the Uasolme of Quality You'll have less trouble with your engine "missing" or stalling if you use Red Crown. That's because Red Crown is uniform. There's power in every drop and every drop's the same. Dealers everywhere. H7 II orris s Choice Creamery But ter 30c 6 cans Sardines.... 25c 1 doz. Smireme Milk Mr. 2 lbs best Cream Cheese 35r 3 cans Minced Gains 25c Best Farmer Cured Hams 18c b nest Kiicar uiirefl Hnms lto -id Wee Breakfast Bacon, lb 18c 1 . lb. ... & Nick Hams, X( ft .... I No, ld 1 Medium Cottolene L"ge Cottolene .. No, 0 Compound Ka. M nnmn, A 0 oars Sunny Monday Soap.... 2!ic bars Morris' Boat 25c 10 liars good 8oap 25c 6 gal. Kerosene (bring your , ca 6Gc 1 gal. size Choice Peacnos....3,r)C 1 Kill. Size fthnlna T)a,. or. J gal. se Choice Pumpkins... 25c 1 Kal. ftiZA nhnina - . wiUUBU ZDC J Pkgs, Seeded Ealslns 25c uua, cans M11K 90c 3 cans Extra (nm nr.- J aoz, cans Com 95c - ". uxira wai. Tomatoes 25r 1 (lOZ. ratio IV.1. nr. .wo Avmawca unc cans Sauor Kraut 25c 2 cans Choice Peas 25c 2 Bkes. Ann tI..T'Dl'j"."r- ' cans Extra Choice Oysters 25c 2 cans Pride of Columbia River Salmon 25c 1 doz. cans Pride of Columbia' River Salmon S1.40 Al.'-ska Pink Salmon, can 10c ja gallon Syrup soc 1 gallon Syrup 60c 1Mb. size Corn Meal 35c J Pkgs. Post Toastlos 25c wrge bottle Vinegar lOc txtra fine Uncolored Japan . lei- 40c o cans Clcarbrook Poaches....50c cans cioarbrooJc Aprlcou....2Cc O lllS. Hear! P. 'lbs Choice Dried Pea'ches"".2Ec '.! lbs Best Cream EoUod Oats 2r)C J His. Japan Rice ..'".'".'.".'"."."'.".25c 1 Ral. Best Cider Vinegar 25c English Aviator Est JgSjALEM CAPITA T. .rnmv,T SALEM, oREa(w tone buue. uih mwrmo iir immim.i. From Inside Enemy's LhJ r IS e E IZl S Llnes Is Great Success FROM GOO AND EIBLE Bv WilHa o'oi'vriKht ,irb;;h "op.vriKht in iireav WlM Headun.n ft.. ,i. . . " v,i. '.' V, U1 "ritish wiinvju r illicit to ,,r I " R'O ' UP for ..l T., ... -. .'. 'lavs n;isso, ,i , .i '. v" New Vnrlt r.' ' .''.v 1111111 iii'i-onliin,. .,,, , . --I -M a alter "mosHi,,. ., . i"""i III nil' sky mmi,,,. , - n , ,r,vt,,,n . o... , , " nut c (Continued from png9 one) hour" nt . ' . ' 101 night when everybody is ll"'n know 3 Standard Oil 0 Company M (California) N X? .'EliJl5Ki1ta I B fT ' a II f i . ,' """' ' iro, tion of KnKhiii,l. i iv over i,.i . .In " V, """ iSHiiM instead of r- V ., "", I"i" if'miv,l bv .,, .i. : .. uinr von nni,. .;... j... . fin- new it tri li t' tin i. , t ..: ' . """is IIO II i. , .. .. ... : l:,... . , .".""K men to ,0 nim, ll , '"iea, "me iaiiiinK t.n, j.s in , ' ' and tin ns, ,u,d we '" and I felt lla'ir i . " initiirn or a la f mess 1i.,m . manv , avs oept that our eatiK 2," " had iv,. fol. a little !.,,," ,,' ,,;, , ' . , ho told 8 hi.s ,,rv ', were nil Enirlisl, ui,.. ' T1", 1 'l" n in the c,.,,,, ' i;. ' .. r, ... ,.vj,, 1 1 1 1 1 1 i.miii. ,.,,1 ...1.. 