' " - SHE BALETVf CAPITAL JOTJRrJAT. SALEM OREGOV m Br- IP "TrrrriP, i , hmm m lr GJ A IV IV. - z ; mrryr seven n Vif T EJ3L " "( 1 ' - Daily Capital Journal's Classif ipd AHvprfkina pan RATESFOR ADVERTISEMENTS: One Cent ptr wovd for JLih I" & ' ' ' " d V C T C I S I II g K8gC une-naif Cent per word for each successive subsequent insertion. DRY CLEANING PRESSING. Foil- RUNT v :.,,, , ,Z77 ABSTRACTS. I'NIOX AHsTRACT 00. Alistiiicts lliat pniti'i't. Our hooks posti'il up to ' date t'iu-li ninniing. Call llnin J24!l j anil n nicssciifji'r will cull for your j Hhtrni't. ,K ('. McKiniinil, prcsiilVnt; I Max (ii'lilliiir, wcivtiiry, 2-1.1 iState ' (trwt. j AUCTIONEER. BKFOUK having nil of your spring rlc'iiniiif; done phone ami get our prices. Wo Riv,. prompt service ami guarantee our work. We dean and press everything City Dry ClenniuK Works, 11(15 (State Blreet. l'lione l7"- tf LODGE DIRECTORY. I'Olf. KHNT-Kuinished rooms, 4S2 Suuth HiKh W2 liuiiyckpepin ! ft street, l'hoae I JlavMi WANTI'iDJ'O li KN'T .North of Htnte strei't, 5-iooin hoose, 1 to 5 acres ground. Most lie uood place chue to eil.y luuilB and reasonable. Will he peroiatient il" satisfied. Address fl-K, care .Innriinl. ' iMnv2li THE MARKETS ITTl(l.M-,l-.l(-Salern'H reliable seller Farm sales solieiteil. Terms, 1 per tent; satisfaction guaranteed or no pay. Henry Jr. oorlnes, Michigan aviMiue, first Htreet east of the state fair grounds. LOST. CHIROPRACTIC-SPINOLOGIST. Ml. 0. I SCOTT 0 rail tin to of Cliiro prai tie s fountain .Mend. Davenport hn. If you have tried everything ami uiive (;or no relief, try Cliiropnie tif Hii!iiil ndjustnients and get well. Office -JiMS-7 fS C. H. National Rank Buililiuj;. l'hono Jtain 87. Hesidenee Main S'JS-lt. CHIROPRACTOR. CUXM'I.T 1H. HAY, experienced mul nwfMsful Chiropractor, for acute nnd flinmif Jiaorders. lias practiced five ynirs iu Uieuon. Free consiiltatiiiii H'ii. to 1-. 1 to II. ItOfi-ll.- Hull M BWj. I.ndv nttendnnt. l'hone ",r,"W; residence (W'J-lt. T1B.ESSMAKING. VAND ffiCOND HAND GOODS iin.ll-.,s (,n,.0 ., (,. (,,,, J,,,,,, MirniNire, r.-uycj. Iinrdware, tents ,t-. H'e cum- (lie most completi I Vl' '""leles iu town nt ' "'"'est prices. 0. -,. nenii I umiiiercuil st riu. ck, 271 Alain H2!l PHYSICIANS. .' SI'"TT. Osteopathic I'hv A Knidntite of the I.os An ( ullcf-c ,.f Osteopathv nnd T.os --- olli-jre of Ophthal- lreat:i acu'e - and chrnnic ()ffi,.,.s ,(; ,s(., Htink .""h Huiidinc Thoue -J SI), '.' IITlClMlilllt. K H. WIIITKand l. W. WAT- "--ttMpnthie physicians anil '"' ' liraduates of K" " . irrnduate and t , " '""e diseases at l.ns , ;iC th""- I'ensullution free. 1 .I'tcidant. Olfi.-e fl-..-,0ll V. S. J H"-k ImiMina. l'hone 8.1H. Hit ;;;;,"11 Swtu v Li .... ' W AVK.,iKllrl,.,,. Sons kin!-', ''"''''"Ue nnd refuse of all "n,, ler,i.. ,., ,, ,...., 1. 