SSSJSSAJ. SALEM. nn structors , . 1 ' M'untT JUNE 5. 1915. SOCIETY THHEE jit and, who I (Continued from Pajje Two.) friends of. .sacreu Heart Academy to the commencement exercises ut the Grand Opera House, Thursday evening, June seventeenth. The invitations' read eight o'clock, which is through an error ou the part of the printer, the program not to begin until half past eight o'clock, The event will be invi tational, this being done so that ull who attend may bo seuted. Patrons of the Oregon theater were pleased with the program Thursday and Friday evenings, when a benefit entertainment was given for the "Nike Klaliaiino" camp fire girls. Assisting the eroim in vocal and violin snln. ,,.i dances were Miss Inez Dennison, Miss Marion Emmons, and small Jeanette Sykes. Mrs. Georgo Fox is guardian for this camp fire which is composed of the following daughters of well-known peo ple: Mnrjorie Brown, Louella Pntton, Lucille Jones, Beulnh Fox, Dorothy Buekner, Mary Tnlmadge, Valeria Briggs, f,va tfnndali, Gladys Hichcs, Marie Briggs, Margaret I.egge, and Lu cille DeWitt. :':a($ Mis. c, .., i f, " :' '. V" . "' "an .Mr. n,..i m". ,. l.""l,,'r- ' .1. .-V diuiirlit.r "'ocr, or Jn,U..M(. " num the I ti i- tllis Voiir VI... i re having )!,,., ,,,..,.. " i nun. Lartwrights. wi,;:,1'' the i I. .- "n-K"U "en Known he i'd by the liielinrd ! Minnvill. m.h Z,. " Vmxn " tho Me-1 f known ., . ' t ,. ,um' "nrt "'" is well wright. .company .liS8 e1(rt. i Mr. and I ortland. -Mrs. (ler nr.. i...;. .:..:.. - of n i ... . "K T "" "I'm jin I.. I . R. Hain over th.. i birth Mrs. mother, will gu I Miss Eleanor i;.,... , I finished he..- . """."us just I Host,,!. ,,'.","" sennit!, ofjlhe suminer win. h... .,'.U,l,la.v' I'WM ! girls To ..... r with her en...- '.' .. ers. i...t. ..... ..... l. "'..rci Heine '"position. a trip t'onipliinentiirv tn M,. ,i . mer IMimaiir, hoi. :.. Y .M' ' '" ise Univ..,..,, i "' '' Mies Alice Skiff . and Mrs. Will fiwVf "l"'1 01 r. her vocal t.r. .7, "'1. "aa . eommeiicetf Arena, t.h. .7.".'. w"n X. tor of NewTorit h ti..!-. -tast? Miss Dorothy Steusloff accompanied her mother, Mrs. William II. .Steusloff home from her visit to McMinnville' ana witn ner parents will attend tho graduation exercises of the Oregon Ag ricultural College in Corvallis next week at which time Miss Dorothy Stus loff will be graduated. Miss Jessie Harriett is tho other Hnlem student to be graduated with the 1915 class. New yoric rttv ,i. summer in iwt " "uaes us abu oh'f! lh;'t( which wTFlTe held I, vT? Wy f I A - I"' - ...u -.w.iiiu v HVI'llmrr n k t 1. .. Til.. . - ill HIV "i mm. u. , tnfla session will take place Mrs. George A. Wood meinber, h. nnvboni-nn r ......... . I ""I erson ami . j., iv, ' "Vdnesdnv from T . lr r,',,lr,ll'l ,r. ot u''"l ''s. Harvev v. 11 ' t4 (li :. trom. 1-nti'rprise, Kastern eharininir ,1. . l'Msgave , U rela v ,,,V"S ;-""K' lv ; 'ly. (ireful nTXa "1 i-M lJ .,...-,, weeRs. ,t yellow featoo,,,.,! V, """us. :he appointments wer; Zl,!"'? " ! or Nvt inn or. P n o ..!..'. - - - """"S -.V -eC" ! - :"iiirHrVT'"e!;:!K ! i...i..-i b, ' Iu"1 "H. Fritz, of I ... .. "V "' " Vl'. I!P1'" Passing ,,,. -.1k I The Mrs. Carrie lline,,,,,,. umise ci est nf l .a K,il.i,ii.i.. :h "V.. "'Ki,,.' KH-hanl llotton m,,! i . r i hi ii ( r i i .i... wur im uimt iiufni... . ...... : 1(111. nf II,,,, ' 'I.IIUH . limiuuf Mrs. William Fast of Xeprt l,, hoon entertained by her daughti'r!'