i JT , ' I' 1 J i vSssi rffiaa fiu . MINCE. . "Too FULL SALTED TURKEY BKED P0X4T0 ""'AS ovsnxK-hL i KT I COQUETTE y ' II -' 31 P'.AM shov,, ( XJ? ' . vv "5 A P lllL LjP LLaJ J ERTiSEMENTS. One APCTP Ar"rw ! UNION' ABSTRACT CO. Alistnwts tliat protect. Our booka icitcil up t date i-iii'li morning. Cull Muiii lL'l!) and n niossongcr will cull for your j nnstnu't. J, C. Sii'uniund, pri'iiil',Mit; Mux Cclillinr, flocrctiiry, 21;") Stuto utri'i't. AUCTIONEER. AUCTIOXICEK Salem ' reliable seller Form sales solicited. Terms, 1 per rem; simsincnon guaranteed or iro pay. Henry M. Vuorhies, -Michigan nvemie, first street east of the stiite fair grounds. CHIROPRACTIC SPINOLOGIST. DR. 0. 1.. SCOTT-Oraduate of Chiro lira, tic's Fountain Ilend, Davenport Iowa. If you have tried everything ami have got no relief, try Chiroprac tic spinal adjustments nnd get well. Office 4011-7-8 U. S. National Hank Building. Phono Main 87. Resilience Main S2S-B. CHIROPRACTOR. COX.M'I.T DR. MAY. exrieiiincc.l ii int uccessl'ul Chiropractor, for acute nnd cliriniic disorders, lias practiced five yenm in Oregon. Free consultation Hiiiitu, !) to .12, 1 to fl. :it)5--7 Hub lanl lildg. Lady nttnndnnt. Pliono ifi.p fi'2: residence 982 R. ' WBOPATIIICJ PHYSICIANS. i'lt. l.Vrt V). SCOTT, Osteopathic. Phv Picinii. sr,ulunte of the Los Aa- pci( j (0,.j,(, llf t)KtfOi:i1 hy and l.o? Angeles MnWi-ul College of Oplithal iiioli.gy. Treats neu'e nnd chronic uiw.scs. ()Yi,w 4(15-40(1 Snlem Bnnk ' onimeree Jluildhig. Phone 480, 'miy attendant. D': ! "1IITE nnd R. W. WAI, '". ('steopatliic jihvsicians nnd I""'' sl Graduates of i.;ivan School of Osteopathy, ..... .mi, .mo. i-ost graduate and "peciiilijicl ia nerve discuses at Los Angeh-s college. Treat acute and fhmwe dl.-:enu..u (' I....: ... I , v .Minim ai inn iree, 'id.v altemliuit. Office no.ri .Wi 1' S Jatioaal Hank building. Phone S.w -".lice ,w, North Cupitol street, I Imne 4 1 i j , ' , iVNJSECOND HAND GOODS 11 1 ,i , . .. "l 11 M ,!,,,, ,,;,, fl). wenM mm iiniitnre, rnnges. Iiunlware, tents, enrry the most complete . . .H,ve nrticies in town at th mvest prices. (). I.. MclVek, 271 ril, (ouimercial st. Phono Main SCAVENGER. nu u t ... .....l . AfcN(lKR-C),rl,. Soos till i'rh "nrluge and refuse of all , 'is r""";l nonthly contracts easnnable rutes. Yunla nnd eess p N c caned. Office ,,l1(,e jIlljn l.csnleticn fnjn 2)172. MAUSOLEUM. uopxt l.Kf.r. Mnitarv ' T l-JST ABBEY MAfSO rhe Better Way. Drv nnd Hiiii,i;.. ni - M,tors. Sun, li.tr 1 a ' . ... fi " "'"nnger. plmne 7S2 J. UNDERTAKERS. "M.M.VV4 ('Loirntr M t l i ' ":'n-i; u. Weill), A ., ' '"""icinns nnd funernl di knoni Latest llliulern tt,nl...,l. VII tn H, . 415 r . I'niiessioii employed i si reer Main 120,Main '8. ' ,!K.H Clrect.iru ... 1 . . Hiienu ... - inuiertnuers, 2,i2 North ' . ..-i n, t,J iOH II Dny nnd night phone JMieei 1R1 WATER COMPANY. 