Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, June 01, 1915, Page EIGHT, Image 8

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THE SALEM CAflXAXi juunnim. a mi mix. -
-H-- '
Meyers' May White Days Event
Be Continued Into June
Unusual bargains in white merchandise throughout Salem's big store.
needs here during this sale.
It will pay to supply
Rev. H. D. Kimball, Passes
Away, of Cerebral Hemor
rhage After Pneumonia
Officers For Ensuing Year Will
Be Chosen At Session
Held Tonight
The third session of the Pacific
Northwest Library association, now be
ing held in the city, opened this morn
ing with n report of the treasurer, and
a report of the publicity committee of
which Onirics H. Compton, of tho He-
Telegraphic iiiformsit imi was re-
Iceived here this morning announcing
the death of II. D. Kimball, I). !., at
rnsn.iena, i aiiroruia. at . ..' u uu little public library, is chairman.
last evening, of cerebral hemorrhage '
t. ,,. . . ,f :., I Tho round table discussions were
ilOIIOWloi; H louir 81CLC Ol iiii-uiiif in... . , . riot-- i-l j
1 llirp.l nhnnt vnnra 'he 1 1 ' 11 i 1 1 1 1 H Will ' .. ' ' . ......, .....
be tnlien to Chicago for burial, accoin-
Reorganized Commercial Club
Is Established Upon Certain
Foundation of Success
Tomorrow's Big Sale
745th Wednesday Surprise An Interesting Sale of Pretty
Scrim Curtains, usual $1.25 kind, Extra
Special, 79 cents a Pair
These new scrim curtains are the latest product of the curtain factories; made of a good
quality scrim, ecru color, ecru lace border and finished on edge with narrow lace. A neat
well made curtain and at this price they will appeal to all housekeepers who need cur
tains. Two and a half yards in length and a grade that usually brings $1.25. Offered
for tomorrow's selling as a surprise sale, only
79 cents a Pair
Sale Starts at 8:30
See Window Display
the lacoma library, who spoke on
' ' Further Cooperation With the
Schools." (ieorge W. Fuller led the
discussion on" "Some Experiments in
Kconnmy." Before the close of the
morning session, n book mending dem
onstration was given by B. B. Futernick
of San Francisco.
This afternoon state conferences were
held, M. H. Douglas, librarian of the
University of Oregon, representing Ore
,i 't...i.. t i. ,.,.,;,,., ki ;.,
engaged in the ministry up to the time ()f t'C pilblje la.ruryl'rcpresent-
! panied by the grid' stricken widow,
i who, upon her return to I heir home in
I T .1 ..1 i 1. ...Ill
' 1 Iisuucua, in HOOm "HI ill, miiii, nin
stop off in Snlcni for a tew days.
Dr. Kimball was born in New Vork
state. near the city nf Troy, received
a common school ednc'ilion nnd was
ordained in the Troy conference of the
Methodist church nb" years ngo,
since which time he has been actively
; of his coming to Salem
I dean of the Kiuihul
ing Washington.
College of 7,,,,,, j,,,,.!, ' , m v.;,i n,
,i, ..i..,. j n,:n ;,.,.,-u;t,- i,l ' ". " i"'h,".'" "
""u".;"i "l ""i"i"''"' , . ' " I election of officers for the ensuing year
The House
1 i-l
The Home
magnificent buildinir for which funds
j were donated by Mrs. Kimball. At the
I time of Dr. Kimball's departure from
! here, last fall, being forced to seek a
! change of climate on account of his
failing health, he was president
emeritus of the college.
Deceased came to Salem from Spo
I kane, about 9 years ngo, where for
i several years previously, he served as
pastor of the Vincent M. H. church ami
i came to Spokane from Chicago where
he was pastor of several of the prom
inent churches. To Chicago he came
from Fall River, Massachusetts. Mrs.
