Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, June 01, 1915, Image 1

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Leased Wire
Today's News
Printed Today
zeppeiins shower
iis on london
iii citizens
Four Meet Death and Others
Seriously Hurt Before
Raiders Fly Away
London Makes Careful Pre
parations to Guard Against
Hostile Air Craft
London, .Time 1. Anti-fler-innn-
rioting again broke nut
this afternoon following th
Zi-it'lin attack. All smoulder
ing hatred of the German was
again stirring by the killing of
inniu'otit nun-combatants. Scv
oral shops wore attacked before
III.' police, quelled the deinnn-
bnti'lon, June 1. Ninety bombs,
most nf them of the incendiary type,
dropped upon London in a' Zeppe
lin rtiiil early to lay. Tour persons were
killed unit ono seriously injured. Oth
ers received less serious wounds. The
ailinirulty tonight officially uniiniinced
the Zeppelin raid nfter withholding in
foTiiint i tM earlier in the) day. Three
largo fires wore caused by the explns-
tug iiiiiniis irom tue German airships.
No fortifications cr public, buildings
no ilnranced, u was stated.
llU...:i nlihirnff ,lr,...,...l nl....,l Ull
r '"t US1I1 .ui'uiin m.11 lilies ui iiui
'"toovfttaw arta of London, nut far
"mi nvrti oUier, the ndnuraltv state
meat sn'ii.
v niuntict of tires were started but
"lily linen rcmiircd the iirosence of on.
Kijies. All were promptly dealt with."
".No pnl. lie linlding was hit, but n
Ulllll ll'l' tit Oriel... i .1
, . I .... ...- .- n .M- ll,llllll;-
i'd. As far as ascertained, one bttv, one
', "inn and one woman was killed, and
j iiiinllier wunan seriously iiiiured. The
,; preeise nu.nlicr of victims iias not vet
, " "i-iiiic.i. iub situation was
i-'Ti morotighly m hand.
i i "is Hitler statement is believed to
I mm that llritish airmen attacked the
s "nnili"ii Zeppelins. No official an-
i. ",l""nM ' lm yet been made, hrtw-
! as to their activities.
Nih Lieutenant Douglas M. Bame
.'ithrlled In tl, ni-if.il.. ... II....
'hm. "fell with his l.int,.n i..f ,.i,.i,t
inul wits I. ill,. I i .. .
It WHS ftt'fii'itllk' 111!
""iiiii'cu toilay,
Although nb details nre given of the
'lentil id llarncs, it is thought possible
t his aeroplane mnv have been en
WW hi an uttnek on tho Zeppelins
"'"' I raided London uud that ho was
klll"d in an air battle.
. ix milca from the center
"i i.iiinliin, and it wn fm... tw. n.t,..
Million that the ndmiraltv
'" t the
expected Gorman aerial
German Threat Alarm.
inn l,.i. lu r..ii . i .. - ...
orl. -Uhen Zeppelins eome to Lon-
;i I hey will find London rendv. The
r Usher, i are sayinir little about Zep-
l litis. ,v fx11(,t p rnii, an(1 (li,v
" preparing, officials ore known to
'"" 'case, to take l t-
t'lain of salt. Since the sinking
"f Hi
l.iisilutiia .they are viewing
lame serionslv Tl.... I,..t;.... il...
'hin i!
Criimti. . ... 1
to tiii i i i ""' ,u('y wi tr.v
"'in'l London.
nr innnih.
preparationi to receive
me raid i,,,,.. i." .. ' ....
nt i r , " Koing on. ine gen-
piibhe kitnwi that antiirernft
" ,,!'." 111 fMi'lines to shoot tlie heav-
- , , "f lloll!"' flf""'" l'v been
J ml,v 'tallied to fight fires eniised
' a iiiiry bombs. The aerial wings
tn, , 1 """,v n"11 nnv' luive several
mP 'iirds which they have nut plnv
r- lliroughout Kngland huge uerb
( have been constructed euch huv
, " ""'en fust uir cruisers. Connect-
iticse nerodrotnes is a "fire
"r , w,lifl1 "i" nvery
I,,. ' 'In time that tho Zeppe-
.nn,. arrived on their fearful mis-
f "i.!'",1 ."'V"1' for Oi'tivitv hundreds
'' ' warrior will soar to
"IP llll, I. M
N'lit.i!'. "f ",nn,l 1KI explosive bombs
I'lnn to
' i - iiii Hint rtt h.i.ib
The llrit-
m, ,, ""' ' me .e ipe ins ai me
, " l'"i mile. n I,., ,! .1 .i..i
rn.l. ... .i.. .. .. .. ...
