Full Leased Wire Dispatches Today's News Printed Today THIRTY-EIGHTH YEAR FIELD OF WATERLOO SIIWAQ OH ANNIVERSARY After 100 Years Famous Bat tle Ground Again Soaked FRENCH BEGIN MIGHTY RUSH UPON GERMAN LINE Berlin Officially Admits Enemy Has Penertated Line Near Arras Paris, June IS. Furious fighting o an eight-mile front north of Arras, over shell-wreckeil trenches ami hill sides strewn with dead ami living, innrKe.l the centenary of the battie of aterloo. One hiimlre.l years after the great iiiniy of" Napoleon was erusheil found I' reneh soldiers today milking desperate 'Herts to gain nilv.intnges of a few j.u.is or the Uermtins so securely dug ... ..r.i j n mii sou. Uetermiiio.l of torts arc being made t surround a (ior man foree in a ravine east of the Lo lette hills. From sjouchez FriMieii nr tillery is sweeping the fortifications ot the enemy, while the infantry forces are hurling themselves against' 20(1,000 Cormnns before Lens. The greatest importance is attached to the fighting near in progress in this region. Declaration cf the official statement todny that no reports of progress might be expected for at least 11 hours nicrensed the tension in Paris. For weeks it has been Minted that a miuhtv smash iH'uinst the German lino uiiglit ne c.ieiiuu upon me anniversary of wtiterioo. Turious eonnter attacks are being de , li 1 "p umi"1"9. "I' reports ""II me nooi announce, tosh mi f n'.'inl with the bayonet, hurling bomb aim llHlut grenm CS lUltlll.st. tl.n l.'r l, "lies, tue most desperate efforts are I council before a new note regarding in-! were flooded ami bridges wiped out. Jjeiiig made bv the enemy to stem the j terference. with neutral commerce is for-' Communication with the territory af I'reiii.ji nttaek. The loss of Lens would j warded to I.on.toi. Ifecte.l was demoralized today and full 'orce a readjustment of tiie entire tier- With admissions from London that ' '! ui l were lacking. mini line from Arras to the sea. Thei"" answer is now being prepared tu1 A. bridgu eolliipsed nt Wist Morelaud ("Miiiiins are therefore battling for con- this government's first protest ciime in-1 under a Kansas Southern & (lulf train, tinned possession (if the ground they ' tinuitions toilny t.iat Great Uritain ! resulting in the death (if tiiree persous. new hold with utter disregard for hu-1 hopes to dispute the American claim of Those killed were Charles Morris, of o'c I trade havinu sofi'ci-c.l In tliiy ,,... i Kansas. President of the road: (Juv housands of shells are being hurled "pmist too lierman positions bv French 1'ieees. Hundreds of yards of entapgle meiits before the tlerman trenches are "''. lured to liavo been torn up bv the ''''"'h fire nml through those 'gaps 'he inftantrr hnn i-iwl,,l ,i.,ti I'l is with the Herman defenders. Fighting continues In tho Vniges, wncre continued 'ard Colmar. progress is reported French Penetrate Line. '''rlin, vin wireless to Lomlon, dune s The French have succeeded in Mcntiating the German trenches at ur points north of Arras, it was offi 1 "illy admitted today. IN AUTO ACCIDENT Wealthy Orchardist May Die From Injuries-Auto Turns Turtle M .Ifiiul, Ore., Juno Is. Stewart I 1 atterson, n wealth v orchardist of Med-1 "M. was probably fatally iniuied car 1 today when an nutomul.ile driven by1 Miut7.fr. of San Kruncisco, pltingeil '"mi the Pacific highway and, turning 01'r three times, was 'demolished uti i. in side of the road. I c. Haillnrgeon, of San Francisco. filtered a eonipntind fracture of the 'liht leg, nml Mintzer had three ribs' broken. I . ' L. Eyre, of San Francis. the 'lurth Oceilllllllt. of tliA ,nr osc-lpcd' "''h minor injuries, although thrown -.'I feet. I Hie accident occurred near tho I'liir - -""lllds. Thn nr - ou.,,.,.1 l,v- l. ol- Zi.. Patterson who was riding in the ' ..nt seat with Mintzer. wits thrown the inr .1;....,:... i.; l I I. - ,...,..,i.n ... .. .. .. 