TWO THE SALEM CAPITAL JOTTRhAL, 8ALSM, OBEQON, SATURDAY, JUNE 5, 1915. SEASON OF JUNE BRIDES USHERED IN THIS WEEK CUPID AND FLORISTS BUSY Romances Begun at Christmas Tide Culminate in the Month of Roses Oratorio "Elijah" Pre sented by Huge Chorus at First Methodist Church Calls Forth Salem's Best Musical Talent Presentation of Miss Flower Attracts f Large Audience. By MOLLIS BVSOOMM n m . iiihii jw i tmwinnm. "-. t TIIE story is told of n man wlio was a regular patron of Festival concerts and who, when the oratorio "Elijah" was presented, was rejoicing over the absene.o of his wife, a fact which enabled him to give away his tickets. It is -unnecessary to add that this man did not livo in Salem, because Festival con certs are not ordinary accurrences here, for one thing, and for another, that those ia possesion of tickets to the presentation of "Elijah" last night n't the First Methodist church, under the direction of Dean Mendenhall, of Willamette uni versity, were so pleased with the opportunity of hearing the recently formed chorus of 125 voices that it is to be doubted if any one could have been induced to part wjth their tickets that is providing another could not have been secured. As to sizo the audience was ull that could have been wished. It took some "6"'b " in " luLi-jHive mm responsive mooa, out tne enthusiasm in creased gradually as the music progressed, until the work provoked the most en thusiastic appluuso and spontaneous recognition. As a director, Air. Mendenhall, is deserving of an unstinted measure of praise. Ho is a inusicuiii who knows what he wants and also has the ubility to quicklv instill his idcus in others. It was quite remarkable, tlie excellence of the entire affair, when one stopped to think of the comparatively short time in which the singers had been training, unci considering also the fact that only a few in the huge chorus hud ever hail an experience of this description before. After Air. Mendenhall, the most important individual was of course, A Mus trovo Hoburts, baritone, of i'ortland. who linil hein i:ienr,wl ouiui.-iti 11,. vent, because of his extensive and favorable reputation in this kind of musical production. He gave a most forceful and stirring interpretation of the part of .1 ho great prophet. .Much of the work fell to him, and by his acquaintance of tho nature of the .art, and a perfect understanding of his vocal possibilities, he was able to inject a certain dramatic quality into the prodction without which Ino affair would havcjitekod a foremost essential to its success. His challenge to the priests of Haul, "Call him louder, for he is u God! He tnlkorh; o: i.e is pursuing; or he is in n journey; or, perndventuro he sleepeth," was characterised by un exquisite sarcasm, and again in the following recitative and air he was afforded an opportunity to display his vocal ability, tho scornful performance of the previous text changing to the huini'itv of a servant. ..,. 7 ,s ""t',a l"'lt('r amJ I'' "'as followed by the quartet com posed of Mm. . Mendenhall, soprano; Aliss Ifutl, Fugate, alto; A. A. .Schramm K tenor; and U. A. .rones, bass. However well Mr. Kobarts assisted, he alone did . ,..v. wiiiMK pur i.i'iim in, Mrs . Alendenlmll sang the great soprano aria "Hear Ye, Israel," with ...ujuimi- .-ii-ui m-BH una unjuuncv. ca imr forth n cm,n, r ......i,, ,., t i... appreciative, audi. .ice. 11 "um fTH." (Wi'Uk"","'" ''!""' V,1' VVith AU Yo,,r IK'"!"