l-'in'i'..'"'"1"'1"1 a,"l laiinch'tiie hooked
I'lillili!it,l 4 . t. .
ltlO I I "l.ll illlll IIISMS, VttlT
niln, '"' Zeppelins the
'''ill's t , ","t ''"I''0'1'' "'"'I the aero-
Tim l, ''''Bpe safely.
'"Ii.'i.. linked bomb" defense is
"' riin
nave been n.e,
'luring th
ir raid
on Kent.
Ten naval
lii.ikirk trailed n number
n.i.: . : "v "iai 1'iaee. r unit t orn-
l l'l 1 I, D ..!.... ......
...... ''n'sworth ros. ntilil nier one
nr,h '' ndmiraltv roport Higs -
I 0 'bopped f,,,,, h j h 2,1.1
I'OVw .. . . .
i 'oomis wnen .""
' of , ,,Mr "'"nip. a large coi-
mrsnip, a large col-
mraffwiuv OUT GERMANS mmm
Portland and St. Johns People
Victims of Motor Boat Ac
cident Early Today
Portland, Or., June 1 Four persons
were drowned in the Willamette Kiver
a few miles below Portland early to
day when the motorboat in which they
were riding suddenly stopped, lurched
nnd sank beneath the water. A fifth
occupant of the boat, Mrs. Amos Weiss,
was rescued by A. Coyle, a fisherman,
after keeping herself afloat for an
hour by clinging to one of the boat's
seat cushions. Covin had beeu attract
ed by the woman's screams.
The dead are:
Amos Weiss, ;ifl, owner of the boat
and husband of the woman rescued.
Clyde Davidson, 25.
Miss Doris Shannon, 23, sister of
Mrs. Weiss.
Mrs. Kthel Martin.
The party left St, .Tohns late last
night on a pleasure trip. After cruis
ing for several hours the engino went '
dead, according to Mrs. Weiss and the j
launch quickly turned over and sank.
Mrs. Weiss seized the boat cushion,
the only object left afloat, while the
others, exhausted by their struggle,
went to their death, one by one.
Mrs. Weiss, with herself suffering
front exposure and grief could not ex
plain what caused the accident.
All of those drowned lived at St.
Johns, a town five miles below Port
In ml.
Although n number of .boats have
been patrolling the river the spot where
the boat went down no bodies have
been located.
Of COtiiSffl M
Work of Foreign Spy Feared
-War Department Denies
Knowledge of Case
Port Tnwnseiid, Wash., June L-df-ficcrs
tit Port Klnger today declared
they have no explanation to offer or
any theory to acount for an apparent
attempt to put four guns, including a
big siege gun, out of commission,
Whether some person connected with
the fort tampered with the guns nf
whether some mysterious outsider did
it, is the puzzling question, and the
army officuils ure no nearer u solution
to the question today than when it wits
first presented two weeks ago.
The breech blocks in the nuns hnd
been removed, destroying the mechan
ism with which the guns are loaded.
As a result, extra guards have been
stationed lit the various butteries and
substitutions and visitors are not ul
lowed except by special permit. It is
rumored ulso that the government has
been advised that Port Worilea has
been pltotogruphcd by spies, us to every
Department Mot Notified.
Washington, June L Wur depart
ment officials state! that they had tint
heard of the reported tampering "it"
four guns at r'ort Klttgler at Paget
Sound, uud the rumors that a foreign
spv had succeeded in photographing the
fortification nt Port Wordcti.