1 Mist!. - .I....I.1. . .1... ,, n ...in. mi- inieinie .1; m: ..... I . f . .. .. ii iru.-iure or ir e aw. the Saec.-.l ll, 1 ... 1 ;i u-ns .nl ... . .. , .. . ,' ' .. ."..ersuu nun mile i-nan.'e 01 re- ".v.-rv. ,, A"i'ling to members of the partv '" 'ideiit was caused bv th" electric '''u Kil" out just before a sharp "" in th" Pacific highwuv as it en- "-rs M ,1. 1 ... 1 . , , hi nilIt reaciie-i. I party from San Trami-ci nr r'e. ill l.,.t....i ....1 , ...,r "t 1 Mia. I :. 1 .. . . :.. M..1.I nml stopt ed in Med - f , 1 to v sii f, ;.!. ti : . automobile was returning from dan... 1. ..1 1 ... ...... ' .... ..1. ' ' - III lllllnh u-n. r II, f tr.ltn MEDFORD MAN INJURED f held at toe Cuuutrv .'i.b. NO ONE WANTED WAR YET THOUSANDS DIE--NO VOICE FOR PEACE stlmt::"! K.-Ti" 7" " wi mi r oecretary of sitate, mi's statement on "tho causeless' war ' headed "The Way Out," liiveu: out today, was in part as follows: I Mediation, is the means provided bv international agreement through which belligerents can be brought Into confer-, ence. 1'roviding time for the investi-' Ration of all disnutea is the ma. i...1 - - ii , ne nns not taken the public to his confidence in-, When tho president suggested medi ation at the beginning of the struggle, the answers received from various rul ers were so much alike, one telernin might have served for all. The sub stance of each was: ' did not want war blame.' I am not to "Some dnv the accumulated suffer-! its limit: some dav the ing will reach its limit; some Dent im ..,...!!. ...1.1..L .,- ' . 1 . 1 ,K," 1 "uuu war isi CI"ISI" ' 'a voice. Then, if not Administration Will Next Take Up Question Of Interfer ance With Mails (By John Edwin Nevin.) (I'nited Press Stnff Correspondents Washington, .lone IS Kngland hopes! nwln which swept portions of the states, "beat America tu it" by replying to j "uildings were unroofed, trees uproot the iii'iiiiuiil itt-nt.tut !' ' il,., ' l '.. ;...! I eil iitnl silos no, I I'lii-in Iniililiiufs simisli. iMtuti.a ,,.,;.,t tl... .. I... 'inn the ltritish foreign olli will cite the figures of .Secretary of Ciinnierce Kclfield, showing a billion dollar trade oalance in tavor ot tho I luted States. I'.iiglund will attempt to show, it is claimed, that while American tra.l.i with (lermany has been stopped, ex ports to contiguous neutral countries are so large that there is no .limbt much of the goods sold from t.iis coun try ultimately reach dcrmnnv. No intimation is given of wheu Eng land 's reply may lie expected, but it is certain to be unsatisfactory lo the administration. President Wilson has ordered tho state department tci prepare figures showing the number of American car goes held up by the Hritih. With these statistics to present, the president will maintain that whether American trade has gained or lost since the Brit ish order in council became effective is not nn issue. He will insist upon the right of this eoiinny to fr loin of the seas whether the transportation (it freight or passengers is involved. The only el feet of the note from Kng hind, now in course of preparation, will lie to