THE SALEM CAPITAL JOTJBNAIi, OEBOO THURSDAY, MAY 27, tz ; r ; i. i i ' .1" r I. .' i "V 'I I j Social and Personal By MOLLIS RUliOOi 'eians Saturday night, tic membership f inciw numbering 3U. The list is still J !! ' ( ongregatiouul el i Miss Averill Harris, William C'hittick. A: open, nml an who wish iu jum i'vited U. -lo so. -Mrs. Frank O. Friekey Xlhas been chosen president, the board X'of managers, consisting of Mis Mary 5-;Schoett!o, Frank '. Friekey aii'l Ho.ldn A . y i ..1. V, 1. 1 ... .1... Pit-it hn i'i-n. SEND IN SOCIAL NEWS. Tie Capital Journal is al ways glad to print social news from outside of Salem, and will appreciate anything of this r lovii ."uciimro, i.iovu Koueris ami : , , . . , , . , ,,, tn. Harold Asphuwall will take part, Miss, ' - " " 'n, v en "s m.ion of this church will n.ect in tne cnurcii The voting people of the First Con relational ehur. h and members of the Christian Kndcavor society will en.f. Winnifred Baker, Miss Blanche Drake, .Miss Agnes lircgsoi, .miss Avenu iiar- - - : ..-.. tv,.. n Imal. ris and Harry Irvine will present "The l'''0" T"" i hnnr Last Chapter." Between the two ; mMt"'!-' 011(1 0',,4al ho,,r' sketches (Hyde Onrdner and Hits liar-1 kind sent L over the telephone violin solos, and Mr, J. j J' ToTaZ i'HJll LL ll I 111 UlUJi mil VUllllli'llli; j 1 " " I reading. jTcnl Wilson. WW North llcud street, ! yesterday afternoon was well attend- Mrs. Boyd J. Bridge (Stella Sav-'ed, n number or new members being aire), of Oakland, Ore., is the guest ' voted in. .Mrs. Mary Newton, who has of her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. L ; held the secretaryship ot the c ut) lor P. Walker, of Hast State street. till or by mail. In sending in news the writer's name should al ways be signed, not for publica tion, but as a guarantee that the matter is reliable. We do not print anything sent in un less we know the author of it. Good Times Are On the Way Says Delegate To National j Bankers Meeting San Francisco, May 27 That the F.uropean war is bringing an t,ril ot prosperity to the United States was the j some time, resigned, owing to her j declaration today of James IS. Roach. ' v i - , T . i fin i delegate from the Americi Th ,,w. f tl. T.ndies.' Aid so-1 (Dr.) K. b. i-i-her was elected to till , ... nf dm .'ir 1'i-r.clivtr.i-inn I'liiii-. h ' her place. '.,, , , . , . i will entertain with a hard times social , if' 0. Sisterhood, which is 0, ,,, r(,Kar monthly meeting date, .,U..K u .uu.i-muuu ... Kr , av nfterno(.i. Ill the church Mir- ch(t Mrs. W en for vice-president an I'.xcnange; A Mti he iilt ;ationa Bnnli of New orn io iue est (irn.e, has a most interesting ()r iiisiorj' which is noi wnieiy . Known, There are 14 chapters of the Sisterhood in Oregon, and many delegates aro at tending the convention. The I'. K. t). organization is the only one of its kind in the United States, and is the largest s. at 2:30 o'clock. Mrs. A, L. Stinson entertained the .Marigold club Wednesday at her conn- I try place, "La Mati Grove," West Sa ' lem. The members en joyed an all-day uiiui,i ... .... r i. . .. I,, tkn n.n.l.l i n. I, ! h '' U "ii Willi mis most lIUS HlHIlie uos- only women "are nieinfiers. It was or- 11,1 lHbolat'' """"-'lay luncheon ganized in by seven college girls 1 " 1'leasing feature of the (rcas- of the Weslevan university at Mount Pleasant, Iowa, and for some years only rollego graduates were eligible to mem bership. This requirement has since been eliminated, the conditions now be ing only those of general culture and refinement. The organization busies itself with social, literary and philan thropic pursuits, although its principal activity is along educational lines. A few yearH ago a scholarship loan fund was established to help deserving girls obtain a college education, and up to the present time approximately $111,000 Jias been loaned tn students. There re at tho present time about 20,000 members of tho organization, with chapters in 2S states. Four of tho chapters in Oregon nre located in