6m.i:m W VTI. D entri, . -. "nier C , ' ' , ' ,"' , , " iai and irude streets. :it. Rill " service apply at office. 1 In v:i monthly in ndvnnen. 'ySjANDCOAL. ' ' i III JT T 10 f'x-.t or "ry wood, four- rrr,,,,,. i . ,n "nvf lengths to suit .i '. ".'cry Mo lllimlln flin l,..yt fni!. i. . mnrKet. I ry our Klnj to. I'll,;. 'i.'t. 752 Trade street. HjANlNO-;rRESgIr 8-rX.I(F- " " l,",Vng nil of your l'rice, u- "" l,uono B"d C , ull j;, . utll 1 K've promnt service snd "' "or work. We clean nnd ! "rything. City Dry Clenning j Jl'u State street, l'lioti" ""fits. rOI4 THgF HiP WSP nAHIf3M-3lD tn ILJlT.LfSIs' I C ALMOOS PR SAcAO, vkould BE NICEC2, J MA A. 0. U. W. Protection Lodge No. 2. -Meets every Monday evening ut S iu the AlcConiack Hall, rorner Court and l.ilierty streets. A. K. Aufrnnee Jr. W.; is. A. Mei'adden, recorder; A. L. Drown, P. CKNTUAI, I.01KIK No. 18, K. of P. McC'ornnck building. Tuesday even ing of each week ut 7:110. Geo. Win chell, C. C; Janieu W. Cox, K. of K. and S. MALUM LODGE No. 4, A. F. & A. In stated comniuaicati ns first Friday in each month at 7 :,'!() p. in. in the -Masonic Temple. J. C. Welch, W.M.; S. Z. Culver, secretary. PACIFIC LODGE No. 50, A. F. & A. 5L Stated communications third Fri day in enck mouth ut 7:.'I0 p. m. in the Masonic Temple, Glenn C, Niles. W. M.; Ernest H. Choute, secretary. H. N. of A. "Oregon Grnpe Cnmp," No. l;!o, meets every Thursday even ing iu McCornnck building, Coiirt nnd Liberty streets. Elevator. Mrs. Svl via Schaupp, 17!H Market, Oracie; Ha.el l'rice, Imperiul Furniture Co., recorder. Ml'l.TNOMAH UOYAI, AlU'll CHAP- 1 lilt No. 1, R. A. M. Kegulur meet in second Vriilay in eneli month at 8 i. in. in the Masonic Voniple. Al fred F. Marcus, Ex. lliKi Priest; Rus sell M, Brooks, secretary. HUDSON COl'NCIL No. I, R. & S. M. Stated assembly first .Monday in each month, Masonic Temple, .linnes Plant, Thrice Illustrious Master; Glen C. Niles, recorder. DE MOI.AV COMMANDEUY, No. U. K. T. Regular conclave fourth Friday in each month at 8 o'clock p. in., in Masonic. Temple. Sojourning Sir Knights tire courteously invited to meet with us. Geo. H. Huinelt, E. ('.; Frank A. Turner, recorder. CIIADUICK CHAPTER No. :!7. O. E. S. Regular meeting every first and third Tuesday at 8 p. m. ia the Ma sonic Temple. Elizabeth Rend, W. M.; Ida M. Habcuoh, secretary. WOODMEN OF THE WORI.D-.Meet every Friday night at 8 o'clock in McCornnck block, Oscar Donalds C. C; L, S. Geer, clerk. 507 Courl street. Phone 50.'!. CNITED ARTISANS Capital Assem bly No. 81, meets eery Wednesday at 8 r. in. in Moose hall. Mrs. F. . Cook, M. A.: .1. T. Peun, secretary, I r 4 El -Masonic Temple SAI.E.M BI'MAXE SOCIETY I). D. Keeler, president; Mrs, l.oa Tillsou, secretary. All eases of cruelty or neglect of dumb animals should be reported to the secretary for investi gation. MODERN WuuDMEX OF AMERICA Oregon Cedar Camp No. 52l(i, meets every Thursday evening at 8 oclm k in McCornnck hall, corner Court nnd Liberty streets. Elevator service W. W. Hill. V. C: Rex A. Torner.clerlt. WATCHMAKER. U. S. MILLER, the wntdin.akcr, spec tacles, and eye glasses at custom prices. 