Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, June 05, 1915, Image 1

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Leased Wire
Today 's News
Printed Today
VV 0 IJIK !J II If I! ti H iTVl Ffl UJSmX . II JIM ff
TurnTv.iripnuTrrr .&si&M . ir -ski' AvlLIL iLRJLI! I
TWMIMICDIPAMOJiMini.Mr... - ,u tt H .r N Hill
1 1 IHIl HUH fill .UIU I lllulul I ill . '""-'"miy
H ii iiiiuiiunnunMMUII
6n an hnkU StatesSendMessageofCon
aSha .on to Fatherland With Special EmissS
oan ryDeshnedToEeco fa Financial CeLr
World At Close of War and tape Mast Ban foe
lillle Mountain KinsdomMav
noi tnter War On Side
of Allies Is Report
By John Edwin Nevtn
asluiiKloti, Juno fi. I'rosi,l,.,it Wil
711:, r n-'me. 7 Germany, in-i ho.,, j" moment.
i'"lermi (.overnment that no h '.' "" ""nation,
I 111 I II I I . . I ut...
'liplonmt who believes
answer trom jfij.
ii to-
war oirele has
approve,! the
his usual
was mi-
' '"i".....uey tailed.
luero ernios
"'""'I f its international richtu
up mspntened to liprli
The president today
. "'. f.fF "1S fPJOindi'r before leav-
j ", .," "" Jiuuse . for
.iiilnuinhilp riile. Th(1 not(i
7", ' 7, t0 ,,U! "'a'" 'li'PniUnent
'' n I'oiifidential messon.;,.,. Tho,.,.
-"y Hr.vn approved and skuod i ,.. '-v H, v,w- '''"iViallv ox-
'"partincnt offieinls to be ended I !, ' m 1'er anlannnists
. '"' "ft of the prpsidoufs r i ,, " "Til"?, Ihn '"'"""
'"'to i in tin- hand, uf VL i , . I " 0,1 ,m",t'. .
'imsp,- Von Jni'i.im- f. .;,., ', ! '"""ii'.v IppIs that
iw.ie Ht-Mirps 10
ill. vm Tim ir t
a l,v !""u, M,n" S.-The
'iJ finally Italv. ,1,.;
idp of hp nil" ,'"n",,,lJ"t""i on tlu
H or flip allies, ,.,.,.,! , , riv.lt(1
' Vic-es hue today, liu,,,,,,, is 1 , '
o have ended all neKo.iatioH. 'l .
a, HeK,la was demu,;,,,l l,v t , p
t" , ; ... ' ""'K' " tl,"" tor Hip trann-
wiJ-! i, ,, , ' ; "'"'trv are d.vj
iarnd to
Hut all. ,Y'! "I""1 Unmania's refusMl
il... t: . i to nun I in nlll.,o ... .1... .
In Krop , ; " ' Uav si,b "
Jf ;lipj;"a'y seeiires its hoM-a'ad'o :,,',TI!;' '? f the atmmpt to i.
" a, envies here nrfl PU,,f,t i ''!(' liniiiaiiin to pnter tl... L...
; '"'l""-'"n.p will inerpase rapi.lV u. ! ,',:'t''r A.tro-tie,,,,,,,, vietory t,.,
' '' , 'K.,.is of final P,:ia,i' ns 1 'Z""'-Vsl
' no i up war.
fun'! Ali. J
"u, oiiu oucmanne
forces Determined to Turn
Tide fcf War
Desperate Attempt To Over
wlieLn Enemies With Last
Desperate Rush
Installing Canning Equipment
and txpects To Handle
Loganberries Extensively
Kxtpnsivp iirpimratioii!. -
pan wrence of
lt, la f. .1.;..
ho U'hitP ir,,,,., r,r. Hi.'in nnvthi,,,, r. "... ,'.'"""5
";':U!!" ."t 'ho iei,lp, eon e 1- 7' ' (n'"1. ' " '" view that ,
the first note which was delav , i' ' M I. in-
'inxiiiissHm and Kivp on, i Wish-i t p LjV ' "W 'h-om
i'itn Imforp havi,,,, ., ..,.' of "ip spns.
"lonet offj,ils tl, , ,,, praised sti I Vl!n"',IK n"T !,t n 8,n'"l-
n " x n ' "MIIMllIllCai 1011 tlr o,w... 1. i ' i.u hjiih m,
'"''"I. It was dpplared to be a states.! ." "" ' r wa-v' wit'' 'his ari.
'".in nue iloi.Miment, cprlnii, to nnlel it meomtor.
Iilma the position of the ;,iPli Stn' u- . May Act A? Mediator.
on y 1S (iprmany firmlv told U..it I V-- . "oti:1or from ,ip Cpr-
IV fuiled States insists ' p Z I 'L K not
riKht of A.norioaiis to travel IV 'l tV'"" ,h United Stato, is
wnue in thp belief that this Rovpri.
U will prnteet tliem, luit respoiisl
, i' '' a t'tPak if uiip eomes j.
