t;' Fall Leased Wire Dispatches Today's News Printed Today his 1 flavor find lj ie Oti. tonior. not P Yard With nA umlcr M( ""I, it wu I'liion Iroa ail'litiuml thon. Tk,. "at ojteB( ''ornpanv it t 700,000 ic Hlaa.lar.l mailer vii. is u being n Francis,) "If and u' home of Km. Cari 1, 1M5, nlcn Mfhiii c in Mil. dio wrlm illogo is in orks lo jar go. Mat RNYS1, j raadMl ckSA & Kt to Bold IWIM ,e market I chil(ir-'n' iiikcr ai"1 iday. en's 1.00 Co. mill fi n iiruinn m htmmm .msr- ....- ,. mtwocehm ... HILL All IVItAllU U T BS. 1.1 1 E E HERSELF UNLESS A Mains Must Act For Relief of Prostrate Country and Establish Central Authority Or U. S. Will Settle Chaotic Conditions of Affairs With Arms If Necessary A Dozen Americans Killed In Last Few Days At Tampico f'oinlitiinis in Mexico, which ('resident Wilson say are intol erable and must ho relieved, or tln 1'nite.l Suites will bo forced to consider ine'Uia oC helping rave tin1 country, aro: of Mexico's population of lo, W.Si lfss than 150,000 aro iin.l. t arm?, but the remainder fin ing starvation becu'.iue, of the practical cessation nf business. Ti; !' revolutionary armies in lie ticld; General Villa anil Zapata supporting convention rule; (lenotnl Carrasizn, with Krm'.ul Ohregon as his chief nontenant, fighting in his own interests. t'nrriinza's provisional capital at Veihi Cruz; convent ujiiista pruvisiounl capital at Mexico City. (ieneral Zapata in command nt Mexico City; 'Villa at Chi tn , ii ii 1 1 it ami Annas Calientos and Ul'tcgon near Leon and Vic toria. A -.- 4. -r , Washington, June 2. A aooiand that Mm ot the warring factions in Mex-' no ait together, anil promptly, "lor , td'wt and redemption of their pros- if: ..v .murtiv was inailo bv l'rosulent "iw ulay. '.'iilew U done the -Cnito.d States ro rcvtvn eunipletely its policy of "watchful itaiting" south of tiie" Kio!n'," (rnriue, Active moral support will be! . ' HevVi . '" .' ,.K "" "' lie, f , -IS T. " " I .?,0,"t':,,naJr.'"?t,',n8' . ' i factions . ",ul'' 11 " " - ' 1 ll remain obdurntn in the fimo ( l,nt t-,i.;, , ; '""4 " " tnent winch will emhodv the real oh but ter 1'resident Wilson to se ect Mex-1 i..,.t nf c,. , l ,.: i I o s man of iron." plaeo him at the lean of n government which shall have J tiie support of the I'nited .States. in w,o tins may be, tho White ""if" is silent, but it is believed the I'fMidi'nt litis the man in mind. The president 's statement expressed "tily fiiembhip for .Mexico and' regret tr her plight, Americans desire nothing 'r themselves in Mexico, lie said, but thev deem it their dotv n frienil., nml iiiigiinots to ;i 1,1 tiie warrinir country in iirnmn .. ' is " ' '"i.-uiiiiionai government. In tin ii en review of the Mexican sit t ratioii the president deela re.l the lues onditimis can no longer bo tolerat I nh'ss action is taken by the lenders, ' president gave warning that the ""'M Mutes will "be constrained to '."''"'" what menus should be employed " "Her to help Mexico save herself ut'l serve her people." Tl,i'i president's statement and ad-'totiiti'i-i to the Mexican leaders, issued "'Iji';, follows: "1'or more than two venrs revolu ""'" conditions have existed in Mex- That Germany's Food Supply Is Becoming Matter of Grave Concern By J. W. T. Mason. York, .r,,,,., o n...ma,.iu i. ,. " "'t, that table d'hote dinners, the "'""'"I c.t,Mi be not ,Prv(,(, hl,rp. or I.