Luella I), Kimball, the widow, is the
sole survivor, so far as could be learned
All Around Town
his annual vacation today and expects
In depart in a day or two with his wife
and son to spend his vacation in seeing
tin1 sights and wonders of the Piinuuin-
'I'ncitic exposition ut. San Francisco,
j During his absence his place will be
filled by Henry ('landers, assistant jun
, itor lit the statu house.
Did you over snio'o a Siilem-made
cigar; Try a Ln Corona. There is
Friday evening, Juno 4, MoiidolKnohns ipinlily there.
oratorio " Klijiih." thorns of l-o I o
voices, I The physical committee of the Y. M.
Tho Woman's Homo Missionary so-j 1 j''. A. will meet tonight at the rooms
ciely of t lit) First .Methodist church ' The funoial servicos for Mrs, Alice of the association to consider the final
will meet tomorrow afternoon lit L':.'Mi j.la s will be held from the Terwilliger flans for the Portland to Salem relay
o'clock at tho home itf Mrs. V, K. Cottage parlors. Wedncs. lay at lll::ill a. race which will be run about the middle
Kirk, Kl.lll State street. ;m. Ilcv. Avison will officiate, inter-!"'' this month. It has been suggested
o jnicnt being in Odd Fellows' cemetery, jthat the members of the two teams be
Card of Thanks. o ' I given a liampiet ut the Muriou hotel
We wish to thank mr niiiiiv friends Everybody's going. Get tliat Chan-1 alter the race and other plans for the
for their kindness and sympathy dur-, tanipiu ticket now! Salem, duly 3-1 1. ; entertainment of the visitora are to be
inir our recent bereavement ill the I Season ticket, K.oO. ' I considered.
Dr. Mendelsonn, ipecuiist in fitting
ltaiei correctly. 11. B. bank bldg. 1
death of our husband and father.
Mrs. Pied S. Ilyiion was called to
Portland today Ihroiign the reported ill
ness of lier mother.
o - y-irai
A. Musgrovo Iloliarts Friday night
In the role of " Klijnli." A baritone
singer of rare excellence.
Reserved scats 50 cents at Will's
Music store Wednesday morning for the
" I'.lijah."
will be taken up this evening ut 8 :."10
"Some Phases of Art Work in a Pub
lic Library," Miss Annie H, Ciilhoiin,
head of fine arts division, Seattle pub
lic library.
"The New Provincial Library and Its
Treasures." F. (). S. Scholefield, li
brarian, Provincial library of British
Columbia, Victoria.
"Questionable Books," Miss Ethel R.
Sawyer, director of the training class,
library association of Portland.
Rural Carriers Elect
Officers For Next Year
The annual session of the Uural Let
ter Curriers association of Oregon end
ed its business meeting last night by
the election of officers for the ensu
ing year and the passing of a resolution
urging the members of the next legisla
ture providing for the election nf road
supervisors by the vote of the people
of the road district. Thev also urged
that the money raised by taxation in
the road districts be spent in the llis
trief in which the tax was levied,
Tho officers elected are:
President, D. F. Wliiteinnn, Oregon
City; first vice president, I,. A. Peak,
Monroe; second vice president, B. E.
Hellick, lioyd; siwrctiiry-treasurcr, 11.
W. Smith, Springfield i oxccut(vo com
mittee, C. W. Brasher, Siilem; W. II.
Boyd, Beavertou, and J. F. James,
C. W. Brasher of Salem was elected
nntional delegate to the convention of
carriers' which will take place at De
troit, Mich.
and aroma that 3 's,ot
Mgher-pricea Co nl1"
nat 30c stecl-cut cof ee- T1'
in air-tight tins, Trv nV.8
row-money back if Umct'
delighted. you ar not
Pound Tin, 3oc
3-Pound Tin, 85c
Portland '
Twenty-nine and one-half new mem-1
berships were added to tho reorganized
Siilem commercial ,.nb membership roll
n rrmin ui mis morning s canvass
of 24 of the members of the commit
tees on solicitation, which reported at
the midday luncheon ut the Hotel
Marion this noon, which brings the
grand total officinl count up to Sill u,
members. This does not take into con"
sideration, however, the great number
of prospective memberships which are
being held up by bunks, railroad com
panics and other corporate interests
which have been promised but reipiire
uiin iui niiiicuon oi tne noanls of direc
tors before they can bo enrolled as
bona fide members,
ni. i...:.... ..!.. ..
