1 l"" iV Full Leased Wire Dispatches Today's News Printed Today V' r -v- WalifMSM BJMUUL J (I IiJ ill I i l l) i. , vi ' tHIRTY-EIGHTH YEAR 11 Ll"""" ZL ' SALEM, OREGON, FRIDAY, MAY 28, 1915 PRICE WOri"" nnm nr Hnmrnn li nn lwuiawra' BTAD8 - mi or inrunntno i iau iKuyti m hjiut e 1 PRACTICALLY II UP TO NOON TODAY 720 Members Actually Signed and Over 800 Promised and In Prospect MEMBERSHIP LIMIT IS RAISED TO 1000 TODAY Campaign To Be Resumed Tuesday Morning With Renewed Visor lp to noon todny, which marked the ilosiM.f the third day's campaign, the committees oji membership solicitation (or the re-organized commercial club re ported a total of 721 & memberships se cured with enough promises and pros- l'ts still , view to ,riii(f the total uoove me wi mark which w g""i nxe.i tor the three days' Did they call it quits at that? Well, tardy. The unqualified success with which the proposition has been met "ma the past throe davs has only wrved to whet the appetite of the lenders and workers in the cause and In inilme them vyjti, liew lif(, am( vilfor to the extent that a motion was un animously adopted to raise the limit to IWOand a recess was taken until Tues day morning, nt 9:4:) sharp, when the rrai.ugn will bo renewed and waged relentlessly until the happy end has been reached. Nothing short of llioo Bienei up membership- for thru years Vul ajuicuse tho voracious zeal of the W.tl. W mpromptu speeches were made ttvt noonilny luncheon todav woorts of tho working com "" mutten received the kevnoto ''f everyone of which was "Unquali ''d and I'ncoiidnionul Success," anil (,V(,ry one spoke enthusiastically nod !",.,'""raJi'"v'y ot the prospects for car on th, work until tho new mark hi " i.'l'"''. whieU will provide ' ""'"""''ation of commercial and ' h'r .organs,!,,,,, of the city with nn iutiii.il worknig fund 0f $20,000 If V ''is", who is i (.harg0 0f the cum- . rc.se,i tho committeemen 'nffly dur iiir the li.. :. lie coiniil '"ii'iitcd them very bisrhlv ar,, - .fii i ii i.iiiiii "b. tl,:,t neve: r before, in his 'many (Continued on Pnije Threa.) T TP f i . rv wmm 10 lomn eteUis- memberment of Austria From Western Allies By Alice Roho.) d 1'iess taft Correspondent.) e. .May 1. (Hy maii t0 N(,w Malv does nnf ,l,.u;.... A.i.i..!.. (i It., . V'.'.'' dismemberment. Whitever th i -.-..Mi cH,o me masses i I I'1''. tho classes will be satis- i ' i Wh.-u territory, which Italy con-! i in I II ! I v belongs ta her,' is re-j "lore. tll g'lotn. for Italy does a Possible obstacle in " "i-li to see '"" wav of iiiovcj. I'an-Slnvie. invasion re- ,in,!',7Ti',iml','''('.v '' tho disintegra , ' "" ,;,,.v "d Austria, the rtalians . I as lull .. r.inl:-,.l ... n...- '.V i. "iieerned. ....i..i.i, no inr as i r- Hut they do not pi Hull 'Tuonan say, their wish 'i ure1 "" ",0!', ' Migland and: . r.tijl,,,,,! ... .... . ' tun, p,i (i ttj in i it rn p raitiui.rt ""ncrti ,1, , . .... . - " - " . r;'itii'! retoruiist "nt int.) s V' .I; 1 The uroso : , e 1 . .. ".I 'rOsniM'tfi Of n S uV 111 ' "I CP liiinnm n f-1. fill , I. , "" iruui. j.B(, bi, . ,. ith Kngland and Aus- ," Kussia. 'Mat """H lw.vs de,ire friendlv 'nl', , Liitfinnil br. anse of Kng iiv r i -"i in i a. in the Mediterranean. limns With Kl.sslo s ('., , n. and roval family ird e.-...ii-tt. tire 1 fsl.... 1!.. n.. . i'n! :'r. I,-, , ..:?', "rjlI ' I'"'! '''botiat,. H.i ' M " rtnM t,l9r1krAd i ,, I .. onc.i. . ..... ... riu..;. "l unpen nerseit is ot .ec.niisA .l. . ..... .. the o '''."'n,i'"i nnd "brought up", "b i,,;'"'"!1 ""' However. Italy, . " aatioti-i . . - "it Mi;. "ivresrs ni SUIKO, ll . itiiiir i,,...,.. , , . . , .. 1 "iiij i, ..,, ,..i.. 