.is 'CIl selivt,.,! fur tin. i nil .Mrs. Hen W. OleottV f, i " ' ,m"ur. 01 Mrs. . . . v.' 1,1 "Ml i l iMiTnm , , , , twin sons of Mr Uleotr. Huttou Mrs. Oleottssiiter;,,: Yellow residence i another club it which time will become a iJstnh!""1 f "'i" 9'',m"1' ' P esenf their annual ,8!i nluv'ex Wednesday evening. ' Mrs. Thomas H. Galloway will sinir ....vie Duutn ui U1B SOCini Service ir. . meeting at tho Unitarian church Hun- fil r"' Dnvil day evening. Although quite a recent ' f'v'o'L vi .u..w.. mumuu circles, Mrs. I (v IJnllnwnv ulrnml.r nn......:nn .. -i. I ' 'V ... j un,,,,,:,, ul, eiiviaoie ijira ur ri ace. Klii, hnn n vi.. I ' '.. r - ",aiiiiiiii con tralto voice. Her numbers will be "At Dawning," a charming Cadman com position, and the lovely "Four Lenf Clover," the words of which are by Ella Higginson, whose exquisite verse has made her quite as popular as her prose, it nas neon a long time since this song was beard on a public pro gram in Sulom, and the singing of it will no doubt give much pleasure. David Hanna. ills. Ill tiru il W i Aobrnksa. who rni,.,i i i.vs in Salem the guests of Mr .i ru ,r i. - - u.i.t and Mr, Aorth Suiniii roses mill nl,...., i . ... sump h i . """" ..... .,. uiirariivo ion lor the table when I llll'l lilMM'll Willi I' ''"'""lay evening fr j ,"" arieu K. .-or. ' "ei. oi -oi tlniid, who has been l, e nf I ... Ii lllllsi. imi.iu. ..i. l:... i... " "lln ine in.- I t Ull- . v.i .iii-i. r. I'll TI. .. ...... .i... oinaiiieiita--Miss Hit a Mis. S. 11. .1,... . . for l'ortlan, . v1 0 ". Mie will a t ten 1 1 ill.. ....(!:. " l)n Vtl.. II , .'"V. "'. '.'""' "t -MISS , ....lie iu nr. w y he, n faculty member "ilillMU, ailll n irrilii.!,!.,,,..!.. , 1. (11 n.i ... r U A i'. " " I" .,1 1'S. ,. . . n n.irais: .,1 . u . irriiiiT. nr Ml II . . .1 I III.. . .11. .1 .1.1 ..... . ' -"..".I. in-r lliot ler .limn AIII1 miss (..eorgia Carpenter, I '.e ry, "an in,, inniily ja Wl.Morie -Marvin. t L V 1 1 vT'1" '"ui'- Ti.,.,...,,. - It - -" .n.-)..rta' .'.r . . ... fWHSMIWW.T-., kk- ii - wttiwrii I mi tvzM mm m mm.M it if essi mm fhiWm M 1 f I f i : m ii mm i n iii HHBiilH Mi I 8 was forinielv of this city, known here! the 1SS Wlllliu.v. lli. en Miiiinia i':.... .. Miss Veda Cross and'jliss M,,,-.' tions many Mi'B. E, A. Stinchfield, of Mayville, Oregon, will pass the week-end' with the Jesse SSteiwers of Fast Mtute street. A fashionable audience V. Johnson 0f Market street and Mrs. A. L. .li,,,.,... ,.l T HI rnul ......... ticed with irmneroiis ib.l'iiil,ifi ...." luring their few days here, i1(l former residents nf ZTJL r,.,r r "h"'" "can pleasant rem- f former days. Mon.l.v . .t..niK ail. IIM ,M,S. w. v. ,loh "I'viuii meir in (heir guests being Mr. and Mrs 2 l""f. Mr. and ii. ... u, , ineeiir, .Mr .cirycrew, Jfr. and tinner, .Mr. and Mrs, es viv IIIISOll Honor, their A. I,. .,. Mr. nml Mrs n w i.-..-. lenv I M... V.7, ."."'""'f. 01 " 'iiiiireci MuttVr, cm, mi.toro, to Fug,,,,,, UtlluY "ees-enu with relative of Sa to pass and friends. hons daughters, Mrs. N. Al . lines. Mrs. W. ('. Ttimfi; I .. .. . mIi.i i ... . . UI 'oi'tianii, C'LmeUiv!1 ' and .Mrs. ,, Mrs. Frn n It I 'ell (Jiiery, M ciety will be well represented nlong with that of I'lirtland. ' ...II I U '. .1 'llwll It .1. .. ... I will irrnnt. I Minnio r...,ll... ' ' ' .. ' Mine. Ann,, l-nvl,,,.,, tl "i." , '. ... V.'.'' """" ""' K'Unsoiis night of tho famous Kussians daU 5 i Snnilav evening"',. ""IT v """;! engagement in the Baker theater June I Voung enterlninimr' 'i,i, ' . "' 7, in Portland, the list of reservations dinner L ,' ! ?.." '"' a ""Vl'''i already resembling a few well-selected 1 dinner compli , a v V , ' "ll, , ' "'" paces from the blue book. Salem sr.: give,, K,i,. t " '.i.'" ''.