.: II i ; 'if . ! ! I TWO THE SALEM CAPITAL JOURWAL. BALEM. QgEOON, TUESDAY, JUKE 22, 1915. i. Social and Personal tt MOLLIM UVMOOMM BEND IS SOCIAL NEWS. The Capital Journal is al ways glaii to print social news from out&ide of Salem, and will appreciate anything of this kind sent in over the telephone or by mail. In sen. line in news tie writer's name should al ways be signed, tot for publica tion, but as a guarantee that the matter is reliable. We do not print anything sent in un less wa know the author of it. The young women interested in Sun day school who will gather here from 'enjoying the birthday party of Mis? Julia Chase, given l.y .Miss Gladly Thompson. The evening was spent with : games and music. Two contests were participated in. Miss Minnie Spr&r.ger and Maurice Sawyer, il:ss Mica Chase ' and Mr. 1'red Spranger carrying off the honors. A dainty luncheon was served by the hostess, agisted by Julia Chase, Leora Morris and Clara M;ller. The invited guests were: Misses Mina Chase, Minnie spranger, Margar- ette Tscbndi, Martha and Kuta co ward, Eddie Compton, Martha and Olga Wickberg, Doris Sawyer. Cora Fisher. Gail and Mauriene Smith. Leora Mor ris. Alice Rictus. Clara Miller and Lena Wall and Oral McC'lean. Mes srs. Francis Young. Carl Gibson, Maurice Sawyer, jar Morris, Chester Stirr. Fred Srranf-r. Guy Williams. iS3 ISCHOOL BOARD LETS I Hft CONTRACTS FOR WOOD ! : rMMm m hfatinr pi ant rmmmi m i I oil over the state, for the Girls' eon-; ; A , V w ' r-V" vv L 7r .7,T ference, which begin, Fndav and eon.1"0? J?- ... i Kalph Gordon. Don Stealer. Atnes tinues until Sundav evening, wul be en- :, : T, . c ... , ! ...... ... . , - , . , . ,( . ...r. Mn.er, Dovle Smith and Artnur Mc- Other coffee roasters cannot tin demand how German-American can be sold for 30c. Our biggest savins is In getting coffees to the consumer 10 to 60 per cent un der the exclusive coffee house. Tr7 a can of G-A tomorrow. l ib. tin. 30 3-lb. tin, 85c LANG & CO. Portland Clean. An exhibition of an :s 'at the 1'ortland Art ins-tiute give much pleasure t" 's'izl i who are visiting in Vrrl-.r.-. Monroe Gilbert attended t Mcpherson Company To In stall McKinley Heating Plant-Wood Is Cheap i-ing heM whi'.h ill rt r, . Mr?. R. :e exhibit (vasses, "Moonlight. ' Lam-J,:ai. :and "Decorative i'lgae Witj Afiies. " Is Fcrt'.and last week Mary Law M..Clintok, head of the McClintock s. hool for Girls, in Bos ton, and Mi's Glayds Johnson, of New York, who were at the Hotel Portland, en route to California. The visitors were honored at numerous informal affairs in the nature of luncheons, dinners and motor trips given bv former pupils of Miss Mc- ttrtained is the homes of local people the gnests of girls from the various Sa lem ehorch'.. Miss Lanra licict is head of all the committees, and with thir assistance will have everything in readiness for the visitors by the latter jart of the w.-ek. The names cf those mittee. are: l? h" rk,c?J. ,nP or"J wfis ie- 2gist ration-Mrs. C. C. Clark. First ';'t"'J w,;h ? l - Ta.f Methodist Episcopal; Ger-rude fcakin. , d: -f la-v 6, m'lu,e by the Arr.e.-:-on Kd- Pre.brt.riaa Margaret Elliott, sooth : er2:"-;n f ;rt,s-" V"1." V,'J, Priends. portion of any one s time and ntu-n- u...:, .i I,,,,..,. ,-..,;,. tion. ChiiJe Hassam has th.ee can- to nomei (The girls in some case,, rhoose aeistants from their on Sun Am.- mn k.. 1 , If,.... 1'...... tiocal; Mildred Garrett, Mildn-d ' , 1 ur, ,ul T " . ""' " u Clarke, First Methodist Episcpal; , V j"r- ikery als;, has eoMnbuteJ tourette and Miss Helen Krausse. Miss Greta Mei.ner, l'r.