Thev discredited stories to that ef
fect nnd expressed the opinion that, if
ironrds nt Kurt r'lagler had been
strengthened, there was probably some
routine reason.
Washington, June l.-Tlie supreme
court of the I'nited States was today
asked to review the case of F. 1''
Citniinetti, convicted with Mnurey L
Diggs in San Francisco on a charge ol
white slavery,
The appeal wus made by Joseph
Bnilev. former I'nited States senator
frmn Texas, repr nting Catnitictti.
Los Angeles, Cal.. June l.-Lnrry
Sullivan nnd William .1. Dun ford, arres
ted on suspicion of using tl .nils in a
lotterv scheme, were released today
' ...i .1 i dismissed by the I luted
ii....... .,lM.i,,iiir
I nir . is , .,, , ,;u
.-vines ' , ..it, i,,i ,,,
i,....t,ir Webster admitted he hud '"
Wlien i
I evidence ngainst them.
IVndlcton. OrT"!w l.-Veggn.en
,,,,! open (he ..f i" J
eai h tu, curly t.ly '""'
! pel,., rose 1 J'lv da-nsged.
inJ.",.,,r..r:'. v .1 ..0. My
i "hooked bmnbs"
'lie believes they
I., .1... ...... .in.OI
. , ' ....I The Ull l-
f.i-1'- .
were. I ne iio-'".' '-
ii-- . i . m . 1 rioni
i mi : .' ' .i,1,1 t,;e water on
Von Mackensen's Troops Ex
hausted By Rapid Advance
Upon Przemysl
Italy Preparing To Rush Well
Trained Army Into Action
Along Border
Petrograd, .lime I. General Vun
Macken.iou 's advance upon Piz.etiiysl
has been hulled, his offensive, complete
ly checked and the AuslruGcriiian
torces thrown upon the defensive.
An official statement from the war
office made this riitionnccincnt. today.
It was declared in military circles thai
the Herman ; tt.'ck appeared to be en
tirely spent and Unit the exhausted
IVirccs of th. enemy were being rolled
"buck over the territory which they
sacrificed tit iiimiiiiIs ui' men to capture.
"The Austro-G'.'rni.'in offensive about
Przemysl ha.-i been definitely stopped "
the official su ti 'tiout declared.
"Ilolh north uud south of Pr.emvsl
the enemy i.i entirely on the defen
The left wing of General Vita Mack
ensen's iirmy is now being forced back
against the Sun river and across tho
l.uhnczowkn. it was declared tod'iv. !
Pushing t'orward in u northwesterly di-!
lection with he..vy reinforcements', the
KiiKsia.it are hulling back the exhaust
ed Germans ull along this front. To the
south of Przumyul, similar opcrutiiiis
are being successfully executed.
In- the direction of Chyruf, the Hus
sians have asauiiied the offensive, Un
official statement ussnted, and have
advanced slightly. Tho number of
Austrian and (leimi'ii prisoners tailing
into the hands of the Utissians are
stcitdily iii-icasing.
Army and Navy to Reply.
Home, June 1. "We will let our
army ami navy noi documents reply
tn Italy 's enemies,"
With this promise of the answer that
will be luaile to charges made against
Italy by the Teutonic allies, a proclam
ation was issued today calling attention
to the "venomous statements of Aus
tria uud Cetuiany since the beginning
of the war."
Italian diplomats declare the govern
ment has in its posscssim, other doctt-
imcnts tliiiti those made public in the
I recent giecti book, disproving tho Aus
t trial, and Unman statements that Italy
! was ui'ver menaced. These diplomats
said today that the documents refer
especially to Austriuu and German
threats following the Messina disaster
when Italy was impoverished and un
able to pioti'i't herself,
The enthusiasm which has swept
Italy since war was declared upon the
country's in.ithetti enemies has never
been eclipsed since the war of inde
pendence. Mobilization was curried out
, promptly ami in the highest spirits.
' Tlinnsaii'ls olfered themselves as vol
jniitccrs, but since the first excitement
and demonstrations life in the large
! cities is now piactii-allv un. hanged
'ft out normal times. The inilioiids have
not been cli. led to the public since mob
ilizalion lias been in progress so that
traveling is possible as usual.