-.ii ui uus week Mm May lutl,erf,, o t, t or t ll i n... 1 '"I'l'al tea fnr (,,,, , , ;:' l.i.T -Norlh lligl, slr,,t. All. '!""""' guests wer,. iti,.),,,,,, iMt),,.. . ail. Jim. v. . .1 . .1. ,,,. niidiael, v - A' '""iierfonl. . ..... . iiiMiied the dinner guests, Mr. and ,, i ll' III. r f,.. , I. t- . . fc . " ii cuiiesiiiiy even i ii i ii on atiendiiiir Hi expositions. Seventy-five members of the Parent reacliers circle ,l ,tl,,,K , . . ;;n t e i ,i,,i s,.,ol ;,, ; .. .... ,,,. ,,,, ,: A,.B , ( ipin, when the mothers of the south. - , , ,,,ry (,1V(1 n) ( ,. .iiiiiMuiiv, noses, nnstor- 1 t -ns. a. , , j t,,,.....,, ,"r,;m,vi,".""" r- .'ost! ; -v ,,,,!,,,r' ut i . iv " : I liachve setting, ,. ('jIIIitl i . I euben Hoise, Nr.; Mrs. Kugenia Mrs Fred Melntire M,.. i,:.. . !.k i ('illiiighnni, Mrs. Alien II i,..., , U "' nil..,..:... ... ". "iiuuiii .lie- u- i ,.. ,, .'."in, .urs, , ' ' ' A. f, .Marcus. Mr. ... V. . . ."" "iiieon ste . I'. Hunter, nml Mru a ,. ,, i ' ",i,rs, .Mrs. A . I, Mis M. J Creighton nnd her dnueli ter, Miss Mabel. Irti i .. guests of Mrs. .v,,i, i, ",.' H. Haili v mill Mr. wnr.i t ' ... liirlnf,,! u-....: . .. '"." 'I He- " "-"V'Ki'ii "ei iiesdav afier- I noon g,ve by Mr.,. rry H. ' nie ( reightons are former Salem n.'n l ie. iin.l nave been n,,i ,..:, ,.,., I 'Miring their iuv in (h1 (dinger decked her home -weet brier rnd Carol,,,, Testont ro e, and she asked .Mrs. In,v, M is Milton rilae,""?'"'1 ! Mr9' : ji' m!; Mrs. K. C. are not Do you know that a great many of your friends going to cook with Gas this summer? Whv you? Our representative would be pleased to call 1 riM ciain ine may uses, installation andoperat ing costs. peo- appreciated city. Mrs. Call 85 Dr. Clement R. Shaw who recently presented Hellini's 0era "Norma," a't the First Christian church for the High tidvool Dramntic Club, singing tho buIub of'Oroveso," tho high priest, and ac "miViMi'd I'y M- A. Goodnough, pian iiutt with such success that lie has bcur, .aged to givo his scenic and dramatic projection of Frilhiof 's "Sa R." tlic national epic of Scandinavia, which ho gave to a capacity house at the 1'ortland Y. M. C. A. hall recently. Vie event will take place later and will Le presented locally under the auspices ol' the Swedish Methodist church. CJuery gnosis fur 1 1, 'i ii in i i.. t wo I" assist I,,.,-. M , s. Frank c. l.',i,.kv 'IHighted the callers wiU, pi JJ. ''""I'S '' '""ivi.ig hours, , a especial feature of t ,.usill the pieseiitatiou of n handsuine sinnet ng and l,,,tl.r ,,.,.,.,,, i,,,,,,. ., jM I'.mu.a h miner by the lumbers ,., , "PJ'ienatlon f ,.(,),.!,,, ,, seleniums Work as i n i ,. i , ,,, 1 1. Much nf till. mi..,.,,... .1... fail- is attributed by the n,l,s iue viuimm otjiHui.ut i,.u to M ,. c. i a i Ii Ii 1 1 1 st , Mrs. ,1, land. 'HUT .Movers. Murphy, of M M 1'ort- Miss Kl ue Fawli, wh i it. i .... ... ....... Illl? sevninl h. .. .. .I " a . lit. f. . ' '", """"ig i iililoriim 7 ,r'""l Irom lleiiver, H , .,.,., ' N'nta Cri,Z. si. will , , w, v I '"";" 11 "inch nf her ti ,', I ig her aliMMivo ,,i, , H , h s o ' v'T"' I? Fawk leaves. In. lay In,. (... , , . ....... ,,, ,,,,, Hi'verai ' ' "f" ' ami his Mm. .lai'ies lli' lianls. It ! I -M-4-r THE GAS COMPANY State and Commercial Sts. mii4miuixu.i. M & mem 'lav: Mr. Wile, Mr loinas I. (inll, ,, ,. it.. I ''I ..iss ; I,,-,. ,,,, r..,,...r; will a.sis, Miss Joy I Mnier, ot the s. huol f nm.i,. when she piesenis her i.inn,, ,llu yuiu '"l'il in tiiial rerilal in the ,. i ,,,,,.,' , , ., V' I1"'' ''i""' V''illl"'"'lt" I'Hiversitv next Ms. Walter (., Uinslow and Mrs. lioy , W ednesday evening, -p, ,,,',,,. fHl.';". ? "'n: " tl.'lililitful nfternom, nl'-! which is of unusual attraeti ,,, M tair I Innsilnv ut tin. iittiii,... I I.. i bee ii i.t. K.I-. ,.'