1 . it rilu . , i.i.-i,, ii , i-i,ii, ruci rui.iu .... i i 1,1,1,1. ,, i aius nun eess- j; i' "''ice phone Alnin MAUSOLEUM. W. Protection Lodge No. every Aiomlny evening at 8, A. O. C lleets in the Alcl'ornaek Hull, corner Court and Liberty streets. A. K. Aufraiice Al. W.; N. A. Ald'addon, recorder A. L. Brown, F. CKNTRAL l.ODCK No, AreCoruack building, ing of each week ut 7 ehell, C. ('.; .lames R. und H. IS. K. of 1'. Tuesday even ':'M. (ieo. Win W. Cox, K. of HAI.KAt I.ODliK No. 4, A. K. &- A. Af. stated eoiiiiniinicati ns first Fridav in each month ut 7:.'I0 p. ui. in the .Masnnifl Temple. ,T. C. Welch, W.M.; K. 'I. Culver, secretnry. l'ACll'IC l.UDHK No. nil. A. V. it A. AI. Stated eouimunicutions third Fri day in each mouth at 7'.1U p. m. in the Masonic. Temple, Olenn (!. Niles, V. M.j Krnest 11. ihoate, secretary. It. N. of A. "Oregon drupe Cump," rso. i.inii, meets every Thursday even ing in AlcCornncli building, Court and Liberty streets. Klevntor. Alls. Svl via Hchanpp. 1 7! I .Market, Oracie; Hazel 1'i-ice, Imperial Cuinitiire Co.. recorder. All'l.TNOMAII ItOVAI. Alll'll C1IAI' TIIH No. I, It. A. AI. Kegolur meet iu second Friday in each month nt S p. in. iu the .Masonic Temple. Al fred F. Marcus, Kx. High Priest; Hns sell AI. Hriinks, secretary. HODSON COI'NCII. Slated as;;en,l,lv No. 1, li. & S. first .Monday M. each mi, nlli, Masonic Temple, .fames Plant, Thrice Illustrious .Master; (lien C. Niles, recorder, t,( 1ST Hunch of keys at postoffice. Hewni-d, Koilgers Paper Co., 22(1 State street. Mav20 TOR SALE. DAIRY ranch near Kclio, Ore., ifi!5 per uere, clear of incumbrances; will ex change for Willamette valley acreage nml some cash. 15 acres 2 miles from Salem, high state of cultivation; very reasonable. $5(10 cash, balance (1 per cent. M.I neres 2 miles from Salem. Will take house if2,0(l(l first payment. New 0-rooni house; trade for tim ber. JACOB & CO., Hubbard Bldg. The grain market is weak in nil lines, with no changes in local quoatioiis. Strawberries nro now nerhaiw nt thn I height of the season, cralo offerings averaging close to l.'J.'i. Kxtrns are .bringing 1.50, while poorer grades are being offered at fl. .spring chickens aw now selline fur III cents a pound, with 10 cents the regulation prieo for hens. The livestock market is unchanged. A ear of oranges was received todnv. TWF.I.VF, FARM BARGAINS FROM OWNKI1 Tracts from 20 to .'120 acres. All tracts under 50 acres cash. All r.. i.. . j... i.u... u ui res nun to x iree- , p.,1.1,,,,.,, ,,r n. fourths cash, lialance II ,,n, . 