'frxhs t ' , 1 I'luoH-riin eomi.ieien "a.w , .,. T.., ',, i Iiy WILL STAND "'l 'Lu I'i'""'1'''xis.n has not beenldnv. .fating that u,,',""r,1'li',.,",n,'u''!l '"r'i ,, Kvor-,r nationality In reported the sinking of th- Kuian war lrnti.il, . Rovernment, tiaml" i.J""r "'"I-montmi-lv in the face of i ),. 1,- ''"'"' that is the sort of ' i nn .t . . . - rid,,.; "nl"e,l by Robertl. It is the ),', j'? "'"intains ho seei in Fug """on ami Italy',. E CHARGE Artillery Fire Drives Germans From Heavily Fortified Positions Paris, May 2s Hy a brilliant charge which swept all resistance aside the French stormed and oecumed a series of German earthworks uear Potichez, it was officially announced today. A number of prisoners were taken. ' Fighting everywhere north of Arras continues with uninterrupted violence. Around Ablain the French artillery drove the (lermaus frrrn heavily forti fied farmhouses. Near Angres.'n Ger mnn attack was met by a steady fire from tlio allied artillery which' 'com pletely broke down the asisuult and nuscd the enemy to withdraw, leaving' several hundred dead and wounded on the field. Fighting in LeFretre woods has been renewed, it was stated today, with the French making a slight advance on the edge of the forest. German Hotel Raided. Milan, May 2S. Tho first outbreak against Germans had occurred here to day with the storming and ransacking of the MotropcVo hotel by Italian mobs. The Metropole, under German man agement, was attacked last night. Hu mors had been circulated that signals were being flashed from the roof of the hotel to the Austrinns. The mobs poured into tho Metropole, lrove the employes out and searched it from cellar to roof for spies or signal ing apparatus. The Metropole is u large hotel generally patronized by tourists. Germans Driven Back. Fetrograd, May 2S. The Aiistro-Oor- man forces have been decisively beat en in the attempt to surround I'remysl, an official statement declared today. There lias also been a decided dimiuua- tiiei of artillery fire from the German mill Attaint! it 1 1 tuta uili wlt Ii u ua mini . plntely tiiiled in their efforts to ad- vanee. the war ol t ice declared that nt no point cast of the San river was tho enemy within 21) miles of the Hits sian linos of communication. The Russians have occupied Urumiiih, whore the wholesale massacres ot Ar menians recently occurred, it wiis of ficially iiinuuincod ttiluy. The Turks were driven out by the udvaucing Hussions. lVspito the fact that the offensive of i to vinegar but hud never hud any com Ceneral Von Muckeiisen was resumed plaints us to anyone becoming intoxi early this week with the utmost vigor ented from drinking it. Hi' said after it. is now believed that tho Hussiatis are bis arrest he had some of it iinaly.ed iu a position to hold I'rzemysl safely, ut Willamette university and that it as there are again indications that thei showed iibout two und one-half per cent Austrinns and dcrmans are running alcohol. short of u in in nu i t i ii n . Little action hasl i . been repietcd southeast of the fortress and the attack on the northeast, strik ing at the railway running to I.emberg. is declared to have slackened greatly. The Hiissians fell back along the Sun until reinforcements came up, but their lines are now said to have been strengthened ami the line of communi cations is well guarded. It was the plau of (leneial Von I Mackeiiseii to pien e the Hessian right i wing and seize the railroad running to; Loo, honr. For 24 hours the encmv s ! iirtillery poiue.i a torrent oi nrei against the Hui-siuu lines between l'rze-j mysl and .laroslau. At the same time Hermans again crossed the l.uhaczov-i ka river and struck at the Hiis-'iaii! flunk. Between I'remysl an. I ,lasos-J lau the (icriuans were completely check--ed. Cn the east bank of the S.