Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, June 23, 1915, Image 1

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Leased Wire
Dispatches '
i rn nnrnn n i ivn .rrr 7. price wo cents
1 1 iwii II I if l nAnTiinrn nu it...,,, nzr- . -
mvlnrnh .UN KM kV sx- AUSTRIA WITH0R1W!!
1 1 Ll I IU Iff II I I 1 1 1 1 II III . - '" iu i- it . ri DN I II Mllr
- - w m m m mm m m m i i 1 rm n , n ma i mi vji 11 h 11 ii'Hfn n j
.Russions Leave Handful Of Men To Perish Before On
slaught Of Germans To Cover Retreat Of Main Body
Kaiser Is Witness At Last Battle Petrograd Says Lem
berg Was Of No Military Importance
1' .
Berlin, via wireless to Lon
ilon, June 21 An announce
ment from the war offieo this
afternoon officially confirmed
the Vienna stnteinent of the
capture of Lemberii.
With the Aiistro-tlt'rm.in cen
ter now in possession of Leni
berg, the Austrian right wing
has moveil forward to Srzeree,
20 iiiMto south uf the Giiliciiin
capital, it was announced. North
and northwest of Lembcrg the
Kussians nre everywhere re
treating in the region of the
San and Vistula rivers.
Vienna, dune 23. (Via Berlin-.)
I.i'inberg, the capital of Guliriu, has
v-ur secuu.t nrmy canniiore.i i.em-
berg after a violent fight," an official 1 cd, or captured, as were the trmps left
luteiiient from the war office iinnouno-: bchiud at. l'rxemvsl to cover the litis
'"'I today. jsinu retreat.
Kaiser Wilhelm witnessed the final; The moral effect of tho capture of
rushes of the victorious Teuton armies ; Lembcrg will really be grenter than the
in carrying the last defenses of Lorn- j military effect. The greatest entiilis
berg. It Is believed here that the kui-i insni bv the successful sweep of the
scr inuy enter the city with his troops. ;
'tne captnm ol Unubeiu iuik tl(0t the Gnlicinn capital, with the pros
.umpletinu of the second phase of the: poet of elenring lialicia of the enemv
wnmrkablo Aiistro-Goniiun campaign i
tiWh began this spring with the ob-ithe highest pitch of patriotism.
.left of relieving Hungary from dangerl The Kussians, it is believed, will re
nf invasion through the Carpathians tire for more than 20 miles before malt
mid sweeping the Kussians clear of Cni-ing another stand. This will probably
bcia. I be made at Busk, between the Bug and
I'll 0 steady Bweep of the armies of! the Styr rivers.
Cenornl Von MacUcnsen ucross western' The greatest eonfidence is now felt
Onlicia pushed the Kussians steadily
illicit until they laced the prospect ol Inst Kussinn from (lalicia and tlieu in
being holed up in the fmtress of I'rze- vade Bessarabia, the Kussian province
i'ivhI. this fortress was evacuated and
Hie Aiistro-German sweep continued to
ward Leinberg. It wus believed a stand
would be made bv the Kussitins west of
tiie cnpital, but the steady li:mmerin&
of the great armies of the Teutonic al
lies forced tno abandonment ot Leni
berg. The Pall of Lemberir bud been mo
iiientnrily expected fur dti hours. Fur
I co dnys the Russians hnve been turn- today. It was admitted in military cir
"ig their efforts toward getting all eles 'that it was possible the last of the
if the men, gnus and munitions pos- defending forces ha 1 retired eastward
-''bio out of tho city. Retreat was cut by this time, leaving Leinberg free to
ff to the north by the capture of ;he .enemy.
b'aviiiiisliii and the (lerinains gaining' In ol fieinl circles it was accepted to
Mintiid of the rnilrifid leading north-, day that the retirement was merely the
e nil from I.eniberir The nnlv avenue I iin villi? out of strategic plans nl
lor withdrawal was over the' railroad!
