Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, June 05, 1915, Image 4

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.Mine r, ISM -j.
itonal rage o:
I he laoita Jmirn
" 1 "vwaaiua L--
Capital Journal Ptg. Co., Inc.
t r T) r X' I ' nit i i ir T'ttHinTi t w . n i - ir. i,,ti-
Wee, and Trens.
Daily by currier, per year ifS.OO Per month 4i3c
liaily by mail, per year 3.00 l'er month 35c
The Capital Journal carrier boys arc Instructed to put the papers on the
porch. If the carrier does not do this, misses you, or neglects getting the
paper to you on time, kindly phone the circulation manager, as this is tho only
wny we can determine -whether or not the carriers are following instructions.
Pnore Main 81,
The Pendleton Daily East Oregonian, which is pub
lished in the woolgiwing section, and ought to know
u;Vinf IT 1C rnllfinrr nhmif Vine tliti fvllmvinrr ii cmr I'nrvni'rL
ing the Oregonian's statements on the condition of the
market at the present time:
How much the Portland Oregonian knows about the
wool business is shown by the following display of edi
torial wisdom regarding the present market:
"Prices are low, except for the choicest lots and they
are not high enough for the finest grades to excite any
great enthusiasm among the growers.
"Last year the market was good so good indeed that
the heavy imports of raw wool from Australia and else
where appeared for a time not to be having a serious !
The cold facts are that prices paid for mixed and
coarse wool this season have been approximately 50 per)
cent nigner than the prices paid lor the same wool a year
.v.go. One large eastern Oregon clip that sold at 19 cents
last year was recently sold at 27 cents.
This same advance has crenerallv nrevniled wliorovpr
coarse wool has been sold- Advices recently received:
here from Salt Lake showed a million pounds of Utah
and Idaho wool had been sold at prices ranging from 20
to 28 cents. Last year it brought from 17 to 19 cents.
Fine wool which the Oregonian ignorantly presumes,
to be the most expensive brings much less per pound than1
coarse wool. The same was true last year. Prices for;
fine wool now range approximately the same as a year
ago though some growers have been offered more for'
their fine wool than they were given last season. j
The deadlock over wool is not due to the fact prices',
are low but because they are not as high as the growers!
believe they should receive under world market condi-i
lions. J n other words they fear the buyers are going to
take the most of the cream and leave the growers less '
than their just share.
If this is the purpose of the woolbuyers they have a'
valuable ally in the Oregonian. If they can get that paper,
to continue its pessimistic falsehoods they" may be able
to bear the market and thus reap further profits at the!
expense of the grower.
After having gone through the preliminary stages in
the reorganization of the Commercial Club, prepared and
accepted a form of organization exceedingly well suited
to the needs of Salem and well designed for securing the
needed results, and having secured under this plan the
necessary membershins to pive a fine wnrHno- hndv and
ample funds to conduct the activities outlined, the mem-
i i i. j ii
uers are now aooui 10 iorm me permanent organization
bv the seleetion nf trip nffirprs
It is therefore needful that lnfprpst: in tho m
. - wv V.. J ttU'"JWWVl
snouiu not oe permitted to lag on the part of a single
member. Each should appreciate the fact that his duty
to the organization is by no means ended, and that one of
his fiirst activities is awaiting his attention.
Reference is here made to the selection of the officers
in whose hands the administration of affaire fnv iha on.
! suing term will be placed. The bureaus will in a few
days begin holding their sessions for the election of thg
directors in whose hands the special interests of the
respective departments will be placed. It is the duty of
those assigned to these bureaus to attend the meeting and
participate in the election. It is still more incumbent upon
each as a part of the organization and responsible to that
V i r T wiiuuci, lu uo an in nis power to have
elected to office as directors the men who will render to
the organization and to Salem the efficient service ex
pected of the organization.
In making the selections for director every consider
ation should be cast aside save the one of fitness for the
n ; r i wm De calIecl uPn t0 Perform, and the
ability and willingness to give to the discharge of such
duties the necessary time and attention for their full
The mcmhershin nf tho m-mr,i,nt; : i ,i ,
there will be no valid exensp fnvtho cQWil Ji . h.-J1
mm f. ah ii mi , "t,-"uj' uiisiuiauiei t
men to fill the offices The members have as never before!
