Editorial Page of "The Capital Journal" dggjr Tl'KSIMY" ICVKMNO .rune I, 191.". I PUBLISHED EVEHY EVENING EXCEPT SUNDAY, SALEM, OREGON, BT Capital Journal Ptg. Co., Inc. r C! u n "V Tu f if ii it fTo i i ivtj i w n t rt a v rn i o t t L. S. B.VBXEiS. President ('HAS. H. FIStlEK, Vice-President DOHA C. ANDHKSKN. Sec. and Treus. HL'BSCKT I'TIOX KATKS Dnily by carrier, per yenr $5.00 Puily by miiil, per year 3.U0 Per month 4!c I'er month ,'!!)C A CLEAN-UP CAMPAIGN FULL T.EASKD WlHl) TKLEGBAI'II REPORT The Capital Journal carrier boys are instructed to put tlio papers on the porch. If the carrier does not do this, misses you, or neglects getting the jmpcr to you on time, kindly phone the circulation manager, as this Is the only way we can detormine -whether or not the carriers are followiiiir instructions. Phor-e Main 81. CITIZENS OF TWO NATIONS The suicide in London of a German-American named Kuepterie enlivens the subject ot dual citizenship. A citizen of both America and Germany, he was serving Germany as -a spy under protection of an American passport. i Some persons think they see international complica tions for the United States in like cases. There can be none. There is an American conception, observed by iireat imtain aiso, unit a country lias jurisdiction over all persons in it, whether citizens or foreigners. It was in Blackstone's day "a principle oi universal law that a natural-born subject of one prince cannot by any act of his own no, not by swearing allegiance to another, i. CC ... ! -1 1 i i .. .. pui on or uiscnarge nis natural allegiance to the lui iriei . Great Britain's attempted maintenance of that law vas one of the causes of the war of 1812. England did not abandon that doctrine until 1870, when she formally recognized that when a subject became a citizen of an other state his citizenship in England was lost. The right of expatriation has not been questioned in the United States since 18GS, when an act passed by congress declared that "all naturalized citizens of the United States while in foreign countries, are entitled to and shall receive from this government the same protec tion of persons and property which is accorded to natural born citizens." Because of the repudiation by some countries of the principle of inalienable nlWirmpo nnrl thn mnlntMoo t . -w m.im w mum liann; ot it by others it is possible for a person to be a citizen of iwu muiuiis at me same time, neitner state, however, be ing bound to recognize his citi7.pnsVii 11 in this rthnv But offenders against civil or military law in any coun try can be punished according to its laws, no matter what if uuuujuiiuy oi me onenuer. There is a very pretty row on over the spoils which are being distributed by the fish and game commission There is a sum totaling from $125,000 to $150,000 a year to be divided ;(-nong the crowd responsible for the main tenance of the graft by the legislature, and all want choice cuts from the pie. Game Warden Finley had one ol the most perfect machine organizations ever seen in this state not excepting Senator Day's and it con- uoued tne legislature absolutely, defeating every at The Commercial Club is engaged in a "clean-up" cam paign for members seeking out the stray material which may be found available for good membership in the or ganization, to make it larger and stronger. It is a ffood Dronosition. A clean-mi pnnmnipn is al ways a good thing, if put into vigorous execution. Some one has very wisely said that "cleanliness is next to Godliness," and it is true. For the more cleanly an indi vidual is in thought, in conduct, in his person and in his relation with his fellows, the more nearly he approaches the Ideal Man the Godlier he becomes. The same reasoning applies to the community. The! individuals