..i....i , . ' ..." , j., ii nil nn inili ,, t ic WiiisIuwb. n5 North Church street. 1 1 extended a inrdial iiivitnt ... i. pies.'iit. I in. numbers will . ,,,.,,.,.i tlic cuvst lint Imi.Iii.ii.,,, ..I ., .i, 1 illumed,. Kmbroidery club and tluii husbands, with Mrs. l.ila Swnfford Aleser, of Tacoina, n former W, I". stu dent, who is visting here ns honur guest. A lovely color scheme of pink was parried out in all tho nppointincnrs. "iise blooms were used about the rooms and also ornamented the luncheon table, dainty hand painted cards designating tin." places for twenty five. The earlier I I'nrt of the afternoon was passed in-1 formally, the men joining the group at tlic serving hour. ! Invitations were issued to Mr. and ilrs. Carle Abrams, Dr. and Mrs. drover I Bellinger, Mr. nml Mrs. Otto Wilson,: J f. and Mrs. John Kvnim, Dr. and Mrs.! "ilsmi II. Darby, Mr. and Mrs. (luv 0. s"ii'li. Mr, and .Mrs. rnruh.'Mr.l nml .Mrs. Winfield Kinmel, Mr. nnd Mrs,' Albert Siewert, Mr. and .Mrs. l'aul John-1 ", -Mr, and Mrs. Klino White, Mr. and i 'is. I'ruiili Ii,,,.,-,,. M. .i t, . . .... ..... ...I,, ... i -i, Jan ill the I'olloiviliL' onler Cuprice " Cider the Mistlm,,,," .... 'lde(i,.,ln,.r ,,,,,1 Williniii Sierivo. 1'iid of lleaiity I'ollin" v ,, ; Kruiniiiiiiher Melbourne KndclilTe, Kothliehlehea 's Nael.tuesnue. Bessie Sehiiinlt. (a) "Call To Anns" (b) " Anbl l.ang Syne" air, Koss llariis. (a) "I'etit, Cnriiiml" (b) "daiety" I'earl dstei iiiaiin. "Konianeo" William Sherwood, " I. idle I. ovo Song' ' Floyd Sicgimiiiil. (a) "The llimiklet " (h) "Farewell to the I'iaiio' Krogiiiiinn I I Kern ! , by Traev .Sdi.jilibf, I ... i'nillip . Kneii.el .. I'liiiiMiu Llldebllehl I ' i , , .i i M I I 1 I 'I 1 ii ' : i. It, fc. L I - .Jj TI,,., Mrs. Donald stay at . "ins F. Itv i i. lire In. Ml,' fin'm ,!,,.. imrt in ,i... o 'lie. Jllttiily HiU longer Mijuurn. ThurMbiv eve. return Inter Sen, Weeks ' nil age. for a I .ii 1 1 r galheriiiii i spenl falling ti, Mis. eltle ainl behalf nf t,. . Kec. Father Mrs, Blanche Linton Nlcmeyor will givo a recital in the East Side Conijro church In Portland tonight, re cently returning from a several weeks' visit in Klamath Falls. Mllllf St. .I.i.i.i.., V ..I,..:.. I " " "Teemr. Inn . "'i;. "mi an ml orinal . , : mg h's birth ; , '" ' "e Iioiiis w '"'11 nuns, , "I, l, I,,,,,.. . . .".ins aii.i .iir. II.. C. .,,lt. ,.,,.,, , .,UK .lurv Sell I- -1. I'lllltt, 1,1 inenibi is of dm ,.hi. ,,... l(l((,M r m '" "ITieeilllmn to M K''"',.tr, nie gut r d,,. .iiiig.llii..g ,s ,(.,. i, ...... ! neeoiiiplislii.,1 nmi.l, "'"'K d'lee!,,,.. ,M ,hii j by all musi,. I;'T,""11"'1 t' hoir : Mr, .