Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, June 05, 1915, MAGAZINE SECTION, Image 9

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i I,
e cf
I lilt.
j Sport
Hot Fight Between Willamette
and Pacific Promised
This Afternoon
Tin' WillnmoUo University Truck
Tumi left for McMiuuvillu this morn
ing n 8 o'chiek in automobiles furnish
ed liy Mr. Kay and Dr. Ktoeviw, to tiiki
part in tho noil- conference meet to lie
belli there' thin afternoon. Willamette
Pacific- I'., Pacific C, 1'hiloiniitli nntl
Mc.Miranville have entered tennis. The
rejTi'its of the iion-conferenoe meet at
V. T. field "May H showed the torn
rinrativo strength of the teams, and now
that Chemawa is eliminated the eon
test will lie between Willamette and
IVific U.
they have .inee been working hard get-1
ting in shape for today's meet. Wil-.
but-tte has also been putting in the'
time advantageously an 1 horo an, is ,
J strongest that will have been put
t lor several years. Conch Thomnson
i ... ' ,, xl . '
1ms been putting the men through some
t, f tra ning or he past two weeks
and he stated thnt the chances are good
U . n f , I' '-.. ft bt' Kive a tryout at second, llmuphrijs ! ." Pnvilcges of American cit
Willamette s entries for thiH after-! i,u i fi 4,.. ,. i izens. or ners st in iniinsik- tun
noo a are
.,, . ,.,
Steeves, lvniser, Slnsler.
1H0 vd. dash
2L'0--('rawfor,j, Kaiser, Shinier
410 ( rawtord, llnynor, Jory
iiniiiii, viiupou
Mile run OhnplaV, llaynor
120 yd. hurdles Dunne, Shisler
2:'M yd. hunlles Irvine, .lory
Irvine '
Broad jump llaynor, .lory, Donne
High jump Steeves, .lory
I'dle vault Doaae, Baglev
f , Mint put Donne, t.ruwro
f- .liiri'liii Baglev, Jorv, Or:
: Diacnss Pfaff. Prngley, I
I ' Uoune
Mint put Donne, Crawford. Pfoff
..rawtonl, l'toft
( ruwlord,
The ,reliiniiinrle were tun off this
wiilE nt 10:!(0 bo that the linulesj
As first up this ufternoon. I
. 'Ww vam will return this evening
in timetn, tho reception given by the ,
; -M. nnd Y. W. 0. A. at the home
u( "f- yinilcy on North L'mh street.
.... , ,
Hie game ot baseball between Mt.
....K.i .mil i.iooivs, uiucu oil me
Prnolis iliaiiiiind lust Saturday, was one
of the finest exhibitions in this line
ol snort that has ever lieen shown in
111 excellent condition, but Brooks was
mie too many for (hem. At tho close
ol the ninth inning the scoie stood,
j'rool.s I. .lt. Angel 0. Battery for
Hroiilis, Keene and Hanip. The game
was perfectly clean from start to fin-'"Ii-
I'mpire, P. Xiuli.
ball name Hiindnv ufternoon be-
tccn (iervais No. 1 and Waconda
payed on tiie Uervnis diaiiiond was
aooat the liooreHt mlinn these t .ill niM
luive played this seaaun. Both teams
were short 011 regular players and had j
to substitute. There was not as many'
f mils made as in some of the other!
Ki'incs played this season, but pitchers!
'"'in sines were Inl often. The
f're was 111 to ID in favor of Ucrvais.
'crvais ball team Nr., 1 played Mt.1,
Aiigcl college WodiUMlay afternoon ?Jr
j'lt. Angel. The gnino was quite .ail that
i.v contested, but Mr. Anct no one (or
Pi;'-' by a sere of m the wards with
I he s.heiL'atrptrh,t it.. hin.l
' rf8i f'ead;"rff-fas.!,ion' th. others,
tl'at the dele- .