-sbvterian; Esther e ntere.t.ng studies, and J. A Idea . Eleanor R-gers is another Salem girl Anderson. Arneta Ba'rtlett Bai.t-t : i W lt'r bM a nota,,le ;"1!'-""i i'f Eng- attending tois school, having just re- Margery Kay. .Vanna I'utnarn. 'hris tian; Hi-len Mclnturff, Methodist Eis ,r.. I- C.r,r,,,l.. I : -t ' I .. r ...,...,...,. I w.rJr iu,i!,;.V i t i K1 e Aufrace entertainfd with a din Klliott, I.aura Miles, South Friends. .j.,.. .t ....... , ,,u, b , s i , .. k ..r i . i i n-i. partv, Fridav night Kegina Long.' ' ' '" JJngiish teacher at Salem high s.-hool, I l"'"; c.mriipmorat.-d Mr. Autrance. Sr.'. chairman; Uirdene Mevers. Margaret ,.li,t ,rl"la.v. he guests meluding for Molkc, Christian; Craue Welborn, Olive-1 ?ne. D"J"t, Part' ,hn,H! "h". hJlJn Vl.ll 1, n,.,.(,.i. n,i i'ii; . intimately acquainted with the visitors The Salem school Ward last night.: upon the recommends': n of the build i ing and grounds committee, awarded the contract for the :r?uil&tinn of the heating plant for the new McKinley sihool building to the firm of W. U. J Mcpherson k Co., of Portland, the low .est bidder, for (2,375. I'pon the recom mendation of the su(i!i'S committee, ; ordered contract, let f -r the Khool ; year's supply of wed. consisting of' 3d0 cord, of slabwood and lt'5 cords of old fir, or a total of ooo cords, all of the slabwood to be furnished bv the Chas. K. Spaulding Legging company. j at .2.15 per cord, and the old fir is were Miss 'divided up between three bidders: F. A. irazier, at 3.4"; m fuel yards, at $3.79, and the G. R. Tracey "Wood company, at $3.80, res; actively. The wood supply f r the several schools of the distn t was purchased for the ensuing year at a considerable .reduction of cost over j rovious years and will amount to a great saving in expense to the district. I.n-t year, with with the exception of a few scattering III SHIPLEY III Ti H Ffi a k Ti fl- : of wi nil v v iLii JULC I Lbnai Im I Jum. '- I CHI Pl IS DRAWING TO A CLOSE " Nine More Days I I 1 III! III! Clintock there, among whom are Mrs. Gerald Becbe. Mrs. Siai-lair Wilson. J cords of second growth fir which was Mrs. Chester A. Moores. (Miss Louecn j purchased from time to time in small amounts Xj fill out th" supply for some of the schools, the district used slab wood exclusively and paid $2.22 per :entlv tion returned for her summer vaca- i lish water colors Saturday evening Mr. and Mrs. Eu-: The tenth and last dance to be given ' I ner of fourteen covers for the pleas- , in Moose hall by the Art Frisco girls. lire ot .Mr. A'jtrunc s parents, .Mr. and will take place tomorrow evening. It i was planned to n:ako a previous dance Frinn.1.! neiln .Inn,.. M r 1 ,. I """R '"''ir eXteUrle.1 rest, ; i..k.'i: i.-..;.;......i. ii i i'i Mr. Aufrance is associnted in a bust- here. ness way with the Donald Water com pany. With Mrs. Aufruticc he re turned home Humliiv. K. T. school ; Ethel lit the Pirst -Methodist Episcopal; Hnzel Mc: Gilchrist, Florence linvne. Congrega tional; Evangeline Smith, Miss Drake. Jason Lee; Mamie Victor, Ruth Wel born, Presbyterian. Entertainment (to secure homes for the girls during their stay, Laurii Heist, ehuirman) l.ura Purvine, Presby terian; Teresa Fowle, Congregational ; Maxine Elliott, South Friends; Mrs. I'ulvine, Jason Lee; Ti iniie Hewley, Christian; Emily Philips, P.uptist; firetehen ttriun Vlrut M..tl.,.,l;ut Kpiscopal; Vnleda lloxie, 'Highland I u,i'in ',,f W'-ers for the Blind. TI. odist Kpisropnl.' "' '' j Francisco exposition. Profe In several case, Sunday sehool. hnvel"1" v'11 r''n"iin in '' A"H"V not yet reported the innmn of their .Superintendent and Mrs. MonreH, of the State Blind Prof. T. S. Roberts and Mi Harding, assistant