leading to Drody, east of Leinberg. and
'in C'io Rnuuinn' l'i-iititiir A emnitn ra -
f'velv small force remained west (if the
'ity to contest the final rush of the office slighted all reference to the sit-Austro-dermuni
and cover the retreat nation at Lembeig and dwelt upon dc
"'' the main Rnssinn nrmv. vclc(;nncuts on tne Russian lett wing
Lemberg wns occupied bv the Rus-i There, it was stntcl, me Ausiroi.cr
wins September 3 last, within a month nmns were twice defeated on the tront
'Her the opening of the war. The running from Stanislau to the north ol
lv forces swept into (bilicia, over-, Czernowitz. Heavy losses were suiter
" helming the slight resistance that was cd bv the enemy and 4;iiU prisoners ami
"I'I'ered liy the Austrinns. Frmu Leni-1 a great quaiitity of munitions were rap
berg tiiey' moved onto l'rzemysl, where' tured.
Russia First of Warring
Nations to Be Beaten
(3y J. W. T. Mason, Written for the
United Press.)
New York. June 2.1. The CRpture of
l-einberg praetieiilly concludes the Ger
man operutions iu (inliciti. The Has
' ns must now retire to vhe border
while Onlicia is returned to Austria.
The series of defeats suffered by the
''ussians since the drive begun eight
"eeks ago are among the most damag
'"g of the war, not only because they
I 'st Onlicia but because the defeats re
"al the Kussian morale as broken and
1'ie inilitnry dlslntegrnt ion of the urniy.
The Russians probably eutuiot again
''ke the offensive unaided. If Kumnniu
'"cs not intervene, the allies will con
"iue to be unable to compel the Ten
("ns to deplete their eastern defenses,
'"d it is difficult to see how Kusiu
' m recover its military vigor. The
Nuvs have shown no aptitude for a
"istninej offensive. Their defensive
admirable until the Onlicinn drive
'"'Kan, but now they have lost even this
t"'wer. Therefore, unless Russia is o
" 'oil, Its future Importance In the war
ill constantly diminish. Russia is the
first of the belligerents to be beaten.
The shortnge of ammunition said to
1'ii-vnil with the Slavs does not account
' i itself for the extent of the collapse,
'titer causes ire partly responsible.
I'robnbly foremost Is the' low degree of
"'Unnizing kill and the absence of
f"r''ight. After Oaliria was on the
Hiono lasting for noarlv nine months
t'nllnuo.l Tliu Kln. 111 I ....
'across the plains to the foothills of
the Carpathians. Al erne time, during
1 the early winter, t hoy actually pene
i! rated Hungary, (ieniiaa troops aided
'the Austrian iu clearing Hungary of
!the enemy and a second campaign fol
1 lowed for control of the Carpathian
I passes. This lasted throughout the. win-
Iter and was marked by startling losses
!im both sides. Thu Kussians have nitw
llost all of this territory gained in the
I early months of the war and in their
retreat upon lirody are within a few
'miles of their own frontier.
; No details were given in the first
iitinnunccinont of the capture if Lem-
herg, but it is believed a large amount
of bootv was taken. The enemy with
drew most cf tiio heavy guns and sup-
ies earlv in the week
The final charges of the Teutons
were made against the western gates
of the city, and it is probable that the
f f ,i0f0II,ura was nnuihilat
Aiisvro-Gornian forces and the recovery
within a short time, rinsed Vienna to
that the Austro-Gerinuns will drive the
Few Defenders Left.
1'ctrograd, dune 2:1. The Russian
nrtnv nl l.cmiieig nns necn evacuaung
the city since Monday. Trcups were
: steadily withdrawn, carrying guns and
munitions with them, until only tu"u
men were left to defend the western
! approaches against the fierce Austrian
'attacks vestcnlay, reports declared here
(Iiniul Ibike Nicholas. It was pointed
out that Leinberg was of no value liom
! a in ili til rv standpoint.
