i: Circus Day WHEN YOU BRING THE CHILDREN TO THE CIRCUS BE SURE AND BRING THEM TO SEE The Little Boy and the Big Dandy Pony IN OUR COURT STREET WINDOW THE PONY'S HIDE IS MADE TO STAND HARD WEAR AND SO ARE OUR Pony Knit Stockings FOR CIIILDREN-TIIE BEST HOSE OF THEIR KIND IN AMERICA EXTRA SPECIAL CIRCUS DAY OUR REGULAR 25c Hose, 21c a Pair THIS SALE IS POSITIVELY FOR THURSDAY ONLY It 1 n r Secretary of State Gets Re fund of Bounty Paid Upon Strange Animal Secretary of Statu Olcott this morn SL'",'1, 11 wImmI of n.M from ty Merk I. j. Harrington, of tVkai..,,, county, to reiinburso the bin !',! I,i,lf "l tllc bounty paid . . r"1'"1"" "I'on the sculp of wlf t,"'inl ,s"l'l'ose.l to have been a " but hieh afterwards proved not tt I 7 '"i'l1 f''ounty'reecived a Wm. of the p pni.1 t0 ,ho destroyer bity. "ml wl'iit ut the AwiM,-;'Ur,r,in,;tun pxl,,nis '"t oil nil V 'i19 lVuar' Ul Al ('iltu-'r. . SfI th"f. ''n,,,l,-v- I'WM'tod the olf in m" a"""ul' s"l'Pose.l to bo n Ike Co "' ' f"",, v ,'l(,'l' Wtt8 I"1'1' inimal ,,- sent to WnMliington, uifflil ".'' " w" "'overed that the ). thereupon Mr. (liltner refund "taii r"1 l l0lk UnrrlnRton, . oy irensiirer Hay. OTIZEN HATCH JITNEYED" IN DAY LIGHT BY "FRIEND" ,,'" -vn ever iitupve.l"! ir v : wiu '''day, nnd he says that very peculiar aensntion, uuiiko that feeling Jen the rooD ferments j Ui5L!iSI7RATED MAGNESIA y , 'l"of '.',f ""' '"'"ll,u wl'o com- vwir- Hi,.. ,,nvo no ncttml '"'t nil their tronblo is . urn much uvul ll ':"'1('S9 'o dose yourself VWel ": f"1'- r-I"-in, etc., r'Moki,,. Miotilil lie neutrnliz- lHi-: ," 11 11 "Tor.nful of Hicr.it.wl "W,....,"1 a f"Ul-th lila.su of wnter . ---.Id in ,. , . cls. "'united r TJ... ' Mtiencsiii ribti,,..!,!., c.... .i 1 .n.,n,trnIiw nhnt four "s S"da, nnd it is "nine ii.-.i i..V- . . fc.. ' l'li,l ... "'.-Hung to i no tender or the stonirrrli and 'i? ' ni- '"'f '" "l0 wnrst eases in Mm. Biir , " "'mutes. i?1" .',.,",'," '.'"''" Sunmntee relief riin '' l,;,,"'i.'li neiditv or vi.ur Produce' ., ltoiicth', at Stockton's r whin rumcMAtma i TRY SALEM FIRST SALEM COMMIVCML CLUH Maurice Somborn in Berlin Bitterly Attacks State Department By Carl W. Ackennan. Birlin, via The Hague and London, May 1!). Tho Berlin police today ur rested Maurice Somborn, a naturalized American, who was ejected from the American embassy at tho order of Am bassador Gerard because of insults of fered President Wilson and Secretary Bryan. Somborn declnred ho had lost his passport when taken into custody. The police agreed to release him that he might search for the paper. Following previous attacks upon the president and the secretary of stnte. Somborn delivered a bitter speech in a lending eafo in which hu assailed I'rese ident Wilson and his premier in both Knglish and Herman. Ambassador (ier ard, 1 learned, has determined to con fiscate Somborn 's passport, and have him expelled from (lerinany. He re garils him as a firebrand in the pres ent, crisis. The Italian situation is delaying fler niany's reply to President Wilson's note, hi well-informed circles the opinion prevails that, the answer will not be delivered bcfi.ro next week. I which comes over a fellow lifter he .has been made the victim of a stale I joke. "I started out from homo yes terday afternoon nn.i though 1 would I walk 'down tuwn," said Mr. Ilntch, in relating his experiences. "I had not Igouii far until overtaken by a man in an automobile. Mump in and ride,' I ho hailed me. Thinking, of course, it iwni somebody who knew me and who t could not 'place, I said, 'sure.' mi l jumped ill beside him. All the way downtown I kept talking and wonder inu wlm he was. and I never received a Ihint. nf what had happened to me mi til, when he dm pel ine off at the state house, ho held out his hand and aid. 