Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, May 27, 1915, Page EIGHT, Image 8

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. I.
V P A MtMBtUvU D -
i u mi ii ii inn m
May White Bargains in Every Section of the Store. It Will Pay to
Supply Needs of the Family and Home NOW. A Big Saving of
Money Can Be Effected By Doing So.
Tomorrow is Remnant Friday
at Meyers
The day of each week when exceptional bargains can be had in remnants. A large
assortment of Silk, Woolen, Cotton .and Linen fabrics, Ribbon, Lace and Embroid
ery remnants. Take your choice of , the lot tomorrow at One-Half price.
(Main Aisle Tables)
MEYERS FREE EXPOSITION TRIP CONTESTS Don't forget to vote for y.pur favorite
when you purchase here. .
An Immense Sale of Boys' Norfolk Suits
Boys' $6 and $6.50 Suits, Extra Spec, $4.65
This great sale of boys clothing should appeal to all who have boys
to clothe; offering this complete assortment of "Xtragood" suits
at a most unusual price. These are the most popular Norfolk
models in the best colorings and patterns for boys' wear; they em
body all the essential features of good clothing well made and
bound to give satisfaction. All sizes from three to seventeen years,
knickerbocker trousers. Regularly priced at $6.00 and $6.50.
Special this week, $4.65. Another lot of boys' suits, take your
choice at One-Half price.
Doll Cut-Out Set Given Free
to Children
Miss Dolly Munsing and her wardrobe in colors all ready to
cut out very interesting to children. Given free for the ask
ing in the Children's Underwear Section.
. c O T XT T CI
U. S. BUILDS suoi"-11"-""
Washington, May .-Secretary
Daniels today announced
that bids for 26 ew suu"
marines, including to 11 . ,
scanning tvpe, will 1"" revived
by the navy department lu'xt
I the Drager Fruit i d. tuiil.lniK ls !w
on the ground, and the carpenters will
begin work Mondiiv morning., lhe ce
ment work and ill! foundation were
...iniiiletoil h few dnvs ago. Hie Diunr
Total Number of New Mem
bers Not Yet Known
Prizes Awarded Later
Final returns are in for the member-
ing will cover part ol the mm run ! ship campaign conducted by the Y. YV
HUM II in ""'in A V..-.. ...... .-II,,
tl.A lirniiA.lv on. I tllitt
r'yiy-j, " ,. .
covered has been ciiretnuy i- "j
the company owning the race. A. K
Mclntire, of Rosehurg. the architect,
will superintendent the construction
work. Mr. Mclntire was the architect
for the Salem Fruit I'nion 8,1,1 thp
building for the California Fruit (.'mi
ners association, besides other Irmt
dryers in the Btatc
j Sea the baby violinist at the Oregon
tonight and tomorrow, Yeoman benefit.
C. A. Yesterday was rally day, and
large numbers of .Salem women volun
teered their personal services, and the
$11 Men's Shirts $1
Special Sale of Soft Shirts for
The state public utilities commission,
formerly the railroad commission, this
morning mnde orders pel mitting the
establishment of grade crossings over
the line of the P. 1.'. i N. railroad at
Cedar streets, in Bnrviow, and at Myr
tle avenue, between Midway and Tilla
m'mk benches, in Tillamook county,
ami denied a petition for a grado
crossing at Lincoln street, in Unrview,
because the location was regarded as
too dangerous and the crossing was
not necessary for the
the petitioners.
Miss Venia Cooder in songs at the
Oregon, Yeoman benefit.
The Record Publishing company, cap
italized at $3000, has In organized to
take over the business or tne uregon
Messenger and the Snyder Printing
company. The corporation will occupy
the rooms now used by the Snyder
company. A new cylinder press of
modern style has been ordered and will
arrive in "the city tonnerow. The new
press and other "new ciiiipinent which
the company has ordered, will give the
concern a complete job and newspaper
plant. The officers of the corporation
hire: ('. 1). Babcock, president; George
j(". h. Snyder, vice president, and L. (j.
rage secretary-treiiiircr.
Pat Hogau it Irish jubilee at the
Yeoman benefit at the Oregon tonight
and tomorrow.