." "d the alto solo. 0 Itest I the Lord," were well sung by Air. .Schramm and Miss Fugate Ihonudionce was much pleased with Air. Schramm's igig, which lias i,. VJZ i I'll! mtT''My "! 'l'!ir' An ,h" '', 1'" ' u mo t - M W,'. "I a,,';l"s,''.' K, m,lst "P"taneous appreciation in his numbers. Miss Mgu to had her distinctive place on the latter part of the program anil ni:.;,;:;:::- - of W, M'.ni" 'm?'1 "f ,''"."'"s WUH "'''l""iK, and under the guidance of Mr. Mciide',ull was in perfect unison and harmony. h niondu 11 of "''''"V"' H"hnrU ,""lt -xpress his com mtmiutinn ot the chorus and its director for having organized so sulendid a body, and to have sc, ,,ucl, a ,i(,, wll(or wn,u uf llu,ia" L' HI u i w liibited in every number. He exolaiiied that in nil !,!. ..,...! . vnrun 1. :.. n ,:.i. . . - ......v. "u.nn. uuu um 4!m WW 4 I , '' . T fcmwiTi'WAiwiiiiM Miss Mabel Suuth, daughter of Dr. and Mrs. J. N. Smith, ushered in the season of society brides wita her marriage Wednesday to Warren Francis Powers, of Detroit, Mich. The event was one of the most beautiful home weddings ever taking place in Salem. fectcd, converting the interior into a vontuuio tictrai bower. On each side of tne improvised altar stood h arh stand. f lurds topped by huge realistic piuk rose TlblooniB. and throii irh tlienn nmt m.,,,.,. oiis pins. Buauea giouos percolated a roseate giow. ad aisle irom the stair way in the reception hall to tho altar was bcrdered by broad garlands of pale green and white tulle, festoons of tins ornamenting tho latticed background or wane, over wnicn was arranged ft screen of viuing English ivy, centered by a large heart in outline, formed solidly of .La France rosebuds, maiden hair fern filling tho center. Tho color motif lit' pink green and whito was ruo-. gested everywhere, formal bouquets of rosea aim oiner nowers in theso colors being arranged in available places. Miss Winifred Hyrd pUvvcd Mendelssohn's wedding march, aud also played softly while tho lines were being read. Miss Ruth Johns, a cousin of the bride, of Portland, sang charmingly "At Dawn ing," by Cadman. Both carried arm fuls of pink sweet ncas aud mniilnn umr iern, wnicn icn in snowor effect, and were the gift of tho bride. An in formal reception followed tho servico, tno guests numbering about 73. Mr. anu .airs. 1'erry f. l'owers, the bride groom's parents, received with Dr. and Airs. Smith. Mrs. Smith wore a most attractive gown of palest blue satin, Kiirmuiruu Wiin irriuesceut ornaments. Mrs. Fowers wore handsomo white lace over satin. Assisting about tao rooms were mrs. v. A. Johns, of Portland; -Mrs. Frnnk E. Smith, of Portland: Mrs. Kollin K. PaL'O. and Mrs. W. (1. Alton Miss Maxina Buren, Miss Eva Miles anu Lois Mmth presided at tho punch booth, and another group of close girl friends of tho bride assisted iu serv ing. They wore Miss Virginia Wechter, Miss Georgia Ellis, of Dallas; Miss Vera Martin, Miss Ursula Heck. Miss Irene Wentz, of Portland; Miss Margaret Hodge and Aliss Isola Smith. The yoting people left the same even ing lor Newport, where they will pass a week at tho Smith cottage, returning to Portland for the Kose Festival. They will go east by way of San Francisco and San Diego, stopping at tho two expositions, and will bo at homo after Inly 1 at 38 Preutia avenue, Detroit, Mich. ' Mrs. Don Miles, Mrs, Wm. .McGilchrist, Jr., Airs. L. K. Tnge, Airs. K. K. Page, Mrs. Joseph