'Nickel, ploa-e. ' Jitneyed, h 'gosh, I I murmured, as he pcd off down the street and left nw on the curb-don.' scratching my bad.'' NOTICE. c . ..i.l l.l.t- will brt re. eive.1 bv til- iCnuntv Court nf Man"" I'ounty for f.iniishiiig the materiaN for the inmt ing of the Marion County Court H""V'. according to spcifl. -ations now on li'e in the office of the C.iinty lerk. All bids must be filed in this of lice m or before Saturday, May 2J. "'Ir.V noon. MAX CKHI-HAR. .THE 8 AX EM OAWTAI. PROTEST OF UNIONS Awards Contract for McKinley School to Shook & Traver Lowest Bidders, with Understanding Salem Labor and Materials Be Civen Preference - Contractors Declared Unfair to Organized Lab sr. In m.i e r,f the irotist of the Build "ir Trades Council nnl tho Bricklay ers union, suj.poite.l by the petition ol about 100 business men nn.l citizens of the city, the Salem school board .list evening awarded the contract for the building of the new M. KinL.v i.. school to the firm of Sacok & Traver. contractors, an. I the lowest bidders on ine .lob, for lMi,1l'S, ,,0ti the spoci tientions i.rovi.litij; for u hollow brick wnll ami raise.! sunn tin ronl'. i Ins does not include the heating j )iu nt, .Iui,k for which are praetically complete mid I. ids tor which will be in Mien at the nest regular mooting of no school hoard, next Mondnv night. I he henting plant will cost, 'between Wliltl and ;:,(iii. The total fund pro vided by the tan lew for the now seiinoi Dun. Iini' ii..k, nintes tfl'tl.SlHI, i.ot inclining th,. heating plant, ( hair man .Miles and Secretary Hiirolmclt of the board, were instructed to enter into u written cuntin.t. with Snn,,l Traver for the construction of the building and authority was also civen to employ l'jnl counsel in the ilral'tins' ot the. contract. j Tho oily point that the school board would yield, in recognition of tho pe tition uii.l protest aitniust the 11 Will', of the contract to Sni.dt k Traver. was the adoption of Director Whites mo- lion providing for nn insertion of a! clause in the contract, requiring ihati the eontriictors "give preference to Sa- i lem lubci- and Salem inateriul wherever : possiiue, everythiiii: else being eiiual, " i "'niuined on the "iintiur list" of the which will iloiil.tlss meet tho desires ! I'eklayers' iiniii hut the board rea and intentions of the business men and i "Iut t,lis ,v"s a "'"tier oitside of salein ( ommer. ial club, but that it duesl""'"' ,)urisdiction and control altogether not entirely satisfy the dciiunids of or-! ,luit tn".v W0IC' hoth moraHv and gnnized labor, which demanded tho re-i'l'K"".v hound, unless it be shown to the jection of the Snook 4: Traver bid j mtisfaclidii of the linurd that the low oil the ground this firm had been do-' ''Ht ,)illlll'r W"S not competent or ipiali clured "iiutair" t-i tho Hi icklavers' 'j1''1 " l'"t'r illln " ''out rii.-t, to award iiniiin and that a clause be inserted ,, , 'he contract to the lowest bidder, the. conduct providing (hat "Salem t ' l'"" ",0 reconimeiidatioii of the labor exclusive v" be eninlove.l nn the huil.ling eoinmittee, tn which the ihree building, goes 'without saving. j A coiiuniltee rei.resentui ivn ..f tl... I Building Trades Council of the eitv.is"""lt & '1'ruver was nccepied bv viva .omnosed ot II l .l..vu.i ,c fi, carpi liters union: K T Un rmn-.l if ' me plasterers, and 1,. H, Hill, f the;u' painiers- union, was present at the ' meeting, nnd ct forth the contentions of organized labor in siii.i.ort t the protest, and Messrs. Snook k Traver,;1'""'''' '"r u" a-VM 111111 ",v vl'. After voluntarily