Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, May 19, 1915, Page EIGHT, Image 8

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Mmmmwxwwj othp i joubnai.. balem. oregon. Wednesday, may 19, 1915,
The Picture Shows One of the New Big Steamers Leaving Flavel for
the Fair. Winners Have Choice of Date to Take the Trip and Can
Go on Either of the New Palaces of the Pacific, Great Northern or
the Northern Pacific
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Chicago, May 10. Chicago
packers today received orders
from the British government
for 10,000,000 pounds of can
ned meats. This huge order is
for the consumption of the
English fighting forces on the
European continent, according
to statements made ly meu
cIobb in touch with the situation.
Tomorrow The final day of the May Contest for a free trip to the Rreat ' Exposition.
Double votes will be given with all purchases tomorrow.
The winner of the "May Trip" will be announced on the Contest Booth Friday morning and
published in the Friday Journal.
Nominate your favorite and help them win the June Trip. Five separate contests. One
each month for five months- The winner in each contest gets a free trip to San Francisco
and the Fair at the expense of the "Meyers Store."
Nomination Coupon
June Trip
Meyers Exposition Contest
Only one noiiiinatinn coiii(in credited toetich candidate.
This Humiliation coupon is good for 100
votes if used within seven days from
this date. Fill in the name of your
favorite and the address and place in
liallot box at our contest hunt li (first
100 I
Votes I
MAY WHITE DAYS-Sale continues with bargains in every
section of the store. Supply your needs now at a saving.
House of
Salem's Big
Judson W. Beeves, au attorney of
San Francisco, through his agents,
Scott & Jtynon, ha. disposed of a half
block of land in the .Myers' addition.
The land was bought by a resident of
.Salem as an investment.
Piano for sale. Used piano, a good
ioue, taken in trade on a .'bickering
I Grand from one of Sulcus most promi
nent homes, $150 will take it on terms
of $0 per month. Address J. -'. Gal
lagher, Hotel Marion.
Placards are out announcing a non
eonfereuee tennis tournament to be
held on the Willamette university
courts Friday afternoon and Saturday1
morning of this" week.
Nearly new very fine piano for sale.
I'uid $225; will dimmnt !'-; easy
terms. -Allilro,! T I' liiilhu.liiT lint.. I
jJIarion. j
! The Sunday school hoard of the First
Methodist church will hold its monthly
I meeting at the parsonage this evening.
I A report will be made bv .Miss Heist
0 atterB of importance to the board. j
' Piano for automobile. New $650
player piano for a good iimc1 runabout;!
! jdnyer-piaiK used less than one mouth;1
j is best manufacture, and has .fill worth'
Kif music with it. Address .). (.'. (iul-l
j higher, Hotel -Muriun.
i Strawberries touched the bottom to-j
day in the lct.nl market, .Many of the
groceries were offering fine' home
grown berries ut .'i , ts a box, and)
they are u finer berry than those sell-!
jing for 25 cents a box just a few weeks!
iiigo. . I
j A plate of the finest strawberries!
!we have yet seen, or ever expect to see,
!was brought to the Journal ot'fie this'
j morning. They are of the "Oregon",'
i variety, and most of them measure'
fully five inches in circumference,
(There were grown in South Salem by
-Mr. I'aiilsen.
Attorney Grant B. Corby has moved)
! law office to second floor V. S.j
; Hank building, rooms 201.2(15. j
j The Pythian SiBters of the Marigold1
I club are. making arrangements for a1
I club picnic to bo held a week from in-!
I day, These uieiiics are held twice nl
: month and the one for next Wednesday:
! will be held at. the home of Mrs. A. li.i
jStinsou, in Folk enmity, j
With Every Si bottle Liquid Veneor
I purchased this week we will give von a
jfloor polisher and kuit cover, ibireni
& 1 1 ii in i 1 tun . I
! o !
; Blueprint maps of the Pacific High
way may be found at the Commercial
chili, for the cnociiil nun nf fi,,t;t
Those who wish a map of their own
lean secure one l,y addressing .1. H.
Vei.i, Venn building, Portland, Mr.
Venn is roadmiiiicr mid I'ncifie High
vay enmiuivioiier for Multnomah eoim-
According to the statement of a
prominent potato buyer in the city,
old stocks of potatoes are practiejiliy
cleaned up, as no more shipments are
coming in from the east.- Minnesota
and Wisconsin have shut down on their
shipments, and very little of the old
crop remains in the hands of the farmers.
The Premier Electric Cleaner does
not slide on the carpet aud wear the
nap, but rides on casters free from the
floor. They get moro dust and dirt
than the other kind. Hureu & Hamil
ton. Although a slight earthquake was re
pri ted from l'ortfand yesterdav, C, ().
Graham, the local reporter for earth
quakes, states that there was nothing
or the kind reppening ilown in this part
of the valley. Mr. Graham was recent
ly furnished blanks for reports on
earthquakes by Weather Forecaster
Heals of Portland.
