- 8AtEM CAPITAL JOTOKAL, 8 AX EM, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, MAT 19. 1915. THREE For extra good cooking always use Cottolene When you use Cottolene you get the best results, because there is no other cooking fat that equals it. for biscuits, pie-crust, cakes and doughnuts and for frying, Cottolene is supreme, because it is the purest cooking fat and possesses important food values. It is an exact combination of specially refined cottonseed oil, of a grade so high it is not listed on the market, with pure beef-stearine from selected leaf beef suet It is this precise combination which gives Cottolene its unexcelled cooking qualities. There are imitations, but there is no substitute for Cottolene. For over a quarter of a century it has rightfully held a position peculiarly and distinctively its own. For. economy, as well as for good cooking, use Cottolene. You will require a third less of it than of any other shortening or cooking fat We guarantee Cottolene for its purity, for its wholesome qualities, for its food value, and for its superiority as shortening. Anyone who can cook or bake at all better with Cottolene. Cottolene contains no salt or water it cooking fat Pails of various sizes, to serve your convenience. Arrange with your grocer for a regular supply. Write our General Offices, Chicago, for a free copy of our real cook book "HOME HELPS." "Cottolene makes good cooking Henry Clews Says President's Firm Policy Reassures Market ii, ... ''' York, May 15, 1015. , '""! i -u on rriony. me I fctfu-lf no . 1 1 , ,i i our . 'nPd Htrong through-, snLl, , ''IT !!" f he w;e.ck' t t,v , ' i '' '. ' h"l',,llnt " would not be involved to the ex- i. tent of actual hostilities with Oermnnv. President Wilson's culm but firm policy ? had nn assuring effect, nnd the eonn- J t" u stirreu. reiuseu to brrnme excited Nevertheless, there is i trv t " met that the coun-1 ' , . . li , huK fue crisis, anu no one i ij i". on uie outcome of the present e.on-1 I Clirt'I II I UritllumAnt f ia! it is 1 FREE ADVICE TO SICK WOMEN ThousandaHaveBeenHelped By Common Seme Suggestions. Women .ufferingf from any form of "nule ill. are invj.j , I promptly with the woman'i private correspondence de partment of the Ly cliaE.Pinkh.am Med icine Co., Lynn, Mass. Your letter will be opened, read and answered by a woman and held in 'rict confidence. U:i L . """ -' S r l , P"vKe innesa to a woman ; wui haj been pstnblinb 'orrepon.once which has extended over l"'nwi and which has never been n. Never have they published a ome,niM or used a letter without the k,, ln nsentof the writer, and never r U'e Company allowed tbn.a ennfi. 1 to K"t out of their pott- J " "e hundreds of thouaanda " weir tiles will attest t s uat of the vast volume of exnerlenen ! I tlrJre-Y ,hsv to draw from, it is more ''it it uk i r d ln your Cttae Noth- f land, s '"" B,,vice ha M toou. . i ihu . Bny woman, rich or poor. ! ttttan. to tok dvanta(Jof this ' kiiT ?5'!r ' assisUnce. Addrens ! 1 iU.:.o" L"1Knm Medicine Co.. (con- , i '-ynn, Mass. , lM.rysWor,,,n onK''t to hnve KO-tmKO - Book, it I, not . nni a twistlr fns 1 ' nr-..; dis,r'lUtlon. MS It is too : h es-i,Tft . i. Ij s U Z?he l)y null. Write tot 1 1" """""k " f"r 1 'rt,'"r'' K)"'aX ,rrT' l "today, "r,lOW;0ur industrial situation is slowly , A tl EhUSZIFAI R to bo honed, will be reached and it is devout v wished (hat t a Th. i I . ' effect of war upon tho Tinted States Pre-,wi11 bt" thun upon liny other nation. We can lit present probably , do but littb iiuiiii in vn-rnmiiy nun sue run itiiunii) no nun less io us. Mime i further derangement of intcrnntioniil j trade and finance may follow, but noth- j iliir like the blow which fell so uncx ncMcilk- lust .1 States is exceedingly well prepared to ! meet any such shocks, anil no serious disturbance need be anticipated; be- uiLia nt li t u sides, nt this writing it is premature to induluge such fours, nnd better to hope for a peaceful outcome. 