June White Sale Just So It's White, the Price Is Reduced M en's Clothing AT GREATLY REDUCED PRICES A Line of Regular $20.00 Suits, now $10.00 Women's Suit and Coat tm ULBt CAPITAL MMU. MI..IBW mm,, KI 1, l,. GREATLY REDUCED IN PRICE Take Your Choice of a Beautiful Display FOR LESS Charming Scene from "Omar The Tentmaker" at the Grand Tonight 4. . ' V N ' ' 1 . ... ' v j-.'v'i i"-i' -'? . 1 i NEW TODAY On ent pi word Mch later- T Uon. C'opjr for ailrertiaementa na- J m-r inn acadiag thouli be la by t I fHONE MAIN 8t lAK woo.l, $5 per raid. I'haue 2340, .'lUST-rhAfSS-KroJ-a .iglit I.unoh. Ml It HAI.H i'our Ji-mi'tr hi-ifurn. 1 lump ;ii) f' j:t. .lunuJ AK wood if,'.; kccoihI growth lir $3.!0 "'r cord. I'hnnc '-'-Isl. tr 'UW iin.l ralf for stile. V, A. Kdmm, l.f. . box 111. Jum-l i'OU SAI.K-f, .lorsi'.v r. C. W. roriNf, 'I'm nor, Oro. Jitnc'4 liiHIM ii nd lionnl in isioilt-i u Ii.hiio, i'Iohii i". ol'l -Nnrlli I'mlimo, 1'Uoiu. 5 Hi. JllllCu WANTliP Mock to iisiiiii hv tlirt nionlli, running wntiT. lit. L i'liomt 7 Junct !,HST A ri'loinotor, off n inii.nri'yc.lc, im-mv,-i'ii I'iiiinn iim.i naloin. I'liom. Juncl I'CR KKNT-NVoly fiirnMio.l lioimo lii'i'l'inj; rrimis, ii'iisowiWo. y,: N. I I'lllllUT.' in I. f Uo Wll.l, move our mil oslnto offiow In room :! Iliirm- luiiliii nyr. Smin " ''""I' I. full n nd boo im. (loo. M. .lui'uli (' oiiiiHiiv. Jmii l TRY SALE?! FIRST . w v I Thoro is evory imlirnlian nt flip box I ofi'ii-o of ; he (Iniiiil opora houso flint a i'iinioi!y nudionio will be in attend , nnoe ton iulit tn weli'ume (iny ItatoH . I'ost in Hirlianl Walton Tally 'd sjiuo Macular IVrsnni m nance, 'Dinar, the I Tontniaker. " This is the thid play by Mr. Tally to wore a Hcnsational sac jccss. its preilere-ors Iwinjr "The Hird of Paradise" and "The Hose of the jHaacho." both of which are pleasar ably recalled by all theatergoers. 1'ieforially, "(Iniar, the Teat maker," is an I'pnrli-makiiic achievemeat, nnd has ontalilirhod a new hi,'h water mark for lnvii-h and picturesque stae adorn- meat in thin count ry. N'ithiii) inoro beautiful than the siiccosmhh of iim nificent Oriental pictnrei disclosed dar ill); the perforniunce has ever graced the local stano. Willi infinite fidelity the producer, Mr. Tally himself, has sac eedoil ill reproducing the faseinatino; eliarm and allurement of old J'ersia. The cnrorful life of the narrow streets with their huddled, silk-laden lumtnrs, iiaint tavern and busy potters' shops has been faithfully deputed, while by way nf rentful coutrast a rose liowercd, liiil filled eiirden nt sunset Is trnns t'erred intact to the stane. I In wiavinu a play around tin life, I times nnd Hubai vat of Omar Kha I'vaai, the beloved I'oisian poet of the elev 'oath century, Mr, Tally lias laid panic- ii In r stress upon the euchantiiii; career ;of the "sweel singer of red wine and .he inee. '' With the interest in Omar's , loc life iDiistautlv maintained. Mr. has also iiitiodueed a compact Tullv i aeries of t Itril'tnj i.rapades, siuidcn (dentils, hinh sacritiiin, deep plultmus j n rut poetic reveries that lire calculated j to cvolte eathi sia-m fioin even the most I casual thea!ei.'oer, The