instructors same institution, left yesterday even ing for Berkeley, C.iiiiorni.1 where they will remain several wc-k. attending the convention of the Associ committees. This report should be made' ; i to the director, Miss Li.urn Ili-iNt, at i the earliest possible moment so that all arrangements for the big meeting inuy le satisfactorily completed. The confer-! ence is financed by 11 contribution of ; five cents per member from cadi girls' i elass of the city. Girls are expec ted to arrive from noon Friday to noon , Saturday, but the Portland" girls will likely be delayed by he commencement ' exerciw.-s of Friday evening. Local' hunday school classes are vying with one another in the proportion of their class that they can have in regular at tendance in addition to the two off ii-iul : delegates. j rraneisco exposition. Professor Hob s for tlo summer the guest of las brother. Koliertx, who lias liiHt finished his third year at the College ot Osteopathy. I he latter has ust been .resented the. Cortex gold medal for the best college song, lie is a talented musician and is prominently identified with the musical life of the college a well as its social. Professor Rnhei fi lms been ussocinted with the Oregon State Blind school for the past 1 years and this i:i liis fir-t extended vacation. c jrd tor it. Slabwood w ould have doubtless been purchased exclusively for the coming year n!o had it not been for the general demand on the part of the janitors of the sc hool build ings, ind the recommendation of the Mcl'liersoi company, which is to install the ni'W lientire nisnf ::t the Mc Kinley the final one, but owing to their popu- school, that some old fir be purchased larity and the insistaiit demand for to mi with the slabwood, which was otters, another one was decided upon. I complied with by the committee and j The drill team which has given the J board. j series will leave for San I'rancisco, to I The purchase of old fir at from -3.47 . attend the exposition about the tenth , to 3.$0 per cord is the c heapest that of July. has cbfained for a great many years. in :'ect it is us cheap a.- second growth - Mrs. John Cassidv. of Clearwater, fir can be obtained in the open market. Minnesota, is the bouse guest of her daughter, Mrs. Guy O. Smith, und will remain in Salem during the summer. Miss Vera Witlinm. a music student of Willamette university, who has been making her home with Mrs. L, H. Compton, l.ns returned to her home in Victoria, B. C. This year's supply of wood will be distributed among th- several schools, as follows: Blahwoi.i fords. School. High school Englewood Garfield . . Grant .... Highland . Lincoln ... McKinley . Park Richmond Mrs. Frances Bailey and her daugh ter. Miss Bess Bailey, of Center street, are entertaining Mrs. Bailey's daughter-in-law, Mrs. Fred W, Bail'ev, land her sister, Miss Caroline Port, of Washington ( n.-seiton, .-ortn Dakota, ihc visitors I ure delighted with Saiem and will re- ' Total main an indefinite time. Later in tin summer with Miss Bailey they will en joy an outing at Newport. Mr. ami Mrs. Alfred G. I, mm unci Rtnall son, John Henry, were in Sulein S-vimlay, guests of the K. P. ( niletoi.s anil tl.o Roy llurtons. They we re en routo to their new hene in Amherst, Mass., where Mr. I.unn takes a posi tion in the state agricultural college. 