All Around Town
The Artisan dance given last even
ing was attended by a larger crowd
, thnii any of the dunces given during the
past winter. These dunces hnvo been
'given by the Arto-l'i'isco drill teum of
the Artisans, which will attend the nil-
t i oiiu ) convention at Oakland, Oil., J ill v
Dr. G.
A. Wisliccnus, M. D., grad-
uate ot Munich, (ierninnv.
For sale, chonp Two automobiles. The houso of half a million bargains, building, L'l -i-'i'ii.
(Chalmers) belonging to .los. Harris , Where vou get for vim r g Is the most 1 o
estate Impure of Ted Sheldon, at and for" your money' lhe best II. Stein-1 Dr. stouo's Itch Ointment cures the
John Muurcrs garage, i enter street. bach Junk Co., .lnj.ll North ( irniner- ' :, ,i,
.. I ... I 1,1. . UIILI HI II,
cuii. i none nu.s. i
The river is rising, the Btngo above1
low wutci uini k t o In v rending "i." feet. I
Dr. Hendelsonn, specialist is fitting
glasses correctly, U. S. bank bldg.
The faculty of the high school will
cntcrUnn the seniors tomorrow evening.
o Govornor Withycombe today an.
Studobaker cars have recently boon nonnccil the reappointment of J. Leo
purchased ,v j. v. Fisher, !', 1 Town- Hrown, of Murslil ield, as n member of
send and Mrs. Mabel Uobertsoii. nil the state bund ol pharmacy. 'I be four
of this city. I oilier members of this board are Muss
, I'liiiinner, of Portland; Frank S. Ward,
,,, . .. ' of Salem; II. L, Darby, of (llendnle, and
. ... ii.-, pi.,, 1 1 1, ,1 1 itiiin, it nisiil nirilin I u II,..,, ,,F M... I.,... A..t,,it
I ne in.iiiiy nomncis .',., wniie tins year , nun unine io i out melius rcipnrci tor nu,n(tt (his burn! are made for the
iiie L'laiiuaiiiig class niimoer pi, i cn-cmui ui i siorv i raiiie rest cottage nt ! i ;,.
Dr. Asseln, dentist, second floor Bank
The Brotherhood of American Yeo
man will have benefit performances
tonight and tomorrow evening at the
Oregon theater. Ilesides the regular
film program, which includes a special
photo play and a (leorge Ado comedy,
there will be several home talent num
bers. Helen Cornelius, of Monnmuth,
one of the youngest violinists of the
state, will play several selections. Perry
I'reseott Keiglemnu will entertain with
a comic readme,; ratriclt liogau
will appear in an Irish jubilee feature,
anil .Miss' Vernu ( ooder will sing.
The Cherrians will drill again tomor
row evening. In order tn keep n check
on those not 1'cspnuding for drill, the
roll will be culled, and a line ot
cuts assessed against absent members.
According to Secretary Wilson, proper
menus will lie taken to collect the fine,
according to the custom of the past.
I lie l hcrriniis and the hen mil hand
will meet M lay ut il:'.M o'clock nt
the I 'uiiiinereial club, and will take part
in the iiicin.ii lal pnrude Momlav, at
ii Vircgon .-Mate luiigioiinds, can lie
Automobile trips passougern and cured at lhe office of V. C, Knighton,
.,(... i.i. i .. t I ii i I, i i ,,i. t i 'mi. ii,, I Itnii.i;.... w.,1
u"KI,BKrl I llll-ll It UPUIKIIMl., Ull II . I I i ' ' ' ' , ., . w, iiiiiiilllili, CIIKIIIi . , I
trip, a specialty. (.'. (1. MeKlroy. "'Ms are l be opened at the above i,,f 1 m" ,m'ln'
r,i. i.'. ..... . ii iil'l'i il " I,... I .u nil-. , 0
Done: ,, ..nigni, '. - i W li .lOXFS ! T1,e fun,rftl f CUitt Dtag0r' wh
s. .i...iu,.i. ii......... ..V.. i..' ii'..'. i died vesterdnv ut the family residence,
ine urowiung Ainuscmcni company, "" Thirteenth street, will be
" ' cii'oii., K" licl.l l-'iidnv afternoon ut 2 o'clock from
en by the Moose ust week, is now in Tho following partios have become, the Christ'iun church. Hcv. F. T. J'or-
l.cl.ani.ii dining tin' strawberry carni-; owners of l'ord uiitomobiles iluriuu I he 1 ter will officiate, nnd interment will
past week, nil uf this city; Dr. Ward take place in lhe fninilv plot in City
" ' I1'- fisher, W. C. liver, T. A. Llvesley i Yiew ceuieterv. Clnire Dinger was n
Notice. The Ploneors' association of ' ; Co., nnd W. T. Dnvis, Hiiperiiitcnileut la sonlimnre at the Salem hiuh schoiil.