1 norely at (lermanv
Mtfflil tEADEfiS IS
r.oadon, June fl.-Mv lu,iH,.r-M
war niaehine is o,v Mriki..R at his
nu of pellt,3 will, all resourePs at
its eoinuiand. t'pou l,h the eastern
and w,,,erf '
A determim.,1 ,ffllsiv ls ,
. , aehed aKn,ns, the ll.i.is , ,, , '
pres. Dispatenes rpeeived today tl,
a n wal of the vie,,,,,,,- i....:.i.. ,
lllenl nl' II... I)-:.:.. . ' iU(l-l
" "' ,il- JIIlllNII I, Il.u 'I' I I .
'i' this uttaek is fr, i, ... ... .";!"""!' "r PrHiiiiinary
tho heavy nrtill,.,.,- " ""T I '"' tile ehief ,esire
preinises nn. I , .i ! .. "
niP.lt. for e ' " Wl-
zv::z:'' w fat
will 7 '"J"'!'"',""' "'''I ordPred and
will bp .nstallp,! within a pVt " k
or two whirh. ,vhe pla,,,(
for operation, will eym' .
I'lant ...to a eombination I'rnit driir . 5
l'"""- the pnrposp bei, ( ", ""',
!' Xoneral eanitf huHU
t'i. to and PonuPPtion with , fr it
-"""K 111 Which Utlrtr -mi.
''."''.'.Vtl- Plant has , ,,! :, '
elusively i tl. ,Mt '."V,. . ,x
of I'ortl,,,,,! ' " "ait'rn,
., ' " "" 1 "ii sine hlio i er
ninuner of the l ! r
fruits. W,""'-v
Hounds of Dead Left On Field After Furious Stabbing
Affray In Darkness f Sonchez Sugar MiB-Cermaa
War Office Adnnts J f,mA M
arily -Has Changed Hands Many Ikes in last Week
dniii) Ii.- How Kr I, . ..
throileli ....11,,,. , I. """I'" 'IPi Hint a L'enornl ,.,lv......
I i ? ireneiieM , erml ,,,.,. ,T.. . .
lean. t,ti,,,i. ... tl. .
dpred i,ft,., r. , ". was or.
dll,ro,o-l,f ..,...... " : """'oreompata
iri'inply stubborn dpfpnsp is hoi
eil.llllit..i. ri'l... . .
' Ji'siiit is in (luiilit,
Itatiaiii Begin Battle,
' . IIPI'IIHI llu . .. u . ..1 , i .
I. ., , louav in nn ",..
'! WltliPNH" Rtateine,,! , i. '. "
war offiep. " '
of small
At thp
It was pxiiivie.l I..
i n to be.
B"t the flit n t in
l I n nti.n 'i
Hnaitt'iin'iitH iiini
ii 1 riMll iitiint ..! i
artiiicrv . i,,.;,,,, i ' ,l,t '"'' r .Mr. Wiii.T- .. .,i ' t.. Uv
.''SiUMlSt tliH KlMflSi.. L .... :.. . IT"'111 "f H.HS.H-intl'H if In unl 11 i... "
.... . . ' m "'' UH S Mil, .ion, . " "ill HI ""ii II
,l '" 'iHJMOI'V t() II .ion 1 ,,.....1.1, ' iUIIIMIf
" i 'tniiiierr
('llit'limiiin m .
thp lefi,,., . : V"'."K."r. """'''t
, , ',M' i ren
"eriiian iit-atl. Thri
i '. "'""iiers. " li,. i'r,,..h
OSKes M'.lr.. .1 .... I , . . . It IH
... , , , UJ
'"'Mil in nn, lieiiiians,
I he mitnkirtii of thp
"'ip i list renehe, ,y
rrawiuiK tniiiiiuh
'I M il lllll III',.
i It i ii ..i' ti "i,-ttMi mo rrpnehA a. ...
''"'""'H .ar mill nt ,hZ M Z '"" "-f"n i 'bolni Z
''II buried :ioim
thnnsand othpis
inoro than
ites is Hip
Involve,!. W
sniKle worbl nnwer .
i ei.ueen,,,,, in ,,, ,.,-,,; ,t
Pr,a.v-:f,.epdo, of tlin upbs nn,
"iTiiiiinv fee .
'President Will Set Date For
Ind of War If No Agree
ment Is Reached
''' tin
SPns mill1 " nslllllL'ton. .Tun,, r. IT.' .... . .
il',, i ..ii.... ,. ii:; "... oi a.-
will, the 'nit,.,! """" ensp "' '"ii o neiais In , tl,
fiprm.Miv , "' -iie.vn o to eonler in ie.
, ,"".''" 't "Ppi'nrs, ex ts (o .ln.'ordanee will, (Iip siiesti,,.,, , , J'i
'";l"inn,ly f 1M, ,,; d"nt Wil,,, have thos fa ,n ' w ,'
1 """'e for the territory f these two 110 s
"Miinries now neeiii, l i . .: With t ie i:.,..
i-ckl.,,... tl.. ii .i: , . '.
nil i ii nn !i nr, ... .. .....i.
