I Fall Leased Wire Dispatches "l,!!! & 1 J THIRTY-EIGHTH YEAR r - ; " ' ' ' SALEM. OREGON, TUESDAY, MAY 18, 1915 PRICE TWO CENTS WITHYCOMBE PUIS MLY Mmja s. army short of NEWWORKINGPLANS.Iitaiiam mum mm" III TO Ur MAN MM MOTORS FOR RAPID Will IMF RKIIIK HUH V MINt V M Fil Conservation Forgotten When Oregon's Governor Talks of Army and Navy ' SHOULD INCREASE STATE AND FEDERAL MILITIA I Secretary Lane Outlines Plan For Leasing State's Nat ural Resources Seattle, Wsah., May 18. Conserva tion humped up against military and naval preparation and was unceremon iously dropped overboard &t the con ference of western governors in session here tli is morning. A lonp telegram from Secretary of tho Interior Franklin Iv. Lane gave conservation a fine start, but while the stenographer pounded out I'tijiifs of the message, Governor Withy wiilie, of Oregon, pushed the militant (tuff forward and conservation did not have another look in all forenoon. ffitlivcombe, who looks like pictures of Whittier, the Quaker poet and pence nlvocate, read a paper viewine with larin lack of preparedness of the Uuit-1 t ftl States and urging encouragement I J ml incrctise of the federal and state r.iilitia. t His views found encourno-oment from I jj Governor Carlson of Colorado and cx-jt0 ' (j uuiciiuir UOWH'V oi iuuoo, wane uov- i ernors Boyle of Nevada, Stewart of I Montana and Lister of Washington iu '; Muted there was not much danger of ,1.. ....... Ir 1 ... 11.1. , . Boyle especially warned the gov MtVt it has been a national error ... '. vk vu state militia to do police .' duty no interfere in industrial (lis pates, iiirtu,! oi merely being used for military p"ftwdncss. ' The adoption of a plan of leasing ... natural resources to private capital for ' 'i term of nil years and the royalties ,; derived therefrom by the government i to he iwd j,i reclamation of lands a Ml the states from which Oman n,n.M 5. arc derived, is the conservation policy 'ftvored by Secretary of the Interior I ne, 11s outlined in his telegram to the ?""''" governors this morning. After J years, he would givo tho state, citv, 1 " national government the. right o I imrcliuse the plants at a fair valuation. ;i ATTACK O.V TRANSYLVANIA. Washington. May IV Neither tho llriti.-h or (lerniau emlmssv would dis nw the story received from Loudon "'lay that a submarine lind fired a urpeuo at the liner Transylvania Sun- av. i, . . irivstely, attaches of the German I i .'niiiis.y Innted that the passengers inntot were probably "seeinir things" . i.iii' "'iousness caused by tne S "i n'l' i-usnaiiia. II AI MEETING MARION COUNTY PUTS THOUSANDS ON ROADS Over One-Third of Quarter Million Appropriation For Road Expended In Five Months Extensive Hard-Surfacing In Prospect-First Class Gravelled Roads Cost $1,628 Per Mile-County Clerk Gehlhar's Accounting System Almost Perfect J'''adatu!zing " ("HeiniF ... t I Ton n i if lie ir 'i.i i i i. , Of. I l?.l I '"I'lires iiuKri 11- , 1,UUI.U. "'fieiiil repairs, otc... 2o,B.4:t ' tools nnd much. ,07.'i.5.,t '!rviors' salurv.... 4.5H4.2S h V"'"1 $7H,fi.1fl.4t ''I, urnv.it I. ..(... i I... o...-,t, V.f - ujuii-u ;;,.iiiii i4 "" n nauieij . 1,(W1 roi k crnslii.,1 37.1 .... 2t2 ... 17Mi u.;ll iu 'nVuli:'iteer work: TiVl Tin Smi nrds of gravel n"le of mad. u f,.ot wi,' t! . . "' " "el' which, at per Hi: pinre yard, costs .),. . i Wh , "r the abov. statement,,' """! in ,"t"'""""y takfn rm the, ..''tie tt '. ' . 'tir, of us is a rraetlon over 'M fn. . . 1 ltal amount appro- w 81 lr Ik. V"1 briJKe improve 'I ' en,lr country, general """. , v Rmom" "Pended upon concrete ba-sltie pavin materials. the; '"t f M?rion 0OIIDi dufintf the1 ultimate coutemplation of who h means '',,rM1,?'.01nt,,l l to Mav 1, llo.ithe hard-suifacing of every trunk road "'H.n'l 7 Ti i fraetlon over ! within the county. If the initial work By CARL W. ACKEEMAN (United Press Staff Correspondont.) Berlin, via The. Hague and London, May IS. There is a possibility that Germany may not reply to the Ameri can submarine war protest this week. It is admitted that the serious Italian situation has served to focus official und popular attention to such a degree that the situation as regards the United States has become secondary. v At the foreign office it was stated today that the eniiro matter of the Am erican negotiations is now la the hands of Chancellor Vou