-, anse of wnste, Is one, of a mini i indi, ntions that the internal sil A.vi'' '" 'l',,,lr,,i"l the government, "iinl,''' ' ,1" I"1"!'' abandon is iosible in favor of vegetables '".'Kcsti, ,IMt ,,,, ,)t boi(1(1 j. w J or roasted, whereby the meat will '',,'" '''"'I'ti'm. re other indi- KnC n MUnt f""'' "'I'P'y "'t W ,i','r""" ,lu' '"I'litions are can- i -rnrer,, '" "'," "''T' through gov J St.. I, . ,.",.H,i''' wl'i' h are aup- "irvsi e " not believed that t,,t ,." upprnnchlug it is certain " ""' ' 1 cnn.f... 1. a r"'rti,a ,t, : . " ",,U,,V . . l ml,. 1 '" r-ngiann causen oy Ti '"'"""me warfare, 'j anki?"".'"''' "u,,nti')n undoubted !V felt otnong most .if r ' T Of Cottnn n,t..Ci ' - . . MIS. hi Mn.nl,.. ..I iit-.j " "uiui now in lip r tk,... ' ""a mills probably closing. .""in l'"'Uard nut .;...! EXPERT'S OPINION L LEADERS AGREE The tinriioso of lli.i r.,v,, I, ,,;,, ...... tn ii. I Mexico of men who ignored the constitution of the republic uml used their power in contempt of the lights ot its people, With these purposes tap (people of the l.'nited .Suites generously ,-:, NipnuM7.fu. nut i an leaders of th f I revolution in the verv hour re their ! success have disaureedniiil turn..,! th..ir jnrms against one amKher. All pro- jessing to have the same objects, 'they are nevertheless unable or uiiwil ling to co-operate. "A central authority is no sinner set j up in Mexico City than it is undermined jam! its authority denied by those who jare expected to support it. l "Mexico is apparently no nearer a ; solution of her tragical' troubles 1 halt 'she was when Ihe revolution was first 1 1.. ; ,i.ll... I .....i i i. I i.ii.i nui- mm ueeii swepr oy j civil war as if bv fire. Her crms are I .1 i i a- . i . , . ! . ' i hi hi i im en, ner noius iinseetie,t nnd work 'cattle confiscated for use by the armed j factions; her people flee to the mouii- tains to escape being drawn into tin- i availing bloodshed and no man seems to see or lead 1 ho wav to peace or set- I tiers. " there is no tironrr nrotection eil'oer for her own citizens or for the citizens of other nations resident and at work, wiinin ner territory. Mexicn is stnrv ing and without a government, "In thes" circuNistnnces the people nnd the government of the l.'nited States cannot stand bv and doing nut Ii - ' ing to serve t.ieir neigliliors. They want nothing fur themselves in Mexico, I.eist of all do thev desire to settle her nrs tor her or claim anv rlitht to to lo so. Hut neither do thev wish 'o t"i" 'ome upon her. and thev deem ,ll"ir ly. s f"''"'l '"! neighbors, I'" ""1 ny aid thev luoperlv can t, . an v uis riimi'iit,, ,1,' tt'lii..;, iii-nti, unu i.t , .' --. i , "... . ... 'government mid right for the people. "Patriotic Mexicans tire sick at heart land crv r.it for peace and lor even- sell-snciifice thai miiv be uecessnrv to procure it. Their people crv out Their feople crv out for food, ami will presently hate as much as thev tear every man, in their coun try or out, who stun, Is between tin ill and their daily bread. "It is lime, therefore, that the gov ernment of the I'liited States should 1 1 ninliiv stale the policy, wlncd in these .. , . '"' ,M 'i : ,-im-hmi,,,,,, ,, ,m-,.,mih- - it duty to ndiipt. - llt in it do what It has not hitherto - ; ''"" '"' ''''r ' liln'rty to do. lend its in live inor.'ii support to some mini or group of men. if such may be funid, who can rally the suffering people to their support in an effort to ignore, i they cannot unite, the warring faction, retina to the constitution of the repub lic, so bun; in abeyance, and set up n government ut Mexico City which the great powers of