1,'nuvoidiibly the war continues to outweigh all other considerations in fi nancial circles. When the finances of all the great powers in the world are under the greatest strain in history; when millions of men lire endured ill destruction instead of production, and i ''' ' consequence instend of import that bv the most destructive methods ing- The effect of the war is most which "devilish ingenuity can invent ; I conspicuous in the steel industry. li,.n tl,,. (nolo of ..v..rol of (he irrent-! F.nonnous orders have been placed in est conimereiul nations is dcnionilizcd ; i ul.,.n int..rio.tii,nnl i lulu, tries nre be. I ing destroved wholesale; onlv misguid-1 ed optimism can talk about 'real pros-1 neritv. The Cited States ha, one h.1- L.,. ,i,.,,i... .,- i.Mh.iino from i I t. .. ..... r ... ...I...;..... . .t I. ' r.UrOOCllll IHIIIIin. 'til I . 111! Iirnr, ,!. Kurope are becoming closer uud closer everv venr as commerce und intercourse grow, but thus far our policy of avoid ing entangling ullinnecs has proved wise and safe. That policy sliould not be dcpaited from, except for strenuous reasons; and whatever our sympathies all efforts to actively support one in terest or the other should lie in-tiint Iv suppressed. President Wilson has acted in a nianner that deserves the approve! and support of the Amorcan people. Uafctv of the Americans with a firm He has upheld the honor, (iigimy nan bund, avoiding offense and insisting upon justice. The country is fortunate in having ut its head u man of such firmness, tcnipernteticss, sound judg ment nnd high purpose. Tins is one source for tine self -congratulation. An other source of sntisfnetion is the self restraint manifested by the American mw.i.le. Public self control has ben hown to a remarkable degr . , , , . .l .1.:. own to a roiniirmiiiie negn c. moi unr one of our best assurances for keep- of the conflict, from the wnr, conditions in the I'nited Stntcs nn slowly hut sure ly mpndinf. We have now cntercl a period when ngrictilturnl conditions are Hkely to be lute und their condition is not always as high us the exceptional vital factor, Some of our crops are . averages of vcar ngo. I lie conui- . tion, however, is gonornlly above the average and tho acreage miner rum vntion is inrrcss-d-the reduction in ,,,, being made up in other crops i j . i . a,-.ti- ussurnncc of B good ' ,X.ort demand for all agricultural pro- '.. ... .nti. factory urices. Already Tf can cook and bake is 100 clean, pure BAN KSfiEEaD emerging from the extreme depression of a year ago. Hank clearings show no such louses us during the winter months, nnd in ninny instances satis- factory gains are being shown compared with last year at this time. The first lour months of the current year showed On Friday the market was of course ia decrease in clearings, at ull cities of much unsettled by the prospect of ilif (1.8 per cent while the total for April ' fieulties with Oermnnv, concerning .1.,.,, i.. i ....... ioiiimr.1 iiii iiiu film- ui 11.111 , lie, erill, and the returns for May promise to give better results; thus proving that j business has decisively turned the cm-! ncr. runner evidence or recovery is given in the monthly report of idle cars, show ing a decrease of .'17,110(1 for j the month of April, iluilding opern-' lions at lending cities showed a dc- crease of ubout l per cent in April, , compared with a decrease of 12 per cent in Mnrch. The total lake ton nnge for the month of April was L- -lliu.iiiui, compiireil witn iiin,iuu tons a year ago. The cotton industry shows improvement; New Hedford mills never being so active as now ; while the April , cotton receipts at New Kngland points were nearly double those of April lost year. Ihe woolen gooils trade tins been much stimulated by the war and we are now exporting considerable ipianti- '' country for shru I, showing that j t ho nllies i ntend to push the contest to point ot exhaustion. Our "led! mills are profiting more than uny other 'V the war. The nutomobilc Undo is , brisk und ninny milkers report larger: sales than a Vear-ago. Stock cxehnngc! activity has been well sustained and . -1 I' the total transactions since January 1 now iimount to over 40,ono.