Palmer, Airs. E. C, Put- AVOliKD with beautiful weather, the reception t Airs. Thos. If. Win ter, chairman of the literature do- I partme re- a n s I . am eriioon , 1 "V son' M Jlbel Hobertson. Airs. S. (i. inters, who ,s irom Minneapolis, JSargent , Airs. E. 0. Seik e, All 's. 0 W Mum. and who has been at tendnig the Wluml iJrs, Klizabeth Sherwood, Airs edera.cK lul, m,,,l I'lirtlanil, is Sarah Small, .Mrs. F. K. Smith, Mrs F being enlertiiined during her brief s. Sue,,,,, tr i , ' ? n tay as the guest of Airs. John H. Al- "L'. ' versnl association with affairs of this kind lie 1,1 sincerely uny that the V k 1 en bWi i 'T" T ""' """,,',,.""'l "'0St r"V"nl,,1' with hlcl ,e Tl i , ' l'n,,!"M'"'!''1 "'" t'k and ensemble work particularly good jt n?Zt7 s',:," w1""' I "K:'"" Mf1n',''r,,b",i0!l " ' William ..rhar'dt ,.t .) , . i"hl,i- Kh" R!IV" '"st prmicient and de'.i-htful Mippo.t " ,,"!!,u '!m '""l:'"',iv''l.V. The a.compani,ent for the o t i Jiart of the ph.yer and their work iu this respect was beyond criticism J ,,! . 7' " ""'T f""(' Him'" i,N lm,Hi,',ll Ml'"t "'fl"'.i.ed iu t;,i, r;:;LXlT.rrvttrd 10 lvurn ,,,,,t ,ho - 8 ; nent c. the iclcnition ot W oiu- ton, Mrs. J. C. Pettyjohn, Miss Caller c ubs, i; . he home ot Airs. Charles i,10 Pooler, Mrs. H. E. Purvinc, Mrs. i.d Airs, haunc.y H,shop, this at t-1 (leorgo J. Pearcc, Mrs. P. H. Kavmond, )ii was largely attended by local Airs. J. J. Roberts, Mrs. t'. JI iiobert- bert. Amid a charmiiiL' bower of flow- -vr.... i., r ' -'""" ' crs. she spoke to the assembled women! ' f, , ' 3, ' ' wi"'?' this afternoon, an informal reception 1 ."' l Tl ' Htwk- complimentury to her following. Alrs.j , :,n 'HS,C IK;kt"n' J","- nth Albert and Mrs. Bishop, Sr., presided"1""1'' f'r Wwafford, Mrs. VV. at the tea urns, and the me.nbers of l:,,"'.' ;Urs' T' (':.'S!"". : Jr- "Marguerite Flower is a most remarkable girl," said a wellknown e.ln . 7, . . .' r """""" "M-nni eiinesitny evenniL' at the Vl,-ui . J .Methodist church, urdeiitlv iierceil with him i' 1,.71:n(","li,,",'"" "f XY ,',""''h W,1H fill,',, 10 "verl'lowing, ami if , , ...... ... .vl,i ,,. .Muiaance promoting tl. placing of tho sles, a much larger number would have been seated I 1... ..rill,, !h.:,.ro"Kl,.ly . ?'l-. '"-tistic and delight '1 musical - fc..,-u in nuirui ami local incm more torcililv than citv chairs iu liriliri'll Ml music lovers hml it ii,Hm.u.i ever liili,ri tln.f H.. i.....-..i .... . who sane fr them ami,,. 1 ., ... " ... : .. ' " "lul" vnijuely different and conspicuoi, VI, V., x 'IX scureeiy iiinslieil her first shiil'. befnn. tl.; told.' .rmo anu censor ot the human voice burst into ''""" xi'iaiiniiig j a rone us on. "nml l... ll .. : 1 1 .. i i . ... ' ' iiiiiiH'uiineiy sig rourse, lliey will hear thin beautiful tircucsirn playing an a iinpaiiinicnt owed M it is but the beginning f B,.;.t the social committee, composed of Alrs.l , ' 1 ' ?! ' A' I,,rm'r' Mrs' William V. Knighton. Airs. Franki "nV u" " lnk,e- S',J Spears, Airs. Kollin K. Pace. Airs. Max I ... '' H- y- Wallace, Mrs. E. E. . liureu, Mrs. C.eorge (4. Brown Airs I ",utori( -MrH- tieo. J. Watson, Mrs. ' II. UNary, Mrs. William AlcUil- WclUlr iIrs Wwnrd Weller, 'hrist, Jr.. ami Airs. Chauiicey Bishop, I '' ' W' vv'' Mrs. Walter Winsluw, assisted them. Club women 'returning ! "1's' A- Wood, Airs. ,1. Al. Willy, fn.u the council express themselves us j . more than delighted with the session, lecling that it has been most notable,! .""" a beautiful and fragrant set both from a standpoint of advertising! '-'"K of blossoms, Miss Mabel Smith. Oregon ami as an educational and in- i 'l,l"Hlitr of Dr. and .Mrs. J. N. Smith spirational event. The following is a I l'ei'a""5 l'ride oi' Warren Francis lit nf im.,,,l,r., ..r 41... u..i i Powers, nf M.itr.rt li.. r.i i.... I .n vl. ouil 111 H.IIUll B . ' ', ..tun,. v CIIIICSOUV 'I' nl.. pvcninir ,il tl, u..,:.l. . . I ; i"i .