......g w .s -w..s p'TTM Full Leased Wire Dispatches it i (I -df3 iMPUMUJuTiinun " , JfM - PRICe mocK'"'' fi&' 1WIE UKaKHBion HHST DRAFT OF EVADES ISSUE OF OUT OF MEXICO CITY! CHEAT BY HAZERS AntmiMimilTnFM. BOMBS USED M HDT NAME IF SIM All CniPAM DnnTfOT AT WAVAl APIinrMV U,,MILUU niniriinunmninr ......rr T T V , " htHMAH A nm Secretary Lansing Will Pre pare Rejoiner to British Note CLAIMS PRIZE COURTS HAVE HASTENED ACTION British Deny Having Harmed American Shipping On High Seas IPn Tn. T.J.-I.. . (VnHX'vZrj., i ' ' ,.iJ7f h::.r:vL.: .rTr',l,5.ia,'J 8 .' w ,, , . . i i '"" '"".'I : ". ! ' "' "" ........ ... issue win ne taken with the c 1 '!!""c1 ",oU' f!''!m .'' ritil . ..go u.nce mine pulilm last night. Atm-ncnn shippers have no just : j 'uu of t; f; mir, t, .h . " ,Y . KCTimi'iit sir,ri,.t ( , . ., ,,.i,. '""V r.r triitc-itai, set iorta in its!' lommunication ol .March 1, protesting! igainst tne lritish order in council. i ""'I tne I luted States will call .itten tion to the fact that the new Iiritish i-diitonipiit evadeil the main joint at is- me, namely, he right of itrals to eontiniip trade with each oilier until molested by belligerent powers. H n-as expected today that Secretary of State Lansing will prepure a re Joinder to the Iiritish note next week. A detailed memoranda regarding in terference with American commerce lias been prepared by Acting Counsellor An derson. It ia the intention to have, the first llvaf't lit the reiniliilnr Int..,! Hie Information cntnere.l bv An.lirj,m prepared when the president returns i mm i ornisn. I no new Herman note regarding the submarine warfare will bo in the hands of President Wilson then, ami. if it is ns satisfaciorv as it is Imped, the president will turn his attention to the allies. New York importers having exten sive capital tied up in foreiitn trade. ...in -,, r' V .r . . plain that their business is hampered) li.v the allies diverting vessels from! neiitinl ports to dreat llritain where IIip.v nre held for examination. I Kiigland 's note explaining action that lilts been taken to prevent goods from reaching enemy countries and at the snme tlmo enusc neutrals to suffer as little ns possible, declares that varum special concessions have been made the t'nited States. All cases have been handled with the utmost disiatch, it is nsserted. There are, however, 7 vessels from American ports detained in Orent Hrilnin. England has agreed to purchase cargoes of cotton from eight of these vessels, it is said. In vestigation is still in progress as to I- of the vessels, including three of American registry, ami seven will be permitted to continue their voyage when articles of the cargo placed in prize court nre discharged. Tiie note declares that F.nglnn.l Is anxious to remove all causes of tin ;i voidable delay and that any specific inquiries or representations will re ceive enreful consideration. All in- liiriiintim which can be given " with-1 uit prejudice to the prize court pro- ''('dint's" will be furnished, the note' declares, lint adds that it "can scarcely ! admit that on the basis of actual facts; anv stit.tttnnliiil irt-'i.iviim'ii r.ti III. i.flrl of 'the American citizens is justified or can be sustr.ined. " Yale Won Annual . 