slightly delay the promised com munication fi out tho president, it is limlcMni'l. Iii addition to dealing with the gen eral epiestion of interference with com merce, it is known thut t.ie administra tion's next note will also take up Kng laud's interference with American muils. Capture of Lemberg Is German Objective (By J. W. T. Mason.) , V . ,il..ii for III" l llite l Pt New Volk. .lull" Is. - Aun.iniceliieiit Ih,. ..I l.einl.crg is due at any ,1"" il.il. I'll,. Au.tr - ai" wiiniii .. il... .ontliwesl an. I the (.er- mans within il" mil" the northwest. Pr.eiiK"! and " tl ulioad i i I Lemberg. a .li-lnn. . I,- lil mile- is in u mil -.clou ot Icii-ch ot I liiiv u cot, I -. T, .ii toll . 1 !i.' olltel , , . .... I. .v.. been lea. tied . , .. .., ,,,,.,11 It V t.ntl'ii ol ttoop' Mil. I HO' ,' 1.,- ii. Un.-ians .an s:i I.ernPcrg f " ". The i.ennan- an now l.v elopin new tadiol n.amu " Ku-ians from r-lirin. ciiMilidat't'i: ":r Part ol ':'1""'1 v 1. dlivni'f H" 1. t-revellt th. l.emb.'tg and tn.nl delelise. Macl.en-cn ' !av net"" tl"' .iin.latv. o!fe.-tite-from Lemberg. , - . , 1 northern 1.11 niaa Iv cutting them nt nl.ou the irt."l."T 1 ' '' ,,,,, arc i..d t.ro- Til" OOCKllloll .nier 'uin "' ..1....1 , r. ton v. in '" . LTC-SlliK - ;. , grc ... iiiterriil"i "" ru.au cross-, p Iuu SALEM, of the war .one will I'ause ami listen the atom niintitmit 'Why do we die,' a question which Miaues tnrones and marks the farther most limits of arbitrary power. "When can peace be restored f Any time now, if the participants are real ly weary of this war and are ready for it to end." What cay inhecatcs of pon-o ih.l first, they can crystallize neaco a coercive force. Neu- rintr'Cirurr' again and again until our offer or some other nations offer is accepted! second, tue pence treaty should provide for investigation by "a perma nent international committee of all dis putes which may arise, no matter of what character or of what nature. "WJjnt cause for war is of such a magnitude that nations can afford to commence shooting before the cause is investioiite, ? Tim tf..,,).!,, i,na i that while they have been abundantly i sninillcl ..-in, ,,,.,..1,1 c ., . ' ' '." war, uy nave possessed no machinery for the promotion of peace." ' Tornado and Electric Storm Leaves Death and Devas tation In Wake Kansas City, Mo,, dune 1H. Seven persons are Known to l deml, many were injured find heavy property dam age was done in Knnsas and Missouri by an electric and rninstrom and tor i,,l i,.rilt,,ii.,l v,.r l',..LU Km-,,w .ioms, ins son, anil .Mtlin Outlier, a ! 'Iruggisl. Five other passengers escap ed. I lie lirplge lunl Iicimi weakined by a cloudburst. The niilroad is only a few miles long and is in the hands of receivers. Its (in I v rolling stock is an i!d auto touring cur moiinled on trucks. Three persons were killed in Itichmoud, Mo., u nil one woman was frightened to death in KniMis city. (I. C. Williams, a farmer living norih west of llii ntiiond, and his wile wen' seriously injured when their dwelling was swept from its foundations. The house was dropped in uu open field soine diitance nwiiv. )c))c!C!C)C)Csi()JC,I(!t!l(Jt!