..x,, wx wen amy i0 tne community and thev
SCO also that iiPrsnnnl
,l. , . "V "''. w essential to
ss rs,;,;;vs ciub t,pnses - as that of cmdurt-
If1 l '.i
You or
. Results
m shortest
Possible time
with least
nPan. Most
Keasonable Price
I adver-
I can give you more dental work for your money than you can ere! f,k,n,i
tise what I can do, and then do what I advertise. U hcre
Skillful manipulation is part of the system of Painless Dentistry
Before having any dental work done come and see the new Modern S 7
Office and get a price on your work which nlaces von nmw .,,.,.a"! y Dental
- " v ,iu "uiiKiiuon to
t i-TT'r-vfsf.jf.yfi wtjiT,iBBjip ii irir'lT Willi IMi
A nondescript weekly paper printed somewhere in this
ity has discovered that Salem's daily ml spapeS are
robbing the taxpayers in printing the lisuffims ,1
lowed by the county court each month. It says
I.rlm nun Exiri'ss: H. '. SinipKun,
who is in tlu liusini'K.s f wising .ion
"liiiii ilii'iisnnls, , now lilts Noinclliiiig
ilif'fcri'iit in tlic form of bnliy wild
Kroiisi'. lie fonml II) cns nml plncod
llii'iii ninlcr a lien iiinl nil liiilcht'il out.
A t)it ut inn lien is mothering tlio little
U rouse.
Myrtle freolf Mail: If your piiper
shoulil fnil to conn' n p In "its usual
staiidnrj tliia week, don't Idimie the
pnipiietor, as lie is quarantined ut
home with the snialloox. and the, best
' that 'ould lie done wuh to not a carpen
ter fur an editor und a tlai.dismith for
' J'l unci J or I1I1H IHHIie,
' 1 1 ( m i riu'ci'! im-u t,. ,.:..i..i .ii
iMscrliiois of U,e pr,;e K ' ""nf VT'1 ra"'nK fi
'! I'"I.U I in bolh he , ,;? ' " If.. ?? ""' ".0 proceedin
Miniit h
rortlund Teleirrnm; A box of red
raspberries, said to be fully ripe and
to havo all tho flavor of 'mid-season
berries, was picked at the home of
-Mrs. A. ('. l'inlier, W East Eleventh
j street north, yesterdav mornine;. The
bcrris were picked by i'earl l'inlt'r, who
i had picked a few ripe ones the previous
DUblicatinn nf Tti r T I llie iaW;;lay The I'iukora have only a few
pUOllCatlOn Ot the list bllt One time in-',msh"s 011 ' or-Unary city lot and have
i un.v niecini ! Vl n I II T 111 11
this year. These are mi. I tn 1,.. ti,.,
'N to ripen this veiir.
Illt.i,,,., ., MM. .
nm,.,JI,.. : . ."" . 'J . luo
county." 1 '"b" ""out ,fii.,u per
The only trouble about this wonderful discovery of
lit is that it is mi re v mmm x... ; f1. 01
faft is that it is pu iifS enf Theaw
provn 08 for the publication of the list b ,me time Z
stea l of live as stated, and the aver.no-P n,n, I T.i 'ln
than the cost of publication 1 1 ' a llttle more tmi
Tiilinus: The viibio nf ml. I
All nf w hmh e,M a.'i -x , verli.sinK is certainly inipreciated by
"vvv:5 U1vc statements pr nted in rvo !" TV" ,t"1""'1'0 salesman who was
sponsible, gutter-snipe publications shm i vl Je-.,,,, ;si,iad Friday, wi.iie the niviK
before thev are allown.1 t ho7?l 0ul be verified, j'"'"'''""! f,,, Jiedfom were ,ai.;
or wniM-v UU1"C u matter of concern 1 "V' 1 Uf' t'",mm' "
01 "011. UA ,-un,-crn ,a,k he drove his ear, which has a
oik tonacco sign emblazoned on tho
hg tobacco sign or
Ann iv. .' ' t'''"t of tl
a lederal district court hns (looirU.i t-v i xi TT . 1,0 "''""hited
States Steel Coloration L I S 0(1 that the United, t..i.ie ,.i
f,,mi. .,, 1 , J, 11011 ls "ot a mononolv Tha i a front of
. o nation will probab y come as a s.n, ' Jhl n" N"v"1'1" SW01"'- k
holders' a SU1PHSe tO the StOCk- i Prominent place.
iiiuin. .i. v.. . "u I'.arl
Many attemnts have been ni:id. tn nhnlich iho "t;"
but it remains and flourishes. '
mi, The,r.ac;t is t,uit People who give tips like to give them,
hey think the tip gets them bettor service, or at least
impresses upon the tipped servitor the tipper's superior
ity. Many hotel guests could not feel superior to the
waiters who serve them but for the tip. And even the tip
does not always make them really superior.