1 Race With Harvard New London, Conn., .rune Yale W"n the niintinl boat race nilli Harvard "ver the famous four mile course on tlie Thames river here this afternoon. The blue led from start to finish, taking n slight lend somi after the "art, incrensing it to a length by the lime the first mile was completed and 'ashing over the fiuih line with a ifrent expanse of open water between Hie blue and orimson shells, The tin official time was 2rt:!i7. The Yule soeoud eight defeated the Harvard seconds in the first f tin1 'ay, rowed in the morning, and thous ands of former Yule men and under 'lassuien cheered the stout varsity '''w as it hung up another victory for lie blue. Noisy salutes came from "team launches and liuiulieds of o'lo-r 'afts on the river as Yale stoadily drew awav from the crimson oarsmen "ml won with room to spare. Thugs Throw Sand In Victim's Eyes tin ml. Ore., .lune 2. That two hogs had blinded him t-v throwing "and in his eves and robbed him ol I2, was the report W. P. M tiowvll lnde to the police department today It never too late to arbitrate and it's nlwnyi too early to strike without "ruitrution. Renewed Fighting Ends AH Ef forts Of Wilson To Bring About Peace iisln rjKt.)ii, June. 2.). G.'iiiTtil Pablo lionales' Carraimsta troops have been driven from Mexico City, iiecirdim' t.i dispatches from Vera Cruz received" by the state department today. It was emphasized in official circles today that President Wilson will not set a limit on the time in which the opposing factions in Mexico nuist com- rv ...... ma icci-ni note and comtuisc men' uitterenc.es. lint the t..n,li,, Luropean negotiations have been set- j Too midshipmen had keys to the var tied, no attempt will be made, to force ' ious departments which thov visited at u new crisis. 'various times at midnight n'ad obtained Renewed fighting ended nil peaee j information regarding questions which efforts for the present. Many persons were to be given in examinations as of influence, believing it is useless to: well s learning the snhilion to arions attempt to g.;t a real government out i problems. lieagcl had previously claim of the Carranzistas or Villistas are s1"''' visits to the department trying to persuade the president to I wurt' merely part of the "sky-lark- recoguize the It.urbide faction. n..i t Pi . AT I raw ui oiaie vmcia s i n I i- T III) tin Hn IMSniTlinn mn,tho latest testimony was admissible ,,. ,., n, ,., . , p' ...... , .....l ', , ' ' s," ' ' "' " " , 7" 1 " ' . . ,"' " :, , , '' " , I ,;,,;' ! p, .1, i 71 . .. B. . ".,"""",' . this morning and' will make the i,,,,,,,,. ; "l'l"T elassinen forced the lower c ass linn nf ilu. Tiiiiiul. Mr.ti...t i.i.in.. Ti,:u "u'u lr secure lulormutioii w.nch they evening they will be entertained at a banquet at liend, given in their honor by the Kinblem elub, and tomorrow they will eiintinue the work of inspection and return to Salem Sunday or Alouday. In the party were: Coventor Withy combe, Private Secretary (i. I'. Putnam, Secretary of Statu Uleott, Attorney doueral Urown. Insurance Commission er Wells, Assistant State Kngineer John 1 Dubuis and Industrial Accident Coin- tnitwionet .A-Urums, Htate tuuineeri3 Lewis could not gu on this trip on an-1 count of pressing duties in connection I with the state highway department. I Frank Warren, 1. N. Fleisdnier, Mar- ion .lack and C. S. Stone, members of :k tlie tish ami game eommission, accccn ia ii it'll them. If a Ynqut is anything like a Piute, t'l'nvral Scott should be started tor the YAQUIS FRIENDS OF U. S. BUT ENEMIES OF MEXICAN GOVERNMENT Seattle Wash., June W. "If inter-! "The Ynqui rndians have always national differ e.l exist between the I u friendly to the Americans, m I'nited States and the Yaqui Indians gringos, and they have frequently ol ol Mexico, 1 offer mv services now to fere.1 armed escorts to convey while return there and settle them satisliic-. tori ly to both by arbitration. "There is no dn.ibt in my mind