11" K1'. incouihig bearing eity property. A.l -1 Tomaloes,' cure i u,nai iiournai Grains. Hay, timothy, per ton Clover, per tun Oats and vetch Cheat Wheat, per bushel Oats, per bushel ....... Rolled barley Corn Cracked corn Bran Shorts, per ton Vegetables, BARGAIN From owner, 5 big lots, house und barn, bearing fruit trees and berries; block to cur line. Ad dress 1720 North Summer st. Atnv20 Vlm-iili! t String Garlic Lettuce, erale Beets tiudishes , Potatoes, per KM) lb Potatoes, new. II New pens Bermuda onions .... FOR SAI.K close in, Oregon Kleetrie school and chor and small fruit cbiiliior i, n,,, ,1,-ver Will w.,li ,.i'i . .. 1 Slr.iwherric part. Would consider exchange for , '"'', small anii.uiit of city property. Smiare 1n"""""' "'' ;" Deul Realty Co.. :ibl V. S. "x. H.,,,1, 1 l','m"MS' l"'r '"'x building. tf $12 4N.50(iU ,. $ll(,i 12 . $IO(i ll ,...1.05 . .KifiM.Sc :..:n .... :i8 .... $10 .. $2S.50 .... m ..3(,'i;i l-2c, $1.50 $1.50 15c $2.51) .il.5l) 4 5c $2 He Sr. $2(o 2.511 -Fifteen acies well located, .... 1 If:.. n:..i... mi i mill,- uiiMMMIY. lieir.i- I . . ...,d m) : I lv """"' I.W ch. In iiruues, pears rail' miiUiiuih. in- ::.5ii(,:i,75 IHO MOI.AY I ( ).l M A MILK V, No. 5, K. T. liegnlur conclave fourth Friday in eacli nioiith at H o'clock p. in., in Masonic Temple. Sojourning Sir Knights are courteously invited to meet with us. Geo. II. Uuniett, I). (',; Frank A. Tinner, recorder. ( IIAIAVH'K CIIAITI-li No. ::7, (). I). S. Regular meeting every first nnd third Tuesday at S p. in. iu the .Ma sonic Temple. Dli.nhcth Rend. W. AI.; bin AI. Babeook, secretary. WOOD.MDN OF Till') WORLD Meet every Friday night at S o'clock iu AlcCornncli block, Oscar Donaldson, C. C; I.. S, (leer, clerk. 57 Cooil street, l'hone 5'.i.l. fNITKD AltTISANS Ci.i.itnl Assem bly No. SI, meets ojcr.v Wednesday nt S p. in. iu .Moos,' hall. Airs. F. W. Cook. M. A.; .1. T. I'enn, secretary. 4 Li .Masonic Temple BARGAINS - .fill brnss beds, IM; rtf, dining liible, ifll; ipiurlered oak china closet, ,f0; oak dresser, 10x10, with bevel plate mirror, 2lx.'!0, $12. 2.11! North I'oniiuercinl. tf U) IIAVK LAND in Ncbrnslia and Colorado to exchange for Williimette i vnllev property, .lacob & Co., Ilul.. bard' Bldg. AlnvIO rnieapplcs, per II Apples, box , Florida grape fruit . . Dates, dionti-ilnrv, case ! Dates, Persian, lb , Fiii'd dates I'oconiiiils, per dozen. , I l-'igs, per pio-k $L75(o 5.25 7'c $l.5il(o 1.75 jf i S . 8!, (.si. .fl.OII $1 .OOcOi.tl.50 Butter. Multeiful I'leaiucrv Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S ri A R T O R I A l-.ggs, cash. Mens, pi, mi, I Roiistel'S, old spring , -In, l,ci Creameiy bull butler, per pound..,. Ecks nnd Poultry. trad..' per pound. ,. !l 2)lc 10c , Hie ;i(ie ABBFY II. vt-.... - - ... i ,n . M Hiding nln .;. - , ' ",I.V I to IHlllllOri.r 1 MAI 'SO Dry nnd ays open to t p. m. ,T. W. one 7S2 .I. HPEnTAKER3, M',;.S "-OrGIL-C. H.Webb, "'',.,-. '"""' ami funeral kr. . ' ,n' ""oil. in.?.. ' ",jr' Mr.vt. ., A. ili- llletll.ids profession oniplovpil. . Main l''H Ml 'iIlliV i,..... 