I The nffieinl statement from the war
.Russians did not prepare defemm
i works such as were constructed by h
: er belligerents in tin' west, .t i '!"
probable that the morale ot the bus
sinus degenerated when the be.t tiulit
-era were killed earlier in Hie war. II"'
enormous number or prisoners taken t
the Austro-dermuns substantiates ttii
pennon Spy, Muller,
ShotjnTower Today
London. June "-X-T German spy.
Muller. was shot in the T"cr o l.on
i, was officially announced today.
Rosenthal. Muller 's companion. -arreted
with him. iU '' """
br:" a xi a - & ;
,v to be shot was Hans ."'!.
1J . I as was l.o'lv. Iv 11 "I'l""
wns tried, ns was i. .
court and senten - -
I , i . Tone 21. Miss Idiz-
Portland. 0" . J" Ver-
:1Mh Vr 'X. from ,
degan Had 1". " w rp., f
lliding with a.treet ear.
V I (W Ih
Wnshingtiiii, June 2.1. Tiie
commission of Hobert W. Lan
sing as secretary of state has
been engrossed this afternoon
and now awaits President Wil
son's signature. This is ex
pected to be affixed when the
president returns to the White
House from the golf links.
Following a conference be
tween President Wilsoa and
Robert W. Lansing, acting sec
retary of state this afternoon,
it was stated that na announce
ment would bo mado at 5
o'clock. This announcement
was of Lansing's formal ap
pointment as premier to succeed
Other cabinet officials ap
peared at the state department
this nf termon to congratulate
Later Lansing's commission
was signed by the president at
! p. m.
French Prairie Farmers Pro
pose To Reclaim About
20,000 Acres Land
Preliminary steps luokine to the
drainage of over 20,10 acres of the
finest farm lands in Marion county on
want is known ns Kronen Prairie, north
of this city iu the vicinity of Wood
burn, were taken at n meeting of the
Woodburn Agricultural association last
evening, when the form of a petition
tor tne organization of a big drainage
district was IMopted and other business
attended to necessary to the putting of
matters in shupe tor permanent organ
iztition. The preliminary organization
was brought about by the special com
mittee on drainage of the association
with the aid of County Agriculturist L.
J, Chnpin ii ml Assistant State Lngiu
eer Percy A. Clipper, who drafted the
petition form mil attended to other
legal and formal details iu connection
with the movement.
I'nder the plans of the preliminary
organization it is proposed to request
the 1'. S. department of agriculture to
assign a competent drainage engineer
to this district fur the purpose of
making the necessary survey ami work
ing out all of the tei hnicul details anil
it is presumed that Ouy A. Park, of
the department of agriculture engineer
ing staff, at presgnt assigned to the
Oregon, or Willamette valley, district,
will be given charge of the project.
This done it is proposed to divide the
entire district up into units anil org
anize n drainage district for each sep
arate unit.
The area proposed to be drained un
der this blanket organization is liuind
eil by Woodburn, (iervais, Wnciindn,
Conciuuly, St. Louis and Knirview anil
comprises sumo of the best beaver daai
bind in tiie state and very rich and pro
ductive when drained of the excess of
water. Much enthusiasm is reported ns
being manifest at yesterday's meeting
and no trouble is anticipated in scenr
ing the proper number of signatures to
the petition foihwith.