1 ,,r i , . 'f ii'siiii
I , -I mm . "iitpiesrs nainst Hnssia.
,. i-1 leans of Ainb
's door
May wait For Emissary,
U dh Ms rejoinder fiimllv. .11.. ,
'IP liretiilniil ni.ti.H.. i .'
1,1,1. ', ""'t'n in uie nn
'"" eai v IH nfi, , . ?
, . .. , . - " tv , (Muni, i is iniii nt
. hopeful that th,. l,..i.'
" is Ine presiilPiit's hne
do, ,,, i.. I rp'"-v fr,,' ('ii'i.ni v will t'"'ff, rpspiith.
first ;, , rMlm limn the
'"' ' ion ,ll make ,.i.ri..i .1...1 ...
"iieli imsiindersfandinir ,,J iieioli,,., ..... ,. """.'"".'l
""l"'-sii,ie. i,i, ., ,. ""'.v possinio,.,
,!."'.:-"-. "i-,'s it was .ta.ed JfZ'Z 'S? T
'f An.Ua,! ;:iP''rra .rillir,'''l ''''''''i'"' n,l point , the
"i Iterlii, ii, '"-'iisioni arrives "" i mai hp (iroppe.l usual ,m,lu,
ly ,(, " rosponso will uiloi,bte,.f'''"niininieation, using n,e faeiliti,.
V..Iiii,li( ; ', ''' "" """"'"P.'irlnieut, a, ilispat,.,iK
f . ' Mo" (.erhard tried oarMPstly.a personal mpsspnr to Uerliti.
l"'to,lt , ,7 l""l,'rs"""I'K and is ex- Therefore, ,. ,;,,,,, . ,
' upon the (ierman author.1 ! alip relations be w ! , '
''-i' l' ' o ess ri"A' f '""'''"K "veryil-aited States and (leimnnv wil ,
nn. , ,! ' ? ' i "' " f,w ,I".VH " "'"""-'i. At tii"
i'npressi,, ' ("'n""" ,'l"iipeti,,iis ""rHt tl,i noiilJ not happen fr six or
nit tn in,!,, , oaiiKers , mm i apy prpiint that
.. . ,.i,- nn,, aopes to .. ' '".11111111 unto iiisposeil of
uppeieti toilay ,hat the presj.
11 ''in will i vp most of his ,i,t,.i,tii.. .
bassatlor Von Tter.,. I !' '''xiniu situation Uli ,v;;i ..
,'ril i,.!u... 1.. , SI, tor tile time Mil, if tn I :.. .....
i,. i r ' iip op- it, . . , i . ' "' ' "i winen
lM'd opeiunir thp way toward n,,,,,,..,,,. ! i''ol'ionists most eease fil,.i,,
os tieL'oliations el, nu 1,11,1 Pmleavur in form a uii
Kovernmeiit. t wim ,t,..,....,.n..
VI leil tlt.it i: i . " . "
" ."lit'lill t, lln.
in an attempt to break the
I ron f.
only Ivoi
plant has a
"Kiir fnetnrv
the Freiiih ,'.,
Ileruiaii tiei.h'u
wreeki'd bv intillHv
nei'oiint latp,. ' ltiiil,N,,J
Will-.. ,i.,t..K...l -
.i i.-it wttr.t t.iii.i.t ... t. .
w.ltk .1 . . ' . ' '" OP
Of (h
..... , i. , . . . '., will
" I" Pi'i'pipips of thp president's
sate,,,,.,,, PiHK f.,r a restratio,;,;
II" ill take tl nttilinl,,, ,ow
"ver. that he has ,,t ,i.. .,'
, . . , j i , i i ruin
" 0 II (J I ltd I Hll!ioo uf tl, , I...:....
that he is Hie elioi.e i,f the maiorilv'
o A exiiaiis ), the prfsideney ami that i
the I nite.l Males should iwounizo him I
v itiuiiia s o mid in i-i tor
ondoa. but I'nriu i
i. new aeroplane , X,-, ,, ,.. i ,.
f, , " liMre,vp eampui,,,, ,,p
';"' Ill's launehe,!. It is , .,,,uiz,
I"' ' I nan nn altemp, to ii
,7 l'alli,,, ' '""Ii of the offensive
n or way striki,,,; froin . ,,,
It ia believed that de, ,, 1
" """d upon (he preseut ti is
a,; most uihai,,,, ,1 t,.
MOM 01 l,t.lm, .!(,,
l.ntih reports deelare eonditioi , in
"'".any aie rapidly lVo,ig ."rH.'
astie ,,,Mn,es hnve bee,, L,;, ,
. rN .... ""Pplii'M until t. ....' perform
"op. ine llrnish I,!.,,.!,,,,,.. ,
I""''"".' I n Mieepssful ,i ill,.. . '
iiii.Mi iu I,,.. i i ' '"
V , ' """innnv
.111 I I I'll 1
...... ... ..,.,, ,.r ,vn r,,,,,,.,.,,.
i iiii i oiii iiinieii wild ,, ,.
no. in ,ae nation
II liort ,.t- ti. . riii,..i
The' pv ,.". 'I, , il,V; ".. . " ''.'". ''""-i Dip
Inilv '.. I ...... . . ', ' . '" urn iiirprte, their
.". Proportions T . ! ' ? . ' I wan h ' "i "HH ..n',." "I!