. JW
111 1
IPW W()ra in ft Journal
? ant Ad will buy or
sua tor r-
' ' '
1. I jZ&!&(&i17T?,.-rr I
Plenty of Sunshine Insiills
"Pep" Into Local Ball
The Salem Sena torn have been put
ting in some hard practice durinj; the
ou.iMiiiiy wentner tins week for the
game tomorrow afternoon with the Our
Willis Oolts. The Oorvallis team re
cently defeated the Albany team which
took Salem into cnnip nt the opening
game of the season in Salem. The Sen
ators have improved 100 per cent, how
ever, since that opening game and the
contest tomorrow will be a live
f, Ie,' " " ,r" ,,e ,,1C iUI,"
? n, ' .,,Pm """""i "'"
'' tTl! h""'? i Ti " 1 "''.'
rt ' ' ".
tuk mnMm , k J b , ,
.... n .... . L... k
()m, m,w ,iU.e ,' , ,
ntliri, lim, tJ0,,.UH, ,., h(.
i. ; i. ,.i,i , i, .,...' . ,
..u., ...... t,iiiiuK v ill it III nil- IMIIU SUCH
I ill gooit shape this season and is a fix -
, ,., mi Hint ..,,,,.,. t.,u. i
1 1lys second as well'as third ami hits
I well on the lii.rl, ,.,o,,l t n,;u ,...
.Mackson has been playing second and
will alternate with Tustu in this posi-
Another recruit is Orovner. an ex Sa
lem high school player who was out ill a
suit this week, ile will be given a
( nance to try ins lucit at snort, lie is
just rounding into shape mid, should it
develop that lie has a batting eye, may ot gloom are ia store for Kaiser Wil
prove u vuluiible addition to the Sen-! helm and Knipcroi' Fraaz Joseph,
atoi 'n infield. The horoscope of the llohca-.cUeron
Jones who starred in rigbl field in , and Ilniisbunr mnriii n-li u I'mnou I .....
series with the Colored (limits will be
stationed nt first base and Bell, liein-
hart and West will fill up tl utfield.
Salem goes to Albany June l.'i to plnv
a return game with' Albany nail this
, will be the first name away'froni home
; since the season started. The Albany
,l,.i'.,.,t i. .1... ., .1...
! , . ,,, ,,. . . . . . . .
' career of the Senators mid they are
benton evening up mutters when they
invm e t ie 1 .1 tin comiT v 1-11 y.
:::::! ;i: ! : 4: : 4; jc )
V. P. Pet.
...:i2 -i .'ivj
San Francisco
.Salt Lake
I. os Angeles ....
Yesterday's Results.
At Portland Upland
P(.-tland i.
hi 1 is'; ,
I .
Venice l'fl'f'iv'' ' -jljV
At Sak I - fO-f,
geles 0,
i Want Ad gets
.it'ss. It finds the
.aon and it places the
t t- isco Ii.
0 H .
virrrif npnnlp in thfi rifhl'of (ion-nii
place. It is small, but its
nrr nnwpr 19 trflTlfin -
( f - o a
J t
Look Over This Anglers' 0utfil-S)li!
Bamboo rod, nickel plated multiplyinjr red,
25 yards enameled silk line tackle book,
one dozen high grade trout flies, 2 U1
This Is Our Special Next Week
S. W. V. Readv For Call
To Go To War Once More
, . Portland. June j.
fommittee representing the various
'""'I' t the Spanish-American War
veterans of Portland, sent the follow
ing telegram to President Vv
torduy. pledging their scrvici
Isim yes
it' need-
tu in an nine m case of war:
"We, the members of Scout Youni;
''l. No. 2, I nited Spanish War vet
erans, department of Oregon, regtilarlv
assembled on this tirsr day of ,luue.
ll'l.i, meeting for the joirpose of per
petuating the spirit of patriotism and
loyalty which impelled us to go forth
as defenders of our country when as
sailed by its enemies, mill having still
la our hearts that same fonltv and de
votion to our country and it's institu
tions that caused us to enlist, and re
alizing thnt at this time when ncnrlv
all of the leading nations of the world
are at war, that our country is facing
the greatest crisis in its history since
the Civil war. extend to you our leva!
support and again renew' our onth'of
iillegiance to our country and assure
you that while we deplore the horrors
of warfare and hope and trust that our
country will not become in volved in
the dreadful struggle that is now en
veloping the eastern hemisphere, we,
however, prefer death to dishonor, mid
while among oar membership we have
men in whom flows the blood of every
race of the warring nations of Kurope,
we are all Americans and are with our
country wright or wrong.