u.r, ujiiif. i-Miii-riiun (my lr was im
possible for the great majority of the
business men who were serving upon
the committees on solicitation of mem
bership to get out upon tho job todav
and, under tho circumstances, the aii-
,-..,n.r 01 t ,nem lo report for' announce, today that tk7 ' " u
work tjs inorning wns considered n' Works will 1 ""n Iron
very good showing. This wns also in 2,nti(, ' , 1 r.'","1'"1""1
the nature of a clean-up day and none fore, v. , , " "8 "S Th?
i Two Thousand Men
Work at Ship Yard
i San Fian.'isi'o, ,)i, i
i ami i v ii niinn. :.
or- uie comiuuieeinen nail signe, up several mouths
or inn i nun mreo nnir iiays worlt
the canvass.
The commercial club officials
organization committees nro now busily
Sret ostftt
' tllis city aij
Dr. M. P. Mendelsohn Likes
Salem Better Longer He
StaysBusiness Large and
5": Elding two stcan,,.,. 7 !?;!
'each, ,llnk stcaiucr fMh s 7(
engaued in checking nn the Hs(k in fin'.t i.:u m ' , , "D'l18 ' wits
not vln hn, h,.,. ,!.'. i 1 . ' ' , "' ' i""I'0 ot San 1
" ----- ' iim nim huh UIII iy OCtW
Knar nuiiiiier or new arrivals who; .New York
were not included in the original list. i
The work of classifying tho members!
according to their requests and assign-; !lt!!i(!)(1ci(la,;j
ing them to bureau work, is going nij' j
ra idly and it is expected that bureau MARRIED
election dales will br. announced with-
in a few days. j J
! M A IfTI N -M( iI'l'l'I'T At t;,0 ,llf o(
the iili'icintMiu minister, hYv ('1r
. II. Klliott, Tuesday, June I, lli
; Miss Stella Mmtin to Vonlon Mddj
i Mount. They, will rwiJt in Slm
Tho next mooting of tho Polk-Yam-! Everybody's going. Get that Chau
inn .Min ion ,i.eilicat society will lie lielil ; lampin t it-U tt now! Salem, duly 5-11.
ut Dayton Tuesday, June X. The first : Season ticket $!!.5t).
Tuesday in the mouth is the regular J 0
meeting date of the society, but Ion The official' board of the First Meth-
:: . ;"t : iv""" l'l's,""u", m'"1 - r..K,,i,.r .,.th-
'.v meeting in the old parsonage toinor-
Have Rdnhard Cabinet Factory do' ,.,r TJ1"
for important business. The officinl
board of the church extended to Miss
.Margaret Mower the courtesies of th
,-l 1,
your ol I ue and store
'-Mill Cheiueketa. Phone
0. L. Lytlilcoin, chief elevator oper
ator in the Hipitol biiibliug, starts upon
out in Portland and Salem, Mr. I leva I
is an old newspaper man and a writer
.v,...lt,.,.t , .!.;;. I:..., l.l... n
valuable asset in ' con.niunity-buildin'g! ('0"lu.('t with Doctor Momlelsohn iH at
The well known doctor of optics, Dr.
M, P. Mendelsohn, enters on his fifth
year of residence in Snlcm, with u grent
deal of pleasure to himself and also to
his many friends and customers. lie
has occupied the same office ever since
ho located here, and the people have to
know just where he may always be
During the four yours just past the
doctor has fitted several thousands of
people with glasses for the proper cor
rection of their eyesight. Most of these
people live right here in Marion and
Polk counties, but a good number of
them live us far south as Ashland nnd
some of them north ns far as Port
land. Everyone who comes in pcnuuial
mn. i, iimi(, Manjjtraiidprfwk,:!!
