Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, June 28, 1915, Image 1

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Leased Wire
P flip 3 fflrtr hrti HSI
ill II III hlik IHllllfUir ALEM, OREGONTMONnAY, JUNE28,1915 Wciwm-
HutKIA loA PRISONER 1111 18 Ji wive ifiisiiM
hi Ml T (IF Pi (it "85. TO mJN " HLD mm
American OfEcials Believe Huerta's Arrest Will Nip New
Revolution In the BudHuerta Said To Have Formed
Alliance With Villa Natives of Nogales Cry "Down
: With Huerta, Burn Him Alive! He Is A Devil!"
El Puso, Texas, June 28. : General
Victorinno Huerta, deposed dictator of
oiexico, is a prisoner of the United
States today. With General Pnsqunlc
Orozco, former revolutionary chief, and
later adherent of Huerta, the former
dictator, U held under $15,000 bond on
charges of conspiracy to violate the
neutrality of this country by inciting
a revolution against a friendly power.
Orozoco is held under $7,500 bond. Both
wero formally placed under arrest last
night on orders from Washington but
were later released on bond until their
preliminary hearing is held. This is
Hcheduled for next Thursday.
Juarez, across the border from El
I'aso, is under martial law today. Re
ports were received that Iluortistas, at
tracted to this region by the arrival
of their former leader, wero contem
plating an attack upon the city despite
the detention of Huerta. Karly today
there wero no indications of the threats
reported being carried out, but the en
tire border has been thrown into the
greatest excitement by the nnneurnncei
of Huerta aud the prompt action trtken j hn vo been launched immediately,
by the United States in taking him Into I I-otest reports from Admiral Howard
custody, I state that the situation on the west-
Huerta refused to discuss his plans! er '"nut where the Yaquls were cans
todav. Ho is sni.l to have itonie.l thnt ilnir trouble, is improved.
' ne had intended crossing the border,!
but government agents are declared to
have information that he and Orozco'
were scheduled to meet Cientifico lend-J
erg here and that a counter revolution '
intended to re-establish the Hnertn 1
regime was planned. Machine guns and!
rifles were said to have been found In J
4 warehouse here.
Americnu authorities generally ex
press the opinion that a now Mexican
revolution was frustrated bv the arrest
of Huerta and Orozco. They were
virtually taken into custody at New
man, N. M., where Huerta and his
party planned to leave tho train and j
filter El Pnso by automobile. The I
Mexicans were told that it was the de-
Hire of the authorities to bIiow thfinl
every possible honor in escorting them
into the city. A detachment of t'nitcd
Wntos cavalry was waiting and flanked
by the mounted troopers, Huerta was
diven from Newman direct to the fed
srnl building in El Pnso. Later he was
taken to Fort miss n ml was there
fnrmnllv arrested, and later released on
Clifford nock ham, a young attorne.vi Generals Trias and (Juiroz have been
of Fort Worth is acting ns special agent j ns0 fr ,, , tw0 ,,.,,,,1,, r,,.,ri,.
of the department of justice here. Hf Hciitiiir Huertn, it was asserted locally,
has been filfmg the post since October j Huerta was to have headed the clerical
22 and It was he who caused the arrest( party. Iturbide and Calcro were to
of Huerta aud Orozco. j lead the other faction of the cientificos
Heckhnm said more arrests were to be o be known as the nationalist party.
tn.nl and thnt the men suspected nre After joining Villa the clerical party
citizens of Texas. He refused to dis- j nnticlpnte, a juncture with the nation
cuss reports thnt New York financiers nlists it was averred.
who are said to have supplied funds
for the new revolution were to be taken, MexIc0 wr Ia Different.
uuu iubiuiiti i
Mexicans nere uu'c n-ui....-u ,- .....