"We prefer, however, we shall be
right, ami we feel that in the negoti
ations which you ha so ably conduct
ed with the warring powers' you have
been fair, patient, humane nail indulg
ent, and more than that you have been
absolutely riuht in each ami ecu .,.
j tention. ami if any foreign power so
j conducts it.i warfare ns to violate the
tenets ol humanity, interferes with the
. ' .r----.- " I'm
I Ull'"ls' I'cneve the most drastic
I liunisiiment should be innt,.,l ,,t ..
I't'-'lR'1 you our local sop-
Port mid assistance."
Glcosn In Store For
Wilkelm and Franz Josef
London. .lny '2u: ( Hv mail to New
! York) Nothing but dark, sinister gobs
oon today troni liicnrdy, a little vj
j luge behind tlie British 'lines in N.otli
i eru France. Kayu Andra. Itrahmaii oc
cult, mi aged bony wiiite-beanlcr per
son drew it from 'the :,tars nnd moor
and told it to all the Indian troops.
; He traveled to Kurope with the Indians
.1 . . V
1 ....... ,, viiiiic 10 ii(;iit me iscn.-'iins. :
The lirst half of liihi will the fin-!
; al blow fall on the head of the Teutons. I
Mnvi . n, i-.. ..... i .1... 1
: ens. Ile snvs: '
"The (leiinan Ihnpcror was born un
der Aipiarius. This signifies solitude,
desertion, eile and sichacss. The vear
l!ll.ri will bring him terrible reverses,
notnbly in .lane, July nnd llecember.
But his definite downfall will only oc
cur during the first half of lOlii, nnd it
will entail the exile of the Kaiser ami
his family."
Kaya Andrn says the stars tell him
this about Fran. Joseph; I
"The I. ion, the Hull and the Seen
pion, u"1' ;, their baleful influence i
av ined him to a joyless end,
ind empire will be an
'I. nr fl sfi lioili nil ry involnf li.ii
jfy' ,.r of (I, -ace, I !H 5. ' '
'.a,i is still at Picnidv, telling the
tates 01' the Indian "Tommies." Ile
has studied the heavens since his youth
and ought to know.
II. Kngebrestoa and daughter,
j Jo 1. 1
peat eilai'Mtny ami llnirnlay
of last w
k 111 W ooill'iii a.
iieln-e Cat.' ioith of Kiddle.
; Vela ami Zoc (.'iitsfoitll,
. were t!o' gicit i-t 1.
Jus. ( 'lit ; 'Oi l 11 one day la.-t
Miss Fl
In. ..I MIs...
aunt. .Mr
y exi'itiag );aaie of
i ..ii ...
Oil 11 U '
' I'inyi d last Saaday b, tweeii l!:iok
North Howell oil the foll'l
I Ti:e sen:'' was l.'i to 1
Mis. I.. A. sin.yi'i and
othy, spclll tie nk c
Kiiglc- ,f lliu.ii.
Sunday s-hind nex
with prctn hiag ..en
i.obiv at pi::
s i.t 1 1 ::;o
All me
VI ted.
.May :l
bill o. c
Mi-. .
or m-i
i t i - - Tii
A sle
Maud I
, Mi. and Mi--on.
D.. II"
in I'lti'.'iilaa'-i'
A. Willis a..-;
. 'in
of W'
I. li i
. ml.
M.-:. .Ill di'
e,-'. We
:,lv r.c,
i.f; i-i ie.
V. 111.
d ii.ci,
.. . f mil- li'tl" city v
, d .V ltd Collt.'ll' t'.l
day of tlie I'l'i'lilt.g
,f the I
bids lor th
in ail. nl
in-M high
. loud.
nit tc
bids v
e,i. After the Hi '
teiee "."l wi .e
atlon an I lle n in
t... -ether with th.' '
; of ti,
r. II to i
. - III, I I
' Ii i to i:.
ce. st'ul . Ill s.
The ."I I b'l.'H'l t'
Hon sign in "ii saMi'b y a
in s oil all dav and I
el I 1'
elf t..
figuring mi est", materials, etc . aw ir
ed the ."ititraet to '-n " '' '' '''' '
Mlveitoii. for look liuiM.ng f-r H
sum of Ml.""1' ci.mpl.'t
is m an hp;
mm ma mm. .