1 .. . mil Of Kih. hind'o 1,.,... i " ""' "'"'Ii II Ihad k ,,.:V ""''"f them.aroiind l'"l miarantee tha, lie wool I re .lr0"" Profit ,0 his , ror'Vl " .voar. an iniiionnilil ' or ,lus; tl, ....... .'"" "' vtl - -n .-nil ril.lOUc tlu' market ami tin situation ot'j Mm.. t:. .1..1 . 'i'U it ;iiivii ... tt.'l'l-? ' old friend "Z l'T and when Orozen I , 1 r'"" ,":s -.ployed i; h" ; ; tjj JJH, had a.l learned nvi.S i2!U1,ri'l."sai'U t" io.vou.. man, w, it Z . '8 Ivl'" 'V0" wait "n,t i t 'roostuij, time' and the follow "esn t come bnek "Oh yes, "lie said. "That doe. hap pen. Hut we don't ever yive ho e See that fellow .-.. ti . 1 . ' ' iliealiMfr yimne man down tl,,.' t'i,'i''," "I'll, one niKht he didn't eome haikj e hn.l and one lnee alighted there was n He fun iu-.- e .1 1 eiir uirn n ..,,,..1 . ,, " 1M 11 ' oiiajie. 0 "!! :",k ,"i;";'h ,h" "" ".,!, ' , ' him with a suit of old '''"" He had no ,o,,v, ,,ut & Z l bank ; aeeoiint , Ul,m. s we went o n I remd, storekeeper to whom he u;iu htiHi t'lii'.i,....,.. 1 1 ... 1 . cotlim,. ',' of the .is..,,.!.,;;. 'I' 1 n ', . ""' s'""'kee,er ,, " . , how m,.,l, ' .ii.'.k tor niiu. I..,, h.. ,.. ' ' " "r 1" tie 1 iiiiiiiiri,,.. .1 ' ' "' """ I" i- mfess that h '""hi ",t Rot an offer d j! .J KMnent wnntsoever. He railed 0 ''"pons,, of emidovi,,,, s,. " "", tiaiued men to look afier h ', of tin, iiv-..l(i.. . 11 ''Harness inmiMtrv. ami h the assudntim, .' ""-'"ihers I , , IIU) I' unto the ninrket t .: Is .'' '." "' without roSar,l tu ,l,e """" "'-I that he oould, V e,: i.v d' vantage in eomiiur ,t ,, ' , " "t reee.ved their ,,.,. ,M - . ", t'llt'S. tl 1 i-.i-.l .. - Are "Doctrines of Demons" Rssponslbla? Batan'i Succesaful Method Why God Pormits Darkness For Light-Faith and Love TetedR6aponsibillty of Preachers God Slandered Truth ooon Triumoliant. ... on loot to another town and imally rein-hod home. After that the rj'st was easy. Tie took Ike boat for l.,ilail, not ao,l,(,r ,..,,;, , and (lew bark to us." m-nr- -11 I vll v N J i 1 .'it'' vi l'MOPk'U.s.Si;in BRINGS BRIDE AND CON VICTS ON HONEYMOON of When Sheriff Wilt;,,,,, iv.i t. ,1, . , 'Mill 11 fjlll. vi 1 1. rn 1 v dniiiii c.i ne ieriorined the double fuue ' on 01 eustoi 11111 of .,1-iv.,,,.. 1... ..... i",.-,'ui in n iiu GOVERNOR APPOINTS STOCK INSPECTORS 12VjC I ....70c P .$1.40 B ....65c . .60c B I I 1 1 T Ml CI- I. . i ... 1 . . ""'-Nieaiinjr anil house-i hreakiiiu, respeetively, and as one of! tne iriiii ,ials in a honevnioon trip I Sheriff Welch and his bride, Mrs. U'lin llauna. a former i,.,.l,,. :,. .1.., , , - , 1 j 11 1 in . rant county schools, were mairied at un von Cite nn,,,. ...... . --. - in, ween, 1 and on the lollowim; dav lie had,-,if fed Mdiiard l-'ix. tnl.e.1 1,. , n:... ... . . 