Leased Wire Dispatches VLMlt Jl ; ft! 111 lililMtiitfllr 41 rfWrft $ Today's News Printed Today SALEM, OREGON, THURSDAY. MAYaTlQis PRICE TWO CENTS ZL THIRTY-EIGHTH YEAR iP- :'"'8 n ii w flRiw hum nrrnnr immm r- . V, ij' AIM ON lESS ELS Antone Kuepferle Takes His Own Life In Brixon Prison Cell Today Kaiser Holds That America's Legal Rights Extend Only To Boats of American Register and to Citizens Aboard Merchantmen-Must Fight Fire With Fire" Is Stand Taken by Teutons-Bryan Puts Lid Down Tight On Comments ... . ??wto0Kn. ess Staff Correspondent. Washing on , May 20.-Oern.any lias unofficially accepted the gen- era principle that American citizens shall be protected a id safeguard eJ l..v the United States under nil n,imV V a a"a sa,eKuarl- Asserlinfr that it is contrary to all rulings of International law .he will, however reject the suction that the United States can i man, the complete abandonment of the German submarine Varfaw. Germany holds that America's legal riKhta extend onlvr to the protec ,oot vessels of American register and the -safety of Americana aboard belligerent merchantmen. Thin is understood to be the German position outlined to Ambassu. dor -ernrd during a series of unofficial conferences at the Berlin foreign office, following the ambassador's presentation of President In bis report to the state department , with the Americans on short notice if Wending the German position It rtte, that the answer of the imperial ' S""8"1 Ge""r"1 sai'1 ,lle Post ... . ... eards requesting the dolai od inform!!- (ntrnment would be most specific lotion were sent out with the object of oharacter. The German reply will take1 bringing the consulate lists up to date, up the American note paragraph by j paragrapli from Germany's understand-1 Officer Alleges Cruelty. ing of international law. The sub- ?'on'!01'. May 20. Tho official In t .... . , . , q'ry "Ho the sinkin( of the liner marine warfare will be warmly defond-J Fnlnba bv a Oermnu submarine opened R9 a reprism . agamsi 8iv enemy iWv (ciurtcd uch reprisals by arming wtWrntn, and offering rewards for mBn ot suumarincs. Kenotu tlMIli ,,,, l... tliB Rritish hnnr.l nt 'fade jVvfj'iers approving the do "fioying o TOmarinoa by merchant ""'I" will lit quoted. In effect it is understood the Ger "inns (old AnrnanM.lor Gerard thev nave own fighting fire with fire nml today with Dird Mnrsy presiding. It was on ,he Fnluba that the American Leon C. Thrasher, lost his liln wwiW of submarines. Resolu- J" m"n thy inquiry, the solicitor 1 1.. ... . . , . ifonerui a!i riv tiier., u-na .1.,,. ,v me uriusn uouru or Vi i n . . .... - ... . that the crew of in mi bmnr im ni.,.i with "great callousness, crueltv and in humanity." lie said witnesses would show that the torpedo was launched ngainst the l'ulaba while the lasrtcngcrs were still intering the small bunts. H.o demand of flic United .Stile, to "'I!'? ,r'"" l" tahiha ,,'stili,,d the innmrinl , ... ."..i.l, . I tlia' ' was not armed. The sa una ne .tin ! .' ,U'"IM lt l.v cease mnull boat,, were in good condition, nZ o ,,,c , V",r"P" "' "'e ""' the officers complied s.ft. "ltTla,","al 'I"- whh all regulations. 1 Secretary Ilryan today emphatically filled stories that the United State's " " Had admitted the justice of this lntterl kniiie KuonnMA A,.l '"'""alio... He angrily refused to dis-,uul JCHCU rtUlU T" '7 ""esiiim and made it plain that " d is down in the state depart "lent regnnliug future German develop. N,,t n,.i.. 1: i u . . - '0j Angeles, Oil., May 20. A slier toanw ",.rwm,y ' AtC posse tuiluv captured four sus- tinnif , ."'"'"""J ilnistie ac,i,, w10 .,, ,, ,, A) NiK,lt ., ZiHoV '"" "l,'"b Pers,sloJ ' tht',r at l.ankershiui road and Sun l-Vriimi.l.. '.a.,',.'