Port land. The state officers of Oregon aro: President, Mrs. Dorothy Seymour, l'Nir cst drove; first vice president, Mrs, Adda K. Holbrook, Portland; second vice president, Mrs. Florence M, Blow ett, Kugene; recording secretary, Miss Margaret t'opeland, Portland; ' corre sponding secretary, Miss Beatrice Kir kup, Pu;tland; treasurer, Mrs. Martha B. Bower, Salem; organizer, Mrs. Myrta O. Ferguson, Portland. The woodland dance given by the Artisans last night in Moose hall was one of the most largely attended and generally successful of liny given by this organization this season to aid their drill team in securing funds to take them to the San Francisco fair. The wouis and private gardens had uoen urawn upon to lurnish the deco ion. Those present were: Mesdnmes G. II. Sellars, J. T. Davis, E. Bar bour, II. D. St. Helen, V. B. Gilson, R. K Moores, 1), ('. Bennett, John Shipp, O. G. Schellberg, Jouis Bech tel, Geo. Winchell, .). M. Turner, A. U Stinson, and the Misses Genevieve Bar bour, Arleno Gilson ami Myrtellc, Oilipp. Nearly 00 young people, members and friends of the Kpworth league uf the First Methodist church, were seated around tables arranged in the form of a cross, the official emblem of the or ganization, in the parlors of the first Methodist church, last night, when the members of the Kpworth league cele brated tho formatin.i of both the na tional and local league, lied and white, tho league's colors, were noted in the table decorations, snowy roses filling several May baskets of red and white. Willis Bartlett presided as toast mus ter, Dr. Avison, Miss Juiiia Tuld, Miss Mildreil Bartholomew, Miss- Mildred Me Bride, Krrol Gilkey and Dr. K. W. Walton responding to toasts. Dr. V. B. Do Lory, Ph. D., a dis tinguished Frenchman of Paris, France, has been making a brief stay in Salem, meeting the musical, literary ami artis tic people or tho city. He has been but prosperity ahead. This goes for north, south, east ami west. The tale of foodstuffs to the uaniiiL' nations is entry and educational subjects to toi-distributing millions of dollars to the Articles on! joint convention of the Hankers Asso-j the Women's Peace f 'ongress were read i ciations of California, Oregon, J.iaiiO and discussed, and several of O. Hen-land Nevada. ; rv's short stories read. Fifteen min- "Following a tour of the United utes of forthcoming meetings win nu mates," said Koneli, "1 can see iiouuug j devoted to dis-nssion ot current events, dealing with the Panama-Pacific ex- (sit iun as much as iKusihle, civil, lit- low. The next meeting will be June J.l, American fanner. at the home ot Mrs. w. t. turgo, io-;the way." North Church street. . . . Mrs. Ka.diao! Nichols, of North Front street, is eiitei tabling as a house guest her sister, Mrs. Mary Allen, t Seattle. This is their fiist meeting in 'S.i years. Mrs. Allen formerly resided here, her husband, being a member of the firm of Allen & Mai tin, their place of busi ness being near where the Waller Bros.' grocery store is now located. Mrs. Allen will remain until the first of June. J PERSONALS I fc 3C )C )C 3t 9f ( 3C 3(C Mr. and Mrs. Pearl Hibler, who have been visiting in California for the past four weeks, are expected to return with in a few days. Mrs. Gilman, a trained nurse who recently came here from P.'tlnnil, is In Albany today, visiting her brother. Peter Scholtes, of Seattle, was in the city, spending the day with T. G. Al beit, of the Haines store. They were boyhood chums in Lansing, Iowa. K. it. Kapi'iihan, of the Capital Ga rage, is a business visitor in Portland todav. Robert. Patilus is in Portland tojay, (loud times are on R. M. Welsh, president of the Cali fornia Banker association declared in ; his address that, from a bankers point' of view, the warring nations show no; signs of financial or physical weak ness anil that consequently no let up! of the great conflict is in sight. j Asido from the delegates of Cnli- forma, Idaho, Oregon and Nevada a' lnrgo number of delegates representing big financial