'Mil- Ull 1IIV 10 testl V II, t he ten r,,h-,' : " . . I . ;.. , . . .... ,11 (,i-, n, 1 1-,-jse, an (.ly.le KiikMsIi, under convi.-tion and sentenei! of ,,,10 to seven vears for larceny from a dwelling, tugo'ther, and .started for 8alem. NollllIlL' (Hit of tlie ni..ll..,.,. ... ! I'uin-u iis iiavini; transiuie, to nun ... ..iiii-sn 1., i,ie nonevmoon tr o. nn, when Sheriff Welch arrived here, nl- tliouoji he is well known l.v the prison nut lorities nn, I ln,.l nfi;....' '. ... 1 . ;, tM ' " . none stis- 1 pwted that he was a "newly-wed," an. he Kot away with it without anv il odv Mlslieel i'lir tl.e triitli. II...' .'. 1 L,C.V,l'.vf,,at ''""'and. While here : Jersey . ... ...l ,-i..i imu jus hvnie through tne lie, nte, itiarv. 0 the bii.-k bv two or three s. 11 the same HispositLn 'wh "cry suestion of eo,,i!i ', ' , ' xl of advertisiui. aUt, .,, n,i' of the i t i., ..",'X11"1.'1"1"1' j:iK. ' without Big Job for Orinnl... On neennnt f ,1,.. i Nevertheless, the ,i.,.tic ' , . , ...i-iMcnce ot the 1 ...'111101110118 one. n hi,,,.. .. ht . " f; 'P ni'ln,l'!N f"r " "f "gelation inerni,,. , i " '"!! I , ,,, nvesnu-ii netoie they will ; attoiula nco, and it was ,, , , , snipnients ot same after toiluv. "eciiled success bv il, l'lltslmruli. May D.-l'astiir liussell Kiivo two mldi-e.'S. es here totlny. Wo report the 0110 from I Timothy 4:1, Z It Is 11 severe ar raignment ot edii em ion mid espe. elully of minister)!, notwithstniiiliim' lis iiioilonite Iiiii BUiiito. Tile Pastor de clared that we nro lo the fact that and that , 1 , " ...hi uiiiiiv, -'-.-"i riii-i-t-sa nv je ,,tt Miasniuch as the law Koe.s i,,,,, effect ; '-'ctors. While these a,,!V were sentenced to serviinde !,, ti : miismucl .,.u,....l.,.,i:.... ...1 ,' 1 tOllllV. t iiv.mii,. Will..... ....1 . . . ' '"ii'i 1., n" me sin-eess of expressed ooiinson. rove, fur n ;,, n.. r.v Haas, Knterprise, fur Wallowa eniin t.v; A. W. liuyj;, 1'eiidletun, for I'ma tilla county; M. 1). Kellev, .lainieson, for Alellieur eounty, and '(.errv Snow, Xortl, Portland, for L'nion stock yards ut North Portland. ','! SENATOR MARTINE IS 1 I AtlMfKAfft vwvtrr a UaAlUiiWrluSt FLIGHTS STAGGER AND DELIGHT vi. :....... . ,a .. ., Sheriff andUrs' tltr "'"' ' "'0 ri'ted"sttes ",K iiiinouiiceil the appointment of the follow, nK eounty inspectors of livestock each of whom was recommended bv the t'attle and llorse Kaisers' nsswintinn. HUll I r.l I I l ('(ill II t liiu fl..,l... ""Ill ntTV M'fll (III Wendt, linker, for Knu-r i-ouiitvi T H in on'' of tin thwP looIh h..1 n... '!!! .. " Ml.lHll 111 everv an n . ? . .-. 1, e ' tni-.-ii,- nii-L-iiiieii .1 si,, ,1 11 .11. i'r: ops. Tho result was the Kenai 't.llon 111" 1 l e . 1 .1 :i t ... 