-Minn a i ourt street -Mis. J. H. Albert. Mrs. Everett An- ,7, "'i '"''""!,"y H:'M 0''Uwk- ilerson, Airs. F. I, Barker, Mrs. Jose,,h viet'h,, is '"k ' Aly";on''t rst Hauimrariner. Mrs. H. .1 r it J f1' ft lio.i iht Episcopal church, performing v u........ I . . 1 ,,M"1,' . hip couple wero unnt- smnll nnd The hich Air. class of iss Sniilh .imtitnt;,wP , . , ii,;i inn- sical education at the same place. She is also a graduate ,.f tlw i.., i,:..i. school uml was one f the most popular Still l.lltd nvn ...... ! . .. . f ' . , ,. ,, " . ' '"enillg mat nistitu tKj.1. She is a very gifted girl; a do joteo ot all ont-iloor recrentions, and -.....,,, mill, , nmny tnillL'S. Air. A. I . Ilcnnctt V ,m I .Mrs. T. L, Billi.iL'slev. Mrs. C. P. ni.h ' " . or 1110 ring-benrer, :'f. I'.'luq Mrs. ti. H. Bon- Airs F F s li, "TV ?! . "ell, Mrs. F. ti. Bowersox, Mrs William n u HaJe culm '. I! J Qrtll,ml Hrown, Airs. Clifford W. Brown, Mr.'"" v T U ITT (I. tl. Brown. Mrs. M it H ' ! ! ... . ,oll,,Ke, Michigan. w ir ii,....i V " -'.;.... i.owers is a graduate of the -. ... t.iiii.i i . ,i r.. th. ;. Miih 1 IIU ' M Mrs. F. 11. Brewer. Mrs Kii.tmr,! r,.,.i wright. Mrs. K. V. Carleton, Airs. Hose Chamberlain, Mrs. H. E. Clay, Airs. 11, J. Clements, .Mrs. Curtis B. Cross. Mrs ! A. II. Dodil, Mrs. U. E. Downing, Airs. S. C. Dyer, Airs. F. A. Elliott, Airs. C. M. Epldev. Airs. 11. C. Knlnv. Mr. is inns c un, jiiiiui j. ris . v rs f. . I uwers is t m .a . . . ood of .'mhusiastu. com. WUVr, Mrs William Fleming Alrs.!;lon.s of Cadillac, Mich ami i. Men""- ni..l ii i.u . , ' ,,n ..f"-.." '-'''" .lennie "nil ine t moil Trust, eoimmnv nf Ihis summer, when t - ,.r .m",.. " 'I"""M" 1-roKn.itt. and ! fr?... Miss. Ethel Fletcher, .Mrs. F. ). I'etroit, The bride, whr. is n linnnfif ... . 1 "I lUIUirO I 'C lltfiMli nnr it 4'.,r.. 4 I 1 1 111 1 1 1 11 i'u ru W (I. .11 it iniunll,, .. . V i,ga, with a famous Hungarian J. O. Ooltru. Mrs. Chanty tileaso'n, Airs. ! t bridal robe of i c armeuse Those who have follow.',! u;., vi . ; .' . C Hawlcy, I ''"''''fated with ha.ulsomo embroidered 1hl quite unusual opportunity wh 2 , ' " , , r;. !u'" "ll'"r, V V', ",z!'ri1; Kditl. Hazard, j '' ' duchess lace. It was cut f ,i.: , , , :: 11,11 i . . ' r" " "" 1 ,.. , . ,: i'" ""' "" vch ot (tiapnnnous Tliose who heard her Wednesdav .iiclit , li,...i Vi , . . , ! V 'ri, .Mrs. Leslie A, " ". "' ' "" y cascades to hem Seymour Jones, Mrs. C. II. Kable, Al . h. Kirk, .Mrs. W. C. Knii-htoii. Mrs. d vocal pcrfe,..ion hud not been obtulne i , , , T.,. 'T". I"".' jrere not only a. ribu.ablo to consistent aud resolute study o ,1 p " the singer but that a great debt was due her instructor j, , , ,, , Mngers, whose years of untiring devo.i .d unvnrinb le ,. h'n. on h l.rotego has paralleled in a manner that of Miss Alacv for Alis le , , , jour usou," bv J'ie , ': h. I. ' iu. lXTl 1 vwh ,s''" I ' ".'l Vf' '' I-"''. Mm lunod, and that, other the "Hew use from civ, T .'" "'' ''-v , '"u" '"' 1','wi''' -MiM flowed to perfection the fl.ultl.s Zs. ' V'"1'"'1. "V" . Cnry F. Martin. exquisite diction, and other soners irrndont . ., ' v",,:,. 