((l( GERMAN LOSS HEAVY Heme, Switzerland, dune IK ' The newspaper Tiigwa.ht, so cialist organ, t.i.lny announced it lia.l pitit' infi.iniati.nl that ,'tss.st'l (ieruiuns had been killed in the unr up to the end of Mni.li, while on.oiio others missing were probably .lend. Two tlioiisiiiid liciniaiin have I n killed in i ly, the paper declared. The Tiigwaeht slated it was reliably i n fun I that the Her man w i. nn. led nt the beginning of Mav immlieied M.Ti.ns. I iliL' tl' .'It I cl. ill. and til. k,., -1 1 1 .. erois Hits of tile .V:"'H"ii far - Mh. ii-t to in' 0 situation at ptc-enl nre imi.ertuf.t l.c a11' reported too ' th" L.iiberg , never, tlo-.v ! Hi. prevent til" li;il"';!l from l.'e.Mi.ns III MCitliell.tetn . no.v I KIT to II--I-I III Ihe defense of l.etl. lietL'. 'fli,. A. 1. trains along the (.ruder 1I.1..1.1.... in rot 0I1 Hie I(ii..ii.n along in., line,, lei. Il the (.erilil.ll tb- lire I loos Clot eh to mo ........ Ihe Hue null. .ads nil l.-ld llmar. I from l.elld.el.' til" l.'llssiall I ln.-ti-i army may be. mil" I'.ibilcl. It is up aid.' tint the Ai.fti" 'icr tllll (leslie 10 l"OI.'.I" inr the north, soiith and soiilh.H' ni.ni.s the is..lnli.ri ol tli" uro.v a.'luallv before l.clld.-ig whn Ii Kns-iao , II' Ih.- I. i ...inipllllc'l I'' I.e followed bv S d .lioitulatioii will integration of th" fuitlier surrenders' , ar s lor.es ami 10 on an initio ne al. . The I.eml.eig r.-. III., Ihcrefiirc, ni)' I, the m.i-t l.-i.-iilar of S'.) Ihe war. I ions el'Lae."'!!"-..! ... t OREGON, FRIDAY, JUNE The Famous Italian Watering Place Terrorized By Aus trian Bombardment ANCIENT CHURCHES AND BUILDINGS UNTOUCHED Berlin Statement Says Rus . sians Give Way Before Onslaught of Troops Home, June 18. An Austrian cruiser and four deatroydrs bonibnr.led Faun, noted Italian watering place in the Adriatic today. The bouilxirdmont lasted for several minutes, but nn official statement is sued from the ministry of marine this afternoon stated that 'the damage was "insignificant." Tln Austrian warshi evidently planned to tear up the Havennn-Ancnnii railway in their attack. A number of hells landed in the vicinity of the stn- tiun, but i hit the structure, and it escaped undamaged. Several shells fell in the neighborlioiil of famous churches and public buildings, but only slight damage was done. ltesidents ol Pa no took refuge in cellars, with the appearance of the Aus Irieji warships, and no casualties were reported. When the attneking vessels withdrew, the people poured out of tVir hiding places, hoisted flngs and cheered the king, the nrinv ami the navy. The first nimounciunent from the ministry of mariijo tcporting the attack iikjii the town diif not state the dam ago done by the enemy wnrs.iips. Official r.'K)ils to the war office to day declared the engagement being pressing about (loritz by the Italians is being cnntiniied with 'renewed inten sity. Six miles north, the Italians have seued tint tortilied heights surround ing I'lnwi on the east bank of the Isoti zo. The Austrian were driven out with heavy losses. (ioritz is being heavily bdnbaided. Tho Malum nilillery has destroyed t,m railway station there. It is admitted that tho Austrian im pressing an offensive down the Adigo valley when the Italians advanced to ward Trieste. This is the first impwl ant offensive developed, by the Aos trians. le no, bombarded by the Austrian fleet, is eight miles southeast of San1 Mnriiio. It has a population of L; I . snd is famous for the triumphal arch ! there erected to Augustus. Too old cathedral located at Kuno f ( it-iiincd CIII18 IF FAND FLEE FROM SHELLS OF AUSTRIAN FLEET many treasurer of art. 1 Pola, from which the Austrian iit-i'"1' ntrein iini-nts in the (ln.,1 -k In!, tack was probably directed, is K.1 miles; r''' ". 