.,,, . . . Iioiilcvni'il. at iniilnight, tailing $10 Mtduo, ,' , m"'1 ,t0, 'llCNtl0nm, f; from the night crew of two. wrung matters I deem confidential! Tl. , , .l..r ,w .,., .1... ,- London. Uw pn i .,..... v formerly of Brooklyn, N. Y., who was on tnnl here today charged with being a Herman spy, committed suicide today ton lirison. Kuepferle left a note nddressed "To "iu n may concern," in which he sank " I am a soldier with a rank I do not desire to state. I had a fair trial, but unable to stand the strain any longer I am taking the law into mv own hands. I do not wish to ascend the scaffold." A Masonic sign was interposed here and the note continued: "I hope the grand nrel.iteot of the universe will lead me to the unknown land of the east. I am not dying as a spy, but as a soldier who stood his fate as a man. I cannot be a liar or a per jurer. What 1 have done was for my country." It is understood Kuepferle testified in his own belmlf during a secret session of his trial yesterday, It was eharved Mint R'n,,,wu Germany information as to the location of British warships by interlining let ters with invisible ink." He was not able to prove that he was a naturulized American. A crowil lm,l a,iti,.,...,i i. Old Bailey expectantly awaiting the ar rival of the orisonor toiluv u.l,n I,; suicide was dramatically announced by lUC 'lUAfUIIIUr, "Tho prisoner occimiod n uu,'iii nii and was under iiracticnllv pniif I mini observation," he said," but during a unci interval Between watches seized the opportunity to take his life." mi -.!. . o. , . - ... iiir nuiui-ii ii'siuieu no lounu Kuep ferle 'a body bunging from a ventilator. A silk scarf wua knotted tightly about his neck. Bandits Captured by Posse may result MM ii. In,! viid. in the nffender being re 'i"" to the department, he Americans Are Listed. "1 W. Ackermnn UiitnA P,n.u s:eff t'orrespoudent.) M "I''' Tlu' "i" nucl London, yi.-l'ost ,.ur,s were sent to nil ' "n-aii, , the llorlia district l.v Zr, ,';""lul u? ,oiay 1 1 r all uitnos a, n,i,iresses, their 'i M.mhnrs, the dato and num '"tare ul of ('. ('. Howard, tieorue I'lnins. Wil liam Hanson and W. (', ,lotns. When news of the robbery was flash ed to the sheriff's office, a posse was hurriedly assemble. 1 and rushed tu San r'criinndn in last automobiles. Then a "skirmish line" of oll'icers, assisted by i citizens, was thrown across Sun 1'cr-1 mi n i to valley. Howard, K:iiiw mid Hanson wore t'le first to walk into! the trap. Suddenly confronted by u bridling arroy of snwi'd ulf shotguns, thev imiucilinlely surrendered. I All si n et ear lines were walrhed iiinli (ID ' . . .nines was taueii on ine nisi enr entei- ,i,il "".'Mils in Germany have taken iug ,0s Angeles from the valley in thej i.i.m ,J1,t'"'' tlirtt the Iiration and' moniini.'. Deimlies bourded the reur '0Ml,l 'l.toronitl.,., nn... ..!.... ill... ., ii. .......i .1.. I Mum , , ., . inn ii pniiire will ' IN IIIU passions, occiipatimi and llt.'V lid. various consii- "'m.l'ioil will nl-.. l, ..1. 1 1 .1.-. ''' ""' consuls to coininunicnte onlv to bo net bv more nffieeis. Dei uty Sheriff ('weezy, who led the p rie, Rsserted today Ihc.t the four hod con fessed iiud that the stolen money had been found in their possession. Parcel Post Attacked By Wholesale Grocers Sun Francisco, May 20. Strong at tacks on the parcel post system marked the session yesterday of'th,. National vv iioiesale t.roeers association of the inited States which is holding its ninth iiiinual session here. More than oimi delegates, representing more than . it cent ot the groceries, inanufac hirers nnd consumers in the United Slates, were present when President (. H. McGlnsson of Chicago, charged that tlie present parcel post system is a seri ous menace to the life of the small grocer. "We must curb the operations of the parcel post system," Maid the president in his address. "The continuation of the operation of the present system spells the ruination of country grocers. The parcel post is nn enormous octopus nursed by the federal government anil it Is slowly but surely sucking the life out of the little business num. It Is killing the small town grocer by cen tralizing the business in (ho bin