1 u ' I ' ""!" . rN'iry. impositions bv Carrie .l,,e.,l,.lt,..l ., H .. ! V" . '1' "ffl'ter Make Believe.1' "" U,M""1' 'f "Play H.HV..II M..,.. i ii w ... .. iTIm vil ... i. .1 i . . ainilton, Mrs. Agues Harding, Airs, l!'1"'0!"'1 (lf n'";re bUuBOms and oauglit I lo.ence Irwin. Mis. .1. P .l(,..u m,. I " I'l'ices with tinv . nf tt, ....... flower. Her hou conitiiiiation of sn,v n.t,i,i. i.. n. Much of the entertaining of the week has been done for Airs. J. J, Alurphy, of Portland, a former resident who has been entertained as house guest of Mrs. William P, Lord on .Mission street linr. ing their residence hero tho Murphy's occupied a foremost nlaco in Sul iin En. ciety and the affairs which have been given for her pleasure have brought '"S"1"-1 irieuus ot lormer days. Mrs. (Jeorge J. I'earco and Mrs. E. C. Small presided over a delightful after noon for Airs. Alurphy Tuesday, the uucsi nst including .Mrs. William P. Eord, Mrs. Alice 11. Dodd, Airs. Al. j! Creighton, of Portland, Airs. W. II. Oancy, Mrs. M. Al. Chapman, Jlrs. Sophia .Monroe, Mrs. H. .1. Hendricks, -vi rs. John Carson, Airs. It. 1 Boise, . m. x.. d. waters. .Mrs. s ( i)v..r Miss Lucy Stoughton, Airs. Eugenia Oil linghnm, Mrs. A. N. (filbert, Airs. F. A. Aloore, and Airs. Charles P. Bishop. Airs. Lord entertained for Airs. Alur phy, Thursday afternoon, presiding at an informal tea. Close friends of Airs. Murphy were nsked, Airs. B. 0. Sollick ing, Miss Catherine Carson and Aliss Elizabeth Lord assisting. Airs. John Carson gave an informal tea vesterdav afternoon, the (juesr list at 'botii the latter affairs being much tho sumo us tho fust. Jlrs, (ieorge Palmer Putnam's danc ing party for her charming ami inter esting aouse guests, Aliss Louise Hal yeiMiii and Aliss Pearl Ilightower, of Lend, was one of the most ileli.rhi rl ! atlaiis of the week. The rooms dis played a simple decorative arrange ment of purple Iris. A buffet supper concluded the evening's gaiety. The guest list included Miss Allhen 'Minres, Miss Alnriorie Marvin. Minn i'ii.... ( arson, Aliss Esther Carson, Miss Alarv ( reed Howard, and Alessrs. Don How ard, ( lnrenee Walls, Frit. Slade, Curl Ciirbiebon, Kalnh iiiooren n,l Hun !,',. The Putnam miosis will leave ll,-' morrow lor their home,, Mrs, Piitiiiniil ami nor sumii pnil) V1,l, departing at! the niiue time fur an all summer's stay I in the east. Mrs. Putnam will attend ' the tilth annual alumnue gathering 0fj her class at Wellesley. Airs. Putnam' was leader of the famous glee Huh' during her years at. this institution,! and was prominently identified with its sociul and athletic life. She will pass the greater part of her time with her parents, Air. and Airs. Edward llin-j ney, at Sound Beach, Connecticut WINSMESALEMlSr POPULARITY IN FILMED Miss Marvell Spencer Who Loft Sale,,, Ttt v Ago Now Plays lmi0rtantl;() ' -A Student at Saciv.UIeai.t Aca.w:? to Fame Gained by Hard Work an,, ' Unspoiled Beauty of Youthful Star. ' ' OiMi can nover tell iust where nH t,v to appear on the horixo, of ibli 8me o S,p'b yarn,, t n. Deeial t.a1en- .,.1.:"... ". .ot P.u' hc "ri'roval. nr .Vou."8 folk am ... 