Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, June 19, 1915, Page SEVEN, Image 7

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TZ7i BST.r.M fTTTT, .TQirpAT, PAT pm o?rov
:iii.-Iii-is Still,. Snn,.,,-
!"ssociniinu. About :i,.ni
I 'X:4',ti, fr,iM
, ' ..'" A
I. ' ' ""' cilllloroilce will
' IK l'.
'"''lid delegates t
iiiy me
In,' ,'inilV
(! ii 1 1'
S ll
J :.':-"
HisWand Friends Chnrcii
Or 111'!' of Highland ,,,,,, ', ,
Our Snl,l,at 1, ,,, )P(,ills ,v
' n'. l',itl. superintendent.
5 "" '."r ""uiip. II ii. iii, ai.,1 ,s
' ""' "l i.iimi';i or, h; ).( i,, j-.
ini'f tr Hlfs.'ii- n. IV.
MipiM-inteu.l- I'l vh.i.lv .11..IK. ' J ' 1 '.
mormon by the pastor: . with .i . .V.;.. . .l" U0M"1
.. .-- ... "-' "uir iioi'.o r.
I' ' is, " r .inline nu;i,
lie a joiui meetinc; of th
Lutheran Church.
Mist St!.t., ...I I.-: ..1.. . ,
"How Ilavo I lmprcived Tins League I (loot ,,,. Kooiiler icis!.,, . ,
V:n" will lie the .hiiI.,1.', t. We extend! in (ionium and in K,,'i;j, ... V
at MC'tnoaisi episcopal unttrcu.
and Church streets, Kioliard X.
,n. minister. tMn a. in., Sabbath
I. .Mr. Krrol liill-ey,
II a. in.
pa dor.
:ite uml
i. M. ('.
Fpworth I.oai;ni
Findley us lender.
will l,e the sul
j, -.,','iiil in vitlltiuii to young ien,o
niilooit ii ii ii rli homo. 7 :4." p, m.,
!ih,,, Fmiik V. Warne. of Idaho, well
i'il.,1 iiieil on eastern questions, and a
itv successful missionary, will speak.
V'e extend n eoriliul invilation to nn
jut' rested iiulilie tu be present.
will he
service ni ii;::(i a
no evening nervier.
si reels.
. in.:
; Post Office Clerks and Letter'
Carriers Meet Jointly In
Annual Session
First Baptist Church.
S lay sehool, 9:1.1 11. m.; moriiin.
senium, 11 o'eloek; evening seniioii.
o'llo.lv, siilijeet of evening sernion
' ' Mi.' Wandering .lew uml the
J,o-t T l ihes. " Special imisie, uiol
ii" tion ot Mi hm Mii.netta Mngors. II
1 Marshall, pastor.
First Christian Church.
''truer High nuil (enter, T. Pur
tor, minister. M:4" a. 111., Ililile school,
J'r. II. ('. Fploy, director; II u. in., wor-
fn, ami senium for nged people; minis Pauline
will ne sent ror all who cannot nnne ":t
(,!lierwise; ti: l.i i, m Christian Kit
donvor; 7:4.1 p. h., sterenptieon ser
li oil. .
First Presbyterian Church.
I'hililren 's ilny will lie apprit;iriately
observed at' II o'clock, with exercise's
bv oliililren, ami an object talk bv the
pa-tor, Carl II. Klliott. h'ooogniliou
v. ill be (riven those who hnve ntteinleil
tlio junior congregation faithfully since
1,'nlly tlli.v last 'mitiiiiiii. I'rnl'essor
V'nlsh' will sill);. The subject of the
evening sermon is "Hit's lioil
I n k From Honor?' '
South Salem Friends.
' 'oilier of South CoiumcrcKil and
Washington streets. II. F. IVinhertoii
pastor, liilil,. school nt III n. ,.; rlus
I'tr nil ages with efficient tc.'liers.
, ( Kllpennt lent; nieclin,'
lor worsliii, niol urencliiii,. ni 1 1 ., , .
K. ineetinjr m plc.; Iiii, M'J
pravci loeelinir ni 7-i; 'n,,.u.i.,,.
Ten 1 evening, ' '
United Evangelical Church.