the world can recog nize and deal with; a government wit'1 (Contleu'd on Page Five.) Sab?.sifan Leading For Los Angeles Mayor T.os Anvelin, Cnl .Tune Officinl Count of the vole in .'1.10 precincts W'dny ilnv gave rr.iice Cliict rt'oasnan n iu " 2.7.11 votes over Couiirilmnn Will f fen ill the mnvoru IV ;'are. Tiit-ee liundic ' nreeincts ,'live S.'bll lillll 2s,7lUI lllld Whifi'en 2'i.ii27. .lohn Snowden. Whit fen's irmit'it.ii marfRer, snid: "On th fnce of th.' n tiirns nt the city hall, in dicaiions are that Chief Srbar,inn ha been elected nuivor." There are 2.". pri'circ'.i' yet to be hcurd from. ri.. in worked bv Italians w arrive every season and afterwards re turn to Italy. The woolen industry depends InrgeH on importations. The woolen mills by now have depleted their supplies. It is estimated that Oertiiaiiv s in dustries are approaching n point where they ore oil per cent below normal. If this be true now. the economic ulna tion will soon reach B stage "I K'";'1 danger. Italy's participation in the war eliminates Oer.na.iy's imports by wav of Austria and SniC'Timd. Th" Oermnn capacity for i.rjn m ..iti-n if ... . . ii.l. is reached when Bllinnu I'm " , .i...... :. .l,i,, that can be organize This explain" ""'' .. .' . . ... ..i:.... i, , nlunnrine which ' , , , ,.r willingness to abandon submarine act.-.- . .. .. ... ,..i..:.. nw com- 11 ,! .1 - t TUtt ;,li..io,,. is that 111,11 i ,r. ro .-uu- flcrmanv - -- dnmestii' sifuaiion i ' ' more alarming th.it the military mm. uiun liilivi ULM'ULi1 A Trnn ak m-k v n , Heavy Rainfall Makes It Im possible To Move Heavy Guns to Heights Eonie .Tune "-Italian batteries post ed on Monte Altissimo ure shelling Mon. Ihe railway bridge has already been wrecked and the station badly dnmnged reports received here today do .'hired. Heavy rainfall Im, m,i0 i, im. possime to drag Rns through the mouu tains to shell Hovered,, from the Zuimu heights, which were announced us hav ing been captured yesterday but the Mori bombardment Iuih been maintaiiieil with little interruption. The AubI riiius are entr Michel in the Mori region behind piles ,u- rucks hur'-'d down from the inniintnin sides ,y Inod slides ceatuiies ngo. n the rear' of the first lines are additional rock barri er, les, extending from Mori to Hover odo. From behind these fortifications, it is realized the Aiistritins can play niacliine gun fire down the Adigo vai "ley with disastrous effect and mu4 therefore be shelled f.-inn their prec.ent positions before a serious advance is at tempted. Officials dispatches today report no resumption of the Isonzo valley fightinc but sutinfuctory progress is siiid lo con tinue on the Tyrol-Trentino frontiers. Little Kingdom Makes De mands For More Territory, From Austria Loudon, June 2, Rumania is making all preparations to enter the war. All dispatches received here today agree that K ii n i it ii id litis deiiiiinded terriUiriHl coiicessiiins as the price of continued neutrality. If Austiia rejects the de mand lluiiitiiiia 's entrance on the side of the li llic is considered certain. The war party is now twinging ex treme pressure to bear upon the govern ment. It's Iciiilcm insist the ilemands be pressed uml the situation is describ ed as extremely crilical. llciliu dispatches today corrohornted reports from ner capitals that Hu inn niu ileiiiiuiileil territory in return for continued neutrality. As in the similar situation brought on by tiie demiinds of Italy upon Austria, (lernitiny may at tempt tu net as