concerns throughout the east are attending the convention. giving lectures on the above subjects i going on the morning electric iii t Court House News The suit of John S. Dunlavy against Britt Aspinwall, which was heard in the circuit court yesterday before Judge Galloway, was continued. The plaintiff asks VloO damages for the alleged withholding of .ill acres of land by tho defendant. A suit was brought in the circuit court yesterday by li. F. Uroughey against F, Hawley and J('iu Grenunels to collect $30 alleged to be due on a I promissory note. In addition to the ! interest the plaintiff asks for $25 as lattorncy's fees. M.eliituif k Melnturf aro attorneys for the plamtitf. If Your Boy Merits a Diploma He Deserves a New Suit A Suit that has the style and stuff becoming to a boy who has. earned honorable distinction. Such is the character of the Boys' Suits we sell. If you want your boy to look his best on commencement day, bring him in to be fitted now. SUITS AS ILLUSTRATED $2.50 to $7.65 DUSTER BROWN snot (E?3j Mm' mm wis BUSTER BROWN SHOES have captured the "Blue Ribbon" at many of the big expositions be cause of their superior qualities. It is quite natural that boys and young men with high aspir ations choose this class of footwear. Patent Leather or Gun .75 and $3.00 Metal ; sizes 2 y$ to 5 'a T T Bath Towels 25x47 qn inches 5DC Twenty-two dozen of extra heavy double warp Terry Cloth Towels with hemmed ends. We have never before offered such towels at 25c OFFICERS 0FY1C1 at Olds. Wortman & King's. Portland and it is possible that he may be heard in Salem, Ho holds the position of poet laureate of Academic lies .leiix. Floranx. and ('lenience Isaore so- rations which were arranged to suggest i ciety in Paris, and is a graduate of the HI much as possible an outdoor scene. I Paris Conservutoric of Music. He lias l lectured extensively and at present is This evening in the auditorium of j located in Portland, tho Jason .Memorial church, the ymmg people of the ci,:igregation will i The Elite Kmbroiderv si.det'v is Rive an eiilertaimnent, charging a small; meeting with Mrs. M, Koff in .North admission tee, the proceeds to finish j Salem this afternoon, paying for their recently erected tennis I court. Two short sketches will be giv-i The Salem symphony orchestra, Wil en entitled 'The hVmovnl," and liam Wallace Graham,' of Portland, di iao Jdist ( hapter. in the former, 1 rector, added a number of local niusi- Mr. and Mrs. L. W. Acheson were passengers on the electric this morning for Portland. . ('. L. Pick is in Albany today. drover Simmons, a prominent fanner and politician of Central Howell, is in the city tulny. Frank l.ongliarv and son, of Mon mouth, are visitors in Salem today, The county court yesterday issued a new order in the matter ot the peti tioi of tho Stayton k Fern Ridge Mu tual Telephone company rescinding a former order issued by the court and permitting ,the Pacific Telephone Jc Telegraph coiniinnjt jkfiiieupy the north side of the county road leading from l.'ihvnrd McVicker. of Turner, is hero j '7'".' ' ' '.'" " '"'l,ur .ur; mid inniutained at a distance f at today transacting business. Appearances imiiea'.e that the aver age man doesn't get much beauty sleep. The milk of human kindness is usu ally distributed in rather small cans, , eonipany. Secretary Compton and Phys ical Director Gingrich Re port Fine Trip L. U. (tompton, general secretary of the Y. M. (I. A. of this city, and Phy sical Director 0. H. Gingrich, returned last night from San Francisco, whore they have been for the last two weeks attending j national conforeuco of the V. M. V. A, officials. There wero over 300 present from all over the United States, and numerous new ideas and plans wero discussed , and taken homo by the delegates to be put into effect in the ojcal associations. Hcth Mr. Compton and Mr. Gingrich report an exceptionally pleasant , trip. The passage down was made on tho Northern Pacific liner and the trip was nrmounced particularly rough. Mr. least 