firm of Lea, McGrady .aud Thomnson to
represent Huerta and Orozco when tliej
Hre arraigned for a fl'mK l,),,f"1'1' ter from the front to a friend here to
United Htntes Commissioner George av fll,1,,lrP, Kuropean war aviation
Oliver on Thursday. Lea is the mnyor wi)h int (lf tl,,i,,0 mxul
of El Paso, Heckhnm will .represent ( ., There is no need to tell you I
the government. Ho is ready to prose- f()1Mli, n )li(f , i i t"t'-r i-n i-o between flvitig
ute the case immediately but the ,lc in j0Jil, nillt j France. The
felise is expected to seek a postpone- (1(,rilul, ,-,v 'sM-cial guns against
niont. , 1 neroplani'S but ihov nre not very dung-
Heckhnm and a corps of seeretaries ,,,,, ,v,Pn n(. get's used to them. When
nave been working on ine r.i us, '""
,,f tho ennsnlmcv since April i.-. lie
wiid the attempted escape of General
.loso Hnlazar from Albuquerque on
November 20, 1014. was connected with
the present conspiracy. Ilecklium said
ho first heard of the revolutionary plot
while investigating Salazar's esiie.
lie admitted that secret sf"Ve agents
were wntching Huerta, Orozco ami
ol hers to see that thev did not cross
lh0 border. Beekhanf firmly believes
the arrest of the Mexican leaders broke
up a new revolution.
Tlv John Edwin N'evin,
Washington, June :.-Rigid prose
'ution of all persons connected with the
Huerta revolutionary plot is planned by
the department of justice. It was un
derstood todav that the arrest of Gen
eral Huerta and General Orozco m -1
I'aso was only the first step in the
easo which Attorney General Gregory
is preparing against the alleged plot
ters. All evidence will be paced be
fre a federal gra'id jury in the case
immediately. Not only will the prose
cution b directed against the recog
nized leaders, but it is planned to in
clude Americans who backed the rr'v
posed revolution financially and those
who furnished munitions tn the men
who expected to add another fVt."" to,'"
i . i... i- a. 'ul
Federal agentB and troops in El Paso
are watching Huerta and Orozco close
ly. While they are at liberty on bond,
every effort will be made to prevent
them from crossing the border and
jumping the bonds.
With so much at stake it is re
garded as possible that Huerta and
Orozoo might attempt a dash across the
Donter, out it is regarded as certain
that such a move would only result in
tnuure and probably result in the revo
lutionarv leaders beinir locked itn
Attorney General Gregory, in charge
ui hid caw, is Keeping President Wilson
informed of all developments. The
president is in close touch with Wash
ington by wire from Cornish. N If
where he is spending his vacation.
Mexican agencies in Washington were
deeply stirred by the El Paso develop
ments today. They believe the arrest
of Huerta will have a far reaching ef
fect upon the general Mexican situation.
Had he not been detained on the
Texas border, Villista and Parranzista
agents declare a new revolution would
what the sitnation Is at Mexico
' ' However, is not . known. The
s,nfe department has not yet learned
he outcome of the fighting between
General Gonzales and General Zapata
for possession of the citv.
At "'e war department It was said
,,ie,e prospect of strengthening
the American border forces. General
Funstou is authorized to handle the
tronw as he sees fit, however, and
""Kht concentrate them strategically
wituout consulting the department.
America Must Intervene.
Douglas, Ariz., .Tune 28. Local repre
sentatives of tho proposed alleged
Huerta revolution, supposedly quashed
by the arrest of Victorinno Huerta at
K Pnso, stated today that the deten-
1 linn of the former dictator would result
in American intervention in Mexico,
i They declared that Huerta had
' formed an alliance with Villa which
eventually Would have embraced all
factions for the purpose of eliminating
( arranzn, and that the taking over ot.siiults weie reported in the Mcuse
Junrez was to have been the first steu,
Yoell on. , innn K 1 Mnssnn .
F av ntor who f rst ira ne,
flin( ,y ,ru),)inij ,om,, for crraiiza
on ,.,.,, , olh.r cities, in a let.
.mn h,.i exiiln.les too near vmir. ma-
chine a little push on the rudder makes
the next explosion loo meters away.
This dodging was nmlising fur a few
months, but. 1 must sav nw I wijh I
could get back to Mexico.
reeling Agsiust Huerta.
Nouales, Sniorn, .June "Ilurn
Huerta alive! He is no Mexican. He is
a devil.'' These cries sounded through
the streets here today when the news
of lluertn's arrest in El Pnso reached
here. At one place mobs paraded, yell
ing 'Mown with Huerta."