'I'ney will make stops in i alifornia, ('tali, Michigan, und visit Mr. Linn, s A wedding of interest this week wi be that of Miss Mary Anne Smith i Thiiinns W. Gerber, both of Portland, which will be soleiuui.ed on Thursday afternoon at 5 o'clock at the First Con gregntional church, Portland. iiev. Luther R. Dyott will officiate, and the bridesmaids will be Miss Bess Tate. A. T. Gerber will attend his brother as best man. Following the ceremony, a small and informal roc-opt ion lulu-Id at the new home of the young couple, SI 7 East Eighty-second street. Miss Smith, a former I'niversitv of Mrs. II. J. Miles is entertaining a distinguished eastern woman, Mrs. A. .1. Parklov, (if Boone, Iowa, who came to ntfc-iid the council (if the Gen eral Federation of Woman's clubs, in Portland. a a member of the literature committee. From there she went to San Francisco to r pn sent the Iowa library eon.missioi at the American Library assucin ion convention in Berk- cley. Mrs. Bur k ley is state chairman id literature mid library extension de- in .HiO Old Fir Cords. 15 15 :'o 20 15 15 20 15 25 1H5 To. 120 45 35 50 50 25 50 50 50 fO THE UNABATED ENTHUSIASM OF DISCRIMINATING WO MEN THRUOUT THE PROGRESS OF THIS EVENTFUL "SALE OF WHITE" IS A FLATTERING TRIBUTE TO THE MERCHANDISING SAGACITY THAT ORGANIZED IT. This Is Your Chance to Economize Extraordinary Dress Economies 50 Extra Quality Linen Dresses, shades are- pink, blue, lavender, natural, white all the new spring models, neatly made. Our own stock combined with two sample lines. Regular values from $10, $12.50 and $15.00 SPECIAL $6.95. REDUCED PRICES IN EV ERY SECTION: White Undermuslins, White Knitted underwear, White Silk Hosiery, White Lisle Hosiery, White Kid Gloves, White Lingerie Waists, White Silk Waists, White Wash Goods, Entire Line of Richardson's Snow White Linens, Bed Spreads, Sheets, Pil low Slips, Blankets, Infants' and Children's Dresses, Caps, Bonnets, Knitted and Crochet Goods, COATs, SUITS and DRESSES, A typical Shipley Quality June Sale. WIFE "CHEWED" IN BED. i pa it mi at of the l.owa State Federation j $ ot Woman s clubs. She is it long-time I iriond of Mrs. Miles, their acquaintance beginning in Iowa li years ago. She! leave,, in the inc. mug for her home, planning on stopping on her way in! Portland, Spokane and other place's. I ! ! i : l Huntington, W. Va., June 22. When his wife "circulated false and malicious stories aluiit him." Francis M. Kdgell could Ltand it. but when she took her chew ot tobacco tu bed with her it was too much. He asked for a divorce. Not only that, said K Ijell. but. she rem! nated the ' i-u. 1 1 while she slept. Trie husband told Judge Gra ham that he fneM to lead a Christian life but couldn't un der the cit'Miin-tnnces. He got the ilivrrce. jH-ujdo in Philadelphia l.ofn e settling ' Oregon atudent, is a sister of Mrs. lic.y in their new home. Mi. I.unn was , S. Itlodgett, o Salem, w ho w ith M Minn Isabel Ac hcrman, daughter (.I t Bl 1'midrnt and Mrs. ,1. II. Aekennan. I Miss Lulu and Miss I.ina Heist arc in , Berkeley attending the summer course I of the l'iiiersity of California. Misi of Aionmoiith, formerly of Salein, c Friday evening a croun of Salem Heights young people met at their hall -part of their wedding trip I...... ...:u .1 i.. i .i . i- . 1 "l 'Ken, mil i,i umiiov lie tne oniv at- , I II.,;.,. I,... i . t. . lenda.it from her.. Mr ,,,! M , I !.., . ,,,,, ueriniiii l.er will come up to be the gcies!.. of the Blo.lgetts shortly after the wel ling, and will include this visit ns YAQUIS KILL ENGLISHMAN. Washington. Jane ill. John .1. Amis ton, nn Knglishinaii. has been killed by Vacpii Indians at Moeliin, according to advices to the state department today. The first troop train sent out by fiOVemor M.'lVfcir.o.