mediator. The I 'rank fort Uiizctie lias snegcsled that An- tria en 'avor to reach an agreement up- . (in uu ' eipittiilile Iiiisih. The Posts lieiue correspondent to.Ju) declared the Austrian cabinet hud di cided to reject lluiiiauia's demands, This is uol couliiuicil, but the di.spati h lo the Post staled that the decision was reached Monday when the cabinet met with ropicsciiiuiivcs of liermsny, With lluiiiiiiiia declared to be becoin ing aggressive in pressing oer demands upon Austria, impm Hint development" tin the role the Balkan countries are to pluv in the war was expci ted in the , near future. The allies are si ill nego- j I tinting with (Ireece, but the terms sui lur olteic d are said to be unsnlistae. ' tiii v- to the Alliens governn t. uicecc is also iiHiniiag guaru'iu-i's. oi iiiitnuuiiy irom iiiiiici. oy ouier nui kaii pi.wcrs before guiug turther cou siilenitiou tu the ouesiiou of joining the allies, Part of the Creek uiuiy has: been uiobili.ed since the outhteak o j u ii r and has been in constuiit tniiiiing.i Should Kino Const:,), tine and his cab i ih,t fi1Hv decide to enter tiie conflict it is nnil.-r-t no I part of the ((reel, iitmy nnd the cutiie tuny would be used to aid the allies ill the liai.liincMc-. If ii inn li i n 1'eioi.iiiccd u diicct treaty 'with tue tiiple alliance two years ago jiiiul since then has accepted a large loan I'ioiii F.iiglnud. Nevertheless the go', ei urn cut is uniting to see which side in Ihe present conflict will oiler the i most for its siipnort and also endeavor to dclornijnc which is most likely tj i win. Iluieaiiiii 's first step if she shuild ho I join the alio' would be uu inwinuii Traiisvlv iiiiiii. Hiilgaiin is nu enigma. I'licerttiiiit y as to Ihe position of the I'.ulgiiriaii gov ernment IS keeping Or e out of the war. Soma tint nlo been forced to I,,.,.., Coo, in men on the lluliariiui fron tier siiiic tne bej;,nuiii, (if the war, fearing a sudden ri'ladi. Miss Lindsey Elected I To Los Angeles Council, I. os Angeles, ('nl., June 2-With the; election of officer l-.-telle l.uwtoni -ill 1. 1 l.icl to the city i m il h'-re today ; l.o Angeles is the first city of tl.e I Tit flu. in the I'nited state to vole a wo- , into such n political oflic My but tor lection is a i ictorv, ii"t tor me, the world of women. Tins! breaks down the barrier ot prej-iuoe , against women taking pa t in city guv ; ernmenl." naid Mr. Lindsey. , "1 .hull work for bi-t'er pr.-t.s-tivi nork for homcli s boys and girls; bet nilhuiilo iiriii run TARDY AMBULANCES Thousands of Germans Fall In Deadly Hail From French Gunners German Captain Wonders "How Lonj the Thing Will Last" at Present Rate l'aris, dune 2. Five thousand Oer man dead were found after Ihe recent bloody fighting about Noire Diinie I)e Lorette, nccordiiig to an official "eye witness' report of the engagement is sfed tu lay, I'nder a hail of lend from French heavy artillery, as well ns field and ma chine gnus, the (leruians became so de moralized that they hist all sense uf direction and were thrown into com plete confusion. The report slated thai among the five thousand dead found afterward wus the bulv of a Captain Sievert, who hud kept n diary giving details of the terrible cunditiii'iis exist ing in Ihe (lermiin trenches. "In Captain Sievert's pocket," the ottieiul report soul, "was found n writ ten account of the fiehtinu from Mm- 1- lo 21. He admitted that the Cor- mnns lucked ammunition, that orders were so badly given that there was con- lusmii in every section and that the morale of the troops was bud. llunilreils of Wounded Inv in Hie s ., , . . - i lit rmunj- is nor ver uiioiitieii i,v inns. failed o arrive. Men fought for hours T,.