, . The ."rnois K'islalU1'0 has attacked the evil with a
bill providing that any organization for the purpose of
Jinn a? 1 '""'"""limy sum not exceeding Moimf- T nCc,, i
.M()000ioiH.aehandeve.yoflVnseancUlu.tajailsentenct'was s"loking today, but that fact'
of Jroin three months to a year mav be added. ! 1 tl Jcw llncs ln the press disn; m,L act! k"-v-
I x 1 I . . 1' -'
ic is noi a law against tipping m itself; indeed, there
can be no aw against that. The Illinois bill is designed to
prohibit the leasing of cloak rooms, shoe-shining 'stands
wash rooms ami other public places for the obtainintr of
gratuities. -s
It is the custom for concerns to lease these inivileees
m leading hotels, put salaried attendants in charm?' in
uiuforms without pockets or other place of seeretine
coins, and while the attendants get nothing but their
meager salary the lessee goes about from p'lace to place
mi his automobile, gathering up bushels of tins It is this
leasing privilege which the Illinois law attacks. " '
There are going to be three big events in Salem next
month-the Clierry fair Fourth of July celeb,?, ti on , "
Chautauqua. From July 2nd to the 11th there
),e something doing all the while.
lSOOOOon'11 XI0; Co,,lpnny haf a dividend of
side, in front of the iicture machine.,
tin amateur driver
managed to jerk
the machine fori
keeping bis sign iu a
It ciia n Tifii.. i
done, however, ami this part of the'
film is to be cut out. !
V11UU11 ... . ""M inu. ;( I
if: rfe i: .1. .1. ... .... . . l
' ' u ! W
M I'S ' rri- 1'. 1 . i
1 ' ""' I I t
(irnn.le Observer: And the old
111 l)tlU Ini-Ili.1 nnt v..ul,..r
I they have not in years before in I.a
J'l'unde. Along with them was the
I a rges t crowd of citizens that hoj
taken part in Memorial k,., ,!,.., r?..
aic nine. J( is well,
If you use the right building materials and lumber when
you put a veranda on your home, it will be a decided orna
ment to the house, and you won't have to be repairing it
every little while. Cheap building materials and lumber are
not cheap, but high. The best is not "high," but cheap in
the end. We sell the best. Come in and talk about the new
dlllliitllcr nl1
,,! i ".. ,. ' !" i''ii-laltv
Mis. .MI Williams ami imilher, Min
l''vUl"-"l". are up fM iw,,,,,,,, ;
then ir..ierlv , KiiiKHoo,l I'mli.
'"'! Alf. I'M Hex of near
I" ' e cut Sun, ha
an. ft 1 ..r 11.: 1 ,
.'" iieiKHi'oriiiMui enui
nit; over in their auto.
Arlliur Miiiui
leiiiitinK tu ,.
ea lessen store
"INt Slllllllli.i
' an
mi s
1 1 u 1 1 ,;
with relatives
lerolt while nt
11 e ream yd deli
W'nteentlr street,
y tho death oa-
I : . 1
roiMi,,, , ; at,
ti,,, ... .. . .. ',, l I't'Hl month
.... 1 ,..!., n hi mi
: 1 1 : 1 1 1 U t I'liiuit v
,ltK 01 lie , mi
.lonrnalistie esliniale of a lochia
ture's work, as ier the Hen,, llulletin:1
'(oues c the mi:, session laws are
'low irocuralde for 1 Mr,. There are!
-O.I ,'U' IllCiiviir.iu riM,..i 1 ..-
I " . 1 nil 1 1)1 IllliS
ru, 11 iuY II II tnl . ,,v.,. 1...1I!
i"vert to the Sac-
1 1 j . , ! , , , ,. ,,,., f
l lioldiuir a re-
walked into the
IJolerolt, wife
LADD & BUSH, Bankers
Established 18GS
rapial $500,000.00
Transact a general banking business
Safety Deposit Doves
volver in each ,;ni
stori, 1,11. 1 .
1111. 1 ;,'.. 1 ;,. " ""."'ii'U
laiiied t'liin, ii. , .v... '.' , ' ." .I"l'".'l.,r. ,
1., . ... ' " "ays in." '. Mislead nf
ii'irenl i !'S " Aloore's.;" r the Ln
"t n V , "'" ",,'l ""'Hll!;,,!,
I . nn.es and cliild,,.,, re-! 'I'lie ,;, ., ' "
" -"""'lay iron, a t lavs slav in ""'"i k bv bullet,
eul.ei wm, friends mi, relatives. ""'I iliMaullv k,
lis. I'.dwanl Marey and Miss ''vii.K a ,',
"'."""c M.'llnde of I'ittsburr;, !., are l"sl ' I'i" nulit
. -M.eria.ne. al the M. r. lh,ili
Mis. IImim'v I mi... i ' tllrnir .
of M,;;. ,;;; iANE.
been attei.iliu.r 1 1. ....:,;.... ,.. i
" i ' " W ash in,!,,,, i
!. 'i"h ('tis, ;.