.Mirtii ( ottajje si reel, l.etwc
aihl .M.'irion, A. A. Winter.
' in- Ninilny siliool, I'rofc
I,. N-niiiiille. siiperiuteihli'iit
picaciiiii":, "( iinst s ( all to Vouiij,
Wonieii"; li ii. i,i.. .Iiininr Fn.l.'.iv,,,-
b' iiitflon, siiiierinleiKleiit:
p. in., ( lulilr.'ii 's iluv evercisos A
spleiiiliil pnnriiiii of exercises, recila
tions nn, I iiiiisic.'il selections will be
(jivcn. This is the fuiinli special pro
(ram reinlcrcl liming the pat six
weeks. Those who liase licanl the nlh
ers wiM want to hear this one. 7:4.1
p. in. Thiirs.lay, iniil-week prayer meet
i " tf- To all those services yon are web
n Center
ssor A.
a. ni.,
German. Methodist Church.
Comer Tliirteenl h ami Center streets,
' I'i'cat preparations are being mndo 1
by the local post office clerks an.l let-!
j tcr carrieis for the joint convention of'
'Ilic (ireoon state Letter Carriers ami ,
the raited Association of Postoffioe
clerks, to he held i Salem. Saiur,av,!
.Iiine L'li. one week from today. ' I
The stale brain h of these' two nsso-j
cialions meet in ea, h year w here
mailers of statewide interest to post
office workers are discussed,
i I'. 1'. Ikirliyte of this .it v is presi
dent of the local branch No.' 47 of the
iri'on Association of Letter Carriers.
K. I'. I.onp of MiMinuviile is president
of Ihe stale associaiion,
! Accordinif to Mr. Ilnrhvte, the local'
: nienibers of both associations are phin-i
niiii; to )(ive the slate delegates a fine'
time while in the city, closing with a'
baniop't at the Marion. I
Anioiij; the prominent men who will'
be preset and speak at the bampiet arc
s dor l.ane, Scnalor Cliamberlain, !
iim room of this church is located in
the Hubbard liiiildino;, suite iliiil, and is
open every day, except Sun.iavs ami
holidays, fiom 1 1 :41 a. in. to -i p. in.
All lire welcome tit our son ices ;;, in
vited to visit our reading room.
A Great
Rag Carpet
We must reduce our Stock
of ling Carpets ninl will sell all
Hag Carpets next week at 1-5
off. You will find all kinds of .
patterns ami any size nnntc.1.
J: Special Music Added Attrac
tion at Ihnstian Revival
Window Display
and get our prices.
St. Paul's Church, Episcopal,
liobert 8. dill, rector. Holy com
j. .inion, 7:'til a. ni.; matins and address,
II a. in.; evensong and address, 7:;id
I' in.; Sunday school, !:l.1 a. in.
.1. Weigh', pastor. Suiulav
Hold at In a. m., ami public worship
o'clock; Fpworth League at 7:1
sermon at s p. in.
Commons Mission.
sclioi.l 211 State st reel. S lav, :i p, ni.,
lit II pi-eai'liiiig by .1. II. Cook; fues.lav, W.
0 and .1. Johnston; Wednesday, ; Friday, It.
W. Shaver; Satmdav,- . Wcck-duv ser
First Congregational Church.
lames Llvm, jiiistor, Sunday schoul
els promptly nt 1( o'clock, I'rofessur
. I. tStuley, superintendent. Morning
'i lnirch service nt II o'clock, Miss Mar
g.iret Hodge will sing and an address
will be given by Miss Miriam Wood
berry, of New York city. Miss Wood- i
berry is the secretary of the woinans'
1 Unitarian Church.
Corner of Chemeketn and
streets, b'icliurd F. Tischer.
. Sunday school at HI o'clock;
I Hible class at Id o 'clock
.1. I. Cook, siipi'rinteu
( 'oltage
ailv anccd
initrinl g ser
vice nt II o clock, sub loot. "What P
I'eligion"; music ,y Miss Inez Deuisoii,
Mrs. Walter lienton, organist. "Social
Service meeting" at 7:4.1 o'clock. Jlr.
F. li. Thompson and Mr. lien jam in
Williams will discuss "The Workinu-
ball .
M. K
at II
Services at Pratum.
