Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, June 22, 1915, Page EIGHT, Image 8

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I. '
TUESDAY, JUNE 22, 1913.
"Lowest Prices at Meyers Consistent With Good Quality"
HHtiiini ittttt mmttTTTTT.-
Extra Values in Every Section at Meyers
Salem's Big Department Store
minium i mi infill i V.
dl olVlALL ITOblli
Miss Dora Richter is the winner of the Free Trip
in the June contest, just closed. The final count
pave Miss Richter 13,448, and Miss Margaret
Brunk was second with 10,527. The free trips
include transportation to and from San Fran
cisco on the new big steamers Great Northern or
Northern Paciic and $5.00 a day for expenses
while at the fair. A trip to the greatest World's
Fair is surely worth winning and will never be
forgotten by those who win these trips.
The July contest is now on. Fersons nominat
ed at the time of going to press are Miss Joy
Turner, Miss Maud Smith, Miss Margaret Os
trander and Miss Ethel Trindle.
Nominate your favorite. Clip the coupon from
Saturday's Journal and start them off with 100
free votes.
.4 vote, with every 25c purchane.
Tomorrow's Surprise Sales
No. 748
A Sale of Women's
White Petticoats, at
69c each
This offering of Women's Pet
ticoats includes Pique and
Muslin garments some fin
ished with plain scalloped
edge, others with embroider
ed and lace edged flounce.
Well made and finished and
worth much more than the
price asked Extra value for
tomorrow only. Your choice
69c each.
These Sales start at 8:30.
(See the Window Display.)
A Sale of Children's
Rompers at 25c each
Just the garment for Children
to romp in. Strong, well wash
ing Seersucker is used in
the making of these may
be had in Grey, Navy, Pink or
Blue stripe pattern. A very
neat model and you could not
duplicate them at this price if
you made them yourself.
Extra value for tomorrow
only, 25c each.
No phone orders received.
An Important Sale of
Regular prices to $1.25
Take your choice, 49c ea.
This Sale is really important to all
mothers who have girls to clothe.
Dozens of pretty Gingham and
Chambray Dresses in many pleas
ing styles Pink, Blue, Greys,
Tans, etc., in Checks, Plaids, Fig
ures and Plain Colors. A surpris
ing offer and sure to prove inter
ns esting to those who want to have
" 11 .1 - L T
money mi weu-maue, neai uresses
for Children. Sizes 2 to 12 years.
grades to $1.23 your
A Special Sale of
Usual $4.00 grade
Your choice, $2.85 a pair
For the next few days we offer two numbers,, taken from
our regular stock for quick selling. These Pumps are not
old styles but the very newest goods. One is a Patent
Leather Vamp with Champagne Colored Suede Quarter
the other a Dull Finished Kid with Sand Colored Cloth
Quarter. All sizes. Your money's worth at the
regular price of fered special for a few days at only
$2.85 a pair
(See the Window Display (Liberty Street)
49c each
(See the Window Display)
To Be Sworn In Next Monday
NightChairman Miles To
"Shift" Committees
Salem's Booster Organization
To Become Affiliated With
New Plan
Biircn F-pley
All Around Town
4 -
Dr. Mendelsohn, specialist In fitting
gluusea correctly, V. S, lunik bldg.
The river today is lit a one foot stauo.
J liis is (lie linv li'Vi'l !' Mnv
Thompson is superintendent. Any one
interested in tin! work being dune will
bo Wl'lrollK'il.
it reputation tor store and office fix
t ii n work, Phone oil.
tin1 church,
vi'iir will lie
"Prevention 1b groaicr than cure."
Dr. Wislicoiius sanatorium, Lll I L'-'J Hub
bard building.
8tdnoy Jones wan oloctcd member of
he Siih-ni I'iiiiii' iliili mi t'H'ir meeting
held lust evening, It in c xx-i' t cl now
tlml lull v .V cimocs will till,!' purl In
the panidc 1'Vnlny, .Inly 1!,
Dr, Btone'i Ant. Killer, 2.ric.