Bethmanllollweg. His draft of a reply to President Wil son s note will probably bo gone over carefully and edited by' tho kaiser. So far as can bo learned not even a ten tative draft of a reply has yet been framed. The only official word today was that the government's attitude anil tho general nature of its reply to Am erica had nut yet been determined. Until a ridy to Washington's pro test is drafted and forwarded, the gen eral opinion today is that there will be a lull in the submarine activities so that nothing may occur which might complicate the situation That tho governmont is preparing to handle the case with extreme care is evidenced by the attitude of the press. While the unofficial versiau of the American note was commented on. the papers have been sincularlv silent since the official text was received. It has not yet been publishoil, and at the gov ernment's suggestion comment will be withheld until tho official text is an nounced has been observed. Tho nearest violation of the govern ment's suggestion was by the l.oknl Anzeiger, which said: "That the American government should consider the Lusitania as a harmless packet boat, without taking notice of the fact that it was really an auxiliary cruiser and an ammunition steamer of tho British navy, appears scarcely believable. Hut the Ger- mini uiisnri iu iianuni(;iuii win iiiuiw it comprehensible to Mr. Wilson, in lnngoaKe as polite ns it will be clear. that we must comuuet me war nil we are conducting it and can conduct it with a clenr conscience. ' Omission Formal Lamraaze In Appeal Held Trivial Holding that, inasmuch as there is lint mitfi ili,nit t.i n-l.wilt n ,. .,.,,..., . v ... ! nun uu u.,i.ii I"" lie taken from the circuit court in this I siiiu-, i no oinissiun or me woius up peulcd tn the supremo court of the state of Oregon," as formally used In appealing from the judgment of the : circuit court, is not a materuil error or I fatal to the jurisdiction of the np pielnte court, the supremo court denied tlie motion or plaintill to dismiss t lie appeal iu the case of Lewis Smith, plaintiff mid respondent, vs. W. O. Dwight, appellant, an appeal from the leereo uf Judge Webster Holmes, of i ., ... . llin ciriiiiit pftiirr fur Tj llfi ninnlr Kiinntv Petitions for reheorimr were also nied in the following cases: Southern ! Oregon company vs. (lage; Hart man vs. ! National Council Knights and l.ndies of ! c u :..i. .... 11 l I.... ri'lliilli i '1IK. ii K in. nirr iilljiiiK coimniiiv; Kubili vs. Davis; ( haiice vs. Ornhniii; Macch! va.Portland Hailway, Liulit ii' Power company. Motion to modify judgment tn Pulleu I vs. u gene was denied. and special, for the vear Ifl.", which nutfrouiites tUII.'l.orU.tfl, or nearly a i i quarter of a million dollars. i This money has been expended uponj i practically every road In the county, ' since rood building and omprojvemcnt j ihn been carried on in every rood di-iB ijcitrict of the county since the spring sca, hhi opened, and during this timo ! : miles or rono nave oeen iinmi mm ! either muriidani or graded, gravelled if I and rolled and placed in first class con sedition for travel. Thirty miles of nsid ifihave been completed in the county dur- ing 'he past vear. That, iu the estims- t ion or some eminent gnun n'i thiiainntM. is "some record" for a coun- iv il,n( niitiridv out of debt, is op ! i t-rstiiiif str ctlv unon n casti nasis snu s ' has over 1.hi.wu uoiinr. on y -.. , side of the ledger In the general fund. , I r. ....' . i At. --...li Pav as vou go has been tne so, no leth oi tne Jiunon u.,u.. " ' without even so inucn ss nun . , issue of a diel.f's worth of bonds, the initial step, have been taken; that is, I conir.c, ig . " tCj itinn tne cooniv. - , hich is in the nstore of an experiment ' yr w -v -rw I J jir A'l n fc'WMi WtlulUne R.ll il.H : -jT Kl II II II f 1 II II tl II II II SALEM, ARMY MOTORS FOR RAPID 1RANSPORT IN WAR Mexicans At Vera Cruz Better Equipped In ;j This Respect Than Americans- Army Aero Corps Yet Untried-Missouri Mule Proves Efficiency In British jrmy and Dies Kicking While Belgian Horses Lack Heart For War By William 0. Shepherd. (Copyright IM5 by the United Press; copyrighted in Great Hritjiin i Headquarters of the lintish Army,' Northern France, April 21 (Hy mail to New York.) A year ago I was with the American army at Vera Cm, and: though conditions there were