Henry .1. Tallinn, dean of Kim
ollege, will preach at the (ionium
church at I'ratom next Sunday
ll'oluek a. in.
8. A.
mail 's Compeiisalion Law. '
garet llnlges will be the
the eMuiiiin, Fvervliodv
depnrtiiient of the Congrcgalional Home , invited to these meetings.
1,: issioimry society. She is u most in-! I riends,
(cresting speaker anil till the nienibers
and friends of the Congregational :
church are urgently recpiested to hear
tier. Christian Kndeavor meeting at
(i:41. subject "Christ's Call lo Young
Men"; evening church service at 7:41,
f-erinou by tile pastor, subject. "The
Authority oil' Christ"; Thursday even
ing meeting, Htu eht'.pter of (lospcl of
Mohu. subject, "Sinner mid Saviour";
VYutav evening, (:!., dinner for
Mn, Sunday scliool superintendents at
li ml hr.'ids of
It.ro work.
Miss Mar
vocalist for
is cordially
llring your
Associated Bible Students, I. B.
negiiiiir weekly liiiue stu.ly in up
slnirs hall, soutiiwest curner High and
Ferry xtrccfc, Snmlay morning nt III
o'clock. All liildc students welcome.
No colloctioit. I'l e tins-".
Rural Chapel,
Stover, minister. MorniiiL' ser
vice at II o'clock, sermon by the pas
tor; Suiulav school nt Id' o'clock;
i nristiun I'.inicavor at s p. in.
Control Congregational Church.
Corner South Nineteenth und Ferry
street, H. ('. Stover, minister. SuiuIik
Salem Mission,
' Center and Coiniiieicinl streets, 1),
M'lntnrff, II. l pastor. I'rencbing
by the pastor at il I s p. m.; Young
, 1'eople's meeting at 7:11; prayer meet
ing Wedio 's, lay evening; wunnn's
! meeting, Thuis.lay aflernoon at J::tn,
and song service l-'ridnv evening. We
jute liuviuc meat uieetiiics and th(
crowds are hirue. I ome. Meet me n
the Salem Mission.
Congressninn lluwley. Vnsluiasler My
ers of Portland, Fre.l l'. Holm, secre
tary of the Oregon assiniiiiion, (I. W.
(iriiiinis of Citlifornia. Mavor II. (I.
; White and l'ostmnster Auniist Hucke-;
1 mi fin. The Rev. .laines Llvin, of the
j First Congregatioiinl cluirch will serve
j lis toast master for Hie evening.
Those on the reception committee,!
' acting with ('. I). Itnrliylc, are Mrs. A.I
V: Aiil'riince, Mrs. Waller Person, Mrs.
Ksiella Kaylor, (lenrge llatdi, Clifton i
l!oss and L. I). Waring. j
! The committee in charge of the en-'
i teilainiiient of the delegates consists,
! of C. I). Hiirhyte. assisted by Ii. T.
1 Kimdcr, FiMik Toofliiine, Fay Collins, j
(Icorge Johnson nuil F. P. Taylor. j
Fullv 17.1 ilclccalcs from nil parts of'
I lie state are expected to be present at
i this state meeting. i
; I At Ihe Marion hotel baiuplcl. Mayor
II. (I. White will deliver Hie address
of welcome for the city, while post
master August Ituclicstciii will wel
come the postul employes. :
The object of eiicli of I lies., iissocia-l
tions is to procure the co operation of (
allied workers in the iioslal service, to!
Kcvival services nt the Court street
4I Church of Christ were well attended
last night and the attention was pro
51 f"1""1- sl'ccinl music added to the
I: interest of the meeting. Miss Swart
4 , played a beautiful cornet solo, with a
5 j clarinet obligate, bv Mr. Swart., her
brother. Prof. Hcltra contributed 11 fine
I vocal solo. Pr. Hrooks spoke on "Sav
2 ,'"!.' a Soul From IVnth," liasing hi:: re
4 j murks on the last two verses of the
1 Hook of .lames. It was a strong plen
4 I for personal evangelism, lie declared
j j the wurhl would never be won to Christ
T by the graduates of the thriuWicul
seminaries or the ordained clergymen.
