Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, May 29, 1915, Image 4

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    tonal Page of "The Capital Journal"
r;iv- 29. 101.1.
Capital Journal Ptg. Co., Inc.
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anything that exists. To be fully and consistently up to J
his type he must be against the government, against re-
ligion, against capital, against vaccination, against every-1
thing that is thoroughly established. Single-handed, ne
sets up. his opinion against that of the world, and thinks
he is at least getting the best of the argument. Thus he
impresses himself deeply with his own importance and
sometimes impresses others.
In none of these three classes is there any fundamental
thinking. To things as they are or are said to be the first
two simply assent, and the third simply dissents.
Great pressure is being brought to bear to secure the
pardon of Leo M. Frank, convicted of murder at Atlanta,
Georgia. There is grave doubt of the Frank's guilt be
cause he was convicted mainly on the testimony of a dis
ruptable negro, and for once prejudice against the negro
in this kind of a case was entirely wiped out and the
deeper prejudice against a Jew was fomented by police
officers, anxious to secure a conviction in order to allay
public sentiment, aroused by their incompetence. Frank
may be guilty, but the evidence is far from conclusive and
few have studied the case carefully without reaching the
conclusion that he is a victim of circumstances and ruth
less prosecution.
The accused faces execution on the charge of having
murdered Mary Phagan. One of the largest and most
reputable detective agencies in the United States after an
exhaustive investigation declared that Frank was inno
cent, and that the chief witness for the prosecution, a dis
solute and degenerate negro, was the real murderer. The
agency accuses the prosecution of having railroaded
Frank nearly to the gallows as a result of a series of
''.frame-ups" and furnishes detailed evidence to substan
tiate its assertion.
One of the strong points in favor of Frank is that it
would have been physically impossible for him to have
murdered the girl and then on the same afternoon attend
to the complicated duties which it is admitted he per
formed. According to the prosecution's theory the crime
was limited to seven minutes. Another fact in his favor
is that his life has been searched with the fine tooth comb
of investigation and has been found to be clean. More
over, a negress who was in the Atlanta county jail de
clared in an affidavit that the prosecuting witness, who
liiul made love to her, admitted that he murdered Mary it seems as if there has been a great deal of sympathy
1 hagan 1 his affidavit was repudiated, but it was claimed; wasted on those five Mexican murderers down in Arizona,
it was due to the pressure of the prosecution and to local; But a large part of the public is in such a morbid frame
sentiment. I of mind that it would seem all one has to do to become an
vviicii puuuc sentiment against Hanging is so strong
that cold-blooded Mexican murderers, like those in Ari
zona, can enlist the sympathy of thousands throughout
the entire nation, it would seem that this man, of whose
When a busy business man will leave his private busi
ness to devote several hours a day for three consecutive
days to work for the coriimunity as a whole, without ex
pectation of direct financial gain, he is certainly sincere
in his desire to do service for the community.
And when tour score of the active business and pro
fessional men of the city will unite in givine; such service,
all' working together, and each at some sacrifice of private
or personal interest, there certainly is an impelling iorce
in this desire for better community development; there is
a power in the plan, and the method employed which can
lay hold of this desire to do and so direct the forces as to
accomplish what was accomplished during the three days'
endeavor to build up a worthy community organization,
so successfully carried out this week.
But a careful survey of what has taken place in Salem
shows that the whole campaign was carried out on the
most sane and substantial methods no trickery or
chicanery to bamboozle the people was resorted to in any
way whatever.
The success of the move for greater things came from
the earnest appeal to the better side of the men of the
city to their spirit of brotherhood and loyalty to the
community and the presentation of a plan for bringing
the things sought which is workable and appeals to the
highest business sense of the men who know business and
try to conduct business on high business ideals.
Having shown that there is such a fine spirit of co
operation and loyalty among the citizens of Salem, let
it be shown in the days to come, as it was manifested dur
ing the past few days, and the community will have some
thing to be proud of which it has not yet had of very great
measure a united and harmonious citizenry, active in
doing something all the time for the benefit of the city
and its environs.
object of hero worship is to shed human blood, or commit
some other unjustifiable crime. It is enough to make a
normal-minded person long for a return to the days when
Ti wl era T imli DVOPiifnrl Vii o ennfonnne n-i f U nnn nm' v .
guilt there is the gravest of. doubts, might secure in somei tainty and seldom unjustly,
way a commutation of his sentence, or a reprieve suf-j '
ficicntly long to allow the case to be more thoroughly in-
i : i ...i .. ii... i p i J
vfMi&.iu'u in uie interests ot justice-
Everybody is familiar with the type of person who is
:dl things to all men. He meekly agrees to any opinion
you assert, and just as readily agrees with the next man
An invention has been perfected for purifying water
as it drawn from the pipes. The turn of the spigot
switches an electric current on which passes through the
water while it runs, purifying it to perfection, it is said.
Germs stand no show of getting by alive.