-, v ll'i'ieh, M,s. i. HriaiiH, M,N. M. ,,; I etzel, .M i s. A. K. I' t. : .. . -Miss .Mio.ina Do,i,g M iss dinev. Aiism P, ...... I i.. ' , 1 liiftn-ri-, Mr. I', Meier lr. Iio'iiogiilla, Ml, S.,,. Mr. U..,,. l.,,,.iM M ,, ..'unit i, iciinier, j Conimons Mission. !ill State street, Sunday a p, in , :' .luninr Alissimi meedng, : (li , short prngrain by die . liiMim f,,,,w,., ''.V I O'liing by Ii,.. fun,, ti II. conference. Ilii Tuesdnv cm niii' Itcv. V. ,1. ,loliii:,ton speaks; U'eilnesdny Uev. John Unnilfin; I',,, i,v ,.v. I'vin's Cook; Saturday .1, II. c,,k. (i T,',,,. day lit 2 p. in., pniveiini..tini; m .; j i , .Ini-ksou 's, .s:ir, l',,:, j rein ml r,,a,, , ' ll. Conic, ihijm-i i nl.. iiil. nt , i worouWantfoMakeaCoofl Investment Then come to enaiin l, ,.,., wooilwnrli, chairs " M wage.. ,. (, I1N Ull.) a k. . it run . r , . . ""' '" 'iiiei . in .mid touch up the . : llllll III. I lil... TI in,... i.. ... " '"VII .... ,, ,,,, win, iin, "in riiui you niado llienl. Sni.i.,.l Color. vvnniinvH ,, ,ry il r rt-iH cost noil von profitable invest. (nee. nn vviinlmvs ami or Nrreeii l,, Capital Lumter Comnanv A. II KM I ,M. v ,. ... J .Tin u v.... " --' w. .ui onuur., I'bt'ne I .'III The F. .Mars guests. popular I. an Al r. nidi Reformed (Dormim). ' ' dogs: Siin,l'v : !,"'.'" ' ' "I1'1"1 ""'I Marion streets, . .; Fi nd Kas'v V , '""'"'I"'''. piL.t'-r. Muiolay ,., I lays I ,ou organist. Thei "r. and Mrs. Frederick Tlii.i.,...ini U,..-. . 1 1 .. ,r . Hellzel, Dr. and .Mrs, Fb.vd I'M ... I The l.enorc Fiance. ' Mammy V 1'iekauiiin ' Meetho, en i and her Mnn Spencer, who headed the gift i-.,m .,, 1 1 1 for their liniiie anil ner n.-.i; limls .Mrs. lieiug.. ,,. lues.lny. As n sou, Mrs. John I'olloek and Mis. Ii, A. I them Mis. J'anl lihoten. j will, t,.,,., er was a larre nnmi.,,. ii... ,i . .? -. ... - pla. eight Fstclle Sperling,! and It ii 1 h Ixiuiscl cnninin..,.....,,.... : .1. m . . ,..,..s.M ill (ll "niaiug selionl for nurses, of Willain '''e Miiintorium, w tll,(, "cdiiesilny evening, Jn0 p, " '"" at die I mtnriau church, the nation., nw i,(.in , Tho vol(f in no grniiiiateil are Willmmiiia l (ink, (th A'i''e Viola Fisher, 'inn. j! lie program for the occasion I'e most nttrnctlvelv featured bv die sing,,,,, f tlic Orpheus male chorus, u'"h will malto itK first public ap-I'-aianc,. ,,t that timei .Mu-ic iiitr.,.iiieii,,n n7niiM'"iz;".";."";""" " liev. liielinrd F, Tiseher "''v. liiehard Tiseher - '1'erfeet Day" i Ornheiis Male ( 'horns : ....Hon. William dallnunv' ItL'e to I'lu.. ..I., i... ..- ... ,' i k; , ' 'i l"n V.HIIIIVN . .-MOel .,B v Cm. I Miss Alice .In. I I. solig Mnry Findley. "I ler l.ustige ei...vogc ' I'izieatn Si'leliinle , .Maggie lliil'I'ii Nocturne .Maude Suing.., "Collfi.lenee ' 1 (snug without Mi dlyd. Vocal" lleeaiise A lion Invitations are nut for the nKuriiiee of Mis. Ilnl, bih lloveii to tin u h M cam. Smith of SiKerton. the iM ibimg to be i i nt of WciIiicmIiiv iiftc i noon, tnl the hoini. of the lnolc 'si of Sub m. K'nigiMiiiin . Fianliliii .'une PI, al parents, east h,..:.i '"lighter, J,. 'ai s,' i Atlanta, denrgia, nrewcll atteiitini, f,,,. hmiilt, eiit,.t,ii,., dinner M.m.l... "' "" ',""'" ' i'"i'igc,,,ii,;.i,.v to M.. II. II. Ilnt,i in ,.,,,; I I'-r biMliday. Cry T,.,, M S Here i;mi lis i.,il,.r. .. .. .1 . . , I i'ii i my ceil liruillier nols l. pastor is eniiiliicd,,,, i i, nighl luble class lo whlfi'i nil ,.' -- ' . I1' ' l-ri-yr niecting eveiv Tim U..l....tJ.... A UllllMIiV MM' ll I ti .... I I- i .. ' . 'p" M,s. I,,,-,,,,,,,, nifievrs'. 11 in charge. Hall , on,,.,, i,,,,, lni, . 1 ' eil.V Slli'llS. i.t I eveiv ,;I., ..I I II. III. exceol M In,' iin.i 'I I..., ..I. .. I n.giil. Miinlay School lt ;.l i aieciing at , ,. ,.; v,oink. 'c,,. 