They are too few and the world is too
great. He believes in the ministry of
the lnynmii and the value of personal
work. He has had a wide experience
with some of the world's greatest evan
gelists uml declares that their success)
lies largely in their ability to set to
work a great number of the so-called
! laymen. He lias assisted Hr. ,1. Wilbur
Cliiipninn in two campaigns and was I
(with Hilly Sunday six weeks in the1
i;reatest meeting, up to that time, since!
Pentecost. Hr. Hrooks cbiinin these
meetings were great 1 uise "the pen- !
j pie had a mind to work." No reviwil'
jenn be successful without this element j
of power. j
There will be no Saturday night meet
'ing. Sunday will be 11 busy day. The
Hible scliool at 11:11(1 hopes to" sninsli '
! the high record of last Sunday. At II
'o'clock Mr. Hrooks will spcak'oii "The 1
Boanerges Hoys." At S o'clock lie will i
j spen k on "The Conviction f n Ki.-lt I
I Nobleman." It is expected that ca- ;
j pacity audiences will crowd the tent '
tomorrow. j
, Today at 2 o'clock Kvnngolist Hrooks ,
j oririinizcd the ladies of tl Iiurch into
n Wonmn's Fnion. Willi this sortetv he ;
lias worked for a dozen years in his va
rious pastorates uml lins organircd
everywhere he lias done evnngelislie
work. His society at Portsmouth, Ohio,
last year recorded over l.l.llllil pastoral
calls. The vnbie of such n work can
hardly be over estimated. The ladies
are enthusiastic about the plan and its
W ISH'YH, .,,11,,.,, .sill, I, I. S,,,l'lllll
itepartnieiits 111 Suiiilay
Coiirerence 011 Sun, lav
S'linnl witrk coiuliicti'il ,v ('. F. I'hipps,
stale socretary In" Sunday school work.
A rally of workers and friends of Sa
lem Sunday school, will be held at
7 li in auditorium of the church.
Addresses will be given by Mr. I'oipp
iihl 1 'It iff Justice Moore ui' the supreme
'anil. Judge M.t'ire will speak 011 the
re b.li'i't "Tile Sunday Schools and lloinl
1 .li.'iiship, '' The third niiiinal gills'
ci'iilcronce will be held in this church
or Friday, Salunlay, Sunday, June L1-
en or
p. 111. Instead of the usual own
ing service mid sermon there will be a
sacred concert. Von are invited to hear
the choir ami special numbers by Mrs.
Julia I'iiinell ami join in the song ser
vice which proceeds the concern.
First Church of Christ, Scientist,
Sunday services me held at II"
( hcnieketii si root at II a. 111. and S p.
m.. subject (tf Hible lesson, "Is the
t'niverse, Including Man, Kvolved by
Atomic Force.'" Sunday school at
U:l.1 a. 111.: Wednesday evening, testi
monial iiieetitii; al o'clock. The read-
Gospel Tent.
Meetings are being cont iniu',1 in (ins
pel Tint al Stale and Fight th, every
night, excepting Saturday. If you are
interested in tiie turllicrance of the
(iospel, you will find these services
hi'lplul. A hearty invitation is extend
ed to all by the CMing, -lists, Jamison
and Middleioii.
W. C. T. U.
Ii'i'gnl.'ir get. pel service in this ball on
Sunday, .lime -ii, at I p. m. Mr. I. T.
Hrowti will speak, The public is cor
.llnllv iii itcil tu alt "i.d.
mine irnielluillv nil I lose w in arm
eligible to membrrshlp, to olitnia mole1 i"i Francisco, June lit,--Charges (hat
suitable salary rulings and to regulate ; Hrilish are ronduoliiig a recruiting
the hours of lubor. office in Sim Francisco in connection
m 1 I wilh a Front street business eslnlilisli-
1 tli.Oi In, I'll' ro.,1 ni ,., n h,i ,1 ir ,11.
You pay no more for a pound of "Meadow Brook"
than for inferior brands of creamery butter.
It is rich, wholesome and absolutely pure.
Absolutely free from all impurities, being clari
fied and pasteurized.
Its health giving qualities are widely known. It
saves doctor bills.
When you got a Marion Creamery product, you
will know it is pure. No other creamery in the
Willamette Valley is equipped to turn out a product
of equally high standard.