-ini heavy ("gliling continues, but the ene my's left is not advancing. Itetween Stryj and Kol.iinea un eiigagemcnt of great propoitions cotitiiiues with alter uiiting advantage. French raider Captured. Merlin via wireless to London. May s The commander of the Ii French iiir ruiu'-i.s .ui'j..'i - --i l.u.lw ie-haven was broiiuM down and emit u red hv the tierimins iieiir Nancy, 1111 otlieial siuteillent oeciaici ,. ... Another one of the Freti. h aeioplaacs ; was forced to descend east of Nciistadt j n,..i tl... i,ci,er uns cliollired. Tl,.. ....,.!, il,.. Freocli was made iniou un "mien town," it was stated and several civilians were killed and , wounded. Lleveii persons were kill : wounded in the French laid d und '-'I ace. .ruing Ma tinheiin. . , cfi,..,! ,,,1,-iei.s from ,..,,,1 ,,,,,,., ,.r,,j,,,,i .hroin.h the root of the irrcat aniline factory at l.u.nug shiiyen. killing five workmen and in .iuring The employes rcmnine, at ,s exploding their work dc.pite the ion, iil.i.nt them. The bombar.linciit lllStcil for 2" minutes. One bomb fell upon the kiltiiuf three nersons and nous.- oi four. An aviator brought down at (Iriesheim was captured a was Ins ob server. Pnirnrrrad Makes Denial. t I..n .: :. V..V r,l today denied that 1..e "S .in ornciai Hip wuHitp i'lint.'limun t i .... other i .. i i . sunk off the Bmph.'riH or nnu i elsewhere. wv.. .i.. from l'etr..grl wn i... ....i 1. 1- nn announcement rr'.m tin ine o. ..... - - . . . i i... u,,fi..iineement tr.m Tlie prion i.-u r,,n- i .-;:i r,.ss burenu in Berlin on Men i preu o m ' ,, . shin enienuiu" - - i Tt, i. wns taken to refer to the I anten , irt ;. 1U ruon, the loss of which I'etrogrs-. """ The homelier ife trusts him. .u rt.rtf his C.E. BURTNETl CASE Proprietor of Cider Works Charged With Liquor Sell ing Is Freed The .jury iu the ease of the city against O. K. Burtiiett. proprietor of the Farmer's Cider Works charged with violation of the city liquor ordinance, brought in a unanimous verdict ot not guilty, iu the municipal court at 12:11) today, liurtnett was charged with sell ing liquor to George Hastings and Thornton Matney. These Ijo.s were ar rested last Week on a biii-irfurv )..,,.,.. and when liurtnett notified the police that some one was iu his cider works l tie jury was made up of W. 1). F.vaas, F. N. Derby, H. A. Smart, George Vick, F. W. Spencer, and G. W. Ilobson. City Attorney Trindle represented the city nnd Hoy Shields appeared for the de fendeut. George Hastings and Thornton Met ney testified that they purchased one quart of loganberry cider, or wine, ns they called it, and two quarts of apple eider from Burtiiett. This was mixed und they drank it at the cider works. They then duplicated the order exactly nnd drank another bottle at the cider works. With the other two they said they started out to go across the river nnd, dropped one bottle nnd broke it. Then they drunk the other buttle and were at this time feeling a keen exhil iration and went back to the cider works to secure some more. This time Burtiiett. refused to let them in und they suid they broke in which caused the call to be sent in to the police. Chief of l'olice Welsh testified that he purchased a bottle of apple cider, a bottle of loganberry cider and another of the mixture, two ports of cider to one of loganberry, from liurtnett and sent all three to 0. A. C. to be analyzed. "err. rtiKinguiii, usaiatttnt chemist ut O, A. I ., wus then called to the stum! t.i testify ns to the tests. Mr. I'ilkingtmi suid that bottle No. 1, straight cider, contained 4.li pet' cent alcohol by weight. No. 2, loganberry cider. .'