Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, May 27, 1915, Image 6

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Sport News
" , "
( "r ' .v'f!Y '
.r - 'A Vj '
I 7v ! (rwtW
UfV V, ; ; n (0 '
t v ; , ! ' t ' ' ' I J
y: iather rund If : I
t . jt' here a minute! J & 1 I
T , ' some Prince Albert and have a irfef I II
13 ' ...V
f y
Fast Portland Aggregation to
Appear Here for Deco
ration Day Games
Sun Fruncisi'o 2S
Salt l.nlii' 2(1
I. Anyi'li's !il
Onkliiiul i'i
l'nrtlam 20
Venire 19
Yesterday's Results.
At I 'i r t l.'i n ii Sau Franeido
(i, Piirtlnml .'i.
At San Krancisco Venice 4,
hi 1, la ml 0.
At Luk Angeles Salt T.ake
2. l.nn Angeles 1.
I.im Anyeles, C'al., May z7. Seer-
The Culiircd Giants, of I'ortlaml, will ,
;iin!ur in Salem fur three (nines with
the Senators next Sunday and Monday, ! tiuv vt.)(.r, of the 'r.os Angeles bue
if ManaKer J ami Turner and .'. I'lnvius liall eluli, announced yesterday that his
can aiee on the weather. 1'he ( 'elro 1 oryanizat ion had ntu'chased First liase
Kolas of Portland were t( appear here ; nuni liiattly from the Seattle eluli in
jor ihe Deeoration day names, Imt Man- the Northwestern league.
f;er Turner, after i n vest i nut i fi tliei Welier refused to divulge the price
records of hutli teams, found out that 'paid for the now infielder. Baseliall
the Ciiliircil (limits were rated holier . men here believe that the arquisit ion
than the ('elro Kolas, and sinned I in . c Iteatty means that Mill Ahstein, tile
(IiihI(,v tnsserH for the (neu date. One Angels' present first saelier, will lie
fjaine will lie played Sunday afternoon released.
mil two will lie plnyeil Aloiulay, one in
P. A. just-jams-joy
against your palate!
No matter whether you pack your old
jimmy pipe brimful or roll a makin's
cigarette, Prince Albert certainly will
make you feel like a two-year-old on the
tobacco question just as soonas youhitch
it up to a match. And that's a fact!
You can't anymore tell how good P. A.
is just from talking about it than you
can judge the depth of a well from the
length of its pump handle. You get
personal information dug right out
of a tidy red tin or toppy red bag quick
as you can conveniently beat it to the
nearest shop that sells tobacco 1
Claim Right to Take Salmon at
Prosser Dam Under Old
Federal Treaty
Seattle, Wash., May 2". An uprising
of Yakima Indians near Prosser is
threatened today because of the fndi;
ails' refusal to recognize the game law
protecting salmon in the vicinity of the
Prosser dam.
Information has reached the office of
Fish ( 'oniiuissioner Darwin here that the
Indians are arming themselves to keep
at bay any one who interferes with
their operations.
Since the opening of the ('elilo locks
a few weeks ago, a heavier run of sal
mon than usual lias resulted up the Ya
kima river. The Indinns are said to be
using clubs to kill the fish iu gfeat
Although the state law forbids any
sort of salmon fishing within a mile of
the Prosser dam, the Indians claim pri
or right to fish through a treaty made
with the federal government years ago
the forenoon and one in the afternoon
The Senators were able to get out
for practice last night and put in scimc
linrd licks rounding into shape for the
coming games. If the weather clears
up for the rest of the week the Port
hind Smoke team will find themselves
up against a classy biincli of ballplay
ers for the three game series. The
'limits recently played an I Miming
.1 to J game with .Mc.il innville and
came mil on the long end. They are
counted one iif die best independent
learns around Portland and rank with
the city league tennis.
With three games in two days Salem
will work out some new material on Jerry Downs smashed all luvies the
Ihe firing line. Small, the elongated j Portland lieaver.s mnv have been cart
heaver that twirls for Albany, has i g mound with them'. His double tied
mded for a chance to pitch one gaini', ! the score ol' the Seals in the sixth in-
in the event that Albany has no game f n'mg, and n homo-run broke up the
Incidentally Dill Abstein is putting
in his Inst nays wilh the Angels. The
tirsthiieker who first became famous
for his display of ivory while with the
Pittsburg Pirates is to be released to
make a place for Dealt.v, of the Seattle
northwestern league team, who has
been purchased by Manager Dillon.
for Decoration dav, and niuv be se
cured. If Small pitches lie will work
with Jones behind the Imt. Hoy Keene,
the high school twirlir, will likely serve
up the slants for one game, and dill,
his ballery male on Ihe high school
foam, will do the catching. (Iraig will
pilch the first game and will work
with Captain lloliuau.