111 feet from the surface of the road and that the Pacific telephone linn hIiiiII be kunt in n ,nniii)r En uu not to interfere with the operation of !'iptnn stood the trip well, but Mr. tne line ot the NuUon & irnin tinig Gingrich said his appetite failed him How Gold Dust actually works for you The active principle of Gold Dust is a valuable antiseptic cleansing; agent. It actually works. It gets into the cor ners and crevices where fingers and wash cloths can't reach. It permeates and dis solves dirt, grease and grime everywhere and it cleans and brightens everything. Gold Dust docs all this does this actual work because it is made for that purpose. Millions of women all over the country use Gold Dnst three times a clay in wash ing dishes. They use it also for scrubbing floors, washing windows, etc. But they do not realize all the uses of Gold Dust. Gold Dust is the only washing and cleaning powder needed in any home. Gold Dust cleans metal work, nickel, enameled ware, etc., without scratching or marring the surface leaving it sani tarily clean, bright and new-looking. The tise of Gold Dust is an economy. There can be no waste when you use the exact small quantity required for each specific purpose. It is at once taken up bv hot or cold water, forming the perfect cleansing solution. No soap or other cleansing help is needed. Gold Dust docs it all, and Gold Dust docs its work far tatter than any thing else can. Use Gold Dust not only for washing dishes, but for washing bathtubs and bathroom fixtures, cleaning oil mops, cleaning and freshening linoleum and oil cloth, cleaning and brightening pots, pans and cooking utensils, giving luster to glassware for every cleaning and brighteuing purpose. "Let tho GOLD DUST TWINS 1,0 work" Gold Dust is as iiiexpeusive as it is indispensable. 5c and larger packages sold everywhere ESiSFAI R BAN KlsSHEl MAKERS Let tho GOLD DUST TWINS do your work" It is required that the Pa-!,or the tirst time in his lite. However, joific. Telephone company shall be re-!,l: captain was seasick, it. is reported, sponsible for all incidents enused by'.""" -,,r' ii'M"'u i'i','".r turn the pt.'es and wires of its lines artil ; l'';T- , - the transmission of power on this line: ',"hT1 Mo,t ot tll(' ii'teriiational also the line shall not interfere with ' committee, was the principal speaker ditching or woilsing the road, and thcf ,n conference. Mr. Mrt't has just 'limpnny shall remove all debris oi1" ""11"1 "l,nl r.uropc, nere nr una un Divorce Sought When Children Disagree San Francisco, May 27 The effects of tho war between France and Ger many wero felt in the divorce court hero today when Frank Loraine, French, and Wilma Loraine, German, applied for a divorce before Judge Gra ham stating that since tho war broke frit their Bay View home has taken on tho semblance of a battlefield. Loraino has three children by his first wife, who was French. Mrs. Lo raine has children by her first hus band, who was German. These six, ac cording to the couple, have done noth ing for months but take side on the European question and fight the bat tles rf their fartherlands. Four children of the present mar riage nre neutral Amerieuns. "Business Is Good" Says , . Add Mm In Convention Los Angeles, Cnl., May 27. With the slogan " Butdnoss is Good," the Pa cific ('oast. Advertising Mens' associn-l tion opened Its 1-th annual convention here today. Hundreds of delegates wero in attendmice, hailing from Sati Diego, Portland, Seattle, Spu'uine, San Francisco, Sacramento, Oakland and Penvcr. General Hamilton Commands Allies In Turk Invasion V 1 JJ i v A trees cut ill line ring the construction of its An order from .lodge Bushoy today nuthorized S. M. McKny, of Hiandon, Manitoba, Cnnnda, to take a deposition of Mrs. Nona Savv.rinht relative to the will of F,y.o .1. Wii hter, which has been; admitted to probate in this comity. j the tattle front of both the allies and the Germans, He related some interest 'ing (Apeiieiues first hand from the the ater of war. On the way back from the conference Bee Manager Suspended For Swearing At Manager! jr5!Cft Los Angeles, Cal., May 27,-Presi- Hn.niltun -lent A. T Hauni of the Pacific Coast '"'I1 "'' ' . v re 8 V league today ordered Manager Cliff! ,. 