(inn shares, compiired with .'l.'l.onn.liOO shares lit the same time in 1HM. The miles of bonds dining the same interval have nnionaC id to about s. 1 ( (,(M M .! i', compared with i(:i(MI,llii(l,(i(HI a year ago. Our ex ports, though slowing down somewhat as a result of the closing of the grain and cotton season, still continue very heavy, and leave a favorable trade bal ance." A a result of the latter 7.i"i'i, lllal of gold were received from Frnnee this week, making total imports since Jnnnarv 1 of fiU.iiiMi.imn, The local bond market continues fairly active ami prices arc well inuintaineil. Several new public issues were announced, those of the more decirnble nature be ing promptly absorbed, notably the Jtilo.uoii.noo I'enrisyh ania 41-js. in con trast with this were the partial fail ures in London of the Argentine and Woman's Health and spirits depend upon herdigestion anil circulation. Sallow skin, pimples, facial blemishes and depression dis appear after the syr.tem has li"'n cleansed and the blood puritied by DEI PILLS ECHAIS better ' Fast India Railway loans. Speculation is still largely confined to the war group, the profits of which have often been augmented to undreamed of fin- , ures bv the very profitable war con - tracts placed in tliis country, .. i.:. i. .i. u..... i. . .. IHIHU I III lircsioeoi B UC110I1 111 f II I' 111 I tor appeared in the morning papers. : The following are my views thereon: the people of this country must stand liv our president. President Wilson's note to the Herman ifovernnient is worthy of ciuniuendation from every citizen of the I'nitetd States. Its tone is courteous, hut nt tho same time firm nnd dignihcd. Its liinguinro admits of no misconstruction. He appeals to the high ideals of the (Sormtin nice and compliments them on their iirevious n nl on the moc or Justice mid hiilniili ity. He frankly states his demand for full reparation for the Severn I acts where our richts have been invaded, and the fa-t that be indulges in no bombastic uttiiiinecs adds strength and dignity to Ins words. He has writ ten neither too much nor too little, uud his note will fill a lurge page in history. Let us hope anil pray that the (ieruian government will recognize the justice of his pronouncement nnd thereby ce ment tho friendship which lias hitherto existed betwc a our respective nut ions. H K.N H y CI.KWS. TrnnL;p fnr WnnPr ttf 1 TOpiM!) IOT HinnerS 01 T I. i 1 IdlH UlKVl Oil 1 SD dV ' - ' The prizes for the winners of the. Noti Confeien. c Track Meet which willt be held on Willamette Field next Sat j urdfiy tin vo airicd and are on displny nt the Vnr-i'v I'ook Store. They ale' huge gold I am. is with a cardinal' shield upon ''.'ii nnd the name of the Hint, date, a ed place won, worked in, gold letter-. The winner of first place in the meet mil be awarded a silver1 loving cii'. The a, i ct r n iMn to lie the biggest , ever hold III vl'lll. Light schools hnve entered the u, ct for the loin confer I t a.-e ehariipi"ii-lnp of the state. They are Piiciiic I iiivcrsity. Pacific Colli go, Mi-Minnville r liege, Chcmnwii In. linn Tiiiinirig 'ho-l. J'liiloionth ' ollege, Albany iVIIcj.... Miiiiriioutii Mate Nor mal School aid Willamette I'liivei.ity. : BODY rOUND AT MAKCOLA THAT OF CANBY MAN llilgi lie, I ic U InUII to'ind ' wav lour Mali tilled by A. vi sterday io Io ge... of thai May Hi. The bo.lv of i. tho rmlioad light of . 