Meyers, of Dallas, would ulsn like
lo see how lie would fit a Salem uni
form, iiiul Tuork, a I', of O. twirler,
enn be ocuicd, so it appears Hint there
will be no shortage of crook special
ids. 'I'h.' Sunday game will be called at -
o'clock in the al'teiiinon, us usual, the
Monday forenoon game, at ID o'clock
mill the afternoon game at 3 o'clock.
Denver, Colo., Mnv 27. A riot diir
nig which a mob of irale fight fans : depai tinents
alaged n melee in the ring and were 1 will hold an exhibit, as also will the art
eventually driven out by the notice-. I mid idivsicul traininir deiiaitinents in
following the disqualifying of Jimmy I the high school building.
Fox, nf San Friiui ico, in Ihe first rouiiil j All these different displays may be
of a fight scheduled with Harry Ilia-is i during (he afternoon from 2::iil to
incr here last night. h'lll o'clock, nnd in the evening from
During the mixup in the ring some ':'M tu !::ill o'clock. The physical
one hit Kramer and put him out for I training department, under the direc
tive in i ii ii I i'h. Fox was disuuulil'icil ' tion of Miss lash, will uivc an exhibi-
.liter he had fouled llinmer several , tiuu in the evening, including drills and'
times, lie fought in amateurish fash1 folk dailies.
inn nnd cnine far from equalling hisi
previous showings here. I PROTESf FREIGHT RATES.
1 ' Washington, May Complaint was
If the rich relative would work ilur- tiled with the interstnle commerce com
ing the time now spent in giving the mission today pru'eiting against the
poor l.inf i'ks adviie, he could earn j present freight rates oa gas stoves
enough etia to lend them the money Ilium the east to Portland, Ore., as be
thev need. I iug too high.
I A. .1. ifeaen, game waruen or Kitsap
! county, and .1. P. .Millet, I-., h. Sherwood
sjc aiid A. J. (Iiles, ot Seattle, have been
VloiAi'mrt tlA CpaiA K! ticklish task of keeping
II uiw.uig uiv uvvii. uviuu sfjj the Indians out of the disputed terri-
; t"r.v-
President Addresses
Chinese Representatives
Washington, May 27. Declaring
that the interest of the I'nited States
in the young republic of China is not
merely a commercial nor a personal
one, President Wilson yesterday re
ceived the members of the Chinese com
mission who are in the t'nited States
studying American institutions.
In addressing the niembf-rs of the
commission. President Wilson said:
"Tt is not merely a form I am goins
through in expressing our most eordial
welcome. T think 1 can say, with the
ncqniescenee of my countrymen that
our interest in China is not merely a
commercial one, nor is it merely a per
sonul one. The people of the United
Slates are deeply and sympathetically
interested in China and in the un
limited future which lies before your
grent republic,
"We, of course, naturally rejoice to
see you adopt the form of government
which seems to us to be the best vehicle
of progress. II has been n great satis
faction to hear that your great nation,
with its unlimited capacity and possi
bilities, is to be linked with ours in
what "e hope will prove to be a com
mon conception of liberty and the
progress of mankind."
game in the eighth.
The White- Sox are out again. They
downed the New York Yankees again
yesterday ami rang up their eighth
consecutive victory.
The entire National league was laid
out yesterday by bail weather.
Manual Training Exhibit
Will Be Held June 3
The manual training department of
the high school will hold their exhibit
on Thursday, June it. The bivs have
been putting ill extra time finishing
up their work for this exhibit and the
close of the semester. On Thursday,
Ihe same day the manual department
exhibits are on display, the different
of the domestic science
(Capital Journul Specinl Service.)
(juiiiiiliy. Or., May 27. Mr. nnd
Mrs. Herman Amort, (Minnie Banick),
who have been in California since their
marriage Inst full, have returned and
are visiting Mrs. Amort 's parents, Mr.
nnd Mrs. August Hnnniek.
