Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, May 18, 1915, Page EIGHT, Image 8

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OBTflON TUESDAY, MAY 18, 1915.
Ten Year Old Children
Double Votes Will Be Given on AH Purchases Thursday, May 20
1 X JM
May Have Bank Account
A child ten years old may open an
; n,.uut in the U. IS. postnl sayings bank,
, t,; ift for Chiejga after July 1, according lo insrrncuous
Mrs. Jane Edmister lcit for -i"e a p08tmasU,r (jeneral Burle-
Cuch of Falls Citv, .is in the '. In sparcely settled districts where
U J. 1 uga, of tans tii. , tlie otiil po8totfi(.0 1S m,t dcsifiiiated as
,.ty yeseruay . ,q i MviBg8 , kj ,he MCOunt may
itSV. Th. K,y i. in Vo'stmastrs at all points will have
Port's! today blanks, so that these depomts may be
0 W I,af lor is in eastern Oregon on forwarded to the nearest postal saving
business this week bank. The amount deposited may also
Miss' Mary E White left yesterday ! bo withdrawn by mail, with any in-
for San Francisco. u'r03t ,hut may bo Aw- , ' , ,
John Young, of Orcenwood, is here, A savings acouat may bo opened by
today on business. , .la married woman tree trom any eon-
H. Dick, of Lincoln, is in the e.ty I t,ol or interference by her husband.
for a few days' visit. . ; I'ostof fice officials are forbidden to
C. Crandall, of Vule, Oregon,, is disclose to any person, the amount ot . illg fl)t tue JooS(, carilivn) tl1't 1 ...
registered at the Bligh. . '' deposit. ltniiiawais my open here tomorrow under flip nnsinoes
Jirs. L,. u. Keeves, in ui."'i -jiumn " r", - ,m uiu -uuusc lungr. inoy will occiinv
Monmouth, Ore., May IS. D M
Hewitt, an old and highly respertci
citizen of this place, cUe.l smhleulv
Saturday afternoon as the result of
overexertion. His son. O. fl. IlimUt
who resides on the old family faru'i
seven miles from this city, -had just
started out ot town when the elder
jir. ru'.wnt received a telephone mes
sage asking him to send out some
medicine to nis son. The aged man
made an effort to overtake the sou
and tne overexertion caused his death
Judge Hewitt, of Albany, and Jnsper
Hewitt, of Dayton, are brothers of deceased.
The Browning Amusement company
mo illinium ui uiuir tents and lireiinr-
Only two more days remain of Ihe May contest. The winner of the free trip will be an
nounced in Friday's paper- June contest starts Friday, May 21st, and ends June, 21st. A
nomination blank will be found in our ad tomorrow evening. Nominate your favonte
and help them win the June trip. All sales checks dated previous to May 21st must be
voted bv 5:45 p. m. Thursday, May 20th, as they cannot be used in the June contest.
visiting friends in the city- . ! government promises to repay an ue
J. C. Talbott, of Kails City, was in posits, with interest, on demand.
Salem yesterday on business. j Children who make these deposits,
Frank WV Waters, of l'urtlund, wcll.can muko them in their own namth
known in this city, is here today'. More than half a million people have
Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Cornoycr went to1 opened acounts with tho Postal Saving
i'ortland this morning on the electric. ; System. Forty per cent of tho deposit-
E. C. Baker, proiiric'nr ot tne uiiRer ora ari3 foreign uorn ciiixeiis, uuu mejr
hotel, at Turner, is in the city today,
Mrs. Chaunccy Bishop was a passen
ger this morning on tne electric for
Mrs. J. F. Axley left for Portland to
day to remain for the week as guests
of friends.
Arthur Moore, a nmlorniiin, is on a
two week's vacation in the eastern part
of tho state,
havo more than 50 per cent of tho de
posits, showing that what might be
called tho foreign population is doing n
lot of saving,
In order that Captsin Mosliberscr of
tho Wooilburu Company of th. 0. N. G.
might have three week's more practice
for his detail on tho i'lacUnmis range
the Third battalion shoot to be held on
ii. i -n. nr... n,,..ir,liior left 1 the Miein raii" hub nei-u 'rai,uuc.i
for" Des Mo'ines yesterday "for a visit! from May 23 until Juno 8 recording to
Tomorrow's Big Sale
743rd Wednesday Surprise
A Sale of Extra Large Size Chamoia Skins at 59c Each
These fine skins were purchased at a very low price and we will give our customer the
benefit. They are finely tanned soft and velvety, large size, 2G by 28 inches. Splendid
for washing and shining windows, for automobiles, for polishing or dusting. They would
sell in the regular way at about $1.50 each. You'll save by purchasing these tomorrow.