that the so-cnlled declaration of war against the I'nited States by the aquis i inithinir more serious than tne idliu talk of some Mexican. "The people of this nation have nev er had more stca If ii I'neioU than the Vuquis. buh." These This talk of war mere are the v.ords c,f Vr. .1. K. Thompson u-lin has nrr ved Hi Seattle iresn uoni me " ' lull 11. Mexico, wneie mm ,' held the esteem of laquisand Id .Mexicans 'm well. Criticism Rife Among Allies Because Progress Is Not Made ; By J. W. T. Mason ) l Written lor the I'nited l'1 .i N..w York, June 2."..-The .iiti.-iftii dcscl ....i,,.; oiiioiiu t ic nllle.' I'" ' ins in. mi of popnlai it i s :i 1 l ii t ii eat lis l The s;i;e nit nf ii, decisive prog is trio' ot iiermao,', nm, pessimism, ii !':i, t. is the gruwiug lominaut interna note. Hi mirage nt ha.i prevailed in Lug land si the promised sprin failure to . level. q. no offensive and the in lies to iTiniress against ability ot in lailtilloplc. I oe must I-. . ... i. ,,,c. in the house of comm..!:- was tins lini'st ok bv the lion, "ri n'- ,,i, Frcii.-h's personal aid. Mnd i I'r.int M. P. l,,,est retnined troin in ,. ... i.,,r of l.lovd to n' :.,..r....s,ii,. the authority of the minister of ninnit.ou-. ,,.,,,..1 thai the Iiritish might h.,w . .. -t. Mi.., i ir niz tin- , I.s rvept I'., the .- i.bno al,v of the French soldiers. gal While tin-" einpiiasiws . ..).. . i.. c.t mil uiiiniti'.n. the Free litis!'; cniiiiiiiii'"" -- .lis' of 1 1 are i "'i"" " liencral as .1... Iiritish. i rin i the Joitre ,s becoming ''", ' " ;,;v n. his nre secmingi' i"" Iced ill Trance. Ye-terdav. in c mller of dep.i..es. open .'.t i . t.i. .n the government ;:;:;tr'aud -.-rt ll.e !,'; , i'' , ... rn.ru. nunuuiii urin ynnnnnrT DM I ILlMLUIMu IVIlUOL WMIIt Al IHAW K AL .n ,,, ! I1U1II IUHLUU QL . 1 ipman Says Upperclass- men Compelled New Men To Steal Questions Annapolii, .lime o. ot only cheat ing in examinations but hazing in all its old-time vigor has prevailed at the I'nited States naval academy, accord inn to a confession made tuluv liv Hid shipman ('. .l. Iteugcl, in the.'investiga tion now In progress into the cheating 'scun.iul iIMl - r of midshipmen, and it was sug- V"! ""' I had beea com- nutted. ( i'taia kussoii, president of the l('""1', ot' '"l'"'.v. ruled, however, t.iat R,.K,. sllid .lcbes were required to prolong the regular setting up exercises ito the point (if exhaustion. "1 have been required to stand on r .,! maciiag,. ,.o,.red down my legs,' saot Keagel. "1 have also been forced to do a bead-stand ii'i'der u shower." The ilefensK mioulit to show Hint tin. desired for examination, them. by Iming $570,000 FROM ALASKA I Seattle, Wash., dune 25. A gold bullion shipment worth $570,000 reached Seattle in one consignment on the steam utiiy Victoria, Irom Nome. 'The vessel ulso brought lu'O tuns of nntiniony ore consigned to K. Solomnn, Jr., of San Krancis co, from the Scufford mines in the Fairbanks district. Chicago Herald: Take it all in all, Humanity first!" is a little nobler as a motto than "Stalely urstt men, par.icoiany jioicio ann. inniugi! the lines ol Mexicans. "There are, however, old and desper ate enemies ul' the Mexican govern ment, which 'JH years ago, ordered tliem to join the army or give up their ricn binds in the Yaqui river valley. Those who entered Hie military service were forced to turn hack ami tight their own hrothcrs wno nan remained at Inline. "I think I nm safe in saying that the sn-. aiieu ni-ciiirimnii in -i". utter n.criiiMiloi.H Mexiea. wno Va ' . . , p.'imips suiiini i v .... qlllS. inbsts applamleil tne ana.i.s. shaip rcjitnder f nun Hie pie I,,,,.,- closed the scene, Such all occur reii.c is a svui.oni ol pessimism. De nite i he oiiieiiuiioNt 's ability to rally a' ,. iiiinoiily to its support, it .an ,lt ,..,.ei nt tne mi 1 1 1. mi ) and noli I iirti-.in disqni .fide .ia,ii..r i, all. n-.ik has jost occulted ,., ' in.