4S4 Court street. WANTED. EXPERIENCED bookkeeper will heepU your hooks and mail your siaieincin-, 4 for small monthly salary, cnone 175. Call for Cooper tl' WANTED TO TK AD E-Th re timed mare for stuinjipullcr. 70 I' ll. car oM Phone .lull,' 1 lie if Hundreds have obtained their ! first start on the road to suc cess through a "Business Op portunity" Want Ad. Perhaps today now your chance is at hand. CASTORIA For Infants and Children In Use For Over 30 Years Always bears tht Sinituie . THE SALEM - mm mm m- KiTOEfD if S . VI r n." A El FJ A II II 11 II IV fa JJ VJV ' - J rrr - I I .urnlIs Clwsifkd AdverTising Page Cant per WO,d for the f irst insertion. One-Half Cent per word for each .ucceMive .ubsequen, iner.ion& - " BARGAINS $:!() brass beds, 1S; ::5 dining table, 11; qunrtered oak china closet, $!!; oak dresser, with bevel date mirror, 21x:i0, $12. 2J3 North Commercial. tf FOR EXCHANGE-Well improved en acre home near Weiser, Idaho, for Salem property. Also ten acrts close iu, well improved to exchange for city property. Square Deal Realtv Co., .'10 1 U. S. X. Hunk lihlg., Phone 470. tf. IIEAITIFI'L 10 acre tract close tci Idisebnrg to exi Iringe for vacant lots in Suloni. Also now, modern 11 room bungalow, close in, very cheap, to trade or sell. Will accept a nice 0 loKia bungalow close to car lino in nay nice residence district of the city. Halance in terms or cash. 207 Ilnlilinnl building. Phono 2424. Junel FOR RENT. I'liR RENT New modern o-ioom house ut ."ills North Seventeenth street, $10 per month. Mavill FOR RENT Light housekeeping rooms inquire ,i.i iortl t hurcli t. tf FUR KENT 8-room bouse close in, ijslii. Phono 1110" modem, M or (1st. FOR II EXT Fin uished liotisckcopiii rooms. ee .Mrs. .1. L, IVctz, at I'eelz I- ii i ii i tu if Store, nr Kid I'nion. Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S C A STO R I A fiSIiinoi rssaiyisfljoytiiifcv:: D !, T. FLUX GOL'RAl'D'S CRIS'TA! CREAM OR MAGICAL BEAtTlii;: i 'ilim vii imI'm Crc'ii' 'i- 0-- Wt Iiihi.Cii, kiii l, H'l'im' ii,ii', 1- r tie I-.' :tli 'Ini.niMi. am. I ...c; U.M.tfji 0, a, (-ii In Uie t'1,11. il stulca, .:ic,.,.u an I i:ni,.i : Theic tiny CflPSUUSl im 8nnirior tn tia nm of Copaiba, Cubebs or lnjectinni,andN RLLIEVtS In (MILY) 24 II0UH3 the W ame diwases with out Inconvenience, . ''V tt'l ttr'nwiuft. Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S C ASTO R I A It SalemFence and Stove Works 8?t Ar K-nmn T.n, l'lr.r i;-ja ty 1 i 1 .'kin- M..I.I, . r--3 ('l'i:.YK "'. s tl--a- fa;-'- H '- il -Nlwiiei. u,.,i.. Ft -si l -j i-.i-.i o. I- O VSCp-vT- n( I I 1 i, v of (In ln'i I li ? S-w " V ''' ""'l"l' -j i i ii ii' t. i.i -v I ....im r mi tn.. !! T R. B. Fleming:, Prop. Depot American Fence To Hop Growers: Morlcj'l Pat. Breed Basket. Stands the strain. Buy now and gave money. Don't wait until you need them. Or order cow and get them later. i i ' i t It I 250 Court Street Phone 124 Back of Chicago Store ' , - filit. An ti " Srrrm I iikib ra rail lur.' .ra ft,-ir ' smi .,. l.-.r. - M .m" UIH, rTMWH tmvtlWU I.HH.1 (k..o ('-! U I- 'J t L.t .'-1. HMiFM N. I'.US( CAmASJMTO, BAT.TVW ry, WHICH WOULD YOU GATHER. H4VE Fori. ML? 1 NEVER. wanna See Food 46ainI Supper "ToMopkow Ni6h7, CecxJueTTES" ' THE MARKETS craws. Hay, timotl.v. per ton... $14 $1 $11 ...$1.05 Kic $.11 ... $.'18 ... $10 ....$20. ."id ...$;12.00 Ouls and vetch Client. Wheat, per bushel v.ats, per bushel , Rolled barley Corn ". Cracked com I'.ran Shorts, per ton Vegetables, Cabbage, per lb Parsnips Tomntoes, Florida String Garlic Beets Radishes Potatoes, per 100 lb Potatoes, new, lb . $1.50 $4.50 15c $1.50 45c, $2 lie lie $l.75( 2 $1.25 - $2 75c(o $1 $X50( :t.75 $1.75(i 5.25 7',ie 5i..c LWlfJi 175 .'.,$(! $:i.25 $l.li(l New peas , lleniiiiila onions ' 'ueuniliers Turnips Fruits. Strawberries, erato Oranges, naval l.emoas, per box Pineapples, per lb I'.uuaiins, 11 Apples, box Florida grape fruit Dates, dromedary, caso . . , Fard dates Cocoanuts, per dozen $1 Butter. Hnttcrrat Cianieiv butter, per pound Eggs and Poultry. Eggs, cash, 17c; trade Hens, pound Roosters, old, per pound Spring chickens, II. Pork, Voal and Mutton. Pork, on foot $7.25(1 7.50 III. lie . ...fl'a(. 7i: I'llil 111 ,0 . .. S(;5'Jc . .. Ic I'oili, dr. I Vein, dies-,. I Spring lambs, milk fed,. Steers Ccms Hulls Ewes Sheep, sheared Retail Prlco. Flour, hard wheat , lie .l.OSfi; 2.110 .. $l.85(ii 2 221 .e $7,10 flour, valley Eggs, ji,.r ,ji,,'u Sugar, cane Sugar, D. G Creamery butter Portland Markets. I 'oil land, inc., ,1 n lift .--Club. t!.o:,i ,- Idiicsteni. I.OS $0.00 i ,'12' Wheat- Oal -While I' I, $25.75. Hurley E I. .-J2. Hogs l'.e-l live, $7.85; joini, sl -1 , ,.illi.i.i; liile-v cows, $11,511 I'll III vT-.Of,; 7.7.', ; -.lillg liitnbs, $s. Jin 1 1 cr City i lea m cry, 27'-..c. Egg- Si'leil.'l oral extra, 10' .In 20c. Ileus, 12- ; I. Meiers, I8(,l22e; Kcch,-, Vii !le. BUILD CLKASOW ROAD. Thursday, Mac 2(1, twcnty-cii'lil n and teams di,,uit,d the day's work to building tlie (,li-as,,n road, u mini run ning en it fiom the Pacific Higliwny nt u point ii '.li,,it distnnce north ,,f the W. Hentlv pl:e e, I lie Work was done under the (hrnti'll of S. I.. Daniel... rend su"'ii is-.r fer road district .V,,. 