Mrs. V'lorn Smith, who as Miss Crab
tree visited here a few years ago,
writes friends that nt Santa Cm, Cali
fornia, the rains have been so persist
ant that fruit is spoiled, which is an
unusual condition for that section of
Strawberry picking has begun in ull
the Inrge yards, the family of Milo Har
nett lenving for the Ha.el Green
plantutions luesdav, Where picKing is
done between showers.
The eldest son of Paul (iirod, lately
arrived from the east has accepted the
priiicipalship of Huena Crest school for
the coming term.
Among those passing the eighth grade
cxiiniinntion were Herman Hiihn, Albert
(lil'od nnd Floyd Jones from the Per
kin's school. In the case of Herman
llahu who is fourteen years old his
milking tills grade reflects especiul
credit upon linn, as he has long been a
valuable member of the family in the
matter of bread-winning, ns he tins al
most throughout the school year been
obliged to nnss two days of each week
at work. Albert (Iirod nnd Floyd
Jones will continue their studies in
Salem, unless the projected High school
sees realization when when nil of thus,
now going to Salem will find opportu
uitics for iidvnnceiiieut nearer home.
Miss F.thel Mudge of Cheiuuwa, has
returned from Pennekenick, Wash.,
where she has been engaged in teaching
The rural mail boxes are being given
new numbers as the population of the
ii i ul districts has more than doubled
iiinie the establishment of the system
.ih'Hit 1 1 yearn ago. At that time ,d u t
I fo boxes were used on Uoute S, but the
I'.iinber of individuals served nt the
I present tun is about 400.
i MiKs Christine M. Harold has iiur
Iclicsed a new tiutoinobile,
j Travel ever the Oregon Fleet ric a id
r-outlieru i u.i.c is nimminlly light at
'i r time b it in highway i being ti i
ersed by nun v vehicles, as being he
il eiper mi. I i,' travel, Ten, caim.s
covered w iijin i passed through this e
tie'i ill n sia,-ie caravan Tuesday, In-a 1
ed for the North, although there nr.'
ninny traveling single file to the south,
containing household goods.
No matter how much you think you
can smoke a pipe, or roll a makin's
cigarette, no matter how much you
have been tongue-scorched, you can
smoke a pipe or roll a cigarette if you'll
take a few grains of faith and believe in
Pnnce Albert It can t
bite your tongue and
can't parch your throat,
fcecause the bite and
the parch are cut out
by a patented process
owned exclusively by
R. J. Reynolds Tobacco
No other tobacco can
be like Prince Albert
You'll get the quick
cue on that!
First thing you do next, buy
some Prince Albert and have a
party. Get chummy with it in the
tidy red tin and you'll mighty soon
graduate to the crystal-glass pound humidor that's
of beauty and a joy forever. It keeps Prince Albert at
the high top-notch of perfection and keeps you jimmy pipe
joy'us and cigarette makin's happy I
Bay P. A. tverywhtr in toppyrtdbag;
5c; tidy red tint, 10c; pound and
half-pound tin humidon and that
clauy pound crystal-glati humidor.
the national joy smoke 1 REYN0LDS mm co-
Wiwton-Salcn K. fi
(Capital Journal Special Service.)
Woodbum, Or., Muy 27. Dainty
hanging; baskets and large vases of pink
and white roses, pink and white crepe
paper, formed a pretty setting for the
party given by Mrs. Homer Allemaa
in honor of Mrs., W...T. Jenkins, Thurs
day evening. The guests were enter
tained with games nnd nniBic, in one
game the first prize falling to Mrs. H.
M. Austin, and llie consolation fell to
Mrs. T. C. Pnoritiiiu. The guests were
invited into the dining room, where n
bountiful lunch huh served bv the
hostess assisted by Mrs, W. W. Rhodes
and Miss Nellie Hinkley. Those invited
were Mrs. T. C. 1'normnn, Mrs. H. M.
Austin, Mrs. W. T. Jenkins, Mrs. Fred
Dose, Mrs. Joseph Kennedy, Mrs. 1). V.