!,l,'.i per cent alcohol by weight, and Nu. II, the mixture, 2.:ii per cent ulcohol. When Mr. Hiirtnett was called to the stand he suid flint he kept eider ia all stages of fermentntiou from sweet cider AmPI'IPUn RpH (VflCC rtl,,CI ,UUI UCU WUM Will Make National Appeal For Relief In This Country Washington, Mav -'. At the reipiest of I'resideut Wil-i.'i, Miss Mabel lionnl man, head of the Aieeroaii He. I ('loss, today left nt the While House lor the '.resident to s;en mi uppeiil to the coon try for funds for the relict' of thou sands of .Mexicans who ale starving to nil. The situation in the republic belnw the l.'io llraii.le is teirilde, Miss Hoard 11:1111 told til-' lie-.vspnperiliell, but owing to till' I rellielldons illllill oil tile lied Cross oc.ii'ioiied by the Feropeau war there i. no tiiud to devote to this woik. Wluileer inn ley is used, she -aid. must 1 !...,! I.e .,,,.,,,1.,, si.l,., iioti.... S(t(1 ,(,., r( n's-nt tld i. es todav do (iImJi (iM, jiif X1,,MI crop Inn I u (,x)nls)l., Ulilj ,.h,,t,i.r ciop will ..... 1 Li. .1.1.. I'.., I..,.. .... 11... . , i il ,,, m,,,,i , ...l is. ..I 1 ,., linaiduuin that the situation in (hut -ectinu is so . ritb-sil Hint laie-j numbers of .cnen a I clnldrei of death life bterallv ut the point Iniin starv ut ion. In addition t v. Miss Ituii'dmau ! s-ii.l tins nltetrioou. coiitiiloitiotH ot j I i ire (..-.(! needed, and she express I ed a h n,e that ii rain dealers and farm j gelienillv . .111-1 n.ooiie i. ... . .ill. I ilollllte iineiaiiy. These supplies mil 1... sent to lialveston ill 1... sent to lialveston i lit once lllnl lor.wii,.--i i. ...-s..u I the I'll l lies! , Morris, dire possll'le Inollielll. .s.. i . j tor of the lied I ro-s lit . ,.,,.,: ,,, .,,. ...vera rlou.ls oi am to .Moiiteiey at oloe. Some anvietv is l.eing shown n a,i ministration oifo-i.-iN lest an armed i.ns-e from aleiitnie. Texas, should in xnde Mexico ill fill effort .l letabate on the smugglers v ho recently hilled several Ameiiciiiis. Tie' Tcxii" state au thorities have renewed their demand that federal i avail v be pro ided to pa trol Ihe entire Texas Mexico border. STEAMER IS TORPEDOED. London. Mav 21 'I ae snamer Argyll . ,.'.i,.i ,,rt i,resnioal,l v n ."'r' o"" ' " i - r . )mvlnrf .nt out distress call, miying that she l.d beer, d f on tlimijaUy i. h stat.sl tin. ntteruoon. .,,.,.-., .! . ,ti:. il... Anrv sinre iihj eiiinsip f , - ,,,,,. .,, ndeered by tlie governmen ' ..l ....... I.s mitt It . resumed ..-verm there were no pasw-ngr aboard. SEDGWICK POST NO. 10 ADDRESSES SCHOOLS ON MEMORIAL FRIDAYi Tlit fn!lowi.iir is nn n.l.iri. t.. ii.,,!,,.,...... i . i. . ... . . ii-ii & i :; ! v ' rrl'!"" "om 1 w " ' s,. l,m-i". , . m t I'r... V ror years if litis i,.n i c public, ...j,....., ,...., ..... ... ninn 01 tne lie- 10 send to the sclmc.'s of Salem. ' coinpauics of messengers, with urect- nigs, in connechon with our national' Memorial day. This year we send the messengers as usnnl; hut we also send a written message: Irom the men who , tonght tor the nation iu the mist, tn the yii'ing men nnd women the bovs and the girls upon whom, us voters,; t ie interests of the tuition must rest iu slant iu your devotion to our country Jie ycurs to con.o. ,! its princi'ples ,,,,,1 ideals. We up- The needs ot the nation culled up to.penl to you for an nbiding reverence war 111 the bit s; tut Americans do not ; for the flag of on- country the "lied love war. True, we have had wars; White and lllue." we have fought td protect our ci,intry;l We are told of 11 public officer who, we have sent arms across our borders, jiu a fit of auger, swore that he hoped but not for conquest. We acquired ter-1 never again to hear of the I'liited ritory from Mexido, lint we paid them for it. We delivered Cuba from her (Continued on Pnge Three.) U.S.UHABLETOSTOP FIVE MURDERERS GERMAN SUBMARINE ; REPRIEVED AFTER ATTACKS ON VESSELS LI EEGAl FIGHT Until Kaiser