'"-.vintf will be i ehara,. ( " 'T I ruin, of th, ,,, , 7' ,' ', '
ten'1 ,",7'i"M,,", -ti.l!hiv ;'"" HtPimriL'h , ,;:,;?rr;:;:
apa le ,,. who is nlso sii,,eriiiteii. lh" iHlnpkinu; foree J i, 1
ixhc f ,h .'v.!!h' f'iV" 'uh win, io'f . :r
boiup, June li.The ,ki f . .
-ln of bVneri,,, has b ' . f"r
Alionii an, I ii,.,.u,.,.ii...i .h .
d whtl,"a'"K"m"! i t'""l"lr'1 ""V'- n
I", while a seenml fr,,0 rH,i(1v
va.in., over ,, inountHin'" 1:
so .oops are now moymg frw(r,,
'ri.. i . .'iiiermt
i mi losses on it, . ,
fit ii ( i ti u cm.
henvii.r m.... . " r
., ' ' ""V lIL'llt nir In. ,,.,.,
"'if aerosH open spn to J . '' rt UHJ" ""'I Unlinna lo dute rl,
'''"Ts in ,,,ki nn H1Vll;;r;;n
'i" wnr offiep
I lll OWll
llllf III' Hleel
liorlH lil....L.,.i.. i
, . . i - -.. ...... ...nn-ii, llfu.
" J-:-"'"" '."" bv the llritish
, 7,;''' T,"',,, '""I "riii- internal
, ' ' 1 'oils tlpvelupinn. f, Mm.r
.. . ,.,e oropreii a desperatr
".: """'"no in,, alii
...,,i., oi mw ions rush
irooi l.iii.liin and
tentiiui uf il,,. .,,
il the ,.,., ' 1 """'I Nlates ' o, a nrean, the time of pe.ve
'ft'vt i 'o l"! '' llnvp '' ttl,l,"""'hiir.
war piok -pi. " , -" n.v aner the
trom I'r
.1 i.
'"Unit, on is
to nveive lillle ,oli.,i,ei,iti,i
's Ill MiImi,,. Inst,..,,!
hp will muM-pst there
tn I niiaiiza b
s 1 "iiiifry js i
ayp pointed out that
f,aii, i.,i " 10 "e 'he worbl 's
I"""" is rPs 1,'"?"' y',r" "f,w
"btnin f,, i . "in i.eruiany must
c.,,,., ..... . , .
. """"'I 10 rtf
nor fiireiin tn.,1.. n...i
wnr may be.
Oiilerg in Council Next.
" 'I'iniiuistrat on . . I
,. . . . . .
Jf the
lale for the iirpsi
tllliolial eleitiuii (
rPMilntioiiary armies
S'tious bread lint
many .lei,an , iti,..
aues reeeived hern.
it is
is no
omini! a tain-
leni v in a eoiisti
bp Ind, I alter the
have eeated fiijlit
are net ii rriiii- in
or.lii'i; to mes- i
The IVi.n.l
lllllllli I..I its f I1,.. 1 u t.. I. .1. . I
si i rv i n if tiiuiiMiii'ls
the nbspiiee of hi
tuitions of Me
avai. la, He, however.
tit -
by a
inn inn in., t
snl primr P .. ..i... . . " "I" '""
i. e neneveil tu ni, .
Ilieneed the kaisPr in ehoosiiiL' the
p vsen, timeforthe delivery of l
blows auainst his , ii..H. The llerm,,;,
K.Mieial slat) believes that i,H m,.,,v
o! ani,i,i,,i,ti ,,, ftt I,,.,., .. I
Kipaler than lint of th,. jt.;
I '"'" "an be no diribt ,,, , r,,.
''J'""" livioysl by the Austin.
' nans has had treal eff,.,., ,.
;' '""inn"'. Holl, Uumaiiia d
. !!!,,,, a ip . hesitati,,,, tll ,.,,.,. ,,.
w.". llu. barest dlspntehes deelare .
maniaii .-t:,le,ieii are seriously ,,..
''M"" 'I '".fliet illiuieiliiilelv
nn- nii. i,i in,, allien.
The oiiliev ul lire,.,.,, : ..i., , .
" i....i ii ii 1 1 1.
Just "Temporary Bajm Berlin.
-ill nfc, . sppwmty U " "u. i tho inili. "'to m. vm wirPleBN to Undon, J,,,.
"ii or tnis variety f p) f i( , lien the (ieruniM fiBv wl,i,,,,, I lv,. " " ' ,h "'""-fc
'"" '"I"1" "f by.prod,,,., p;Bi, i," M't was- eertain they f ! I ' Y OPPopM-. the ruin,
""d he hopes ,t ,,. ' , ' onnter atlaek. and th I.V ..... . rft I. ... "' R?p """ Kii"he . i.