's ' " '" .iniriuiig worship in I "'ig at ii:. in p. in.,. Snivntioii ,,,,., ; ' " o eio. ii, nni.i ,y (M. inJ lit S i. iu. All u.e welcoin,.. j pasto'. IA ng seine, . ,n ..i,Ku;. ,,, ' '"""u by Uev. A, K I.,,,,,),,,,.,,, rirst Methodlut Epliicopal, I l"'r '.' nti,l'-, t'lilifriiin. Meet State and Church stie, is, Uichiiid y "'H "' ""' "''I'b'lbeig ihiiM ,lt 7 m Avison, minister. !i:r, , ,. j-i, 1 1 1 school, Messrs, Schniinii and dike-,, Ccnnan Methodist. Sllperilltelident.; I I :"l II, in. , in, il J Cnnier Tliiltccidi I,,,, M.(,, sen ice in honor of the lite nml services. I ' W cigle, piisdir. Snmlliy school "I the late Henry ll. Kimlmll; ..;,i ,, 1 " a. 111. ami publi,. iin.,111111 m l( III. class meeting; .':lll ,. ,. ,.,vi.... ,t l"'elock. Kpuoilll el',;n ; .;, ,, die did I'eoiilcs' home; i!;.')o p, 1 1, I . eriiioa at i. m, pastor will .lead the Inlelaiediute 1 league; (I: If, p, i, ir. (. Walton I Tho Lono Oak Mission, will lend the Kpiunth Imigiii., subject, i Hil'le school at it: Ml. Alectnu, , 11.,. "t ll l.l. Meetiiios ..,, bel.l I .ii.-s.lliy aim J-1 Kin y A A A A . . . ..... . "Social Service Meling" Sundii)' Evening at 7:15 it (lie UNITARIAN CHURCH I lie I'loniise of I. union, -I sermon, subject, " Whin is I'l c-IS p. .I'itllble ; eei " ';""" H. lurned; "ale, supclm ,,, I",.'.. Kelniin m,o. ,. I 'e ii I ii ii i iiifCUha nf Mr. W. of the Walter piestion evening nt Vugil wonlsl I lldelssolin Ml. T. liiivotle lav Si, ii A.llress Inn ia) It ibl I'ellll (li-lllge. 'i t Meiuories " Kmihn Kiniiei-. vrena.le - " Sine, s,i 1 .Ma l.a nlner. I I, ovo on, Dear" Ilawle; I. 1'iilloiMiy, Wumc uttered ii hunt the dull, ti ...V ".lor effc i furlhiT siiyoesleil in ... ., , . ,, , , ","""I,T,I;T: '"verswe. i, for .niss I ii ei i iu iii-iiiiew, llliugliler nl -w . s, loilt.l llli'l Her Illl ugh ((. r , Mr. Iiii'l Mis, K, A. Hmniett. w,il ns. Mi", II. H, Ibmston, .Mr, and '.Mrs hit summer vacation h. m,i in. Mie Horn i . nn;., .dss j( ,, t j, lias been with die Jelfcisnii lliu'h s, ),,,, Frank s. Iinuili, of Senttl,, lb gg- and a nd First C'ongrcgato;ia. James Flvin, pastor. Sun. lay school meets promptly nt ten iiY,,ck.", 'n,. W. I. Mnley, suii.rintcndeiit. Mmning service at elccli n'clni k, Sllbjei ., " "I I,, Most I'sefiil Thing iii Sab ia, " I hiitii,n Fll'lellVOI llnetilig ut l;.'i, subject, "lli.'ly and Soul." Lwiiing senim i,t 7: l.'i, subject, 1 1 A Stiong (, m,i ,. " .Midweek sen ices Tlilllnlli; i : 1.1. Next Sunday n ill In Coil. In ii 's dnv. 1 1. II I Y l I ICOIIiH II . . .1 1... . .... " , T '."'ci ir I ue . ...i "i i. nun slore, I liuile Sllpellliteliilent, eaile "Parental Responsibility" EVERYBODY WELCOME t H'iiiK Your l'rlciiiln. W. C. T. U. Il.v. II. I'. St, ,.,, ,,. , (ci,,,! I Olieicioil ii I :n . . " "" "i "in 'CllK III the , ... aa. . . A . . . leglllll go, pel ser.ic,. , , ,,, "TTT" f-f Sunday, Ju,. .It1( , . p, A ,.1li ... , .n.i k.ii in exteiiileil ,, 1,11, :nng nt j rvid lis '"'cd iu tl. Ilulibufii l.'ni.'.!u,aiiii I 't.l 1 1 II in I , teliclung I'hVMciil (Mi.gllipliV. A graduate nf Willamette I'm .m-ity she lias been nil just ructnr ill l" 'li the Sideitoii and Snb in i,. seli,,.,, she will be present nt t Ii . Aliiiinii in t "I U illinai'de I nuer-ltv. r. "".v s vn. I sweet Soni! .... r.r Orpheus Male Chorus 1 el'HCII at c ui l.lJi.Ullljltf M',.i lie ""diet in,. Mi Dr. II. ( artwrighl ltev. Mr, Tiseher' h ol the Sens. i Marian Ijuuinn. I Inn amlle fioiii ' ' I.e. ( onto man" .Maude Clapper. (a I I.e ''.gno lb) " Flowers ii ml I'ei n " I. in lie McChII,'. Iioiiiio.I 1 1 rat li'H.,11' .."ttV..:i M r. and M i s, Fi n nk W. I)ui bin, their I' ll. I'llilikll II, rdil led Vest. nn a te.o tho'isaii'l mile motnr n t1' niiike then tii.t .t. l'.ll.g fl'lll tlo re I J 1 1 .Ne .IniiieH Swobodn, of Cheiiinwa. I"""' 'he weaken, 1 will, Mi,. """a Hunter. l,ois .Mrs. I'.laii. he I.islon Nn uiever lef' Tliurs.l.iv do I'lotiniel, w hi-re t , r, i it Ii I . in the F'a.t Side ( firi i.