constitute the community, in the broadest sense, and the communitv can hp tin hpttor thon t-Wp whn compose it. It also applies to the community in the morei to be desired an asset, when possessed, recognized and! appreciated by all. Now that the clean-up idea has been taken hold of by! the Commercial Club, it might well carry forward the! work into the city-wide clean-up which is a crying need of Salem. As was pvirlpnt. fvnm thp romnvlrc. nf nn oocfovn : visitor, appearing in an interview in the Capital Journal u lew uavs eieo. r.np. nnr.ir v rnnr lrinn nt moi nnvra nt tho city and the evident lack of civic pride are the subject of remarks by visitors, and the remarks are anything but complimentary to Salem. With the force of numbers now centered in the New fcaiem Chamber of Commerce, that body should be able to render to this city a real service which would be to its credit and of lasting benefit to the city. Again we notice articles in the papers on the "passing of the horse" but the horse is not going to pass. He will be here when the automobile has been superceded by some other invention that is more speedy and fatal, and he will be a useful animal with plenty of work to do. ' i The Deniist Who Wont Hurt You or Your Pocketbook awjta'ffimniilii' Gives Vou . Results in shortest Possible time fvvith least pain. Most Keasonable'Price I adv DR. W. A. COX I can give you more dental work for your money than vou cm .t ,i u tise what I can do, and then do what I advert J J " e,!,ewher Skillful manipulation is part of the system of" Painter Denthtru Before having any dental work done come and see the new Mode ? ; Office and get a price on your work which places you under Z oS K! 303 STATE STREET DR. W. A. COX rAlJNLESS DENTIST LADY ATTENDANT. PHONE 926 OAlih .11 I1P1?PAt "" Several Bibles have been stolen from the Portland public library. This may be taken as evidence of the ' growing demand lor good literature. DOTING OLD AGE SITS IN" CHAIR AT SALEM - 114 Ml : STATE NEWS v ('cms Hay TimcH; ('apt. N. .1, Corn w:ill; cl' (lanliiicr, waH. in the .city to day liKiluiiir nfti'p uliiuo interests, llei states that the ( ianliner mill is . Reformed Train Robber Joins Baptist Church Clemlnle, Okla., .lune 1 M Jennings, reformed Oklahoma bandit and now u bitf figure in state politics there, i& n baptised member of the Haptist church , J ' 1 1 v. v.i;ii-inunv huh perrormeu down - ltd has hf.,.,1 l..r the past week. John II. Troy in the presence of n big I he ,Snn dabnel has been on the ilrv nrnu.l lnu :i.f i.. u: , ... b Lie. in fan Hancseu bemg over- Jennings was a terror to Oklahoma hauled mill ns she has been taking! travelers. He did time in ;-,, r. practically all lumber of the mill south formed, became a lawyer and magazine - in.- mm ..in ugiuii open: wnrer mm ran tor district attorney there. Hev. Troy met him in a Glendal'e theatre and converted him, "COMPLEXION SECRETS OF AN ACTRESS" In n recently issued volume beariuji ATLAS All who pay three months subscription, old or new back with her back on the run, Marsh field Hecord: Warren 1'. Heed. of (iardiiier, who recently took a large! contract of furnishing piling for the' i Southern Pacific nt (iardiiier, has de- j ' ,'KS "V"'"'"'" iron, his' th lll)(m, ,it i r ' i-i'mi'ii. i ne cjunp Hiiiiu'ii I Hist mid had uood suci . th (Daily Astorian.) If ever n doubt existed as to Gov ernor vvithycombe s incompetence his' appointment of the new state pilot com-' mission has removed it. Hicketv ami irresolute, lie has nlnvo.l int.. ti... hands of the Portland ' shipping pool. I After many years of battling the peo ple of Oregon have had their interests! shuffled away into the hands of the' shipping trust. For years the interests! controlling snipping on tlio