Portland, Or., June 2s. Although the
nutotiKi'iile in whidi they were riding
plunged neatly 1W led down a Wil
lamette riv-r embankment, four per
sons were suffering from only minor
bruises tod. iv. They were W. A. amn
io, wife, t.ieir eleven year old
dnuglitcr nnd
Their es, ape
i, cm
L. Hreiltt.
was almost
Portland. Or., June 2S.-Aft.-r sr. ill
,.. f .ev. -ml weeks Oil'iain Sherman
V Miort veteran steamboat man and
one of the bet known river pilot- ,
the northwes' is dead t-siay at th age
Turkish Ambassador Gets
rassports As New Entry
Is Proposed
Germans Alarmed At French
Advance-Increase Lines
In Alsace
Rome, June 2S. Diplomatic relations
between Italy and Turkey have now
been severed. Naby Bev.'the Turkish
ambassador to Koine, demanded his
passports Saturday and has left for
It is considered possible that news
paper statements declaring that Italy
would soon join the allies in their at
tacks on tho Dardanelles and reports
that ships hail already been sent t.hnr
caused tho departure of the ambassador.
Tho same situation now exists between
Turkey and Italy as between Germany
and Italy. Diplomatic relations havo
been severed in both cases, but there
has yet been do declaration of war.
A new powerful bomb has been con
tributed to Italy's fighting forces by a
socialist and a member of tho
which oppwvil war until it
conflict was inevitable.
The inventor is the socialist Deputy
Battelli, a professor of chemistry at
Pisa. The bomb is a high powered in
cendinry projectile which may revolu
tionize aerial warfare, according to dis
patches received here todav. Kxneri-
ments made from an aeioplnna have
mmnrrnr.ni iic tcrriDJe effects of ex
plosions from the new weapou.
2,000 Alblnaiu Killed.
C'ettinie. June 2S. T wn ttiniii.ii nil Al.
banians were killed or wounded in an
attack upon the Montcngrins at lljak
ovitsn Hnturdny, it was officnlly an
uuum-rii ninny, i ne attacking force
numbered 4,000, the statement iloclnre.t
and half of the enemy's force was left
lead ur wounded on the field.
Germans Are Alarmed.
Paris, .Mine iiS. Alarmed bv the
stonily French advance upon Colinar,
the Germans have reoinforced their
lines In Alsace. This was oflicnllv an
nounced today in reporting strong at
tacks against the new Fr h positions
about Mot.eral last night. Heavy
snrapiicl fire iroin French guns inflict
ed heavy losses upon the advancing en
emy ami they were repulsed.
Attacks were also made during the
nignt anout I alieine, while seveial as
iieignrs. ah were repuiseii. Msewlicrc
on the front a lull was reported.
RuasUn Lines Intact.
Petrograd, .lime 2H. Hy withdrawing
from Ilohrok to Zainviio, the Russian
lines ill Gnlicin have kept intact. A
trap set by the Austin (ieiinnns to
pierce the Hluv lines and cut off the
southeastern armies from those ,cr
ating east of l.emberg was avoided an, I
the Russians are ilcclurcd to si ill be in
position to offer determined resistance.
It was ntliciiillv admitted todav that
,. I),..,;,..... ..I
1-1. :..
frm.t ..,tl.,..i f 1 1
part of the movement tn t'cx -tn II the
(iermiin plans, it i, claimed, however.
1 li" new positions lire west of Kuhiitvn
and extremely well fortified. They
have been maintained in the fne of
determined assaults
Inspired by the nrriwil of the czar at
the front, toe Russians delivered fresh
attacks in'twceii Leitiberg and Stnuis
Ian. At midnight, it was otfi,ally an
iioiiuced liiiio Antro-t,eiuians and t wu
imii'hiiic umi" hud been captured.
North of Warsaw nod north it'
( zemowitz nil .attacks have btru re
pulsed during the pnt 21 hours.
Heavy lighting lias been renewed on j
the I 'mica-Mis front.
In the region of Van, the Turks hate;.
oecii niroii)n r , 1 1, i , i aim no .
tacking the llus-ian poinon.
Bombs Dropped.
Rome, June s..en. lanes dropped,
bombs upon i Httarro Sunday, "' 'r'1
ing to advi'cs rescuing hoie (rum S, ot
ari today. The foitifications ami nocks
,.f the Aiitniin eitv are declared t"
have been ba lly damaged.
Steamer Inttrani Bunk.