(, .,;, ,ice tnk.-n l.v the VMlhout food Oltieers telephoned for I .,,!,,, ,,. ,0 , ni!un .(iiri'iifr the ,'. "! ''7' ,H', ."" ,""' ''' , At't-'i'l night, Pari.! stated. The (leriuaos were VMh H,'V,'r ''.V Hi" l''r h guns!, ..,,,;' ,lr:.. , , dnvl.rei.l, however ins-iimw wlllllUtf TtnWUlllo Illw.flM u, ii..hi, - , t .. I... 1 I... -..,.. runners were sent to uroe tl,i,t n.l forciuents be hurried forward, lint still none arrived." Sievert's five-page re cital of the buttle concluded: "I won der how long the thing will Inst." Sugar Mill Captured. Merlin, via wireless t0 London, June 2. After despeinte fighting the tier mans have recaptured tho sugar mill at Souchez, about which n bitter engage ment has been inging for several days. Announcement uf retaking the position was made in the official statement from the war office today. Rheitns Bombarded. Paris June 2. The Germans have again bombarded Kheiins. Too famous cathedral already badly damaged by gun lire, was nwiin sheiled by Herman artillery, uu official statement nininiinc ed today. "The (Ioniums shelled Hhclms twice during the past day and a half," the coinmiiiiirpie iniuouticed, "The cathe dral and other pniti of the city were repeatedly bu nl, ar. led. " Nor'h of Arras fighting in the midst of iliinc. I ninl deserted villages has been rcoiiicd with the greatest fury. The French sin- led in driving (he Oer- ni'ins out of li group of houses in Neu ville mo I retained 'heir buttered posi. tiuns despite ileteiiained counter at tacks, made bv the enemv. Southwest of Neu ville several . trenches were carried lit the noint l ' the bayonet. In their charge the French -aptuied -1 '0 licnnaas. Senator Chamberlain Fears Grain Jfeg Shortage Portliinil, Or., June 2. Hcci.use of a thren;eiici sluutio'c in the Pi.cifie north wo-t, Senilor Cliiiinberlnln was today asked ,y the grain trade, thn.ii,h the clianibei- of coMincrre of Portland to re sure from the government sufficient veise'.i to curry grain bugs from Hong Kong to Portland. With null ten million bugs available and fifty million needed, the growers fear t lie t n Inge percentage of this year's grain crop nill be ruined unices additional container are secured. TI.., urinii lour situntiiiu in the I'll- ai,- ort,est is the most serious ever knonn. While there lire plenty of bugs nt Hong Kong, congestion in shipping is so ereiit that it I "ut believd H sof- I ficent supply 'nu be moved through ! regular chunm-is in time for hurvi-st. IbO.MJ8 DHOri'UD OA WARSAW. I London, .lone 2. A bomb dropped atr upon n moling w Warsaw killed a l.v a i.eriiiiiri l.ot'ire theater i, ore of women Biol children, diipntehe tei.ived here to li.c aserli'd. i,t conditions f..r nonien In our jinl; in tlie ins'allcti"" of women in the city prosecutor ' of toe. "I had ri" cuai.iign fond arid there were no mrupuign contribution. "Th" first thing I will do i tidy up my home, put th- gnrden in shape and then I am ready I the municipal house cleaning." Oeriiut caa't ipl'ly the pla-e of grit., IN Report Capture Of Outer Forts In Region About Fortress Przemysl Berlin, .Tune 2. During May 2''.s,StW enemy soldier.' were teken prisoner by the Austto-deriniHis in Onliciu, an offi cial statement inserted today. In addi tion, l:i officers were taken, as. well !,.