- I' n is. mi .In t The su.-ialisti. aii'ioan.-i-.l ..'.f e I ed an uproar. Dr. i hi iiu s and start li.br. o il, the Pius ii, tenor, eiideavoi n-seiii-l the win .til! if the p'lblN l a. lung the govern turtliei . on. motion .leaded for a fur lii'llMlll p.a.-c ,'lgi , -,,.eiu..i ll.V HO -ta.-totv ending ol how long it '"" inn ni.iM'ter oi i" ,., in answer. He i old. I onlv be suci-es paitiei ...ai-cl repi" mold. There w:.s and Dr. I ' Ibrcek ther hearing. The f fi.is haw I.e.. nee disbelief of any -at th,. war ii" matter tn, ues. ., .iiu.... die Ming that any one ' . .. . . i... i I...... I'm . an s i j ......... It is los-ilde ililloai.it Willi , . ..b'le to find a ba-rs for peace now. I sat, .factory to tl.em. Hut it il i- itat many l ompromi"' " """ I,.. . ic r itibii' i' l.e in.lii."i "' .,,.,. fhen f betrayal of their ml ..,.,,, ,,,., o. ,,; ...ts Hlli t h'1 I'll .tllin e nm-. i" ;'.;...vc.i of .'...idea f . .im..- .frc a terminatioti of the war is pis sible. i Italian Advance On Trieste Opposed ; By 200,009 Austrian Troops GIRONA FALLS BEFORE ASSAULTS OF ARTILLERY If Cermny Wins Will Try America Next Says Garib aldi In Interview j Home, .rune 25. Fort Dense, one f the prim-iwl works of the Austrians' stronghold at Malbnrget, 1ms been re duced by Italian artillery. The destruc tion of Feet Hensel was reported to the war office today y (iencrul Cadoma eommaiidiiig tho Italian uraiv of invas ion. The Italian forces also captured (lior na, north of Plava. it was officially an noiinced. ' The cupinre of Oiorna is the first fur ward movement the Italians have been able to make for dnvs in their cam paiga against (loritz. Had weather has hampered operations, nml though n heavy bombardment lias TV. Hlrmi.T fit. tucks have been made by jhe Aushians m aiienipis to retake the heights cap. ....... .... vroops ni rung ictor Km- maniiel. All of these assaults were re puis il. Two hundred thousand Austrians are now conceutrateil at Trieste to resist I In' Italian advance Hot.. i,.,.,,r,i:.,.. ... ,the (lionalB U'V'mia toriny.- This est!- ii one was mn.ix y Ituliuii refugees who tied from the city. ".Many batteries command the ap proach to Trieste," the paper stated. "I-torn the outskirts of the eitv the I'oom i.f Italian guns around Monfal cone can be heard. A dirigible bom barded and seriously damaged the am munition factory at Trieste." (ieaeral ( adornaa reports of opera tions further said: "Along the l-onzo. iiiirtirnl.n-li; l,..i (orit,, the battle has been renewed with great intensity after H lull f ,p,vs in infantry fichting. Around Plava the llersnglicri who crossed the Isouro have been strongly, reinforced and are consolidating their positions prepara tory to a descent upon the Austrian tort i ess. ' ' In tins region, south (f (loritz, men turned in I In; official report, the Itnl mas are fighting over u loftv plutoau 1,11 'I asl bank of the Ison.n. The holder of the plateau is already in the hands ot the Kuban forces. "In the M.intu Nero zime," the .statement lonlinues, "wo have pro gressed northward on the eastern slopes ol .laiozoch. Artillery engagements nie in progress about Cmica Plczzo. "Along the Tyrol-Troiilino fml mt long range boinbardiiieiif continues with some .