The public has the utmost confidence
iiii King Victor Linniuniiel 's aiiny nnd
tiuw. There is nothing but absolute
: confidence Its to the outcome of the
M.-ijestlc Officers Saved.
Lon. Inn, June I. The ndiniialty to
May annoiinccd thin all off is of the
warship .Majclie wire saved when the
, vc-sel was torpedoed nnd sunk otf the
(inllipoli peninsula. A full report ol
the number of survivors has not )'"t
lii-cll received.
Pcpe Wants Peace.
11,'inc, June l.- llopo that the Lint
...I Sliit... will. I use her best influence
to no I tin' war in Furopf was expressed
bv Pup" I'.ciicli' t to'la.v at an nudietne
giuiiled I" Itisliop Thomas F. Kennedy
I,,,, a number of newly consecrated
An official aniiininci'iiieiit was issued
from tho ipnrimil today that Italy will
take no tep .luring the war which msv
I be construed ns thieitl'Miing the p.m
tiffs siivercignty. This staii'ineiit bus
b omiiiiiniiiiicd to th" powers.
Trench Storm Plateau Renioit.
' pari, June I.- Alter hours of light
jing the Freit'h stunned and captured
'n sluing German -t-t t ion on the pi"
t,.( i,,t id Notre I'u'iie I'e Urett".
il was official! iinniiiii I today.
I The tttiacs. which resulted i" ''rlv
inn Die iiciinaiis out, w made niter
the cio'iiiv bio's had been pit tided
bv ii.Tivv urtill.rv and .wept bv slirap
,,,. lor hour.. A iiinnber of prisoners
, were taken.
' Aruiiiid the sugar mill '' ""
kirl of Som-lie. the u""l violent h't
tie imrtli of the Arias region is in pwa
. .k umuii ULI UJIL
Anwuinr nr m mn
HUlfllM Ur uLAVD
L. C. Sherwood Succeeds John
Bengen As Deputy Warden
--Engineer Named
Some importnnff honges in the staff
of officers, nt thorpeiiitentiary, under
the administration of Wnr.l.
Minlo, tonic place yesterdav morning
wnen .1. j. liongen. for tii.m. th,.., t
years deputy warden at the prison, was
succeeded by It. C. Sherwood of this
city, and lleorgo l.baree, for eight
years chief engineer at the institution
gave place to C. I,. Hnrri,k, As an
tionuced ill the Journal vestenlnv, 1,.
' McClvn, for the fast two nnd n half
years night clerk lit the lintel Marion,
resumed his old position of chief of the
commissary at the prison, having reliev
ed Levi llatiinor, who lias held the posi
tion for ihe pnst year nnd a half.
The most important, change to have
been wrought was in the relief of Jnlm
nengen in the iletitity wnrdciiship. Mr.
Hengen has hebi this position since
Prank Curtis first assumed the warden
ship of the penitentiary, lie came from
I'urtlnnd. and it in tin.lcrsii.o.l tlmt l...
has returned to Portland to seek other
employment. L. C. Sherwood,. whn suc
ceeds him, is nn experienced and com
petent man for the position, having
served in that rapacity under the ad
ministrations of (loveVnors Lord nnd
eer, dating frotn .launurv, ls!T, to
January, I'.lO.'t, inclusive. Warden M in
to 's complement iV chief assistants is
now practically complete, and no fur
ther changes of any great significance
arn anticipated.
Growers Hitherto Outside of
Any Pool Cast Their Lots
With Association
Typical Pool and Industry
"Wreckers" Are Smoked
Out"-SeIfish Traits
Out of a total of 3!i loganberry grow
ers in at teii'lanie at the big assit iiitiiiit
meeting at Ihe Suleiii Fruit I'ltioti yes
terday iifteinoiiii, who hud not hitherto
I joined any pool of this year's prospec
1 1 1 v 1 1 crop, ull but three indicated an In
I ' Illinium to nunc into the pud, and '.M
in' them acli'iilly signed up with Hie lis
I social, on ami cast their lot and this;
year's crop with the big majority. Two
others later igti"d up with tlie Wit-1
limnetic Viillei I'iiiiih Growers' associa
jtion on'. ' !