The Pullman Palace Car company has refused to ac
he encounters, even though the next man's opinion is ex- pt, hp no,teS of ,the CZ,ar of.Russia fo1' a bill of goods,
stctly the contrary of yours. On election days and on all C :)sh ha alwa?s been the Vmcma thing with this con
other occasions he is subject to the last man who sees him.! co1'11' , 110 other autocrat ln the world is recognized as
He is so over-anxious to please everybody that he makes! au e(lUIU
himself a non-entity. And there are many of his kind. TT , . . , ;
There is another class, including many of the same om' Uncle Samiu1 1S beginning to wake up and take
people, who are all things to all times. They are always noto. ot current events- Mexico will be the next one to
heartily in favor of what exists. In time of peace they: V(WW attention and its high time for something to be
are strongly in favor of peace. In time of war they are l'01K'' to0,
belligerents and bloodthirsty. They favor trusts in those 0 , , .' . ,
commodities which are trustified and are opposed to1 -, baloms commercial club roll has already passed the
trusts which have not been formed. They support munici- m mark7 an evidence that when the old town starts out
pal ownership in cities that have municipal ownership and to (1 anything well it's as good as done.
private ownership ot public utilities in cities which l'ollowi , . ,. , 7
that policy. Ihey are against the labor unions that are
not strong and they oppose the closed shop until it
A Galley o Fun !
"Bruddrcn and sistahs," severel)
laid good old Parson Bagster, glar
ing ominously at his congregation,
!'mo' dan one pusson widin de sound
o' muh voice will pay fifty centi to
jo to dee circus to-mor' dat wouldn't
dig up a single dime to he'p out de
revival dat, as de yumble inst'ument
in de hands o' de Lawd, I was con
luctin' last week!"
"Well, sah," replied Jim Dinger,
the gambling man, who seemed to
:hink the ministerial gaze was direct
ed at him, "de revival had only on
:lown, whilst de circus advc'tisei
: i. . i pi ii
talent isii t so siow alter an.
closed. They are never for the under-dop' until it int mi
top. Such people, flocking along the lines of least resist
ance, are little brothers to the sheep and are regularly
.sheared by those whose self-confidence allows them to
move along lines of somewhat greater resistance.
A third common class is that of the chronic non-conformist.
He is strong in his beliefs and vigorous in utter
ing them. He thinks that he thinks tremendously. Rut
intellectually he is of the same order as the other two.
His views are fixed entirely by forces out.udo himself
He simply opposes whatever is generally accepted. If he
is for the Democrats when they are out of power, he is
against them when they get in. The whole secret of his'
seemingly enigmatical attitudes lies in his being against
LADD & BUSH, Bankers
Established 180.8
Capital $.100,000.00
Transact a general banking business
Safety Deposit Uoxes
.lust !ii'i-iiiisi' (lie i'hi pills, Muila
mint mid utlicr ni t i I ii'iul dini-stive
tiibli'tn vuii Iiiivi' bi'i'ii tiikini; no
1ihi;it (ii c vmi llic desired relief
mill vmi muni hike two, t'i'iir or six
inMi-iiil nl' iiiio to tni vniii- hiMirl
luii-ii, lilontiinj, oiir i ii iijj. lu'liliinn
nnil stuiniii'li hi in 1 1. it 's no siu tlicre
is mi iiiii-k rolii'l' fin- you, lint n mire
ni;ii tlint It's liij;li time you i-hnnged
your medicine, (livo ni these n.
I'ulli'il niilx to ditfi'Mtioii, tlint work
on llio fiioil nnil do the Htoiniiili mi
nrtiiiil c.ooil or you'll bclili mi, I
blonl till iliionisiliiy. Yon need i
remedy tlint Mill HtrcnKtlioii vour
stoiiiui li iini'.i Irs mol lining n mi in-
I'll'IISO till' flow of llioitivo jllit'ON,
Thou your stouiiirli will do its own
Tlli'lv is nil old tiino ii'inoily rulli'il
Mio nn Ston Ii 'I'lililots wkiih pvo
womli'i fully iiii, k fi'lii'f in tui'li
i-ilsi's. 'I'lioy mo n s..'iiiliiy luil
liiui'il Moiiiiuli iri'si'riitioii ami no
iiilittor liott ImoI y our stoiun. Ii is,
liow lonu it Inn liotlioti'il or wlint or
liow niio-li vmi 1'iit, tlioso lit tli tub
lots will ninko your stniniiili di-ost
I'vory lust imitiilii of food in it.
Pmiii'l .1, y or most imy pnul (1 i-ujj-t;Ut
in this viriniiy molls Mi u nu on
II positive Kiinl-niiti'o of sntisfui'tory
rosults or inoiioy luu-k.
I 1
"My dear Mrs. Pcllicue," sonor
ously began the Hon. J. Claud Bo
trus, addressing, after bowing pro
foundly and thrusting his right hand
deep into the bosom of his Prince
Albert coat, the comely widow upon
whom he was calling, "I wish to ut
ter a few cr-h'm! well-chosen re
marks this evening upon a subject
which lies very close to my heart.
I have been urged from time to time
by my well-wishers to take this step,
but was loath to accede to their im
portunities, feeling that there were
other men in the community more
able and better qualified for the im
portant task. But at length their re
quests have become so insistent that
I am compelled to yield.