-i with antdinra tn departments i of the high ! ,,,,,! ttu, vTli ni . U(,gtrovei) .nytng the Misse, I,.,st ,),e dispatch,., 'addet) Forty were killed, wounded or are missing. in the Albany high school, Miss Lena : passing the lut year in Scappoose, I 'ire., wi.erc she had charge of the tier- i.iiiii and Latin ! sc In, .1, Aci'omi nnv to Berkeley were Mrs. Olive Hand and Miss Bertha IMwnrds, teachers in the Salem schools. All will be away about six or seven weeks. cd'lege, and Mr. Peterson, all of Philo math; Mrs. Klla .lones, of Portland; Mr. and Mrs. Hairy Howe and their (laughter, Katlierine.' and Mr. and Mrs. Libert Thompson, of Salem; Mr. and Mrs. Horace 1 ' inlerhill and two chil dren, nnd Mr. and Mrs. Maulv Under hill, of Summit; Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Boles nnd son of Mills City, Mr. and Mrs. B. H. Botes n, two sunt, of Al bany; Mr. and Mi. A. M. (iray and sons, Mr. and Mrs. i;,iv FTink and sons, and Arthur Boles, all of Philomath. The following program was given; ful Caiiriei. '(to.) :....). iir... Pour young men. the remaininir ' ntoreske. " Mr no, i.!.. f:.,i.i.,., I uien.licrs of a social roganization known Wedding Hav," M;tnr Underbill nnd ;as the Sacred Or.ler of Owls, were en-1 chorus; duet'. Mrs. ii'arrv Hciwe and Miss Clara llcalev has returned to : Sal,. in, alter spending the week-end in orvallis as the guest of Mr. and Mm. .loh n lleuly. j I Miss Myrtle Burnap and Miss Clara uui- i u.... ..... hi. , uc.ciin, were co er-cuililliy visitors with Miss llurnep's sister, Mrs. '. K. Albin. in Salem. They came over to attend "Ouulity Street" Pridiiy evening. t T U T! SI 1 Liberty St. between Court and State St. Co "Sorry Old Man, I Bought by Telephone The huiYs manager of n lui'Ke Wi'stcrn roiu'tni Hold un ordor of Roods by tclfpliont? to a small town mcrcliant just ten minutes before the arrivi-l of n trnvelinjr sali'Hman of a com petitor. Many business men have adopted this "Long Distance" telephone selling campaign over our lines reaching 1800 cities and towns in California, Oregon, Washington, Idaho and Nevada. THE PACIFIC TELEPHONE tcitiiined Pridi.y evcninir hv Carl Smith. The club has been meeting Priday even ing" during the winter, many 'of the member going away for the summer. Those who remain are Curl Smith, Clif ford Sum rt . Lawrence Lewis and Har old took. Mr. and Mrs. W. II. lld'es, of Philo ninth, for ds yeais residents of Oregon, uiol known throughout the state, cele I. lilted their gulden wedding miniver ary Sun, lay at their beautiful Philo math residence, surrounded by their children, "randchilclicii und 'a few fiicnds. Mr. unci Mrs. I'lbert Thomp son and Mr. mid Mrs. Hurry Howe and children went oer from here to at tend the exeut, Mrs. Thomi'soii and Mr. Howe being ilnugliters of Mr. nnd Mrs. Howie. Other children present weie: Mis. Klla .limes, ot Portland: Mrs. llo.nce Underbill, of Summit; Mrs. A. M. (iiav, Mr, (luy Krink and Arthur Bole, nil of Philomath; Clv,e Holes, of Mill city, and Herbert Bo'lei, of Albany. Kciir grandchildren unci one resented, with 12 grandchildren nnd one great gtandc Inld present. Mr. and Mrs, Holes were ninrtied in Kansas, und have lived most uf their :is years in t.icir I'r nt location, a brief' residence be ing mnde in orvallis and AH.anv, Those present at the celebration were; Hilioi nnd Mr. t ntle, Kev. and Mrs. Phelps, Professor Olson, of l'hilinoth jfi.tiinierciiil street .Mr. Libert Tlion. ,,n; reading, Harry Howe; violin ,,!. .I.iha Inderhilh "Somewhere n C. , Calling," Kl hert Thompson; .,,1, Karhrvn Rowe; duet, Mrs. rndorhill, Lottie Underbill; "Silver Threads Among the Hold," all. , Advan I pii.iu. pupil of Miss Beat rice Shelton gave delightful evening of music ut the First Congregational church last night, only compositions ni Kriml being used. Foremost local mu sicians assisted. The regular monthly meeting of the Ijiclies' Ai l socictv of the Kirst Meth odist church will lice lu,, in the parlor of the church tonimrow afternoon, at woich time offi.