supported by II. A. Oleman I'urley and nrgiime'iit of the par ol' Summit, a brickmnsi'm, who f.innerly i li!nientary phase of the mutter, a yen wnrueii tor Mr. SnooU. defended the "open i-hop" policy of the contiactors,;"'" ''""'n't was uniiiiinioiisly awarded nn.i tiimlly won the day for the latter. " "'""'a 4; Iruver. According to the repi-csentiitii.us oil, W1'il the delegation from the Huild the delegates frniu the lliiibliiig Trades ' "ides Coun, , voiced no formal Council, h. firm of Snook ic Traver l"'est to the decision , ,, ir, had been d"chirc.l "unfair" and placed ! '"H'ler, it was evident that, they on the black list of the bricklayers '! wt'r" displeased with the action inke'n union ami, this being the ense, it would '"'"' ln" "'.ieetimi of the written pro be impossible for them to employ union! ','"t' ''"'her compli, ations upon the bricklayers in Salem and would have '"'",r uestion in eonnection with the In import whut workmen were employed 1 " ''v "''hnnl biiihling wnild not be sur on the buil.iing. It whs also represent-!1'1'""" cd that, iii.'isniuch as the conlr.'i..ii.r 1 1 1 were on the luilair list of one trades union, the six other tradesniens ' unions affiliated with the bricklayers are1 oiithbouii.l to recognize the grievance : of the bricklayers in consequence ofj which the i i plasterers, lathers, painters, masons, plumbers and sheet-i metal workeis could not i opt em-' ploymeiit of the "boycotted" con-! tractors, ni.,1 it um.!.l I... .... f.... I Sunn I A- Tmiv. . . . i '.. .! . ' " i" "i. I'".. I IIOII-UUKCI ''raftsmen from nntside of Salem. ' In defease of their positions in Hi"' mutter both Mr. Snook and Mr. Traver i contended that the whole trouble ex-j isted between themselves ami the brick-' 'layers iiiikci; that they conducted air "noon shop'' and employed both union 'and iioiiuuiou lul.or, preferably union when they could be obtained, and re fused to be di.'tatc.l to by organized I labor when their interests 'and the in-: leret of the cmtinct'i s nnd the own Ier of the building under const ruction conflicted. They pledged themselves solemnly to give preference to Salem. I labor and Salem materials wherever! I possible in the coiKt-llction of die liuilding, and if the union craftsmen of Salem refused to wi.li for them and. the other trade. men Mood out in sym pathy they would be compelled to' se-' .cure labor wherever possible in order to fulfill their obligations under their; . contract with the school bund nnd their bondsmen. In their petition nnd protest to the school board, the trades anion giiiirnn-' I teed the board that they would liipii-! date any difference in tiie cost of the l building, between the lowest bid of Snook i Tiliver and Hie next lowesl bidder, winch, in this can1, was that ot r red A. I.n.xon, w hose bid upon the slime specifications was .Jii.K'mi. Tins fca'.ure ol the petition nnd protest Mr. Oleman, who chimed to hne be. a n torn .er union man under compulsion tut who hud worked for Mr, Siimk and en dorsed him nnd his ticitineiit of labor regardless of their affiliation", do i. oni.ee. I lis a veiled atten.pt to bribe the b.e.r.l nf dirctnis to reject the y rr Smoker ot Turkish Trophies Cigarette fifteen years ago are smokers of Turkish Trophies tigarcttc today 1 mjfypun f jwrV tin Wi ;P3 .'.''A ii ' 'V.ft s Hol.s. 1 1 was ll .7 ':'imnl.-' tl-c w s-sHi? itt i",M n"r" "'r r .i-v" i .i ' . :i "'mini i r hvn " I ,.i,; .... ii ! ! t --. ! F ' ! r. I r It i i eheiier no i i i , . . . -r.