1 . ,, " HAKDSON i. 1 ' " fl'id i : k KIT, CO. l'n net -nt mi'l, 'linkers. 2.12 Vm-tli ' "" n ml night ihone - JATER COMPANY, y ATi:n OAIPANV-Oi'i'i, ,. '" rrI'i' mil Trade streets. ice npolv at office. "i""t'i v ., ,!, J"" 52AND COAL. , ,.' 'I LI I'r Y.i;ns.i , 'r o , . , ""' '.ace or, u; r-IU,nds of dry wood, four ' iu stove lengths to -nit. "-a!. ,.. "v"r-v 'e handle the best I"-!: it i, ." "1l;,r,;, t- Try our King IS'--' V.'rk- Siddall prop. AI.L.M lirMANK S()I'1LTV-I). Keeler, president; Airs. I. on Till seeretaiy. All cases of cruelty neglect of diinib animals should reported to the secretary for invc galioa. AIODDRN W I li 'DM LN OF .WII.KH 'A Oregon Cedar Camp No. 52(0. meets every Thursday evening ut s oclo.-k ill AicCornack hull, comer Court and Libcitv streets W. Hill. V. C Dlevat, Ilex A. r serv o Turner, i e W. dcik. WATCHMAKER. I'. S. MILLLR. the walchuiuier, spec tncles, and eve glasses at ea-tein j, rices. 4s I 'on rt street MISCELLANEOUS. WI-) BI'Y und sell iied furniture: also take it lis part pay for .new. Wir spreehen Deiilseli. I'eetz Fur niture Co.. 2,i:i Noilli Cominercial. Phone list. SalemFence and Stove Works R. B. Fleming, Prop. Depot American Fence l To Hop Growers: Morley'i Pat. Bnced Basket, Stands the strain. Buy now and save money. Dor.'t wait until you need them. Or order now and get them later. 250 Court Street Phone 121 Back of Chicago Store Pork, P,,rk, Yen I, , Spiing Steers Cows . nulls . Lues M I', Poik, Veal and Mutton. on fie ille.-sei Ininl. milk fed.. $".2,"r,i 7.50 10c(, 1(0 jf- Hie . . .'.n'.adi 7c . . 5 ! .,,('; Of . .. 5(,i5'.jC . .. :','j(n Ic Cu Ck our. Fl Fl,ir, Lgjs, Sulir. elllie Soenr, D. In,, I u lo vcly .. I' oil Retail Trice. , licit l .$l.05r..- 2.00 s.Vo 2 . 2o, 7.1" s'l.lio (Capital Journal .Special Service.) (initially, Or.. May ID. The death of Miss Lena Matthes Wednesday, .May 1 1-, was n great shock to her many friends. The funeral service was helil Saturday at the family home on the Pacific Highway, conducted by Rev. A. A. Winter, pastor of the Fvnngelical church in Salem, ami in'eiinent was i inado in the I. O. O. F. cemetery. A ipinrtet from the Brooks Kvangelicul church sang "Beautiful Isle of Some- I ".M-ii- ii,i,i ie ii .ever sny l.oo.l Bye Again. " There were ninnv' lieui.ti. fill floral tributes and a large number toiiowed the remains to its Inst resting plnce, Aliss Alatthes wus bom in Ap plcton, Wisconsin, Alay 11, isiitl, nml removed with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. .lohn , Mutllii-H, to the Wuldo Hills ill 1877. Her father died there II) veins ago and the family removed to their present home. Besides her mother, Mrs. Augusta Matthes, she leaves the fol lowing brothers and sisters, all of whom