States His Posi- tion More Protests Are Waste of Time By John Edwin Nevln ! Washington, May 2S. Although fii-r- ...uu noouini-iiian yB mm active, lis Is evidenced iu reports. I'roiu r,ondon, ad- ministration officials today admitted there was nothing the 'ni,., states could dn about it, President Wilson protested Ccrinnuv agaiiiHl the torpedoing of mcrchiiut men withoiil warning on the broad f round of hinnanity, but it was pointed out that until lierinniiy atates her posi tion the administration can do nothing unless American vessels lire attacked or American lives are endangered. In asmuch as it was expected (lermiinv would insist thai the I'nited Stntes has no jurisdiction over ships flviiiir for- eiun flags, if they liny,, no Americans aboard, officials refused tn discuss what would be , o ( ,.,. ,), k-m.r ,ilivmlr , Hirglv supported an waned aside all reference to linniani-1 ami capital punishment iaw at the last tarmaisiu , s reply to the president. ! electi I ing to have it passed to Heports that (,erni,,y had five of 1 save these five and nine othe, - Her ablest Imwers working up,,,, t. , ., men Iu Florence prison. The reply to the Americiin note and thai five were again reprieved, and their their first action would be to agree to , tenth dates pustpo 1 until alter .dec- the lads in cadi case of which I'resi-.ti,,,, (t i. voters not nnlv rejecie.l '.'''"t Nil"'" '"plained, nronHe,l grent : anli capital punishinciit, but deprived "'rest i iiiLr officials. Those close the governor of his pardon and reprice. to the president reiterated (hat he pu,.r, adopted a stiiNlimuil inn I wool, permit no ipiibbling and would ,,.,i vesting it with a I I of pardon insist th.-it Auieiiean lives must b ..I ,,,,,,l,.s Tins left it Itirdol- respected everywhere, If Herman! ngieea U, this, she would oe pernnne.i o .lenate oilier issues, but Ihere will be a temporizing on the iM'esli f the safely 0f Aincihiins whether nn American vessels or those flying bellijerent flaps, S'ecieinrv llrvan todav said there would be no fuither developmciits in 'ie f I'1" diimuge.l steamer Vc b'a-l :in until mniplcte reports fi.mi Ambrissiolor I'aje and his assi-lants are rccivcl If it should be proved that (he cI,i:i4.-iii was torpedoed, it is adiniltcl thai n .erious situation would be eoi.froiited. Hot if this is not de termine,! -uid (I. nanny ileuies respmisi bilily for tl plosion whi. li .liiinnccd Hi" Nebl'lsl nil. il WIIS Mi i.l llie enne I w.ll will n ide I "t The l'iiii-. Stntes la I e it for granted, h Itlioul as the llrili-h ndmiiall V does, in :m t.iipe.lo caused the dam o- A rienn sleaioer. ol "i:it tn " , WII -'4 HB (VCfJI. lleilin. voi wileirss to Nomina, Mav '.''. A i a ;c from A tnluissadid Von llerii-loilf urL'in.' an early replv to I'm -i, lent Wilson's note regarding the mil i ,.u ,. of ihe l.usitnnin and I In- ecu nliiiiarine warfare was n ived ; him r.iren.n ' I- luoiiv. . .'phc t.-i.-ina in America has been in ct c.'l ".'.I d 1 1 oosioii w II lell .III maieil the ebr.il i Hi Iiinbiis.a.lor slated. The Neloa-I an incident is slill explained ruv-tery ,,.re. The Weather Oregon: Isir to- night slid Snliir-1 day; warmer Sal nr. lay except near) tie const; west- I erlv winds. I i (hvi ii.'7 j r nun i' hit a ireo mint: .... hi,,, Li i 1 In inoincs. u mm.,., I t.. tl... r. ...... ' 1 . . " young pcopie ot loony to maintain these i.tenls ot qeniocracy und of liunian ibert hone that this nine -. ,.. vet to be sure nf 'this i another, the principles upon which' our niitim is founded mav be attacked at any time iu the future; mid we remind yuu. with all the emphasis we can give, Hint "..i..f,,.i :. .1 : liberty. " ' We' noocal to von. then, to l. ,0,.. Five Condemned Men Saved r At Eleventh Hour By