means nothing less than that, with all the goods, with all the securities and all the gold they are rushing to The government health service has issued a circular in which there is the statement that ten thousand consump tives annually come West to die. It estimates the con sumptive population of Western Texas and New Mexico at fiftv thousand. The circular rives warning against consumptives in advanced stages going to that section of ,1 i it. . 1 A 1 1 1 1 i 1 J.1 1 ! A r tne country, tne aituuae ana aust ana me long juui-uey being against the chances for prolonging life. The means for taking care of consumptives are greater than ever before in the older sections of the country where sani-1 tariums have been established and the outdoor cure is administered. Much is being done to stamp out the disease which has sent so many to the far West and Southwest to endure hardships of travel and change, the lack of funds, only to have death hastened. It is a timely warning the government health service issues and it ought to be heeded. .rr ,1 .1 -HhJ QUIET OR CONCERTS rillfl The story is that sweet potatoes are supplanting rice over in China, being grown in all sections of the great land and the natives taking to them with a greater liking than for rice. The folks in China some day will look and act far different after they're fed on the feed for years that has held the taste of the most highly civilized. A New York man says the country needs lawyers more than soldiers. Can it be that man was steered into the wronrr law office for ndvirp nnrl onrnurlor tlioro nvo ,i j 1 1 Ml ' i. J.l i-U!., KK f r r $ r? InuTTTrtufi nm1 4- Mtnr 1 o us, tney cannot clear our tuns agamsi ineiu unvumig imt-i j-cw iuwcis ami cuu many pu&mg us sucn: as fast as they are running them up. I This has nearly all happened as yet through our sales! Hucrta has bumped up against the United States' abroad of foodstuffs to give us a trade balance for the government this time. fiscal year ending with this month ol more than a billion dollars. And now the arms and ammunition start to go out in heavy-laden ships, in many fleets, in golden argosies streaming across the seas. Enormous as is this growth of American trade balance, i l ' j1 j 1 i 1 1 1 . i even more important is me steauy estaoiisiuuent 01 new industries here for the manufacture at home of articles heretofore imported. The announcement that millions are being invested in the establishment of factories in the Pittsburg district for the manufacture of various chemical products re quisite to the industries of this country, but previously imported, is but one step in this great movement. Council Committee and Park Board Issues Ultimatum To the Disturbers A SIGN OE THE TIMES Deputy State Sealer Will Pros ecute Scale Salesmen For Violating Law .Vr'nliiii; to tin' i'Oinuif;ition ol! the cost of iiclininistnitioii of tiio statu dc- I the (lrpiivtiiiciit, that eiili'-iii.'ii of rei titin makes of wales are i-allinir upon ; inei-i'iianis anil otliers iisiiiu s.-nles in jtlieir respective linos of business ami j by representing themselves by inipli-; ( cation at least, to be aiitliorize.l scale: ; inspectors, proceed to 'make a test of ithe scales in use anil, if they ibi not happen to be the pnrticiihn make they are hauillint;, pronounce them .lefeetiv'e , ami use this means of trviiijf to effect sales. Deputy State Sealer llnchtel iins! issued strict orders to the district dep uties to be on the lookout for these fraudulent impersonators of state dep- " tics and whenever any evidence can1 be obtained ayninst them tu prosecute1 the guilty ones to the fullest extent of j the law. Suite Deputy Sealer lluchtel also calls the merchants' attention to! the fact that all state deputies wear! badges and whenever anyone calls toj test their weightR or Bcales to mnkej them display their badges and other1 pnrtiuent of weights and measures, an-i credentials and to make immediate i'e- der the provision of the act of the last port of any attempt to infringe upon legislature, figured out by Deputy j their rights by importers. State Sealer f-'red (I. Buclifel and up- Mr. linchtej also announces that the portioned nmniie the IW counties of the new system oi' weigliU yn.l tolernncesi slate emliraced in the four districts, I will be out in the course of a few1 .Mnrion ('unity's portion of the cost of ; weeks and that no radical changes are1 administration nmouuts to onlv $.")5S.ii"i , contemplated in the chaii!e of eonin-l per year uniier the new district system, j meat and none that will work a hard or at I lie rite of iMAm per month, as ship on the merchants or scales maun compared to over $100 per month under! fncturers in any respect, the old county system of standardizing ! Marion county is situated in the and regulating weights and measures inl western district, of the state's division the state. into weights, and measures districts,; I'nder the new law, which went into which is composed of Benton. Clack. i what since the day when so many piled up dollars and l'1'1'';''1 M;iy, tl",1N,",: is ,livi'u:'1 1 V!"I;?. i-"'-oi", Marion. Poik, Tillamook, i , i n . n J , . , , , to t n 1 1' d 1st tic ts and a deputy si-uler of j ash i ngtoii h ii 1 1 Viniliill counties, ami Mien got a handkering lor Oil ICC and OlllCial honors, and weights and measures is employed for, the annual cost of administration fur i it's a good sign too. It indicates satisfaction with busi-"?'''''''