were present ut the funerul; George, .lohn, Lawrence, Frank, Ldwai-.l, Wil lard, Airs. .Marie Mumper and Airs, Ad die Harrison. A few crates of strawberries have been taken to market by local grower. I the first having been grown on the farm of Paul Girod, near the Buenn Crest school, Air. and Mrs. John Zielinski motored to Oregon City lust Son.lny where they spent the duy wlih reliitives. They were n iiiipunieil by Mrs. Mil.. Harnett and daughter, Theluia, who visited Airs. Bennett 's sister. Lewis Mattlies has sold his farm at Brooks lo Robert Hacked of Dakota, receiving $1,000. Mrs. Herman Amort I Minnie BnnicIO who was married recently has just sent her parent!, a box of oranges and lemons from Cnlil'ornin 's cclcluiit.'.l groves, A sou was born to Mrs. Albert Ban iek last week ut the home of her mother, .Mrs. .lohn .lorisberg. I'rnuk William has returned from the I'luiaiiia exposition nnd u trip through the south. His brother, Charles Wil liiiui, formerly connected with the Million, lias r.-i iirncii itiicr severul veins nliM'iice at .v,h!,:mi, nnd a resort hotel east of Lllgene. Mrs. Cios:in. of Saleni. was a week end guest of Mrs. .folia Paregoi.v. Mrs, l-'iatik Marshall wiites fiiends from Sniitn Rosa, Cnlil'ornin. that she and her daughter. Miss .lenaic, arrived in lime for t!ic Re.e carnival thnt oc cuired dining three ,:,.vs of hod week, with 1 ,11.10 il late.l niitoaiobiles iu the parade. She says, however, tlinl the California hops are awnv behind (he Oregon crop, many glowers not huving tied (he striopH to the wires vet. THE DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL Classified Business Telephone Directory A Quick, handy reference for busy people Telephone S)!3 ABSTRACTS OF TITLE. Salem Abstract Company, 212-222 Salem Hunk ami Trust Bldg AUTO TUBE VUL0ANIZINO. Auto Tubo Vulcanizing, 25c. Shop, foot of Union street 1517-J Salem Died l ie. Co., EVERYTHING ELECTRICAL. Masonic Temple, 127 North High LAUNDRIES. Suleai Steam Laundry, l.'IO South Liberty '. PLUMBING, BTEAM FITTINO AND TINNING T. AI, Barr, 1(U South Commereiul Htreet ..Main 1200 Main 3 Alain 102 Higiloii RichanlHoa Co., UNDERTAKERS. North High street... ..Day and night, Alain LS3 TRANSFER AND DRAYAGE. Salem Truck & Dray Co., corner Stale and Front streets Main 71 ; JOB PRINTING. Heaver Mate J'linlers, Pulton Block liilj MONEY TO LOAN Oa Good Seal EbUU Security TH08. K. FORD Over Ltdd ft Bush Fault, Balem, Orejoi 1 The Journal Want Ad gets the business. It finds the it places the in the right Always cheap and always Place- 14 is small but its dependable a Journal carrying power is tremen- position and rirrhr tvonnln Want Ad. .dous! TRAVELERS' GUIDE SOUTHERN PACIFIC. I- Cllrjldren Cry 0 NR FLETCHER'S 7 ASTORlA WANTED. KXI'FlilFM'L'D bookkeeper will I i l. ,,.! mall vuiir slatcnieilt for small monthly salary. 