Extra Special Price, 59c Each
None Sold Before 8:30
See the Window Display
House of
Salem's Big
of vevcrnl nioiithH
Miss Dorothy Pearce returned yester
day from n week-end visit at. Portland
with friends and relatives.
Mrs. (j. R. Bonnell will sail Wednes
day afternoon from Fhivcl, oa the Oreat
Northern, for ban truncisco.
Miss Martha Case, a stenographer at
the state house, returned yesterday af
ter a few day's visit in Portland.
Mrs. Kmma Davis will leave for otin
Francisco tomorrow going by way of
Flnvel, sailing on the Northern Pacitic.
.Mrs. tillmnn, a trained nurse in
Portland, has locuted in the city and
will mnke her home with -Mrs. C. D.
Puidy, UliO Mill Btrect.
Chits. Oberlin and wife leave to
morrow for n visit of several months
to Butler, Ohio-. His sister who has
been visiting him here, will accompany
A. E. Lnflnr, who has been in Al
bany for the past two months as man
ager of a moving picture theatre will
return to Salem, to be again associated
with the Oregon theatre.
.Mr. and Mrs. Balieock and Mrs. J.
W. Woodruff of Snlem, drove to Eugene
Saturday, remaining over Sunday.
While lieie they visited with Mr. and
Mrs. M. F. Griggs and Mr. and Mrs.
Frank Jenkins. Kugene Register.
agement decided to bring the boys up
tn n hiuh standard as soon as possible.
and then make tlieir appearance in puo
lie. This will be probably some time
enrly in June. A. I,. Wallace is busi
ness manager. The chorus included L'2
of .the best male voices in the city.
information received by Contain Uehl
har today from Major Carl Abrams.
Woodburu has no local range and the
enmnnnv is handicapped in title prnc
tico on this account, j lie i.oiiipni'y ji
boys, however, have the opinion that
they can practice just ns litis -1 in three
weeks us Captain Moshbergor's sharp
shooters. !
Auto owners should call for a free
sample of CoMen Star Auto Polish.
Huron & Hamilton.
Cantain Max Gehlhar, of Company M
of this city, who requested :)i00 rounds
of extra nmunition for use on the rifle
range from the headquarters of the
regiment has receive;! a communication
from Ad.iutnnt lieuerat l.eorge a.
White that the request hn.i been com
plied with and the ammunition will be
shipped immediately, (ienernl White
took the opportunity to swy that the
request for extrn ammunition had been
granted ns a recognition of the extra
ordinary activity of Company M in
rifle practice and The initiative the rf
ficers of the company havo shown in
promoting the snu.e.
Rolrlen Star Furniture Polish. Free
samples for the asking. Huron & Ham
Court street from Front to Cottage.
Dr. E. M. Poole, a dental surgeon of
Cincinnati, Ohio, who has been visitin"
his brother, A. B, Poole, the State
street druggist, is of the opinion that
for fine spring weather and beautiful
country, this Willamette valley cannot
1. 1 4 T TV...1- 1 1 . .'
ue ui'tu, iji: ruiuf nus pcen truvellniir
tor the past four months, including nil
of California, and this valley has made
a deeper impression on him tlinn any
parts of tho west. '
The Cherrians started in drilling with :
a vim and determination lust evening,
to properly prepare themselves for
their appearance, in Portland at the
Rose Festival, (lood work was done in
the one and a half hour drill last even
ing, the attendance being larger than at
any former drills. Hereafter the regu
lar evenings tor worK will be Monday,
Wednesday and Friday. Charles Dick is
The P. E. and E. Railway band of 24
pieces is going on with its regular
Specials for
f Curve Cut
" u'k. gallon
1 IVmids of Sugu, jj"
ivitli tli'.. .
at n : , rr
" iMiiiHiiauy lo
,' , ,OT mat
us to sell on
profit than
smaller marrin f
y store in ,s,m
d im us rrove It!