?'!4 in ,h t a, this district is divided among these, " .... , i i i . . 1,1 salary ol' IJ00 per year and traveling counties upon the following percentage1 IIOSS, With Conditions Under Whlt'h bUSineSS IS COndUCted expenses not to exceed n'.O per anabasis: 1 h I now. it also pvirlpnooa t.ho Invira nnniwintinn nf the f.-ipf '".""i "''- '' maU.-s. the total expense of i Western District. - ........ ----n" i-i----".v.w.. v, -.v. - u.liiiiiustiHl ic.n for each district '2,().-0 ! Pop. tlUlt miXlllg bUSineSS and polltlCS IS neither honorable nOl' Pt year. The expenses are pro-rated, Tillamook i.2l( ln'iifitnhln Till. niMi-i u-Vn tftilnv mnW millmnc nnrl L-nnivc !"".'"" "!,V,T!'1 rti of each dis-1 Washing (on 21,522 I J Hium-UIIIIUIUIIOUIIUBHUIKI, ,, wa ( ..,.,. Vlll I ill Henry Ford, of Detroit, whose work seems to be chief ly keeping people on the go and cutting melons measured by millions, says he has no political ambitions. In other words, Henry, notwithstanding he has amassed a com petency, has no notion of dedicating himself as some would say or, speaking in the terms of those who hear the call of friends to get in the race, of devoting his time to the service of the people in some political position. 1 his is a sign of the times which have changed some- The members of the city council park committee und the city pnrk board have been bombarded from nil sides with complaints from citij'ns and taxpay ers of the noise that is made by chil dren turned looso indiseriminiitely und allowed to romp nud shout to their heart's content during the rendition of the numbers at the public concerts in Willson avenue and have been petition ed to put a stop to this disturbance of peace and luirinony. The petitions have become so insis tent nnd, in many cases, abusive that the joint park committee and board have decided to take steps to abate the noisy romping and screaming of the children while the band is rendering an exceptionally choice selection of classi cal music and to thts end, they claim, they will call ia the services of the police if parents will not pay attention to reasonalde and polite reouosts to try to keep their children within bounds and as quiet as possible while the band is playing. The din is so (,'reat, the complainants say, at times tiiat when the band is playing the soft and mel low strains it is impossible to hear a note of it on the outskirts of the crowd. The committee and board members state that if the noise cannot be stop ped the city will be obliged to with draw its support of the band concerts and they will bo discontinued, In a final effort to curb the alleged "nuis ance" the joint committee and park board has drafted and requested pub lished an appeal to parents in which they say: "These concerts are costing' the tax payers of the city considerable money and we believe they are entitled to tho music for which they are paying, and therefore feel it our duty to maintain at least B reasonable umount of or der during these concerts nnd attempt to do this if it takes the entire police force to accomplish it. It should bo remembered that this park is not n playground, so we will once moro ns!t these parents to keep their children quiet and help to make these concerts a success, if you wish them to be con tinued. "CITY PARK COMMITTEE, "CITY PA UK HOARD." It I 111 II Mill l.tWIU ft lull. II nflim II... lllll II luou-r ! 1 ..11. ,l, l.i . . ' .' '". '""""", l.-i.-i.l ins imsiness ami Knows tnat nis ousiness is not politics, '"i'K "e mm federal census nndciHcknmas awm is in position to be of service and at the same time get a 'mo ' i:HV,,,!.V;,!T,u;:;;;.,rtf l h X pretty large degree of satsfaction out of life. All that,'"""""1 ,i,x "i"Mi s counties in tni Marion :is.7so however, is no ilisPonrjiwniPnt to the iwUio whoh nnn ' ,,""r" 'r'l'L llk'"," lM3 t ' - w v" --- ma i rusecuie iinposiers. sun call tne man and insist upon his service, even it he has a pretty good pile of dollars to his credit and has at the same time the honor, the ability and the courage to .serve. Reports nre continuing to come into Pet. ,o-i:t .MS I .Dill! .20(1 1 .o:h; j .27:1 ; .07:11 Total .1-.i,.-)0:i A doctor from Brooklyn went all the way to San Fran cisco to a gathering of medical practitioners to voice his woe. He said that the great philanthropic foundations Mich as tho Rockefeller and Carnegie are an ever increas ing menace to the system of medicine of his brotherhood of practitioners. That view of things as they are would seem to take the wind out of the claim of medical met) that their mission is to prevent rather than cure disease, which would mean that the opportunities for fees would be greatly lessened. The Southern Pacific depot is again undergoing re pairs. As our correspondent of today suggests,' the fear t hat the historic relic which was regarded as a railroad f'tation two or three decades ago is not likely to be re placed by a showy, modern structure in the immediate