'I hese positions were bombii ; iiorllieast 1 1 oiii lano, across the Adri-i1'" atir. Oeriitan Advance Continues. Herbn, via wireless tu Loudon, June Is. (iiTinnu troops have crossed into l.'tissiiin territory from nortoern (la beta. The left wing of flenenil Von Muck- onsen's a i my has crossed the border ileal Taruogiii. I and tho Slavs are with drawing further north toward the T.'inef nver, il was officially an in cod t.nluv. The Timet is ab.rit eight miles i ii-.i.e tip' Polish frontier. Moving ea-twaid on a 20-mile front with .lam-Inn and Przcmvsl as the !'. the Austin Hermans are steadily Ihiiisting the Slavs buck closer upon Leu. berg, the ollo'lnl stllteuieilt decllir ed. Tl." It ,-iiiii forces have now been tercel bad, upon prepared positions 11b. nt (imdek, only l.l miles from Lc.11- I berg. There it l- expected a stand will jl,e mad.- by the Passions, but unofficial di-; .iteh.-s de, lure there is every ren -on to bid. eve that (leiierul Voo Mack enscii will I .- able to enrry not his plan of ....iipving l.ellibelg willnii two W.cU T.mi larir-' An.tro (l.-rinnn forces nr. 111 ! --i r. o l.ct .re Hi.. dek, only 1-1 miles from the ;iy. v here th" Idi.nnns 111 f.roiiglv cntrcni lnd behind prcvinmlc iircpiii.-d .-.tc.'.s. One for.-e of t'." Ted . rue nlli. . in moving i.t.tw..r.l :l1""'- 11 "i .rib tl ..:i' fiorn Pizi-niv "I wli'l.- , ml i pre. sing forward from ihe 1.1 t'lro-irli Jnvorof. 'flic f.i.nt d f- t! two tiriiiies ii- in-.r 'i ii.il.-.. i.ii.ci.i "tnti. merit lo.bv en I th" l.-r.remelil of tl n 11, V 'Ir Tu' lio'lll- The Weather mud ' J WOULD 1 ally fair Innight and Saturday; L- westerly muds. 18, 1915. LATEST WAR HERO Aviator Who Wrecked Zep pelin Tumbles From Aero plane In France London, .Im,,, I!). All Kng,i was shocked today by the death of th nation's latest hero, Ideuteuunt Hcgi mild A. J. Warnefor.l, the voung Ca nadian, who was the first aviator tu! successfully attack mid destroy a Zep pelin. After having been awarded the Highest honors that could come to soldier, Lieutenant Wardefonl was kill ed when an aeroplane in which he hud taken Henry llcnch Needham, the Am erican writer, iiihiii a pleasure flight, tell trom n height of .100 feet. Need ham also lost his life. Not icily was the young Cniiiidinn awarded the Victoria Cross for his feat of having successfully dropped bombs upon the Zeppelin,' but King (..eorge sent him a personal letter of coiigratulnliou. Km nee awarded him the cross of the Legion of ll.mor. ,. went to Paris, where the decoration was conferred upon him, and it was while on this visit that he went to the nv'" enter, went aloft with Nofd- hani and fell to his death. Lieutenant Warueford was recent, addition lo the llritish thing corps. He took his first lessons only lust Keb- runry and joi I the llritish aviators at the front only a few weeks before gaining world wide fuino as the first aviator to destroy a Herman airship. I he Zeppelin struck by Wameford 's bombs blew up Hu.l cm-hisl tu the ground witn it ,.n,w f , w)ll) were killed. The Zeppelin was com pletely destroyed. Court of Appeals Sustains'?! Lower Decision Granting Jury Trial Albany, N'. V., Jons IS. Th mrl of appeals took final action in the case of Hurry K. Thaw today, sustaining the decision of Juslicc Hendricks grunt ing him a sanity trial by jury. Justice llcmiri.'ks of the supreme court ruled that Thaw was entitled to ha vii his sanity tested by a jury on April L'.'l, following Thaw's acquittal on a conspiracy cliaige brought against . '""""'"'H "is sensational eseai.e " '''""' Attorney (ienenil ","""",ry opposed the ilecision and i-ur- ""' ''"url of appeals nlnch speeifieiilly uffiii the ruling : of Ihe lower court. ''Y '"'rniiin artillery ycslerd.iy nml ii.plitp.mil niis lire being brought to pin n in the viork ot red o n di'fenses. H vii 1 1 n n troops have penetrated five miles Into Itussian territory in hairass ing the rctr.