Golden Star Auto Polish, 2G, 50c
and II bottles. Samples free. JSiireu
& 1 1 (i in i 1 1 o ii .
At the meeting of the Business
Mens' league held last evening in the
league's rooms, there was a full dis
cussion relative to the proposed con
solidation of the lenguo with the great
er eouiniereinl body that is now being
formed of all the civic bodies in tno
city Action regarding the future
crc.irse of the league was indefinitely
Free Bottles of Golden Star Furni
ture Polish. Huron & Hamilton,
At the requost of the Boston Cham
ber of Commerce, the Commercial club
ii in uicuiu Dy loll
h ,m$,:,fms I'"" 1H"'lV,:t "".Hlieg of
mkmmsmmm.- tn woman toward i ut one
fc.,r -ure tov,e
V , tv rar.-f.il and pr,n,r
2Si -.veglsesby ' , r,""',,"' f
Miss A. McCulloch.'oi:
208-209 Hubbard Bldg. - ,
- vu
is 1 Mi'lill rill L' HtllHuHca nn tlwi .,,'
building ami rate of taxation in Salem.!
Information is also being prepared for
the Huston inquiry, regarding exenip. I
tion las mid corporation iiiainifactni- j
ing taxes. Also wages paid to carpen
ters, bricklayers gusli iters, and in fact,!
the amount paid to nil laborers used
in the construction business, -j
Special meeting of Salem,
lodge No, -I, A. F. & A. M.,
this evening. Work in the K.
A, degree. Visiting brethren
welcome, I
Hotel Argo.
lireprool. iill rhciiieketa.
Specials for
Pic-Nik Hams 12i2c
4 pkgs. Arm & Hammer
Soda 25c
Vim Flour made from
No. 1 hard wheat, per
sack $1.85 I
Pure Maple Sugar lb 25c
Fine Kraut, 2 qts 15c
Creamery Butter 25c
Anybody can buy anything
cheaper for cash than on
credit. Try it a month
and put the difference in
the bank.
Modern in everv ro. OTP T n i
pet, li.Kii.i-. at reduced week I v rates. ; OdtJ LUIH I
Phone 68
Any Cherrian who does not show up
for tho drill tonight will be fined ijt.
This is the edict of Arthur Wilson,
secretary of tho organization. The
I'herriitns expect to get themselves in
fine shape for the Hoso Festival, and
will hold three drills each week. The
band boys were all measured yesterday
for their Cherrian suits and caps, or
dered today.
Auto owners should call for a free
sample uf llol leu Star Auto 1'olisli.
Huren & Hamilton.
There will be a special meeting of
the ministerial association of this pit v
at tho y. M. (.'. A. rooms at 10 o'cki-It
tomorrow Thursday) morning in order
to meet Mr. 11. V. Chase, a special
representative of the Salem Commer
cial club, who will have an important
message to deliver to the association.
Hy cir.ler of Hev. A. A. Winters, presi
dent. Tree this week, floor polisher and
knit, cover with every $1 bottle of
Liquid Veneer. Huren & Hamilton,
The construction of the new building
for the Urager Fruit Co, is now well
iimler way, on the site whero their
plant was burned this spring. The piers
are all in, and work is now being done
on the cement foundations and cellar.
The main building will be 50x125 feet,
nun me lacing room lliixiiil teet. Work I
will be pushed on the building in order!
that everything will be ready for fall!
Gddeu Star Polish Is the best bright-'
oner for furniture a ml woodwurk. Du
ron & Hamilton. i
Next Sunday is Balem day, and tho i
Hev. .lames F.lvin, pastor of the First1
( ougregntionnl church, is planning to
preach two seiiuiius to show bow thej
city's interests may be advanced. Sun
day morning he will discuss 4 ' Our Heair
tiful City." For the evening service
he will iliHcoiirse on the real estate
proposition, taking for his sermon "A
Prophet's Fuith in His City." i
Golden stSr Pniki, m,i .
uitiire look n,'W - ",
& Hamilton. 1. fern,
i.ristii,,, ,., ; :, ' - ';r "'beFi,,,
"optica,, , '' ', '!'V
1 "'"r"'1 ;''"'-'.t
oi i nrut.
Salem TaxicaKo,
Touring cars for country a,d
pleasure, dips. Day ami ,,i,,l,t
service. Prices reasonable. We
meet all trains.
Office Hotel Bligh
When in SALEM, OREGON, itop n
Strictly Modern
Free and Print Bitlu.
RATES 75c, $1.00, IliO m BAT
The nnlv tintnl In th kml. iim
H " - UWHtl-h
Kearost to all Dopot Cntm ui
Capitol Building!
A Home Away from Hem,
T. 0, B1IGH, Pr
Both Paonej frixAuWiu. '
Beginning Monday, May 17, ii
my household good
MRS. r. HASE18,
378 Bellevue Street, Salem.
All Around Town
Dr. Uendelionn, specialist In fitting
latiea torrectly. U. H. bank bldg.