'a, April 27, was iden-, I Ullldette, of I Sllb.V, , ::g that of ( hailes Slur ..o e, w ho e -aped f X'i u the cottage tin n or the insane asvluni at Salem a f-w days In -fore the Imdv 1 was found. It a sent today to ( anfiv for int'iioeet. lie was the on of O. W.I stnrges., of it. .t place, and was aged 'l vcar.. !n'h was doe to natiiial .'aucs. If someone Lseovereil a uso for ., Ih.l the market price w al , wa.vs good, we suppose they would be-; .-1 1 n Hint it won nl e ai , most iuij.ossihle to raise one. Twenty-Eight Cases Dropped From SupremeCourt Docket Twenty-eight cases, in which nn Ap peal had been taken to the supreme court from the circuit courts of the various counties of tho state within the past two or three years, in which an appeal had not been perfected for some cause or other, principally through set tlement of tho cases out of court and fnilure and neelect to file briefs, were dropped from tlie records by order of jthe supreme court this morning. In only inu vi uie iwcniy-cigni cases him ! briefs been filed, on one side of the i other, and nil cases dropped hud "died 1 ia natural death," in the eyes of the! i supreme court. ' I The following cases were ordered I : stricken from the docket: Ames vs.' I I.nisj Mnnn vs. (iiitmncher; Knton vs. I jSchnbnck; State vs. Barber; St. Martin' j vs. Sugsvold; Cobum vs. (Irunta Pass; I I Irvine vs. Todd; Holricn Improvement1 j company vs. Kmery & company; Kison I vs. Coffey; Floss vs. (Jebhnrt; "llammel I j vs. Northwest Door company; Sexton I j vs. Knst Fork Irrigation company; Hop-j kins vs. Ady; Harbcr vs. Portland Ruil-i ; way Light and Power company; l(egnn j vs. Russell; Willamette Pacific Kail-j ;wny company vs. McLaren; Hndlcy vs.: I Hood Hivcr Irrigation district; Stacey j vs. Nichols; Curphey vs. Railway Light i land Power company; Moore vs. (Sott; I ; Stennick vs. Lcmcke; Abbott vs. Word: i Donncr vs. Portland Ruilwny Light and ! Power company; State vs. Nnylor; : State vs. Vinton; Wigle vs. Portland Railway Light & Power company: Ham- mer vs. vtuis; rtnte vs. (Hurley Walker and English vs. Poitlutul Railway Light and Power company. PUBLIC LIBRARY LECTURE. "Among tho Fortunate Islands" is the subject of the illustrated lecture at the library Friday evening, May :11st. Miss Mary Frances Farnham, dean of women at Pacific university, will give the lecture. It will be remembered that MiHs Farnham gave pleasure to a large I audience when she lectured at Willam ette university last fall on "Fiona Mac I leod." This lecture on "The Fortunate lslnnils" is in part a record of licr per I annul experiences among those islands laud the lantern slides which she shows with the lecture picture the life there. I The islands which were known to the j ancients iih "The Fortunate Islands" j are known as the "Canary Islands" to day and are situated in the Atlantic I ocean off the northwest const of Africa, i Tho group of seven lnrge islands is of j volcanic origin with extinct volcanoes jon all the islands.. They are nt present a province of Spain having been taken possesisoii or ly t tint country in the fifteenth cei.tuiy. This illustrated lecture will be in the iiiiililorium of I lie public libiuiy Kiidnv, May 1'lst at s o'clock. SALEM HIOII SCHOOL SENIORS WILL INSPECT 0. A. C. FRIDAY The senior class nl' tho high school is planning a trip to Corviillis next Friday to inspect the Oregon Agricul tural college. They intend to visit til d piirtuicuis of the college. .Mrs. O. M. Hand, of the touchers' training de partment, will ai-coiiipiiiiv them, Tho O. A. ('. will coiiipliuicut. tho visitors by serving luncheon, iiml by appointing i special committees In show them the1 workings of til' several departments,! ami accompany them anuiud tho ' grounds. I he senior class munlo-is IHj, mid it is ex ted that the greater pint ot the class will t"iu in the isit. DALLAS PASTOR RESIGNS. Dallas, Ore., May 111. Rev. Ceorge II. Mitchell has tendered his resigns. 