cities." II. .1. Moore, of Sioux Cily. fifth vice president of organization, also attacked the parcel post, "Graft, ' said Moore, "had tainted the postal service for years in second class mail mutter and now it is creeping into the parcel post. The parcel posi iininlaiioiis nre a men ace which sound, the doom of the rural ooitiuiuuily if ii is not soon curbed. " Moore concluded his attack with an appeal for eipializatiun of the postal rates which would increase t ) parcel post rate by approximately per cent. The business t lilies of Ibe enliven-1 lion will teiuiiiiale I'ridav when the election of officers will be held. It is predicted that the next president will be Til line i Whitinaisli of New York, now tieasnier. m nnnr oiinn.r,r,r siHlf MMIMiiR UK mm AL tt No flWfl r NAL II I t-lll- l lUllfifllJI II! imw vi uuimmiu IU ULttUL UUUmMlllllL VJilJ RDUT RUSSIANS Only Immediate Arrival Of Reinforcements Will Save Fortress to Slavs PETROGRAD DISPATCHES LACKING IN CHEER I Paris Report Says German Officers Fired Into Ranks To Stop Retreat Berlin, v ia wireless to SavviHc T, 1 May 20. OeaeruJ Vnn i.,i, .'' t,, f'H ""'""(""R nMy ah.ig the ght bank of the Kau river toward tho rear of I'izeiiiysl, aii ouieial statement l.i.lnu ... nounced that all Kussian attacks have been reputed, while the Anstro-Uerman forces have ntormed and captured sev eral positions to the north of I'rze.uvsl. . nunuiin wno ailvauced toward Nieman were rcutisl with k.,,..... i and r.W0 were captured. uu i no westers front bad weather is Hampering operations in Flanders the statement said. ' Prcemval'a Oaptnr Expected. London, May S!0. I'r..n.v,,i i. ..i to tall before General Vn Ma. kensen, according lo the opinion of military critics today following the official ad mission of Petrognul that tl. Austro- """ "nve crossed the San rivor vv. h n largo We They believe that onlv tho ai rival of reinforcements, r... which took th usKinns ilx mnnlk. . capture, lioni falling. The only reassurance Kiv..ti in the ssiuu anioaiicenient is the Htatemct hat the czar s forces still retain both .'.. . m me nna iictween .liiroshiu i,:iiivsi. and attrib- io viein- efficient liimnlo of the Qciman Officers Angered I'ans May :M.-All .. witn,wa. "i1,"1 ar office todav men in ' rieinn successes in U . oi aiii.s to tlie luck of " ia" onicers. 'J'lio T ii 11 w"" 'lecliired. ' ' ' 'enn-ms suflered severe losses, '"'! ,l'n": "IHeers, liifurinted by the .otireineiH of their troops, fired 'their revolvvs i t their own ii stated. ' '"I""1 Heavy ,uins in northern Fin and landers have converted tl ..n.,i,..o into a se.i f mod. .Military r mi are impos able. The i,l7i,.i'i . , , - "in in inn I '""' oieieiy ntad.,1 ,lr1 'nothing new to report.'-' was That Membership WU1 Be An nounced Within Next Fort night Is Certain London, May 20. Announcement of Great Britain's new eolation war cab inet will be made within tbi next fort night. This was a certainty today fol lowing tho adjournment of parliament hist night until June S. lteforo that date tho reconstruction of tho cabinet is expected to be complete and a vote of confidence will then be sought from the liouso of commons. In government circles it was believed one of the most important chnnges Is to come in the admiralty when Arthur d. Italfour is expected to succeed Winston Churchill. Hir John Fisher, first sen lord, will retain his present position, it is declared. Andrew Ilonar Uw, op position leader in the commons, is gen erallv regarded as likely to receive the portfolio of chancellor of the excheipier while David Moyd lleorgo will share the responsibility 0f the war office with Lord Kitchener, Idoyddeorge at tending to the furnishing of munitions. Lewis llarcourt, it is believed, will be supplanted ns colonial secretary, probably by Austin Chamberlain. Tlie Miiruuia of Crewe is believed tu lie among those slated for retirement with the possibility that Churchill may be given this portfolio unless ho