As forecii.t'd in the Capital Journal
; of yesterday, the association also voted I
to ope lic:id'iiarters in Salem within
! : In- ii'iv near liiture, ami the bounl of i
I lirei tors was li'illiorizj'd to enipluy a
I coiiii etc, ,t man to Bssurue cliarge of
the orgiinizalioa work and the maiiagc
meat of the interests of the pool, Hi
iv to be filed by the hoard of
direetii-s and is to be paid out of the
money lelt in the advertising fund of
'list V'tir an l bv memberHhii Niibscrip-
The otto cs of the Loganberry Grow-
,.r' as i" ml moi, as well as those nffil '
oiled with Go- '"'lls of the Sulem l-'rnit ;
eiiiiin :ni. I the Willamette Valley Prone1
limners' nss itnn. rrkHiril the act ion
and le.nlts .J vestenlay ' n ting as
,,f the ni si importance to the future
ol I i" ilullistrv. lin thev el
, l-rcssci I lli'll
verv nine
ciiurnged hi tl
success of the move - -
Pra'ticitllv iill of those who d
'to ei.ne in'i H"' pool yesterday were
gim. 'r- ul ha I been taking their
'hiiii'i's with tin' open market. Without
oticpto'ti, .'.civ one of tlietn cotilessed
I that thev Ita I i"KUII to see the " lllllnl
' writing nn G'" :ill" nnd had decided
'th.a' it wen- mu ll bitter to join haii'lsj
-in. I go d'lvsn I "g.tlll-r. if Heeds be. tlllltl
t sifl. sc ,n:i'elv and drag the indos
In ib.Aii w.t'i them, After it was
Hade clear n 'li'iu that thorough mil
etl'i live oicai nation was the only
'melius nf sa, rg 'his year's iHifki-t Inr
' cv.'ipnrnti I l"-rf 'S from utter denoirul
'iation. it' wis the case lust V'-ar and
the v-iir i''uiiio, they came in uiihesi
; Typical "Wrecker ' Is "Roasted."
There was grower in attendance
ut the meeting hn refused to join in
I mmm
President Will Not Back Down
From Original Position In
First Note
Positive Proof That Lusitania
Was Not Armed When
Cleared From Port
(By Johu Edwin Nevtn.)
Washington, June I. President
son and the cabinet to.lav went
over the official text nf Cerniany's evasive
reply to this govern tit's in le pro
testing against the submarine warfare.
Later the president suggested that
all comutent as to the note be with
held for the present. Niuv tlmt tlte ol
ticial text lias I liscussed bv the
cabinet, be said, it
might be dangerous i
to make ciinjcclui 'S of too wide n
luiii as to his reply, be.iiuse such con-
jecturcs, calilcd I'lnoiid, invariably ciinn
el the government trouble.
President Wilson told callers lodav
that he was hopeful n!' completing his
reply to Germany so as to forwnnl it
to Berlin ut the eulliest possible mo
ment. It is iimlei stood this mnv be bv
Thursday or Fri.lnv.
alien at the White House were told
that the cabinet hud discussed the tier
man note in all its phases. The discus
sion was liberul, eain lueiuber giving
his views of the be t reply that slumld
be made.
The president linn never looked bel
ter 'hail when he received the newspa
per correspondents today. His color
was excellent, showing (he effect of the
rides and outdoor exercise which hr.