-iiting Itossiiuis who are uitlidrawing in di. older up. hi both sides of Tarnogi.,.1, back upon the Tanef r'V(,r. ' western statement today rei rled the nt.uihibi. , turn of a llritish detachment north of the llcthune l.sllnssee cannl, The 1 1 r i - tish ruilicd within n few yards of the llerninns when they were met with a hail of lend from machine guns. Kew of the attii. kiuo for. s. lined Russians Admit Koverses. Pelrogrsd, Jone I s. Austro (leriiuiii forces have crossed the llueistcr, Iii miles northeast of Maiiislau, It is it I ficially admitted today, but rust of Stryj tl iieiny has been repulsed with Itesvy losses. In th.. euiiigemeiit in the In 1 1 ',,,,1;;;. gioll the war otfice liiioooilee.l that H.'.ll men and Jo.' officer ci.j.tnr.d bv ihe Itii-sinns, i'.te war ntt'iic sin silent today re garding the Austro linrinan dnvn in western IJnln-iH, Nn reference wim mud" lo Ihe Herman .hum that the hlavs luvn 1 11 forced Lack .iver their own nor.ier 11. inn or .uimnum nml are r tresting toward Tarnogrod, four mil 1 ft. .111 the ll.iliciiiii binder. The official statement merely . In, lured "fighling ml western Huh. in eontiimes. ' ' 'fhe Aii'tiiiin foii es whi. h itiMi'led ite.sariilon. on the soot h.-n item tru-it, Ill) Im'IH tlil't t.V M Hluv oft'fllKtVI', II wim tiitr. tn-lhv. Tin ntfn iiil nUtU Mirnt ci-lHn"l ltiiKutii ftitiit in'Hr do lit! "lift rvmux iif'Mi tin1 t'Nt'fuv ho jM'n'fritt-.t )(nnr;ilMii. ' ' TnM vrottm (if the ! ni t wu fi)f''l hy thn AuiitM '.ffrnHtm nt(r thri't tn uf lf-nTHtt f lutitinif. K tri'ini'ly luiivy U km. -m.l i Iiii t.fi'h suffVrfl hv 1 h' riii'inv who H Iiirt'iitlv nt'ifi'i"! At no mi.fifi.i Ui tiiiiU.i I h I lit en nt tint ttw ("filion ', Atli-1. Urn tn-ili tltll'lc uiiiim' tilt' Km -1 tit II l,at Mill rtHlHlllltl'llli Ut lirnl :;t't"'H'l "mth of N minof , ' lie r: Milt ttf tin fifc'litink' i .till in i(.i,l.t. A until iifliUM lni'i't l it out' Hill.: )-)-t)()ll of fill')H tljtlllt'l Iti'tWfi'll 'J.'t. it'm itii-t l''i.'iii M.cii .tiirinif tht ('lint rnnntii, it n )tfii.)lv hfili'jMlK fl t --bv. PRICE TWO MEXICO WILL UPHOLD "DIGNITY OF NATION" IF U. S. Provisional President Chazaro Threatens With Armed Force If America Becom es Aggressive - Meanwhile Warships and Marines Are Speeding Toward Mexican Ports-Carranza Cabinet Disrupted Ushingt,.n, June 18.The Mexican eeived todny from the Vaoui river val situation again attracted the closest at- ley show that approximately 3000 V. tentiou trom administration officials qui nr on the war path, the Indians when, on top of the e.riticnl conditions Urn split in small bands and are muling at (.uayinas, a message from Provision-! ranches and small villages. Tho war al I resident Chaaro was received threatening drastic action should the I'nited States been no uggressive in car rying out its Kilicy with respect to tue souinern rcpumic. "If, contrary to tho interpretation tlin coiiventioniilist government puts upon it, Preiiideut Wilson's declaration should signify pressure or threat, the conventionalist guveinmeiit will main tain the dignity of the Mexican nation and people," Chazaro 's message stilted. Tho conventionalist provisional