j855N.Com,l Mi
weekly practice ,besides several meetings ;i!'kiKiii(.1)jj1
during the week when the soloists get i j
together for their special work. The j
band hus had several offers for cn- i
gngeineiits this summer, and the extra
practice now going on is expected to
get them ill fine shape for the summer
work. C. J. Beach is manager, and 1
W. Robertson, director.
Stanley C. Ayres, who has been the
manager of tho Oregon threatro for the
past four months, has been transferred
to Albany, by the Willamette Amuse
ment company, Mr. Ayres has been re
markably successful us a manager since
coining to Salem, and his transfer to
Albany comes in the form of a promo
tion, ns there he will bo given full
control of the compnny's business, and
the booking for the Albany house. W.
A. Danielson, part owner of the Oregon,
will remain here as 'manager.
HAIM.KY-To Mr. and 11. riMrt
Hadley, at tlieir home in ft,,;,!,
.May 17. 1!H5, a boy, 31r. llcdkr b
pastor of the Friends' chunk " at
.lOllNSOX-To Mr. ao j!rf,
.lohuson, nt the hunif o( Mr. 1. 1
(Irnham, -Pil South High stmt. in
17, 1!H5, n daughter.
'All Around Town
J ' t
Have that fixture and furniture re- Norma. N. Loffingwell embalmer and
pairing done by Keinliurd Cabinet Fac-; lady assisiiuit nn V"l"u '"" """-
fl I. 1 "H J .'"
torv. Phone M I.
Dr. Stone's Ant Killer, 25c.
Attention, Moosol Wednesday, May
In :.. .1... .1.,.. ,,f fli.i M.wiuii
, nl uival. Come iq, to' meeting, initia-1 OoWen Star Auto lolish, 25c 50c and
,: i i i,,;i,t ii,,i,i,i w. l bottles. Sitmples tree. Duron ii
Miles, secretary.
nr. ManflalHonn. mecnust In fitting i Board and room at
.nrmntlv. II. a. .bank bldtf. I wood." Special weekly
Tho state doaf school will have no
graduates this vear. The school will
Rev. R. J. Talbot, preached the Bac
calaureate sermon before the gradu-
Soo what Moshor tho tailor has to
oiler from "J0 and up.
at the home of Henry Albers, Salem.
North Coinnicrcial street,
Piano for sale. Used piano. A good j
one taken ill trade i.i a hickei ing
Meals' .!, ,iie ISt'h of .lune. As yet, no ' tiK ,,,1,ss of the College of Law of
special arrangenients hnvu be
lor the closing exercises,
j . . . . t noil ion spells quality iui u wina.
Cards are out announcing the wed-j;,,,,, ,,, tiM taUe it on terms Sl'1'"'-"""1"
ding of .Miss I'.iiinia .M. aiihts and n-'f ,r ,mnth. Address .1. C, tlal
liam lliu?. to take place next Thursday , ,)(,, M,uiH.
Attcuticn, Moosel Wednesday, May
Donald W,
AnUanObtls Ulinpasseugorn and 1 111 ,u, opeiiiuu duv of the Moose
tinUL'Ruoi rates rensonubb.. Country cnruiMil. Coaie. up to meeting, initia
trips a specialty. C. 0. McKlroy. , tinu and banquet tonight.
Phono: Day, U47; night, lilH. i Miles, secrelary.
Some excoptlonal valuos 75 suit pat
terns, values lo :id, go tailored to or-
der $15 and s'Jii. Mosher the tailor.
Golden Star Poliili 1b the best bright
ener fu furniture mid woodwork. Hu
ron & Hamilton.
The river today is falling, the stage
above low water today being ;i.t feet.
A rainfall of .07 Inch has been refolded
during tho past 24 hours.
Nearly new very fine piano for sale.
Paid, Will discount $I'J5. I'.asy
term's. Address .1. C. (lallagher, Hotel
Tho Waconda school district is now
piepaiiug to build a school house Hint
will be a credit to this part of the state.
They have .lr.dO to spend lor the liuilil
lug and equipment.