Beginning tho flrxt of next week tlio
Spaulding I, inning ( ii. will run 111 hours
n iliiy 1 1 1 1 . u . I ill' niii". This extra time
was ncies.niy nn account of II gcneiul
increase in business ami in order that
the null may nilrli np on ,i vrnt orders.
points, mid ninny of them declare tlioir
intentions of returning to locate.
Matching or adding to your dinner
ware rim lie done lit a bjg saving dur
ing removal Hiile. Vokuliiiinu Crockery
ii 'I'cu Co.
O, E. Knowland, who lias charge of
tllll Mtllll ,,(' I 'lit, 1,1 ,1 llll mi tii-Wiitu. tu nut
le MolllV coniniHllilerV I .,,,1.,.. ,; il,,,,,, u- , hnvn uiiino.l I'm-
tickets to hurry up iiiul secure theni.
Already over lint) ticket have been
subscribed for, nml inquiries me coin
ing in from near-by plnceH, The niun
uiiciucnt wish to liuve the tickets sub-
Don't tniHH the last dance given by i hi-i iln-.l fur taken up ami that part
ot the business dispnsciL-ot belore the
general rush of business that conies the
week bi'lurt! the
officers for the
Special introductory Bale of Duntley
, I piieuinutic ciiMiluned vucuiini cleaner
The Reinhard Cabinet Factory have ,insl Jlllroilll.tory rico
if.'i.il.'i. Jtureu - llninilton.
.The Salem Motor Boat club will
meet this evening to arrange their pro
urn in for the Cherry fair. Tho wuter
32 30 a
"6 43 7
U II 0
20 40 13
19 25 3
17 21 12
20 21 3
Total 190 177 40
With n total of 407 votes cast in the
seven wards of the district, an exceed
ingly light vote, which indicated the
hick of interest in the school election,
Max O. Huron was elected to succeed
himself on the Snloin school lionrd for
the ensiling five years by a bare plur
ality of 13 votes over Dr. II. C. Knlev. I
and Mrs. Hosebraiigh enme in third in
the three-cornered content with n total
of 4H votes. Mr. Karen's total vote was
l!Mi, Dr. Kpley's 177. The school board
canvnsed the vote last night, ami Chair
man Miles declared Mr. lluren duly
elected, and he will be sworn in at the
next regular meeting of the board, next
Midday night.
Mr. Ruren has served but one vein-
on the board, he having been appointed
The Cherrinns at their meeting held
last evening at the Commercial club, de
cided by unanimous vote to become af
filiated with the new Commercial Club
as a body and to act with the club in
Eosebrnugh ' "10 ,i,'P1,ri,n,'nt of tourist nnd publicity,
ttiiii u a . v., j,i,inu4i-u m tiuei.-iur.
The council of nobles was instructed
to prepare a budget for next year and
to confer with director Deckebach rela
tive to the amount that should bo set
aside by his department to pay the ex
penses of the bund when it accompanies
tne I herrinus on any of their visits,
While the Cherrinns now regard them
selves as part of the ( oinmcrcial Club
yet by a unanimous vote, they decided
to pay from their own funds the sum
of MHO, the cost of the Cherriau uni
forms for the bund. An assessment was
levied for this purpose, the amount to
be, determined by the committee in
charge of disbursements.
A committee composed of Chns. Xolan.
S. Hamilton and P. K. Fullertou
ft Galley o Fun!
Do you know a man bvh.
frie,!d:K,0n?" S 71
Xeaion? No. I nevw
T-..I .: . . .
JCUK1I1S 101(1 Tile 1'ltf .i! t .
'! bee, called .1 J" ' J ' M I
on earth, and wlici f ' fekI
he man's name he said it was
lm looking (or him!" - t(!l0"'
were appointed to take steps to see that
every member of tho band become a
member of the Commercial Club.
A vote of thanks was given to Ohas.
Dick for his splendid work as drill
master and to the members of the Chcr
rinn band.