'"''"TlTT ' il II7TT lli'l
IN m
Priced for
the Next
Few Days
18-inch Ovon, Pol-
ishoil Top. $ 15.
Hi-inch Ovon Pol-
ishod Tuib If 12.
ll-inoh Ovon, Pol-
isliod Top, $:58.
18-inch Ovon, P.lnok
Top, $11.
l(i-inoh Ovon, Pluck
Top, $;8.
1 1-inch Ovon, lilack
Top, $:! I.
liurch for her liiaduating recital Wed-
j nesday evening,
I Everybody's going. Oct that Chau
ttnuipia ticket now! Salem, July fell.
Seusou ticket, if-M.
IIHI, fill, HIS, 1IIH1 Mil- L,,Ut ,V1S1II n Ol till j
people Here will Inflow 111 u to Ins new
fields of endeavor ami usefulness,
Fred Collins, one of tlio old-time sub
stantial and progressive fanners of the
Hazel (Ireen neighborhood, north of
mis city, was in Milem on business tins
nun mug, anil ii'piiri cii crops ol 1111 Kinns
in perfect roinlitiuii in llis neighbuir
hood ninl the liniuers proHperous uud
contented, He raises grains and vege
tables principally ami bespenkg for
giniii a splendid i,., this season nnd
bioks lorwaiil to remunerative market,
bond conditions are also very much im
proved in Ins district, and Mr, Collins
says they aie idiip shape nnd the best
in the couiitrv now.
once impressed with his honesty of pur-
. -
j DORSUY At the Josse npnrt.nents,' ' Tll,,t "!,-flll,ll'n"P'l man who .-iW
4111 Nc-tb Cottage street, Salem, Ore.il ,,;"-v, V!l , mVv " "
.Mointav, .May a l, llll.i, at 11 o'clock io ;
p. m., Sidney Austin Horsey, aged 1S!I"K """ w"-v Age.
years, 4 months and Hi days, of rn 1
largeinent of the heart.
At the time of the attack of the ill
ness, in February of this year, which
prnveil fatal, deceased wns a student
of the high school of Salem ami a
member of the sophomore elnss. lie
was n young mini of exceptionally giod
habits Mid well ndvamed in his studies,
and his dentil has proven a very severe
blow to hi. 4 lined mother. Mrs. Sarah
f. Horsey, with whom he lived duriiiL'
their seven years' residence in this
city, lie was born in Dayton, in Yum
hill cmnty, the family home.
Funeral services will be held at Rig
don tV. Richardson 's undertaking par
lors in this city nt :i::iO tomorrow after
noon, which will be conducted by liev.
A. A. Winter, of the United Fvnn'gelical
church, and the body will be taken,
liy the until hearse, to Dayton, where, I
on Thursday morning, the reguliir
nurcn services will lie conducted over
II. E. Armstrong, of Dcs Moines,
i Iowa, arrived in Salem this morning !,
!iin extended visit to his counsiu, E. C. ! o
I Armstrong, former county fruit inspect ! At a '11C0lillK f 'he members of tho
jor for Marion county. These cousins "'' diiecims of the Oregon Agri-
have not seen each other for "'t years, cultural College Alumni association
I but II. M., of lu.m, states that he rec i1'"11' anangciiienis were made for n
ognized 10. C. on the instant llis eves reunion to b l,,M ut Corvnllis on,
(rested upon him from the cur window. ' 'lum' " bainpict will be served and
(This is his first visit to the coast and """"' ""'able speak, th will be present.
lie HV limso.tu .l..i;,,l,i ...1,1. ,1... . .1:.. ...... Snhel'illtelhli'lil .if l,,1tli,. I ,wl rn.,1 i,t
,1,,..., nun in,, villlllll,- ' ' ........