Cowles, Mrs. W. W. Rhodes, Misses Nel
lie and Gladys Hinkley, Nettie Ilroyles,
Delia Beck, Madge Scollunl, Mary Srol
lard, Jennctte Clnistenson. F.thel Hon
ncy, Mnble Kennedy, Norn Beck, nnd
Carrie Christenscii,
In compliment t Mrs. Earl Strang,
of Portlnml. Mrs. ('. K. Tylor, who will
soon depart for the summer nt Newport,
and Mrs. .1. M. Hnnpy, of Woodbum,
who is n recent bride, Mrs. Carry Young
and Miss lna Himney, delightfully en
tertained for their pleasure, lit the
homo of Mrs. Young, Friday afternoon.
The guests were ml relatives, mill u
very enjovnble nfternnnn was spent.
Mrs. Young and Miss Bonney were as
sisted by Mrs. F,, . ll i serving n
delicious lunch. The Invited guests
were: Mrs. F. X, n;,u( Mrs. K. II. Hcotr,
.'us. ... bi, . Hnnney, Mrs. (leo. Hon
ncy, Mrs. Merle llavis, Mrs. Hob Bon
ney, Mrs. C. F. TvL.r, Mrs. M. A. Boy
nton, nnd Miss .ii,ln Hoynton.
The home missionary society met
Thursday afternoon t the home'of Mrs.
Purr on Cleveland avenue. As it was
Annual Mite Box, opening, nearly aUMra. I,. M. Bitncy, Mrs. F. W. Settle-
members wero present. Mrs. Carry
Young had charge of the program which
was on the Alaskan Indians, Mrs. D. S.
l.ivesay and Mrs. J. D. Wilson each
guve a reading on Alaska. Thoso at
tending were: Mrs. Eva Caleman, Mrs.
Nettie Simmons, Mrs. Brune, Mrs. Dim
ick, Mrs. 1). S. l.ivesay, Mrs. T. Tinkle,
Mrs. Curry Young, Mrs. S. E. Hull, Mrs.
J. I). Wilson, Miss laa Bonney and
Miss Alida Boynton.
To compliment Miss Gwendolyn
Warner, who Is soon to become the bride
of Mr. Ralph Mnupins, Miss Sadie Rich
ard nnd Miss Nettie Broyles gave n
miscellaneous shower for her nt the
home of Mr. and Mrs. Broyles Wednes
day evening, Roses artistically ar
ranged in thp parlor nnd dining room,
and a large bouquet centered the lunch
eon tables. 5U0 was played during the
evening, Miss Madge Scollard holding
mier, Mrs. J. L. Shorey, Mrs. G. H,
Meebe, Mrs. II. L. Hents and Mrs. J. W.
Sadler of Aurora, and Mrs. H. W. Grass
of Kansas.
The members of the Needle Craft
were entcrtainod nt the homo of Mra.
VV. A. Chapman Thursday afternoon
it being a farowell for MrB. C. B. Smith
who is a member and will soon leave for
Salem. 500 was played (luring the af
ternoon. A lunch was served by the
hostess assisted by C. B. Smith. Those
present were: Mrs. F. X. Beck, Mrs. R.
H. Scott, Mrs. Fred Dose, Mrs. C. B.
Smith, Mrs. L. Lawrence, Mrs. C. F.
Whitman, Mrs. C. C. Goodale, Mrs. J.
M. Poorman, and Mrs. W, A. Chapman.
Clarence Bruno returned after spend
ing a week in St. Paul.
Ray McKinney visited friends in
Portland Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. ni. Scollard nnd son
high score, recived first prize, and Miss ' and dauglitor Helen motored to
1 itiv.irinlv ..r l ,.l;i'..Plu M .. n? .
new i oru, nui.' i ue uauing oi i ap- me munis, t ney oim'ussiM and knock.! At the recent commencement excises
lain l.nrrv lovle of the Giants in the ed us pro and con, the argument hing ut' the I'niversitv of California, the re
opening game of the senson, when he ' f''"i.H'liief Myers and myself. Fi-j gents of the university conferred the
made five hits in as many trip to the ,lU ,,v livjn(,. ,Tha, i)oyU,M cver Axley. of Salem. Ore. Axley was reg
bat is explained bv the captain ns fob hit again as long as lie lives, and leistered in the college of letters and
lows: "Five hits for a total of seven Mcliraw don't put a young fellow in nt ; sciences an I received his degree as a
liases out of five times up isn't so second mid behind the plate, the club 'II mark of having compltcd the four years
bad," the captain admits, -'but I'm not not get another cent of mv dough. I'm ".' undergraduate work at the univer-
thinking about the records. I got even oven now.' Metlraw, who everhenrd1 x-7 ' a specialty ot econ
"TO" ttiakin nor,,, burning, tired feet
fairly dance with delight Away go the
achw and pains, tin cms callouses,
bUslcrs and bunions.