lover of the i lliiliiiivnt whose numbers are legion r, hcrevrr the Kanlish laiiuaauo is spok en-note with doliuht. that many of the most popular of Khayyam's n'untriiiim mo natariilly inln.la'ced .luring (he course of the play's dialogue, la ihe title role Mr. I'oat is nivlau Iho most siuiiificanl. inlerpietatioa .of his career, and one to which he blinds to bear his ripest and best talents. The part is one of the stiineriiiir dillieultv, ami that Mr. Post has won for himself such critical praise in a (front eirupli in i ii t tn his histrionic ability. furrouuilinit Mr. Cost is the same or i(4iiuil company of nearly UHl who sup ported him iluiini; his lengthy metro politan eiiijaKcmeiit, la Center Is Chosen For Next Meeting Eugene, Or., Juno . I.a Center, WaihitiRton, wan elioBon um the next BectinK place of tlio Willamette Valley Young People's league of the Norwo eim Lutheran church, tlio date to lie Borne time in Juno, nt today 'h Hesion We annutil convention in session in m. A committee was named to WV date. Itev.lk. Koiidstein of I.n Center waa fhosim VTuntWnt of the league; XI. An derson, of VashoiiKiil, Washington, was eaoseii vice-president; liev. Otto Lock, of Cntiliy, iccietal'v; Ole Kilmer, of Portland, enrrcspoiiding secretary, and Tom Corliniise of Silvert treasurer. A public reception was held in V. O. W. hall teaiKlit. nail the sessions will tnii tomorrow with religious servieen. BUILD HARD SURFACE ROAD. I Court House News - Claiming that (die would rather go to the (jit-la' Industrial Homo than live with her luirents, Iniu Luracu wun com mitted to tlio u'lrls,' school today by Jud;o lituhey. The girl's father, Thus. I.nrsen, lnnde the romplaint aRainst the (?irl Btittinp thnt sho refused to stay at j home nnd insisted in gniiij; in company of which her pnrentn did not approve. They reinonstruted with her nnd she left home. Hheriff Ksch went out to Quinaby, where the l.uraca'a live, this morning und briiu(;lit the. (jirl to town.! Hho was taken out to tlio girls' school! this afternoon. i trait nAo lilbHl Koiidaiaster Waldo .T. Film is busilv "CTKcl hi makiiiK iireparations for wnie su l.st :. n t i ul road iniprovenients miriii); the presi-nt senson, some of which are alremly under wav in differ mt parts of the county, r'robably the it iinp.Mtant iirojecfc in cnnteinpla ticn in tlu, way of permanent work is e hind siirfaeiair of a mile of hiKh fa.v oat of Independence, which will bo performed largely for experimental Purposes with a view to extending this cjaraeter of improvement to other parts the county. If this concrete road Proves satisfactory the plan is to eon itnict a like roadway between Dallas r iiiclependonce, then to Kulein vin "i;h';einlence, and evoiituully on other rrmcipiiliy traveled liighwava of the Mty. Independence .Monitor. An order for temporary alimony was handed down by Judge Galloway in department No. 2 of tlio circuit court Saturday in the easo of Zacharins Nernea, The plaintiff was ordered to pay into court the sum of $!i0 for suit money and the farther sum of $50 be fore tho caso came to trial. Today and Tomorrow AMBROSE'S SOUR GRAPES Special