--'. l , il.,' riil,l'.. ii'iiLili HAT.pm OREGON, LABOR IS REJECTED Snook & Traver bid on the part (if the unions. This chargo was challenged by Mr Alexander, of the carpenters' union' who explained that it was not the unions but tho business men of tho city who sinned the petition who hint agreed to make up tho difference, whereupon Mr. Oleman apologized tic- his state ment. An examination of the protest nnd petition later, however, disclosed that it was the union h,,.r,o ,..i... i... offered to liquidate the i!if....oi. iL. twoen the bids and Mr. Oleman rcitonit. e.l his original charge of n "n.nml ,.t. 'tempt to bribe the directum1' on the pint of tho unions. Chairinnn Miles and liirectors i.arnes, iiuren ami White did not see now, in the face of the la.t that Messrs. Snook & Traver had given their solemn promise 10 rivo preference to could loyally go beyuid' .-mom lannr nn.i materia s. tin. l,.,r,i thnt wiil.,..,t uisfrinniiuting between certain classes oi itihor wlncii, Pireotor Whit.- inaiu tained, would operate to nullify the contract between the hoard and the contractors, and also make it, impossi ble to hold their bondsmen fir failure on the contractors' part 0 fulfill their i.i.i;. ... i... i -1 ""anMim t.iM. i.uiirii. i lie union ueiegiition tried in every wnv possible t.: inn ko the board understand that the award of tho cmtrart to Snook A Trover virtually shut organized labor in Salem off from obtaining work on me illuming, so ions us the contractors lowest bids were reterrcd for investi- Kanon ami consideration, the hi, I ,,l vii o vote, but Director llmnes ....i.,r..,i 8 tlMltl pro tOst Illl'llUSt I'll i I liniil i rur llm' """ laroiigu in mis manner, claiming! ' very inemper ot the honrd should l"1"' on record in ll vent of fu- i'11"' disputes or eiut.plicatious. and he """ v'-e ' Iinall.v tiilien. nnd ANSWERING WILSON'S NOTE DUE TO ITALY (Coi'tiinicd from Togo One.) dines war. This was indicated todnv by expressions of the Hermnii press us well us by unofficial stateiiients in gov eminent circles. The Morgcn Post declared editorially: "Austria und Cermiiny are determin ed to show Italy official good will up to Hie last sciiiod. They will not do dure war and will not tolerate offen sive public iillcini Hut if Italy ex pect lo fight Austria nlniio she is mis 'alien. (Iciinnny will support Austria.'' Despite Hie statement of Chancellor Von llethiiiiinn-lliillweg in the reichstag yesterday (hat the government still had nopes, iierinaiiy loimy expects Italy to declare war within a few hours. 'The newspapers g.ncially took the view that when i.ai linuiciit convenes Ion, or row it will empower the cabinet to act fully und that a decision will be nn J , nounce.i inline, nnieiy. Kuuiors circu lated last night thai Austria may mnkc . further coures.ii.iis were not ere. lile.l in llerlin. Lord North. liffe saw curly that the censorship hi. old end disastrously, lie I . campaigned IV publicity at u lime! 'win n even to suggest that Kit. lienor was mistaken wss nlmost treason. Lord! Noi I h.bfi'.' pieii.'hed Hint in a popular' war i ne people si.oohi mum what ti.eir:,jr sons and brothers nnd Iiii-I,:ii,.N me do I nig. Oihei newspapers followed audi at last the .'cii"..rshii was ii.oditi.'d. ! 1 Newspapers lor the fiisf time ii ' too war were nll.nved to tell l.ngli-h truths win. h w-ic not ad .nntngcoos to Kit, hen. -r 's rcpi.iatinn. It was reveal c that lie possessed his quota of hn ii.iiii fiuilii.s. It was se-n abo'.e ev ei viliing else that he was n 'ol lii r in capable of .1.1. gating aiithonly. Not eontenf with .I'Miting his uieloul.tcl iil.iliti. s as an organi.er to raising nn,l MTiiiiiing riiilloi s ..r rei'iuits, Kit-hei.cr jiefiisid to nil'. others to . I i r t the pro. In. 