I'ary Grayson has insisted upon during
the putt mouth when the president has
been called upi.a to do an enormous
amount of worn. It is understood Pres
blent Wilson is honeful that a way may
yet be found to secure Geruiaiiv 's en
operation in safeguarding nun combat
ants .'ind Atnei ici'.as in the war ones.
lie said he had n ived eadoiscmeiils
ul' the original position taken by the
ailmiuist nit ion finiii every section of
the country. T!." 'president 's stand was
ant cliiingi'd by II abincl meeting
tii'lny, it is Miilt'istDii.l. lie had already
made up his mind ns to the next step,
but desired to lev r the icvvs of the
cabinet uiecibiTs,
With th-' note which will be for
warded to Iterlin in rcspoiiiie hi Ger
many's answer to the American pro
test will be positive luidence gathered
by the udnii.ii itration through Hi !
ineree ili'i'in t mcnt iliowing conclusively
that the Lusitania was not mined. This
evidence, liiiuishcd by the collcctnr ot
the port of New V'i Ii, will be presented
in rcfiitat ion of ihe Gerniaii charge llrit
the Liisiiama larned niouiited as well
as iiaiiiniintcil guns.
It was prcoctcl today that the piesi
di at will ext'i'iin the nature of thi.i
evidence to Ambii isador 'on llcrnstort f
tliiring their confluence tomorrow. It
will be p'luled on' to the German en
voy that, in accordance with the lieu
tralitv piii'laiiiat inn, armed belligerent
vessels huvc not beeu n'l ill it t I'd to
rleiir A in.-r i.-ii ii ports, mid furthermore
'hat I'viiiuiuatioii of the Lusitania show
cd tile Inter to b ' ooainicd and
in ev
rv ies t with the
t inns,
Germans Allege Favoritism
Lied loin' I - The I openliagen
i-iirri'spnudciil ol the I'.xchauge I
graph i.iiii.:i nv in u di-pat'-h
to. lav
' said :
" lierlill ll'lv ices
political opinion i
onlv pli.vc'l into
P.ritain, tint enteri
decli.ie that Gciinan
ii that America not
the hands of Gicnt
d inin u formal un
'ic allies, in the note
lerstillldlllg with
I tit I lor iiui n v
-T'liug the Liisitamu, "
. - . -
Ihilliis, Hi'. June I
fiillerHl nf
held here
i Mrs. Viola Mini' well was
, Saturday. Mrs. sto. Kwell wns a lis
liv e of IliiMns. a .laughter of Mr. nnd
Mrs. .1. i. iscliuliz, ihiiiiit r ins.
ler I'lireiili, husband, a small daughter
nnd three iirolhctt .urvive.
An extra sessimt is needed to brink
in Congressman McArthur.
The Weather
imis Dtfiiji
I L WAlKlHQ 2 Oregon: Fair to -(
jfxcs "' ' ' j
LJ't j iie-,lny; nut hum h
xSjr-xtvy change in temper ,
A" A -s . 1
t-fffl utiiie; westerly!
Supreme Court Holds Amend
ed Indictmnt Must Be Ap
proved hy Grand Jury
Holding that under the terms of n
contract entered into between the city
council of Haines, Oregon, and the
linker Light & Power company, which
gave the latter tho privilege of fur
palily nnd citinena thereof either upon
pulity nnd ictucna thereof either upon
the tint rate or meter basis, the Kastera
Oregon Light A Power company, as
successors to the original grantee, ull
the right to elect us between systems nf
chnrge for service, nnd t hut ii contract
performed by one city council is bind
ing upon succeeding bodies of that of
ficial status until changed by unit mil
consent of both parlies, the supreme
I'ourt this ninining reversed the decision
of Judge Anderson, of the circuit court
for linker county, uud dcclured the light
and power company hud the right to
change from tho flat rule to the' meter
system of fixing charges. The opinion
is written by Chief Jii.it ice Moore.
Attorney Cannot Amend Indictment
On the gin u ml that unless ail indict
ment, which has I u amended as to
matters essential to the chnigcs cm
'"'"''''I '" "' indictment, is liutliiTized
ami approved hy the grnnd jury or is
nut Ionized by statute , nuch muciulcd
indictment is fatal to the demurrer, the
supreme court, ill un opinion written
by Justice l.iiklu reversed the decree ol
Judge Uulloii lliggs, of the circuit court
for Malheur county, ill which George F.
Mover was convicted nf arson and sen
tenced to the penitentiary and remand
ed the ciiune for further proceedings not
iucousinteut with the opinion.