2. The road to l- built was about one and ii half mil' s I'.ng and all the stomps nml other olci in, torn that usimlly lime to be mined .rc blasted and the roiel built to a grade in fine shupe. H,,-k He Son sent up I'm) tile mot this pint of the Hulk wi, finished Tin's, In) ..! this we. k. Tic ,ly was known nor the di-tii't as ei.M'l Minis dny nnd at tin dose "f ibi.v 'lo-y hud n good road built. Those ,-ci'I nbiiting labor or team and labor were: '', llevsiis, l. I'lat, E. Miilb n. Grant Jones, Frank Hr.rrett. C. D. Troudt. ''red Piiiman, Albeit Pbiard, ,l,,hn .biid'-n, John Striufler, M. Nelson. I'Vit'k (irimp, John Dunn, C"o. Knight. Krcl Znibiidcn, .lolin Zurbn den. Kin i, k r'c ! " ". Mr. Moon, Win. Mm dcr, Frank "i,nd,'i, .lolin Sanders, Sile. ,,,,, , I . i:,i, r, ,i. .niiiui, u. I'. UvUih,rt UMl rml '.urhwU -,, n n n. I,, hnri. l, rifnl uwrwr. Jl ut PRATUM NOTES (I'npitsl do ir ;il Special Service, i . liieM- hud ft bad ncci vc'iing. Mr. ( ' lied III' S pBSMIIg team I'lii. Mrs. (.icse :n I Mr. nnd Mi. ' ' dent HiiimIi-v horn' was fngM snd start, -I to TUESDAY, JUNE a. 1915. " mm mm mm mmmmW U mmMmtMm' f - WE KikJ MAk'E. HASH F-orz. THE BokjeS MAKE 4D0EABLE. Soup! K thrown out first and her iirm broken near the wrist. Mr. (liese remained iu until the buggy lurched into the ditch when he was thrown out heavily, and was seriously injured, sustaining' heavy braises and internal injury. The acci dent happened near Pratiiin, uud help was soon in coining. Mr. and Mrs. Giese were both taken to the home of their daughter, Airs. Ed Eisenluieh, at Pratuiu. Miss Mary Harper Is now going back and forth on the train to Salem. This gives her the advanlage of staying at home while still being aide to attend school. Mr. George Schaati has been breaking a colt this past week. The colt, man aged to keen things lively for awhile but at the close of the week, wus poll ing fine in the harness. .Miss lube Steften is once more at after having attended business college for several months. Miss Steffen will attend the college again in the full,' when sin will finish the course. Mr. llurvev l.eisv. who is ntleniliiin the O. A. C, is spending u few days with his parents. Mrs, Clifford , bines and children, of Salcai, are spending n few days with home folks. Mrs. Charles Evre visited ielaties in Saleia last week. Mis. Mms. Rice and little sua, togetli er with Miss Veina l.udi, Master Ellis Welty and Muster Elian Sleiuer, went strnwbei Tying last week. They spent a pleasanl day in the strawberry tjcM u in I retained at night, with wrli filled pails. The continued rain is seriously ineon veniciiciiig the tanners of this Hecliiui. Very few have their potatoes in, and the late planting will cause a Inle har vest, probably as well bles.vd with raia as the planting time. The Meiinioiite cliini h is passing n subscription li.it fur a new oigiiu and already have many signers. Tlie church will siioii possess a fine organ, A choir wil be oiglaaied as soon as the new oigali is olitaiiied. A Children's Day program will be given at the Mcniioiiite clioi'i-h on July I. Plans are alicndy under way for the program. Fails In Its Purpose Sun It.