1 --"- v. nt.uiGvt-iHe.iii will he ts.i .i . JUPl wnat tli position. JuBt now we are hearinc a lot l plilc,:s th( in thi ,1 S Salem girl who is making eood in Fi n lanrl M:m"n Po Ideal corporat,d Compayf llliei' tti nT, . " fPencer, of 570 Union street hV, t u ngkter o California. She also has a sister living here vr S?tl,er bcig i h I, Jthcr, E. W. Sncnccr. Mis. sJ' r,'.'VIlB Minnie . ,h(' ten years, going south two years ago She . Wi,h h" pare i Z ! the pictures, -The Escapo-'and Typoattes 1 th T, hcre n, 'Do real reporters use that kind of paper to ,,; as we settled hTr . ,lT.. 10 wri'e "f much ij. cer as we set led back more or less comfortably 0B I L , ' , "S?('d Jtis ?P forth an armload of copy paper. "In t)icture?n? war r""e trunk and drc use those cute little leather hni P ,n ani 00 " m thev We assured the littlo ingenue that a wad of w' thing among the regular ones. Wr"rr,n6 Wcr M the Proper ''Very well then in that laso I'll co on " "To v, in St. Louis, Mo., and if you laugh the inter'vicw i oniuS"""11 t ,vas Ikw Once again we assured tho littlo lady that we ff'st t famous city so sho continued. w bt' Lun to ho , Wn rvirmnA In i v. v. .v u uiui, vreg io i m not trv no tn very young and after attending lUJ . ?. t. ,h'(lc my fcet-when T was turned into a perfect lady. When thev were snt .f ,i for 8om6 ""e I oenntne,nbexhtTr' out int ',ho " Sl "Wo finally moved to San Francisco, where we remaiacl ,r. , time ago wheu we came to Los Angeles among the iifZ Z 'I & slort players. That's all I believe." S J tnfy buscs 81 picture- A lit WJ .1 iin , xxi.i ic veuueu, wuv vou naven 't pvnn .,,.11,,- , . . have been born in St. Louis, hut. wl,l iL 1" ho start yet. Ton nay pictures, and all that sort of thing. y tom to 8 ""to "Well, I was born seventeen years niro and when T . . I made my first public appearance at a chu h POc al wl 1 " ''i'6 f1'1 thing about Mary', littlo 'lamb in a dress that t o7 trlij? IXjT shade and mado me look like a fcrruled nams,,! 8 1 0ut llkc a lamP "What was tho rest on the listt Oh yes, how did I come to co intr,;,, Chancing to go to tho studio of tho Feature Ideal, known n !P branch of tho Eclair company of New York. I thnmd, im,! , ' so returning next day I secured an interview with Mr. Levy, the wZl manager, and was given a chance to rehearse. I don't know h,u tl Ch of me but evidently I must hnvo made good for a short time afterward I . notified to report for work nnd after a few days as an extra tirl I was 1m in stock playing in the cast of such productions o 'The BoginaiDj T End "lted Tape,' 'Stepping Westward,' 'Bonnie of the Bairns'- etl ' Vt', ull I believe so if you'll excuse me now I'll dress fur the next scene'" "Just one moro question before we go Aliss Spencer," we Wistca "HW do you generally spend your time when not working Arc you fond 0 oul door sportst" "Oh yes I love to ride, swim, run nn auto" and here thi, little ingenue looked at us shyly, "cook." Wo left, but we learned before going that Miss Spencer's one ambition is to become a real idnr. nnd for a girl who iB us pretty and Killing to nrr thero is no reiiBon why she shouldn't succeed. -..-..(, I 'Me I Beaver State Printers I Society and Commercial I Printing. f Thone 1612. Eoom 1-3, Patton Block MRS. ANNA SOOEItS FISH 'Sorbet 1 Render ' Interpreter of The Dtumi Classes in Elocution and lnlei- prctation. PuWie ppealutig, , Bible llcadint. Pranutict. 