-nieces!, l oiubats around l aizi have icsulted favorably." Despite a statement from the viiticim as-eiting thai the Interview guinle.l Louis l.ntnpie and iublis I bv Lnl.i berte in Pans contains many in; or lines, healed discussion nf the effect1 explosions eri-litPil fu his holiness con tinned in the Italian press today. The Mc-s.-igero made a stronir attack muni the pope fur tie statements on which iho was quote I. The pontiff was de ii dined In be prn Herman and and Hal nm. j "Halv I hows how to defend herself against her external enemies," tin I Me ngero 'aid. "She will learn iiow t'. detetid herself with equal success I airainst inti nml foes. 1 ' I In ,iii inteiMcw, liiusepiie (laiibaldi v ".lid: "Italy's real cnemv is ot An-tna, but iiermniiv. If (icrioany will next Ul tempt to conquer and Paly and the whole ll.et w orld First Standard Captured. ies, .lune 2.i. News of the cap ot th.- t.r.t Austrian standanl d h. ic to lay, and it is enoectcl ,,-a I, King il.e ' The Vi-!' '.is . A de tor . the 1 Victor ! .in Mill litK'l will .let oral, j ni-i .ii . n,,. a who took the flag j lau.fi ...Idier encountered Hie I an stan. laid lnarer at cli' quar I i .mi. g 'I"' lighting anion. I I'la.a :i in mm. I to hand fight followed --.on ot the flag, ilnring which alum was stabbed. He kill, d If . a i v . In w.-ver, and n a. bed his I in'! the standard. The Weather llregon: Tonight and Sntardav on settled, probably showers Wi-t, gen erally fair east Mirii.i; ssroiei rust portion Sat ti r i m ; southwest erlv winds. - r'':.:f.T- French Retire In Orderly P--L! . lin pii Fashion When Sprinkled By Hot Stuff Paris, dune lili. Csiau fhev ll.n.i.u and nsphvxiatinn bombs in t.ieir ,,t'. tacks, the Hermans delivered vi,.l..i assaults ab,:ig th,, height, f t,e Mcnse river near Catunne dnriiiL' yesterday and last night. The French retired in orderly fashion to escnoe tin. ,l,.,.Jlv li'piids and gases, but later delivered ounter attacks which ni it... .,.,..,.. back and regained tlie imsitim... ,.l,, 'i. and been ul andoiied. Ollicial and unofficial dispatches In lay told of thu fighting in the Meusc region, which was resumed by the Her- minis at midnight ,,t'ter their initial gain and subsequent reverse, French illuminating liomlis swept the advanc ing Herman lines, exposing the enemy completely to the fire fritai the French pusihons. A deadly machine gna fire was poured against the Hermans and tuey were forced to let rent. The cniuiiiiiuiiiue tinbic stni.i.l t- (lerinaa attacks in Lorraine were re pulsed. Germans Admit Rovorses, llerlin, via wireless lo Savville, L. dune '.Ti. Slight reverses in southeast Halicia were admitted in an official stiilenicnt here today, (icneral Vou i-iiisiiim-ii coniinues ru mtvance upon - iioooiiiiv, ,i. nines southwest of Leni berg, however. "Part of (Icneral Von Linsingen'M forces were withdrawn to the south bank of the Dneister northwest of Ijalilz, bat farther up the river the Herninns are progressing," the stale meal said. "The situation at Lctuborg is llllcilllllgcil. " Allies attacks mi the western front during the Lust 21 hours were repulsed it was stated. Germans Cross Duolstsr, rotrograd, dune 25. The Hermans Ml' crossed tin. JiiiciHler souifi nt I.e... berg in considerable force, It was offi cially admitted here today, but else where the enemy was said to have been repulsed in confusion. Seventeen hun dred I nml -ID officers were captur ed at lioiizdviaiiy. Turkish Losses 113,00. Athens, .lone 2'i. Turkish casualties upon the J n 1 1 1 J k i peninsula to. bile were estimated at I l.'l.ihiu in a Mvnleiic dispatch received nere todav. Fierce fighting has been in progress or