-eis for the ensuing year will be elec ted. At the same place at nil earlier hour the West Centrnl circle will meet the Vew Park circle to plan for the fair. Pupils of Professor Urnnk K. Church ill will appear ni recital this evening at the Kirst t hri-tii.n church, the program to begin at H o'clock. All mother interete, lu the. fuoral conditions in the Salem schools ar iu vited to hear Mrs. (. II. Pickett, the t.tatit officer. Wednesday, at 2:.t0 p. m., at the Sunday sc hool rnuns of the Leslie church, corner of Meyers and SILVERTON NEWS (Capital Journal Special Service.) Silverton, Ore., .lune l"J. Mrs. K. A. l.inscott was called to Portland oil busi ness Sunday and returned Monday aft ernoon. Lloyd Campbell enme oxer from east ern Oregon on business and called on friends in Silverton the first of the week. Mis Martha Jenson and Albert Towe who have been teaching the Parochial school of Bethamy and Kvnns Valley, closed the four week' term last Friday. The A. O. White family entertained Hev. N. C. Games of ' Whitewater, Wis., nho Rev. A. Salversmi of Toion t'i, Wis., tin past week. Thee gentle men nre brother-in-law of Mr. White and are on their wav home from the synod convention at San I'rancisco. Andrew Tansen died suddenly of heart failure nt the mill last Monday. He was bom in Notwav in Hill and w'.ien (tiite young emigrated to the United Slates, and has lived in Silver- ton at'Oiit to years. lie leaves a wife nnd two. children. Mrs. .farvis, Mr.. Matthew and little I'loydcne Matthew were in Port Inn. I the last of the week nnd visited the big eruier South Imkota that was sta tioned there during the Hose Festival. Clair darvis is one of the navy boys aboard this ship and was glad 'to see the home folks. Miss durdis F.ngebretson Bud Lester Wnltmun were married at the home of the bride's parents at Nurtii Howell on c-cc.iciay, .nine rt. i ne ceremony was witnessed by a host of friends' who heartily wished them much happiness and prosperity. A rousing cebbrntinn is being plan ned bv the people of Silverton for .lulv 1. The Incites who made the celebra tion a success last year are to take charge of the business and make all ar rangements. The doubting Thomasas rif Inst year nre now willing to co oper nte and work together, and all feel this will be toe best eelel. ration ever. Kv erylody is speeinlly invited to take Tart in the parade nnd, anywnv, come and have n good time with us on Satur day, .lulv :i. Hev. O, Bleiim. ot Astoria, and Rev. .1. A. Stavney, of Portland, are holding revival meetings at the Lutheran Free church in this citv. Thcv are aifei ';r ""'' ' I'rekke.'of Ferndale; Wash. Every one is invited to attend J. M. Emerson has fold hi barber shop and left with hi liitle son for Portland. His successor at the Clem i .1. Piudor'.iaufer, who came from Cali fornia recently. I The Hen Hostettrr family are nicelv' , located at Stayton. while the new sc hool hnise is being built under Mr. Hustet- j tor's supervision at that place. The B. Tinglostad family entertained the Misses Alina Enger, of Davenport. I North Pakota, nnd Anna Stortroen, of ' Fergus Fulls, Minnesota, the past week. The young ladies were cn route home from the lair. Guests of the past week at the F. H. Snick home w-ere Mrs. ('. M. Wilson, of Vancouver. Wash., mother of Mrs. Snick, and O. (). Wilson, of Battle Creek, Micii., a brother. Mrs. ('. M. W'ray enjoyed a pUsnut' visit with ner friend, Miss Sadie Bon ner, of Silverton