London, J:iue 2s. -The t, inner In
dim, i. oloe-t of the Ibfinldson line
rdups. was sunk by a nihimirine in .-it
George's channel, it ns learned today.
The crew a. rescued and Isi.d-d.
Submarine 8mhs Lifina.
ClononstoMII. June The ste.lllof
Liicinu has been sunk olf Itslly ' otion
l,v a German "iibninmic, it lenrnei
here todav. The l.i earnd
,, ,,f r,ml tnd ess engaged iu
l,.,i.,., n poa.t i rts. I i,n being over
hauled by the German
,i ti
I h A
crew giv
n, unites
i ,, lke In the lmt. 1 he
..i. was then shelled and sent to the)
bottom. The crew n poked op by
triinh t sod landed today.
May Organize Southern Ore-
gon Conference District
Next Year
"We, the girls of the third annual
Western Girls (onference, do hereby
resolve: ......
1. That during the coming year wc
will strive to pray and read our Bible
every dayj
"2. That we will stand by the con
stitution which we have adopted and
aid our officers ia every way pos
3. That we, believing It to be in
according with tho word of Christ, will
support Prealdeni Wilson in his stand
for peace, to the beat of our ability;
. lnat we Will use our influence
to further purity in amusements and in
3. That we will loyally and heart
ily support the enforcement of the tem
perance law by the officers of our state
and counties;
'ti. That we will also cndeimir to
live up to the meuoing of our emblem.
The blue signifying loyalty to Christ,
the church, and those about us, and the
white emblematic of purity of heart
and life;
"7. That we will tell the members
of our church and Nunday schools
of the hospitality of our hostesses, of
the cordial recetion, of the many in
spiring speeches, and the benefits we
have derived from being sent here;
K. Thnt 1 vote of thnngs be giv
en the Hnlem girls for their hearty wel
come and the kind entertmnment and
ordinlity in the various homes during
this convention period." A
, After electing a staff of officers and
adopting., the , relation above refer
red to, and wllJinut selecting a place
of meeting for the year 111 111 the West
ern Oregon Girls' conference, which
has been in session in this city since
Friday evening, came to a close with a
rousing session at the First Congrega
tional church last evening pronouncing
the conference the most auspicious and
successful ill the history of the organ
ization. To Organise New District.
As t result of tho conference just
closed it is more than probable that the
state will, beforn. another year rolls
around, be divided into three confer
ence districts with u new district form
ed of the counties lying south of the
Lane county line nnd embracing ,ure
of the counties in south central Oregon,
to be known ns tho Southern Oregon
Girls' Conference district. This 1 1
developed from the fact that the south
ernmost delegates in attendance at llie
western Oregon conference were from
Fiigene, giving rise to the conclusion
that delegates south of this point were
unable to attend on account of the dis
tance and expense and, in order to have
the state mole thoroughly and effec
tively represented in the movement the
organmitiohn of a new district was
suggested and taken under advisement
to be decided at the next statu Honda?
school ronvention.
The only invitation received by this
conference for next year's conference
was from the Highland Hnptist church,'
of Portland, and Inasmuch ns one con
ference has slrcndy been held in Port
land, the second in Albany and the
third here it was thought advisable to
hold the ll'l'l conference at a more
southerly point and the matter was tak
en under advisement to be determined
lntr by the board of advisors. An ia
vitation was received from Dallas to
bold the 1!'I7 ronferi.nce there but this
matter nus laid on tho table and refer
n d to the next conference for decision.
New Officers Are Chosen.
As forecasted In the Capital Journal
of .itur'biv, Miss Madge Humbert, of
Kugene, ns chosen president of the
conference for the ensiling yenr. The
new officers nnd board of advisors
ill, ,..'ii at Miturday's business session
s)l, Mndge Humbert, of
,,.t Unrgnret Gibson,
i.rcn, cm i.orame
Hinson, Port
retmv: U IV I InrK. i on
land, treasurer.
v,lv,rv board; Miss Laura Heist,
u .. i tn W. A. White. Oregon
' ' ... ,r, t n. Ii.neln.ver. Port-
. v iimiltn, Albany;
Mrs ' Jameson, Lebanon; Miss Laura
, v,Minnville; Maxine Tel
ford. Oregon City; Stella Wilson,
I n ,1 - Grisclda l'ridhnm, I he
Dnlle; Mclla Hoover, Albany,
f,e recreation Mriod following
mdnded s trip to the state house.
