SPORTING NEWS THIRTY -EIGHTH TEAR. Sport H H F, Wide Range of Events Affords Opportunities For Speed and Skill THE CHERRY FAIR STREET SPORTS PROGRAM. fiO-ynrd dash, open. 100-yard dash, ocn. 100-ynrd potato race, open. One mile roller skating rnee, open. Obstacle race, open. Entrants to run one lap, skate a lap, and rido bicycle one lap. 6u-yard potato ince, closed to two teams of o'trlit boys from State Training school ami V. M. C. A. One mile relay race, closed to teams of four boys from Y. M. ('. A. and Oregon State Training sehml. Creased pig race, open. 100 yards on all fours, open. Climbing greased pole, open. Volley ball game between teams from Husinesn .Men 's class y. jr. c. a. The above is the tentative program of street sports for the Friday and Sat urday afternoons of the Cherry fair celebration to bo hold next week. From pnst experiences at celebrations the committee has found out that serious races too often prove to bo farces, as one trained athlete can easily cxecll any number o amuteurs or haa-beem; out of training that usually enter such j races. With this in view all of the! races are scheduled for boys under Hi years of age unless otherwise indicated. The bicycle race is open to boys of any age, but the committee limits them to j five feet six inches in height . The mile roller skating race will be started at the corner of State and Coninierciijl ' street and the entrants will roll down! State to Liberty, mirth on Liberty to Court street, east on Court for half a mile, Rud then the skaters will turn south to Statu and finish with aj straightaway dash for the Ladd & Hush comer. All of tho short races will be held on : I'ommereinl street with the finish at Buy Season Tickets for Salem Chautauqua Swiss Alpine Yodlers Coming With Chautauqua i f Tyrol rwlou. U,re tl..'.v simple folk imA t M .i.,.f,m ,l stneo. liut tlioy cling to the nnthe ting is h Diiiiiiituro ,lln.IH.e Into t.iolr n Live JZX " 1 " re way you won..! hear tl,m I f y- ., . V miruwl hsudle all th comuion utrlnRwl Inm uu. Isn't il about time for you T'ooi'lc to be thinking about your sensi.n tick et to the cbautuuquat You young yvo pie have time to attend every enter tainment of the whole week about thirty in all, anil you will g:t a lust ing store of help ami entertainment from them. You will have a better idea and appreciation of good music, a wider understanding of literature, and a nnbler conseptinn of life. When the average cost of tlioje en- DAILY iPA New s MM - .MttM(u Mute ami ( oinmemnl atrcets. Firt second and third prizes will be award ed in all events and each entrant will be furnished with n ti,-;t in pic lire shew. The program of events will start ut H p. in. on both Fiidav and Saturday afternoons of the Cherry fair. The enuiinitt.ui in ..I........ 1 .'. worked out all of the details thus far, but it is proposed to secure all of the entries possible before any of the con tests start. Already it is reported that .10 boys have entered tho roller skating marathon, which race promises to be u featuro of the street sports. COAST LEAGUE STANDINGS W. ...43 ...41 ...41 ...41 ...:l(i ret. .351 .520 .4N2 .4 SO .437 San Francisco Salt Luke l.os Angeles Oakland Portland Venice Yesterday's Results. At San Francisco San Fran cisco S, Portland 7. At Los Angeles Venice 4, l.os Angeles 2 (1(1 innings). At Salt Lake-Salt Lake 7, Oakland 2. MOTORCYCLE NOTES Motorcyclists of San Francisco plan to charter a boat to take them to Sac- rcmento to attend the national conven tion of the F. A. II. in July. A bunch of 'Frisco riders recently mado a Sli mile spin to Alum Kuck, where they enjoyed a swin in the sul phur pool. "So long us .the motorcycle world is glad to have me, I shall deem it a privilege to live in it." snid K. (i. linker when asked if he contemplated giving up the two-wheeler. A play for the benefit of the Sum mer .Mission fund will be given by the members of tho Indianapolis Motorcy cle club, on May 3(1 and Juncl. The 100 mile motorcycle chumiiion- Bbip o New South Wales was wun by W. Jack on an American built motor cycle. A motorcycle messenger is employed by the Nperry Flouring .Mills, of Ta