Columbia 4- " , " W UflltiW. nvnr, ad practically ruining it through ! suDsciiption or in advance, in case their pacer is rlpl) lrrh"Vb carrier, will receive one of these atlasesfret. All mail jority membership of the ii0t com- suDscnoers, old or new, who pay a year's subscriiifa bone enough, nnd keen enough insight,! De entitled to receive an atlas without extra charm. ro see tlie Bauin and h oelr t Withyeonibe has thrown down the bars to the I'ortlnnd Rhipping interests. Despite the fact that the pilots' scene of activity is nt Astoria, Wrlhyeombe hds seen fit to turn tlio Pilot commis sion over to Portland just as ho has turned over other commissions. The shipping trust had its back to the wall. It was alarmed nt the ad vent of the big steamship lines nt the 'oouth of the river: it looked with consternation al (ho building of the big docks at Astoria and it feared thn cess n ircttine . V , v iu..Ke uiiii 4-n 4- 1 M.- i" i. V '""S vnj, ai-,,,,, , .1n , ., " - ime, un. ruineil my complexion. .My Yi .V ani' ?ame "censes thrown into the higi, water wT.s i,oo , the ,,;:: " ;('"; '' general fund where t im' 1)1' bn P. Sl1PPi.il f mmo vAnA ' hh it came at convenient time! " " v? 1,1 '' 1..U1...:4. i- it,. , r v.y.vwvu ,,,, , ; """" t t tlie virtues of mer ;,u" ""."' to I'ortland emptied their, ... .;,;: ciovvds into the state house whenever there was the. slightest dancer of thn nv.-ift lininrr nf nir ;n :1 ! ! of a sane, honest and business-like administration of tho'giueer ....wis 4 . U I . n 1 rtil . . iimi am caine i hk s. int wia th c tnotb. i.. . L1LI. HIL 111 U I Ull ...III.. niH U.ei BlilllU : in iy, .. . ' ",;-i i-Ai'i-iieuce wuil this marvelous substance convinced me it was more valuable than nil cosmetics combined. .N'mi ul,, .,,., . , Kn-' ion begins to go wrung 1 get nil ounce Courier: Slnte and lliuhwav Kuuineer; or inercolicd wav nt ti,,. ,i 'iinline me in .losei.hiue Counlv In. iHtnre, spread cm a thin lnvi.r ..f it i.... tCl" llOW it ll'lS lli'Vi'liimxl inln .-. Ulr.. ,,,., .. il v !."' llllVl' "',,illllil'il to Iho't'ore retiring, a,lmi;r ;t ol'f m,xt ,..... ' P 1," il , U 1 U ,U lMR 1 VV OV01' the diVlSlOn l'.H.Kh.s r..m..,v line by Judge Gillette The wax, nl.c a few' su, h treat- oi me coiiossai tund rjnong the faithful henchmen nnd t'"l"l,"sfi"m,'' i.ia.i ami Hobertson! ''"t. 'fi ni.-miiv to absorb the there are charges flvinc thick nnd f:wt flmf enmn n' I;!..!''', '"r1,1"'".0 .,."w.u"1 u". '. ?. Mgr, iusi(1..!11'.. "Iir,.rmn,v iU I t. . V ' "V L,,lr ' "V," , " 1 Vl,n. Wo "nin-,-:'. .M.nger kniff skin appears. ... in.n uu. lR'I U HieiC IS Hie IC'lSi ' o.uciais aiuoeu vork ami biggest salaries It is mI'i-pi' ill incf 1 t , i'''1',. Nie,if(.i,i this m.u-ning, and .mw.nnm.nfiv,' 11 i , , ,Ul USl 1 0U Uu ea'lv slai( was uuide froiii this eitv, among gi at tors and the only interest the people- have in it Tl"' ,,ll v to be at v0'n that thev nut un the ilu mmn.v u,.,f a n ii. . ",vk trouble- vuummj; mi in This is the most liberal offer thp fWfaf .Twrmt w tv vwjiiwi vuuiiiui HUd ever made. The Capital Journal has just received a new shipment nf 1X;1J i lir.., -il rn, n y.L... J v. mc viunuat war auases. iney are oi a later ana revised edition and consist of 24 large, highly-illustaW pages, printed on heavy enameled book. The atlas contains splendid colored maps of all tit warring countries, with routes of travel and railroad lines; many tables of army and navy and general statis tics in fact, thp wnrk is n nnmnloto voarlv.rpfpXMlCe H- WOllliI have riwinnn I -n.l u.lw.l 4-1...' hun mit J i. il . . i. . Ti L - .1. .tti'il. .loath of ,1, shippi g p-ooV; u, 1 , , a I " & lU 1W l W' " 1S & un- s.iiie ami no would Have put nn uiunioiiij iscu iui pi..VV ul pl.UW, UUU wc oicimii6 end to it: thus