5'J7 N. Liberty. Phone 2456-W t A. H. Kuzmarek, Mrs. A. II. I.nCroix Mrs. F. A. I .egg. M,-. ,1. . u,nill) )rHi -Mr. nnd Mrs. John W. Tt,mv nt v... gene, have issued invitations" for the marriage of their daughter, Beatrice to Lellnnd M. Cownn. of K,,l..m tul HIV Oft III V J I , . , .... ' " "'W"t IHU ' was a marvelous! ,""K 10 ".c n ""'"nt event of Wed- ...i,y evening, June S3, taking pluce at St. Mary's Episcopal church in Eugene. .. ",'.i,r uniiius 111 1110 le cate pastel huts and lilies of tho atlc, wm,.!, WlM(, ....,,. , brill' Wl"1''' V,'11 h of the ndal g,lW T,,,, it( ring.tenrcr made n love v i . f , ' .1 V ill tl WHIM- Iin- 1 ... f l"'11'""1' "hi-J l'ik hair bow "I've played the game of Make bclive Fur ninny, many years, And smiled ami laughed with .Makebelivc lo cover up my tears. Till now this game of Make believe 11ns come si close for me, That 1 can almost Make believe The best is ull 1 see." Sung this young optimist and the delicate uiy that it had not before, mis liny little eroui, of tiii,nbr lis. . 8. Mendenhall. Mxs. 11. .1. Mile's, I l rt ' l iarri''11 11,0 ril, 1,1 .1. .nooro. Mrs. A. n. .Moores, Seldom h,,v,. 1, V 10 l",r0"K''t C. X .Ireland. Mr. rl si 1 7 ."l0" ""V 'lecrations been sur- W.S. .Mtt,.lrs.C, Marvin.i ' I, , V, " '' ,T ."' ''"wt'on of I. '' '" "'" "Her detail was ner- Mrs. F, Mis. .1. Ihinlsal, Mi Mrs. Albert P. Hurst, of New York tHy, .and Mrs. L. llerren, of (Salem, are the house guests of their brother and sister inliMv, Mr. and Mrs. H. W. Hoi man, 78!) East Taylor street, Portland. Beautifully ingraved curds summi (Continued on I'ago Three.) sentiment reached her hearers er fiist smig pleasing the vs due to Iliurv Milk m kind of uleiiHiin. Hint ,.ii. , , h1 '" Kvf teiisti,.,. by the same ,li,Hy Vo.'inod """" ' '" Miss Mower is fortunate not oulv la possessing ,,tifl v,i., 1 , 1 lias n most pleasing personality. 1 ' ,.v , ".' 1 , 1 '"" "U" W.o is totally unaflWted, her Vi.ildisl, lei . ' . ' . . IV . '"r"''"' rp.ut earnatious presented her lit the c,.J, i. ' ""'"" "i nag-; ....... ,,,,. ,, ,, acr singing. Much of the ni'tisticnoi.n ni' tl Iduvcd MiNH Flutter'- 1 " Mills ttln.l in perfect sympathy end ncnud , all ' Z''',, , n'!i",.',,' "' ! giver, in tpiite as ecd,ible a nmtln'r asThe "e trn 11 script um be,,,. Miss .Mary .Kchult. and Mis 'i v,,,, 1 ' mediate ovation at the fi i si, n , ,,. V,, ni, ! W,M;, J'V"n in' l Lucia," and were obliged to 0 , , ' ' ' ""'T' ' " ''"" lor Mis, FlowoY in seru. of her nuinbe s, f ' f ' ' h'" "l". r t Ii'l" 'i'l' " ' '' " ' j 'rgu jo ning them in the las. uccomiianiine ,,. T,H, J " "j I 'l'" .'...nposed of Lena Dupertuis .lasper, l.eita HVe, , 1V , J Xl ""' " '' '' ! erHo,,, llurel Mclntire .Nugent, sopLuos; U j ' ' 1 tl l ,ie , ' n"U I Aent Nchaupp Frickey. ,er.,., soiinmus;, , "r,,,, , 7V The ushers were Missi's Avetil llnrrl. Pl,. !. i.-.,, .. .. ! 1', Alt. Jones, Huth Fugate, and Alessrs. hun wZl&r 'Zi Max 'ai"" '.TV.--: :W itSikiimur--'-- Local music Invert ira l.ll,ij . . r,.. . . splendid presentation of Mendelessohn's "Ellhh" Vr";,rr(lcric S' M'ndcnl 1L of Willamett Univer.ltr t , .t of en. hundred tw,nty,lT. Tolcc, XM last nitTy S,'.. 1 b cti ihcaii to . C I 0 T H R . ON YOUR WAY THROUGH THE WORLD-DRESS WELL 11 the , , t In rllTSS Wl'll W IT costs only a reasonanie a ' - days. Twenty dollars buys a womlirf u f style and value in a suit. That is true csihcmii suits we show this season. nrinHWpr. Kincaid & Company!' t, . 1 t tb.iie tiVtlillR'tS i'ntl suns, i urcnase one vi im i---well dressed. .1 you II w 1 1 I ;