desires to go to the front with the territorials in which he holds a colonel's commission. During today Frontier Asipiith held extended conferences with present Hud prosHvtive ministers as he took up the task of reconstructing bis cabinet. He conferred with Italfour, Konar Iw, Lord Landsdowne, Hir Kdwaril (Irey and Lloyd lleorge, while Homo Secre tary Heginald Mok'eiinn was also with the premier for sonic time. Comtroller Has Rieht To Investigate Bank Trawler Torpedoed. I Will. I'n;., Mav ii..ti i.... . hrysolile was torpedoed ,v """" "''I' K aired Head yesterday, " "'" '""i loiiuv. The repmted ied. ' crew was Secretary of War Is Advocate of Peace i.i tii e pare l.c M and I lo I eOMsliess. I lineal Im,, Seelelllf V i'""11. N. V., Mav !!ii..".i,s. .i;llleollCll.n.1 linisl be ,,r,i. 'ht Injustice and iinright Ho'.v are tu survive a Wnshington. May 20. Without going into the question of whether Comptrol ler of the Currency Williams was prop erly exorcising the powers of his of fice in connection with the Higgs Na tional Hank, .lust ice McCoy of the Dis trict of Columbia supreme court this afternoon stated Hint lie dill not ques tion the right of the comp, roller to cull for special ni; well as ordinary regu lar reports from any initio. ml bank. The statement, which was made dur ing the liourii:!' in the suit of tho Higgs bnnk ngaijist Williams anil Secretary of the Treasury William (i. McAdoo, was regarded by the government uttorncys ni a strong point in tlicir favor. During his argument for the bunk, Joseph Itailey. former I'nifcd Mutes senator for Texas, the argil ni Mit befo.'o the court yesterday by Suinuel I'l.tenaycr, attorney for the government. Untorniycr's address "I ant fairly stale the facts rcgnidiag a single traasadiiiri involved, " said Hniley, but he absolved t'nterinyer of wilful misrepresentation, He said the i government cimiiim'I was "misinformed." j Itailey iuasted tlmt a iiatiniuil bank j has a right to ibinand n judicial re view of III ' nits of II fftcilils of the itieasiiiy of t'.e I'liili'd Mates. I It is cxpei ted thlil Justice McCoy will take too case under advisement tu ' night. I Ii nut inn m-Mmn atmut WORD FROM CABINET 0 PLUNGE II WAR Cabinet Given Full Power To Act Without Authorization of Parliament and Populace Cheers At Near Prospects of Conflict-Action Considered a Certain Forerunner of War and Allies Already Consider Part Italy Is To Play In Struggle Home, May L'O. The Italian cabinet was today giveu full power to act in the situation growing out of the breaking off of diplomatic negotiations for consexsions from Austria. The chamber uf deputies guvo l'remior Saluudra nad his min isters full authority so that fur ther parliamentary approval will not be necessary for a dec laration of war. The vote on the loll giving the cabinet plenary powers was UoO to 51. ife,!, Home, May 2(1. Italy's decision for pence or war now rests with Premier Salandra, the cabinet and the general staff. Parliament today gave the govern-' ment full uuthority to uct against Aus tria by passing a bill cunforring plenary powers upon tlie cabinet. The announce ment of ths action taken by the cham ber of deputies is believed to mean tlmt, when tho gencrul stnff Is ready, an ultimatum will be delivered to Aus tria. This may be within ill hours. As the news was flushed to the crowds waiting outside tho parliament building, it was received with a mighty cheer which was taken up by throngs throughout the city. Over tho military telegraph linos, the word wua flashed to .lie frontier. I.verywhoro it was greeted ; IM hours truins have been hurrying th with the greatest enthusiasm and as a I truop. toward the Austrian frontier and certain forerunner of war. ! distributing the forces of King Via- Italy charges Austria with respon tor Kinina I. (Icnoral Cadornn, tho sibility lor tho world war in explaining Itnliaa chief of Maff has arrived nt why it was necessary for her tu break j Vicenza and Is personally directing tha off neguliiitiniis us to concessions with : preparations of the army for the first vened today. There was scarcely any debate and the parliamentarians hur ried the measure onto a vote. Many socialists opposed the bill, but it was adopted litis to 5-t. Orowda Cheer for War. Cheering crowds surrounded the par liament building today when the cham ber of deputies met in what tho patriot ic throngs were quick to term its "wnr session. 