But wail.
a B tit - nzsonn niiNw
oil, l&M iMFkMal-,
il'npitul .Uonaal Sicciul Service.)
I'Hllas, dr., June ,1.
Ted Ablri. h Ims letllnu d to Ins hoine
ill Oregon City alter a shuit visit with
relatives in this city.
C. I.. I'ri.haid, .me of Dallas' 11
incut real c.-lai n, wns opuatcd on
at the Dallas hospital Tbiii-ii v aflei
110011 fur stomal h trouble. Mi'. I'ri, h
"I'll l'i" 1 11 ailing for some 11 ami
it is thought liiiii the opeiaiioti will
greatly iuipn.te his condition.
Dr. V. c. Staais is in Poitlaml this
week whete he is taking the degree ol
Scottish Kite .Masoniv,
Harry Ftyr ol McMinnvillc
the city the lii-t of the week
lit the home of his mother.
was 111
visit i ajf
Miss (irnc- 1 1 a nipt tin of lioccn was
in Dallas the first of the week the
guest of ivliit itcs and friends.
Miss Pauline Van Orsdel has return
cil from Cobeig where she has juM
I'Otnpli'ted 11 term of school.
John I .v 1111. an old and respected cit
izen of this city, is seriously ill at his
home in southwest Dallas.
-it. 11. iiiinit Him frank .Morrison at-
"'I'liil ii nil;.' in uie rural lllllll car
riers of th" state at Snleai .Moaday.
Mrs. T. M. Mow has returned from
Portland where she has been visiting
at the liome nf iclatives anil friends.
Bent l-.nilui'e inn! fninily i,f Mont
ginnery an- in the i t y thin week visit
ing at the hoi .t Mrs. H. A. Kaibrce.
Mr. and Wit. . 11. Boles weie in
' Kola the fiHt of the week the guests
j of Mrs. It. K. Wilson.
Mrs. Oli.i Johnson of Portland ii
I in Dallas tins "k the guest of n il,
' tives,
; II. V. Dales "f llillsbiiro UIIH in the
jcity the lirst "f the week looking nf
ter loisiin s illtcl't "tH.
I 'r ve v .... 1 1 . i- ..f P. ..il,. ...I ..... .. ii. i
...... . . , '
I i i
s i-itor Thursday. Mr.
I'.nii' rly a Dallas business
li"W ' "glll'l'll ill the lumlx'l
Sonify w:i
man nnd is
linsini ss in I -rt la d,
! Dr. nr. I 'Ii-. . It. .Stiirlonh ie
'tu.-ni'd V.. Ii.y evening fi , a shmt
visit wiili n I.iIim ill Portland.
I nn i, i.n N' 'twick of I oitiige
I lie s Your
N'""l Xew
If -n cnii itli'l get our price.,
on liro-. -undrics and re-
I -a i ni if.
i:1 - for lh
:i: hicyclk
Scott & Scott
252 S'ate Strict
The ii'ortii.jr HicycU; .Story
' ;-',A fit.W Rf-i !. ft ' - A
TF you like a full-bodied cigarette
1 you will like MUR ADS.
If you like a MILD cigarette you will enjoy
Buiaif you like a cigarette that is Rich or Smoothor
Mellow or full of "Life"
delight in MURADS.
mm m m mm mm mm mm mm M mm BIKi"
drove was in the city IIiIh week looking
alter business interests, Mr. Van Nort-
wo k left thin .city about t VU lllltllt ll
auo to mnhe hi, home on a ranch ,.,
li he , c lirV'", '
,"" "",,l"-v """'"' ''
Andy Clipper. 1,011 . Mil of In, I, 'pen, I-
I'nlliis visitor Thiiis.biy.
Mr. Tapper was fiiinicily n i,.,i,, m ,,f
ihis city and for a iber of y -iit
was night polieeiMau h
Mr. and Mis. Tin
of I'oitlanil and Mis.
of Slo'i ida a a ad M s.
Itallstoll were Usitol:
hoine of Mr. nnd Mi;
Mill slie.t.