highly different, from those prevailing hero,: nevertheless, the opportunity for mens- tiring the American army by what r see of the ltiitish army is too obvious; to overlook. Hie first thing that strikes me is, how we seem to have underestimated i gasoline transport. There was not a single automobile transport on the boats which brought General Frederick; Funston's troops to Vera (!ru. If "forward into Mexico" had been thel orders from Washington it is easy to Wilson's Message Arrays Oiliers Who Have Sanie Cause For Complaint By John Edwin Nevin. Washington, May IS. Pressure from other neutrals is the trump card which 1 ,1. I',,!..,,! C,. ,. li.i.l I.. ol " " ' tempt to force Germany to accept the! position of the Failed Rtati-s us tn sul)- innrine attacks upon neutral ships anil . rllnln "R" i,ii'.,n,j( 1 1 ""'in ui ui-iii-i eat ualions. It was learned today that Copies of Prcsidenl Wilson V noto of proteit to flermoiiv has been placed it the dis posal of neutral (onntnes whose citi- ,. !.. , ... . .i-iin Tii-ii- nici. ill nil- ill in- iw 11 V llllll 1 de-ithe sinking of the l.usitnnin. It is re potted these nations have endorsed the issues as outlined ly h' president It Is presumed that III is if, what Presi dent Wilson hod Iu inlml when, during his speech iu "cw Verb -eselrday lie said: "We Bsk it ii I y whnt we have a riitht to nsk for a, humanity." The l'niti',1 id'lti's ril'iin s to believe, that flerniiiny wa'.ts to brink with the neutral posY'd. Vet, if she declares to accept America 't pedlinu us to her subiiinriiie ui'tivilii'4, tt is held she 'i!t defy nil vhi liel'eve, as America be lieves, that their sn', ice's have I lie right to go wher'ver their busineis calls with full confidence that they will : be protected bv their gevi'iMiient, Hecretarc jf Strte 'Iryao today said he hud receivi',1 n ii'ini'jor of messaM from Ambassador ilernrl In Berlin ! since the not" of President Wilnon ns delivered to th (iermsn I ireign efface, but he refus'j t ) make nii.ic the con tents of any if Hifse cniununlcstii n. It was regnr'ed ns sii'iu. u tint, in view of the liiforuutl in ns to the .!,!, -In cut ,.f il,nr .,...,1.1,1. niiulinil (l.iiii.m i'k '. . ' . nliinliriiiit u-nrfnrp. Hull ntrnitn the eS - lers nt tlio iinie iiiprintr'nr lo ny wern the Dutch n pii i.i r ami the Itnllan a,u has-ador. Hi h I'shan nnl Dutch eitixens met -tenh u 1 1 sinking tf the Lusilnnin. Officials refused today to discuss reports from Uerlin and Amsterdam that (lermnny will refuse tn consider cessation of her submarine attacks pp,,,, nieri liaiitnieii. It illrh repnits might be a sniii insi regarded asi "feelers'1 thrown out in nu unofflcisl wav, and that only the kaiser, t ho j chancellor and the foreign minister j ......II.. nni.inf i.il.,i.tinl, J ai'IOUII Hil ui '1'1,,'ii,.. h -j which will be kept until action isi finally taken. As to the Merman claims thnt the laws of the l'nitd States prohibit the rarrvlnir of munitions on passenger :.:.. k i..... ...:..,t rUBCIH, 111 I I' IH II " ' r r ,,,, .,,:, ., ,rm,,s cliiiin. thea h munition shitmioiits i.iii ,. ., ,,.i,.., l.t the out - come u, ,. ,n...rrV nun be ..lv..i ' ,,, from Ambssssdorl iwJ report I Page, it, London, ,ega attempt to lorpe,o vama Hnsilsy. The regnrdinj the reported Ihe liner Trsnsyl state department -- - - ' ., had received no official information of Isi, awnca neuig mii-uiiir,i, -n. staled. NEUTRAL COUNTRIES SUBMARINES KEEP LINED UPWITH U.S. UK FROM GOING DN GERMAN PROTEST! TO ANSWER SIS OREGON, TUESDAY, MAY 1. , SHORT OF i understand, judging from what '.wen of nutomobile transport in I've the K iii-,imii ., unr lta P i march would have been a crawl instead of a rush. True enough, the roads in the Vera (.'rue district were jungle paths but miles of . roa.ls have been built in Europe since the war began, solely for military transport services! as our men could have built them if tho need arose. The thing that strikes me now is that General lltinrtu's Mexican nnuy that I saw so much" of during tho months before his downfall did hnvo motor transports. Their great lorries dashed about tho capital and in the mountain roads; their armored fighting cars were ready everywhere. 1 suppose some of (Continued on Page Bix.) , Distress Signal Heard By Steamers Who Were Forced To Race For Safety Huston, .Mass., Aluy 18. Three trans- Atlantic steamships, within 11 few miles 01' ,m' Lusitiiiiiii when that vessel was ! 