Keystone Production. In 2 Parts RUN AWAY JUNE Last Epi sode Sea the climax, most ex citing photo play ever pro duced 2 parts. Worn Out Germans ! Fall Back Before Fire (Continued from I'nuo One.) been captured by Hiivnriiin troops, nil n'Ticinl statement ainioiineed todnv, ress today. Shells ! tialteriea have crush THE GREASER te.rn Drama, -A Good West- TIIE SCHEMERS A Princess Comedy very popular comedy Attorney General Gives Opin-!,1, ion Upon Important Point On Compensation Act from the Trench il tho walls of the building occupied by the (IcrnuiiiH, but they are Mubborniy defending the lliillS. T .e tight for post-osion of this re Lion pecan carlv o:.foidav. At tho time I the official statement was issued from war office the tesult was still in Vaudeville .Alice Miillinui hns been grnated n divoreo from her liu.sbnad Charles Mill lican, by Judge (lalloway through ile fault. The couple were married in Okla homa in l'.IDO nnd linvo six chililrcn raniriag in age from 11 to 2 years. Tim mother wns given control of all fix children and a decree of absolute Mi vorce. Cruel nnd inhuman treatment was alleged for cnuse. A marriage license was issued today to Verden Mclvin Moffitt, a Salem stu dent, and Stella Alartiu, a saleslady al so of this city. PONY MOORE CO. In a com plete chr-ngo of acts. Bargain Matinee 10 Cents Coming Thursday, Friday and Saturday, On the Night Stage A Mutual Master Picture Peatur ing WM. S. HART, ROBERT EDI SON, and RHEA MITCHEL In 5 Parts I BLIGo "The Whole World Known the Portland Rose" and the Portland Rose Festival June 9-10-11 A Time of fun nnd frolic for young nnd old tn forget Hie cares ami the "'Tries of tho duy nnd join i'n tho spirit of mirth and amusement. Special Round Trip Fares from Albany ..$3.10 Chemawa $1.80 Corvallis $3.50 Eiifrene $4.80 Harrisburjr ... $4.15 With corresponding low round trip fares from all other points. Tickets on sale from all points south nt Koseburg June I'th to Kith, inclusive from H.iseb'irg and nil points north June llth to lltli. inclusive. Final return limit June llth. Full particularsfrom nearest Agent of the,$ SOUTHERN PlACIFillCI J'-lm M. Scott, General passenger Agent, Portland, Oregon Theatre I Tho Show Hnise Where You See K tho Best Pictures C :1m re p. i Men lisi t ri From Junction City . $4.30 Liberal $1.10 Mt. AnH $1.50 Molalin $1-20 Salem ?2.00 LEO FRANK HEARING. Atlanta. I'll., .lime I. -Willi the hear ing upon the a 'iil t"r a .-.im rim I itt i..n ,, he ,).-( It M'liti 10 e of l.'O M. Kralllt completed, it was expected today tint M'oU oiKa!MM"ll Wieioi muse ji- 1-1 the governor late next week, eis of the coietni,--ion wool'! nol the po.ibility of 1'iank's 'iv being cnninintoil to lite inipri-on- n,,. u t . but it win Koncnilly l'liee. tne r.-port wniil.l be finonible to the con demned mail. SENTENCED TO PRISON. San Kiaio'i-' ". June I. ' on i. t-. of an al'ompto.l n-aull on Mi-s Alir i ii-o I. of Kali.-pi'l, Mont., on board the st,,i ,T I'.ni' -r whi! i the Inch seas I: -t n.. 1.. Ilnriv K. Mycr, ii Vancouv er lailr- ad n a...'l-lav a. "'iiteneeil to veil in the Alum'' ' comity jail by i...i,....i i ,,.i.