Presi dent's reply to President Wilson s re cent Mexican statement was received ... il... .1 , i i . - nt the state department today, having ocen lorwur.ie.i py tho lira.iliiin minis ter at Moxi. o City, Aside from (lie statement resenting any suggestion (if pressurii or throat, clmjim's reply was friendly in tone. He endorsed piiicc proposals of tleiiernl Villa and placed responsibility for pres ent con. lit ions upon Carrau.a. Admiral Howard's squadron, dis put. lied to (iunvmas, is expected to arrive there Saturday noun. Orders to the eominiiuder of tho Pacific fleet hlive not been changed, but belief that it may not he Impossible to avoid a landing is increasing. onsiil Milbmnn, at Vera Cruz, oili ed the state department today t.iat ,"",r '"J':;r,7","f..,,r r"r",M '!," lia.l resigned, Including Foreign Minis ter .ill nt ra n An unnamed Ciirranza K rul is also reported to have been killed, Latest advices here statu thnt. (lea oral Villa's firces are in retreat toward Torroon. Officials were doubtful as to whe ther the lauding of murines in the vi inity ot llonyamas, Mexico, can be avoided. I step would ..r.. ,r ociicvcn mis be iinnoccswiry owinu to tlcucrnl Prancisco Villa's nsstirancesi that In, troops would root th., V i . , , ' . --- r-- ... i. nns iiireiiieniiig rancners in t.iai vicinity aini wonni siiiegunr.l lor-ign-ers. Adiniriil Howard's or.lnrs concern. log Ihe Inn. ling, however, havo not been llio.lifle.l. I pii i the in rival tomorrow at Ta biiri buy of Ihe cruiser Colorado, a rep rcnoitiilive of the roinmuinler, under armed escort, will bn sent, into the Va.pii river valley to consult with the liolinu chiefs. If colonists am found 'o be In .lunger, an ciodif ion will Inn. I inline. bately for their relief. The report that Hear Admiral l a pertua nl Vera l ror. has sske.l for "all iavailal.le shii," was denied officially todny. Administration officials ex- ! phiiu.-d ( iiperlon 's request by saying he '""''' 'I have warships used in trims I l'"r,'"K relief supplies In Mexico. T his plan was not tavore.l here. Tho n.l front the official "nnistration 's policy is to let the lied hnu.l.c the fanilno sitiialiou in .uevico. Kcp.irts from American colon let s re- TAKES COFFEE MILLS AND SEWING MACHINES Industrial Accident Commission Adopts Rule Which Brings Grocers, Dressmakers, Opticians, Butchers, and All Other Lines of Business Using Power Propelled Ma chinery Under Compensation Act , 1'i.der s new rob', adopted by Ihe in '. lu-trial accident coinmissioii this morn ing. all m.-r.-aiilil tablishiiieots, liur in-i.n sln.i.s, .resiniikilig eslsblishments nl. In inn, irWi'liTK ni,i U 1 1 OtHt'f t'llltflt'H n( Itimjiiirt tvhi'li ii-n' pimiT ilrtvi-ri ina 1'iin-rv in i-1 . ti ti t in n with tln'tr "tnlt lilniii-Mt will emit' tiit I it tht 1 1 ri v m uu uX tin HurluiH-n'ii fompiMiflitt in ii. t iiiiIimi tlic tTnrfUttn tlM'ri'iif tr v firiiuil nuliiM iiinii tliM lihlimtriiil in- i.lriit rinii!iiiiuM if tlifir r,j',ti'n nf tin- m t, N nt ! i id Im'Iiik hp nt nut IoiIhv i nil '!' h 'II""-''' I'f iillMtirKH unil .Inly t It ti a Iri-i-tt ti'i tt tin -tin iii'iii vthtih tin itctr t iliti Hill Immoiiii I'fli'itivw atitt the .riiirirtiir of mi Ii i'fllaliltfhiiii'ntn rr iriw'ii until thnt iluti to ritlmr ai-rcjit nr 11 i't tln riMiii'iiriiitiiiii in t. Kail uti' aw it'ilii't' nf rtji'-titin hriiiKM tti.'in fiiitiiuinti.nllv iiulr tin' m-t Ami ll.i' Will lif ftHM'uni'il t hi Miil'rn ' l 'irtii'U of rnHi'i'iiin(i'iu tux upon Uvr CENTS ON