Piano for automobile. Now $1150
player I piano for a good
itootit, used less 1 tin n
is best manufacture and has .K! worth
of music with it. Address ,1. C, Hal
higher, Hotel Marion.
made! Willamette I'niversity nt the First
Methodist church lust night. Hevcrend
Talbot, adjured the young lawyers to
uphold the principles of justice and
honor when they entered the practice
of the chcis'h profession in tho legal
world and to adhere to the great
' ' code ' ' of honor.
Judge a correspondence school by the
success of its students. There are good I
Attention, Moosel Wednesday, May schools and poor schonls. 1 give free
lit, iH the opening day of the .Moon' advice about all courses. Tea years!
carnival. Come up to meeting, initia-1 in the business. V. I). Abbott, L' 11 Hub-'
lion and banquet tonight. Donald W. bard building.
Mill's, secretary. i o
. , rT"t , . Free bottles of Goldon, Star Furni-
The Arto Frisco club has planned aa tm.0 Poiisll ,.,, & nimiiiton.
its last dance lor this season a "ofl-( o
laud dance," which will tako place nt j i
Moose hall Wednesday evening, May M6 than 50 delegate and luemuflM
!ii i.iv'.inil.iim .. ill be .out nut. but ! (lt "'o 1. O. O. I. ( hemekotn lodge :No.
used inn- all Artisans and tlieir friends, nnil nil 1 01 saiein are ntlending tna uiegnni
one month; 'persons who have received iuvitationsl "'""'l Lodge ot Odd Fellows to lie held
The demonstration of the road ma
chine last Sunday, near Wheatland,
was attended by more than 50 good
road enthusiasts. Tho machine is
owned by W. Ii. Steele of Oreshnm,
Oregon, and tho demonstration was
given to show what it would do to dirt
roads. The machine was run over an
improved road for sovoral miles, with
out showing much improvement. Hut
over the dirt road, the machine brought
it out, in fino shape, after being rolled
two times. "The Juinbu" is now nt
the McMuhon place, and will be i.sed
this week to get tlu ('in roads in thn't
vicinity in better condition. Many ot
tho good roads enthusiast') who wit
nessed the work of tho machine, were
of the opinion that it was about the
best road maker that has been recently
tried out in the county lor dirt roads.
The P. E. and E. railway began yes
terduy to re-plnnk tlieir bridge on
Coinmerciul street between trade and
Mill streets. They are also re surfacing
their tracks on Summer street, between
1) and Jefferson streets.
Word was received this morning
from Joseph H. Albert at San Fran
cisco that the party sisting of Mr.
Albeit and wife, and Dr. Griffith and
wife and .Mrs. 0. K. Kruuse, of Port
land, had arrived safely in San Fran
cisco, and that the voyage hud been on
n calm sea. None of the party was
All was hustle and confusion on the
third floor of the state house this morn
ing for a few hours occusinned by the
moving of the offices of the industrial
uccl'iient commission and the state high
way commission. Cniler the new nr
rnngenient the industrial uceident com
misison will occupy the Aill row of five
office rooms on the east side of the
hallway, numbered from :I02 to 310, in
clusive, and the state highway commis
sion will occupy the two rooms on the
west side of the hallway, formerly oc
cupied by the fish tind game commis
sion, numbered 1101 nnd, -KM.
The Cherrians are true patriots. They
believe in the slogan, "Try Salem
First.',! Although tho new Clierrian
suits for the baud boys could bo pur
chased in the east cheaper than in this
city, the Cherrians decided to patronize
home folks Ifirst, uml lust evening
nwurded tho contract for the 22 Clier
rian band suits to I). H. .Mosher. To
day the boys are stepping in to sec Mr.
Mosher tind work will lie rushed on
Frances l'lcncrt, wife of .VJu,V
ert, died suddenly nt her kotfe 4
miles enst of bcrvnu, i ridnj. i; T,
1!U5, aged 5"i yarn, from lirint
.Mrs. l'lcncrt liuil uniif to tin1
mice of hor ncighlwrs, .If r. d 1.