1 .. ... '"Hether, ' '" i mo 1 nnivii hh the elertt.v-llio lnihlle "lie ot t 10 gradually awnkeiiln tile world does nut l,.v, i:,i few of 1 he elniivlies i-euiKnize llitu as uiu (.'aeiuiis lleavenlv l.'ather Al ihoiiKh the lUblo tells'us that .(!od Is Love, that Ills moivy emliireth for ever, and Hint from llim CVery good and perlVet gift, nevertheless the doctrines of demons. Instilled im0 m,r minds from childhood have hindered us from appreciating these Ktnteinents iv.iek 111 nn. iseeond Century, wlu-u Illbles were Very expensive nnd few people could read, Satan laid ,u f0Ull. dallon for gross errors. Tho clergy lie gan to claim that the bishops were sue cessors to the twelvu Apostles, thus Implying that their leaching were of eipial authority. Nobody was allowed u preaeii unless authorized, or ordain. Notice to Contractors. Sealed proposals will be n ived l.v the board of si Inn, I iliie, tors of district .No. 24, Marion countv. Oregon, at Su perintendent 's office ' in hjej, ,,1,,,,, building, Salem, Oregon,' until 7::',U p ni-i June 11th, 1!H5, fr the , ,pete installation of fan and furnace system of heating for new McKinl, v s.-liuul huilding, i-iner of iliul, , christ streets, Salem, I Iregon. Plans nnd specificutions will ,e fur nished by W. 11. Hnrghnrilt, Jr.. ssr, State street, Sulem, (), ,.,,, , (icm,,,, M. Post, nirhitect, r ns dray block. Salenl, Oregon, on deposit of h, which Hill be refunded upon return of same in good condition on ur before the time mentioned above. Xo bid or proposal will In nsidercd unless accompanied by a certified check made payable to W. II. Hiiihnr clerk of buar.l, in amount of iii en ci k will he ti.rteited upun n lusni ot any holder to enter inm ontract to install this heating James K. Maitiiie. fnon X Mr. Mai'tiiie is in n ,.i..u himself, ucordiug to the press pen nketchers. The newspaper puragi uph ers delight in Mm lino, lie is 1111 urio tor, for one thine, an urnlm- ulu, i. ilulges in flights of rhetoric that some- times slugger as well as delight. Then, ! again. Martine, so the correspondents fij, point our, is never atrai.l to indul'e in 1 b v nioHt it, r. ....... all I i '.: g'wers ......... t , iMM. ()I ei.iili etn nr K'u. "tio and ,,,;,, , ;,, ' "S 'niliet., of Liberty, who, v I1'''-'''' nrgiinient and uierciless s,,',ri ,' ' .trZ? W" i,,V"riu,".v ""' ml of , li ,',-0';"ril,iv'' inovements 1 ' 1 K""1,; who h(. nil,,,!,,,! to. as hi liroaK" and ci,,,, his ,i,.i 1: .. . " ""'.lies, wnicli 'Ill 1 IT UT , II" 1 and t'M'cneiices ubiiut 111 thnt our creedu nut is now an 11.1 1. 1..! 1 .. . . ! any donate, especially 11 he can wavi ! the stars and stripes in wordy imagers liofo.e Senator Martine defeated for 1 mer 1'nited Mutes Senator Juinc.