Waldo Hills will hold their aiumnl of the cottage farm. ! Inn ing mnduated from the Kast school
use of their automobiles,
The results of the campaign are most j
satisfactory, all things considered, and!
although the speciul concerted efforts
to secure new members is over, the so
licitation for membership will be .con
tinued in a less pretentious way. The
points of the winning team will prob
ably be known tomorrow. Although
many contributed their services yester
day all the districts could not be cov
ered. The following aro the names of
tnose who assisted in making the final
day successful:
Mrs. C. A. Park, Miss Nina McNary,
Mrs. William . Kirk, Mrs. John H.
Lewis, Mrs. H. C. Fpley, Mrs. Blacker
by, Mrs. Chauncey Bishop, Mrs. W. H.
Brunk, Mrs. L. L. Tweednle, Miss Ida
Boettieher, Mrs. Lela Lynch, Mrs. U. 0.
Shipley, Mrs. Merlin Harding, Mrs. Cur
tis Cross. Mrs. Elmed Luililen. Mrs. J.
onvenieiice ofi.;. Allison, Mrs. F. E. Shnfer, Mrs. Ad-
die Curtis, Miss Angelino Mcculloch,
.Miss Elizubeth Bailey.
Those who contributed cars to aid in
the canvas were: Mrs. C. A. Park, Mrs.
John Roberts, Miss Dorothy Pearce,
Miss Mary Creed Howard, Mrs. V. A.
Cusick, Sirs. Theodore Roth and Mrs.
Curtis B. Cross.
The following added their names, yes
terday: Mrs. V. Carlton Smith, Mrs.
H. Alden, Irene Scott, Mrs. B. L. Smith,
J. A. Carson, Catherine Carson, Mrs. Geo.
Mary E Reynolds, Helen Stover, Mrs.
V. H. Trindle, Mrs. S.G. Sargent, and
Mrs. W. F. Steusloff, Ella V. White,
Mrs. La Moine Clark, OIn Clark, Edith
E. Benedict, Mrs. E. S. Tillinghnst, Bes
sio Smith, Mrs. Myra Shank, Msr. R. F.
Richardson, Jessio Cromwell, Adona
Cochrane, Alma Pohle, Mrs. Floyd Ut
ter, -Mrs. Trindle, Mrs. J. R. Chapman,
Mirpah G. Blair, Oral McCain, Dorothy
Pearce, Marian K. 0. Dubius, Maud
Damotta, Mrs. Frank Frickev, Chiistn-
bel Jewett, lncc Hell, Grace N. Bab
cock, Mrs. Samuel Phillips, Mrs. James
Elvin, Ruby Kennedy, Mrs, 0. M.
Brown, Mrs. Nettie Stanton, Mrs. V. G.
Holt, Mrs. W. C. Hawley, Lucille Bar
ton, Mrs. E. Horton, Grace E. Townsend,
Ruth Wechtcr, Elizabeth Buyley, Jes
sie -Miller, Sylvia Miller, Edna Simon
ton, Huzel D. Price, Mrs. (. E. Price,
Mrs. .1. H. Lnnteimun, Jlrs. AV. L. Mer
cer, .Mrs. J. Ii. Anderson, Mrs. H. Wen
ger, Lizzie Haines, Mrs. A. F. Fellows,
Mrs. G. P. Fox, Mrs. Findlcy. Mrs. La
beree, Mrs. J. C. Spencer, Miss Annn
Fischet', Mrs. B. I.. Steeves, .Mrs. E. J.