blillirinor tn rinim. frlQvn yvrt un iv. ln li I 1 i.1 -i nvinn ninich Kiivin i.muc up xu laigv iuta axiu uuy mem a pi"- i.nthorsays: "Con-1 ( ehlo canal and tho business it would bring to Astoria the interests of mind A renl governor with tne entire state in end to it; thus bringing to Oregon that commerce, rightfully hers liowi n T , v ,uw ailu "UJ " f going to the sound nn.ier the dictates ! all0WS us to give them away to subscribers on very easy Dr, Withycoinbo had the opportunitv, I then, to redeem himself in tlm the people, at least. But old age' an-i TUn l-llof- Fl. 1,1- DnrMUoAW i m mm u iii mull n ik Medfonl Tribune: (I rent disappidul ""'"t is fell locallv nmonir snorlsmen i llllil the "cllerill imlilie nver tin. fniliii-n ot the Still e I, aim' nnd Pish Commis sion to app.iinl I!. I,, lowing, of ,Med- lonl, Slate (iame Warden. Mr ..i,r hud the endorsement of the State u -poiiMiien s League and was iu everv wnv qualified I'm the office. A. li.j , I -en was appointed because he was a! 1 Iii'I'sihimI l'ii, in. I ,.i' i:.., m .-:,i... : which has roused the ire of tho Astm.in iii,.,. ti... ml"'Jll''.lj':' f ti-i oc led wilh I lie t). A, C, ' I I We reprint today an editorial from that rabid ronubli- 1 Vv-, ' ,1ll"um. savagely auacKing C ov- ... ... . ii-u. mis mure 10 snow how a luuiwuy unjust a newspaper may lie on occasion than for .u-.v nun-. ! uiptise. we do nut endorse the editorial a1- '" ."f ,u ,UIUU ,"VU 1,1)0111 1110 particular appointment Astorian supported the governor when he was a r:,m1i,,.,, ami now apoloRizea to the voters for having had a hand in ln neoeing' thorn. Tho Can tal Journ.-il .li.l nnf .unjku . port the QOVO I'll 01- bllt sine.-. ha I.-..,, ,,v,,..t:., l.. 1 .. i l'teriio.m and wa Rood deal to commend in his n.l.ninistration antUielioves1-' "-'rw:,,:::1::;'';;;,,!.:: that he will nnke good. Certainly he will make mistnko?'!",.,' Tr T1 '!,iH ,l!,i'l1,; 1 anti not all his appointments will give universal safac tZ tion they never do but wo believe there -n-n-l( 1 Nint.-.i that when eases1 evidonc th.nt tlio trnv.vn, ill I... 'l . ... ..U , 8 a"Mt ,,,,. ,l. li.ia.A and attoraev,, "v "i ui- fH'illl ami HUlOpeiUlOnt.! 1,0 l""i'll ""'I was not proper . j M r ""''Ii delays to occur, ns the couatv The farms of tho Uiiu,l st.,t,,c i . ... , , 'n'". i'"',m'" ."" rn at , , : i i V , I'li-miui-ii uwi UllllonSj :,,''y posiponemeiit run up into money pears to have Id in ert nlH VlHtrm lin could not seo beyond the reasoning of the combine dictating to him. j Withyeonibe 1ms made it possible forj the Portland shipping interests to add to the commerce of tho Sound for that! is where, ninny of their large interests! are to the detriment of the Columbia 1 nver ami Oregon, llo hns bowed to! the shipping trust just us ho bowed to! the insurance coiniianies nnd mn,l,. I Harvey Wells insurance commissioner,! lit' 'ons line ,m.,1N u !s ...,,,., , i 1 '''"'"'K n" "M i"iiraneo man in; the imrtv will ' , .'.:. .1M.!.?.H .. 11 I """'.1 between the .,coi.lo . ' ' U VU III H 1 mi, ... ,. .1 .... t i Mini li , iiiiuiftri r or t ii' u riiiLi..u i. ii . i .., i I liegnn using a solution of suxolite, one ounce, dissolved in a half pint witch hazel. Jltithing the lace in this every day tor a while , n.ywvn t(,e ,,,;. ditioii most wonderfully." Me for 'GETS IT' WlienJHave Corns" Simple As Saying it; Never Fails. Jt ( UOS Vnnr Ii..k 1 t l , i ntiu iu xvv now " v.",, ".i'wtr;::!:'--! onene, cnoii eei, ', ' . '"I-J1 onl And 1 . uii'.i w uen vim . ready for cases (hat does It ,..iK' along for years "Look. CETS-IT' MiJcm Cmi Fall Right Oft I" last year. That ought to be the forceful won along this back-to-tho-farm movement. to help I last. It is i, I, .h:ili!,. Ili v..,,,.; l .liulge t'oKe administered will