comn, Wash., to get samples from the newly arrived cars of grain and hurry them to the inspector in the shortest possible time. Soul! the horse mounted policeman will bo unknown in Uothani. To this end the board of aldermen recently ap propriated $25,00(1 for the purchase of motorcycles und bicycles. It is" announced that at least J!0 mo torcyclists of Portland, Ore., will par ticipate in a run to Sacramento to at tend tho F. A. M. annual convention. , 1? '" 1 I J.. A v4s" ' ( .1 'tnrtninments i" only seven or eiKht or io rents iine. e it ui'i -" mill.e... The way to get them at i i ,,riee, rather than pay t.fty cent. 5". 'dollar for some of the he, one. hat vou will attend anyway, is to get . a ticket before r.oon of the open- '"uh.'le'tliat is some time away, now is 'saT, the money a ti-let i Home of ycu men can smoke one SALEM, m Fffi 10 BE II Hauser and Adams, Chemawa Stars, Added To Manager Turner's Bunch When the Salem Senators line up against the CorvallU team at the Salem park tomorrow afternoon two new faces will be seen on the Senatorial bench, according to Manager John D. Turner. Kmil Hauser, the Chemawa star, will officiate behind the wiud pad in place of Tom Holnian, who has resigned, and Adams, auother Cheuiuwn star, will dig them up around second base. Hauser is a former n. A. C. player and is well known throughout the val ley as a dependable backstop and a hard hitter. Adnins played with Hvoxiks last Sunilny and made a iiit with the fans in his first appearance at the league grounds. Adams is a good stick er ami a sure fielder. V.'il.-.on will prob ably be shifted to first base to make a place for Adams at second, and Jones will pull down the flics in the outfield. Manager Turner expects his new team to show a material increase in strength and to take the Corvallis invaders into camp. Corvallis, it will be remembered, put up the best game that has yet been played on the league grounds this year. Salem took tiie first gamp from Cor vallis by a score of 5 to (1 in n game replete with fielding features -and speedy team plays. Craig will twist the hooks for the Senators, the rest-of the lineup will be the sumo as in former games. The Sen ators have been practicing all week for this game and the threc-gume ser ies to be played during the Cherry fair next week-end. BILLY SUNDAY EXPECTED TO UMPIRE BALL GAME Hood River, Ore., June 2(1. The Fugle will scream in Hood Hiver on July 5, in celebration of the birth of the nation in the old fashioned way. After the Declaration of nleieudence is reud, Congressman. N. J. Siunott, of Tho Dalles, will deliver the address of the day. A parade of more than 10(1 automobiles is planned. The afternoon will be devoted to athletic events. If, as is planned, Hilly Sunday acts as umpire nt tho afternoon bull gniue be tween the local team and tluil of White Salmon, the crowd will be a record one for Hood Itivcr. San Francisco Oiitoiiielc: London Standard says that "No interest of ours would be served by Arneiii-n's en trance into the war." We have a bet ter reason than that for staying out. No interest of ours would be served by going in. npmmrrvv'v' viwwf' ifv?" "Hi - ', 11 '" in fesf-C"? ' ., - : , rtaiu.u..,,... hm.I i).- -' .,. ,,. ,t..rlM In the '"",' """ ' '""tT 'h llw Te . . . , , ... i ... a UaV les un'l Ijesiue. iiemi; , - . l,,.vo .nveil the i.riee ,.,r .,,,1 of a season ticxei ior j - - vour wife. The young people fan prac tice .ome economy and attain the um mult, or bustlo a littlo harder and make extrtl money. lie sure that vou will want that .fa gon ticket when the time come, to uvs it and by taking thought now you will have it. . , , - Salem Chautauqua .eai-on il Ju. ' to 11 im-lusive. ML I PITAL OEEQON, SATUEDAY, JUNE 26, 1915. MOTOR CYCLE CAINS FAVOR' Its Field Is Constantly Growing In Business World. "Many persons still believe the mo torcycle to be a dirty, noisy and dan gerous conveyance," snid a motor cy cle manufacturer. "Had it not been for the 'O. it. B.' or 'open muffler boob' nad the bacchunalian crowd the motor cycle would have become better known as a pleasure and business ve hicle. Today many business men have