Swafford, Mary E. Reynolds, Geniiclle
Vundevort, Mrs. E. A. Miller, Mrs. Win,
Nicholl, Bertha V. Jackson, Adnlenu
Juckson, Miss Elmn Weller, Mrs. Carle
Abrams, Mrs. J. R. Kenedy, Nina W.
I'a 1 1 1 sli , l'.rmn lownseml, I'.ilun lown-
These Shirts are stylish now ,
splendid patterns aJeolrSS:
back cuffs so comfortnW.
weather. Soft colla t n??
be worn with white
range of patterns from which t
J hmlcu ai si.50A A
now on special sale
Suits at One-Third Reductions
Economize on yourlclothing purchases this summer bv a
ing advantage of our One-Third Off Sale of Men's Suit
Genuine bargains from our large stock of the best cloth t
that money can buy. Every Suit in the house REDI'S
G. W. Johnson & Co.
141 No. Commercial St., Salem, Oregon.
I'ortlun.l, Or., Mav 27. A
"ni'co to cost omt s)io a thousam! fen
! ' lllv"''l i" Homhay or mMm
me rei'iinl estalilislicil here to.lav Tht
i l'acific Kxport Lumber xtmmm to-
C. I Hinshaw Claims $500!K-,lM::hu,rz;,K
..,, ...,,,r ()I j.an rraiii'in'o at s
; price of UO shilling,. The frrrt.
I " " the lumber i 8ishy 01tr
I three times the actual eost of the Jau
her here ami in Amorienn nienev llw
limber will rest the purchasers a'lilll.
I over ftO a thousaiul.
Damages For Loss of
Business Through Arrest
The Meal Tea Comimny toilay filed a
suit in the circuit court to test the
validity of the citv ordinance prohibit-
iiiK peddlers from soliciting Inisinessi
nnd selling their wares without first
tailing out a city license, the suit is
the outgrowth of the arrest of ('. K.
Hinshaw Mav 24 on tho charge of
peddling without a license and was
filed in the nuine of the Ideal Tea
coin puny, a corporation and (.'. F, Hin
shaw against the City of (Salem, Char
les P. Elgin, as city recorder and J. T.
Welch, as city marshal.
After his arrest Hinshaw uppeared
in police court with his attorney
(leorge (i. Bingham and ashed for a
continuance of the case. The continu
ance was granted by .ludge Klgin and
Hinshaw was allowed one day to de
liver his orders already taken. He
nslied for two weeks time to deliver
semi, .Mrs. liiliiert, Adclin simpler, but tnc rcql1C8t ns refused. Bv roa
Kliznlieth Sawyer, .Mary B. Wimn, Mi's. H0, of tllc in,Hj,.s8 st tbroug'h lhe
Clara Bliss, Bessie Kichniond, i.lizn- Bi,.K(1 interference of the city of-,
both Baiimgiirtner. I.ydia P.ihrer, Mar- fi,.;.lls Hinshaw seehs ilM damages, i
tlia Fulirer, .Marie Durstcler, liieiie Cur-. , thc (,0,nl,iBillt ;t is alleged that
tis, Dr. l'lora Brewster, iNinn Conk, ,he j ,ital Tea Co. is n corporation dulv
Olive Dorothy Buchner, Mrs. . A. ! .;,,, ,,,,. ,,, nf , ,, ;
Cusick, Mrs. T. Maplethorpe Mrs. 11. ' f ,., , ,, am101ize,l to do busi-
J. Clnninnts. Minn I. (tile. M r. Irwin .1 . a.a it. .....i... -11
Helen Coinelini. tli viollnfut. who . . L r , , .j V, . ' v, ' "1,s Htnie. Jie iiirtner uiicgen
will lihln'iip tliix vininir ut tlwi Yi. 11....1. t . ..!.. i:ui. m... . .. I 'nr
'! "I !' ven at the llregon the- c, !nu,ri jr (i(.rLre Hatch. Klnrella
Phillips, ululia I.indsuy, Jlrs. F. H.
Thoiiipson, .Mrs. F. A. l.egg, Mrs. Mar
vin Cubler, F. Hutu Fugute, Abbie S.
Davis, Heginn West, Mrs. Charles 1..