Imv. il... effect of making the court grind more prompt. LADD & BUSH, Bankers Established lSGS CaP,a' $500,000.00 Transact a general banking: business Safety Deposit Boxes SAVINGS DEPARTMENT tlrniils I'ass Courioi And in mak i tl LT his llilot eiiinin luul,... iippointinents he makes excuses for them. His statement that "I'ortland does IK) per coat of the maritime, busi ness of lin. iitiiin" to ,i:..... j..i.. . , , . Jn uiieci, i a ISO ..oo.i. it may lie that the doctor not luiow that, it is a falsehood niaylie that somebodv told.l,!,,, t n. that and, like mi obedient puppet, he sid it. If he had tnl,-..r, tl,., ti,,,.. , eJtaniiiie the shipping records of thel jsuue e woiii.i have seen how gross a lie he was uttering. In the niind of Dr. Wilhveonibe the '"late is composed of but three cities llorvnllis. Salem nml r,.n i ti.. , , . mini, i iiu .eisoiiiiel of every state commission io has practical!.- selected from thoso thre cities, tin balance of tho state "light just fli well be I as representation on the governing boards or officers iu'c t cemed. Don't '"istake this for a psychological Condi- t 111 11 If! L r . t . 's ...... it is purely material. Hie interests hold forth i Portland, ie politician hovels ifbout Salem and he tr.euds f ,,, , I . . I . . r ' college dav8 Tl,.. ,.,(.. r r ...... .'" '"" vi''0'lv ef Corvnllis. officials of The u , i,:.' i.l.i.i: . I: .1! .''h'ng, when vou'vo sat ut v " hyc.nnl ndniiiiisirr.ti,,., will Service Corporation, who have e n Mi ,! !''"" "UT t0,, " bnn.l-! " V"w' , history ns the weakest ad spendi,,,, scleral days In lool'i ,g 0 , ' , " " -Ives that rub off In, ever ha I, ' 'M-rllo of the company in the I plnrter. n. ,, "' 'M,sti"8 nn co"? n ?nVi:rnriX tRt, nogiie liiver Valley, left on truin No. slanel,t..ri ; " c0.r"8 '"lyed, : , ; ' V,.' "l "' tu: rh" "e pres "" 'rniB for 1! burg nd Coos' lung" J. ..17 'T"' j."b' ! P. .HcaV' n.v po ols. The par.v" included ,tu the l ick i, ,k,!,VM nml V""' " ZC ""!. f 'Wa,,. an, ! ''m'' (V f'''' .'t off-,vhy, iti "terS o 'X -Asionnn is a re- Paper nnd we gave Dr. Withv .vr.l sippo.!, V nre ,.r,. er 1 sine.. re ni,i...... - .. -M io ire f the state for havin,, l,.,l,..i '.,'":s M1" ,rip in;-okts.it- di.v-z"n' " we reeou ;. , ....er n pen,,, ot several days, and i, trouble. l it f., 1 ,. took too 1,1?. n t ) ' rl'l.'! .nude primarily t i,lok Vl,r , ,iri,p. WBrt b " " 3T corn, callus. ' ' " "K j-h on their ha,,,, wh'0 erhes of the co.npauv In that seti.n "Ci'tLV?'. ... . I ? ",k' L "ta.e.ma, ., f I of the stale. 1 n.l.tition to invest!-! everywhere. - ,u b? I J,,,,""" ' ' ''"' - It can't bed I, ti,.....' ine con, i ions in m..l ,.,,., 1 1 1... !. i : ... o.-m u.reci CZildren Cry for Fletcher's Tlio Kind You Have Always Bonclit, nnd wlik'li Ims i..... i i,n nimii tire oi and lias boon iniulo iindor Ms er Z7&&&W Allow no one to deceive yu In ' All Counterfeits. Imitations nnd "Jiist-as-good a""f lixix'Hments that trlflo with nnd entlanger tho '1PI'' " Infants nnd Cliildreu-Exwericuco ugnlnst LJiiierune"" What is CASTORIA Casforla Is a liarntless snh.stltnto for Castor Oil, pre poplo, Drops nnd Soothing Syrt.ps. It Is pica"" contains neither Onhitii, Morphine nor other -''r Biibstanee. Its ngo i ts guarantee. Jt doMJ "l nnd allays Fcvcrish.iess. For more than tW Xn. lias been In constant nso for the reli.'f oi l ''s''7'rij riatiUoney, AVlud Colic, nil 1'octl.iiif,' riro ble Dlarrluwa. It repnlates tho Ktoiiim-U Bsslmllates tho Food, glvlnqr healthy and natural i Tho Children's lMnaeett-Xho Mother's FrlcnU. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS JBears the Signature of The Kind Yea Have Always 8o In Use For Over vu that , ' L.: : .(t l" " rente & Co., Chicago. ".(ministration; ', " , Joctor" adniiuistratioa at thiit1. W 'UP'