1 ......... I .....1 1 ......1. ...ill. 1 . ...... I""!"""" mill mills, nun HISS 01 IIHirC 1 1 litt i luill) lives, liurrnwly escaped similar fnt ''apt.tiu W. F. Wood, of the l,evlniul !i!"'r .,;""1,iu- nrriviiig here today,' said ."ii ir-,111-1 iiiiii mu UIIUTS CllllUlll IIIC H. O. ,S. call ot the l.usitiinin uinl .iliortlv al'temunl made a run for snf ety when siiliuuiriues were sighted ill ineir own waue. "It was :UH on May 7 when wo re ceived II gelieial " H, O. N." f,m , lilisituniii. She said she was torpedoed and was listing heavily. Her positiun was given as off Kinniilo, - "The steamer City of Kxotcr was about a hull mile ahead of us and the oil tiinlii'r .NniiiiKiliiHett was about 1(1 miles ahead. The NarniganH'tt turn ed when she reached the position given by the wireless, but rcportod there was nothing in siglil. At the same time, however, she reported thill an attempt had been niiid" tu torpedo her. "Then suddenly wo saw the Kxeter ihuuge her cuirxc und (lie crossed our butts at top sp I. We then sighted the periscope of R submarine about a quarter of u mile uwny) The submarine dived, und thin cuius to the surfuco ngniii on our stem. "The chief engineer took M'ronnl rlisige in the engine rooms, Kveiv sto ker wus set to wirk. We soon began to gather headway and began hitting 1.1 knots. This got ns away from the submarine on our sturu, but soou after ward we sighted tbe superstructure of another one directly ahead of us, Doub linK hsek on our enurse, we nguin crowded no full steum, and within tn minutes hud outdistanced the second Mihmurinc. " Wo weie then 10 miles from the point nil ere the Lusltauil went down. ""' "ii"""s' 'i an repurtea mere "SS IIUlHIIIg III 1(UI HI IIIH plHIIIOII UII'HII wil lin , I'll tn IblMt.M. " Mrs. SnilTen Will Not Be Tried Until October New York, Msv 17. licraiisn she is I about to beeiiiue mother, Mrs. Ida Snilfi'n Walters will not be tried until October no a charge of murdering her . Pi,il,lren who she nave poison. r tnsl was postponed today on motion of the district attorney who ob- t i tu the Idas of the defense ...... .1. .. ,1.1- II... of ptjsUinK IOC rnw- m nin iiiiii-. .( , ,,( believe one man in a hun The Weather tlregon: Hhowers tunight and Wed nesdayi aoutherly winds. 1 18, 1915 hi. II IVUIIU IIL.V wL I v w W Re-Organization Program For Commercial Club Given Endorsement "I believe the nlnn for re-nrim hita. tion of the Commercial club will give to the organi.tttion high efficiency and is so designed as to insure the highest measure of desired results," said llul Putton today, in speaking of the work now under way. "1 nrrivn m ihi. mm elusion from a study of the things pro vided for in the form of organization nnd method of Administration. I find tne following excellencies provided for: "Direct and close relationship be tween the membership ami the organiza tion. "Opportunity for the 1 ndiviiliiln mnin" ber to express his preference im tn in,. division of activity in which he would like to center his interest nnd apply his energies. "The work of the onmiiizntlim tn lm distributed by bureaus or departments, each headed by a director and served by a committee selected with special reference to the work to be done by it, and specially organized to perform those particular duties alloted to that depart ment. "Opportunity for active work on the pnrt of tho members, through special committees in the respective bureaus or departments, resulting in a more general distribution of service nnd activities. "Complete co ordination of all forces within the organization and centruliji Hon of adiuinistrutivo authority iu the Hoard of Directors, "Provision for a public forum in meetings of the general membership, to be held at. stated intervals, Pinal an. tlinnty rests with the membership, and an matters of policy are determined by mo membership bmlv. The board of directors is held accountable for the execution of the policies laid down by the membership body. "Meeting will be held by tho bureau members for considering' matters af fecting their respective departments ami minting recoiniiieiiiliitlnns ns to lines of activity to be undertaken Meetings of tho general membership are also designed to be held at Intervals to hear short talks by representative men, resident or from abroad, on live busi