- I Smith, Jr., of New Jersey for the lleni- I ; ocratic M'lit, through the efforts of ; Viooilruu Wilsuti, then governor of Nov, . Jersey, he hml run fur pretty uenrlv : every office in the state and had never ! 1 been elected. Hut he kept right on. nnd j .luring his V'lus ago. 'in el r i .t i:;r-;; ,,;":;r w,of prodnetiei,,, Buiofits of CoOp.rnton'ExpliineU. 1 1 1 . , "leeiing II ,, " " "ie Willumett ' 101 oue.-N being called children of Hie Church Conditions During the Dark Ayes Later the Apostolic ISIkIiom, with I hinperor I'ouslanUiu.., Hiartcd creed making. Tlifienl'ler creeds look the place of Itlltlo study; for the limperor derided thaL Hie M u, r,,..l ,,,i... .. ...,,., ,'a uiu 1 Ntiindard of Orthodoxy, and thnt who- , ever ilinered I ruin Its teachings was Heretic 1 subject to i.-secutlon, mis condition la.sicd twelve liuuili years. When we consider bow 1 h error could be brought Into the Church ! In twelve cenliiiles. It l 1... , i are 111 ore than hulf the doeirliies of islam A ' Hi policies spc.-tivi Ulu.' res a ipieer pubtical turn ot lan.l.'il aim 11, Hie senate. the w hei-l It. Jr.. .f'lllll, " 1 atus for the amount of their bid turnish the required bond. I he boar, ot illloctnrs lesei vi right to reject any nrd all bids. W. II. Kt'Hi.lIAItllT, .11!., Clerk ppar- and ti tin DEATH OF MISS SIMMONS. j Miss l.'diia Simmons, n daiigliter of Mr. ami Mrs. Alex Sinnnuus. and for many years a resident of Oiegun City t 1 niiu f j die. Mi il at the home uf her sislel y ,1. I .:i ti kin, near Hiiblnud 1 11 ' j a lung illiies.i. She had nut fully n ered from an attack of tvphuid t siiininer. Miss Simmons v.;,.- -s yeais j old ami a graduate of the Oregon City j high school. Mie is suiviveil bv h.r paietils, her brothers, (ieiuce and Carl Simmons, and her une sister. The funer- , ill h as held al begun City Tin i 1 nftoi iieon. The family uf P.' J. I.i lifter la,t -lav AH Coupons must be presented by June 1st, Parcel Post Orders A Specialty lZ Dollvery Anywhere in Ba- Z, 1illd reasnahle distance in country, Morris' Cash Grocery PHONE 1467 con.,r Morrl, Ave. and Fair rxounds Eoad j wnit tu Orrymi Ciiy : , tu rcijHi i n until ut'lT ! .Mirs Siii,ni'ti!f: fumt Timnl iiu tu ' lit ; siM-r K. .1. .uv ' t'll'l I'lHllt' UU Mll'UMI : luM'tl (ilH, I'llt ftlT f-. Ill 1 t'r'un I Jrrtfnn i 'ity n Ti-1 llul.lianl Kit t iTf t jm. !iiy nth t'niM'i:.! if ' ''A ; J I 1 : f ' I f ', j j iff j s. Vul- ., "" ...ii.oi, an. I ."llliaeer Ko hurl P....I , . , , ', in "'. I,ni" 1 "'on tl,,,,.,! (he '" llH' pools which the,,- r, "igaiiinuohs represent , ., n : "" nun .soul!,. r ' ' ' pnispeets for the ,. ,'i 1 '. W. Keene, of ;::::'::::'! - l C,rz , , " ""ling an. I " "'e members of the !"7'''l 'he i tint; f. 111111 '"'en e, bid,.,,, "' 'he hearty suppmi ' l,f 'he Commeicinl g them to join ami par .'"'"''fits. .Mr. Ilnren '"'"'"y littitinle f l ho i .