'.in lie nun p where ,,. 1.1. ,.i. .. ..- "iininir lieuan r,.ul,.,i . .. . , from i
.... , . ., ....ni i-.,, . , i "I "ii, ruses innnv
'in I I or I in ....... .. .. I tnillllL' I Hi tin I.. ,,. . . ... I
N,i i i.....:. .. .. " '" me ;,,, ii, .... .. i, . mi .nn, i n
,. " nl11", WillaniPll,. Val-'ev, ,,. ""'"I'l'in minle their
l; , .V " " '""""'"" and ,,;, , , ".,.. 'V '""1" ''-
1.7 .,' '"'"' .s assiieiatmi, pii,,s,.i , " " " "Pimaus eiim,,
I"""!.' the eouiin,, sens,,,, , ' I, , 7 ''N i""'1 ""' ,',,m'" '""I'"'! i
10 '"'"P'.tl"' '"'"si improved uie o, , ,. ' ' T''1 i.l.V Miv I
"'aporal,,,,,. s dis.'overed a , , , 1 '"t" ''"' ,! bo used, , ,.Hy
vPlopPd hy . s. .. . 'ni' , In "out Iiu; troop, ,M,(,,,,
Krnwpra' nssoeint i,,. T. s,.,V , to .. l?. .""!'"",'- "i-nnaus
Miorat,K p,py'B ,11f ,,,., 1 , Y ", w ihilraw iliiri,,,.
''i P'Ul III nil 1'lir.iul .in
lit "Insod l'P"nod in,.... t . ""."''TV i
Il j. n, ... . """ ami the
"i ni-ii' n III
"n thp eiislni,,
M'erinaii. fl)r
i P'oisri'ss towiird
front, the Austrn.
.mainf rapid
mill's ens! of .' ' . .
,, , , ' ".", "i ,r i'
i". it i.eiiineri, if
tpir udvane.
a stilted.
, pan or the season last year but
""'.II I'll IV II 111.. ...i.u
'. n. II -nil,
Kaiser Given Ovation,
""illn, via Th li
r Wil """"
'" fpeni lOllny ,
rs mid iiiu ii ti (.,.
in driven nut f,,r
new iipiniaii iin.ii;
Olid linn
ontlniioiisly Ihriii,,,!,,,,,, ,1.. 1 i,,,. ... ..
p.'ople. " " ! I """i tin. war of-
I, , ' ' """Ill'r """"I". mad,, bv
1" ' "o, us ,,, ,, mi,,Mr , ...
j .""'" "'-'o repulsed with heavy
j losses, it wns staled,
I hiive , alien a (lerniiin position
oi th ,ii a nbnief south of Suehe,
, ;,"il" ot Arras a heavy nrtill,.,.. .1....1
.."K,,ns, I II
, I'lared,
,.e 1 1... 1. . ...
l'i" bio yietorv , ." ".rr r",l'i"f
-i". pnthusi,,;,;,: , nrr: Lr
'.'""'"P" and at "a l, h.
'0 hy 1 1... -t.. . & . .
tonsteil il,.. a ........ . " orripprs.
"Win . """"an forees.
" "h ri.-lit on . .,.1.. .. "
"...lllir l,.,..l ..!........' wn "
, ii-iiirv
Tht arrival
oviilio,, ,v
""il alteiiile
"In red,
tli" iniser
'onnniiiiiipie i.
Orook King giiffora ReapB,,
"" '"" Kiiijr f
1 11 i., u
1 "i; u 1 tic n t
",o time
1 . 11. ...... .
mnirn ii.it ti.. n.-..- . s I i.nn.. ia:ii nn.i..
"."in n. ti.:;: . " ,,nns" or'b'r in vuiiuii" fitiyiv rr i iane
--.IV- iiiu fin nn si, .Tn.. ...1 w
j' . '"tit HllflK
iatortV e ' ' ,,7r 'r1'8 h'"u'' nfl
ineri'p ti. .. " """'ii.'iui coin-
o delay ,ll I,,. ,,,, i''i '-I Kine iWiHtiiati,,,..,, ),,,Vl,1.1 n ; p .
" 3 v s i sv .... ; "w""s 10 uiuose Active
... 0 iiuurs.
Turka Are Attacked.
A,lM'''"" "' Nnpporteil bv a
''"v.v lie fiom allieii'wnr
nl Irene,, f,,,,.,,, ,,, ,,,, ( "
,.. ; '.",. peniUMiu
..,......,1, mini Alvtili
A hurried non.
iln-steii.ii. ........ .,
11, reh. wi,' I.,.. ... " 'V. ""'"'iK Ihn
'"ii", was ,.,i,,, ,,!, ,
sor . I .: '
n ,, ;; , , ., "P""i"lit.