-1 .-u it 1 1 i.nn 1 ihui. h, she will gie a recital, she will le main in I'o.'tiun ) ui til aitei the Ho... Festival, in , I will be I lit .'rt :i i ri ... H 'be guest of Ml-!. A. .1. I.ennoii an Ml". A. II. Man.'ey. Mie will be among the Silleni fnlk 11 1 1 . I . , 1 1 1 l. Ml-. Illlbe Pu.'Silii v I i,,ki. . and I'iiIowii's perloneiiio . s. 1 red S.jMrs. Nieii.e'ir lis1' nisi r. t nr tn .1 ftom t tli"; Kliiuuith Kall. when. ,ie pn.s... dire" Hummer! weeks the eue-t ol' Mi '. I,.ns deber. .tlic Fr. C. A, Whiles and dr. Trimxes. ,i,l 1 oe nit. e i .-ii-i . -i . .-111.1.,. " K "'lav he I.. . t i. '. . .. ., i i.... tip,, j. t """,' -i irs, nr .nine niis.rer srny iihtc. minor ii, imimk irfA.-.. rb,.:. " 1 IB " the date for the to aa lodi-e, Mnmaih tali, aim .,...,, j. nneea small friends of te'iin. HST'"d her ill celebrating her fi. "ln,i"y niiniversnrv I , """"' '"'f '..otl.o, Mrs. p " -ntertainlng fr her resi,i(.e Nnrlh Mo Tli th. I'i K" I... i :,:.. t li. v mil I It. H. i:. some tun ictiirn ti (.rants I a tiioiiili ii, a I ken ter. .Mis. Illlll'lll w ho v ill t mer. Mi ni.d idll, .', tup. , 11 'P in i hi. I Mt". i. n r 1 1 mi I . Mi". II Mil... -. I biino d sill Ull 'l coil -de. . I ' k. lloll'. I':,H.. be the (ii..o Tali. ,ic, id lane In Mi re d, i alifnriuu, g'.l-M nf relatives, the , ;i"d dn v will spoil, d and M '" l,v ( ,,... y pin ti and 'i Lot bv I h .Inr-I ,l, i In-r iiii-biu .1. in in Sub ui f TI" Ti id I lln I , id I it i tO be -II Co,,- I,. Ii v. b.lolv I' i k ir .l;, l. Ma . . ,b i.t ic d,.. mi c n.i 'at. r ii, t! . i .l-i.'ge nt d M I'. '" Xuiierioleiul,.,,, ,,, l.llioit, who nre ipnii. recent " ""in Tmhi 1-'i,s, Mill,.,, '.Ii'"" and Mr.,. Iiomild W. iiiim.I win, nitnndv,.!, i" r last night ut the .,, f '' elcll. e on ( ,,, , ll::l,,l.n,ii. red la.MM gn . , ' .f Hie table ami aviiiluldc 1 'le rooms. Ilmi, I ti,,,,., i ' d the ,,.. ciils, d,,. 1 ' finding beside thcii n , i . .'i mow n rns, , 1 1,,. ,,,, ,, mealier loiils nf t'le slime .uiiiie invors. The li.t '"I Mr. and M. I,,..,,,r.l at an ivals lo re from , u Ml. Hlill. , ISSOS-.CH . ,., . d 'Mm a contributor to a program wind, f.,l.M-d i. I.ilig. irue-ts w, re. Chapel. II. C, Stnvei, nn ni-f it. Mm i,ii g n vi' es at 1 1.. Id 0 'cluck. Serin. oi In the minister. Siindny school at 1 1 : tit (l , ,. I'liiistian l.mliawii at s p, m, Central Congrcuational, C.irii. r South I'.nh nnd F ri- si,i,-t-., II. C. Mover, II, IIU I,-,. Suudiiv s.-ln mi at In o'clock, riiii-tinn ,i,u,r it i p. in. Mening w.ushjp ii Von w il! find a in , nine I,, l I'lrst Clirlstlun. Comer llllll a ml (enter, T "iiinsier. mi,, a. m,, llibl,- -, ll. . l-pley, ill tnr; I I. -on hip and m-imioii, Hiinect, Helplulncs,"; ( jr ( p. , (', lireihliiilH, l.-iiiler; ;;j caluuiciili: si imiiii. I'mter, tool, III ii or " .Mutual I'.., Miss hi, J!ai. I' ll, I. Lutheran. l-.'ast Slut,. , iMchtccnth tr,ci deoiee hwhler, pastor. Suiolav s, In, III deilllllll ll lid I'. ). j; I i -ll I Jn " ',.,. iMiinc soiiici, nt il:, In . will be no ceniiii. sen i, e Tin boihli.,,1 n,""'.V service, ,-,. ii,., , ,M. i "''""t at 11:00 . ,. ,, s m N,hi'" "'''''' "tied !,; "nly ( ,,. nml cr,.u,Mr ,, Nl,, ,, !"' 