i Willamette university, ine nm in
1 .1, c.t.on and Willamette river. A
potluek po'nic supper was then en
ji,v,"l in Marlon sonre.
ssn I'm K, is' , June St. Ilefore Mar
tin '
liol.el, a siily-liv year oni nermn
... t,,.. ive, in a riih in "r -
behind the Mount "livet eemetery for
ral lean, Mllol nims-ii , in-
n,,.,,tl M Hill
Mrs. I hritian. lie iMiogni
l, lot
, . ... .... i....;. i ...l
in llie eeilli-ier.y e on,,.-.
nil ne, e.arv funeral arrange
Despondency arising from nn
Hieial Ulirooilies ui.-i i...... m-
II,, reason f' H, hubrl's sun ide.
Invaders Score Most Import
ant Victory Since Capture
of Lemherg
Berlin, via Wireless to London, June
28. Austro-German forces have storm
ed and captured Halica, crossing the
Dniester river, it was officially an
nounced today.
The crossing of the Dniester at Hal
ica is a further victory for the Teu
.tonic allies la the continuation of the
southern offensive. Hulict is IS miles
north of Leniberg and 40 miles east of
Tho Russians had previously with
drawn further north between Bobrka
and Znravno and with the Austro Ger
mans forcing a crossing of the Dniester
at Ualicx, 2(1 milei southeast of Zarav
no, a further retirement all along the
line is expected. From Hnlics it is 80
miles to Tarnopol, the Austro-German
The capture of llnlici is perhaps the
most important Austro-German victory
since the taking of Lemherg. A railrond
crosses the Dniester there and with the
gala made as a 'result of the capture
of the city, General Von l.lnsingen'a
right wing threatens to cut off the Rus
sian Dukowiua army from the forces
operating further north around l.em
berg. Only a further retreat of these
forces toward Tarnopol can prevent
this it is believed.
All official reports to the Oermuii
war office indicate that the Russians
except in isuluted spots, are being
swept from the south bank of the
Dniester nnd are rapidly being thrown
from Southeast Gulicis.
to the north in Poland subntnntin.
advantages are also claimed, throwing
the Russians on the defensive, ami
along a greater part of the vast front,
in retreat from the llnltlc to tho lies
sarnmbiaa frontier.
Germany Letdoi Assessments.
Berlin, via Wireless to Snyvllle,
June 21. Germany has levied assess
ments of f'iO.OIIO nnch against the
towns of Roubisx and Vulf ncienncs,
France, it was officially announced to
day. The payment was demanded in re
taliation for thr destruction by French
aviators of the German consubites in
the open Turkish towns of lluiffa nnd
Alcxandrette. The French aviators
dropped bombs upon these towns on
May .10 and ,11.
Teachers Rush In To
Avoid New Qualifications
C. C. Maker, formerly of this city
and for four years connected with the
Hnlem schools,' ia in llie city from Ku
gene today having business in the state
department of education. Mr. Baker is
majoring in the law course of the ('di
versity of Oregon and will finish this
year with a degree of LL. H. B. J. I.
He is also a member of th state boliril
of teachers' examiners and is here look
ing after matters pertaining to the
finul examination which begin on June
.HI (Wednesday) over the stale. On
account of the new law governing the
issue of teachers certificates, which re
quires a two year course of training In
a standard high school ur a short norm
nl school course, and which goes into
effect in Heptember, many of, the ap
pli, sills desire to get in curly so as to
escape t hese new fpialiificatioris, la
conseipience of which over !!,UO0 teach
ers will take the examinations in the
different grades this year, the largest
number in tho history of the stnle.
Ray Lewis Severely Hurt
In A Bicycle Collision
While riding his bicycle home to
luncheon during the noon hour todnv,
Wav Lewis, an emphivc at the Hoiitneru
Pacific freight depot in this city, had
a bad collision with auollier man on a
bicvele lit the coiner of High and Mute
street the impact of the collision be
ing o Kr''l,, wreck one of the
wheels and throw both riders forcibly
tn the pavement. According to eye
witnesses to the accident, Mr. Lewis
suffered a severe cot over his left eve,
laving Ine ssm open ror aooui i incnes.,
but he wss not rendered unconscious
and got up and walked sway, I'p to
the time of going to press the exact lia
tore of injuries received by either of
,L. ...i.. ......I.I ...it naeNrl It i lll'll tl,T
as to Jhe identity of the second party lo
me misnnp.