-,. Iir.olui. On te-tiinonv that tlo- pi'sonor has Hi i ii tf at V In a i'v a' 'In court di soulenei Ai rding to an opinion given the in dustrial accident commission by Attorn ey (Icneral llrowa this morning the ac- ceptunce on the part of tin employe of , compensation for injury under the terms of the workmen's compensation I net operates as an estoppel to bar his wife, heirs or managers of his estate, in the case of ih ath by accident, from i recovery of datnngea under the pro j visions of any other act, particularly i the employers liability act. ! This ipicHlinii was raisi'd by a big cm ! plover of labor of Portland who. in the j light of a recent decision of Judge Me- i (nun, of tne circuit court tor Mint i nouiali county, giving judgment for sep j urate damage to an heir of a mail who had a pted protection under the coin ; pensntion ait, desired to know what . protection the employer had from such litigation. Tli" attorney general hold that the wolinn-n's compensation act .expressly pioudes for exemption from suit for ilninnces in the event of in pt Iwlo ami' of the compensation not and holds !der that: iilt,., "There scoiim to be no doubt as loTors; the intention of the legislature as indi tbv in cations l.v t!,o provisoi lit fpioted anil tali' i, thai, in ea:" - v, here the provisions of mmi . ' tin' ni't can I i' supplied, actions be th iniL'ii" employe or Ills legll represelitnt i ves j 'against the employer, would, after re. ceipt "f the ci nipi'tisaiion uiiiler this act, or in ailjiitineat of the claim by the coiiwm-.Mon. be estopped when the empbyer and employes are within the act."' Italian Scfnxrts Attacked. 1)101' jlnne l. -ltaii land Hiiadir.i Italian seaports, were altached by Aus trian aviators today. Several boiiihs were hurled upon (lie Inwnti, hut no gnat material Inina'je was done. One hoy was killed and two persons were woniiiled by the eploliuH' bombs.. At liiimiisi the cttaili of the avia tors was evideatlv iliieete.l against the iju li" aiol 'liiiii ing in the hatbor. The jlxiiiilH fell thiol, I, Moling in the town land ilanieging two houses. Tho Aas ',.iiiiiis itire.ti.l thoii boiiihs upon toe ltii!uay centers at !ili, but mi.sed. The I I 10 i -t ;l s c !o h . io a i iowdeil street, . killing a hoy. coil .ili;,' Iwo peisuns scnoii-ly aiol intloliog inuior iiipii'ie ll ii iniuiv othcii-. TarH'-h Lo.isea Heavy. I'liuo, i'i:,t. .lone I. Tuili-h olli r ra lined a t o I nii. ht ago said Ihe llhi-h le--"'. Ill tl. I '111-1. lies figllb OREGON Theatre TODAY AND TOMORROW WAR FILMS PICTURES TAKEN AT THE ntONT BY 1'EIIMIHHION -of French General Staff WAR IN ALSACE AUTOS AT FRONT FIGHTING IN HILLS BALBOA PATlfE FEATURE B "Saved From Himself" 3 Acts A Real Antrrlrau Comedy "BEYOND HIS FONDEST HOPES" THURSDAY AND FRIDAY Tho World Feature HUD I't UUANTS for making jell at Mrs. Caiiipbeirs, Salem 'Heights. Flume ill K J.i. June.') ilAUKV Window cleaner. Phoua 1S5U-J- tf VAi I I'M CI.KANKU-Kugs, .'IHc; 2 or more, i;oc each. 1'h L'lL'll-li. I,, ,. ""'kner. , ,,., I'Olt SAI.K (lit TUADK-llv ownei, .'I I II acres, nice home, ciiillae. Cull at south solo of house, ;t;'i .Ninth l.ib-''rl-' '''' JiineU