-l iiaidinn. Oil., .lune Ilasli tng down tlie steep loads ol the San Mel Hindi no mountains in the automo bile ,f (li'oi'ge Ei'clliiiin, ciiriving her dead linliv, which she believed merely I ill, .Mrs. chaihs .Mil ii a risked lor life to rush the iutaiil to a physician here tiidnv. When she airived the doctor tol.l Mis. Mhiiii her baby hud been head an hinir. She collopri d. Never n I dnvs ago Mrs. Miinn took the baby to Moitunu Ctimp in the inoiin tains fur its lonllh. Today she up lilulohcil Ecetlilllll, wh wiih tiidtiiriiti tlirmii'l In- liillrt tlli'l ticxxilit llilll t cluld to int 'lii iil niil, Tlie i'H- riil'ty tin hiTMt ill i vi' u it Ii M t.it i f'ul rliniiix n1 Mlltr-I. Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S C ASTO R I A jL. M. HUM Care of YICK SO TONG Chinese Medicine and Tea Company Has medicine which will cure any known disease. 13.1 South Hiffh Street, Salem, Ore. I'hone 28U. DR. EVA MURPHY Magnetic Healing and Electric Baths ''iir nl I rouble kinds of discuses, female spi'i'iiill.v. oinu mi l Boom 4, Bush it Breymao Bids, l l l H0WrTH47 5Tf2lKt Vqu. HWE -4 MEVRT' HVE A R4 l HE4IHI ' 1 1 ir r-J 1 1 V A I no I PS WSFT- THE DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL Classified Business Telephone Directory A Quick, handy referencefor busy people ABSTRACTS Or TITLE, Abstract Company,' 218-222 Salem Hunk uud Trust Bldg Salem AUTO TUBE Auto I'ubo Vulcanizing, 25c. Hhop, si..l l-'l...,..i rv yZ'ZZ "' """""u LAUNDRIES. Salem Steam Laundry, 1.10 South Lil orty Main 25 PLUMBINd, STEAM T, M, Burr, Id I South Commereiul UNDERTAKERS. '.'54, North High street.. Rigdon-Richardsnn Co., TRANSFER AND DRAYAOE. Snlem Truck & Dray Co,, corner Htuto nnd Front Btrools.. JOB PRINTING. Futton Block Beaver Htuto Prinlr ! The Journal Want Ad gets the business. It finds the position and it places the1 'right people in the .irrhi j place. It is small, but its! carrying power is tremen- dous! I I TRAVELERS' GUIDE tinfrniiTnntf a m SOUTHERN PACIIIO North Bound. Ill-Oregon Ex press ... 11:00 a. m 28 - Willamette Limited ):22 u.m 12 Shiistn Limit,., I 1 1 - ns u ... No. No. No, No. No. No. No, No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. 18 - Portland Passenger 2:00 p.m. j U0 - - I'ort In nl I'usscnger 5:00 p.m.; II Portia ml Express . 8:00 u.m. 222-Portland fimt Fr't. 10.18 p.m. 220- Local wuy Fr't ...10;il5 p.m. Houth Bound. 15- Culiforiila Express 3:.'I2 a.m. 17 - llosebiirg I'lisneugerl 1 :20 a. in. 10 Cottage Grove Pas. 4:20 p. in, 11 -Shasta Limited ... 5:, p.m. 27 Willamette Limited 11.10 n m. LI- San Fiuiicisro Ex.. 10:38 n.ui. Han I rain isco I nt ' Freight .12:35 a.m. . 