All the marching clubs in the valley,
which includes the ('nllsnrians of Oregon
city, Uosnrinus of Portland, Pheasants
to succeed Director l-.nt'kc. iinnn,l f Albany have .-signified their inten-
and he will now take his place at theit'""s "'' attending the Cherry Fair on
"foot of the elas.-i," and Director 'internal day, Friday, July 2. As the
White will move up a notch in point Eugene Undiators have not sent word
of service. Chairman Miles, who sue-10' their coming, n committee of one
'ended Director Dnfke as chainiian, , from the Commercial Club and one from
starts in tu serve his regular turn as the Cherrinns will go to Kugene this
chairman, being the oldest member on week and give them n personal invita
the board in point of service, and hisjtion.
term of five years will expire next For queen of the Cherry Fair, tho
nine. The election vesterdav una mm r'l,,.r,-',,,,,u n,,,i,iUia,i kn c'.i!.,,..;,,.. !.,
ii.. XL .-IS" 7r
of the quietest ever hold in tiie district.
ami nor tne slightest friction urose in
any of the wards. Doth Dr. F.ploy and
Mrs. Koseliraugh are thoroughly satis
fied with the result, declaring it a
clean-cut and hmcst election, mid both
congratulated Mr. Huren heartily and
clicertully upon his success.
Although, at the last previous meet-! choe
young Indies: Miss Ruth lAignte, Miss
Priseella Fleming, Miss Anna Viintis,
Miss ( arv Howard and Miss Helen
Deckalmch. Only members of the Com
mercial Club will vote in this contest
for queen.
This made it easy to follow his I
(ha iiiiian Miles iinmmnrcN tiisit, it' I wJiutU'iingH. ;
Ai.r. 1 1 1 1 it ii were e ecled In 1 1 , . . l,rj
ho could see no reiison tor making nnv
changes in the standing committee as
signments, he (-rented s ewliat of a
stir, involuntary as it were, at last
night's session when he uiiuoiini-ed that
there wti.ild be a shifting about of the
committee," but he hastened to assure
the board members that it would not
be on account of any lack of efficiency
or team work, but rather in t'nn nntUK!
oi iiivniing up the work
The officers were hot on his trail;
before he left Sulem and they state i
that when they went to the house of u i
Miss Jackson, who is said to be a pur-1
ticnlar friend of I'mlerwood 's that he '
escaped through the buck door nml
crawled between un evergreen black
berry bush nnd the fence nnd lay hid
den until the officers left. It is churn
ed that Miss Jackson then culled un
auto nnd Underwood wbh taken to ol'rt-
Once I bail a meerschaum yellow
Nevermore I'll know its fellow.
Slow one whill of it would banisl
,i.... :
heaviest biinlenu ii-,,ni,i ,,f en i land. T he crime with which L. nderwood
twd or three all of the time Just what I is ,:lllll'Kl-'u' wivriets a sentence in the
this "shifting iinoiit" of committees ! 1cn U1""1 l'OIlvii:tion of from tw0 to 15
will be there has been a little specula- onrs- Tllc '0l'n' pol'1'" l"im to have
tion no the part of the personnel of ' "vidence of illegal liquor selling
the board, and they wilj. probably con-! !lKu'nst Dndcrwood but these later
timie to be curious until Chiiirinnii clmrgcs may not be pressed if he is
Miles clears the atmosphere, nrnlniblv Convicted on the first one.
.,( t: . . '
mi- in-Ai iiieeiing
No. ,"i, K. T., this even
ing. Work in the Tem
ple Degree. Visiting Sir
Knights welcome,
Norm N. LolflimwoU, ombalmor and
lady iiKsistunt wilh Cottage l udertiik
ing I'nilors. I'hiiue 721.
A Mr. Tei willlgor, who resldos at 431
tne Arto-rrisco club this siimiuer, Wed
ncmlay evening, at Moose hall. All Ar
tisans and Irieuds invited,
The Marlon hotol au'.o btw nrrlvod
tniliiy, coming from Portland on tin
tirahnmnuii. This bus is one of the
finest ia the state, It is It 40 horse
power, 12 passenger, wilh side nml rear
out nn n. It was in service fur the
fiist time today.