Davis, Alum Fischer, Mrs. K. T. Muores,
Mis. Ida H. Niles, Mrs. Don W. Miles,
Mrs. M. 10. Brewer, Mrs. P. Kimball,
Mrs. Ida Miller, Nell Coppock, Mrs. .1,
C. -Morelnnd, Mrs. John V. Lewis, .Mrs.
Klein, Mrs. (ieorge Bnvne, Miss Stough-
ton. Mrs. M. 11. Farrur. Mrs. S. M, 10 n- 1
dicott, Muble llaight, Miss Cubler, Mn- !
bid Cameron, Mrs. Kubv Purdv, Mrs.
N. ('. Brvnn, Mrs. Ii. H. Campbell, Mrs. '
.1. A. Todd, Mrs. .. D. Fields, Mrs. Har
lan, Mrs. Harriett Curtis,. Mrs. Boss.:
Margaret Stulz, Thelma .Ton n Juhnsun,
ater, is III venrs olil, and lives with
her jiareiits nl Mnninoiith. Although
this is Helen's lirst publio uppenrauce
in Salem, she bus appenred several
times in coin cit nt Moiimoiith and oth
er cities. She is first violinist in the
Monmouth turlii'Mra, and pianist in nn
nther musical iiiyanization of Mon
iiiouth. She is a niece of Dr. M. 10.
i ting .lime IS, llll.'i, ut the farm of
Mis. .Inliii A. Hunt, lour miles north
of Sublimity, The speaker I'or lhe oc
casion will be iiuuicd Inter, lieu. S.
F. 8. Lamuort, F. A. Vonot and J
(I, While made a dip yesterduv to thc
northern purl nl' I lie cuuutv, in the
iiileiesls ol' the Falls Citv Lumber Co.
lodge No. I, A. I', & A. M
this evening. Work in the M.
M. degree. Visiting brethren
Tho Salem Huiuhts school will hold
-- 1 1 Ii i i r giadnntiiig exercises in the Su-
fi((i()())i(( Icin Heights hull, satiinliiy, June ').
The Cherrians have accepted the in-
citations ul the Albany Pheasants to
attend their ,1 to be given tomor
row evening. Ah hough the Cherrians
will not ntti'inl Hi a body, the organiza
tion will be well represented. The in
vitation to attend the strnwberrv I'es-
was no common peddler as he
lid not carry goods for sale but de
livered goods and solicited further
orders. Hinshaw says he has been a
regular resident of Halem for three
niniiths living at 555 Minion street.
The plaintiff asks that the city ordi
nance lie iieciiircu
r '!. ' . A ' ''' .a I.' f
it exempts farmers, dairymen, Daugm". 8 T?tiertT next Siw!
giirdiiers, merchants having a regular, specruu., "d Monday-
place of business, from pnynig a
tivul now beiuu held at Lebanon could! Mr!l' 1 ''' Schunke, Mrs. Chillies h.
im' be iicceptcd. I Heath, Mrs. H, 1. Bciihani, Clara Al-
0 '"'rt' Wiloa 11, Darby, Marguerite.
F. L. Pcimd. coimnandor of 'the Slower, Mrs. A. I.. Brown, Hazel T.
(I in ml Army ut the liepuhlic, Sedgwick
I ""- "" '". "its in'i-ii in in hi? inline,
.Minn iwcniietli street, tor tne
Bishop, Mable Temple, Bertha Byrd,
Maigaret Cosper. Igna Ostby, Muttie .1.
Bealtv, Mrs. .lohn H. Albert, Mis. A.
rhone 1517 J
Day or Nluht
Shop Foot of
Union St.
PlumblnR. Repairing and Coll
Work a Specialty.
Reasonable Chargoa. Balnm, Or.
two years ago. Karlv this year he went
Special mooting of Salem I'0 ci'stcrn Oregon for his health, where
lie rcmuincil until aluiut two uioutlis
n go.