uiree nays, tne dispatclics nsaerted The allies are said to have carried sey cial trenches, with tho French bearing i iic oruni oi tne nttncKs. Dr. Doruburif at Home. Hergcn, Norway, June L'.'i. Dr. Her nard Dcrnburg is now safe in .Norway Tho Norwcgiau steamer Pergeiisf inril, I on which llr. Heruburg and in wile took passage from the I'nited States, .'irrivc.l at llcrgen lute In si night. Fred DcKor, Worlds Greatest Aviator, To Be At Cherry Fair, July 3 All iirrtinii ild I...... I I.. 1.. ! Watt Slnpp o the Cherry fair enni mittee, to hnve Fled DeKor, Ainericn's gicatest aMator, make tlights at the fair grounds, Saturday, duly .'I, along with his regular progiam of motorcycle races. The ( In iry fair should be heail ily eiiiigriihiuiilcd on getting such nn cxli'nordinary attraction during their .a lebrntioii. DeKor will use the laic. I Military Tin. lor Itiplni ight cylinder, lull horsepower, similar to models now I.. ing used In the Ftiiiipcan wars. Iu fact Mr. Shipp personally saw letters from Hie warring countries and Menic, milking vciy flattering offers tor Inn. to fly in these countries. DcKor holds liieiise No. 72 in I In Aero club of America, and has been lor.i'r In the game than almost anv iiiiiii now flying. He does rciurirhiible stunt. His guarantee covers looping Hie loop, the lit 1 1 1 that cost He" If Ins life, riding up side ilovtn, Inking tin dure devil ill)., the spiral glide llting tin- tango, and iniiiiy other scnsntiuinil flights, nlsn will attain a s d nt "5 mill's an hour, The neioplniie in wlii- h DcKor docs Ins special flying, weighs but 2.V) pounds. President Wilson Takes Steps To Safeguard Timber 'iishinglnn, .lane '"i To .r...-iit the timber Heeded for the I ocslructi.ill id' the gowrnmen! Ala-kim r-iilr-.tid from getting into piivate liands, Fresnbid Wilson has sigin-d an nnb r r M ing a strip 'Jou n.ile" bo g and ft. on fue to tell Illlb'S Wide between the II th of the K ii it and Sasitna rn.-rs. The m tcri'.r departmcut mndc this aiinoar.. e merit today. Another sirip has al-o been reserved ell i-ltt.er side of the pro posed right of WHV thlough the n.sillU valley to Hriunl i'a.s and ! the pi" I I limni'h line to (he Mntanu-ka coal fields. Vl.ui... l'll. -n4 tn have I n l.'it there by bum Nature to stop the sub tniirnni. i Early Life Of Evelvn Nesbit .". T. n . n in r io oe uraggea oeiore Public Once More New York, .lane 25. Pi puty Attorney Heneral Cook intends to clear the name of Stanford White in tho trial testing the sanity of Harry Thaw, now in prog toss here. In doing t.ns he expected to lay bare every detail of the life of Kvelyu Nesbit Thaw from the time she left Pittsburg as a girl (if Id, and show that it was not necessary for White to "seduce her," Cook an nounced today. "I am prepared In prove that White was never the best llvelyn painted.', said Cook, "She played Thaw against While for financial gain. After a de cade of villit'ication, White's name will be clean when tnis trial ends." Cook hopes to prove that the story told by Kvelyu Nesbit to Thaw of her relations with White I'urnishoil no cause for the killing of White, as Thaw knew long before that Hvolyii was not innocent before she met White. lie claims this will show tout Thaw was a 1 u i :i in .u if before he met Kvelvu and still is. Mnnv new impintant facts have been learned, according ti. Cook. John It. Slaiichfield has 12 more resi dents of New Kngland ready to testify as to Thaw's behavior after his escape Irom Matleawan. All will express the belief that he is now sane. Deputy At torney lleuernl Conk met aeeielly with Hie state's