Suits reduced. Suits at 20 per cent
reduction to new cnslii'iieis mil v, this
week, at Mother's, the tailor, 311 State.
chiiutaiiipia opens.
Arto Frisco club dance Wednesday
evening at Moose hall, Programs ill
Furnishing your munnior cottage can
be done at a saving during the rcinuvul
sale. Yokohama Crockery & Tea Co.
Tho Canoe club met last evening and
made tentative plans for tho part they
will take in the Cheirv fair, on Friday,
the first dnv, The cUib will turn out
sports committee ' has assigned to the
club nil the river sports lor Saturday,
July 3, the tci iind day of the fair.
Duntley pneumatic 1018 modol com
bined vm-uina cleaner and carpet
sweeper, special introductory price,
.tii.ll.i. Huren - llninilton.
At the present time the nniiimiii...,
in order (if their importance, consist of
h nn uce, purchasing of supplies, build
ing nnd grounds and insurance. Out
side of finance, or ways and means, the
most important committees arc the pur
chasing of supplies and building am)
grounds, ami Director Harnes is chair
man of the former, Director White
serving witli In in, and Director Huren
is cnairniiiii or tli
llllilliilll and iM'mm.lu
''"'' t,l'', Director Harues serving
with him. Director Lee is chairman of
tlio finance committee, Director Huren
serving w i t lm him, and Director White
is chairman of the insurance committee,
the lightest of the list, with Director
l.ee us his teauininte.
Since Directors Hnreu and Hnmes
"live mutters neitainin,, tn il, .,.,.
The followinii iiru'riini will be uiven I "t ruction of the new Mi-ICinlm- ,.i.,.i
by the Snleni Military band this even- so well in hand, and are familiar with
ing lit Willsoa park, beginning lit NpH if the details of the work, the
o'clock. (I. Tignno, the composer ofjlioard members seem to be a unit
the first number on tho program, willUgainst taking this work out of tieir
appear will) the hand. hands and putting it into the hands of
March " liisoluto" (1. Tignno n new committee, which would lmvu i,.
Overture " Itiivinond " Thomas ' consult the nrosent meinl u nr n.n
Harry Ralph, A. O. Magers, Arvll!',s membership to take part in the
Wilson and William Nteutstnan, left,!""1",1" '"riday niorniiig. In the even
vesier.luv ni n i,i r,,r r,i,i r., ..,.,.,1, mg, beginning at 7 : 1 . o'clock, a regu
lar program win ne cameil out mi the
i;. , i n i .i ' river nt the toot of Court nnd Cheniek-ii
' " ' U ' I I ' , I , MII I Ml- ,-,! Ill-Ill UN. ' 1 '
All me vi,.,ii.., .,.i .;.l i .i.....'t streets. I his will
iiev weiil. nt i,. il., 'r......iii:....H i,riiiuiH ,.i ..,,(.. I. 'ri ;n """
search. Later sheitlns cveinug,
Como In nud see Mosher, tho tailor,
lie is making new friends by discount
ing suits 20 per cent.
Ninth Capitol sired, reported tu the "here they intend In spend two duvs
ponce at noon to.hiv that his ri vear
old daughter was Inst, and Officer Vnr
Inline to aid ia the
a reported found.
Borlos No, 11 in the Mutual Savings
k Loan association will ipen on July
3, loll. Applications for stock are
now being received at the office of the
secretary, 27,'t Htuto street, A. A, Lee,
Real estate men aro beginning to feel
enciiuiageil as to the future of this
part of Oregon. Within the lust few
weeks, Din it visitors from t'nn east
Trocmo your ehaut.mu.ua tickets now
I'liia C, K. kunwlniiil, lit Commercial
All exhibition of the work of tho pu
pils at the school for the feeble-minded
will be given Friday, beginnitnr at 2
o'clock in the nl'ternoon, nml coiitiuu-
iiiclude Hi nil lr
limbic puddle canoe races, canoe
Milting, upset races, obstacle nud stand
ing races and pillow encounter races.