-Vilom veiv t i. i extend welcome j "'Miciatiiiii, iu I jter the I. ii. in,.. jasMirinx then, I and cu npcialii, j dub and in il in 'i.'ipale in the ! presented tile f business let,. i... I j hly and iu.iuii, mglv ii d. and wns kindly . While it social ioa hn which to p. Acting aid l.llivelv lilel be , I ull , ' J I'illllll. uil !,.. 'tops and picpii o.;, lie a, h. -in, for , in,,, i.'- .'Xpluined that the as '"'"I" nvnilable with !,"!"" advancement f hm """g expenses it. was lei,. ""it if ineiins could lei. ,,: an I In :a alt. t he u 1 1 I us. seNAtae ,JAMES E. MARTINE ' growers who n 1 liiin-e to harvest (J,,.;,. 1 1 1" in for the mnil,,.t ''I 1,1 cent, per pound cviihoratinir .,i,i,,i, I" '- 'olvilllei'd to the mem " I ""." gioH-rs' ns.uciaiion "'" I"'"1"' The X, tfronei, '' ' ''. "' ,Vl'liTilnv 's lliecting "'i' i . dy ot whom were in 'V" "I' with the a-sociali,,,, " an aggregate f , ' I I "n mutely, m r ;iu, ,,,, t '.r fin ti f ,.v(i,.,t,-, " ! In -tloil i,f yi,,, ,v r,,a. Am I rnins and ii,t ,,,.M,g oleial ion. United Brethren Conference , Will Be 0p2!id Tomorrow ;. UJMM:i'. MILL STARTS. "r. June 1... The CuuK II neit r here w,,,., ,, ,, "' 1 feet n day, begun op so leavened ih(. whole mass Hint It became Injurious to spiritual heallli. -Matthew lli;li. 1 1. V: l.nke l.'l 'JI ; Then the mil Imrlly of tin. Aposiollc lilsliups bevan In bo oiieslloiii lllble began In be Bought and stu, but all who did this were esteemed heretics, l-'lnnlly the people Inst., (but they be pennltled to read words of Je.iis nnd the orlgluul Twi Tho pseiido-apu.-lles ibevelalloii uei-e forced I, In. la ill l.v lo give people Hie Ililile In (lie oriuieiilar. Itnth Ciitli.,li"-i and Pioli-laiits warn ed Hie people thai the ollier's c.lllluti as especially wrong The object was lo pre, i nl Itil.le sliidv The Mime .spirit pi iiiniiilesled everv. wliu re Vet. U'Iioi'MT ugl ees creeds Is iiilerute I by Ids m n .'Inst, Whoever pie.eiil.t Hie llible without sectarian bl:H l-i bianded a heretic; and vlllllealiiiii I pod opiui blui rerkiineil sen li e In I lull. Iioivet cr fal.ii What Are "Doctrinns of Oumons?" Iioitrliies of demons, Hie Pastor ex plained, are various falsehoods il oil to Inisripresi'iit ibid's deiilliigs aii'l I'liaracli-r, and thus lo hlmlir ,' Message from taking elicit III human hearts. The A Imlgbly could hnvi venled Satan lioni praot sng ilci-epllou and sluiiil.rliig the ilne iharaeler. Hut It Is nut (iod'H iiiriii'e to use fm-i-H In gathering the i iniri li lie sent roilh Mis Message, Hint I ho.,, hearing should have o.poriiiiiiiy uf i-espun.llng voluntarily.- 'J Peter 1 .4. j I'crsiimtlly and ilirumji his ileioou ' host, Satan sei I. i In nils ropi'i's out Ci,i s , Message. C orliillil.ii, . . I.i e in. j dm nl us to In -llcie Hint h.