adopted the motor cycle because it has proven itself the cheapest and most rapid means of Jranspartntion with telephone men, druggists, police departments, and practically every line of business the motor cycle lias ii field to fill. "The man who looks for a health giving outdoor snort has been drawn ! to the motor cycle. Thousands spend I their Saturday afternoons and Sun days on their machines. This year many will make their way leisurely across the plains, winding up und over the Rockies, crossing the Sierras to tho world's fair. j "The public still likes speed and the I machines built now are the fastest in tho industry's history. Until this year, open ports, or machines with holes drilled in the cylinders at a ' point just above the piston when at its lowest, and double sets of valves were used for racing. This year the motor cycle world was astonished at seeing a regular stock motor cycle pruve itself faster than the special ported and double-valved tvpe of mo- .tors," m Aviator Brings Winged i Machine To Oregon For Repairs To Engine j 1'ortlund, Or., June -Ii. Fred DcKor the Los Angeles aviator, who wrecked liis biplnne while attempting to do spir illa near the ground in an exhibition flight at .Med ford lust Sunday, is now ! repairing the wrecked engine and dnni ' lined parts of his machine at the Fred i lluudee repair shop on Jefferson street. ".My engine was not working prop erly when 1 utteniitt'd to make spir als near the ground and it was wrecked." said the aviator this morn ing. PcKur has the InteHt type of military tractor biplane, eoulpped with a 10(1 horse power engine. It is an American built enipe und, he says, is better thnn any of. t he foreign makes. OeKof is one of the three aviators who remain since the death of Lincoln Hcuihey in Sun Francisco, who will loop the loop, dip and fly in spirals, lie is the oldest of the .three, having been in the game six years, and having the license nnmliei' 72 in the Aero Club of America. The damage dune to the nimhine amounts to about j$1(0 und as sooa us the crul't is repaired it will be ship ped to Sllh'lll, where DeKor will eie an exhibition ut the Cherry fair next Week. S( : Watching the Scoreboard Hi Captain 1 i 1 1 got a crick in the back when assisting the Tigers to slip over the tying mil and later beat the Angels in the tenth 4 to 2. : That hits do not always mean runs, was proven ir; Muffalo where 1'ilislioig got five swats less than tho home chili, vet won, (1 to 5. Oh, look, Salt Lake beat. Oakland. Ami the Seals wrested one from the Heavers. Vet they nay there is nothing new uieb-r the sou. J'liiladclphia had A wild man by Hie name of Wyckiiff in the box uiel Washington won 4 to 1. Onlv one rnnlinal reached third und Chicago hreccd, five to 0. Fierce had the Cardinals biting the dust from the start. Those (Hants are getting so carele ss with tlm a-h that rival i 1 1 f i ) I - r h would do well to wear armor shin guards. Tine knocked two of. the I'.ravcs linrhr, from the box and iiudestt'il tin' third. Scon- ' to 0. i lluth poled a home run for the lied Sox in the second und gaw the lios tons a wiiiiiii'L' h'ad over the Vanl l. No, no. boy, they haven't got t.a-e-ball Millraic hi Huston. Itutli is a him ai. l clo ws tobacco, probably. Prof. W. L Staley Wins ; City Handball Championship t,. fn-t and x it i nil t!irei'. l'riit'i-i.or I. If.'IIM'" Mni.'V i,f tin- ' tl.T ". 'i-,irii:iii fllft U'H liftm t' noil th" h:wolball i'hiiiiiM'i-hii it v ti"in lien William, the run in th- V. M. '. A. haiolliall milt l'ri'f'or HI ii N v won the tHim W illilims '1 to I I, Wil ,i, the - ml one 'Jl to .'I, nii'l ri,., t aii I neck finii-h the pro in tli' t',.. i.r won mt i.c a .' ore ot zi io -o. I'rot'. -i-or Mai' c I""" I'oiif held the palm tr l,.-iiin the t'atet handl'all ilnyer ,n -i,c iitv of his age, and now he ran!." a the ,i.-innT handball iirtit of '' "ro wiii th'- 'o'.eted medal Mr. Staley eliminated tiinfm h and S hrnmm, two of the l."t plavi'rs In the city, and Will. -iir" bv virtnre nf his haudii-ap. ,.,mint.