1 1 ii it us pastor of ihe I'iisl I'leslivtcrian ehiirch of this city and on June I, with his wile, will go to Lcmoore, ''nl., Io jiei-ept a pustniatc. Mr. Mitehell eaine heic two years ago from M i Itim, Ore,, where he had a chinch. HEREPROOF A Salem Citizen Tolls Of Ills Experience. You have a right to doubt statements of people living far a way but can yon doubt Salem inlii - nn-ii I I Itead it: I'1. A. Sutton tent and awning dealer, Salem, says; "I had kidney trouble for ten years and sometimes I was 111 i t up. Iloctors did not help mo. Sharp pains extended through my buck and were most severe in mv holnevs. Often when working I had to givp up, I lost weight, and was in very poor health. I llll'i hcil'laehcs, tested hut little nt night and didn't know what to do. On a friend's advice I tried noun's Kid ney Pills and to my surprise, (hey brought great improvement, in n few days. I conl niiieil to get better stead ily. I got loore sleep, rnv appetite nil -proved and the pain gradually, but surely, left roe. After I had used three boxes of lionii's Kidiicv Pills, I was in better health than I had been for ten yenrs and not n sign of kidney com plaint remained, The cure has been permanent.' ' Pli.e .Vie. lit nil dealer", lll'll'l simply n-k for ti kidney tcim dv gi t Ilium's Kidney Pills tho sumo tliat Mr. Sutton hn I. Foster Milbnrn Plops., Iluffalo N. Y. AUMSVILLE NEWS I,. A. Messing moved to Slav ton temporarily to open a shoe repair shop at that place, Wc arc son to see Inoi leave although what is oor loss is StHVton's gain, Mr. and Mis. C. M. Hold ni. l clnldien, Mrs. II. W, M. Ncnl and dniightois Miss Kthi-I ami Veins, went to Salem Siindav aftetnoon Miss i.thel MNeal rcioaiocil in town Io risiimc her wori.,lhe others returning in the evening, Mis. l.ttrv of lid. wool. Iowa, came Saturdav evening to vi-it with her friend Miss Itomig. She has been tnH ing in the fair at Sau I'laio'iscn and decided that while she whs on the coast, .he would come op to Oregon and visit friends who live here. Site , now visiting in Salem. Mrs. K. W, lliivung. enlertaiio d the Prisi-iila Club st her iiome 'Ihuisdav in her usual d"lightful manner. Of the twenty - five members of Hi eluh, twen- ty two answered the roll call, Mrs. imvungs was us-isic.i in enieruniiiiig land nerving a mo-t delicious luncheon. DONT FAIL To Attend the Great Money Raising Clothing and Furnishing Sale at Brick Brothers THE HOUSE THAT MAKES GOOD CORNER STATE AND LIBERTY ST. bv her homo guest, Mrs H. E . Finch. The many friends of Miss Margunte ! nrrie tormerly ot this place and Miss! r.lln. Amort of Shaw, will be ulnd to hear of their success as two of the seven from tho senior graduating class of trained nurses from tho Salem Hos pital whose graduation exercises will lie held Friday, May Mth, at tho Pres byterian church at Salem, -Mr. and Mrs. E. K Arrell and liltlo ; Miss llentrice' laughter t'rsula, nnd mniurci in iuuepenoeiice siitut - day evening to visit Mr. Arrell s j.ar-i luiul on her wnv to tho (load Hainuritan flits, Mr. und Mrs. I R. Arrell and , hospitnl where sho wus. opcinted on tunny, formerly of this place. Mr. j Satnrdav morning for appendicitis Vr. Arrell retnrneil home Sunday evening S. W. Weaver went, to Portland Satin making nu extra trip Monday evening, day morning to be present ut the opci bringing hm wife and little daughter ation. Last reports from tho vuuii( home Tuesday morning. , ,y liro tlu, .Be j. ,.,.jllir A nicotinic will be held under the auspices of the Parcnt-Tcaclicrs associa tion recently oiguni.ed, Tuesday May It, at 8 p. in. State Superintendent Churchill will be on the program for n special t it 1 It to the eighth grade, lie is one of the best spenheis hi the slate aud all sliould tie out to hear him. Since there are not scuts in tho Aumsville op eru house for ull ill this large city you should come curly ill order to sec'uru