"TIZ" draw.
with a fellow whun I don't know, nnd part of this, declared that if another
that's where 1 get my satisfaction, slump In hitting begun he would employ
Coming up on the car," Larry explain--an army of knockers to travel up and
Or!, "i heard two man talking about down on the cars.
omics and jx'rt'ormed his major work in
Hint department.
Let out as much
words as possible.
truth iu as few
out the acids and
polsona that puff
up your feet. No
matter how hard
you work, how
long you danco,
how far you
walk, or how long
you remain on
your feet, "TIZ"
bring restful
foot comfort
"TIZ" ii won
.i ... . ..
. , . ucriui wr urea,
aching, swollen, smarting feel Your f.-rt
Just tingle for joy, ,hoca never hurt or
eeia tight,
Gt a S3 cent box of "TIZ" now from
"v druggut or department itore. End
fwt torture foreverwear smaller thoea,
VB lt Irwb, .weet anvl uappy.
Alcthn Bitney recived the consolation
After the game the guests were invited
into the dining room, where a lunch was
served by Mrs. J. R, Richards and Mrs.
Wm. Broyles, assisted by Miss Ofa
Broyles utid Jessie HickB, Miss Warner
received many beautiful and useful
gifts. Those enjoying the evening were:
Mrs. W. W, Hhodcs, Mra. Homer Alio
man, Mrs, J, R, Richards, Misses Avon
Gladys Binkley, Aletbn Bitney, Nellie
Binklty, Hazel Bitney, Ofa Broyles, Jes
sie Hicks, Gutndulyn Warner nnd Ethel
Mr. and Mrs. F. X. Beck entertained
Tuesday evening with 1500. Rosea were
effectively used about the rooms, The
prizes were awarded to Mrs. Fred Dose,
nnd Mrs. R. 11. Scott, Mr. C. F. Whit-
man, receiving the consolation. A
I dainty lunch was served by the hostess
i assisted by her daughters Dellu and
j Nora. The invited guests were: Mr.
Hind Mrs. Fred Dose, Mr. nnd Mrs. It.
N. Scott, Mr. nnd Mrs. C. F. Whitmnn,
Mr. nnd Mrs. 1,. Lawrence, Mr. and
Mrs. I M. Bitney, and Mr. nnd Mrs.
F. X. Heck.
Mrs. Jay Hunting entertniiTeil with
I u miscellaneous shower Wednesday
1 evening at her home in honor of Miss
Kntherine Becker, who is soon to be
come the bride of Fred Chase. The
! house was pretty iu its decoration of
: masses of pink roses. Mrs. Becker was
presented with a large cloth basket of
i sifts, by little Huzel Bunting and
Dorothy Coiniunck. Lunch was served
I by the hostess assisted bv Arnold and
i t.lauys Bunting. The invited were:
i.Mrs. Kd Becker, Mrs. Jake Becker.
Mrs. Clara Becker, Mrs. J. Wagancr.
Mrs. (has. Becker. Mrs. A. Mendel,
Mrs. C. B. Smith, Mrs. J. J. Hall, .Mrs.
Harry Bunting, Mrs. C. C. Commack,
Mrs. Meadough, Mrs. Keene. Mrs. Wm.
Miller. Mrs. Jay Bunting. Misses
Clara F.ckhout, Kntherine Becker, Au
tin Becker, Lillian Chappelle, Myrtle
Wngermnii, and Marie Colicr.
Mrs. O. P. Overton wns hostess to
the Koffee Klntch Thursday afternoon.
Roses and greenery were used for dec
uniting the rooms, the color scene being
green and white. The guests spent the
afternoon playing S00, Mrs, E. G. Em
uiett holding the highest score. Those
present were:: Mrs. C. E, Carlos. Mrs.
Voce Kennedy, Mrs. E. G. Emniett,
Mrs. S. A. l.ivesay, Mrs. H. L. Gill,
Butterville and attended the races.
Mr. C. Brune and Miss Glndys Bink
ley motored to Butterville Sunday and
attended the races.