The Weather
WAf J o.,,,i,: Fair to
night; Tuesdav'
fair, wanner in!
teiiur southwest (
and east porli'ins;
liortiierlv Hindu,
utr out qW
Nine Men On Way To Job
British Army Detained
By Authorities
San Francisco, June 28. Nine men
said to have been recruited here for
the British army and who got aa far
as New York City la their journey to
r.nglaml, arrived here today in tho
custody of seven deputy United Hlates
marshals ami were at once taken to
the federal building to appear before
a special session of the federal grand
jury, It is believed the jury will re
turn indictments today.
While officially no positive state
ment has been made by Uuited Htatea
Attorney J. W. Preston who is con
ducting' the probe, as to who will, or
will not, be indicted, should the grann,
jury indict anyone, it ia known that
llatph K. Blair of a local printing firm,
has consulted attorneys. It is the
Blair's establishment that the men are
said to have been examined physically
by a Doctor Thomas Addis. Blair
also paid tho rent for a lurgo number
of alleged "recruits" in a rooming
The recruiting of men In this coun
try fur a foreign army la a violation
of American neutrality laws punishable
with three years in prison and 1,1100
The nine recruits are James W.
Mmilh, William V. Grammy, Frank
t ook, Patrick f asey, Harry Albert,
Fred Bond, William Klablea, Hubert
Johnson and Patrick 1'cvlin.
The grand Jury is scheduled to meet
at I! p, rn . In additiou to the nine men,
Harry G. Lane who waa taken into
custody Friday as the alleged go-between
for Hluir, will he called again
before the jurors. Lane, who spoke
freely of his relations with Blair, al
though denying that any of the "re
emits" had been solicited to enlist, has
been at Augcl island since Friday be
cause Blair would not put up V00
bail. Blair repudiated Lane and de
clares he never heard of him.
I-situloii, June 2H. The story of a
thrilling light between German and
British aeroplanes wns related today in
an "official evo witness" report from
the front. Attacked by machine guns
mounted on the German aircraft as well
as subjected to lira from auti craft
guns below, the British machine took
fiie and was barely able tn land in tho
allied lines before it was destroyed.
The llriti-h aeroplunii was recommit'
eriug over Belgium at a height of -1,1100
feet when attacked, llie German op
ened lire with a machine gun lit less
limn Jim yards. The lirnve aviator,
volplaning, replied with rifle fire when
pn if sliiapnei rroin the aim air-
ml' I guns below set fire to his gaso
line lank. With flames bursting about
him, the British aviator started to
ward bis own lines, Too fire, graduall
ly creeping toward him, set off cart
rhlccs strapped near his suit and tho
lilne had reached llie Jiropellor when
I lie aeroplane lauded safely, 'llie Her
inn n aeroplane pursued Ihn British ma
lime close to Hi" iMigllsh lines, U"l
Sterling Declines On
New York Exchange
(Copyright KU" by New Vork Kuoi-
ing Post.)
New Vork, June an. Th reullv lin-
purl ii n t movement in today's financial
market was again Ihn action of ej
hanue mi Loo, Ion, liislea, of recover
ing after Haturdav's decline of J
cent from Hie n.'li level lo win, li it
went on Hie war loan announcement,
sterling declined abruptly.
The final quotations Hnturdny was
4 1.77 7 1. It touched 1.7H ,'l H today,
barelv I H ahoic tho low figure for the
season. This estraordiaary response to
Kngland's bid for capital was nconi
pinned by no rhnnge in limhnrd
Ml rcls open market discount rate,
whbh remained at Hnlurday'a 4 "j p(,r
cent level, against 'itt and 12 ' 4 per
cent of Wall Htteet. (Sterling simplv
gave wav under the pressor of drafts
on London, and was not offset by drafts
on New Vork.
Work, exchange prices moved rather
irregularly during the day, though the
general trend waa perhaps toward firm
ness. I
A disposition to favor the stock ofi
companies handling war unlers as
evident. The news of the day hardly
appeared to riert auv influence, j
Chicago Facing Greatest I
Labor War In History!