alienists todav. hot' udmi transpired nt the ciuit'erence Was not ill. vulgeil, A novel feature of future sessions of tiie trial will be the display of mov ing pictures tukcii of Thaw in Canada and New Hampshire. Co,,k iH arrang ing to show these "movies," which lie claims will help the stale's case ma terially. It win learned today that attorneys for Thaw ankod for a luntiioiiioueut of the sanity trial until fall before the present sessions opened, but the slate reiiisoii. I Haw hoped lo be released on bail that iio might visit Hie exposition al San I 'laucisco before hot weal her set in. Salem Attorneys Settle lase--0ut Of Court County Physician (I. II. Miles is hnv ing his front office door measured f.u a new pane of glass this afternoon as the result of an alienation between Diuiahl W. Miles and Hen W. Macy, two of tsalum's prominent attorneys iu ui rri.b.r in the l.iubl & Hash h m 1.1 lag this afleraooa. According lo the liil ihiony of an eye witness Mr, Macy cniicii at the nit ice ul' Attorney Day connection with some Icgul matters in which both attorneys aru Interested. If appears that the arguments in the ense were started at once. Mr. Hnv in tciposcd with an objection. Answers' " " "arilncr, city superintendent and cross cumplaints were finally an-1 1,1 Lnkevicw public schools, is In perceeilc.l w ith right crosses ami upper . Unlcm today having business with the cuts mid the mr was full or language, ' "'"tc school superintendent's depurt hsls and broken glass when the no i aient, He has been luperintendent nf ploinptu refeiee stepped in and purled the principals, Prizes Are Offered For Merchants' Parade N n n ii N.criul fitiiiiH'inl nld, .mt ; )n4t 1(j h t in u i ii t Ntroni-r ciunjM't 1 1 iinr i lie rt mt in it It'i- lnu inn in cliuii' t he r'tinl mm i Hi ii n t h ititiuti' Hiiliinluy in r ii -in, July 'I ofliT mix irii-ri, h'or tin1 in ft or i t tilt I flout niirnt in tin- ul. -ii of "'I iy hutriii Kitfst'' ii fust .rii' Mill In' it w.inl.'d of 10 nutl ii r i if ot 4"i t'ir tin' ii'.-oinl. For tin' iiiut MiliftMiilly t-i crnl.'d uiitnintiliili- o jiri.t'H fit (j oflcrnl, flu fiii'l if 'j. 1 ' .r tli'.r-f whit ciiniHit ripp1'" r in I In iiirtili' vitli fith.r u flout or unto, hut run mutinis'i' to fix H a Hiifili ti lok iih iirtinli'- on any hHmt four w lifi'lnl VI ll M II , til' f (111)1' pliI'M of lU fi-r t'ltr-t tlll'l t"( f'.f fl.THtHl Will III' KIM'JI, State Officials Arrive At Bend On Inspection Trip lie ml .tllte Wnliyc ing the lire , .loin o.,Y A pmiv f .tfi.-iaU, In a-led by liiivcrnor onbe w heie today, inspi-.-t I.eW HlO.'llllI slnte ei.mt nil-led Tuinab. irrigation pr.. ct. Hi sides Hie ellli-f I'll'i- Ol I V e, till- pur ;;,; ii"isle. of N.-rctnry of Mute HI Att'iriicv Ueueral llrnwn, I nrl Allium. III. I list 1 Mil nciidetit collinns -oitor; llnr.ev Sclls, insiiraiice coin-uii--u.oer; lienrgc I'liliner I'ntnain. see retr.rv of the governor; John Dubois, (odd engineer, nnd I. N. Fleiseluier, Man. .ii .lin k, Frank M. Warren, C, F, Motic, i.f the slate fish and game com llll II. Tlii HiMfhilltf till' I'tirtV llt'ltl H nhnft llitflltl lit Which Ht'ttli'tN Ykl'TV IllVltt'l o iiifUf unyt'Ntiifi.ii or nir h vu nf Tin utti-rnooii tli4' H'huil norku Mil) ((iiiii' ovi'f, Th. I'uMi I' ... slrelii.tl. Ilf I'riv ill u' Iti-N not in tti'tiff i. iftrii'w, tut ii the number nf its the M Hi I it V nt tilt'M' lll'llt I I'-ltlMt tO JUTMItt'll tne jwcliins thai they arc best uff l'"'y IU I1UII UUIIU LL I L Answer To Rejoiner Suggests Willingness To Accept ' Arbitration ON LUSITANIA ARMAMENT Imperial Government Holds Undersea Warfare To