Cherry Fair Will Witness
Largest Gathering of This
Kind InOregon
At the Salem Cherry fair July 2,
there will be the largest gathering ot
uniformed civic bodies ever seen in
Oregon. These will consist of the
Portland Ko. annus. I.ngene Radiators,
Oregon Citv Pallsniiaas. Albmy Pheas
ant and Siileia Cliernans. All liie.e
organizations were at the Portland rose
-li .w i' eept the Pheasants, who were
not 1 .ii.lv for their initial public up
,,enn,ie c'tit that time. They will march
, ,,ie,,ii,n through tlie.s'rei-ts of the
,. ,.,t:,l citv, led I'i I'lii'lK. n"1' '" "'
themselves make f ,h"W well worth
romiiig a bing way to see
The Lugi'iie Register of this morning
tells of the action taken by the Kadi
ators ii. follows:
t a meeting of the Order of Radi
ators held In-t evening in the Coinrner
cial chib. it "as d I-I to attend the
Salem Cherry fair "!, Jul) -,)
participate , the log parade ,
that tune, providing -' members of IU'
'.Me, .-..nli gr. M g-i. The Radiators
felt that the purpose f-r who lit he o-g
anizntioa w, r.aed is to '";";' '
inter-community spirit. 1 le v believe I
Hint this .Pint - M I- f- -red b
united action on the par of th or
5,.r and further believe.1 tlia. .! Iet
.12 of their number should le Pn'
committee of three, c-nsi-tin? of
W W. It-sn.fetter, W. M. Mb-tt and
tr Young appointed to r.nr.ss
the membes to see if the reouired Bum
fee r would ajjiee to K"-
rni i i ii im iihi'i in iiiiuiiiii i linn ni inn . au iiwuvv 'MMiiiu iu u u i
unLLCU ill IHOL IU lKUUro Mil liALlUA
Complete Surprise Sprung
Case Before Jury In
Hendrick's Court
New York, June 211. A complete
surprise was sprung by John 11. Stanch
field, counsel for Harry K. Thaw, when
Thaw himself wn called as the first
witness today in the sanity trial of
Stanford Whito's slayer before a jury
iu Justice Hendricks' court.
The calling of Thaw was so unlooked
for by Deputy Attorney General Cook
that he waB entirely unprepared to
cross exnuiiie tho witness nud per
mitted him to be excused nt the con
clusion of his diroct examination, sub
ject toj being recalled.
Thaw wns on the stand only 25 min
utes. The brevity of the direct exnm
iuutiou conducted by Htnnchlield also
cume as a surprise. Thaw was plainly
nervous. Be seemed to sink into the
witness chair. His hnnils twitched ami
he replied to Slaiichficld 's questions
unsteadily nt first. His first answers
were scarcely audible, but he regained
his composure within a short time mill
replied to .ill questions 'dearly and dis
tinctly. The first questions alluded to
Thaw's escape trom Mattcuwuu. His
sensational flight from the institution
was again gone over and there was a
note of triumph in Thaw's voice as he
told how tile New Hampshire commis
sion in Judge Aldtii'h's court had ad
judged him sune.
In his opening Address, before culling
Thaw trtthe stand, .Stanchfiold bitterly
denounced Dr. Austin Klint, one of the
state's nlienists, who has at. all times
maintained that Than is incurably in
sane. "lie has niiiile thousands out nf this
case," said Htunchfiehl. "People nre
interested in keening Thaw insane be
muse there is money iu it."
Ktanchfii'ld said lr. Flint hud never
examined Ths-w j(rffmbv.
Stauelifield rend the address inmln
the jury in Thaw s second trial by Wil
liam T. Jerome, who uppearcd as at
torney for tiie state in biith of the de
fendant's trials for the murder of
White. Thaw was acquitted as insane,
but Slanchl'ield emphasized the state
ments made by Jerome in his address in
which he said White met the fate lie
deserved, aim that the revelations made
by Evelyn Thaw were the worst iu the
history of New York. He pointed out
that Jerome then said he did not be
lieve Thaw was insane.
A hi'iivv blow was sustained bv the
state in the insanity trial of Harry K.
Thaw titlay when it was learned that
Mrs, Susan Merritt, a former boardiiiK
house keeper, who wns exH'ctcd to ap
pear as a witness, could not be found.
Mrs. Merritt testified in former trinls
of Thaw for the killing of Stanford
White. Hint the ilefendnnt bent chorus
girls he brought to her hisise. Toe
stall' is iiivestiu'iitilig the disappear
.nice uf Mrs, Merrit ns her testiuioav
is regarded as valuable in showing
Thaw in-ane.
John II. M.'inchfield, counsel for
Tliuw, opened the ease today with his
address to the .jury, insisting the de
fendant was sane nod laving the ground
work for the contentions nu winch tins
would be ba-cd.