1 ' In this momentous session Premier Haliindrn will make bis announcement of the policy of the government. Un less protracted debate should develop and this is not expectedparliament will pnss before midnight the bill entrusting the nntlon's fate to the cab inet, The premier and his minister will be given plenary powers and dee le.ration of war will then bo only a matter of hours, it is believed. . Stirring scenes were enacted 0llj about the parliament building durinn the session. Tremendous crowds wura packed In the streets. Thero was littia disorder, but troops were massed nt Im porlunt points and flstublished a patrol in the immediate vicinity of parliament to restrain overly enthusiastic out bursts of patriotism. Many doputica .arrived for the session in their military uniforms. As thev pressed through the crowds they wore roundly cheered. Tho entire American embassy stuff occupied places in the gallery when tho chamber convened at li o'clock, Th vole was taken soon afterward. Italy is ready to strike. For the past Dutv and iin the same finite. Vienna, rendering her entninco intolhc conflict on the side of the allies an im minent probability. The explaaatioa of the foreign office, maile public in the official tlreen Hook, given nut just define parliament con vened, charges that Austria broke faith with Italy when she delivered her ulti matum to Servia last July. This, it is declared, disturbed tl utile llalkaa status to the detriment of Italy, Tin Austrian invasion of Serviu violated the terms of the tuple alliance, j is declared. "This inf riagemeat nf the alliance convinced Itnlv that she hud Hie hunt to resume full liberty of ui-timi," the (Ireen Hook root i ones. "I Mi May t tlie Triple Alliance treaty was ileiuiunced as void. Tin- bill I'onferiiug full powers upon tin- government was introdn I iiiiaie- diately the chamber of deputies ('un directed F.npcror blow to be Franz Josef. All railway lines, tunnels and passes mar the Austrian border nre elosoly guarded. Artillery liiu I n placed ia positions at strategic points and only the official signal from Itomc is await ed to put the Italian war machine in motion. Within the past 12 hours 1'opo llenedict has thrown his influence to the side of Italy. Daly's expected entrance into tho war will renult in a readjustment of tho allies plan of nttuek ugiiinst the Austro. (ierinaa armies, During the r nt tour of ( Paul Pan, noted French coiiimiinder, un understanding was re ported as to the part Duly in to play in the new eampaigii. (leneuil Pan conferred with (I rand Diiko Nicliolus, cnuiinaader in chief of the Itossinrl forces, ns veil ns Serbian I lers and Dalian chief of staff, (lenerul Cndoran. Austria Could Not Comply With Italy's Unjust Demands I,... B 'la.Jf',,1' Isr""on' rrraer Eiiropoau vMager of the United Prom.) nllt i . . 1 ..,,, V. MIV -('.Negotiations , "ii iii ami italv were tor- '""ii ' i ZTT A""tri refused to llilv', in . '"'yoii'l repair to serve m,',:u "" -"mute ambitions, rtalv's nm, k,inw there were Irreo'on M u , ' r';'"''' '"'cause Italv want lui'l , " Al""ria practically an in A"'.i.i', i S1" ''''""""led Trieste, '""''cli ! I'"rt' a"'1 l'Htrin' Ani" iii.l.i ""Lime province, be con Ital mi independent. l-i't Tlii '''atioin ""ti'.in,, I , , nK,lt ,0 Trieste is un i'i,t tn ; "'"hough Austria's ngree per, i' , ' " f.'e eitv would ""' t tl,'. .. '''""""me Italian desires 'I'Tfe,,.,' t'"ie would not have lt (, .. " ' Astria 'a use of the Mr n " ""Ti num., ...... "ulijj,... , . ' I"" 'oses. ' i"'rt, r leume, Is a free "'Shi. 