Marion Creamery & Produce Co.
208 S. Coniincrciiil SI. Saloni, Oregon .
Phone 2 188.
.,,,.:,,,.,;..., 1,,,;,,., ,t,lr, 1,,. ,, f,.
eral authorities,
Frank Hopp, Ihe (ionium consul here,
held an cxlciulcl secret .conference
ft 1 'a'1'" I'islri.t Attorney
yY1 pti'sinn .luting the morning lin! Imlli
(in I, I refused lo r,'onl whal bad been dis-
Ht Folt It FAT- " roonicl dwelling, lurgn
lot, gmiil location. 1 oer iniinlh.
I'liouu Carey F, Martin. Phono 4111.
ft' I'l's'1' Kmbik. No. 1 Junior, probably
FIIFIl'H Nigat l.uuch,
tune of the lir
Veal is quoted
ii cuts is high price for
cents is the best that is
"s, while sheep 11 1 u sell
My Live
xt?S! -'a.'jiirtt
the Porch More
hmSp--- will
! m (-'"W ; I I '"1
ot ' t ri XTfr-J,v a i '.I 1 7. 1
In the Warm Weather you can
get more comfort on your porch
than any part of the house. You
will find our stock complete in
Porch Comforts: Rustic pieces
Woven Sea Grass Furniture of
all kinds. Coolmor Porch Shade
Hammocks, and Crass Runs
add beauty and elegance to
You will find everything that is made in Hijrh (inula Furniture
... 1 ... p.. 1
, that cannot le dtiplicaieii m win
at tin-; More and ran luiy
nt prices
The Store
f '. HMit'Mi.kfeys
The Store
That Save
The geneial
market is wca
cents lor top-..
1 spring lamb. I
! ofl ercd f,t, cw
I i 11 tf for .", cent!
I ligus in,. I, ringing today Is cents
I'in-di with 1 Itiv rather slow sale at
HI cents. ( iild.iigc is being supplied by
the loni! yiuvM'is, grocers paving to
cents today. Now potatoes are now
ouoled lit Hie .anil' Illicit ofli'M'il lor
ipii' t ami iincliaiigi'd.
L! '-'
a 1 lis
liny, timothy,
dais nn, I wi'h
Wlicnt, per bushel
Dais, per bushel . .
boiled bill ley
Cracked corn
Shorts, tier ton
per ton..
.111.1 loo
... HO
... .ia.ou
( reainei v
per liound
Egrss and Poultry,
Kgg, iiish. si , trude
liens, pound
Hoosli'M, old. per pound , ..
Spring , liu hens, lb
Pork. Veal nd Mutton.
cusscil. Filler Hopp is said to hnve,
I wiled to YVn-liiiiglon Information which i
he i said lo lime gathered reuar.lingl
( the tilh'i.'cil rccrnitini sliilion here.
j Hopp nditiillcd that he had 1 11 our-
rini! on an investigation for several
days, lie said he had euiplovcl prmilci
dolcclivcs to carry on this work for
linn 1111. 1 was snlisficil Hint u station!
was being operator!.
Pier-Ion lofiiM"! to inal,p any slate-'
I incut, toil it was admitted that a care-
, fnl pmbe hud I n started of the j
iloin:n placed before tlio federal ail
: tltonlies, i
1 Consul Hopp said he had sent several
1 lo the allege! recruiting office
himself. He Kit . I they find rti'lciiyoicd
to ciili't, but that apparently such ex j
tren aie was being exercised that i
lllev were uiillbl" to obtain the evidence I
he desired. A rc ruit, il Is said, must
1 present credentials cslnbliihlag lieyoiul 1
'any doubt Hint he is a llritisli subject!
before he is accepted,
liopp f"i Itcl wilh TtHf rii t I
Altorncv Fii kert some dnvs ago regnrj.
io the case and since that time lins
( boon bu-v sciircliing f,,r evidence to be
prcselilt'd to the fciletal no I bol it iei.
left in hostoflic.l Tiicudiiy D Vt.tli IIU.
.Inue'J'i 1 Finder please leave ut .limrnnl office.
. , . i Jiinel'.l
1,. W. IIFN'SMN, saw tiling and Jn'i
worli, I'-'il Slate street. If 1 I'Hlt I.FASF --l.ogini and raspberries.