In this case Moyer wus charged witii
having set lire to u burn of the .Ionian
Valley hotel company uud the indict
ment I on n.l uuiuust the ileleuiluut wus
declined void because the name of the
owner of the property nut fire to was
omitted fi'oill The' 'document. The ills
trict nttorney then usuincd uuthority to
iiiin'iid the indictment by inserting tin
name of the owner of the property there
in, which uclioii was upheld by the trial
court uud wus contested on lippcul by
the defendant on the ground that, under
tiie constitution the district attorney is
U"t clothed with this uuthority. lu up
holding the contentions of the defend
tint the supreme court rules thnt, while
ii district attorney may iiniend nn in
fnl'iiiiit inn i:e bus no such l.uthorily in
tl use of nn indictment, in mutters of
i substance to the charge und holds I
j the inline of the owner of property de
stroyed by fire is u part of the sub-
stance of the charge of arson in con
. iii'i'tioii with the description of the
I it her cases decided by the supreme
court today were:
W, ll'-niiii-li, iippcnllnnt, vs. W. A.
noon, ttppi'iilcd from Itciitoti cotititv,
action to I'coever for goods sold, opin
ion hy Inet .lustice .mooic, i ircuii
Judge lliiiiiiltnn's judgment dismissing
plaintiff's plea for II writ of review re
veiscd nnd case ordered leiiiaiidcil to
justice court fur trial.
H. A. Hobsoii vs. Florence nnd J. O.
I 'minor, iippellaatii, lippenled from Mai
hear county, aition to recover personal
property, Circuit Judge Higg"' judg
in n I for plaintiff iiH'irtiicd per ciiniiin.
Grant County Hank vs. Ilellu Hayes,
nppellaut, appeiiled from Giaiiil county,
suit to set aside a void deed, opinion by
Justice Hurtiett, Circuit Judge lliggs'
judgment for plaintiff reversed.
W. A. Unhurt, appellant, vs. .tames C.
Parker, nppealcil from Lane enmity,
in-ti'iii to recover personal property,
opinion by Justice lliirnett, Circuit
.Indue Morrow's lodgment for defend
, ant affirmed.
I John l.elaml 1 1.-inl.-rH.iii vs Tillamook
j Hotel company et ul, appcallant, up
, peiileil from tilbimook county, inolion
! to retnx costs overriilcil.
I John W. Hover et ul, cross iippellants
vs. J. M. Itiirlon, appidliinls, iippeiiled
I from Tillnii k county, motion tn dis
: miss appeal as to cross appellants sus
Next P. L 0. Session
Going To Portland
Forest Grove, Or., June I. At the
coni'liision of Ihe state vention of
the P. I.. O. in this city, it wus voted
to hold the next niiiiunl convention in
Portland. The delegates gave a vote
of Hppreeiation to the local chapter for
tlte iiiantii-r lu which they hnd been en
tertiiiiicd. Fvcry chapter in Oregon is
in n flourishing condition financially
and much g ""I litis I n ucciimplishcd
during the last year, according to
Oregon gland chapter officers elected
for the .tn iiiiig year were: President,
Mm. Fbunor k! Ilrnse, Chapter F,
I'nr t In ml : first vice president, Mrs. Ve
da Junes, Chapter A. Portland; second
vie president, Miss Itentnce Kirkup.
( hinder F, Portland; rccordnig se.
tun. Mrs. Jessie W. Kirk, Chapter II.
KiiL'eni-: cnrresiioiidiitg secretary, Mrs
Carrie It. Iteaiiinont, Chapter C. Port
bind; treasurer, Miss l.iittrn Grant
Chapter II, Halem; orguniier, Mrs. Dor
othy Hevmour, Chapter It, Forest Grove;
delegate to tit' supreme convention at
l.oa Angeles. Mrs. Mill MtIC MlTlllllll
chapter C, I'ortlnnd.
ow tsaivi Aim
BTAWpg TtTB mmn
Demands That Warring Fac
tions Select Strong Pro
visional Government
Reported Attempt To Make
U. S. Intervene by Firing
On American Fishermen
Wusliinglon, June I . President. Wil
son's note calling upon the wniring fne.