COMPLETE stock of tested garden, field and lawn lord. Westaeott A Thielsen Co., llil North High at. U l'Olt 1;i:NT New 8 room modem linn gahiiv, Ninth Twentv-first street. Carey I'. Mnriin, 411) 'Phime. tf WB will allow you the hlghen price foi your used ftirniturt la eichange foi new. (alcf Ilroi., boms furnisher 1'houe SU3, ,W A N Tl-:it TO Til ADK Knuity in fiiiu residence for niitomobiie. Address U.'l, cure Journal, tf I'OU ItKNT-Thiee inolera fiiriiished looms lor housekeeping, u nil hatli room. Iiiilericinlciit eiiliniice, mi sec nud floor. Itlil ( enter st. JuncU A Kl'l lildiAKKIt, Hiiiek or Overlamk liiilooioliilii wanted. Will tnido eipiity in flue new house, Address. 1 1. 'I, cure Journal. tf MAVI-, tlOim by luiylng a new 7 room limiso tinlay. T is can bo made. "alll down, balm ninthly. Ad dress Kt, care Journal, tf I'Olt HAI.K--K room house, close in; cai give good proposition if sold Hum week. Might eunsiiler Homo trmle. Address III, euro Journal. tf nig up to that i ill an otto ml stolen ito'iav. ' hae otleo lieeii i night at::..-U II llov -ill'fei fire of the al! .is ,'iid. 'Ih ii bailiiloiL-i -take near i Sllf i'i led h , O.iM.I th:' I II,.. I the t ' ' The r:. oto 1 1 i'.hy Tnii'ev ,s it I oa 1 1 e i s r. f o- f t ., i loiti.l.os lor tht .r 1,1 e M'l .Ii , 10,0011, a n no it lie i d here h i d be pon ilile FIRE 18 A MYSTERY. the allies tor reveal i in -I hv I iie Tut ks il tetiil.le In ses III) : .1 go Its, I Ile Till I-. il e al l! told of Iwo ii 1 1 a. I, i ug eai h ot her oil .e. Ilolli bill II . t lio.-es befol e It I the I lli'ln V WHS llol ghllllg cease. I, llilllol Ololertland llie star," tne heinl .1 "Thee cnise Ihe ''Alias Jimmy Valentine" and A Big Vaudeville Show Auspices Niki Klahanne THE CAMP! IKE CURLS ADMlf!BION loo III HINKSM ( IIANCK-Wanled, ma-i witn .'.im to (ItHiil can. secure pros perous iiiaiiiifaclaring business and hlaiil with .1.1". .link. r.t. v.. ...t Hunk reference, (.'or pcisoioil iilt,.,. I ''"'w li'ldiess J, W., euro Jooiiial, .III lie ;l Keign of Anarchy Must Be Ended-Wilson (I oi'tiuiied fioin l'ago One,) out warning. Nu hee, was paid In Hues raised aboard the boats. Ohscivcrs believe certain residcnlM of biwt r ( aliforaiii, Milling the criliml "Into of leh, lions lolneeii ,l, !,,, ,( Iho I'nile.l Suites and dt-iiiag that Iho I't'iilii.tila f Lower ( alifoiala be Ink,.,, I'V tiie t inted ,N,tc have employed llo-e melius of starting nelion. The alia, lung paity win t ,,. pose. of soldltoa rinin t, .;nt,,.,n garrison, say Ihe boatmen. t'fndor Sl''',es JPiio, igt I. ,l.i Han Vr: hour to li.v of the t.-:i fire off i-co. June 1 At a In I .'stiinony of Captain Kret.s rr Miickiiinw, which crt'ipht i liol leii (late l-'iiilav. given I it.-a . not r-a'ii ! four, 1 1 a , . nek - Tin an ii' I that sl.ed. before Spee'ers dl-el Ho' I Offer iiig.T will I I'lliled Mates hteuilislltp III (. r,'. ric and Dnlnn, fa. lid to ol gi tl of t he f b'liies. S. . Allot. I nnd Kagii.e. r St. in s : t v later. ha.k ife and child noM-r aiol na" 'Irini-ing time of the ns-ault, the elar.-l he wo-i. impose a light DENY MEXICAN FAMINE. Kl I'aso. Texas. Jnne 1. t'airen.istas .lav d.iiiel tla Mevi o is fa-oil,-stricken. Ihev asserted that wheres.