Deputy Attorney (leneral Flunk Cook
for the stati', declared Thaw is still
suffering trom the mental aberration
under which ho was laboring when he
kilbd White nine years ago Friday.
Cook ih-i-t"'i Hint Thaw is an incurable
I aranoie.
Depiitv Attorney (leneral Conk
scored Thaw's private life.
"Thaw led a wild life of debauchery
from the time he left Pittsburg lis a
young man for the night life and
hrighl lights of llroadwiiy, hnid Cook.
lie Mii.l Kvelyn Neslilt told Thaw
,f .r ,ovMit,ill when in Paris in l'IMl,
yet Thaw . 1 1 -! not kill White until time
vears later. At the same time Thaw
was coiiihi' ting a house when1 look
o,',ii,alo lie saw hundreds of gills nil
dcr the guise of getting them positions
on the stage.
11 t. t,,f,.sfd them personallv,' '
said Cook, "and tied them to n bed
j put so the gi'i' were helpless."
j l ook sironglv defended the memory
of Stanford White ns a master an hitect.
.lolin It'ii'kbnrn, a member of the
jnrv whi'li iii'ipiitted Thaw on the
Icon-iiira'v .lunge growing nut of his
escape trom M a' leawHii, lesiunai lion
on n straw vote which was taken it
was .eci.i"l Thaw wn sane despite the
fn. t that the court excluded all testi
rnoiiv bearing on the defendant's
Most tall stories are now more or less
The Weather
7, Oof Zoom
' ' , anil Thursday tin-
U...' V 1
' ' ' f'" "t r"r,loni
southerly winds.
Rome Proposes Conference of
Balkan Powers Who May
Side With Allies
Rune, June 2:1. Austrian troops
withdrawn from Onlicia have reinforced
the enemy on Cue Italian frontier, lleii
ernl Cadoma reported to the war of
fice today. Several battalions, ideuti
t'ied as troops formerly in service in
the Carpathians, attacked Italian Al
pine forces near Monte Nero. They
were repulsed with heavy buses, al
though the Italians were grenllv nut-1
numbered, today's official account of
the engagement said.
Desultory infantry fighting continues
north of Goritz is was said.
"We have consolidated our position
aliiag the Meafalcoae canal," the of
ficial statement declared, "but floods
there are still presenting; obstacles to
our progress.
Austrian Fortress Invented.
Rome, June 2.'l. The Austrian fort
ress of Malboiget is now surrounded.
Italian Alpine troops Olive captured
nearly all positimis about Malbcrgct
and the town is now being subjected to
heavy bombardment.
With advices from the front telling
of this important gum made by the Ital
inus word also came today iif the re
pulse of .'Ili.OOO Austrian! north of (lir
itz. As the reinforced enemy forces
moved forward til attack the. positions
taken by the Italians in recent fighting,
Italian machine gun detachments Wl,ri,
established iu a wood commanding the
ground over which toe Austiinns were
moving. I'nler a terrible fire fruin
these guns, the Austrinns mnde heavy
sacrifices lis they endeavored to con
tinue their advance, but were for I to
retire, leaving their dead u.iou the
1300 Turk! KiUod.
Cairo. Juno 2:i. Thirtei Ml hllllilreil
Turks were killed during the fighting
lor one position on the Gnllipoli pen
insula in the Dardanelles fighting ol
.Saturday, ail official statement mi
ll ccd here today. The allied troops
stormed anil carried toe Turkish posi
tion after a bitter fight and found this
number of deml ill the trenches libail
doncd bv the eneiiiv.
Balkan Powers May Enter.
Rome, June 2il. A cont'eience of the
I '.nils a n powers with the allies ns to the
entrance nf Greece, Bulgaria Mini lin
mania into the war wns proposed by
the Tribuna tnlny. The newspaper
suggested that these three powers, to
gether with Serbia, send representatives
to Kome to confer with envoys from
tiie allies nations. Through such a con
ferenee, the Tribuna asserted, all ob
stin lcs preventing Or e, lliilgaria and
K'lmaniit from joining the ullies would
be removed.
Italians Aid Allied Fleet.