-, 1 eaiinoa, 877 machine guns nml other munitions. Further victories for the kaiser's forces about Tremy-d were nlso an nounced by the statement. Tiie Uaviir inns, who captured the three outer forts there, as announced yesterday, have moved eloeer to Przemysl and occupied Duokov.iczki, directly eust f the cap tured ki n'tiivfl iiinn l'r.oiny.sl. In ri'jiMiiini; tin1 t'i;,lit aUimt t)io Snufiicz Huur mill, 1ln v nfi'iro ml mittftl tlio l-'nMirii litut yMH'i'fOil.'il in v tilling tin1 M-'iti(,n ;if;ir Mrvt'inl hvn fi'.tiiic, T!ip Fie. :th mntlo rt'fklis j-nc- rit'ico!, it wus uncrtoil. A iVw ImurH Inter, liuwt'vtT, after tu tiliY;-;.' Iiml HWt't t):i From!) fnint, tin (htuumih (li'livt'rci ti ruunt'T nttin-1: nmt .i-urhi'T. wi.i rtM-npUuvil, It wus Rilmitti'tl that tiie Frcnt'li hail (n't'tipicl u (it'nnan trMicli ih'tir Nt'iivillc. To tin f out H of Frzcmyit tho :, Winn a:i-l (U-rmnn I'otviNi vciv l"fl'n't to k(MinjT fiih-p wit li I ho truupn tu tho north in follou inj; uti t ho; r vit-turios an nounriil yi'stonlry. "Tin Aiistro-li.Tiiitinn follnwi'il tip thoi r victory nt Mtry.i hy ndvnncin up on Mrilonico, M tho Ktali'inont ilocltuod. "In tho north io linvo KiH'rojc-il'iilly t'ni;n(oil tlio 1 usnin tin nnrthonet of I.il nu it ml also in tin1 Snwlo district. " The Frenih offict-.l a'ntement of lust night niinoiineed the capture of the su gar mill nt Souchc. after n two duvs' fight. That it has l"cn retaken by the nml tho last iniiiouiicei lent f.-om Paris stilted thn! "we remi.iu musters of the positions in spite of counter attacks. " The fighting for this posiiion bus been extremely violent, bot'.i sides n portiig t In' enemy to be suffering heavy losses. Mexicans Besiege Home of American X 1... I-!.. 1 ll.ii, ,,rlu r Im.l l,r ii v that 10 Mexican bandits are besieging the ranch house of 1. K. powers, an American at .oria, Sonorn. (lowers nnd his wife are alone in the house. They were lighting lit hist ac counts. No word Inis been received from the district sii 10 u. in. and it Is fcare 1 the Americans limy have been over whelmed and slain. The railroad between Nognles and (luyumas has bci ut by raiding bandits who dynamited three bridges belw ii Norin and Querobiibi. la u pitched, buttle hist night ut ucrobnbi station "in- Calistii nml five Mo.vloren islns were killed. The I, nc Ins are pi Icriug nnd viistiiting the entire country side. Miinv A imi-i I'M ns ure said to be im perilled. American Killed. Washington, .1 2. . I. N l!eiiri'"t, j nu American, was shot and killed May ,2", by Villisliis in Mexico, the state I department was informed today by Ihe consul nt Tampico. I llennell mis with a boatload of ' ar ninzlsliis who encountered n party of Villislns, the consul said. The Amcr ban was on hi way to Tsmpici. Tin report of the death of an nddl i t io on I Amerb-nn due lo the fighting in ' Mexico reached the stale depiirlinent 'soon after President Wilson' strong statement relative to action to be Ink ten in the southern republic was mad" public. Detail were lucking. I CHICAOO TRACTION STRIKE. j Chicago, June 2. -Chicago I peril ousl.v near another traction lrilie to day. A maioritv of the surface line stcnbiv vol.. I iu favor of g'sng1 left the While House, Ambassador I el ,1 it i said the employe of th-ilcr. of Italy, arrirved to see Pre.ide'il men ye out. am ' elcmted line have done likcwiw'. Th i men are agninst arbitration of th dif ference wild the street railway of ilicinl ie. luring thec were worsted iu the arbitration of three year nuo. The Weather S3 -r -XLlOi night and T.ilns : ixjSfyp day; Minirt 5S"VT Thursday ev,eti vi"C jt mar tli" 'oust; L v7BKA n o r t Ii w e terlv , GERMANY WILL REPAY I ON AMERICAN RIGHTS Kaiser's Government Asks Fo r Proof First But Shows Will ingness To Go To Any Length to Avoid Break Is Un official Report of Von Bernstorffs Message-Will Con tinue Submarine Warfare As In Past By John Edwin Novln. Washington, June 2. ('resident Wil son and Auihnssudor Von llernstorff, tho Herman envoy, were in eonfereiico for '.M minutes nt tho White House to day. No statement was Issued at tho con elusion of the conference and secret service men provonfoil uny one from1 I'nite.t Suites in nil its demiinds, refu.. approaching the nmbiiHsador as he was; ing to reeoitnlne this right of Amori deponing. Nevertheless It wus possible j cans, then (hero is nothing to do hut to nsk him for a statement to which re- break off diolomiuic relations with thn co-si ion iH-riisiorir responded ny , slinking his head. It is believed that. Ambassador Von Ilernslortf told the president sub-: .itantially, that: i tlermauy is ready to do everything! rcpnrod toward reparation wherever it; is shown there has been infriiigemcit ; of American rights, Hut, that them must bo an nude.' standing between the two nations re- warding Ihe conduct of unarmed nen-1 mi, inn nun mm, onsen upon sucii iiiiilerslniiiling, they can be fully pro: tec ted in keeping with the terms of The Hague coiivenlion, Ilegaiding thn Lusitnniii, the umbiis- sudor is believed to have told the im-si- iii-iii nun iiermuny nils reason to lie- Iteve In thn soundness of her position reunrding the vessels defiance rules of iolernational warfare ami violation of the American statute as to enrrvinu c i-iosncH, nut that, tins presents no in. surmountable obstacle, provided a clear iinderstiindiiig can be reached on the principals involved. The most sanguine observers did not expect, of llcraslorff to indicate (ler mine's willingness lo nbandon her sub marine wnrfare, unless the I'nited Suites was in a position to compel liiiglainl to ubnudoii her "slarvnlioa policy." or unless Kiiglaml would ilo so Hithnut compulsion by the neutral powers whose rights are violated by the llritish order in council. The effect of Ambassador Von llern storff s representations upon Preside it '"""i n"i nc pinged, nut it was " ' nml ir uie ii in tin ssu , i , ,r pre- ' scute. I any ideas for milking 'teriiiany's j iicipiieceiice tu the American demands (however, tint president ininht adopt llieui in hi rejoinder now in course of , pre pnratinu. i Two onoolf before on llerustm If Wilson Alton, lutil maiieuveriil the Italy envoy about in lively fashion in order to prevent a meeting bet ween I Inn, and the repr illative of his' i nemv country. The p,e,ide'nt i still gathering fact, At noo I ferret with Ambi.ssado, Von llerristoiff. Luiln r in the day he carefully went over the meuioraii'lii , pre. arc, I by Ihe different member of the cabinet, outlining the point thev bebeM'il the A liu'l icilll BllHw er should make. (t. j COUftT VON BtKHSTOfirF ll'iiulreds of telegiino were received , were also dropped nn the ship- at Ihe While House today from lead-i yard. workman was killed. ing citi.t-ns throughout the country. j' It is the president's desire to bej Danish Steamer Sunk. thoroughly cognijiut of what th mil Loudon, June 2. The Danish steamer try rcallv wants before he drafts thei Noel, org has been torpedoed by a 'tor note which may mean ace or war, de iiuiu