a scat. Record, DRUGS EXCITE YOUR KlTsNFY IrFStITS UIUHLIO, UOL OrtL 10 Your Back is Aching or Bladder It Bothers, Drink Lots of Water and Eat Lens Meat. When your kidneys hurt nnd your buck feels sore, don't get scared audi proceed to loud your stomach with u ' lot of drugs that excite the kidneys and irritate tho entire urinary tract, . Keep your kidneys clean like you keep , your linnets clean, by flushing them with a mild, harmless: suits, which re- i moves the body's urinous waste und stimulates them to their normal activ- j ity. The function of tho kidneys is i to filter tho blood. In 2-1 hours they strain from it SIM) grains of mid and waste, so we can readily understand the vital mportiinco of keeping the kidneys nctivo. Drink lots of water you can't drink loo much; also get from tiny phiirma cist ubout four ounces of Jud Salts; take n tiiblespoonful in a glass of wa ter be fori) bronk flint ench morning for a few dnys und your kidneys will act line. This famous suits Is niiiile from tho acid of grams nnd lemon juice, combined with lith'ui, and lias been nsed for generations to clean and stim ulate clogged kidneys; also to neutral ize tho acids in ii riae so it Is no longer a source of irritation, thus ending Mud do r vvellll ncss. .lad Salts is Inexpensive; cannot io jure; mnkes n delightful effervescent lit hin water drink which everyone sliould t li Vt ti now nnd then to keep their i kidneys elouii mid active, Try this, und ; no doubt you will wonder w hut became I of your kidney trouble and backache, iiilso keep up the water drinking ninl HUBBARD NEWS A. 1. I.nellen of l.in'ile, Idulio, spent the Ciist of the weeli at the home of N. M. Sewell. Mr. I.nellen has exten sive catllo iulerestH in Idaho. Mik Helen llontrcKiir and Master Herman and Miss Vulii Krnsten ot ! Woodloirn were gue-ts nt Ihe shnabc.-hl j homo Handily. W. H. Hurst went to poilliio.l Tliurs day on business. Ali'ott the lust car of, I produce of the season was shipped! VA Cilliesin , spoils lillllgillg I.J.i per bundled. Mi-s Merl liiiui. It is home fiom In r j school work III liervais. School close, I'riduv Hlter II VI-IV successful Wlll'si I worll, Miss llilno k etpecls to lllleoil) I norliilil this silioloei-. J opal I in n n was lnc.cn ipiite sii-li last rsno-oiv iiioioiiik Willi II eonesiivc I'lllll I and has I n ipiit,, so li nil week ill 'though mine better lit this time, Mis. A. I.. Hopper of Wilshoolgnl, ; Wash., spent Mundnv at Hie home of her brother II. W. I.abie. M,s. Hopper ex pressed a done to jVi In this locality. . 'I hey are now operating a Unity lo re I place near Wiihoiilgii, The sale of W. K. I. oilman Inst Sat unlay a short distancf south of Unite ville was fairly well iittendiil but the dairy cattle did not bring as inn. h as usual. Several cows thill were bought last venr for 1t'..'i were sold Matin. lav for 4.IL'.'ill. Scarcity of feed was givim for the low prices at this lime of year, Mrs. J, M. Pulley and two sons Lester and Ivan left Tuesday to spend tbn summer at Oswego, Oregon. Her sou Wither his been up I In if since the first of April operating a stone crusher. There are a number of men employed at the same pluce and Mrs. Pulley will have charge of ,he boarding houso through the summer. Miss Mav puller returned to Hubbard Monday 'e onliio. from Oswego, liolc link Williams returned to Hubbard laf Monday after spending sevenil weeks with relatives at Silver ton uud other places. At Silvoiton on Tuesday May 4th ho celebrated his Tilth biithilnv at the h ' hi. brother, Hud' Thomas, List Friday eveiiimt llnv w.,. ... ; conipaiiicd his daughter tlblavs to Poll- nicolv. Ignite a number attended the K, P. frolic at Silverton last Saturday nijjht. Ihimon and Pythias was on the ninvivii iiml the I), ti. K, K. hail the town sur- rouii.leil, those in nttein lance from here were R. Melvin and wife, A. Curi: ten and Miss