-. f ti-h-p- Willianm 'roved ti,e -iir.ri'- of 'he tmrnaiiient when he ; defeated the V. M. '. A. sharks one by one 'until the final Kioe with Mr. Hu ..v. A handsome Hold medal is bfiim 1 r.r.'r ('' f"r ehampion, who Will l.e With the .ne t the j,,,,; bat'1'..-t h-! l at the Y. M. A. JOU PUBUC DEMANDS ! A PROVEN PRODUCT Buyers are becoming more thorough ! in investigations. , "Abraham Lincoln's famous saving is just us true today as on the dav he uttered it," says T. J. Tuner, 1'iuifie const manager of the Maxwell Motor Sales Corporation. "The public can be fooled part of tho time, but by no menus all the time, on automobile vol i ues. Tho day when the public bought : an unknown product merely from paper specifications is past. Mowuduys the cur must be proven in every wny, Is it reliable, economical, durable ( Does the company stand behind its product now, mm is it so strong linunciully that it will be in a position to do so four or live years licncef These are ones : tions which every sensible buyer in vestigates, unit lie does not always stop with the salesman's explanation either I In fact we welcome a searching in quiry into the financial standing of tho .Maxwell Motor eompnny through our buyer's banker. The latter is in a position to make an uccurnte report on every automobile niuiiufactnrcr of j any iinancinl standing whatsoever, ! und enn give invaluable advice and i assistance to the buyer who is inclined to rush madly in where wise men fear to trend, "The fact that the buying public is turning towurd a few large niaaii- j facturcrs such us tho Maxwell com panyand also that the fly-by-night promoters of the past are no 'longer securing public favor, are encouraging signs of the times and mean a great deal to the conscientious niniiut'iictiir er who tries to put one hundred per cent value into his product." Over Forty-four Thousand Buicks Sold This Year Tho 11H5 flt'Hson in cIohimI, mid tlicro arc 4-l,55;t more liuick uwi-h tlnui there wero ut thin time a yenr 110. And nmv wo are at tho threnhold of n new liusi neHH year. Wo tiro nt the liryinnin of wlmt wo will miroly huil n your from now n ft grmtor iiehieveiiiont than tho one in whiHi wo ro now rojtnein. To meet, tho rotniirenu Mm of the new yenr our onKineeriiiK ntnl'f lnis )wn ooriHtttntly "on tlie job." lliey hlive studied tho siluntinri from lioth mi en ', Kinooriiif; und n service ntuiidniiit, und to meet il tliey huvo ro!urrd 1 what wo nhsolutely know in th great et und finest line of motor oir thin (compiiny ever oitored. Wo lire now I itrepiirrd to ii vt i; renter motor vnr vnl ' uoh tlinn wiih over jfiven hefure, fit tier . I iy thin euniiiutv or nny otln-r. j In Htmlyinn 1 1n motor nitmitiiui us it t related to the .euon just uliend i-f iih jit. wiih tlie uiiiiriiiiionH lielief of mir en : ejneers tlmt the lit iti'mnii'l in nintnr .(urn fniiii imw on will he jiower. An mott)ri.sls (iii in f''eririire t ln-y liinl out 1 whnt you und I nlieiidy hionv, lunin ly, that the reul Hioin-e of motoring liiis lire in jmuer. 1'ower to use and nw cr to hold in reserve! Not only the ovwr nei'tsiiry to huil the ear t and i over the teeiet of hill.H, hut J'ower to I whirl the ear itloiitf easily und mho t lily mi t he honle n i tin. .M otoi i-t n )iu t eoino to a realization that the nut lux ury of motor ear unie in derived tiuui (lie Heime of ioer I'miii t h i r ei-n Mailt knowledge, that their car ia j'ow erlid. The Ituiek valve-in head motnr fiirn-i ished ua ideal Iuimh for thin demund 1 for power, and for the HUM seantii we I liiive1 peiteefed and retim-d our j r imJ u-t in a line ot eain mi wlneh all tlie old i Ituiek virtues are retained and I'tnod. inid mi w lio li Ituji'lt IllVt in heail power firnlH u more complete, expreii riii'ii than ever lolore. A iiinph'te line of Ituiek huh, open and eluded ui'idel, a ii-1 ail Inn It Oil tWO hi.e.H of Jtlliek MVeyllli'ler elniMih! And all pHsm-rvdiij; tl-"- r nt power that is jwa in nteed l.y thr IJijh k Ctjuld any di ah r ai-k mre! ( oidd theie 1m- a renter attttoMinn to the III itdrilitf illldie, W'o heln;VM ,ot. The udviintuit of t;it ater ,vi r, ynat hk it in, ir iiot tin only J.dvant a(.;e of the new line. Mui -k rnotof i-ar for It 1 are the nttinetive er offered hy the Ituo k .Mit or "in j nny for in oi e reiinoiH t lilt II on.', h c i iuipMi I ;i ut we know that ore miton Blow-out Or A Blow-up? The Blow-out Wins 1 "SiilVty fir-1," .aid I.', i"! W Si in tii i of .lit' kon ill'', 1'li' . '.