Hills, who was on her way to ('orvallis to visit friends. Mr. and Mrs. Kov Miller motored over to Salem last Sunday to visit Mrs. I Miller's parents. Mis Jeanette Hannestend is' here from I orvallis visiting friends and, pic king loganberries in the Keen berrvl field. ' Mis Evelyn Nutting was over nt Sa lem the first of the week a guest ot I her friend, Miss Jones, who brought ! ner home Tuesday morning. c Alvin Hoburt is one of the O. A. C. . students at Cnrvnllis during the sum-1 mer short course in session at present. Mis Alma Beaverson and Mis Anna. Milnrd. of Minneapolis, Minn., eaniej i from Sm Francisco, where they have i been nttending the fair, for a visit at! trie A. l. White home. Miss Hcaverson m n sister of Mrs. White. They plan! on spending several weeks here before: returning home. ' Editor K. M. Omstcnd and wife, ri' i 'Stayton. also Mr. and Mrs. F. Smith. (nf ('orvallis, were callers in our little , city on Monday Inst. Alfred and Karl Adam left with j their automobile for an overland trip' to the Frisc o fair, on Tuesday morning. 1 Mr. S. A. Richardson enjoyed a visit1 i from ner friend. Miss Grace Barring-! ton. a few days the past week. j 1 The Pigcrnes family hn.l Magnus; jSixe. of Sioux Falls. South Bakota, as a guest the past week. Mr. Sixc is one! j of the many people touring the const, i stale this summer and taking in the --vcic in me iiijf iHir. I M's Bess Cowdcn and Miss Eleanor; Met lune attended commencement at j Eugene this week. ' : A surprise (arty for Olgn Vorsethl ; the post week was a very happy event.' A g.odly number of her" young friends came for n good time and they sure Imd it. Games of various kind werei flayed and a nice lunch served. Miss' jOIca j, t0 i,,gV). for Minnesota and, I will be mirscd by her mnny friends here. Those attending the party were: Rugna Uuall. .losnett. uaiiiio.rau, ta Cowracl. Fave Allen. Inez. try. Ur ice Steen. Francis Green. Nora Buelh Ivan Linscott. Don O'Kar.e. Brrnanl Nutting, Dewey Alien, lbigh Ulh and l.lovd Fry. Mr. and Mrs. W. S. ,la,k. a-. nied bvaniccc. Mi-sMori-y-to L'assadia. where ihey will ski-I few months at their ..n:er borne. Mr. Booth, who recerly art.ved H California, will attend to the iin.l" taking business during Mr. Jrk sence. .' t:.- MWoheth Lew : i K'a afier being in Portland ::. er. Mrs. Levy remained -'J; her sen. Ben, who is k "'"'i ,w a severo illness. . Miss Esther Hiues wcr.1 " lr the last of the week to mere. Kt ; Mi" Althea Stewart Lusher, or rpoKaiic, c.l with her for a few .v. J ?'' The ball game In. t weer. the first nnd second ti.v s ' resulted in a detent tor . score being 111 to 3 in lav' 'h'bf iors, who won the n,w rir-U name Silverton Colts. h,, T. S. Ppsou and a-rl ,, week for tuo Knc tair a.;l t go cas't to tncir ooi t where they expect to lot' !'r nently. . . ,,,.nt tk' istomlma Luktns. who bis I , ,rt vf.r with her V,. left for ner nome - .uhtof. She was aceoinpanicl bv " ' ' .,;, Mrs. Town-end. who has '"'" relatives the past few . .. V Kowden. who w'oA t. r NLircoe on ...e Hub hs "j,' anklo badlv bruised w . " ;r'tiH grt a horse out ot the y f" h, be some time before he .an Li the aid of .rntehes. ,,,.,;vitii The Hnmsby families ar. visit from their bjoih-r. ' Ramsbv. and wife, who .a. r of the week from Kiaim.th n.ain indefinitely. , i,.,,,-s h"1' Mr. and Mrs. wucre moved to Geblcndalc, Y !" Chamness has work 0,,,, Mr. and .us. a at Vamhill the fir.: of . attended the G. .v McMinnville on theiy '"T J , ,h, Mi. Kacbcl A''VW ;,- i',.!l. b"f. p few. week, with b ' jjet, lelt tor caici.i there to the State mouth, Normal at Mc"- . 1-niec A babe in arms is worm with toy pisteis- ed