iiii.I tin, ii.lv, i, I i;, .,, .,!.!. A. Chore hill uli., , ,,,., ilmr ni' 1 1, .. 1 r II l II
and the wealth nf beautiful flowers ' "r 'cgeuts ot the college, will , A 11 l'0-inlint for the correction of
o be present ami give an address, as will,""' ''.vc with glasses, Dr. Mendelsohn
Everybody's going. Get Uiat Chau-, "" ''resident Kerr and several of tlio ,""t be equalled, he having attained
lauipia ticlvct now: Salem, July .) II.;""M 1 " 111,11 'i i in tin' slate. ll'"liic vn-inmny some iiiiriy-
inree veins ago uiiii iiiis couiinuousiy
He is ft man of few words, to
the j mi ut, nnd time bus proven that
what lie says is correct. He does not
mince matters nor does he hide the
a K-t.'
A modem, Gre-prool, up-to-dtle Hl
located in the center ol ewiyttajiWii
t direct line to the Eipoiiiion Giai I
Detached Btn MvaliMl
)1.00.)1.E0 single 51,50, .0Wj
$1.50, $2.00 double W2.5Mi
1 50 Koomi ol SoW Coolt-EajCiw
No. l5ot 16. fMFmMr'S J
Take a "Universal" Bmmreciioii y
Northwest Untf Co represei.ta-
Hugs niu'ic iniii -.
the reiiiiiius at the Fnited Kvnugelical
idinreh liy Kev. .1. Jlowersox, of I'ort-1
land. 1,'ev. Winters, however, will lie-'
COUlllllllV the renillillK linnn lint iiiruev , I
from Sulem to Duyton and attend the!
services there.
Hesides the mother the ilecensed is
survived liy'n sister, Miss Shirley Dor
sey, who has been teaching in the pub
lie si hols of I'miamii for the past few
years, nnd is nrw on her way homeward,
but will not arrive until the 10th of
.lime, too Into for tho funeral. Another
sister, Jlrs. Myrtlo Peed, of Moscow,
Idaho, who will arrive at Daytna in
time for the funeral services there, and
u brother, (ieorge, of Dayton. The
father has been dead for several years
ami the remains of the son will be
laid to rest, by the side (if thoso of
the father in ihc Duyton cemetery.
Mrs. Horsey, the mother, has been n
member of the. Fnited Fvangelicnl
t i vc lu re
kind of
Phone 1517-J
Day or Night
church for niniiv years, and was very i
prominent and popular in Indies' circles'
and in church work. Mrs, Dorsey mid!
Mrs. Helknup, of Hovtim, an aunt of i j,
.1 ..i i... i...., i... ti...:.. i
ii,-, etisrtl, run ui- r'-in IM M I'V ii,vu
friends at the home of Mrs. ,. K
at 4iili North Cottage street.
ghop root f
Union St.
Plumbing. Kcpalrlnj
Work a Specialty.
Eeasonable. Charge.. Salem.
Season ticket, .t-.."l,
o lien is. uiiiimiis. statistician of the Kept up Ins studies ill tins specialty.
Tomorrow night the Salem Y. M. 0.!"'",,' industrial i i,ent eonnnissiou, Fnlike other doctors, Dr. Mendelsohn!
A. relay team i iiiididales will trot over returned to tliis nty today from a advertises in the newspapers, because lie '
a tourinile course to limber up theii -week-end visit at the' homo of llis par-1 believes it is legitimate nnd that the!
limbs for the hard grind of training ! ''"'" '" rlugcoc, j newspapers are the medium through I
which will start now to be kept up fori 1 1 I which lie cun make frank and honest1
the next time weeks. Iluggiiis, Payne, 1 ' "ICKIIAM ALLEGED MURDERER.! statements of his ability to cure for the
balky ami Kiutus Jim are already in , I eye. The doctor does not make a single
good condition trotn their training upon Nicraiiiento, I'nl., ,ml, , Strongl statement that cannot be backed up
the tincks ut college, ami Unit, doe ; '"videnee appearing lo connect II. Wick-1 and selects only (he most reliable news- I
"'"I Mutton, Talliiinii, ltooth, Miit-M,,nl inunlcr ol .lolin spring-! pniiers for his ndvertisitiL'. There are!