Dollar wakhos at Stone's drug store.
you cn stand. Jh.li Jlon, Salein-mttdo. ;,,. fMlm ...-nr thi.t ,'itv
Automobile mVpas.g.r, and Ii',;,1,1 lilu' ,"1' lra"ls
baggage; rates rcasonnbU,, Country ' ,. ,
trips a specialty. V, (?. McFlroy. 1
Phone: Dav. 1)47: niche il.'lll
Tweiily oiio IS cent meals. $2.7n.
'Scott's, 1711 Souili Commercial.
The Brilliancy
of Cleanliness
IHi'oct factory representative will be
with us nil II, i week. He will Khc
Free IVinont ration in your home, nil
you need to do is to phono 5ti. and he
will bring a cleaner to your home to
prove its superior qualities.
See our window display. The Hiillmiit
Suction Sweeper is gun ran teed to have
more suction tlinn any $.15,110 sweeper
on the iniiiket. Cost' of operation is
very small,
Only $19.50
"The little cleaner with'
big pull."
"Piice alone determines m. thing, but
price ii nd quality together eitublish
money value." We guarantee every
machine we sell to give perfect satis
faction or your money will be refunded,
Neo our window diipluy. We are ex
clusive agents for flie Way Sugless
L 1
KOll KFNT Modern 4 room
house, two lots, fruit; location
HOME 'FURNISHERS ' 17'1' -,r,'"t',l",,B,', T"-i'
LUKCuURTanGHSTS. f.,riNi,j' ; i,rUrnb.i.n.i. k!...
our free rent dcpiirtmeut.
special confotti dance at the armory
Saturday, May 'Si.
The river today Is -1.5 feet above low
water mark. The heavy rains near Fu
lieue causes the sudden rise. No ruin
full has been recorded during the post;
-I hours,
Dr. 0, A. Wisliconns, M. D, Physician
lor preservation ami rest ir. at ion of
health. Iliibbuid building.
. o '
Tho following parties havo purchased
Ford autoiiiiiliilen within the last week:
State Wated Hoard, Moir grocerv,
.lames Plant, ,1. I). Allen and the Su-.
leui Fiuit l iiion.
Seme exceptional values 75 suit pat
terns, values to go tnilured to or
der and Moslier the tailor.
S. C. Kitlingor is in Portland today
' a a delegate to the state cimventioii of
! Foresters from the local lodge, Court
, Sherwood, Forest .No. IP, 1). A. Siiun
i dels is chief ranger of the Salem lodge,
See what Mosher the tailor has to
t offer from f'-il and up.
Dane J. Purvlne, an architect of Sa
lem, has piepnied plans for a modern
j bungalow for 11, A. Shaver, whit w ill
; build a modem hui.gnluw oil Cottage
st reel, north of I'nioii,
! Special prices on gas ranges. Burou
! The Reformed ftnniinii ii, ..., ni
which W, (), l.lciikncmpcr is pastor, is
mi, king ureal preparnti..ns for the dedi
cation of their new church, on Sunday,
May ,'Ul. A ecial program is beiiig
prepared for the event.
Cook with gas. Special prices on our
, entire line. Huren Hamilton.
j The boys in the country are not the
only ones mnkiiii; spending nioiiev trap
ping gophers. In Knglewoo.1, men as
well as boys are busy with traps and
gopher guns, rupturing a large supplv
f gophers to cliiiui the county bounty,
The Mon'i Llboral club meets to-'
night ut H o'clock in Chsiiiiiiig ball
i (I nitiiriun church), "Commission
Km in of llovernnieiit " will be the topic
for discussion. All member and friends
are cordinjly invited.
rrnnti Premier Cleauen ire the best
of nil electric cleaners, Ask for one
to be sent on trial. Huren & Hamilton.
j A Genuine Sale By
iMf&m a Reliable Firm
Our One-Third Off Sale offers money saving opportunities that wise men canno
overlook. High class suits that at regular prices were exceptional values aie
now reduced one-third. $15.00 suits are going at $10.00; $10.00 suits at ?W
All other suits in our large stock similarly reduced. In fabric, style and VM
wear you cannot beat them anywhere- REMEMBER, our price rcdllJJ(o
are genuine we have never, and never will, mark a $15 suit at $30 in one
reduce it to $15 again and still make a large profit. An established rcputj
tion, built up by over 34 years honest business in Salem is your Guarantee
"Fair and Square" dealings when you buy here.
These are
$30.00 SA0D,v $20.00 $18.00 Snaq vv . $J2jg
$27.50 S18.3S $16,50 STow .'SILOO
$25.00 S16.RS $15.00 Sow . $10.00
ggjjOgS $15.00 $12.50. STow $135
$20-oo SRS $13,35 $io.oo SSAoDl . $ 6.65
jr 7