-.I'.'! t' .r,.ui"ti"l hli lntt i t'-nrli' Kn,(. I,t tor ii ov:ii.o. ov-r th.. I.iii.'.ln H.nAii. 'from I'.iiltini'.re to Sun I'm i.. i-. i.nd ri-t irn. Sirntns hris been necii'-toinc.! to an Kuroi'iiin trip every time yenr. and was .'li"'bil"l for nm.iher this enr. "lint alter enrefnl d' ljl eiiit i n." aid Siniin.", " eiin t ully -(..1!et,t.; both iirniiietits, helhr it v.ii. to ehlili'-e 11 hl"K out on the llihnny '1 ii blow up on the u a, I de..,d tl.i.t while a blowout in it neutral "i.n'ry was ft neiipiih'-o it was mil' h to l.- te ftre.l to a blowup on the sea.'' On board the Inn i Steam. Knijht are the crew roiLiftui of one ht i f cur, with hi in inn neting ns e..miniii:d er, and three puttsenip-is. Mrs. K' l.- rt W. Siinins, Iht nieef Mi l lnn.-n Starling of .link sonville, and .M.ts IJIen Howell of New York. The Stearns Ktiililit arrived in f'!ev In ini dune litli, two days ahead of its sihedule, having here for lletroit in June llth, from whenio nftir a btnf visit the trip will be continued to ChiftiKo, then on to Plinton. Ia., where the Stearns Ktiiuht will be jure. I l.y another motoring party. Sunn s pectn to reaeh San Krmieisco d .1)' 1 i The entire trip, ineluding u trip to Portland, fire., and ntiii r cities aiot.(i I the roast and a detour thru Y'lb w- stone park on the return Will owr .a RNAI PRICE TWO 111'1 , IHIVMVWW' Z l -' Jr M M-W. RinotittKeOld, RinintheNewj A man gives the world a new pleasure, jiist a little dif ferentand he's Famous. , Once in years some new cigarette is onlyt a little different -and it's a sensation. , NEB9 "- are not just a little different They are "Utterly Differ ent," and a generation ahead in Goodness. You've never smoked anything like them. Reason why ? " Utterly Different." They are the "Big Discovery" in the cigarette world. Of course you're going to try them.' GUARANTEE -If after smoking hdfthcpackarje ofNEBO mi you are not delighted, rrt u m balance of package to P. Lorillard Co., New York Estab lished 1700) and receive your money back. Uiiea ii.f.(iip ... ytll,x CIGARETTES 1 i UcrlytDiffercnt! i Hi-.t i-,oo iiuKit. I'leuMtnt wriitlier and excellent roioU marked tho trip thun fur. bimniH, immediately after purrlui iit the Stearns Kriijihl iunt u V'r tw, Mmiie tin llj(0 mile trip, viVilinj; New York, A'litntie t'lty, thru the White Children Cry Tho Kind You Huvo l:iiii;lil, jumI v liO-li lins liecti ill line, f(r (lift Jit! Jnil'H, bin Imii iic tlio sl;,'im'ur) of ttiul I in -t In in ni.iilo tinili r Ii Ih kt S -F'? I Mi rWslou hIik o Km lafiuii'V. twif J-tttcAtM AlIuW no out' tixlrct lvo yni In tliH. All ( iniiitri'li IH, InilliilliiiiH iiikI ",ltt.-iit-giiui " aro but l.xiii'i'iiiit iil' that ti-illii ultli iiikI riiiliini r llio liniltli of Jiil.iiili ami tliibli'iii-l.pi.Tl m u ualimt i.AjiciiiUClit. What is CASTORIA f''l.i Ii a Ii.ii'iiiIi'hn Mill. Htiit. for Cantor Oil, r.uo-(.'oi-ii', DropM ami Snotlilng s.mum. It I ( pli n;nit. It unit. ilns m lllirr iiliini, Minpliino nor oilier .Nurt-otlo nili.tiiinc. lis ai4t I' Is j;iiiir.iiiti i'. It li'hlioy.i Worms) iiikI alluysi I't-vi'i'lsliai'siH. I'or Inoi-o tluin thirty jenr It In. si been In con. t, mt IIno for tin relh l of inis(liiitlotl, 1 liifulency, Wlinl t'ollc, nil 'li'ilblnif Troubles, and I'iarrlni'ii. It rcu'iilatoa I lie Ntoniacli and llowrlH, liN.lnillati s tlm I'ood, fc'lvlni? Iii'ultl.y and imtnrul tilccp, XIio Children' I'unuceu Tho lotht r' l'rkutl. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS Dcurs the The Kind You Have Always Boiiglil In Use For Over 30 Years MAGAZINE SECTION CENTS. H.Mtt Dipmit. 1 1' ,, li .,i miiiiih into .tiahiu tin ini' nihi m Moo,. '1( nd Lake und oil to Jtiefcv, .. villc, Klu. Tne ear ut the eon do. ion ot the present trip will have roveied iii-hioviiniif ,dv 'i:MM) milex. Tin. h.i.i r,r to it in ('Invidiuid, hnsh.oii 'Iiimu I i.'HMi an! en without u meehan ir V iiV. ntion. for Fletcher's Signature of