"I, therefore, am now, at the ear
nest solicitation of my many friends,
an avowed candidate for your hand
in marriage, and for proof of my
ability to rill the exalted position of
i benedict with honor and credit
should I be elected thereto, I point
with pride to the fact that I have
already been honored with three
terms as the husband of three excel
lent and admirable women, and was
never recreant to the trust imposed
upon me. I love you. Will you be
come my wife? Ladies and gentle
men er that Is, Mrs. Pellicuc, I
'.hank you I"
in me temper
ance warfare
there are three
opposing camps:
Those that b e -lieve
in a non
fillable bottle, or
the radicals.
Those that b e -lieve
in a non-re-fillable
bottle, o r
the liberals
Those that be
lieve in the non
ctnptiable bottle,
or the conserva
tives. P. S.-There It
also a nondes-
Bfrtttf firtvttf ntnat.
ly of transient recruits and deserters
from the other camps, entrenched by
empty bottles; but they are scarcely
able to define their position.
,At the urgent request of an um
pire, the pitcher plodded his weary
way to the clubhouse.. '
"I lost my licail. I Ruess," he
vouchsafed, as he liertatcd near his
manager. ( .
"I saw dog gnawing omething
outside the gate," sympathized the
"A girl should never wed a mar
unless she knows all about him," said
good old Aunt Broadhcad, who, hay
ing married and buried four husbands
in sombre succession, knew whercol
she spoke. "But if she knew all
about him she probably wouldn't
marrv him nf nil on, I .1,. ...... i
- ,, .- ,.a ,iG I.U11
know all about him until she is mar
rieu to mm, I guess the only wai
to do is just to proced in the oli
laminar nit-anci-nms tashiou."
When you build build right; build to last. It is an in
the materials. Come to us, and we will K vou what you
need at the right price. Anything you get from us is g00d
We've built our business on giving the people good stuff f0,'
their money, and we don't see any reason to change this
rnujj mi
Tho O. A. H. memorial services will I
be held nt the Armory next tiundny !
afternoon nt 2:110, when Hon V. C. j
flawley will make tho memorial ad j
dross. An invitation to attend is ex-1
tended to all clmrclies, militia, veterans
and citizens. All members of tho Pont
and Corps are requested to meet nt
the Armorv nt 2 n'Mnnlr
On Monday the veterans and otheri
will meet at tlie Armory at 1 o'clock
sharp and proceed to Belle Poui ten.
ctery. Woodburn Independent.
Every ,man imagines that be tin
put up a convincing argmnt, but
can let
A Message to the Sufferers
xou need not be discouraged nbout your henna, met up, wen
help for you. Our Chinese Herb teas treatment havt been ued lot
centuries, and are hichlv reenmm mind for diseases, aa suck of tholungl,
stomach, heart, liver, kidneys, rh umatism, blood poison, TsealtMit,
nervousness, catarrh, bluddor tro ble, constipation, sppiradicitia, M I
disonses, femnlo trouble.
To those who it mny concern: Call nt once. Don't give up hoptl!
others fail. This is tho one roliable and positive help tor you. The 1
suit is plciming to all who try it.
CHAN & BOW WO. China Herbs. Teas Remedies
i Thone 081 103 South Higk Strut
. Sa em, Oregon.
9 sf' 1 VJk
$1.50 $7.51
Only a Few Days Left
Patton's Sun-Proof J
W ill pn fintl,, i- IM) w,,ir ,,K,..
tlinii liny uiliri. Thin pnim is
Ki'iMiinl 1111. 1 i111N .rfin-tlv witli
till' i, t l't' i; !M1 ,,l,l,li,; (,o
I'i'I'iiliiti.'ii ,, 1';,, inn's un-rii'iif
I'liint. I'm- i,v
Fletcher & Byrd
J"'-' N. fi.-ii'l Street. I
J Mil
e 1st
..iH A
A man who was very much thd
-vorse (or wmc when it was too ri
tarted to play golf. The first hole,
m a short one. lie played it with
mashic and by some accident tin
Jj , ro"rJ to the hole. The man
did not notice it, marched directly to
the green, s(,,mtl ilUo lhc , , ,
uldressiiiR the caddie in a husky vuict
aid: "Liivc me a niblick."
hnt has I,,.,,,,,,, 0f 0ij.
nisliiiwiisl editor wl,,, ao,l to av "Mos
itiiiii,". when wiiti 0f two or more
niarnoil whhh-ii!
km?' Mrl. fulurll,t BOWnj y
I. ' NVl,J, d-,n,t Hnow. ,hi"S
Uo?" " 4 "uri,t " y-
"You can ,e-irch me-pcrhaps tliey
ire, gown, wh.cl, .re yet to le paid
All persons wishing to get the benefit
of the special price on plates can do so
by coming to the office on or before
June 1st. Have the impression taken
and the plate delivered at any time m
, .the future at the special price of $7.50.
After Tuesday, June 1st, this same plate
will cost you $1300, so now is your
Dr. W. A. Cox
Phone 92G 303 State St.