Ciioeiihagi'ii, June 2:1, Several Ital
ian cruisers have left their base at
Ta rant o. bound for Tciu'din, to join
the Anglo French licet Iu the attack
upon the Dardanelles, according to a
liorlin dispatch received here today.
Arsenal Destroyed.
' Merlin, via wireless to Snyville, L. I.,
, -I n 2.'l.--The navy yard orNemil nt
i South Shields, Kng., was destroyed and
.heavy losses caused by fire during the
eppelia raid 1111 the northeast const,
according to officers of a Swedisi
steamer which have arrived at Stavnn
Igor. A statement from the government
press bureau, earrving this report to
day, added that many bombs struck the
Arinsliong gnu works nt Newcastle,
while 17 persons wero killed and 40
BwediHh VemtelH Hftizd.
f f))n-ii hit u iJt Jiirm 1.... Kiwi Hwp.linh
VIMMI'U lillVI1 Ih'I- HftAl ill till ItllltlC
liy (icrnuiii Wfirthipn, nrmnliritf to Ht
wrrw r.'''iwi. liitrt lo'lity, The HwHihIi
till 1 j ih nt hiiI'I hi unvo ln't'ii IhihimI for
Kiiluiiil with rur iii' uf IuiiiImt,
' BrtUfih 8t,imr Tmdcd,
j Luii'lnn, .In in- -A. TIm! Uriliili
1 N t I'll I II Cf hflrilM' hK I MM' (I tlH U'lot'i
uft J Vnihifiki'-ihiri' i'V a itrtiii-M ""h
niA riiiP. Tin' crew i 1m'Iicim to Imvi
irn Irmt. Wi'i'firf liTf to'lnv fitiitf'l
tl.Hf t.ii IM u rnv i whh licin tow-M )
Hr'citlliu wii Imtlorn up,
Ralph Koozer To Succeed
Spaulding In So. Oregon
1 A no'iuno'ineiit was Inade bv the 1 ri -
dustrial accidertt commission this morn
ing that K, T. Spiiuhliiig, traveling
auditor for the Southern Oregon dis
trict, will be relieved about the middle
of July and Ralph h. K'.wi, of Lake
view, who has been employed lis sn
extra by the roruniission for the .nt
two weeks, will slice 1 him Mr. Koo
er wus formerly publisher of the l ake
view hxninincr.
I New York, June 2X The New York
.Tribune today refracted its story, pub
lished Inst week, alleging that Dr. Mey
icr Gerhard. Red Cpws agent who visit-
d this country and Inst returned to
llcrlin as an emissary for Ambassador
Vnn Her nut or If was in reality "Dr. Al
Jfred Mayer," representative of the
French Are Pressing
Advance In Alsace
Paris. June 2:1. Tho French nre suc
cessfully pressing their advantage in
Alsace. Senderiineh, on tho east bank
of the Fecht river two miles southeast
of Metzeral has been occupied, it was
,,t'f l,.;..n.. i ... '
iiiKiiim-ru loony.
Terrific fiehtiior wnu r..n,.ri...i i
progress today at several points from
owii.oriiiini, ucross Prance, through
Plunders and on to the sea. The tier
mans have assumed the offensive in
the Vusgos. They succeeded in driv
ing the Preiich from one line of trench
es and occupied positions over a front
of 200 yards. In a strong counter at
tack, however, the Preach drove the en
emy out ami r iptured the trenches.
norm or Arras, where heavy fight
ing has been raging for days, the Ger
mans were repulsed in their lust as
sault, it was officially announced. The
French cinitureil a tronek i,i D,n u.,ui.
era section of the Argonne forest., Neur
i.iutrny tno Hermans shelled a newly
captured position of the French but
failed to wreck it and the line wns
No Marines Landed But Little
To Encourage Early Peace
Washington, June 2.I. While condi
tions on the western coast of Mexico
appeared to be improving today, there
was little news from tho interior to en
courage optimism us to an eurly peace.