8:10 u.m. No. 225 - I.oeul way Fr't, Balcm Geer Line. Arrives lit Salem,, Leaves Snlein . . , -Ar. Salem (mixed) No. ' No. No. No. 0:15 u.m, U:50 s in. 2:00 p.m. 4:15 p.ui, --Leaves Sub in Mm connection south of (ieer No. No. No. No, No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. I'll Kl n;.i 107 I'lll 2.:n I. v. Salem, motor.. 7:00 in, Lv. Halem, motor - 0:45 .in, Lv. Salem, motor, , 1 :40 ,.m. Lv. Snlem, molor.. 3; 25 p.m, Lv. Salem, motor,, 0:15 p.m. way rr't lv. Sub m D:0() a.m. HI2 -Ar.'Siileni I'il - Ar. Salem H: to a.m. 11:25 a.m. .'1:15 p.m. 5:,10 p.m. 7:45 p.m. SuYui 1:30 p.m. 101',- - Ar. Snlein , 108 -Ar, Hiilriii , K0 -Ar. Snlem . 210-Wuy Fr't nr OREGON ELECTRIU RAILWAY CO Northbound. Lv. Salem 4:35 ii. m. 7.15 u.m. II: 15 a.m. II -0 s in. I '.0 p iu. 4.0U p.m. 5.37 , m. 7:5.1 p.m. Tiaiii No Ar. Pirtland Owl 11 a.m. 30 a.m. ... (I to Limited 12 II HI Limited . ... .. 20 O'l .11:35 a.m. . 1:4.1 pin. .. 4:10 p.m. .. 5:50 p.m. .. 8.00 p. in, -.10:00 p.m. Southbound. Lv. Portland (J: II s.in 8.25 a.m. ... 10:10 s in Ar. Hiileni 8:55 a.m. 10:11 a.m. 12:55 p.m. 4:31 p.m. .. I Limited ... 7 ..... ... U 2:10 p.m 1 Tolcplioue 533 VULCANIZING. foot of Union street.'. 1517-J 7.IS .7 TT . ... .... J"' m"n "'B" Miitn 1200 FITTING AND TDSNING Street , Main 3 .Day nnd night, Main 183 Main 74 1512 MONEY TO LOAN o oooa ei Esut Becnrity thoml roED o,. Always cheap and always dependable a Journal Want Ad. 4 ft . . ... 4: 10 P.m. L't Limited fl.40 1:00 p. in, 11:15 p.m.. .... 17 l.oiiil .... .. 21 Owl Northbound. .. 8:10 p.m. .. 1:55 u.m. Ar. Salem .. 5:37 p.m. Ar. Salem .. 11:45 a.m. .. 1:50 p.m. .. 4:00 p.m, .. 7:55 p. in. .. 3: 10 a.m. Lv. Corvallis 4:10 p.m.. 20 . Id Limited .. II . Ill Limited .. . . 2 (Vf"r B'mth bound. Lv. Eugene 7:11.1 a.u 11:1 i ajii . ! :M p.m.. I 5:10 p.m.. 12:05 u. iu.. Mulciu .1 p.m... Ar. Albuny U - 5,35 p.m. Ar. Eugene 7:05 p.m. Ar. Euuutiit l.v. Knlem 2:00 a.m. 21 11:0.1 u.m Oml 7:50 a.m. 1 .11:30 u.m. ...12:25 run. 10:15 a.m. l.v, Snlem 5 Limited Ar.. Albuny 2:05 p.m. Stops at Corvulli 1:00 p.m, 7 Lv. Halem Ar, r.ugoiie U 8:5(1 p.m. 8:40 p.m.. CORVALLIS CONNECTIONS. Northbound. Lv. Corvullis Ar. Hulem 8:2(1 u.m 10 :45 a.m. (Local Albiinr tu Halmn.) 12:12 p.m 2:.'IJ p.m 4: 10 p.m 0:05 p.m Lv. Halem 11:05 u.m 10:15 a.m 4:35 p.m 1:0(1 p.m 0:43 p.iu Ii 1:50 p.m. HI 2U .. AO 4:011 p. in. 5:37 p.m. 7:55 i Bouthbouud. .Ar. Corvalln 1 5 9 7 13 10:31 a.m. 1 1:31 a.m. - H:02 p.m. 2:32 p.m. 8:00 p.m. WILLAMETTE RIVES ROUTE. Oregon City Transportation Company, Lenva Portland fur Ori.ruB City, Hottnvilln, Innwhcrir, Mission (St, Paul), Wheat bind, Halem (daily sicept Hun, lay) tl: 15 a.m. Leave Portland for Indepen dence, Albany, Corvallis, (Tiiesdav, Thursday uud Sutiinlay) 0:4.1 e.m. Betr.mln(. Leaves-" ''nrvalba Albany IlldeprndencA It I m. Mnn.,Wed.,FrL 7 a.m. .l,m.,Wcd.,Fri. . bu m.- Mon.,Wed.,Krl. tl a.iti..TiiiN.Thiir.Hnt. ruiltim Suk'iii . ,..I0 a.ni.-MoD.1Wcd.,Frl. J, i f '- i. if tf illfi yrr i rnmf irmi-ffif- tff.ii4w'iyi