'"' P" 1 f "r ine, I Then. ,', Wi"
...lieati,,,,.,.,. ,!'7 ril""" that
! pleurisy f, u I, i .. 1. 1 I "". 8 r""''lt t
.. . ... " .... I, III
ror Ht.ti.u
l-ater Prof,...
"'"Jesty is Hiif.
"iai"l"is in ,,, .:' " 0t """'i ''""I
"'.ip, int. V, ' , 0f A,m'r-
"se , a V f f,'p VM"' 'iP'Mi the px-
i 1 win III 11 11 11
Amends For All Reverses
Says Ex-Sea Lord
alem Furniture Man To
Visit East With Family
"'"if irritntin.r
'Ml te.l !.. .,. "
iol.ls is bp
prnetipp has
lied forees ill the I;
thud. June 5."
""lite, in , , . " I ..'" mis : "n " '
'"'I 1'ia'ii 1 A""'r"'n'i "nptaius heini! " " f"w miles f ,1
.'tiny I'll
alp with
Ii 11. tlii.-
as prisonpis aflpr thp
lu re.',.l.
May Mean End Of War.
"1 1,.,. 1 1
'"r sin,
'' 1 1 1 ,
'.""r iiniiiirtinii .
'II '!" lllll' I, 'II, HI'
"Kill 111117 .ll' "I,.. L' ....... .
I ..... , "' r.....'..'llll
hi ine 1 it,,, lStntc.
"". -"nee i, .,: t
Will 1 .1 11 "" ,:"'i
iiierel,' . . '"'''t 'lotinile step.
in th "ard preservim, P"nee ho-
In, ," 1 "':! Htat,,nn. .ermanv.
Thi, ,' ."n,lll-' th" war.
''pi r:,"r"ri ii-
i,,i,,,iN ti 1 ""a red ! t,,.r' '-
l''t'hi",f I"'"' '"''W'-n Hip dis-i
en.., 1 ".nnril.
w nr has nut vet seen
I This ntic the statement uf U'i,,-tu,,
1 1'liiinhill, former first lord id' ,l,e nd
' miialtv and now eliiiin elli.r fur tin
Diiehy of I .ti inn t it. in :iddie--iiii; 11
hii;e piiihiI ntlpiulini; 11 pntiiutie meet
iiill here tuday. " U'hen this in t,.ty
Pomea," ( 'Ii 111 i'Ji il I piintiniipd, "it will
111:1 he aineiiils fur all our re er. . "
I'hiiri'hill said he did tint belie .-p imii
si't'iption wmilil be iuse.,sarv in l.ni;
"Hut if it is inipieibp to win with
out it. then 1 will support c.ii'frip
t ion. ' ' he said.
I W. W. Moure and family leave
eveiuin; tor an extended i.i, lu ,
I ions point., in I ',,),, md,, and K.i:
1 with 11 return trip iueludiii s.1,1 l)i
and San iiiie iseo.
This is Mr. Muoie', fir-t O-ii
Kai,as sim e I,,. , nme to i,i, ,.j,v f
vent tiLM. This trip will if. !;: t
i- il with r.dalii e al I'r.di'u, ( :,
biuther nt ('riiu'oidin. Knnnis, ain,i
brother at lint, hi,,.,,,,, Kan-as a-,d
i !; to Kaii... f'iiv.
'1 111,1
M'lur a v i-i of ix weel wil
l;ei. (hey will tetiiri, by w;)v
l':l"l. TeX.'l". p, Inline; ever.'l! i
ibe Nm 1 ii no fair and the I'.i
r;i' itn' ext." 1 1 il.u.
M. M unie j f.de owner of the U'
W. Mnuie l'i 1 11 1 1 11 ,,. . . . r and "ine., r,
here five 'ears 11 ''o, ha lie, .
thai has been I,.',,.
K! ! i
H'S IIOIII lull .ten I
hree ,,.., ,.r, ,, ,,v .n,,,,,,,,,,,,.
Ilaiided al Miiious pitll dnrin,, t,
i,'lit. reports had been reeeived ti.lnv
ol l.l vessels 'flit to the In, II i .. .1...
"ei'tiaii sui'iiintitip war
ts hniil.,
Ine !ar-is. te.s.. ( . ,,
'"h '' I' hiiin. fiom New Vork
jo l.oiuliui, Ilie Inkiiiii was sunk olf
1,1 " 1 " I- N" wnrnilii; was (liven
Aller the ,.Vd..,l., l,( . ., ,,.!.,!
" " ' ' reinm lo Hip Ink
.Mien ,1 a::,ell,e. the ship would
uifiii' liau-i., nut the
nl a - liininiie 4 periseoi.e full, ,..,'. i i...
a ..". Hid espli.-iuii, eiiuseil r,.w to
rnv ,wn T),e Inkm,, W(., ,w
v-ll 'ii lh- -,' .mi, I lol,e,i ,t,ii,.l, .