Vuchter, wlmw Iwiim twi fat al
noon lust Friday, mid mhil hri ii
helping save tlit fuivilM ttrtrtucf
exhausted Hi ml mn in a inn,
nnd was takmUiMtttW.'M4ww
a short time after itat pi6 '
sciiiusncss. A pliyWWUirtW
but arrived too 'lauMv
She Mils burn in lhiS u
lived in thin Country about !
years. A li nsbnnd and tlii,i"
daughters survive her, '
The funeral took plncc SimJ
the Catholic church in tletvniM"
conducted by rati'" "mm
Angel nnd I"'1'1)' all"V,
terincnt in the Cntbolic ceimtcry-"--
, Villanirtt'w
J,lge Di,,,iekUBlierj('-
,lliy. S,nr. - , j
ley Southern, lie mm " ,,
arvey Mill he miule tm ! J
MIIOH .--piliifi i
111 .-plllll -',,,.. Il
their suits in order that they will feel i ion to that niit vf v,w
at home in them before niuliing their point tour or 'V , "
The Brilliancy of Cleanliness
Direct factory representative
will be with us all this week. He
will give Free Demonstrations
in your home, all you need to do
is to phone 503 and he will bring
a cleaner to your home to prove
its superior qualities.
See our window display. The
Hrilliant Suction Sweeper is
guaranteed to have more suction
than any ?:t5.00 sweeper on the
market. Cost of operation is
very small. Only $ 1 9.50
"The little cleaner with
a big pull."
"Trice alone determines nothing,
but price and quality together
establish money-value." W e
guarantee every machine we sell
to give perfect satisfaction or
your mftuey will be refunded.
See our window display. We
are exclusive agents for the
Wnv Sairiess Snrino-s.
FOlt KK.NT Modem 4-room
house) two lots, fruit; location
S. 17th strevt, between Trade
and Ferry, Will rent either
furnished or unfurnished. See
our free rent department.
to former dances given bv the club nreiat Newport
cordially invited to attend.
"Prevention is groater than cure."
Dr. Wisliciuus Sanatorium, 111 1-22
Hubbard building.
Rooms 2!c per night, Jl per week.
Scotts, 170 South Coniiiien inl.
Tonight is the big Moose Jubilee at
the Moose lodge. The special program
will cmiHiNt of initiations, music and n
it t dd re oivs to he Held, , . . , ,
Mv 18 to 20. Among h.ttn,'X .l,,,U' ,',,f,:r"" .tro ,la ".'f:
those who are tending us .ie.cgites M ,ft "I'ecm eeieomnon on , ie
are J. A. Patterson. R. W. Simeial, A.l " of the grea Moose carnival,
I,, lloumard, 1.. C. Zimmerman, C. H.!n 1"r attendance Is expected.
.Ki. V; dearer 'the'ioci1 . The 8a,en, Cano.club met last even
U..1...L.1. 1...1.,.. .... ,r.. r v iii.,i : ms, and after attending to regular
Mrs. John t ornforth, Mrs. Terrell nrfl , joutnie business uf thiM-luh, elected the
Mrs. Until Anderson A grand patri-: '""""''."B m'w T?, T ,' iV-
arch fr the roininK year will be ri-et-' h'VV",m ."'"'"'V m '"'"' H''K I"'
ed and all other state officers. Mw' UJnc M- 1 ru'c l,,ld Ml" bvn il0-
rrantz Premier cleaners are the best
..f ..il ..I :.. c " "iif
... . or the delegates left yesterday morn
1., In, ..till lt Iri.ll line,, A' IIiimlltiMl I . . I
. " "' " ling tor cwrort, on tho special train i
B. F. Hoyt and family left this
0 I llirrVttl tl.n tl..bl....J .l.ilnnn I ,1
Sunday morning C. M. Roberts took, " '"'"u ul' h ' morning for the eastern part of the
v. and .urn. inxon nun .mis. ivern Wom, , . n(rv
in his car to Perrvdnle, where Mr. II in
'sou preached in the morning, in the
iifternnon thev motored ml to llroad-
mead, where Mr. Ilixson again preach
ed, r rn mere inev com uueii iu iwi i- . .
, , m - ,i i riirniiure im new
ston, where Mr. Ilixson delivered his . ,,. ...
.evening address. They all reported hav- """
ing a tine trip, nltliougli it rained nl-l .
most the entire time, Mr, Ilixson is
a senior in Willamelte university.
Woman wants wnrk tn country. CaUl,,nl'i 1"'rc Mr' "' " "
or address Mrs. , Kprugne, at sms " Hie real estate business. Instead ot
Trade street, Salem, Ore. I "' """ill rail travelling, Mr. Hoyt ami
0! ' his family will go entirely by water.