I'ri.es of silver cups will be offered.
The en line club is nniius that nil Ca
nnes mi lite river take part in the even
ing's parade. A committee to make
final in raiigeiiients has been appointed,
consisting of Dr. II. F. Pound, chair
mans Karl Ncngchnucr, August Neuge
biiucr and Harry Hoxie,
(a) Interniezzii trrcn 'M'lirnien,"
Arranged bv Tiguro
(b) Idyll--" Luve in Idleness 1
Musical cuniedv "Mile. Modiste"..
'. Herbert
Vocal solo (rcinicst) "Iu tho Oai
den of My Heart,"
Mrs. llallio Parish-Hinges.
(I rand selection from "Faust", Gounod
Piccolu solo -"Tiiit Meadnwlark"....
Mr. Miller Hcvier,
omic opera selection " Alircria "...
i i, u .i.. . ,
.inn, ,i-n-fn'ii. i
l.xtrn Hags. i jj,
Self preservation is the firsUnw of
nature nnd getting even with people
is the second.
The household he'lpen yout
wife needs can be found quick
ly through the Journal tVatol
Real Estate Bargains
Mr. Iloincseekcr and Investor, before
you buy a farm or city property see
Vo write Insurance, Rent Houses,
buy, sell, rent or exchange property.
347 State Street
'i niiiir hi on ii ill ,i,
and it is conceded that Mr. Haines is
eminently fitted fur the chili rmnimliin
ot the supplies committee, ns is alo:
Mr. Lee as head of the wavs and means1
committee. It may be, however, that
Ciiiiiniian Miles wants to shift the I
members about so as to give Director
White something more to do, although;
he has his hands full between serving!
the city us 'mayor and the schml dis-1
tf let as director. I ik
Phone 1517-J Bhop Foot or
Day or Night. Union St.
Plumbing, Repairing and Coll
Work a Specialty.
Reasonable Charges. Salem, Or.
Y.M.C.AT8 Opening jS. J t
r,mo r m:ii
uuuig i mill MUUIU1 lllUld
Mill City Auto Stage
Mi. M. I,. Hunt nt tn Monrnc vch
tlM'JilV fur .... t I., i ..!.. ...
the opening K,IU. f the Twilight leu-1 hortic' of her I'ri I li.u n',.,i n......
gue Irein the Thus. KnV Woolen Mills son ""-n
L?.!!', '""L "' hy ";'"r0 ot I ,0.,:,'!..AI''"' Af'" 11r.iiiix. formerly of
Eighty uooule traveled over hn,..i'v ' ." . " ' " '"H1'"''. now ri
iyi ...ii . , . " ' ' ' v' whirred i. or tne imivs
' "'"' i miLi'iis III siime w.. iil
lm ve stopped oil' iii SnI, -in nud near-bc inir thiiiuehoiit the evening, Dr. ,1. II.
EES Yours and Those of Your
should lie most carefully iittended.
They are worth more than any other
one thing on earth to you.
At a reasonable price we have the
most efficient optical service that mon
ey can buy,
Let us prove It to you,
kcr was the Y. Jl. C. A. re-
I ceivor.
I Campbell was chief gunner for the
-, Kays with Xiink as buttery mute. Mam
A big show with special vaudeville at, , I,,, ' ' , '.' , 1 ,,s , MTi' . "m?
the "Cowboy and the Ladv
He sure la "the vlllngo fool.
siding iu Kalcin. 'is in
'toe city for a few days bolting after
Miss i4. McCulloch, Optometrist
208-209 Hubbard Cldg. Thone 109
the Oregon tonight.
Tho hoard of trustees of tho First
Haptist church will n t this evening
at the home of II. 8, (iile.
See "tho willing fool" tonight for a
The music pupils of Frank Churchill
will give a recital this evening at the
first Chrhjtiun church,
You've often hoard tho remark: "I
waul what Uwunt, when 1 want It."