-fuio ni:in s , ' n iiiiun i;,,d bad made g great plio o j Ulllid llell, Sl.i.l!.. with llleprniif lev- I lis and fin I In I.i-1 to all eti rnlly, and , then in ide man. l.-nm ing lien near y i eor body wmiM i ti He re. AtlillConal. ! I.V, We Koto l;,io that wo i mil, be ; r.'inh n d b;il. .iru, tlbl, in i nb r , our tunnel, I t inb bt l:e I el. i-nally, Sn ' ll'Mnall mllld el I r Inl eliled sl, I, CARRY NATION'S BROTHER I I Spiiagfichl. Mu. tin, I '! W 'irk is tu ! M v. broth.. r of leaped into faille smashing s.'t.n ns hatchet, todav ,1c rouunisMoiied by body on cnith. vote the remain.! Jane go til.' w hen in Ka'jsas rehired h.' h Cod to "try every II.. is iniangi.. tu dc r of his life to fight init the lio'iur'i State of Ohio, ,Hv of Toledo, r...ti T eiuiiu- m.'ilp nntli that h lenlor nartner of the firm of F. J Ch. n,.y fldsturm CM flnt -. w,v wui I - 'bl-.!e., n , City of To. In Hnnnrl ill flnu, lido, fnunty and Hirile afr'-sald. nnd IU nCDOri At UllCe mi Him nil rav Ho- ',n of p.VK , HCNIiltKIi 1,'it.I.AHsl for . h and v. ,ait'-r,Tn,n T rv easo of Cn'nrrh that cannot t) cur. d , . -'"n 1. via IaiUiIoii. by the use of HA I . T.'H .'ATA FtK, 1 1 1 UK, K- . j, .in JA'IIIHIII. "cikit, or iK'tini, has puh- t ri " r rnlmg to the colors all , "'s members f the Uinlsturm. '"! reserve ... . ....:.... iv Dr"inc. this 6th day of lnittT, or,,.r my pr"cnr, this 6th day A. r. lsss. Seal, ane 8 vr. or.itxs.iv. rl,l Ptlhllrl vr-ili- riif la flkcrl In t Of nil I! V Mliii-'NKifl , rin'i n mimihii .... . ... - A. , r ih ivi rm inr (MUr "U. n -n n. ...v ( ll.n, Ii. tl. ."IIIIMTJUI, Ifeporf nf rfiininilt in Oermanv , report l,,.,' ln"Ti. '"tknTT CO . T.Mo. 0, I .111 tin C - . 1 1 m.ij V... .11 ti.u.nttl Tr.- doc Ili'j, I - t. -I: y, ' nun's. I I" y nil. II, o llulK t,f ' 1 1 - III. I n 1, I ,ik I'll,,-.-, - " " '" s, ..'i"io us ip. 111 i.o-i and III. U nrd, I Po-h.,. W. 1. llell. the pn-i.ling ol i.. .1. Ii, .ewonder, Ihrnngh pi. ,i. le I',, oleic cIM-,. ,,n. lint i loir of til ' Ii:.'!!'! .es loll of 1 he ' ,1 ' COO P, , ,, I ,, , il , i,:i i , I,. I ,.,,.,1, .1 , , . , " ' . ,, , . ' ' """inesii. by lollin;: Mother I v-,, iioitl'iill.' I o ! 1 1 1 1 I 1 IM , win nenier lie' " .-a - , , ., Hull I 10, I l Ii:' i . ... ,1 M -eMi'im aiol na i e . ii-i'gi. in ine sitmc s " ' ' '. ,,,,1, cu,o, .Ii nn; tl..- ucl,. Tl,.. "' he has . .., W""i:"1. "'" ,,,!.,,, , enil,.' ..'III.... Will I..' tf --4 Went III.HI Hie led she li.g.'ili , ., ..,.(. i . .... i 1 Itt Tf 1 .1 i ,, .. ;,; 1 1" " ' il.'!"'' no- I nil.-. HjrT. lTlv "' "U'. Hie)' II re I lili'lliloll clou Ii. .ore ' nt Si M litcelitli rPTTO.nV! 1'iul'e J'llli" t,i;i, "I. f hi el. .... .-J1 .-.U7.l.r.liij, '?V ii.ol .Nc.oa.u.a . ".'