'if Italy . to ,i , , r,a, eiceit tnnt iimi. .. '"' "'at istria sha e lVt ., ,"' of ihB inhabitant' . 't-iliai,. ""ih ln minority .""Itnre f"!" ""'''i'ious to control I,",'. , lllri ' opposed " "o'y decide. It la worth a war to separate lit. in from Anstiia and if Austria divide it is worth war to keep her soabnird intact, the ool i come cannot be predicted. I The topography of the Austi in Kal ian bor.leilaads is ot the greatest nn 'portnnco to the campaign. .Mountains 'liar the northern and western entrances Ito Austria. A wide plain sweeps Irom Italv into Trieste and ltn:i, the pru'i- nble dinvti f Di' Dalian ad' unci'. Plains also approach northwest to the 'mountains tunning Austria's outlieiu barrier. Tho Italian' probably o'liniot move Ihrougli the Imnticr i.i.nnlaiiis into I'uilher inoii.itaii's lielnnd, but the ! Austro (Ierinaa forces might advance through their own passe ami debouch .into the Dalian plains ol'nn... f Vonltia. , j Thus, while Dalian strategy ' Ian easv niovemeiit tuTne.te and Istria. 'the Austro .Herman ofl'"ii-ive will ' doubtless be soulhwaid into the Dalian '''""eculatinn n to Ihe number of on 'posing forces is meie guesswork. I. imposiblse to .ay ""'V."-'"1,, 'Italians have been dunng their nine I months of preparsl.o.M. Verdict In Roosevelt Barnes Case Is Near Syracuse, , I., May 20. - Hefore many hours the verdict of (he ju.y in the ease of William Ita.nos, Jr., who sued Colnnel Thei'd'ire Hnosevelt for .'n.iioii libel is expected to be an- inoin I. The case was placed In the hands of the 'i men nt .'l:l! this nf-j ten u inn liately after Justice An drew had ci'inpleteil his chargi'. The i Kiiirts iiistrncti".is fxllnwed un argu-1 ' ment on beloilf of llnrncs by Attorney i William M. Din-. I Atlnrnev l,i." today red Colonel , linosevell, dei laring'he had " assumed the yellow robe as a master of morals," Ivins argued liis case ia nun h shorter; time than did Mowers, chief eoiine for Itonsevelt. and at the conclusion of his ' summing up the cult In gun the ta ik nf ehiilging the jury. The ease will be I pi I iii th.'ir hands tins ufti rnooii. II. Charles Duiraiuto, of Independ - em e. the Poll, cniilit v repi ese.,1 at 1 1 ' j at the I'viMim -Pneili.' exposition, re-, torlled hi", io la 't ii'ght and reoolts the j Oregon exhibit in a partn'iilailv pro" j I so.c.s.iol eoiiilii urn nil I al i tiading th" nlteiilion and iinp'ines of i thousand' daily. Mr. Dous-io'c ill be in SiiI.'tii hatonlay for a ooleicin e ' with the Marion i'i tv r' reentnti , e of the Willaniette Valh y Kxpo-idon 1 so' in. ton. of War rju 1 1 ; ,.; i -'"l ("lu.V in nn address be I'o.o lie- niteiiuilio.ini niliilialion con ferenee lien- III nn address i which he ''' ' ''""''I ees'dty of iinlmal lie reile.nted his firm be ''" y of iidcipmt itional in'liti'ry preparedio'ss was II ace llg.'lilist war. ii 'lividunl liait,. ,,vi bv paie docs. "et that a defense and '!l" best i. "Does .'I i prep.-i' im; ii t ioii .' ' in n vile a 'on i! 'f c : l( GOVERNMENT SUPREME. Mav It'iiti. hl'IOI I i niici-lv bv Pre ii." lb guard 1 glV Dig pir-si ' Illier ; "IIW lie sai' The Dalian alteionon Ulilllli I a lull preooiled atniidia eoipuwer inii'in; to ''sale civ ii'' Ihe stale," 'self to withstand tempiii '"( "D.l'S a eii,en ill to; I. no ratioaal I' u'ratior i,v prepnriug a ." ish the firef There is 'is for believing that a maki'ii proper military "itei wnr." THINKS SUBMARINE HUNK. PI, llison an -.eani-in(i lief that -al'M ai i'ie dlllllllf til The Wa n ' aplain llhllicfL iid".', liia, May 20. Captain .1. II. snivel here today with the 1,1,, Un o and express.', the be l.c Ii d liiiiiine.l and sonli a "If .1 "list Of Sell I , vovuge from Drilisli porls. 0 i an American st. inner. II"".' -aid his e.sel struck a 1 ,,1'1',-t that her from I., calniie. notion ity to s hav mg the alne nf law. ."lid Id" minister s the ri"iil lo colitiact loans. 