Action of Parol Board Florence, Aiiz., Mav 2s. The state board of pardons today grunted the fivi condemned munli'icrs, .he.lii!..,l to hung today, a reprieve not to o.vce.l ' nine weeks duration. All of the five men who es.iipe.l the gallows today had repeatedly been re : prieved, pa Tying their cases from court to couil and, wih the ni-slslniiee of (ioernor Hunt, foe to cnpiial punisli I eiciit, hoping to hae their sentence I enmuiutcil to life imprisonment. Some ! of the men have been in the Florence I prison for five years. They were trusted inmates of the penitentiary and ! hud a child like faith in the power of their friend, Warden Sims, nnd the liig (vcr i nor, to save them from the gal- bell. less. I'll 1. 1 no loneer( iiii.lcmucd men. I heir cusii,ni llrv liberties were talicn awav, and tliey were placed iu iini"leiers tow to awnit the rope, The five men are: . H. ihive,, nil,, hilled Deputy Sheriff i Inules King ill Jerome; Mlgod I ''I II 1 ' II. who killed liis wife and a man at .lerome, in a fit of jealous inje; Knilludo I'ere, wlio slew I'elii io rhai on, at 'migress Jn--1 ii in : Fraiicisco .i,ii'.;io-, who slew Ins wife ill I'hoellix. tllnl lllliciili Vilbiloho", who -hot to deiith Coiisialile I'hin.as I '.rovt ii at Ha . Ai i.onn. Judge Refusen Appeal, n, Ariz.. Mav 2i. I'd. i.al Snwtcilc denied i 1 1 , . r n V s tor i nicli eollde'lioed t" hang at . today the riL'ht to aio.e.'il to Tiles, Judge the I'n I'lolen. Ihe l'nite, Slates supreme his .lei isimi refusing n! eoiiri ftoui of hanens corpus to the murderer-. In icfu-il.g the will-. Jo l Or.'.te said: o o coiil. I coioe from grunting ihein and the most that could po"ihl lie done would be to defer the dale ol execution. The petitions n'c not in n--cold with I'nited States siriiol.- Til. Ho. ibd'endnnts lime lint t I depii'.e-l of me rights. I deny nil the writs'' Crowds Fuel Tension. Florence, An'.., Mav 21. - Wnle a 'crowd of witnesses was n-sioiildiiig iu the dcuih towers of the slate pnson this luornilig t'l see the scheduled ei-e.-utioiis of five murderers doomed to die between In and I p. in. and the prison guards drew lots to see who iinl. spring the gallows trap.. Secretary to the Warden Woimxlev entered the condemned calls a few min utes In-fore the hour fie. for tlie tirst hanging und obtained ante inorlern stnt eats from the five men. All the condemn.-, I men had likewise dniwii up their wills. 1'hese were hunde.l oxer to s., rctarv Worni'lev. Three priests were busv in murderer. fow nixing eitreme unction. The men ,nneii their ilesth clothes, which left ih.ir throats enroled for the noos, and waited. A nrrvou. tapping of tint ... ;,,, .,,. ,, iiil.-t. ... an -n.. --- (Continued on Hit Tnret.) BRITISH VESSELS PAY HEAVY TOLL IN 24 OURSTOSUBMARINES Losses to Navy and Shipping Stagger English Officials-No Further Details Given Out As to Number of Lives Lost On Majestic and Triumph -Berlin Jubilant Over Recent Under Sea Raids By Ed L. Koon. have proven costly iiwlng to tlio power- London, May lis. Staggering lossesjful seiirchliglits furnished by tho tier have been 'heaped upon the ilritish ' auiiis which continually play upon the navy and Knglish shipping within tln ! H'I lines. past hours with the destruction of I admiralty today hud no further the warship Majestic, blowing up of the1 details regarding the sinking of tho Steamer I'ri ss Irene, nnd the tor-; 'M"jostle. No iiiniuiineement hita been pedoing of merchant vessels by (lermail j""'"'1'. "J1"' l"' original lnteinent of submarines ' I'1"" "'H'1' declaring that th Muiestio The steamer (ladebv was lorpedoed ' ,1!",'n ""'1 off Hedd-Kldli.hr mid sunk bv a submarine off Cornwall, ? "'"joi ity of the e.rew hud ln T"t H J'TVw 1 J'iV P""r ,"1 '''ncv"p"u'' toduv trnk varying view, " ? ",,"',' " W"r"( 'i';"'"".'l-!of this latest disaster. Tho Daily New. Somewhere t the rish cons he ,.,.,-u pessimistic, slating', stee sieanicr A, gy shire is fighting for, ..Thl, ,',,.