5 TthiMkenshin af tho Klf T.ol.-n IW in- on Knbtailtll.oplc. luilliwi . . ... j... ...... ...... ... , , . , 8 u, definitely suspended for protesting a ill on as "his chief. General H'"1 tin. .'tun dnlPimt,.. wen. nhnu-nre.l with , oeeision in yesterday s came. Jiianu- .... ... . . ,to,i i,,,,.? rti.umg- ai pl.s at Watsonville, and visited the 'whip was alleged to have cursed the uiB,;cd taret in ,,0 British .'." Hig Trees. Ios tiatu', I'alo Alto, and . '""r11". um; no in on un- im-ih-h ot ' . , A Ik. i i:,r i srii nna enw lUn -.., ...I ul ttun l.'iu...iu..n n I n Ii n 1 0 III III V leiinilnt. Will SCfVO HS acting . , . . .1.. twfll V, in in the fair, ; manager. tho "I. uregon municipalities --iv , Use Foirnd For Stale nOld Leaglie Meeting l-" 'he Lusitania and the for-! U U Jjj the Afghan ' ls;'.1 f issi, the Nile eiH .. ,... nnH Chitriu i rim ;' riiiniu ui (nr. i jur 1 1 ii ii m nun iiil- nil warding of the American protest. It F.iigeno, Or., Mav '7 "Pay ea-h" ' wu believed the submarine aclivi- ' was the kevnote of the 'league' of Ore-1 '" ht'1'" resumed on a large scale.! ', May 2. . 1-are gon Municipalities meeting held herel1"" with tho announcement from the 'loomed to banishment mm ( orona today i eonnectii.u with the seventh I admiralty today, shippers and d- tlie.r bamshuient will be conil.H ted annual eomnionttenim Th.. I mirally officials believe the under sea nM "K nV01 oui ocononucai mica. session was rallt'd to order at the state! raideis may again be operating in ii ii ! t'jii-tii lit., t i r ii. inrt'f. bur, of Portland, v'onnded the kevnote I The Norwonnu was shelled as well t'is.-nlcd in blind pig raids, will be the wnr ...i I. , . . I . . . it . I'll ! hull I nriinn t mi 11 Tn vni'V t Ollil 01 wnen ne ailuiiiinslu'd his hearers toi"11 mrpuooiu uim nor men were nuieii .- - - I rved in Hoor war ! nrv force, tlic . .. .! 'IV. ..U .Minimum I i pci mens, tne u i ... L,.,,,d H..r war. in till t K " won mc.lal- nn'1 i He was military reprosentatiw o ( dia in the r. " ;n l,:is lieen ftcaJy, t':d " 1 ,. ... ..... .'..U .rrmli. of BcnetU Ul ;vnenc.i in.- b--- ,,,. year, in nnuiiieu '. nilju L'it'lv flu Iti.i'1 hnvu hem. secured.1'. '. i ... tl fi.rei'S. W 111... I n i.ii..n lnl.l .Mill-!,-..,..'. l'. ..l,!..f ..f Rtllf f in 'I'1' ' ...... ... v....... . Kwcaen.-r b . in. iiit issuing lung tune bonds, unit iav i n,"l mounded by the bursting pro.jee-; "' heer and a wholesale slaughter 1.. I... .. . . . ' 1 I . .11... fri... :.. D i. . ..... (M n v .ifli' toil nig interest and uei down to a uh ' The remainder of the crew tak basis. i ing to the small boats drifted for sev- "There should be a stringent lawj'm' hours before being picked up by prohibiting the promiscuous issue for!11 I'elgian trawler. The Morwenna was 11011118,'' said I'.arliur. "This systenij''! rfll' f Cardiff to Sydney in sells the credit of the taxpayer at a!'"1""1''- discount. If bunds must be issued1 Tho Morwenna was a steel steamer they should lake the serial form which I "f "' sho was feet long provides for the progressive retire-! 111 1 of 3-1.2 beam. The Betty was of nient of the Issues during the life of --'t1'1 Iols, 2M feet long and 4X1 the utility whi. h the bond issue! ''cam. creates. ' Hen.iauiin ('. Sheldon, nf the Med. ford charter revision committee, gave as his program f,.,- noveniiuental ef ficiency ad cciiiiotnv the short, ballot. trained ndniinistrativo force by nuans of civil service enmiuntioiis. rroner 'Uncle Joe" Hires Cheap Waiters and Union Objects is expected, WOULD KIDNAP ATTOENEY. fan A,in4f w that the news or n'- "-.. vf, American Ilaauan '- Stockton, Cal., May 27. Tho police wero making every effort todav to eapturo the twn men who F. W. Hen derson, eil attorney of Merced, al leges endeavored to kidnap him yes- ti.nluv lt.iiiili.rGni. n.ilitn Si MOHSU t.ioml I ... " .. ....i : "nip, '- , i. escape ny rattling wnn tne men i M r!. Maria wingcm....!.. '.i tems ' Mrs. Green of Husband s Perfl fhip Nfi";' kaa off Fasti''' '0111'''' ',.,,. th ie or inc '"'" ,.. . ;... iiiiiui.