You can get n 11 v t hi nir von want in il,
'Journal's New Today columns.
The Ladles' Aid society of the Tirst
Methodist church will huM their regu
lar monthly meeting toluol -row llt'lei.
noon at 2:110 o'clock iu the parlors of cared to.
play the iliiuscr Hros.' aggregation.
Through a tnisiinderstnndinii the name
,of the Salem Motorcycle club team was
given us the Watt Xhipp's team. The
Watt Shiii company has no connection
with the t eu m which represents the Mil
loin Motorcycle club. Weeks will pitch
for the Motorcycle Miipies with linger
dorn as backstop.
No matter what you have to
tell, a Journal Want Ad vrtU
sell it for you If It can be iold.
Kvcty girl think she eniild iilnv
the rule of coipictto all right If she
her properly interests, Kugene liegis-
Alf S. Walker, of Kugene, general
agent for the Coblcn Cream Special,
is here introducing that new and de
lightful beverage aiming Salem ,oit
drink dealers,
Ernest Underwood Is
Arrested In Dayton
F.rnest Fiiderwood, formerly n bar
ber in this city, was arrested hist night
in Dnytoti, Washington, on a charge of
tempting to solicit patronage tor n
woman of ill fame,, preferred in this
city. Constable C. , Cooper will , Hc
tomorrow nioining for Hnvton to re
turn with his prisoner. The officers
have been on the track of I'mlerwood
for some time and nt one time he was
cnted In Vancouver, H, V., but einne
back to Scuttle, rmlernood has one l,g
shorter than the other nud walks with
nn Iron extension on the bottom of his
leaves 4"-r Stato street at 4:40
p. in. daily for Turner Aums
ville, Sublimity, Stnyton,
M"li.mn and, I.yt.ns. Arrives at
Mill City 7:40 p. m. Return
ing leaves Mill lily (1:110 a. m.
nml arrives Sulem at l:30 a. m.
Phone 003.
every care!
And its loss I still dcploie,
lint I'll never sec it more,
For my wife lias got tlicm put aw
And my pair of slippers oldest
That I lovcil when nighti wm
vVhen close to the cheery liurth 1
drew my chair,
Now from mortal eye are liin,
Like the gold of Captain Kidd,
?or my wife has got them put m
Tis a rule that's ne'er unheeded
That what's 9iirc to he nwst needd
She must hide away with skill beyonl
To the tilings that once we knew
We can find not e'en a clue
When my wife has got them put al
Oft I've told her, "Burn it, break H
Or to sonic poor family take it;
Let me know it's gone, nd ve w
from despair;
But do not, I beg and pray,
Let me hunt till I am gray
For the thing I know youve ft
away somewhere.1
When the sea gives up
VVhen the Judgment Book I
When the hist col.l-siorage clmkemi
laid bare:
Then perhaps we'll find ome tr
Of the secret hilling place
Df the things my wife has rut a
somewhere. 1
-is , m
tela , -4
We have taken over the' Ht'nfo
Institutions' Auto Stnge and will
continuo to mnko following regu
lar trips.
Leaves Bligh
10::i0 n. m.
5:00 p, m.
11:30 p. m.
Leaves Training
12:50 p, m.
7:00 p. m.
12:00 p. m.
Salem Taxicab Co.
Office IMigh Hotel
; Natural Selection.
"Niece Lillian Jet pcru-
Mrs. Honk, in t he ; f J' J hj
al of letter JUt h,lii
iroun city relate. ' e inv,t.-
a thousand t.nre ? ,n ,in,pl,-
Ion, but hk07,1,,hVh.
lie of 'inny' before
ain't pronounce th .rt,r.
Mi called 0f
likei'lhat, ',,llr.,vi
"Aw, that's It, nyr ' . 0 n
write her th.t ih; faJA
of danger o ktclUn no
disease l ''KMiborM
, Chinaman l W
I d' know how loniU--'-
0 f