Hons of Mexico to reconcile their dif
ferences ami select a strong provisional
government will be tnude public tomor
row. The president had the note completCil
when Ihe cabinet met today but Iia
desires that it be in tlte hands nf tho
Mcxlcnu lenders before being announced
in Washington, The present situation
in Mexico will be characterized as in
tolerable by the president. No tiinn
limit will be fixed in which the bellig
erent faction, must lay down their
units niol establish a government, and
no Hi rents will be nntde. Tho note ia
not in he nature of till ultiit ntiini, but
tlte attitude of this government toward
conditions in Mexico is expressed with
tin tiluiosi firmness. No faction is
recognized by the president as a dom
inant power in the establishment of a
government, but it is tnude clenr the
administration desires a "new deal''
Inul nn end of the reign of anarchy.
lite administration 's new position is
predicated on Hit. report of Tbival
West, who itnn 1 1- a special investiga
tion for Ihe stale department. His
report differs in many essential details,
from those of John Llnd nnd Willinm
I In ui rd Hale, who went to Mexico
previously on similar missions.
West is completely worn out ns a re
sult of his work In the southern re
public, lie is now in John Hopkins
hospital r coring from a severe at
tack of slotinii'h trouble,
'he Cnriauzaistii Junta hero todav
iiunouttceil that General Car ran v hail
purchased fl.lliio tons of corn and hail
nolitled the local authorities in his ter
ritory be would supply needed provis
ions. The governors of Ou.tratero nnd
Guana junta notified the first chief
they had sufficient supplies on hand,
the latter even reporting an excess.
"Ihe food situation in Mexico Is
pitiable und General I arrnnza Is col
lecting supplies to meet it when the
onstilntioiialists enter the capital."
the junta statement declared,
Ptestdettt W tlson's statement tlenling
with Mexico will be made public from
the While House tomorrow. It is nn-
lerstoml Hint while the president will
make no threiils of Intervention, a de
mand will be itiu.lt that a stable gov
ernment be speedily established south
of Ihe Hio Grande and thnt the war
will be left open for a rudicul chtingn
in the policy of this government, if
a sstirv.
The government is prepared to give
Ainerictiii Hed Cross every assistance
in lite work now being pbiniieil tn aid
the thousands reduced to stiirvntioa hy
the long conflict. The warring fac
tions will be culled upon to disarm and
unite toward reaching u solution nf tint
internal trouble! which have so long
torn the republic And back of these
Icinniids will stand the possibility of
the establishment of an embargo upon
shipments of arms lulu Mexico.
Army and navy nfttenrs today In
sisted thnt only bv declaring nn em
bargo, blockading Mexicun ports au-1
policing the largest cities can a re it
cm eminent be created. Friends of
iicriil Francisco Villa suv he is will
ing to aid the I'nited Slates, but that
I 'mi n ii it is likely to prove an ob
stacle to such plans.
Fire Upon Flshermtn.
San Itiigii, Cn!., Juno 1. Leaking
and badly dumtiged by a prolonged at
tack tnnde ii v .Mexican ririemcn on the
mainland 711 utiles south of Han Oiego,
the American fishing sloop Amerh-u,
with her crew of three men unscathed
and tillable to account for the attack
reached port todtiv. The bout wus
The men are Captain F. I). Stlvit, Jr.,
Manuel Stlvn, Manuel Fernandeji. All
are natives of Portugal, but two are
naturalized citizens of the I'nited
The Mexican fishing bout Kea ar
rived today and reported a similar ex
perience at the same place. The Ken,
was less bndlv damaged, being farther
from shore when the n'tack was com
mence. I,
Until boats were properly cleared
ihioiigh the Mexicun custom house nt
Kits le, At a point 12 miles from
Kuseimdn, known as "Ihe ho'e in tho
wall," about Hio men attacked with-
(Continued, o l'g") Five.)
" i . ...... , t'oiitinucl on Page Three.)
j (t.'outiuued oa Pag' I v
in... : :"' 'W Was seen p..n,o Mm b( In I 01 'I" -ii
less books tire used.
"ompurtments ami the Zep