'In. u ol s'lfplies. At Inst npoi. lit pieliK flOIII tiellerill I P ie ll lor iauiiii.il .iii.poiii :d""'n ui.iiiin.o., a special cou.tiiittee wil led 1,1 l.'lleve Kit. lo n. r of the on ,.f the llialilf.'O't.Ire ul' ui.iri. li'.wn thnt sue e the be ' r hit. lo ner I, .-I i,i,i I, Ihe shoring.'. News-1 a to tell the . in. nt. v l.o.v I Ol.tid.'le e ill the gov . I. The gov err.-ri,. nt as Hacked as the Ibil.-h resp. li-li,li'y s , liaio the re w a g-owi Of s., ::i:i.t the bo k . from the i,j fa,; urn of th eM'.irlH t. II. w - ,. . I. es. 'Ihe f- r I ' M W'i'M 'I'l ill lli' ft'lir ir i'T .'lfi'1 riil.ci' Viy, th. n. '. It t!.:ni rtnv on' ( t" t r KltriH'IMT V. '1 -ll .rn i I" ul' n., n. trial It ll elle..tive. ; i J At the Tin i i r. sci.tn.ent. : j Oacular rcs'il riling io the ! - 'or,-,, in- li.i. lv. II 1 .-i-sii led C.,,, l,,ll. I) ) Thus, while H I j surfa, .' to fro .! r 1 reul cm.se .s , inyvc i, fut ii' rt,-j"iiiiiiiitn Will FAPJIf PI.IQ Dl AM h--,,BWi LI mil II Mill .1 I I HI FULL ENDORSEMENT! Members Advised to Join the , Reorganized Commer cial Club At a largely attended meeting of tho' tfiisiuess Men's league last night the. plan of reorganiwitoin of the Salem j Umimcrcial dob was unanimously up. I proved, and it was recommended' tli'itl the members of the lemma l..,.n,., ,.,... . bcrs of the reorganized I'omiuereial elm,. i-tuiis iur ine reorganization wore presented as prepared for the member ship campaign, and basis of operation of the Commercial club, following which there was a leneiliv .li. ,. i,i ... Itreat interest was shown. The enthu-l smni perceptibly increased as the de tails cf the methods for the new organ Nation were brought out and their an plication to the needs of Salem appear ed. The secretary was instructed to call a special meeting ,,f the members of the league for Tuesday evening, May 2.V for the purpose of 'determining whether the league shall unite us n hodv with the reorganized Commercial club. The board of governors and the citi zens' committee on reorganization of the Commercial dub will hold n joint meeting this evening at the club rooms for the purpose of completing the plans of leorganization mid formally approv ing thcin as the basis upon which the new organization will be constructed, and the method of its operation. Rockefeller Sits Guietlv and Hears Himself Scored . I Washington. May 19. John D. Rock- leiicr, ,ir., sill ninety at. the lienrn.ir hero today before the relations Miniiiiiu;.,,, ,..i I.....-.1 i..... it .i.'iin WHiiisiri.il , ,. , " V ' """ " " " I.ugeno S. iiaddis denounce the social I and woilinig conditions nreviiilinn i ! tl.,. It',,. .1, .!'.. i .:....'... I I nruaghoiit. the stiike b'ev. Mr, (lad dis was la elmrge of the sociological work of the Colorado l-'uel & Iron com pany, Die Rockefeller subsidiary in tho Coloiadii coal fields. "If an investigation committee can I be kept out of Cobiiado for nnother i I1"" us Mini, inn shackles! I ,.,,i :.. i ... . . . . ! "... ..u.i.ii uc securely rivoioii, anil u 111 '4 0 the heli,-h Ineu of llllothler stiilie to break them." SHRIMP SALAD MENACES LIFE OF DALLAS WOMEN Dallas, (Ire., May III. -As a result ofj lilting shrimp salad nl a social event ll. I It i- l T.tizc, , wife of mi nt. lorney of this city, ini. Miss Naida - .lan.hier ol a l..,-ul inercliant.! were cntieally ill for two days wilh le. .,,.;., e poisoning. AH due 'Suinlav their lives weie despaired 0,' but the! are now reported out of danger. CALL FOR BIDS Notice is hereby given thai Ihe Com nu.n Council of the l ily of Silcm, Ore gon, invites sealed bids for . making of nn iuipiovemeut of Helleviie si reel from the east line of Cominen ial slreel to the west line of Liberty sheet, in the cily ol Salem, Oregon, uilli It i in-li 1 I ortlniid cement cou. icle pa v cnieul, (I null bituminous concrete piivcn (as-. phallic, concrete), und bilulilhic pave j mint, in a. corduii.e with Die plans, spi . Hi. nlions nnd e-liieales on file in the office of (he I ilv 1,'ecoi.ler of said i city, which are lieicl.y referred to audi inn. I ' n pait of ll.i.s le.ll.'i'. ! Sllid bids will be opened on or about the ;th ihiy of June, I'.M.'i, at or nlunit :'M o'cloi k, p.m. in open in, il meet ii,g la the Cilv Null in Salem, Oregon,. K:i, h l.id MiluniM.