Admiral llowurd wirelessed the navy
department that Mexican soldiers were
now fighting the Yuipil Indians and a
binding of niaiinos and bluejackets
owing to the Indian uprising is now
apparently unnecessary,
Consul Onnnila nt Vera Crim reported
that the railroad to Mexico City hud
been cut in new illative during the lust
few days' fighting. Nineteen persons
were killed. Monday, he said, when
Ziiimtistiis fired upon a Vera Cruz
Iriiin. Whether OaiTiingislns have yet
entered Mexico City is not nown as
communication is cut ami th coiidi
lions prevailing la tho capital cannot
be learned.
Rafael Nb'tn, n Ciirninzista nffieinl,
conferred with Secretary Lansing to
day. Following the conference he nil
iiiiiinci'd that 1 11 r run ?ii will fight any
niV who is placed over him Us pro
visional president, If such a plan slioulil
be adopted in the efforts to restore
peace. lie said I'lirrana would not
consent to the selection of General
Angeles as a "pence president."
Fai'lionul lenders in Mexico were
warned today thai the lives and prop
erty of foreigners must bo respected,
especially In Mexico City. The bilcsl
warning is the result of repoits that
street fighting is threatened iu the
capital between tho Cnrranzista ami
Zapatista troops, and ill this event,
liven of lion eoiiibatanls would ccr
tninlv be endangered.
With eniiiininiiciil ion with Mexico
Citv still cut todnv it Is mil known
whether the Cnrrun.i! troops have vet
iipicd the city.
The situation at Giiavruns growing
out of the Yaipii uprising was regaid-!
1 as greatly unproved today. I he
'illista i-'iiiiiiiiiiiilcr has undertaken to
get foreigners out of the danger zone'
and it is hoped that the landing of
mill Hies bv A.luiirul
Inward will ant
be nccesslliy.
Americans Unharmed.
N'ognles, Ariz., .luno 2.'l. - Reports
from the Tiiqui river valley todsv "aid
that the lii'ltiiiis on the warpalh there
hud col altciopti'd to molest, the Am. r
ieiins who have gathered at several
nils prepared to fight, In iniiiiy in
stances, Hie Indians ate contenting
themselves with harvesting the settlers
crops Slid i-i'irving tliern awuv to the
moiititains, 1 he situation is still tip'
ptireiilly 'riniglit with the utmost dan
ger to all whites within the hostile-
zone of ni. orations. Americans here'
n lit that Governor Maytorenu has the;
power to protect tho foreigners, should . quest 100 with Acting Hceretury l4iu
the lii'llliull decide to ut I u. b I ln-iil. i sn.g, who will "sit on the lid" during
60,000 Russians Taken
Pnsoners By Germans
llerlin, via Wireless to Ha) ville, June
21- Silly thousand troops were cup -
Hired bv the Aiistro Germans since
lone 12 in the drive upon Leinberg, an
,ffi.i,,l ti,ie..,e.,t unnuiiiicwl to.li. v.
Nine minion were also tnken.
'Ihe Russians retreated in the great
est disorder, according to the i ob.gne
Giiette. Konds east of Lembcrg are
bb."kei with munition wagons und ar
tillery. Soldiers Mowd the arlillerv
horses, cot their traces and leaping up
on their bm-ks, dashed awny in mud
flight it is lie
elnred. Commands of of
f rs were disregarded and the retreat
finally liecame a wild rush or a rren
zo d mob.
" " T, TT , . ,. .
German war office, sent to the I mtcd
States to purchase munitions.
I tie I riiiuno expresseii lis -regrei si
e distress caused Ambassador Von
Mernstorff" by
piifelicatioa nf l he
Today's News
Printed Today
British Will Permit No Imports
txcept Through Overseas
German Situation Overshad
owed By Anxiety Over New
Move By English
(By John Edwtn Nevln.)
(I'niteil Press Staff Corresioudent.)
Washington, June 23, Germany's
reply to the latest note of protest
against tho submarine warfare is partly
completed, Ambassador Gerard advised
President Wilson todnv. He indicated,
however, Hint it would not be forward
ed to WnshiugtiM until the latter part
of next week.