TRAINS AND NEW STANDS riVE CENTS INTERVENES rior are earning heir loot nt ih mountains. It is understiiid thnt until further efforts nre made by warring Mexican iiicuoiia io agree upon a permanent ! government, no further steps will bo III.H-II y uu. iiiioiiiiisiiniKin. Thm dotm not iiiiMin that the situation is to ho ignored. The president is deteriuinil to insist that, the factious get together and work fur peace, but ample tiinx Is to be given before additional pressor o is brought to bear. It is apparent that the opposing fae- , lions are unwilling to stoo fighting. I !,... .1.1.. l tut i :.. ..:n i ...Jr. .. President Wilson is still hopeful for the estnblisliment of a government which he can reccignl.o, but is believed to hit readv to resort to tho Iternest incisures il necessary to end what ho cousiil.irs intolerable conditions. Thit fleets on both the Atlantic and Pacific, coasts are in sliae for iminediule na tion, if necnssiiry. Yaiiuls on Warpath. Sail Diego, Cl., June 1H, Accord ing to advices received hero toilny, IIOOII Yn.pil Indians are on tho wnruVth, pll luglng and loi.'ing, lo mile inaul frum (nil. villus, Senilis. W. K. Ilacli, wnter superintendent of the Houthcrn I'ncific railroad nf Mei- ii-o. i w. i. smith, a br.k ,,'bti, nmericiins, were shot near Mapoli, So nors, Sntiiiiiiiy night when Yaquis at tacked a work train, the reports suv. Smith, who was shot thnrigh tho back, is in a serious condition. Two Mexican, were killed mid nine wounded by the Vnqiils III the attuek. The I'nited States ship Colorado speeding south now with 100 marine. ion board, will renh II nay mas tomor- row. Admiral Tlomia. It, Howard has r,w,..iu.i i i .. . ' ? ,,i,.il, ... i ..... I T.; ..'...: ". .: ', 1 '''l'r .ii.r i. -mm ory, It is predicted bv imvv men here, however, that If condition's continue us serious as reported an ex peditiouiiry foreo (if marines will be sent inland. The i miser Ciilta ign was ordered south from here Int.. yesterday and will join the Colorado, and Hi" protected cruisers llciiver, Ncsr OrlcBiis and Cleveland. Willi these vessels, there will be available for all expedition Inland 7U' nun inns and ubout l '.OO bliiejaekets. Mexico City May rail. (inhesion, Texas, June IH. I srrsn zistas, ('ii:nmind.., by (leneml I'abbi lionzalcs, expect to sweep into Mexico city by nightfall, according to a ruble. gram to Hi" Mexican consul hern today. 'Ihe constitutionalist troops lire said in hnvn occupied Texoeo, ."i miles frun Ihe ivipitul, yesterday. (Icneral Obregou is Hid to bo S.I taiieiiig upon Aguss ('alientes. I'livrnlln. Tiun Hi'tluit on tht purt of th p rom iiMMiuri in inri'lt lu-rrrvf-urv im.ti'r tin ih ii f AttitriM'y (irnorut lir)iwn, whn, in ri'irut iilnluii, li.'ld thut uu riiiiliivt in h Hunt tiinrki't who ntuck hiN fiiikfiT in a mi'r driven fuuUKft fill mill whn itiuri'. tli-T'liy wfm ta tit lt'.l to foiiijii'imiitiiMi umti'r tin net, Hti'l thin m rlu vftt of lirinintf nil Iii ii' I nf tnic lniMT v nliii'h upt'ruh'it In flictri.' or othiT tlmn hiiml powr Ailhiii tin proviiiiii nf t h work im'ti ' iiiMipciiNiit inn n-t. Thin lu'liitf ho It utll riiilniii'u not only Hatmun yrlti liTM, luit -'iiiti'" nn. I Nii''t' in ih, riaft drink inikiTN, Ki'Min mil eh in I'd, It tin utinil 1 n if tiiiiiliiiii'if, n'ii-ur ki iii.l.'rt, tt n t inti ilrilliiiu ini'l pnli-hiiiK Rppnrrtton, ufiti' Vi'hit'r mul Hillh'ri 11 ful tvti vlhinjj uhtih i prnpi'lli'il ttv pwit. Hnpiiv liniH nun the rofumiMinn ruloj (( outinni'J on Vta Thro.)