-d ui.ist be ncouipa nil d I'V " certified 'hock e.pial in! 1 1 . 1 1 1 1 to I'l p-r cent of the ;n. li, .nil of I tho bid. The cilv reserves the light, i if il o .1. sin s ;n, I "hull determine. here.'i f Ier. to i.lll-tlllit tile ill! pi o V euiell t of said strcil be nn. I wilh the mai-hiii cry and eipiipuient belonging lo the 'ity of Sill. in. lis provide, for bv Sec tion Ld of the i ily I hailer. This no lice is published J'"f five (".) successive days in a daily new spuper in the cily of Salem, the dale of ll.e fit -1. publicn tion I'C.l.g Ihe IHlli day of May, IIMo, in.. the ilnte of the b.-l publication Hie L'.'tll ii:iv of Mac, IIH'i. I'll AS. F. I.l.i, I , City Recorder. NOTICE TO TIIE PUBLIC Purs, ant to an oid. r of Ihe Common Couie il, you are hereby w ni no, not to deposit iiil li.-h, (""h or let. iso of any kind wl nlsoi '.er up, oi any of the slreels f the cilv of Mlleto, Oregon, CHAS, F. KMIIN, Cilv Recorder. i' ( uitiu't !, Ii'i vrvi U- l.iU,!. will cp; it ili f'it r 1 iih nt to li I (iiiitiiiiii ii .tin. i. iin-l it h i nt s ni i Iff 11 IK'kV tlllltlHlcl r. tin' HMiiIk SNAP To r.al pre'.' I. r. s (!.. .. nl.. up an isinie, will mdl at n a. ri'i e the best and highly inl I -to" io re fin in in the v nllcj ; Joo in ei'.p. I 'I of whidi goes with :i;."i a' r. s river , ,.lli, oi land, bill ;p land. lo.ooo worth of improve w,ii,l,. to cot op inl,, wo at" 1 1. 1 oe or four ranch"', l'n nly t.'.i I it s !'. Tern . Mr. lii ,stor m t.oii,. si el, , r, ; t '! 'Ii'iw von tins fine fain, at our own op"ii. We Wrlto Insuunco. I. '.it of v. '.rs would be appreciate I. MONEY TO LOAN h Ii'i'l.C") iii'''T f'ur imii iciti'loiitM vuiir lifirt'-'itn. mi'f lift. I ''f f 'in n fur n'lit. " - ju.'l I'.u "ii n-y terms. WHY I' AY RXNT? ! ii.. L EEC11TEL & CO. 317 Btate St. Thone Vi "HYPOCRITES" The picture everybody has been asking about. COMING TO Ye LIBERTY Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, May 23-4-5 Tonight and Tomorrov-"ARE YOU A MASON?" Friday and Saturday "THE UNAFRAID" Another fine picture, ' E.O. Four Lowest Bids Taken Un der Advisement to Award the Contract Later Hids for the construction of the new wing of the. Kaslern Oregon binnch in sane asylum were opened l.y the stale board of control at 2 o'clock this after noon and the four lowest, were taken under advisement, by the board, the cor- tilled checks accunipaiij'iiig the balance having been returned to the bidders u hn were ,-.,., t The four lowest bi I- .. it. ui.rie it.ii.ri. i'.mi . i... . ., - ' ... r . . ' - loriianii, iii,iniii; (iisoii k .lohnsoii ( o. of Missoula, Mont.. 77,lisil; l'arker & u.,r:..i.i 1.....1 -.-...,..... . . ,. .' ' ""' '"' "'"'". T'" i-, an.i .1. M I illu. an l ompnnv I'orllnnd, iHill.iiMl, There were IS bids siiliunllcd for the contract, ranging in price, with the ex ception of the above named, from $,S1,. fill, that of Welch Bros. & llaiiiiemau, of Oakland, Cal., to f!M,HLM, Hint of the lluetter Construction Company of Spo kane. Tho time, specified in the bids for the completion of Hie work in the different bids ranged from ,"i to In in. ml lis. and those of Hie lowesl bidders upon whi.