The president will leave for tho
"slimmer capital1' nt Cornish tonight
for a brief vacation, Hn plana to re
turn to Washington on July !), and
wade he will lie kept iu constant touch
with tho White House arid stute die
piiitiueiit only matters iif the greatest
iiiiportaiicii regarding tho Mexican 01
Kiiropean situation will he dealt with.
Hy the time tho president returns the
German reply may be in the hands ol
the state department, la this event
the new note from llcrlin will then be
considered at the cabinet nicctlim
which will no held July 7, thu day aftei
the president ' return.
With reports that Germany' answer
to President Wilson's rejoinder is ex
pected to be euiiriluitorr, tSere rnme.
disquieting davelopmeiits In the situa
tion growing out of the Interference
with American trade ly the allies. Th
minimi moid in the house of commons
yesterday thill Great lliitain will pro
hibit nil shipments entering Holland
unless consigned tn the Netherlands
overseas trust iins amazed officials.
This action is intended to stop all
tuple now believed to bit reaching Ger
many through Holland, The consign
ment of goods to the Netherlands wor
sens trust by neutrals will be accepted
by the allies as n guarantee that they
will not reach Germany.
This drastic action is being taken ill
'a r the fact that Hie pritish em
bassy has advised London tout groat
pressure is being brought upon the u.l
niiiiistriilioa to demand peremptorily
that Great llritnln modify the eistiui(
'filer in council. The original Ameri
can note protesting against the "block
ade" declared by Liiglnuil has not yet
been answered, and it Is certain that
the iidmiiiistiniinii Is being urged to
lorwiird a note to Knglund with "teeth
111 it."
England Explain Me.uuree.
A note trom the llntish foreign nf-
lice wan r ved at the slate desrt-
inent today telling of the cffiata be
ing mnde by Kiigliiml to mitigate the
midships suffered I V ncutials from in
tei ferein-e with trades as a result of the
11. Icr in council and other war meus-
Acting Secretin)' Lansing said the
nolo would not be made public fur the
the eoiiiiiiiiuieutioa is not in reply to
tins gov eruinent 's note regarding the
order in council but Is merely state
ment of the measures luken fey Kug
land to maintain the blockade of tier
1 11 ix n v with lis little suffering lu neu
trals lis possible.
,cw York importers with more ttian
r.ooHOHi moth of gouts tied up 111
Holland tire pienring the udiiiiuistratiou
lor no I. Thev cannot get the goods to;
the I'niteiL states because uf the dan
ger of Hriti-h or French warships seis
ing tliein. Thioiigh Senator O Oormun,
nt New York, the linpoitcrs asked for
an audience with the president toduy.
There wus 110 tune to see them be-
toie starting tor Cornish, anil Prcsideul
Wilson nske.l 1 1 'Gorman to take up tn
'lie (iresiiient s airsence.
It is likely that the New Yntk Im
! porters w ill clmiicr American vessel
to bring the gie.ls which they desira
I mm Holland und thus enable the ad
ministration t make the strongest pos-
prolcd in event they should b
' "'ie,i, a is uunersinon n-re.
A ueiegiitioii ol represci native. 01
"rgauizen luiior, opposing an increase in
1 1 h" A liter ha a army and navy, called at
the White House during the ilny. They
failed to the president, owing to
Ins lack nf time, but are expected to fe
received later,
i The administration' rejuiadcr to
.Germany's note insisting that the case
'of the ship .1. It. Frye should fee set
tled before a prize court, may be fur
'warded to lleilin today, it was IcaiueJ
iat the state department.
i .1P.i,,.llt Wilson I reviewing til
! fim , rla ft of the note which i iu fur-
t thi-r discussiim of the method to h
I followed in obtaining compenaaiion for
h wn(.ri( of ,hf Krv Bhl,h w 1UK
,y (( iiverte.l cruiser Ptins Kitel
, ,-r , b.
a girl who has loved and lost boatU
of her iudifforeDC lur th Be.