17.1. Call for Cooper. phone It FOR KENT. FOR RLX'I' Nicclv furni-iied li"iie , : ,.,'.,., hie. S5" Nortl M-.-,.MK l,,..,,,.- Commercial. tf FOR KKNT l.ighl housekiM'pii-g rooms In.piire .T't'J North Church s. tt FOR RDNT S room lioe modern, clvse in. -I0. l'hone l:,7-M or 0- L. M. HUM Care of YICK SO T0NG Chinese Medicine and Tea Company Has medicine which will cure any known disease. 153 South High Street, Salem, Ore. Phone 283. s I', , III. He Oil,. M l' Hals N Bail, v Hot:- i: est ....V" s.J.Vo s.o'i Butter - Portland Markots. . in,.. Alav 111. - 01 ..'.Jem; I.I.-,. f I, -I-'- Wlo at I Hill 4 I it CI '. fs.loC S.2.', ; I'uiu-y .-ow ,'; -piiiig ,(1110 s0.-, i l.'llnll-. IO'j :.i v.. eamerv, loelli ; broil.- J ic, extii.. J 1 Ui .'.", FIONEER OUr.OON RURAL .MAIL CARRIER IS DEAD Mai-hfo-l. inc., May I'.i.-A. K Tow, t, e.1,1. t n ml currier in ()i,-i, and (,,:,, elei ,.l tie- Kuial Mjnl ' a;ri,-r-;,. , ,1 -, -I Alonduy al his h lien, lo-.e. II, vias 0:1 veins ,.' l. II foriio-rlv .-an,,, I a lout.' out of .I'm, ! CASTOR I A Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTOR I A For Infants and Children In Use For Over 30 Years Always beau Hit Sigmture Dr. Stone's Poison Oak Remedy A mow whiti medicine, iof nil soothing to the skin, applied every hour It onro relicvus ind iooii curei POISOV OAK. Price 2Hc and AOc For salo by til druggists and DR. STONE'S Drug Store The only rash drujf itoro in Oregot tad chow cases are loaded with ilrugi medicines, notions, toilet articles, wiuoi and Ibpiom of all kinds for nindicina purposes. Dr. Htoue ii a regular g radii ale in medicine and has had man) years of ci"irien.-e In the practice (.oi.snltationi are free. Prescription re free and only regular price foi medicine. Dr. Htoue ran he found at his drug store, Sulem, Oregon, tmm (1:40 iu the morning until 8 it Bight Free delivery to all parte of the eitv n) within a radius of 100 mllri. No. No. No. No, No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. I'r No. North Bound. Id Oregon Lxpress ... 0:00 a.m. Willamette Limited 0:22 a.m. I2-Shiistti Limited ...ILoTi a.m. I S 20- II LI I'lirtluail Port land I'oitlniol -I'ortluiid Local nay Fr't , South Bound. California Lxprens )l:.'i2 a. in Koscbiiig I'asH.'iiger 1 :20 a. in CoOag,. (iiove Pus, -1:2(1 ,.lu Hliasla Limited . . , S: i:i p.m. Willamette Limited 0:10 o.m. Paioenger 2:011 p.m. Passenger fSilii) p.m. I Lxprt'Ms , H : IKI j,.m. fust Fr't. Hl.MS p.m. ! . 1(1:115 p.m. i I I: III pill (1:1)11 p.m. ... 1 1 : l.i p. iu Lv. ( 'urv nil !s I: HI pin Lv. Lug, 'lie 7:o' a. in. .... 1 1 : 11 a. iu I :.'ei p.m. '.: HI p.m. I'-Mlj a. in . Id Limited . .. 17 Local .... . 21 Owl .. Northbound. 