submarine, udinirulty disput, hv pending oM,it how tlerinaiiy accepts the iinu'iiuced today. i omiiiuiiii ktion. The Socberg was a steel screw ateara- '1 here ii no doubt as to the main r of 2l"t tons. She wa 2ti Xcet lonj. NFRINGEMENTS fact that the president's nolo to (Inr inany will carry. He will demand recognition 0f the right of Americana to travel nt will, secure in the belief that the Fnited Slates will protect them. This, President Wilson holds, is a basic principle of international law. If Oertunnv has decided to defy ton mnscr s government. It is considered certain that this is one of the thing the president explained to Ambassador Von Iternstorff in their conference at the White House. The Herman ambassador today snbl he I, I not discuss the report that Secretary lliynn nrrnngid for the roll- lerenee at his reoiiest. hut without authorization from rterlin. Uuder iipi'iiuiinc ,,s, Von Iternstorff could discuss only such subjects as the presl i iienr desired during conference. The Herman auiblissador, therefore, was not In n position to present any view but those ii vite, by the president. It was believed In official circles that the desire lit Von llernstorff in lain Horn the president his J what tioruiiiuy can , to minimum deiiiunds of the I gnveniment. ..... " ' ' idea of meet th American Commanded By German Of ficers They Are Hurled Forward In Mass i'.'O'on r nits n i A'lieus, June 2.Teiriblo cnsiuiltiei s.l'tered III night attacks during the past -IN hours have niobnbly brought the Turkish losses in file Ihirdiinellcs op to a tolal of Iiiu.iiiiii urcniding to Mv tileiie dlspat -hes here today. Ib'l cited irsuiilts have been mil lo eon the Aogio French pmition on tho I'lillili'i 1 1-. i iimii In . Tue Turks, ,om iii'iiioi, I by (lerman officers, have oe ui hulled forward In mussed I'nriuatii.o, 'I'l, to be driven brick, leaving; thn Kioiiud covered with their dead tun V i, 'inilcd, A majority of the attacks irdered by the (ionium comuuiuilers have been ut I'i'Jil. Searchlight have constantly lined upon the Tuikish trenches anil ' upon their own I'rool, however, so that sniiisi nt l nc k s have been impossible, I 'iiici' ;o ud value under toe gliire o( tlics I. ghts, the Turks have I u rid dled l, ib Lilly iiiachine gnus from tho lllbcd itlllll. 1 orelgnera Must R .ulster. Ilnliii, via Ainsterdnin, June 2. -.'Ir- ii In ' i vi ri posted bv the Purlin pollca a id 1 1 . k 1 1 embassies today udvmng nil li.ieiguer except Turks and ua I'uns to legisler between June I in.l .'one lo An official order to this et lei I h'K been issued and thn cirellU. iirg-d 'p. nly compliance. Muny Auetr i ai' in registered. Wl-eloss Station Destroyed. I'.' , June 2. The Italian fleet Ima '.siriy.'.l the Austrian wireless -till.', iu l.issu Isluu.l, olf lialumtiu, end the sciui'phoie n t ii I ti li on the Isl.tu.l ' I r 'i, In it was announced today. Riuislana Report Oalm. Pi troi ruil, June 2.-. Further succes es lur the itossiun operating ugainst the Turk Hie reported in an official slul miii nt today. I ne enemy, driven from Sun, was declared to be in dit ' b '!' ti.ght, throwing awav rifle and in '!'", The B.i l,nv' '"'''"l'""l Knrpel. Lon ba Tall Near Cathedral. iloine, June 2.-- Hoiiihu were showced i.l.o.il 'l.e en I h.il r ii 1 and the bishop's I I'll,, i at ioltetta during a raid by an A' sIiium aviator last night. Kep irt received to.biv staled that sevsnel 4' ;. r I ; " the "si important mine nijr'"ii" iSs.,ltll',s,,,iWTiii.wsiwilw .t,t.w.. ie W'.