1 I, I. Ilinscll of till'
borhooil w as a count v
ili:t Tvlri iriitli
W in. T In' Sitiiili ,
llciiiv .Sivi'ry 1 ;
i Tliuinlnv nt tin- I
. .1. t'niM'M on I
Monmouth neigh-.-at
visitor TueH 1
Knil Cmok uiim mi I imIcm'IhIcii
itnr lli.- lirsf nf t In- wi-ck,
M 1. nii'l M 1 m. I. V, l. ncli ni','1
vb I
l:i ml i.'itni s t lii w t'c!(,
1 Mrc, (iciiii' T. (ii'iliiicr uiih in Si,
It'in tli in wrr It ;it (i'imIiii ii lnt'i-t
NmlliurMrui l.iluiiiv i.'ii ii:rii .
W. U. Tennis Experts j
To Try McMinnville;
Tin' WiHhnh'Mi' 'I'i'Hiiih tniiuM left t'r
M I'M i 11 tl lllr I'ill l v tlllN lliiM llill 1u I'll
1 r h'linir. toiiiniiiiH'nl tluTt1 toihiv
t KnrI Flt.-I an l 1 'mi 1 Hmith will piny
In ilm iim'ii'h .lotiMrn.
Unwind .h'Ht'll, tli' iim'd'm hi nyl (indj
Mi-H Mjuv FindlfV in tlm laa
i TIh-v Iiuvc nil lu'cn fitwiili-r-'
litlilf, ji'itiii iiiln f.linic( nii! homi f ;t nf
UHIIH'H 11 If CX It'-I.
Tin' lii-hni llrf.H., wlin rfprrTiil M.-
MiliH ill.'. .I. l'rui, , tin W. I', l.'i it .
1 1n- V. I '. ft mi' nt fitn rt. Now Ihi'
I'miiN ,ii H jihiiitniiy mi tinning lln till It,
An ii m i-ii -I mi-nt , mil In riiti t lit' i ,
ili-lll hii'h tn i - j ;iil nlTi'i.'il iMint tn
the tli;tlii(L','lH "f Il'lili'tic ti , I fori' ii-if,
ti'jii'iw iwi- di 'ft'iiti'd in tin "fii'li t
I..i, tii.'i'tiii,' nf W. !'. t-l. r-lfi'. .
Tli" iiiiieti ltni'iit im idi . thnt an'
nth.'l.'lic nm iui;:tT ulio ri'''iM'. die
'lii.'liiiliiiiiM nte the h:iiim rniinhit '
tee t-lii.iil, leci iM' :i xwi-iiti r j 1 1 with
:nt i n "i'ii i K i-f the ihti f ic cM-nt
Wtiili l ni'i'ii il, iih-l thill (lit forniT 1
riift'ilier fh'-nhl rt'e;e i (j i . J -1 , .ft
The II :nn i.l.t.-tioh j.M-.i ll'f'l I.v the
npi'.-il i.ii, Men1 th:it ihc (tuiir'l v
ili-Nll;il.li' ii) tllt il w-t ihl . In iiii ii the
fi :u -I -r r-t nl in if n ti w i ' i 1 1 e r to
nl IhTi t h.i ii fit hi lei i . Tht .i i ;1 Mint i.l
for il -lniue-l thnt it v ;i ntfii lly n
,!ivine, (.ri..oiti.,n tiinj lh;il iht1 t f
I icieii of t In' in.'i MiU'-Tv w mi 1. 1 I.n HI-.'i.-(i-i-
,',' i iiiL' ft n iiwiird.
An film ii'liin dt mm .iihi'i vvl.!' li
;.m i li-. for iln M lll' H'ter tn in-i-ii
mi n.viif.l fm hi" wi rvi'iH. Thin 'unif d
ThT In mort Tatitrrli In thin tlnn
Iht 'ntiniry than ult oihr l t -i p.-h it
toK'rfhr, ta riI until I lot lnnr few v nri
Uiifi miiioKi i to hf Itii Utidile J-of h
uriMt noiny )-nti iln-'liu" .toh'-nii (( i
)iit i)iK-not mimI lifm rli'l o m! r'tne
it 1, inl I'Y f ht unl I V ItOlifiK Id f ii if
wiiti lo ( tn-Htintfit, .ion"nn" l tt In-ur-titil".