1 Fiist house west of Siilcm Heights
find 'I'll l.ilAN - Impure II. T. It 11 11 . 1 11 1 1 , school. ( losu to car. Junel'.l
lid- I'.iiiiI, of Coiuiucrce, Salem. .Iiinl'.li . . .
I Full SAI.F -A small grc ry stock
OAK w I .to, fir $:i..,il per curd. Phono filures. Price .s). Will rent
..oi 1 or sell liuibling. lu.piire T. H. htirlii-
J1Z. ' - I sou, H'heatland, (lie. JuneJ'J
l,( 1ST -Cold fob with agate cliutiu. I ' 1 ' " ;
I'll .1 nitf I U ! " )N I Fl) Ion loganberry pickers,
, . -1 'I'licsdnv morning; campers preferred.
IH'llliY and haiaess fi- sale cheap. ' ""le ft, Hoi 71. Phon
Pliolin L'I!.
jii f
.1 11 nt'.' L
I'USITHIN wanted bv experienced WAXTKII -lltiiisewtirk In some re
steiiographcr. Phone 1.11 M. Juii'.'l! 'pc laid.. Iiiinlly; can giyn reference.
! - 1 Phone liirner, l.cnu Medley, diinel'.t
WA.N'I'FII 'I'eaius lo .mill wunl, ") ' " 11
dav Plione IIULI. .In ne H H ' ''- "'bcap, uboul .1(1 loads of
I gnu I ditt. Call nt building, 7I
,ortli ( ullage slre.it, JuiicHI
WAN'I'FH lloiiscwo'k in mimo re-
spectitlde lainily can givn reference. , v.A NTKIt to buy or for rent, iiiihII
Phone Turner, l.'.i:i. '"I farm, with house, luirn, etc tr
, , I Salciii. Address II. F., cure Jonrnitl.
Ill il SKK Flil'l Ml apiirtt Is lu thei Jnuelll
( utile block, ni.U... . 01 Hi "'
street. .Ii A.N oppiirliiiiity wlier tlm sun shines.
... d
Spill, n
' llblllVC
T..inalo.s, 1 :
String (iarle
Ki. 1I1. in -l'..i,t....
Po'llti, -. .
i W pi 11
I Oi 'llli In I -
Hern, mill om
Tn r 1, 1 1 1
II. nl.s
St III li.TI I,'-.
(riii:;'S, too
I.ciu' iis, f r
P.anii mi-. !b.
V.tf..i'm I."
lint. . droit..'
Fur l ,!:,'. , .
'.,'. .r ,u nuts, p1
i nn la i " p. -
!li fed .
..U'-dM lOc
.. ?' l.'l
.. .ic.r.tdc
"till ,'C
. S'iifn Ic
.. . Ic
1 rutu.
into ....
l.'l.jo'o :i. 75
I.75W.1 :m
Children's Day Will
Be Observed Tomorrow
At Evangelical Church
Club lien's tli.v will lie , d, served to
inoiriiw at the Ifntcd l. intgeliciil
church on Nnrth Collage sttcet. 'I'hc
pi "1:1 a in will h yi 11 a I 7 . 1.1 in t he etc 11
ing. '111.- public is invited tu ut
tend. Tl.c riutiibctH will be as follows:
lipcititig .i.ng tiirls' cliorus,
Scriptiite llciuling an, I Proy.-r.
Song of Welcome
Itecitat 1011 of V,lc, one.
' Kxerci..' ciiil'lrca ' Ilny W'i b omit -
i: Ptillltll v . Ins..
Sotn; ( In N ' chorus.
Piano solo.
Ho llatloll Keep Children 's Ihiy.
Kicr' ise lukiir the huiinicr,
I S,,o .. Cl..l,lr..n
' ""f.