Golden Star Polish makes the old Thev left for Portland this morning on
ode and fl. tne lirniiamonn and wilt transfer there
' for boats oh the upper Columbia.
.i. n,n line i f
c COlIU""',
,lcti of te'jZl
which the liner runs, -Purtland
wood market
17, &
Oo to Dr. Stone's for trusses.
Whon contemplating a trip always
consider a camera nrt of the trip.
AiiM'o tnmerus are as good as the best
for sale at the Capital 1'rug Store. We:
have a full line of films, mountings of
postal or paper, hIso have an expert
developer ami finisher. Let lis do your1
dcvchqiiiig and printing. ' I
The Premier electric cleaner does not
slide on tho carpet and wear the nap,
but rides on casters free from the floor.
They get more dust and dirt than the
other Mad. Huron & Hamilton,
j The Orpheus male chorus under the
direction of Hnn F. I.nngenberg is put
ting in rxtin time practicing this
! month. Since the organization of the
chorus, thert has been so many de
mands for its appearance in the various
social events o' the city, that the man-
May give you rest but no amount of recreation will cure nervous dis
orders that enn bo traced to EYESTRAIN.
Correctly fitted glasses will permanently relieve eyestrain if properly
mounted, shin On mountings insure optical efficiency, Ask for them
by name.
Miss A. McCulloch, Optometrist
208-209 Hubbard Bldg. . Phone 109
initial bow as part of the Clierrian or- to tup a in jn (lf w
gnnil.ation when they accompany the i men owning ln! '' (,,iH
Cherrians to the Itose Festival in Pi.it- country arc anxious to t,
laud, June 11. for their product m4 ""I1
extension of the .
Tnm Q ttrnwll njhn lino henn thB I ltnsillCSS OVCT
nsvlum farmer for the last thirty , though the sliipment
years and is well known in this city, ,,f the proi
was attached this afternoon by Edward
Rowe. a tuitient, with a boo and
Brown's scalp was laid open by a cut
five inches long. Tho patient was
working in the garden nnd .Mr. Brown
wus giving lit in some instructions us io
how to hoe tho garden properly when ;
Rowo suddenly resented the assistance
nnd swung the hoe at Brown's bond.
The wound is not considered serious.
however. Howe has been at the asylum
for seven years and has always been
quiet nnd never before bus he given the
officuls any trouble.
After an absence of twelve years, Al
C. Hopf, of Seattle, is visiting in the
city, the guest of K. Cooko Putton.
Mr. Hopf was for many years in the
employ of tho IJulrymple dry goods com
pany during his residence here. He ex
pressed surprise tit tho wonderful
growth of the city, its wide paved
streets nnd (he ireiiernl Cltltied appeal-
mice in the business nnd close-in resi
dence district. In fact, ho says that
he would have hnrdly recognir.ed the I
citv nt all, except for a few of the old 1
land marks. Mr. Hopf was born and,
brought up in a bouse located on the .
present site of the supreme court build I
ing. At present, he is locnted In Wash
ington, nnd is the state agent for th.
Pntton Post Card eompnny. His brothers
and sisters are in San Kiiiuclsco, ninnu;
Itncturiiig a novelty, called "The MW
West Doll."
yili BELl At
Beginning MomM.
my household go4
378 Benefit Btrert,
Tour matches of the first round of
the Country club golt tournament were
phi veil of last Sunday nnd eonsidering
the inexperience of most of the V'li'rf
some good scores were made. lh.
matches between Carl (labrielson and
W. II. Burghardt, D. W. Eyre and T. A.
i Ui.ii.l. Mmires nnd Arthur
i'i.....i.....' ., t.lnve.1 on nccoun
inn, mini mic .," , ,
of the failure of some of the parties to
show up. The match between i.
Steusloff and V. 11. Shipley V'"1;.I',
on ecount cf darkness and will be fin
ished this week when the rest i.f t"f
untdaved contests will be finished. ..
P. HWhnp won from S. 0. Sargent, 7 p.
Ihtelsen won irou. ":.....
from i.. . , . y,
ntiTH C01
It" j 1
OBit t
Phone Wi
or M
A. t 00DlllT
! Allen lluteheon wn
' .1 up: and Curl Anderson won
I Pat ton, 1 tip.
from Ball