Fred Pnyton hns sold out nis cleaning
and pressing parlor to Mr. L. M. Trib
ble of Portland.
A. J. Braner, of Portland, was a
visitor in Woodburn the latert port of
tho week.
Lou Robbins and Fred Pnyton spent
Friday in Silvcrton on business.
Mrs. Hennings of Oervais was the
guest of Mrs. T. O. Mason last week.
Harvey Bowers is working near
Monitor this week for S. Livingston.
Mr. T. C. Mason, Woodburn 's con
fectioner, laid a stand at Butteville
Saturday nnd Sundny.
Geo. Bruno spent T'uursdny and Fri
day in Portland on business.
A number of Woodburn people at
tended the races at Buttoville Saturday
and Sundny. Those attending were:
Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Lindnhl and bnbv.
Howard Murphy, Mr. aud Mrs. G.
Adams and daughter, Ethel nnd Hnzel.
Mrs. G. McCormiek nnd daughters. Car
rie nnd Rose Rosco Reese, William
Binklcv, Dr. and Mrs. Armntrong, Mr.
and Mrs. L. M. Bitnev nnd family, Mr
and Mrs. B. Killen, Ed. and Mabel
Stoner, Crescinkn Glatt, Ed and Walter
Crosby, Clarence Green, Horace Hnwley.
Mr. nnd Mrs. D. C. Cowles, Mr. and
Mrs. J. Steelbnmmer nnd sons, Earl
and Clnrenre nnd Jesse Byce, .Millie
Smnll, Ida Schurmer, Helen Wngermnii.
Roy Abrelmm, Herman Hiekti, Mf- 'J-
Mrhinncv, Madge scollam. .uury
lard, Lois Beebe, Delia and Norn Beck.
Riches, Roy Colemnn,.Phil Livesley. Mr.
nnd Mrs. W. Wingenwenlth mid baby.
Raymond Glntt, Miss I'stila Beck,
Sophia and Emma Fikan.
Ben Dimick of Salem, was looking
after huciness interests in Woodburn
Mr. W. T. Binkley spent Sundny in
Portland. , .
The Moose lodge have moved tntit
their new quarters in the P.rauer build
ing on front strwt and will give an
opening Thursdny afternoon. There will
be musical and vocal entertainment
from 7:3(1 to 9 p. m., the remainder of
the evening will be spent in dancing.
On Sale In W
A wise girl never turns down one
offer of mnrriage, until she gets
strangle hold on a better one.
Goat's milk will won be on
Salem, if Stevens & Teal, off
City, can make satisfactory mn
meiits for the handling of their prod
uct. This firm lias the only Swmsm
goat ranch in the northwest. They r
in the city yesterday to W'MJ.
ther enough bnninem could he
to make this city a diatnhutiiig P"
Should the conditions W.'11"
the firm will open a distributing gn7
here tlireiuyn me num s -".,,,-n
According to Mr. Stevens p il M
is especially valuable for h ."
it is said that the milk wl
one-third of the time required tat"
milk, ,! while cow's
to 4 per cent bi.tterfnt, the average If
goat's milk is 7 to P"
Advertised May 26. W5
Alderman, Mrs. Alice.
Green, It.
Haines, Mrs. W. t.
Ilnrtens, Mr. O. M
Johnson, Mr. J
Jones, Mr. II. 8. .,; .
Kneblcr, Mr. .n.l M
McKinney. Mr. '""
Mnnson, Mr. 1". L. .
Pierce, Mr. J. R. y, I
Robinson, Miss (" -
Konds, Mr. E. A.
Smith, Mr. A. J.
Smith. Mr- ir- '
Star Print Simp.
Turner. Mr.
White. Mr. Will.
t lots fri" tree-
It" .WO h""'. 3
' ''"" "'"'r I,,,'nfo'r "
house. 2 ' ' ' w'fr triA
$,i.W modern I'ttngafc rff
"' moiir" ; i H
500 niodcin
'ruw' ('"li!'T';i"fora1'reai'-
.f'JO.iO house. il l'"f,y,t( oreiP"- "
,1,11.0 bungalow at W"
tract. , . for ,
JllOOO house fur lot r
S"ho. v: rr W
HW0 house, V room.
,o.l, of ' l lr T for M''
Salcn. n.l hrm f-ftra
Californin. or t ana-u
To buy, wjr
317 Stt W"