K. i i' ,l, 'Hi I Iii . ri-11 j Ilny, Hcte niol
sl.lil.l'l Ml porch ami sleeping ruiins
lor teat St 10 South rooitocnlll
sttcet, JiineJ-
I 11 1 1 I.i r 11 iu land to trade for Kiileni
iiroperty or Willamette Miller Isud,
II110111 :i 1 1 h v 1 1 n bldg, (icorge t. Ja
cob 1 0. Junelil
W'.A.NTKI) Fogiiiibeiiv pullers, , lulls , M.i IN FY 'I'd I.UAV on farm security,
or, fcricl; Kniel moipiog giuiiiols. ' llregon Till k Laud Credit Co., .Hit
Highland uveniic, Siilcm ll"ilils I'. H. Natioiuil Hunk building, Halimi,
Phone oil F I. JiiiicI'I: "regoa. JitlyH
I'l Ut II F.N T - A 1 rooui.-d lion 11 '' H H.U.K - lit 11, ic. good bind, no
comer of ( 0 icrcnl and Mainia. j buildiiiK , ,1 1 ; 111 ciIIivuIhmi, 1 Cj mild
Itupnre l!i.", North Con, real, .lunj' 1,"",11lf':;,1 hM'l"iig point 011 H. It.
' I K. Will luke .,ul) Siiblii property.
Fill! IIFNT il furnished !,. keei.in.l !.''"," ," .!"'.!"".. M'l""r,, '"'"I
tootos at Isli Noith l.ibertv.
Id I'l W.
.ing I
.Inn.'.'- ,
K. nil - Co., ,111 1 F. H Hunk bblg.
I nit It FN T -N icelv foi iii died rii'rns.
VCI V r.'Hsoltllble, Hotel Keith, I ill
HWle sll.'.'t. Phone I PHI. .Illlll'I'.l
I.i 1ST Absliacl and deed on Hluiigh
toad I hi t iiiofuing. Itcturii to .lourusl
office. .Ion. 'Ill
Full SAI.F - cigar store, food pining
bu.iiio.r,. Addios H. P. li., . aie .lour
mil. .In ne PJ
I fruit
:,r. rase
.tl 7.1
... l ,
.': ;
Yin nl
S.do The I lid Sweet
Retail Prtc.
Fig. per .-
Song - I. idle tots,
(iff. 'ting I'liino Iliiet,
Song- (,it Is ' chorus.
Scarf lliill Six young
S,,il,' I ii lis ' ch'.r'is.
' . 11 1 of Prune "
II. ticlictlotl.
Still V. I
Aug Is Four .t'oing
I f.so.
Fb '',
r Clollt
tid Mirkets.
.Ion.- lit. -fiii,
'':: .
"C I, t.
".'. r I !
W I, cat
I'.all. v Fed.
Il... H, t. b'.e. 17 '1; pnoi,.
'.' j; fill,' V '..W A, Vi ; 1 ttlv e.
i'l; "t'fiuis lli'iib.. K ''.'.
I'm I -r itv ctciiiii.'iv, 1'7' c.
Kkv S.-le.t.'. I belli e.tin.,
F'lK SAI.F -Soda fuuiit 1,11 end 001 fit,
om, lo ally new. Iiopiire nt I'. P.
Ilailau liioccrv, tilth sad Leslie, tf
MINT sell five good indk cows tin
w.-cl. , . li. Hp. II. lb No. 1, Hoi u:,
s.ilcui. .fiiue'Jt
II Mill Y -Window and solo .leaner ;
Phone I s ,'IJ a' tcr II p. 111. .lulyl
Two Office Rooms
Best location In
Salem. Inquire of
303 State St.
ITItMHIKU liihi;ulnw for rent ; tntM
mi, 'iixl ;iri'ii. I liuiiti M.. K,
Real Estate Bargains
Mr. Hoineseeker end Investor, brforn
Jim.'L'l 1 yi'U buy a faun ur city property
1 1 'It 1 1 1
broilers, !
Fn-T 'luld iic.l,l:i,e, nl.o siiuill pen
. t.atii. 1,'enaid fur ictoiii tit tuls of ,
ill tic. lllllc.l l' a gift. .In lie I'.'
' - I W'e elite Imuran, 0, Unit Homes,
it, milt l.ii; buy wanted, 17 or Is; tiomv, ., tent "r e.ichnage property.
I tin. Poll nails and dip shingb't.
1 per Hour ( nil M iiulnv at build 77 Vtennr
W li
0)1 711 N miIi 1 ullage t. JiiiielU
1 I kAUIV Mt.1 VVI