-h finnl action will be taken later by the board of control, were from (I to S mouths. The legislature appro priated $11111,0110 for the cousi rucliim of I he new wing, Commercial Street Shop Taken Over by Mr. Woolcry If. Woolcry, for several years a mem ber of the Salem police force, nnd well known in this cilv. lots i... .-.-I... Me.l II... meat market at l"l Sonll, ( mn in i1 re i ul sired, formerly conducted by F. li, Dix on, nnd will conduct the business In the future, where he will be pleased lo re tain the old trade nnd meet his inau friends mill ii.'.iiiulatances. e has been in possession of the estiibliidiiiienl since Monday nf this week, and, since he has retained I haiales Siivniu in the shop as lien. I u eiit cutler, and lo wait upon the patrons, if goes without saving llu.l the service will be all lli.it could be desiied by a dlscriuiinatiiig public. MOUNT LAHSHN I1RIJPTS Red. ling, ('ul., M ii v I". The ninety fourth eni.tion of Mount l.iisscu oe eoricd emly today when for two or Ihree hours three distinct columns of siiinke rose from the crater. The ciop tion was not over when vapor clouds Bt'ttlcil over tho crnter, obscuiing the ! ievv. THE OREGON Iinn't miss LEW F1KLDS, Aimrii'ii'H Fontnost CVniiidiaii in his gri'iili-ht niuc huci'i'hm "Old Dutch" A $2.00 Ki'nmhviiy nuiii'dy for 10c Pon't niiirry until you "TI1H KSCAl'IO" Nlai-ting Sunday Admission 20c Big Moose Carnival Four days of fun beginning today and ending Saturday A free masquerade street carnival Saturday night Everybody come and enjoy yourselves. Amusements Furnished by Browning Amusement Co. cxryr. NEW TODAY ft OAK wood, $3 per cord. Thine 22)0, HARRY Winduw cleaner. Thone 1830 J. tf HXCF.LLKNT-Frod'B -Night Lunch. May.'J FOR ISA I. K .Berkshire sow with eight pigs. Kt. , box Hi. Mnyli) FIVfc'-KOOM in, uleiii house for rent. Inquire fiOl Siilem Hunk of t'oiuinereo building. it l''OH SAI.K-I'ivo passenger, Ford, Hnrgain, fJHO cash. W. S., cam lournnl. Mnyt) TIHiKOI tillllHKI) llnff Leghorns I'm sale. ;i doz., at !i0o each. I'hone till-l'-l. Mavlll W ANTI-ID-c heap, street. -A cheap Hani, rear horse, must bo of 'Jliil Marion MavL'O WANTl'M) TO HUV-lleol fresh griid.i no senilis. Address ,1. li. 00. care .loiiiual. May 111 WAN'TUD- A responsible niiddle-ageil woman lor lioiiscliepcr. (leiimni pro- f Tl .'ll. Address k M, Itt, n, Frank Sii.iih. May24 COMPLIiTIJ slock of tested garden, field nnd lawn iced. Wcstacott A ThielBen Co., 151 Nuith High it. tf W1J will allow you tbu highekt price foi your used furniture In oxi'haii(jo foi new. Cnlof Bros., homo furulshari. Phone SU3, W A N I' D 'I'D 'J'i;.iK ri.iiii) emit. in new H room liuuse for cln-e in Innil. Wliul. Iiuvo you. Address H, earn Journal. (P FOR SALK - luilian moloreycle, fully e.pii pel. A biirgiiin il' taken ut once. I'houe fJHIH. J, or cull at th.i I'U. lMuyo(l Ml Acb'KK of timber hind K I j miles fioin lliigeue on rock road, snriuu on j land. Will trade lor sniailer acreage. A.ld'esH T, care Joiiiniil. Miiylll MI'I'NIIV SKItVICK Special Dips ma.lo to the ciinliy, $ per hour, fi j passenger Maxwell and 7 passenger i Michigan ears used. Witcl A linker, I al Hair's Jewelry Stoic, phone o.1, I May 'JO WK WANT a good live agent In every county in the stale lo sell our first guide fiuit and oriiumcntal trees. An excellent out I it furnished. Ad dress junker Nurseries, Salem, Ore. Jillie-0 I'ATII lib'-- Would oii want your soiih III 11 go'il legiliiiiule business 111 yiiur own hono low ii One that 'will stand invosligrilion I apltal reipiii ed mil. lingo. If you nm inlcrcsled and have conlido'icc in your sou and in his future, I would like to talk business wilh ,M"'- Ask for Mr. (ireen, Hold Minion, " Ul! funded. ' ' I County ( icra.