'Tl tons.
id the IVflleh
h,,,'l"'l at liresl
nl. ''Id was torped
Meaning of Dardanelles
identify I il
fur the ,eveliiptu.), of the l it v.
iil.o a direett.f uf the Salem I
I'uiifi er. e. Mr. Mo'iip re. eni
.'lia-eip 'he rtronerfv en I 'mi rt
'.hip 1.' and
days is1
To Settle Willi County
M.... i
emiss'iru f ...
rn in I-,.. , '"'"'"'orff duo, f
in !,,. "!' "nauen until
'"'1" o, ,1 '?"r.latpr. l.'ivi.
'""r,"'d to V " " "" '"'IV '"' S,:lt" l:iiL'i'iiT.r I.ewii, n the h.'ii'l of:
' p,lbii,ie,l S'''''lni''''''1 n,'sio"t it the state hitl, way iluparttnent, li.nl ,i .nit
W h,,tl f. ' notified that the ( 'oiisnlidateil fntitriu t ami
I'. .,... , ""anv rPlllv nrrln,. U i.,,i,,i,,n. ulm... enntnu t I'ur the fun tin..
m ..ii nun a tup
... ".ir
known i the R.iwhtiiil Imi.
il'l' ,i- el'-ell e. the Im-ilie
ha. ."' uf t V, SI,,,,,,, .m l li
f v, li . ''! me well I; mm a
He iJ.
nl: Ol'j1
i' pur-1
s rent ;
es-'i I oi ,:
I'he ereW.
afield lies
Tl,,' P
l-lf. 111 the
Tliree tl .wl,
iy The rie
Ill le I at Low i
'.e; pirjie.l lip
a-tiTn d into
I rT ler
1 1. h, r ;,hi.
k m in
al mid
I and
the ele
:ll' Ii
'.ill I'" i
A W.i
The Weather
At the first meeting of ,p eii. ,.i,..
within the Inst t"r eomiinssioii, sinee its iippoiiiliiient
b Minor White ,ii tl it.. I...M i. .
""- i linn mil
(veiling, orKiiiii.atiiui was effeeted i,v
lion of Mayor Whit,, a. ..i.i:.
(. II. Van Winkle, vienel,,.;,,,,,.,.
and '. II. Hnbeoeb, seeretiirv. It ,
deeided to hol, another llieetili!; next
I'iu s.Iiiv evening wh,. ,, ,,vi.ni ,.,.
tlllllees, lo Wolk out the Vi.rl,.,,.
,"PP"l,rl" "f "' p'oposed tiew eity eharler
i.e iippniiileil and oriainzi'd for at tion.
'I he i hnrter i-ominisMuii, a, IMI., ,v
Mayor Wl.ii,. ,lv m M,,v, , ,.,p,HI,,
of Key. Iti' htu Tis. her. Key.
Av isoii, Itt.v Sliiel-U. h. II. (,ts. r i'
Iliibeo. k. Mrs. W. I'. Imnl, W. II. Thief
"I'll. I. II. Vim Winkle i, n l Charity '
I'isher. The ,iir,toe of the w.i,
is to draft a new ihurler for the eiiv l
provid,. rr a eoiniiiis.i,,,! f,,rn, f j,(lV.
ernmeiil, for subuiissioii to n ot f
the people at the Keuernl ,.j(v ,.,.,.i
to ff non, hi neietiilier. Ilnlv six of
the II mt-mbers of (he eomini-.i,,,, were
present at last niylit "n meeting ,llt jt
is lieliPved a full nit,,i,iee will mark
nil future sessions of n,,. ,,
Operations is Explained
By J. W. T Mason,
Votk. Jiiiie ,,
. . i" " "nil i-ini'
" I"""" "i iiiiliiiiiai moriile await tl...
.... . .nun or ine ueiiern bmbiioIi ,.t tl...
'It public,
'termini lend-
will iliereasp tin,
biiltleships are
'b'Velopiiienli, jn
,",, was
III". ( ollslllnliiKi
""Il in failure
"""-', i-i i iv i.ii,,... .,
. , . '. I, inn l'..
the most Ihi,,,,, i,..
liuiP. Annreheii.
i.uv aiu.
I,' ff,
K ' iieriii ii I it... I. : .. ,
P'onr,, M.fr ,,, in
"w interest is uroiised. It ... .
II will
1 led. If tli
"" mori'
"nsKp would re-
" ""'I. f nil. f,.l
"""'iikP tin- op,i,iHllli W1V
f "'" 'itlaek fail, ,hl,r,
L'lonm in., i fi nt . . ... 11
'biv :;..:',",,, ",VI" .""'
' U 1-lltlMITat t,
lllll "if 1 1,.
is were si, ul; during y,;. ;
w- of the 'essels were
'"ft last niKht nfti r be-'
bv other trawleis who!
"it tn es. npe the under ;
sank doriiiK the last Is
fiKhtiiiir is V i II a - .
The laninain,, UtWe A Din mflllnfC I lirh
" . '...in .' ,. .
nibbling whieh
wars. nhiiF.