'Alii, the . :..." of the bill gi s in,; I he . abut", plenary pow eis bv Hie tt.-i in l.t-r of deputies enrln r in the d.iv, the action of .In- senal Illlpl.-te the b'g- IsletlV" end' Itnetits giving the govel n'o'lil iniitinl of tile lion. ; Criminal Heredity Is An Unsupported Theory Twelve Hundred Sheep Drowned In Flumes Wash., May U... -ep either died or I. Twelve aped in Spokaii", hllll'll.-'l el to Kettle Creek, Deadmllll's ('reek nad irrigation flumes and drowned n few days ago, while erased from tl f f.-ets of eating "death eainiis" near Hoyds, Washington, uccoriliii to u re p.nt bionght here today by Deputy Food Inspector I.J. Miiiniu.-k. "Death ..111111," scientifically known ai tvgudeiius iinensitad, is u plant growing in great prof in.inn over rangcK in valious parls of the itate. The sim p lieiong.'d to Walter Kemp of Prnsser. em t" The Weather hao I' r.-lil. lsci h ii Ii tiling a" a inal. The II'"". does leu hold , Mav '.'ii. -"There i nn child being born a erim v of lieredi.Hrv crime nt. under lh" light of .Many a lug h-ad . full of empli acs. Cm as " E V" ruE-J m nuclt-Mi -liiv in c-tit'iii inn, Tin rtiil.l in l,ri-. ft rrnnitirit fin. n'tt nrn mm'. r, ,i"'it' Itni-i'll it I,' Aiiiflf", nif if the ii, rottiihi'it jnrnilt rourf wrMrti-r in On' I "ii it i"l NIm'' :tn.i np wirkcru with .Itrlyi- Mm I.iii'l-'-v nf Member of Clergy . Defends Union Miners Wii''liini;;u.i. May 2U. - A. member of tl," clergy today stoutly defended the millers of I . dorado who were engaged in t in i eeeiit bloody striken in that s.nte, when h" uppciire.l ns a witness before the iinlust rial relations c.i.nmis sion. The minister was Itev. Daniel H. Me C.irkle, of Sun rice, Wyoming, lie said lie lived in a liouso and preached in u Pr. sbyt.'nnu chureh owned tiv tlie Col oirid.i K'ii.'I u.el Iron cnnipn.iy K-k)l VILLA ALMOST MOBBED Washington, .nv 20. That .'ciicial Piaucinco Villa was al ums! mobbed by starving per rons when u. arrived at Torreon I'll route to chihuahua til bury bis brother, llenerul Antonio Villa, klllcl III,. re recently in n slice! brawl, was asserted this al'l.raoon by meiiibers of the Ciilil jonlll. Members of this orgiinitutlon "lured that mobs nf men, women nml children, driven nl innst mail by hunger, were re stiaioed from ,,,n, violence to Ihe northern louder only by the troops which formed a cordon nl, oat Ihe train, Seveial fresh victories are claimed by the anaaistaa who unumiocc the killing of ( 10, sain, Deri, and,' and the ling of (leneral Iteyes ami a secoa.l gencrul who lias not bi'.'u idcnlified. These three ofifcers nre said to have b.-ea high in Ibe councils of Villa. Oregon: Pair to night in, d Piuliiv; smith to west win. Is. Ilenver, Hi I, exploded Un 111 I theory maintained by otne in the mclica) world, ia nn ad, lie" before tli" ' n'i fornia P.-delation of Wooteti'n Clubs cniiv i ntion in se.sion here. ''The tlm is .ooling.,, said fh", "wlii-n we will .heck crime in its in fill" v, n" we will .heck war, by rearing children ri"lit. Parents are to btutue, if their children go wrong. They niy PORTLAND MAN PATALLy INJURED IN COLLISION Portland, Or., Mav 2d.- Frederick V. Pried!", superintendent nf the I'liitland l.lusei.i nil work' was seriously, oer- l, I). Hock folio,, Jr.. wus expected ,,,,, ,-jltllv lult ,,mIi,v Khl. ,h'ot to appear iis a witness this afternoon not iloliberaiely rear them as criminals, but they will allow (hern to enter i-tiiir Dial environments, "Wherever possible, (he nil. lies sf children should be erased from court1 rail uf a side r'o iinls, Children should not be arrest. rd. They should be reprimanded." ninlolo he whs driving was struck bv Northern Pacific passenger train at a i,!reet iiiteinecliim III Noith Portland. The iiuti, ia, dole was hailed 23 feet by the locomotive, and i'tic.lle was thrown ten feet further, his head striking tha truck. Ilesidea a porsiblt i fun tored skull,- Priedle sustained a I broken ihoulder and internal injuriea,