When contemplating a trip always
cieisider u camera part of the trip, j i,U!1t three weeks.. Mr. Pound was a ! O. Davidson, Mrs. Peter (Irnber, Be
Ausco cuiueras are as good lis the best , member of Hi,. utli Illinois regiment, I atrico Shelton, Bess Hutchinson, Frail
er sine nt Hie (.apilal Drug store, vidunteer iiifnntrv. He was with Slier-1 ces Cameron, Frances llodeo, Mrs. B. 11.
iiiiiii in the t :i iii.hih niiireh to the sea White, Mrs. Hubert Kn kin. Myrtle
and remuiiicil in the army until the Knowland, (irace Young, Mrs. lOdith
dose uf Hi,, wm. Pntton, Mrs. .lanct Wuller, Frances Sal-
o I oinan, Ktl i III W. Warner, Murv Bub-
The Loyal Sons and Daughters of the cock, Mrs. Knllin K. Page. Caroivn Ne-
BlIIILllllnW Clilil,.,,, ..Iiiiri.li liii.iilii.l nl1 ....I t..u U L' 1.... (I...' 11 l.
a home on Cherry street, neur the Mute; the corner of Seventeenth and ( heinek. ! Clv ' Mr'.. Churl.'., o WilJ.n '..'.'.:
., li.l ' ,11). .,. ui.n.i IS.ittl ....j I...,-.. .... . .. ' .".-
'. : " """ """"" ""'- iiiu sirceis, i n. nv evening, .Mav
Iltul It,.,, ., .I..1...I 1... A .... 1. 1 1 .... t I!.... . ...... '
j..-. ..... .,....,,-,, ,,,,,,,,, ' are to iinv.. a Lux social. A luce pro-
lesi. ami win ne rei my tor mils iuiiui, iuclnding a college pliiv. "A Case
iirrnu. T in liiiiiui u-i I l,,i ,C tli .... w .. . 1 .. V .. .,
".' ' " "i 'ii pension, no hour or inn tor nil.
I'.iglu ol lhe students were successful
in passing the stale exuniiiiatious, He
1)1 sides Die giadiiutiug exercises, a pro
tin in will be given by the members ot
jt tho class,
. o
For all kinds of otftce and storo fix-
line wink go to lieiuhnnl Cabinet Fuc
i( lory, Hil Cheiiicketii, Phone All.
We have a full line of films, mountings
of postal or pnper, ulso have an expert
developer and linisher. Let us do your
developing and printing.
T. A. Linilstrom Is preparing to build
The board of rcRonts of tho Mon
a, 1 mouth mil mill s.'linul lute ycstcnliiy al t
cnun.li decided to eniplov .lohn V, Ben
if nes, a Portland architect, tu li lit t the
plans and siipei intend coustruetion of
Rugs male from any kind of
old carpet,
rhouo W 2IH0
Dutch bungalow style and include uiaiiv
of the later ideas in architecture and
interior finish. As soon as the con
tiuet is awarded, construction will be.
Yon may secure coupons to vote for
me lu win the autoinobile in the Ve
Umber, Mrs. P. 10. Fiillerton,
lhe new trtiininir biiiblimr nt llm Hcluml
lur which purpose the last legislature I'liwriy ami iiraiui theater contest liy
appropriated it.'ill.POO, buying your tickets nt Oilson's barber
ii . shep, the White House restaurant,
If you enjoy a toed smoke, try 1 La' I'onieroy's jewelry store, llco. Waters
i cigar siore, cerry urug store and the
w nuilor Kaiiilv Kitchen. Place the
name of Mrs. lluby Purdy on the cou
pon and 1 will win the nii'tomobile.
Corona and be a Salem booster
Tinker toy, 60c. Red Cross Pharmacy.
Paul Hausor, Lloyd llauser, Ab M-
gers and Dr. Kny Hyrd left early yes
terday iiioruing fur lOugene, from which
place they drove 40 miles up the Me
Kenzie to Cook V, where they will spend
the remainder of the. week fishing.
Angling for rainbows in the McKeu.ie
Is rate, and the Snlein fishermen ex
pect to return either with some fish
or some good excuses.
Judge a correspondence school by tit
Board and room S3.78 per week, 179
Smith Coinineriial.