,",l' "obi and
point, reaehi'd ' strurtimi of the I'aeifii' liifliway i r. f
forep lieuiii.
f,ti?f' Tr Ha, Failed
1 HIP rirn.rt..t if .
""pn.iied o . .., ",p"";
bp- I'olnmliin inuiitv was renidii',."l by the
fo Columbia rounty mint fur m,,i perfurm i
nnee of eontraet, is willing tn make o i
i ret, lenient of its differences with the i
iit'trnver.V is in ! f.,i
1.1. nd i li. 'iHi'n in th.
The enmt. imv ffir."'.. it i-
i,,.,l. t.i nf.pt M-ii'tr Hui'lbv
i-'tes nf the run,, net tine tlmei,
".I ooo ri a ti, in itn n in lmis r,f
1 nt and whn'ever differenres 11;
1 between this fiifurp and d
his not "..untv upon die Lasis n.1 turiner ninii trtntitii.' rointmitv rlaim
'" on 1 1 ""KIP damn thill". " w".v r.nitiiieernowioy s esuiiiai... ami , ariulr'l'e.i Willi 1 ni'ineer li"
"i statement is (hat of a 1 iml'""'i"nl' are that t his Luii .liuw n arl atrntur in chn f.
(aaoD u?
" ' t i UT Tltt tnll'
i '.' r ' V i"iK
liour were the Danish steam,.,, SuU.
dor and I yrus, hwedish uteiimer I. pp.
linn I, Noiw , Kutii steamer I 'nhiuio, Moi,.
(real liner lonn. Aberdeen steamer
1 hrvo.iiiiii,,, a,,d two el.li tiawlers.
llti'Kon: fair to
rii,tht and Holiday,
.ri.t'epiiiii ,i, ii,:,
,i mi more than a moderate iiiiiiouu.es
' K.iiiu'U I IIP lesil t W I...
,7","' ff-.M I f Zm.
"f ! ' "I"1" Hi" KiikI
i " inn, llien the
"'is in l onstiintiiiopli
.' ,""Pi-'.'."l-le that n B taeolar "''lain lh
- .... m ,.,p,.e,,. ,,v ,,, T)l,
"inn' n't r in,, ii,iii,j
n.t.ttni, . iij.i.t inivntii'e.
is similar to the
"" "'" wesierri Iroiil, The
immediate nbjeetive is mil ,,, ...l.l
on of tin, linidaiielles. ,
" " n.lvanee a few trem hes' ,P " 7'1"' '" llv"''1 "trikinjf a pedes-
..".irer the for,, finilio,,,. hos,. full i ' '' " '" t tho eorner of
never result fri.tn r. smule o,.r,,ii,, '.. " ."", 1 "inuierfial, about 2 n'elnek
M'tie i,,,K,,,( t,n, ,,,inrv ,. """ "npnioon, (I. . All,in, turned his
"" ' "".v of linni.,,,,, . ,"' ""' '"'" at lint l.add llu.h
in KiiKland (,,, ,,, """ 'omer and n, , ,ln ,h n.
"'ant, nople iiimpiiiKn. Vsi,i,ln H ,"l "ollideil with a
widespread be.au.eof Ihn ,lw ,j,u,.. Kr""P "f "it'"'ns who were atninlina
nient o( events i t. ., . .. .. -MUnu upo (ho eorii.tr. K.l
"liuimil naval ... "" !I"'T "b"riptiun oliei-
Darlaaelle, i. ihe . - "." ''"""a "' knoekeej
With Auto to Avoid Accident
uross Plunder in th
tempt (o foree the
Pnoisian Losima Heavy.
Amsterdam, mu IxiiuIoii. .Im... .-. .
. ontinoed watrn; .T'"' ' -,-,t"", '' r.i., ,
' Itermttn fa-rnlty b,ts. I'rii.ian losses
alone have lea.-hed a total of ,::ss,iiiio.
lleieni .M-llll II y list.
naiiif.s !.' ,:,ti airmen, nt wh in II
killed and .i.i wo. no led, the
10 beill( li,isilH,
noitlierlv winds.
tis-'ti t,r Ulnsltii, I ' I, nr.. 1.1 I .....i
sir .lolili lisher I.nvn, . Hd.uirally.
lh" failure of the Aniili, rre,,,), f,.,',t
to .lai.un!,. t. Turkish ,..f..H,., .ri.
"u"ly has east Klooin ver the lrit,h
whifh was le eiitiiaieil l,v tl,.. .i..i.. ....
til land operiiliiuia eo,l , K,rt,.,i. t
""W l WeeKi si
Tureen un,,.r Hir Ian
tlowti I.e tl,., , 1.:.... , .. .
11," husky runner from Ihe north end
if the eoiiiity, merely stuek out hi
hau.l and wartletl the oueoniiii "ng.
ernaiit ' off. Nobudy was injured aooj
Mr. Albiu was riiiiiiiliineiii.,,1 I., k:.
. , ,t t . ii .
"ii.l serious uipiry to
te.estrinn in the street.
ine the Ilr I h
Hamilton u.t.A si...... ..:.i. .l:.... ...
i ti
J If
The dPstrnetio,, ()f two rli.h