I in i-r i ,i. - ' " '
iiuler iu ( alirnriii,, , u '. ...... "'" he ti
I... ., ... . ' ' liiicsis I II i ii t ,., w ,;,
KiiKene, Ore,, June 5. 'liarles V.
l.iltlel'iebl, for years a prominent
the. . .' 1 0 '''"Hone, died Biidilenly on
nis .arm near , ri nv. l'o k countv.
n eeut. A ninnber of them are worth ,'V,',I'"K nmiflini to a teleJ.one
"'ore than that,' I message receiveil aero by hid brother
"Whenever n mife is crack,,,! i ;!"'""' ''iu'wiu llristnw, asHistnnt
I aialilla countv," says the Kast Or.
('"'an, "It means a new face will
"i. be seen in the countv l.nsrilo; our
" can suirii ft yeeunian tllu mil.,.
iff of the First National bank.
i, . , ... i . u ., i nl .bine 5.
InuiilN Mualilieil fur a i " " ,
diuo by nl.inB .'to th' wrfj "
,, L's'i,,. yellow tail h tl."
2 hnrlin it l,ni'
The mnn who ilrinkn lik fisb d0"
nor take kindly to nter.
sau Kri.uiiscii,
Mr. nu, I Mis
put her "hainls ay
'I'lyiMK with thoj
' a revolver and W. r. ,,., hll ., ,,.
-ait were botlJ ... " ""7 Ii''
. . ' 1 ""n 1','iiKo. u.e
us time, and is now j diarje
O.'casi,,,, f,. n,;ni n,nil,in ,,,
L. 'V'""1-'1 l,,SN ''"'fi"r: "This
n'sultcL ill tho'
.hi IMiW Im f-i i .,...... i .. '
M't service men Pre,,,,,- ' , ' " " ,. valley arc
',.,.., I,:. , ! ,....'. "' eir,ie me turniiiir nf
"t the -i,i,l v .," -i.:i.' I , , ,, "hit,. , , '. i ."'7 t lie ditches of the ?,.
i-,,.i ,, . "in"' ... .. an- ,ient, was 1 1 i , I i, 1 1 "'"" lro uct.
I" "7' ."" ' 'position and W.kI i,,e ,,,, , ,, :,,,u' ," "'V at """ --
'.. ""I' ll iniprcsscd will, its beautv. ordered , "''"'S1 w" SHirHNa OEDERS ISStiPn
,'7 ''"""a to their New York Ireatu, nt ' '""l'l for. BORDERS "StD.
The Bridegroom, As Well
As The Bride,
I.OS A. melon. Cut .1,,,,., 1 mm....
, . , . , , ,M " " inn is
ai,l M. be the mosi I,,, i
tore in the u.nl.l .,. ,.i I...'.... . , ' i
neNirn n ave, nil . ., ,.:i.i
" 7 I'""" K'H"" and tudav when the
"'an silver show cases. Hears ,,, ,..,,: i
listributed free to all ,l ., . . 'l V "' , !''.''
i,iin,h ,.. :;1 '' ''"."'k
' , in ii en in .i in,,, ;,. .1. .
"" u.e nn.v
i the..
while pull, h
omeu alike,
i 'i.iis. I. le fur
laments of the
.Another eriio
I'orecHste.l en ih
"''"" 'inter of the vol
""'k'' in lively fashion,
thev .. ,i;. .
,i ;
"'ve,al humlred ,,,,,, hi h
I'lii-it'i.. M;i .
, '. . Y.kelmnia, Kube and Neaassaki
: : ..i;::;,' l''i',inijrf''',h''r
ne, ,n ', '','"'l""r '"M'Mil,,.,
are made M,bi. . ... .V
vovaees. ' rl'" 10
I have jt rf'
fine imi'orteJ
tint i
Owing to tk """''
nl.oi.ld have preper cletl.es.
..: i ,, .tnmnent id
serpes in blue und Hack
beautiful vveddintf uit.
tbms brniiL'ht on by tin" '
for from 7.00 to ifM.OO for
You will iil.-o need that t"u'
in and ib'k out tho pattern ?. j
the many different fabric ,ht ."
on mv shelves.
D. H. Mosher
i,.ff..it. "'e
... nnllt
tl, Men "'id Vnmen