( ll(M,, m,1 Clu,0utai!a her lite, wounded by a torpedo. m.s of ,.,,,( v victory." While the admiralty was wrestling1 The torpedoing and smiling of th with the problems growing out of hej Ilritish battleship Majestio wus nn destruction of the I'rincess Irene with nouiiced by the admiralty in tho folluw a loss of between M) und UMI lives, the1 ing slntcnieiit : officials were besieged with requests! An enemy submarine torpedoed and for confirmiition of nllnck on the sank II. M. H, Majestic, Captain II. t Argvllshire. At Liverpool and other J Talbot, In lay, while it win support ing points wireless sigiiulH of distress, iug ""' urmy on the (lallipnli I'eoin- I rcpiests for aid from the Argyll- j ""' . shire were picked up ami vessels has "Nearly all the officer anil nieu toned out to nsiist the ship, I"1'1''' "Hved." Tlie ndiuirallv could give no informn-i Tl1" tt t lf.ili ip Majestic wan a vessel lion regarding (he nlliiek ns the Argyll- "'""" Hl"' ,"' l"'0"0 horni-powor. shire message mend) slated that she:.1 had been torpedoed. V.. .I.....II given. I It was s'ill insisted Hint' the er-! plosion v. ti i. Ii destroyed Hie I'rincess Irene at Sheerncss yesterday was lie-1 cideiital. Spy rumors coutiniied to be. eirciilaled, but nil were scouted by of I fieials. No additional retiorts have vet' been received from I lie Diinlauelh L'urding iossible losses on the Males, tic. With the sinking of Ihe Montreal steamer Morwenmi, aiiuoiineed yester davilny, and the nlliiclis reported today there was no doubt among officials thai the (icriuan loibiniiiine warfare had been resumed in full force. Berlin Woll Pleased. Merlisi via Coiienhim Mav .'S All I !' 1 1 1 1 1 was jubihiul loday lis a result the directing forces of Ihe Ilritish of the sinking of the lliitish warships ! Heels' was made complete. Arthur J. Triumph and Majestic Iu the liardan llalfoiir holds tho post of first lord, idles. vacated by Winston Churchill, ami th It wus Hi-uii -nt fi in Hv stilted that fiiction lesiilling from disagreements Herman submiiiiiics which deslrove.l the I"'1 to policy netween Fisher and Church ships tiavcled lull miles t omplish ! ' '"'hoved tn have been eliniinuted, the feat and retiirneil safely without: revealing their base. The Majestic was Danish Steamer Surft. hit in the stein and sunk rapidly. j Siochholin, .May 'JH. The Danish The Tnues Zeiluiig today declared ; steamer FJy struck n ininn ami sunk that Ihe allies' Hiirdniielies eiimpaigu i veslerdiiy in the Aland sea, The Fly is duniiu-d o failure. The Anglo-iwna ciinving u cargo of coal from Fielnh losses on the linllipoli pcllitlsiila Iiiimi been so great that Hie allies ashed lor a tiuce during which Ihev could bury ihcir dead, the paper said. . Brliish it C'oiut.untlMopln. ! London, May i!7.--Thc Hritish ndmir ally issued the following lepoit from the vue li I im I II I ill the eastern .eii telllinella: "The subtiiiiriiie . K 11. Lieutenant ' oioniinider Martin liioisioit h has sunk in the sen of Miirmoia a vessel con 'iiiinng a u'eat ipiiinlily of auiiuuin. tion, coliipiising chillies for hea v how iiei.i, siieiiil gun moiintiiigs and a ui inch gnu. She also chiise.l a sup p!v shio wilh a h"iiv cargo of stoics " 'llol Inrpe.lned ll'-r lllnl. nlc ii pier at It elosto. A smiill stoic ship was iibii hn-e, and run ashore. ''I'he sal. mar. ne K II entered Con slant inople aiol .lischingcd a ut a transport alongside the the tmpC hi was hciii.l to clpl torpedo liisenal. ide." Ilolbnd Kilters frotost , ll,i In . I todav 'I'he Hague, Mny loiwindid a vigorous protest to Ocr in ri ii as a result of the aerial attack ii ade upon the Dutch trawler Aginveil hiige on May 12. Activity in fiiiidanelles. Loudon, May 2s. Despite the loss of the I i it i nli wur-hi. Triiiniph and Mao -tie in the Diinliniclles operatious within two dii's, tin. allied fleet i" again boiobiirdiug the Turkish fortil'i-.