In connection with Memorial day ex
ercises to be held nt Kiclimoud Friday
afternoon, there will be a speciul pro-
f;ram and exhibit, in fact, Friday will
n "Visitation dny" at the school, to
which a general invitation is extended,
The exercises of the afternoon will be
held on tne lawn adjoining the schoul,
success ol its students. There are good , the weather permitting. Pntilotie ad-
Alter the piograiu boxes are to be sold,
refreshments im iui-e who do not care
tu bung or buy a lux. I'.verybody in
vited, no ii. I1111...H. n. Don't forget," Fri
day evening. Mav 'JS.
Company B, In command of Captain
.lohn .Ii.Iiiisi.ii, vesterdnv won the first
prine lor the lust drilled company nt
the competitive drills held by the' dif
ferent cuinpauic. f the cadet regiment
nt Chenuiwii Indian training seliu.il.
Second prize was awarded to Com
puny C, Captain .lohn Bvers. Coinpniiv
A, Captain llusscil Adams, which has
won first place for the last three
veins, wns iivcn third nrir.e. Captain
.mix i.criiiuir urn I Mn.ior Carle Alnain,
who .were the judges of the contest,
stilted that the enmpaiiies were all par
ticiilarly well drilled and that the com
petition was close. The liuliun boys
made an excellent showing and were
eiinpliuienteil by the officers upon
their soldierly appearance.
PIOAUSON In this city, Wednesday,'
.May L'H, IHl.i, Andrew Pearson, at
the age of Htl.
I'liucial services will be held Satur
day at :t::iu o'clock from the parlors
of Kigdoii & Uichnrdson, Hcv. (hul, of
the Swedish Methodist chinch, offi
ciating. Interment will take place in
the Odd Fellows' eeinotory. lie is sur
vived by a briithcr, Oscar I'eaison, of
(.iranite Falls, Minn., and fther broth
ers in the east.
. TW I i! !'J
The Opal range is
becoming a
word to the housevvnc
of Salem and vicinit
tkc r(,-every
an who owns one w
ommends it to h
bakes evenly, is w
Taken ere of .ndj
omical in seof
The Opal range J
scientifically .ndjP
reinforced fl
schools and poor sclutils. 1 give free
advice about all courses. Ten years
I in the business. F, D. Abbott, Ull Hub
bard building.
Tinker toy, 50c Red Cross Pharmacy.
dresses will be made bv the 0. A, 11.
visiting committee, composed of T.
Remington, S. P, llavwood, John Bar
till and B. O. (letter.
The lumber for the construction ol
HllilDIOS At hi residence, Cheineketn
and Twelfth street, Salem, (Ire., Wed
nesday, May id. Ull.-, Allen Uhodes,!
nt the age of 74 years. I
Funeral services will be held Sntur !
day afternoon at 2 o'clock from the
residence. Hcv. Carl H. K.lliott offi
ciating. The body will remain nt the
Kigdoii & tiichaiilsou puilnrs, until the'
funeral, '
moux City, Iowa. May 27.-Five ci,rln. i ... ...
lu.r.ilii. .....I.1..1 . o. " V .. . -. ' . ii.M.i-, in nine,
I I'' ' II.1IC11 ( ClU-iici-r, .It'll, . I hm linnn I. V - .1. . .
Tuesday . ,lolull)llr., it Is! B at the Beta Theta Pi fratMiiitv
""I'l she, today whn eon.municat.on house, returned vesterdav to 1 s ho ne
with he flooded town wta restored. i Ali.any. Hev nobis w,i. M lu 11
Joseph I'revets, hi, wife and three 'I I and is a member of ih n...n .
Pi fraternity. Kugene (iunrd.
children were drowned.
1S' !l" " ,ner.llBl
1 int v ( lllg ('""'I
polished top, oven thermometer, pauni . n jn Ver!
nickel trimmings, sanitary leg base, o nw tie
particular nnd built to please and mum t to pay.
size you want is nere anu -
30.UU to J'vv
We have several good used ranges &
reservoirs and at the price asked eu .
m0 Home...: $20.00 II JJOO ToWo
ipU'l.v - .
lL II - r'r.
550.00 Koyal, wim n eXtra n-'
roccrvnir $25.00
1 A I t 1
who i .vmitv? i ftmvvwv
WTL ! j n uMiipii jbii- ' " 1 f wpm9"Pmml'mm'