-i rrfusfil ' S. Green, wile i ship, to collapse, her causing tho aiitoinotiile in wnicn lie ns ,is vuliio the wherein'"""-,- f,t a priner to collide wi Ii an eiectio-, ftn , mtym every ".ij, t putt. 4':t r i II. -. t "-' Her. The two alleged kidnapers tin mediatfly .lumped into ft buggy staiul ing nearby and fled. According to Henderson 's story told to ( luef of l'olien liriare, lie met no two men while driving to Merced from his ranch yesterday morning, forced him to write n note to his Jft , . l. u firecii. tl"1 " Three year o d n o " ' f , l- of the eaptai". eu "V. that "r'L of to- They .Inriiitf 'ho '" , '' s,K,,d.crr ? us sten- Ii"".'""1. ,, ; ;,. fur ' ,.irl"sihe is nt 1" 1,111 . , ..v..i en I"'' f-Rn Francisco, Mav '.'7. Indications publicity, standardized accounting mili-i re ,ht "Vnele ,loe" Cannon and the jeet to audition- by tmi emnnii io.i inrtv of senators and eonirressinen. and muiiieipnl pnniiasing agents. I wn" t0 P0 Ulv'" a picnic tomorrow ngrapher telling her to notify his wife .'i. ( nil, iiuivor of Albanv, main- 111 '""tf " will munch their sand-;ho would tie ntisent several oujs. ' tained that for ninll eillen the e.i.n. to the tune of "Scab. senb"i dersi.i was handcuffed to the robe lai ...luul.... -...I . . - .. , n ! i . ..... l.;l H.l.ilA nf" 1... men WAV to ceil"'" . .1,,., r ...,i-.ii mi,, iiiiiiingeriai terms oi gov-!""" '" umi.ii.tiu- mm nmsi in-ei Hiiini, ui niu Hiit.-iiiiiuii.T win. .1 win- v. ..- . i tnin l.rccn i.'- . I -I . . , ., I(.r inai - he is in" , . , ,y,vi en 1 would have a " ' ' , to . "i 111 "" ' ,,..1,... eorl " ernment eould noi .ftaiivi1v rr..,..,K the existing ,vils. ,t the iuiccespful city ndinlnistrntioii depended more on iTi V(,r",,"ni'1 "f "io administration, which in turn was dependent on an en lightened citizenship. German Submarine Warfare Still Continues London, May 27. tiermnnv hn bv no means suspended her submaiUir warfare in ItritUh waters. This was evident today when the admiralty niioune,.,l that the Men treni steamer Morwenna, Danish ship, Heitv, were the i-ries of "unfair, unfair." ThKt the waiters union of San Fran- delivered the message, In the bottom of the machine was i saien " will ii'l""' cisco will d" its best to "crab"' Vn-: I''co of canvas in which were wrapped mfc. ' cle .lor's" pl. nie, was declared here! '"Wi wme "otton rope, piece of stee , ,)(,n tfl today by Hugo Krnst, secretary of the,,'lllln n'l '','n, 'argo wool sacks, and oi i . v . . ' J I n...l . ul:... il... i.ilnntinll I I'OSC OI "' i.rnuvt-o it who h.v j waiters organisation The nrcatiired waiters say they have learned hat the waiters for the tic ciision have been hired at an employ ment nguicy at the rate of per day. The union s.ale here is $7) per day, the "crabbing act scheduled for "Facie Joe's'' feast. VICTIM OF WHITE SLA VERS.. ' San Kiam-iseo, May 27. That his 21-! year eid bride of I months has fallen ia Vi.-tlln til dtl nllnit..,! mI.I.a ..!...-.. ....... I nd theUhumgh answering ads tor motion pie'. n,l sunk e,te,,i,;.: n;. iiIia. ,if i...- l . "I'Mnoii ot vuHirgei ,., , , " ' I'm'iti r, uiiiiuriiiiin, wn.) iit.ii ho.t to the fcr wZl"? kuIIf' "'ir""- today for aid in 'locating he tnree wounded when that merchant nhii)1 mining nnn Tk.. t.i .i: t I two w-eeka ago' ntwr Zi7C ihe success of the Oermsns In ne- back that she expected to spend the tounting for these two merchant ves-.H'tht in Berkeley with relatives. - HU1E WING SANGCO. i ; ' . ,j Bcr Big Une of Waist ntT fffi Suits, tati wid OrerHlla, Ladies'. OeBtt. "aclllllircn-, nt Oyen.hlrt! Sw.atera and Shoes. Ladles' i nd i mcjwiWh Neekwear, Ladtes' nd Genu' Hosiery, Oios, Embrolderleg, Laces nd MatUngs. rjodcrtreitf- W. make up Wrappers, Kiuionas nd Wiate selling at lower prices. roTiAL STRE 291 NORTH tUMiww--