H if-re f tmn pi oven ( fti.irrti to
rnnilluUoniil dlfti-imt, niel llo-r,furn
n-iir'i i.'i'iiitHiitintijii tr f ifrre nt, Jdill'i
( titurrh tur, nmnnfn' i nr liy !, J
("In m y A ( o, Toli .lo, (Jl.lo, In tl.H ml
Cormtit iitinnul ' ur" on tin- rmtrkft. It It
tnken InterriHlj v. I' iiet ijlrtitly nn tt.
t.l i'i'J dn'l ihummii orfju en nf itie (tynii-m,
1 to-y offr fiiif huiilr"t (tollrtm tor nn
jit" It full tn rur, H' iel for tin uUri
uwi tHitin.'intHli.
A'lirraa if j rHFWRT A Co., Toldi, O
h"'l hr lrrufili, 7'
'! lUiii jtamiir J'lui tor o.ni'ttun
I mm mum bM
or all of these things
is it possible," J)ou as!, "to bring so
greut (nmlitics some o f them attnr.
ently so contradictory, into one cigarette?"
Because MURADS are made of seventeen
Turkish tobaccos in perfect, combination.
These pure and costly Turkish tobaccos, melting one
mm itnuiner, are wnat give to MUKADS
That Man)-SuJcJ Clwnttliat Universal Appeal
that you can get in no other cisurette at any price.
Maken of the llifhl Cmte
end Eiiyplian Ogarttlu in Iht
h 0 i4Bw.uajuuitsi QBiinniinnita
,,-,, State Hoard of Control'
,VI" r ve senlcil bids for farms g
'.""Plies to the vr s state lastitulioiH
on June l.ri, lllir,, at 2 p. in., consisting '
of diy g Is, clothing, I'm nishiiigs!
g, ,.,., shoes, haidwuie, liiooius,
drugs, paints, oils, stationery, crockery,
! pbiinliiiig, etc., for the semi atinaal o'o-
lio.l ei'iling D 'inber III, I !H .". Speci-
liialions and s'hcilules will be foiuish
id upon 11 1 1 ' 1 1 1 -11 1 i 1 1 to the secretary.
I.'io h bid to be a lapanii'd by a vctli- 1
tod 1 In 1 k in the soiii of 111 per real of
the whole 11 '11 1 n 11 1 of bid, pnyiilile to the
In i'iiII state I id of 1' 1 Hi 1 1 1 il . to be
In Id as a giiaraati t the fi ithful per-
toimaioe of the coatrin-L The I
ti'sc:e:i the right to reject any or all,
bids in to 10 copt any pint of a bid. j
II. II. 1, 1 nil il ,
en liny Oregon state boanl
f cohtrol.
Dais your conscience ever rcipiire an j
ahum cloili to anal. i'ii H
'Cut is u
ice nt n
-old htiap
pi'ofll of Uotl
1 i
Ride An Iver
Th' ljct Nvhfcl on the niaikcl nnd yu pay mo nuftv for it.
V tiiric your as pi'.rt )Miyitint.
Bicycle and Motorcycle Repairing
Our Specialty
Kvi'i-ytliiriK j.wliHiiiiiK 1 1 l.it-yrle.-.
Morse & Ramsden
221 South Iliuh Street
oiVT... i
you will
" l 'i 'Jm
. .
Peter Ft el nnd family iinitineil to
Ml. Angle Sunday. .. ,
Mr. ami Mis, ft. (I. Sieginund nail
daughter, Meita, alteiulcd no nioriiil dav
ovrt'iHrs at Fo Valley Suiiiliiy, ami
I isili d at the (1 lohnstou liome.
Mr. Allen, of Fox Vulle), is building
II barn for Albert Til.e."
1'. A. siiginiiiid and wife ill ten. led
tiie show nt Lyons Snliiiiluy night.
Mr. Iiiiines sent tin' weekend v. il It
hit fninily at l.yoas.
J. W. Apple and family of llnwll,
peat Sii'iiilay in Staylnn.
Henry II.. I sou of Salem, spent T i-
day night at the K. d. Sicgiauiu) home.
Mr. iiiul Mis. Fred llaigleld are vis
iting at the J. F. liirhaidn ami Alio it
l'ltc hollies. They have bi'i'll clliployd
at the Ogle mines foi the past year.
Sliiston Stiii'idanl.
Always cheap and always
dependable a Journal
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