Be Effective Weapon By Carl W. Ackerman. (I'nited Press Staff Correspondent.) (Copyright IIH." by tho Uulted Press.) Herliu, via The Hague, Juno 25. Tho preliminary draft of Herinany's reply to the second American not regarding the submarine warfare, while subject to change, I nm authoritatively in formed, contains the following repre sentations: First That (lerinany Is fighting for freedom of tho seas, but does not do sire in any way to jeopardise the Inter ests of neutrals, Second An expression of apprecia tion of Hut friendship of the Cnited Slates. Third Acceptance of President Wil son's suggestion of willingness ti incdinto between Oermany and (I rent llritain to obtain a nu llification of tho Hritish blockade in rftnrn for mollifi cation of the methods of the submarine war. Fourths-An Indication that, Oermany is willing to negotiant with the I-niled Slules nloug the lines laid down bv Prcsl.lenf Wilson in his "humanity" plea, bin willioot entirely giving up siibmariiie attacks upon enemy mer chantmen which many regard as tier ninny's most effective sen weapon. Sixth liflieiilii.ii that any com promise to which Hermany may agree regarding belligerent ships must securs to Hermnny safely nf lis submarines from attack. In this en vtion the death of Commander Otto Weddigen and the crew of the I' 211, who nre al leged lo have lost their lives when a Hritish lanker flying lint Swedish flag rami I Hie submarine, will probably be cited, 'llu. Herman reply will. In all prob ability, I" iiiipleted by the rail of next week. Wool Growers Reaping Rich Harvest In Lake County the Lnkevicw school system for the past three years nm. states that the schools are la first class condition and tutiking rnpid improvements every suc ceeding year. When he left he suys that the wool rrop of that section of the slate had begun to arrive in Lnkevicw by the wagon train loads and thai sell ing was Hi progrcs a there. He estim ates the amount of wool that will puss through the Lnkevicw mart at about I ,.100,1100 pounds and the sheep ami wi.ul growers are waning weuliliy un der the laise ia wool prices. Secretary of State Not Vested With Police Powers lYim inn ii v fi'i'iimitf of tin tctu'i tin UllfllhUII (if tllM Hi'i'll'Ul of Kltltt' otf'l'i' I r.'I'.'Uti'llv iliN'.'tril to Hllt'K.'.l loliitinim of tin "motor vt'lni'ln lawn,'' lite iih'M'HMHt jtr'iuliny t hut tlin hm t Ml I Ml' -'iH.' IN M'nti'tl wilk till' I'U-tiil'i'lu.-Kt Ol till' HIIM'. ''bm-ll IN lint tilt1 t"U.,'' tIV4 Ht'.TiV tut v til-nit. "Tlim old'1 in not vi"ti''l rtitli I'uImi oMi'm m itiitH'n r' only li P'Ulnlrr Mliitlir M'lllrlrt UUI vtlHIil- tfiiiK nn roi'r nilinttoiiN nr. fili'il. " tult r tin law (M'tiout mi't '1' ) it Ii IIIIIiIm ill'1 MMltM' ilutv of nil 1'ilHf (llhct-ts nlllTllfN llllil I'OIIMtlllil.'ll, witlun (In limit of IImmt fi'Hj.t'.tiv iTM'th tHHI-V t.1 t'lltor 1 lM r0VHillli. inlatitiKH of iiicli law -Itoulil, tli'Ti'lui to' .irr ti-.l to llo nth nli.m uf (In I.hhI . ill I lit f H t tl. ' Special Trains Carry Shrincrs To Seattle Seattle. Wash., .lune J.V-Two special trains, raining one half uf the iiicin berslnp of l liadcr temple, Forllnnd, ., will lea i e the llicgon inelrni.ijis SiindlH llighl, July IL Slid the follow ing no rinng fur Scuttle, to attend tno llt Imperial .onn-ll luet'ling of the -liriners Tins infiirmutiou wits brought here todav by II. T. Hutchinson, cup tain of Hie guard of the I'oitlaud tern- p. . - . , ., .. ..... ...i ,...i !i'S IS llie nine in hut fiuiiinin n. 1 ,'") tu V .Maiked down ny jiars, eiiona si 10 71U. , '!'' iVr.:..-.'.-sr"r- .s.t.f-.-,- S-si.iwy-1s..