future is groundless. The vandal hand of progress has been stayed. You cant make money with the time that has i passed nor V have a Bank account until you start one" m iRk "ii i es-ij 'J KHA -Ji III n The Philadelphia Inquirer says: "A woman succeeds in making a fool of a man only after he has made an ass of himself." Here is a case where the man appears to have the last word on the subject. LADD & BUSH, Bankers Established 1SG8 Capital $500,000.00 Transact a general banking business Safety Deposit Boxes SAVINGS DEPARTMENT All the rough places and the deep ra vines of despair in life are easily bridged with a Bank account. It is the safest shield for 'protection and once you begin to save you will be convinced it is the only road to comfort and wealth and we might well say health, because you will be happier when you form the habit of saving. Start to day with $1. 4';; INTEREST PAID ON SAVINGS UNITED STATES NATIONAL BANK of Salem, Oregon OPEN FORUM WOODMAN SPARE THAT TREE! We are gliul to aanounco to the citi zens of Salem that we arc not going to have a new .Southern 1'ncir'ic depot. Fof a time it seemed as though the an cient edifice would be sacriligiously torn down and a modern depot erected, but public spirited citizens of Salem after considerable cajolery, expense and even threats finally persuaded the of ficials that the historic, pilo must re main for another generation at least. It seems incredible to us thnt the great Southern l'acif'ic Nvstem alumM lmn for its officials, men, so unpatriotic, so inusthetic, so unproc;ressive as to even think of lowerinj,' this noble an tique to the dust. How many times have Salem citizens after showing tlieir visiting friends the various modern stnte institutions, the well paved streets, the beautiful homes, the capitol building, finally brought them to gaze in silent awe on this one last relic of bygone days. How often have our hearts swelled with indignation when some poor, ignorant brute spoke slight ingly of our aged beloved structure; called it a shack, a cowbani. Ah! what associations! what memories hov er about "ye olden station." Many a time when boys have we wutched the old "wood-burners" bring tlieir lends of humanity to its hospitable doors. Many a time and oft have we strolled with our sweethearts to the depot "to see the train come in." Jinny a time we have watched the rats plav hide and seek on the "wait in room" floor: mostly " wuitin." Tear this beloved temple down, and build a new depot! NKVKK, MOV Kl!, MOVKR! Hut my feelings lead me to digress; as previously stated the aesthetic peo ple of Salem have prevailed upon the officials of the Southern Pacific to permit this architectural antique to re main standing; however, it has become necessnry through the defilement of its floor by the common herd thnt a new floor be built. It is hoped that no re pair work be done that is not absolute y necessary, as to alter the building in nny wnv. or to imint it ..,i,i,i t.,.,.i ' - i - """i ii mi to remove some of that charm of sweet simplicity tnat is so marked an attribute, of the noble pile at present. And then nnylhing having n tendency toward modernization would be frowa ed upon by those having the interests of Salem at heart us ia that case the structure would lose that air of au- iiipnty tnat makes the depot n point of attraction for the tourist. OLD riOXKlOR, GUARD LIBERTY BELL. I'oitland. Or., June !X Kivo prnm. incut Portland men. MJt j,. (ieneial T M., Henenii ('. p. n,,ebe Lieutenant Colonel II. C. ( ubel ami Charles H, Thompson, all des ,,:,i,t of revolutionary officers in Washing ton s nrmv will ... nu i . .1,. i T V i .1 , """"i guarit t ot .... ueu curing its stnv Inly l.i, it was announced todav" here "PlPER's" Convenient un t . wacics and Duffers, every tuneyougogolfingtuckaplS of rich, juicy, tasty 'PIPER' into the old jib-pocket Just reach back and take a hefty chew before you start drive I putt. You'll getafull, hearty tobacco satisfaction and a fRk,ef,ntoba"o joy from IHf fl 1 ll El 1 H fair Purl? Senfl 10c and I1 E yur tobacco dealer's name,, and we will send a full-size cut of "PIPER" and a hand some leather pouch FREE, anywhere in U. S. Also a folder about "PIPER." The tobacco, pouch and mailing will coat ua 20c, which we will gladly apend because a trial will make you a steady user of "PIPER." 'iIJl Ratal SE.ii ChewingTobacco-Champasne Flavor The great distinction about-PIPER-toamaa who likes a smacking fcwu i eusu w ms cnew is the famous "Cham pagne Flavor." The winey taste mingles ripest, carefully selected tobacco leaf! "PIPER" is the highest type of chewing tobacco ia the world and lasts longer 0 because the plug is k extra nara pressed. Sold by fiealeit every, where Id 5c end 10c cuti -sanitary foilwrppedt to pre.onro the "PIPER" flevor. The Tobacco Company of California Sam FrancUco, Cat Cherry Days . 9 June 28, 29, 30 See Our Window Demonstration ! Something Special for Gas otove Purchasers The Gas Co. Easy Payments Si H " Fall Information at any Wt$torn Union Officm. The Money Speedway va,r mim.q or little sums safely ana easily sent by WESTERN UNION The cost is small, the service quick and sure. THE WESTERN UNION TELEGRAPH CO. J