. f.Ik'." , .I'l.i.'iit.U initilto lac f.- i '-... XJMr?::'vr . . l,. b , I,,.. ,1 a i ''' "'""".on XkVSZMtSJi that I ' . i,,!,.,, ,,, t, .,.. c.iie. , ,,. . r,; ' 4 ' '. of ,, i 1 , a' -rfT,. . -.Jft 'I is p. i". ' t-.-uvr rst' nig.,,.,..;,,.,,,, ot c.,l.r..,,. e. Mff if".; j ; Mrcell.,,,,-,.!,. I.u-.ue ., lr,A .-. ..iTyr-----:----J1l ! dl ltert. of i. in,,., ceo ..I,.-tiu..;.i iiVVCS' l ..leiiis, (I. K. M in. aid. . I. I,. ,..-., : ! ,ier, II. II. Pull II. I'. While, i . W . j I!. V.. I.,...,li. it. X. ! AMERICA'S I K. lore,,, e lo on i. il" it "II ' onfi 1cm D II f, i 1 relation and . audi. Int. lr the milt.-; I ) OREATKST i I Ifcnort of eylif'T' ,..' tii,.'"i'' .'mi. I Cigar ctte ! ! .tnri.itt.'t ill) t fniri li CP"'- , .10 her Ii: lo. Cud i, li. in d tic l:i i. c, u: a, iiti. e,,n 'ti i'Ic. Ihey n-e T':i , I. Ibe fun. f d. iiiiios, u i. a II tho fa1 ... do, i, lo, j mli'eil us. 'I'l.,. ;p, -'I l:im'v hot am . lilt, f 'In I. ,l.-.,lh " 'I'" ti lliet uf dl l ion. Ino In, I,. l'UI,':i,,.v :i,i tna-.e-i fur ,1... Tll.-y lie illde III.. V. nl li of so!. It !oP inns: fur at bl.lioua niui i.i.,... are ibeeivnl, so are 'plilt 1110111111111 III,)- think Hint they lotlimiiiilente Willi tlie dead; whereas the llll malt. i dear that tlieV are d'-eelved by the falltn img,. Hie d.'liion., thus gy lug the only ooiillntiiin.iti of Hat tin's original lie, that the .1. a I nro nllvo. Bend me a post onid f,,r a , (wthf on "S'lrltlsm-Iieiii.inliu"-iri,ol(hn .. y. TIIEEE r ---"-I' I Ff ff MTEA I GOLDEN GATE TEA ! if IFsS WEEK I ItfP IjrS AT GROCERS j Ml: "fnA jEth to 12th, 1915 I 1 LJ ULUEK'S BiTF TEAjl M CrvLnm.ikini. I mmmmmmmmJ I :11 I INCLISH BREAKFAST SpmM 1 JAPAN i TlS '" I BLACK 4 GncCN V5 .. ,,' 1 iB.. R W'A ENTCH VOUN OHDr artnui 9 or one week at ..jKt L1 14 1 these prices to con. r!SJ. f Ivince you that th' 3b$CtS 9 Itea ii worth thm. I ' this tea makes WM USMS 1 3J0 cups. At &)k Oc.a pound, Mrf the cosl is on'e Mm t mS0mm ' cent for about lIHi- MiMal You can afford HvJffewBW : to drink good ..tea.. lan Francisco j .ii n V'y; v r v de-: I L:rjf is w -r s vv I ! wwmvim i. Tim i vsv i. ,ri,Asr-j x v- j'vv ri',i I bed . V&m:1 A ,V llll Hill: I k fill I .k X- Is II i ! I I IB I A I CI I lr.ii-1 P rr a h i i-OO- i's, I , v .. . vi-' ri,nw-et;''.J l "Don't forget to bring tq this week's PUCK," Many a woman has begun life all over again by telling her hus band to bring her home a copy of ami:rica's cu:vi:ri:st weekly It is read in more smart linmp: -where the really good things of life are known and appreciated than any other Deriodiral nf if class in the country. TEN CENTS -ALL NEWS STANDS Journal Want Ads Bring Results flril in. t .... j "iinr iv, tin mull." ' '"'rinaiiy t. fnon ns possible. j roin i' ii . '. 1 tike Hill's mllr I'll1!