Ida, A. I. Wolfer nnd wile, L. M. Scholl mid wife, II. V. Scholl and wife, Mel llainillon mi l wife, A. It. Hevens and wile, Clyde. Jones, 1'. I.. Calvert and wife, Mrs, J. L. I tilvort mnl Miss Ruth The fretv.o Friday night, April HO, killed about half of Ihe IouiiiiIiim-i ""I' through this section. As usual there were parts of Ihe fields that win. Millie damaged while In other pan i ! half ihe oiup had I hilled. Had it not lieen lor no Host a record crop would have hung on the bushes. In Nov. liuller's yard ouu half the grupii vine on the east side of the house wun blaclieucl while ll row of loganberry vines on ihe west of the house was not h,nl.- L'litorprisu, Thirty Pound Salmon Captured In Mill Creel. I Snliioci fishing in Snlem promises to .liccnnii ii popular sport if n I'evv iiioro liecoi.l . n ;c iics bl,i that ,l. II. I, unshod and A. i dinger made yesterday are re ported. Mr. I.uusl'onl captured a. .'Id i pound salmon ,!H.j inches long in Mill 'creek near his resilience nt mil , I shoot, a nling to the report of Mr. (linger, ami thereby oitiiblihei tho salmon record fur the city. The fish waa sivimuiiiig up the H renin when j spied by Mr. I.iiiisI'im-iI, who best rode I tin- iiiiiiit-.v crech life a Colossus uud, nith a fool on cither bank, seied ihe , I' i ij li v specimen by the bach of the neck. I Win ii Ihe salmon found thill he wa i I "pinched'' he stalled to put up a ha! Ho, but noting the buili of giun do tcimioiiliou on his captor's lace gave I up the ghosl, as it were, mid waved hit jdoisal I'm in a sud farewell to the rel, of (In- fish who weic in swimming that ! day. ; Last week, while a lon e of eight men ni'ic npaiiing the In'mlgntc at tho ; Voololi Mill, they found I luce sliln ali'iit Is no lies long Mtiuuded In a pool when Ihe wutei was shut oil'. The men nl i . -I the pool ii i I with hovel i, , i lobs and tunc hands, and for a fey I minutes eon, ted a London auli llcruiaii not s.-i ne. Tlie saloiou did the sub inaiiiie in-t, but failed Io escape, and ' w e i e iioallv ooliged Io nlilTeiiiler. Tloi leeinl influx of saloiou to the blllioll sli. iiios of the upper W ilhinictte is ni hil. mod by sune to the government ' i I till, ing over the Oregon City locks and allowing free passage llnoilgh tllelii. f iil s are not dentists, but they often teeth. Dr. Osier on Tuberculosis Sir Minium lister, one lit th for. I ul ll.lo mcill.-al Rim, tnt B.crlr nt Johns llimkliia, llaliliiinr, ami aim liralua l'rlr.or ol vieui- liie al llsliiril, aats In his I'raellc til HrillelH" IISOJI, nn naar Villi "Ihe krallna ul uuliHonary toiler. ttlliiala la ahiina elluleallr li Ik r.. ..vrrr ul I'allrals In n hits siula rlaalle (Issue aasl baellll hnir lirrn luuiiil, ikr Hranulallona uriiilucta anil aasuclulrri uiiriii n n aear lls.ur la lurntril, nlillr Hi niallrr eaari.ua arrna lircunir lu. lirrauiilnl Kllk llmr aulla. In suck ailllluaa alour akunlU Ikr It-rm krallua it SMll.,1.'1 Many i-iiiioeiil looillcnl authorities have lenlllled til (ha rlto aey of Hint sails III Iliu tiKiuoieot' of tiiliercii lo.la. an. I (tin suciest of ll. kooio's Alleiativc In (Ins mnl allied I In out unci Inotieliiiil iilTeetiooa oi.iy l.c duo I'.ullv Io (lie fio( Hun It eonlnliiH a llmr Salt so coinblliiol Willi olnc ViiIiihI.Iii iiiKrcilluiila as to lie enslly assimilated. W ies,i roll USO of tills t'elordy III liliioeioua eases of tilliclculosis Itoioy of wlilcli nipciir to Iniva lcid r.l coroili.ily to II- Justifies our Pa llet IIihi It Is wotlh a tilal. uoUss iniiif oilmr tieiiiooMii ali'ciiur la sue. ecilloa. It eolltillllS no Opllltea, linrcoto a or hulot-fl inloic .iiiis. S make no promise eollccl llllia It any mora Unit riotulla phvstcluna rlvs promises with llielr ilscrlp lons, lojt wa know of many casus III which IT HAH lll.'t.l'l.ll. Youc tliuiuist hsri it or can gat It. ot- you t.to anoit dlrct. Lrkaiaa Lakaralarji 1'kllmlrlnkla.