i i i . I l I' Willi It Ii l.l., ..... i1 U.. . I i - . . . . .
loing ngni .'. "''esc iiirioer, in-ur r-uiioi, , tl,w persons In .Marion ami Folk eoiiu-1
...... Mi, u, according xo criiiis
ivurneii, saernr ,,l Alnmeda eountv,
lock uud Kellis have been
cross count ry jogs during the lust lew
I The house of half a million bargain,
j Where you get tor your goods the most
and for your money (he best. II. Stein
Jbnch June Co., ;tns.;il2 North Coininer
'cial. Plume sum.
ties w ho have n w ider range of aciuiiin-
,1..... I r, , ... i .i , , , .
1,.,,.. , .... .. ,,,,,. ,,,,, mm ,,r, ..icnoeisonn aim ne
hete today. Wicknam i now lie d as t,i!.. ,i, .: ...m ..
nocence''' l"" ,mli",l,i"8 1 will know about III) per cent of all the
' J I people In this county.
RAI9INO RitTiMAUTMr T i , " nn interview yesterday he said lie
KAtaiNQ SUBMARINE T i. ;,,,,,, , (ay W(;,( ,,. flir ff
when parent would pay more nttentnin
When Guy Bate Post appear at the
0 in ml Opera House tonight, local
theatregoers will have an opportunity
to witness one of the most spectacular gunner s mate, who arrived todav on
Will, tV....,,l.... I .,!....,
thes Ivae ,e f' I i "v '"' W of their children, so
ne sniviigiiig ut ti,,. s,il,niarine K I will ,,,, ,.,, ' i ,.,,. ,,, , ' ,
irodiictions of modern times, for Mr.
Post is slurring in Kichnrd Walton
Tolly's mammoth Persian love piny,
"Omar, the Teiitinuker." This nttrn'c
tion wns the dramatic sensation of lust
year in New York, where it ran
throughout the season, and Mr. Post is
still surrounded bv the same superb
company of nearly one hundred who
supported him in Vork.
i ue sicaincr .uuncn. lie is en route
from II iiolulu harbor where he had
charge of the divers in the rescue work
to the Hrooklyn navy yn,rd.
eye sight. Children' eve should
examined every year, he holds,
l.os Angeles, Ci,l June 1. Arthur
Vroinuie, former New York (limit
pitcher signed n contract today to play
. o .".in me irmce club o( the I'ncitic
W. B. Dcval. publicity manager of , const -league. He appeared at Washing
(he Town Development Co., finished his; ton Park in u Venice uniform this nf
work here todav, and left on the after- ternoon.
iiitoi train fcr Astoria, where Mr. Chase i i
jluid preceded him. They will reorgan- The worst Iniuries sustained bv Col.
ise and consolidnle (he civic bodies of ' Roosevelt lit Syracuse have been self
' I hat city along the same line carried ! inflicted.
l.os Auge'.es, Cul Juno . Patrol
mini Yarnell, driver of the police ambu
lance won a race'with old Doe Stork to
day. He rushed Mrs. Catherine Tucker
from n downtown drugstore (o the re
ceiving hospitals In record time. Kivo
minutes after the arrival a son wus born
to Mrs. Tucker.
The American Bible society bus
Issued H,:t70,lii5 copies of the Bible dur
inn; the past year. Was Kurope missed
ln the distribution!
The best hose on the
for men, women and c W
by us. Try a puir tod.iy.
Sale of MeiVs
$1.50 SHIRTS
with soft turn
back cutis
G. W. Johnson & Co
141 North Commercial Street
The time for picnics is nt hand.