-atii.is both from nisnb. the stiuits and troiu the Hnlf of Sur'is, iis.ltelles floili I elie.los stale, I toil.'IV. ith the opening of a renewed bom baidmeiit by the fleet, the bind forces lliOV I .lorwnid Ui new utinek. wluehi ill e I. dure, I to have rcaiill. in well , .ostium-! advances nt several points. ! 'ph.. Audiabiiii nnd I'r h troops .wept f.i ward in Ihe dire. Iron ol " Krillna. storiiiing Tut ki-.li trenches in rapid successioii. llther allieil forces 1 delivered fieri attack, near Itoluir and Hnloitepe, Fiob-r Hern. so due, tion the Tilths! hsvp couvertcd the linllipoli iisiiln ' into a mane uf riituiiglcineiits ami en ,r bments. l-.very I urkish position is also guarded by Inn. I mines wlnchl . ... . have resulted In severe lo.se. to Itrit- ..li and irsirh ttoupi. Night, kttscksj by Submarine Torpedoes "ueis ami crew on a peuce foot-. oik "KKe.Kno'il i .1 1 . i i ue .Mii. esnc, n iiicti wus hin t in I WS, carried four U-ineh, 12 tl inch and HI .'Much guns ami It! .1 pounder gnus. It addition the vessel was nrmtfd with five IK Inch turpedo tubes. The sinking of the Majestic makes ili.. fit'ili It.iil, i..,iti..ui.i.. i..., i lh.,.,l,.,,ns I tiy a lioslile siiIiiiiiii me, the Triiimtili liaving I Bent to the linii.no iu tha tinlf of Saros hist Wednesday. Tho Francli also have lost one battleship ill the Turkish i ampiiigii, the lloiivet. New Naval Administration. London, May "M, Kugliiiul 'a navy It now under tut entirely new niluiiiiistra ton. With the appointment of Sir Henry .laetioiu to .uciee. Mir .loin i Fisher as first sen bud. the i liuiion in Scotland. Torpedo Hluks Caedoby. I'en.unce, May 2S, Thn Ilritish steamer ( aedeby, en roiilo to ( Hnlil'f from Oporto, was torpedoed mid sunk by a siibioariiie otf I '(en wall, it was Icaiiied to.lnv, when survivois troiu ttto vessel were lauded M Ncwlyii by fish ing vessels, 'Ihe I'ne.lchv wns n vessel of III') Ions and runic. I a cergo of pilwoinl. Ohargod to tlennan H 1 1 y . mess, May noiuors She wern peisisientU r i ri-il hit . I that a Herman "I'V mused Hie explosion which blew the steamer I'liucess lieiie, 'fhe ad miralty oidered an inn liato rnvestl- giitiini into the disaster, but it was declare. i that the explosion would sure ly be fooiiil to have been due to an ac cident. 'I'he estimates of the fatalities on hoard the 1'iiiieess Irene as nut'lo by the morning ncwspupci vary from ills) to more than inn. The Daily Mail suV4 t luit iu addition to the iH shipwrights ,i , .. . . . .,. 1 , -.- on .....in i".r nifinini'ii from Chat hum, as we'l as 2I'I incintiers of the crew, which would give a total ot IIS persons on the .leuuicr. AiiHwnr Expected Tomorrow. leiinlon, May 2H.--A dispatch from The Hague conespoiulent of the F.vonft ing News sins it is reported that tier- ninny's reply to the r 'lit American note regarding the Losilaniii will I.e for warded lo Washington tomorrow. It will ask whether it In true that His Lusitaiiln was .inning munitions, thl i correspondent deelnrcl, thus pining th way for further liitenhaiiar's ' w A' HIGH CHARTER RATE. I'.irt liin.l. Ore., Mav 1(8. A charter rate of HO shillings for sailing xes.els to niox'O ths new wheat ciop to Furope was being demand.-, I here todav. Ths nor mal rale Is 21 shillings. Th shipments will begin ill July, Wheat carriers sre difficult to secure eveu at this pries, I ) i)i itii)(a,iti Js. k'e, i i 1 r yr,r rwv