20 HI Mm ii FiunciMi-o Lx..H);)IM ii.ni. 221 ' Man Frnneiifu FiiNt "ight 22") Local uny Fr't .12 'l'i ii. m. 10 a.m. 71 Balem Goer Line. - Arn ves at Miilcni , . Leaves Malem- , . . Ar. Nili-io (niix.-d ) l.l lives Milieu No coniic. tioii sooth of (ieer. (1: 1.1 a.m. II:. "in a.m. 2:0(1 p.m. 4:15 p.m. I'll - Hi,: - Hi.'. H7 -l"!i - 2.;n I U2 H',l Lv. Salem, Lv. Nilem, I. v. Salem, Lv. Saltioi, Lv. hit If in, motor, motor, motor. Way Fr 't lv. Sah in -Ar.'Hnlen Ar. Si, I, -m HiH - Ar. Salem P', Ar. Salem I7u -,r. Salem 210-Way Fr't ut. Hulcin 7:1)0 a.m. II; I', a. m. I:IU p.m. :i:25 p.m. (I: L'i p.m. Von n. m. 1: HI a.m. 11:2.1 a in. 1:1.1 pin. S:.'I0 p in. 7:1.1 pin, 1:-'I3 p.m. FRENCH FEMALE r, i r, -i , n lliat aialiul r I LL Of. IStm. Stot Mtws. Imim. IIIKH Mf Wl 71 lll. ,, ' ..lru.uw. ut M"r Mfa4a4. f..! Uf J t ft Uf. Will Mnl lUm m 'nal.to W b,1 t4 .- I, ;MI L.alrt MM kt itmm ". M JM w tk a . MV I ' OREOO.V ELECTRIC RAILWAY Northbound. Ti h i Ii No, ... 2 Owl CO. Lv Salem I:. l'i a.m. 7:1,1 a.m. 0: 1.1 a in. ll:2'l a.m. I :-1il p.m. 4 oo p in. V.I7 p.m. 7:.1.1 p.m. I. v. Portland 11:11 a. iu M:21 an., ... H): I') a in Ar. I . . il . . . HI Limited . ...... ....... . Hi Limited . 2') Houthbiund. Limited ... 7 2:10 p.m. II tlun, I .. il:.M a.m. .. II:.KI a.m. ..11:.-, a.m. . 1 :4,1 p.m. . I: In p.m. . .1:.10 p.m. . H UH p.m. ,.I0.()H p.m. Ar. Malein ,. H:'t.'t B ill. HI: 1 1 a.m. 1 2:. 1.1 pin. Hnlc iu .1 p.m. . Limited . I I 10 Limited . . 2 Owl Hoiithhoiiud. .. 11:40 p.m. .. n:HI p.m. .. I:',,1 II. III. Ar. Huleiii .. S:;i7 p. ill, Ar. Suleni .. II: 1.1 a.m. . I :,1(l p.m. . 4:110 p.m. ,. 7:.1,1 p.iu, ,. ii: ID a.m. Lv. Salem 2:'in a in... II : "I ll.ln... Hi: 1-1 a. iu.. Lv. Salem 1 :iu p.m. Lv. Salem 0: l'i p.m.. . 21 Owl I ,1 Limited L'I Ar, Albany ... .V:t.i p.m. Ar, Fiigeiie 7:0.1 p.m. Ar. L'ligcnu ... 7:.",o a. ui. .. ILill) u.oi. 12:21 li. iu. Ar.. Albany 2:0,1 p.m. Stops ut Corvallis Ar. Lug, no (Loll p.m. CORVALLIS CONNECTIONS', Northbound. ' Corvallis Ar. Salem :'-'" -'" 10 W: 1.1 a. in, ( I .oe.i I Allinoy to Salem.) ll:,i I'- p.m. p.m. HI I, iu. p.m. Lv. Salem 11:0-1 a. in. . 10:1,1 a.m... 4:11-1 p.m... I :OH p.m. . 0:11 p.m... It in 20 2" HouthlHiuiid. I li II 7 n l:.1(l p.m. 4:00 p. to. .1:117 p.m. 7 :.'i.1 p.m. Ar. Corvalliit I o : :i l a.m. 11:11 1 a.m. (1:02 p.m. 2:. 12 p.m. 8:00 p.m. WILLAMETTE RIVER ROUTE. Oregon City Transportation Company. Leave Portland for Oregon I ity, lll.ttevillc, Newbiog, Mixiou (St. Paul), Wheat bind, Salem (daily except Siindav) (I: I. a.m. Leav e Port bind for Indepen dence, Albany, Corvallis, ( Tuesday, Thursday and Sntiiiday) ...0:1.1 a.ni. Keturiiluf, Lea ves-. Cotvallis II a.m. M.in.,W'ed.,Frl. Albany 7 a.m.- .Mrn., WeiL.Fri, Indepeiiden.-s ... Mfi.in. Mon.,We,.,Fri. Salem 10 i. in. Alon.,Wei.,Fri, 4:)l.'l p.m.j balem 0 a.m. Tuei,Thur,Sat.