1 ,,:'l'' '. Weilue.ilav e,,i,i. "'''"'""Ull llleelino, H H ,irk ike read, ne, room ,,f this chinch i i,,! !,;,",, '!',,:'" '''''"l huilding, i , ' "' . I'l'd IHopea eV,.ry (lBy ,K t 'lays and hi, ii hiv. i i . . ,. ' . , , ,, J " " ' 1 : i.i in i .in III. A at. i u.,1 .... , ' in our servio, a I to viMt our reiiiliiii; r,. m, I' and iuvi flnlcm nil. '''.mer ''eater and ('..iiiiiien n l, i y I I l'l III HI f f. l. I)., pi.SlUI, I'll-I,, 1,11,(1 , ' str p. in. and K p. m. piovcr in, ,M , Wc'Iim-mIiiv evening, W,.ii;,i,'s im. TI ilisdny nt L':.'Ul. V,oi me , . Meet me lit Illl. Sulci,, . oilier ets. ' 11,1 IS. no .11. M. T ti., lb . I, and ,b, i.e.irgi. (. li ir,,, Mi. Kind File '( Klliott. 'd. Ad, iti .Vie ns a week e'd ifie rkarle. dhl, a g , Mi ,,f Albanv. mil I nl. 'II' t ,,f Mr, I nd Martinet I , Ii. I. Mis """'g inee K, (). th. .. ..' ",nK or die oca e hatder uf numerous mil, r p.. nits ol iiit.'tor. ' I . S , . . . ' .' ll, oeipty. A( this time bur at"l friends 'of the nieu.l.cis will. Mr. iiad Mr.. Cli.te 1.. Kna Miss dlndys Caiiwright, I,., fiiii-los lu-r work a. on iiisiro t',r in the Italia. High school rh, nly plsns lo dike woik; under dr. Axmn. the well known en poiolit of Fllitlisil, who i. ..Iilifir,l with tho , in, mer in bool ondui tc, I, I lib' i , s, . i,.v;.i Mad'...- V : M,.. v p. I , tlie I'l.tniim. Th" HI ;.!,l!y lo ,,'srv. -I'ldlev und M ."ne. are ;,i..t I'l. her Icidcnii '.'Ull for Ihe We, . w. w Ut the '. Mi.. k .'lid. Lcslin M. E. llibl, . w lo.ol l: ,", . , .t sup. rint, mie at. Mo. nn, II i 'cluck. Si , l. ,11 tuple, Monielits." FpHorth leu in. I.vciinig si-i v 7: Ci. . "All- Siglil-.lii-e," I' 7: 1.1 Thuisdny , vi nin, pnstor. .'..' I. lb U W'.si.ip ,' '.cr ine-tiii i,t !. i'. I p. i ..., Unitarian, "f I In inekcla nml l ., 1 1 Idehi.rd f, Ti, .r. day n, ut lea o 'clock. A,lu leelliss ,,t ),. ,, 'obick. loll,l,,K ,-r. ' lit clelei, o'clock, u,,.,. .. .M, ' I'll View of .lesiis." .l,... I... en filially mviteil ,1,,..,. .,,,,. icamst. Social Se, v c ...,.tlu , r.,,V I" i, I li re ill ii I Hespun.ibil,, v tllsi'll ... i ,y II,,.., II ll . S. Male, siiperilitenilcul ' .,,',,, "Oil ,,ir. , I, t.,r ii. Mis. T. II. dalb.iiiiv ,.,ii I... th.. ... I, i.t fnr the fviuiin,. f, i,,,,, first Chmcli of Christ, Bclemut. , Le I licit ' Ho llelito I, IWILLGIVES100O K!cc 'i.MwuwiiiMowi rrii no Mr until CIMD jjmniH (uitNiie y" X Hy or oil,, r llllldlM, All I.I. ,, I'.iuitionlt.siii,,,,,,,, the M"l"'ll.ll.. I..U I, ; or llllll i,f 'ei.ii., of Alluinv, will ' lid w Mb M: M.irgiin t r. of a tnari a iooiio oly of feW the Words ,0'Bb i IIIglilaiHl rrlntids. J V'.'""'r "',ll"'"l '""I I-I'll -Heel, I ,,.tl I, , Salibllth s. hnnl nt 111.00 .. l . . set vi, .. 1 1 t r.iitt, siipcnat ,.,;t. .M,',,,,,,,' ',, i """"ii hi 1 1 inn a. , ,,,( . nice at Si l li'lsliaii Kn. ,.v,ir ..I .Ml I " "' I' I, 1, 1, 10 le . f Til? II. Y. I', I', lime tnl ,uri,e, tie rMlliuny lllgat III. r i na f,,r tl,c rimt Baptist. Sunday, H:.'i. W. s ni ri iit.Mi.l, r.t. I'teui hing ; f . in., eennoii subj, -t, ' j I. I Tins Stilvatinn. " l.venliig si Any LUMP.n WOMAN'S BREASf CANctn; u invcr I',''"' " ""IKSSB J'O ;,0I tnoK seni HIKK, JOissi fell. laani.i,, IntiliMt p. in. i niiinrn ... jnn u tn .. i .T "v" i."m "" Tumi. ... w" I"'II A lllll.t ,ll I'm v.. " nicciiii. lliiirs.lav i.l s i i. r.i. ryti.iiiy welcoin...,ii,,. i if, tin r. j pastor, plion.. 1 ir I'.S. I.-lsoi I '11,1 irnll lilliif ml i,.. i . r."" "' P ni. ,'it,,ttt, niiMt li eL ; .,",?"" it 11 I' i. ! ' -' I ,i -I' :.'. ' fr,:'"",r,rrTr.""'",T';'"f'i'W"