I hicago, June "H. Chicago today
laces one of toe greatest labor wars in
i ,e history i if orgaui.ed labor in this
country. I
l oiitrurtora, lumber men and building'
manufacturers have united and an
iioiiiK'oi tnni no more ciinirai-n, .-t
signed altei today. Htanding orders,
Kill be filled bv mills, but new orders
Hill not be accepted. 0cr a quarter
of a million of mm earning daily more
than ',oo1ooij will be thrown tait of vm
plo incut.
Today's News
Printed Today
Carranza's Followers Defeat
ed and Capital Is Entirely'
Cut 01
Carranza Sending Reinforce
ments To Aid ff Invad-
. ing Troops .1
Washington, June 81 Zapatista
have defeated the Carranrn forces com
manded by General Oonsaleta at Mex
ico City and the, convention troops are
still in control of the capital.
A message from Consul Canada at
Vera Crui received today reported the
defeat of the Carransistaa. The d in
nate h was at first misread at the state
department and resulted in the ' an
nouncement that the ( arranxletaa had
taken Mexico City. Canada's n
sage read:
lupatiatna defeated Carransistaa In
Officials in the ,inte deputment
assumed that a period followed "de
feated." Translated further, the eod
message added, however;
"The capital It entirely cut off from
the world and Carranxa is rushing all
available men to Mexico City,".
Canndu'a message was dated Hu
day at 5 p, m. and was based upon in
formation which waa received at Vera
Cms by eourler,
The gravest fears are felt that Mex
ico City and the inhabitant of the
capital have suffered severely in the
fighting between the Carranslsta and
Zapata armies. Fighting was report
ed in the outskirts of the eity when
the message was disoatched from the
capital. With railrotd and telegraph
lines cut, nil communication with Mex
ico City Is interrupted and the fact
that contending' armies are still in or
about the city ends all present hope
of the Itcd Cross being able to got food
and supplies to the suffering people.
The eity is reported to be without
Report Is Confirmed.
Washington, June IIS. Karly reports
of a Zupiilii victory at Mexico City
were confirmed In dispatches to tile
state department this afternoon.
A courier who left the capital on
Juno Ul has Just renclicj Vera (,'rul.
John Hilliinun, special agent of the de
partment, reported In a lute dispatch,
lie stated that 25,01111 Zapatista soldiers ,
were in the capital. The telegraph
lines to Vers Cms have been taken over
by General Zapntu and all banks and
stores in Mexico I lly closed.
The situation is admittedly serious,
though the surmise was ventured this
afternoon that the Carrunsa reinforce
ments now en route to Mevico City
might outnumber the Zapatistas aud
foro the latter to evacuate.
Consul Caandn reported the dispatch
of reinforcements to the capital by Car-
With the receipt ut confirmation of
the serious situation in the capital,
there was grave apprehension this aft
ernoon that the suffering of foreigner
in Mexico City might compel inter
vention. The food shortage is grave
beyond exaggeration.
Vienna, June V.H This anniversary of
the assassination ot Arch link Fran
cis Ferdniund of Austria was observed
throughout the dual innaerehy and
ilermaov today, It was one year ago
tulav that toe arch duke and bis mor
ganatic wife were shot down by a Het
loan conspirators In Herajevo and
bronuht on the gieat Koroncan war.
Newspapers printed columns today
eulogir.ing the murdered arch doka.
They declared that the capture of lem
herg inly a short time before the anni-M-rsarv
of his death was a fitting trib
ute to his effective work of preparing
the Austrian war machine to. strike
against tiie nations enemies.
Hpecial services were held at the ca
thedral here. They wr attended by
the aged emperor Frana Josef who wa
driven through the streets lined witk
great, silent throngs. All stood uncisv
ered as the emperor paased.
At all puiul nn toe Austrian and
German fronts, thrf day was observed
with special ceremonies. Cummandera
delivered lectures to their troops upoa
ths herajevo "murders" and asked
them to avenge the assassinstim of 111
arch duke.
Tinoina Ledger: If you desire a
untimely taking off, it ia not a low-,
lulelv necessary to rock the Ua.
fourth of July tetanus will soon u
available. .
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