-r i nrraiia is in .oii'rol. his regime i both "l.eneo!eiit and prnpi That Vo,..ri.an ai l is needed in was deiiit .1. "When We Were Twenty-One" See tho Film Adoptatlon of Oils Olebrated Play at YE LIBERTY Russian 'd r... a, in th" :.. t d h. (...:;, . M ..,tr..-a lot .., K.irk n. I. I - .tinel.. a i.tl' Seat boning II nd todav. It is of lilac men pei- Himk. The Hossiali en .link bv n W Mil . 'I ! if to:.: buill in I" eroilH. Mevo ESTATE OF HUBBARD. New V-rk. .Lii.r 1 -The will of Cen tal Thonas H il-l srd. l a. k.-r ..f H-ar Admiral llobct li. I'earc, ho di-co-...re. the i.orih f I".ive Im en tire fortune of scleral million dollars to his widow in be h-M in '-u-' f-' hi" ehil.lien. Haiti nrd di'd May 1''. WEDNESDAY and THURSDAY William Elliott aa "Richard An T.ni(t," the IrowDoiiHlblo and Hdht henrtctl young man wlioia tra.'tte lov affair to ne'.-'.y brtni's ruin to himself and to Ms guardian. Another Installment of Soulh Am-srican Travel Series It Alia im AdvAiun Hto.nllly. .i, ,.( . oftij.a I. I ; II JH'i' JUiil CM i I II'!1 (f" A I 'I Ml II Tn all v, ii. h r-i I'm, , Th- An-' M'iiii' ii ft t ii !' Id hi' IT.'' ' '!:(.: Ml n I'.tl :i I I n ' i 't w in Ii In.1-"!! tli"ir, lll'iM' I h a n II iK" in tlic Am n' In iiimn M in I nf f en . no ri-ii- Fin1 tuny -;ul lliw i' t. rly linn- Hums n. z Favots AUmn. f ,'il"il!, .Ill,' t, "'.'lfl f Thro ii.' 'J' t li "::ti ii i,'iw f.ivnr )li;i( --ijnitti v ' h' i h'i' i' w, to ft Hfir on I'm- .t i ul! :t I a!' Ii Cfif i Il.i. h.if i v lay. Tuf ( ri.;M- n O 'I.' fia;rt-t A'f'rrt Ii (k'n-lit"k.t rih ; i f r . in . .ht to .ih -i .'.I Ii' ic to I'lllf-'lll OtflMI n aii)nii-.l th' lilllPU'llU. O nit an Taltfl Thice For. V i I'- i'ifl, i Witil-n tn I. mi Inn, Awtw Mil.- Hfi'c oT ttu rfMlil lulU lidvi Oi:U Sl'KdAI, SAI,H ()!' 10c Gasoline his Wednesday at 6 p. in. I NTH- TIIKN VK U, CONTINTI-: TO CAS Al 'TOMOI'.ILKS A N ) 3 MOTOIiCYCF.KS 10c per Gallon WOMEN HAVE TO SMILE in a great many cases nnd try to ninkn those around them hnpp.v,, while they me ra.kcd with the pain of organic I to able. I'cw men loiiliro lo.iv coiiiinoii sin h heion.ia is. The leinc.ly for this; ''"'"lit s l.vdia i;. I'iiihlin'ui 's Vegi- table Compound a -imple reinody out. I., from rool.'i nod herbs, which for forty yearn ha" hoi a overcoming the most ob stinate ills ..f women. Kveiy woman sill I'ei log I'I miii teonlr ,, f BARGAINS A few niro bargains pi ices for thU v.e. I, nllv. Il.oise, barn, windmill, till kinds of hearing fruit trees, on Wo, coiner, l.'.ovl.'dl f,.,., n,. Icims; worth -lloll, Farm Bargains i-:l acres Improved Howell Prairie, flip) per acre; terms; snap, iici.-, iniirove., per n.-re. Mil acres, improved, f.',o .,.r , re, l.'i acres, nil cultivated, onlv per acre. I" n.ns, all cnltiiatcl, only iffy, p,r acre, "i acre., all .iiltliale.l, only l.'.'i per n.re. Houses sold on easy payments Just 1 Ilka rent. "I Wanted ('an ''llil' vMir iiii-iii'V tnil ronl i"tiitt M'r'iirity. tiifiirniM'f written that 1 iumjrili.t'ni. I!'mi-i for rriif. Watt Ship Co. i l DECHTEL & CO. !lJ"'"ifl1-l1'7 Bute Btroot. Phone 1.11