ness issues und civic and trade prob lems. Hy this means, and a snne policy of publicity In the presenliilinn of fnets relative to needs, conditions and oppor" tmiities it is intended to stimuliite nn intelligent public interest In matters affecting the industries, trade and gen eral welfare of Salem." OF President Tucker Will Make Public Address At City Library This Eevening Mrs. K. W Hwnntu'i, teerelarv of the Oregon lliiiiiiiue society, who was met nt the train by a dclcKiitmn of Snlem Indies, rnrnpoHcd of Mesilnmes I'. A. Turner, II. I). Trover and K. Ilofer, ile- livercd an address before the assembly of the students o f the higii school at I 1 o'clock this murning. another beforn the assembly of the Willamette Uni versity nt 10 o'clock, and to the Sixth, Seventh and Kighth grudes of the Washington and (iratit schools, She was escorted by automobile bv the ladies' reception committee UiU moriiiiig, und this ultorriiiin visited and Bd.li'cssod , the students of the other grade schools of tho city. Mrs. Swuiiton, of course, Is exploiting the propaganda of the humane moiety, mid hur addiessi s before the school pu pils were upon the subject, particularly, of the Hand nf Mercy movement. Judgii filbert Turner, pn-slilent or the Oregon Humane society, will srrive Iu hulciu this alterncnn, and st 1 o'clock thlsjbniik of New York evening, at tho lecture lull of the citv, library, will deliver a public address! upon the oboets and accomplishments of the humane a ety. This is "llu mane Week throughout the einntry, and every person is besceched to per- form some kind act to dumb animals during the week. Ncit Hondsy, Msyj has been set apart as " Hums nw i Hondsy' coo n try. for observant all over the dred could ssy that lie would give a fair trial tu a woman who is about to become a mother," said Justicn Weeks, in grsntir.g the motion to postpone the case. "Almost any man would be prcjudicrd in her favor," lisil wss fixed at 7.AO0 and It wits reported thnt this miulit be furnished ITALY PREPARES FOR WAR. Washington, Slav H. The liulian ambassador hold sn extruded confer ence with Heerelnry Itrysn today, pre- sumsbly retarding the Cnited htstrij representing Italy in AiMtris and (ler-i oisnv shoubl the Home government en-la) ter th war. i YIELD TO CUUfflR OF HIS PEOPLE FOR WAR Armed To the Teeth Italy Chafes At Delay of final Word From Victor Emmanuel Which Will Send Them At Their Ancient Enemy-Crowds Cheer Troops and War Spirit Rages-Ultimatum To Austria Being Prepared Rome, May 13. With Premier ftulan dra in conference with the cabinet, to dny it was rumored that tho ministry is drafting nn ultimatum to bo deliver ed to Austrtt. That King Victor Kuimamic0 will ultimately dee lure war upon Austria, the public no longer doubted today. It is merely a question of the time Hint shall be chosen to deliver the first, blow. All Italy is in arms and ready to strike. The country is only await ing word from tho conference of min isters, who aro expected to reach a defnitn decision. It is reported that announcement of a decisive step may bo delayed until parliament convenes on Thursday, but dnmonst rations against tho government for its inaction have now completely ceased so eompleto is tho confidence that. Italy will soon 'be at grips with tho forces of Kmpernr Franr. Josef. According to imports of the ulti matum which is rumored to be iu course of preparation, Austria will bo given but a few hours in whieh to yield to the ilemniiils for territorial conces sions made by the ltiiinn government. Deject inn of the demands will precipi tate au immediate, declaration of war. The last of tho Austriuiis and Her man residing In ltoui have left, except those detained by tho most urgent busi ness. The presence of scores of citi zens of the countries now regarded as Italy's enemies attracted curious crowds nlmut tho railway stations, but there was no repetition of the hostility displayed dining tho war riots of last week. Streets wero crowded today. Troops Hillreliiliir tn iin,l from nnfirliirs were heartily cheered. 1 110 thrones were, almost In a holiday mood so complete suit of n break with Winston Churchill, Is the satisfaction nt the prospect of first lord of the admiralty, according to wnr, but. spirits wern restrained innljtho Daily Telegraph toduy. the city was comparatively quiet.! Newspnpeis today cautioned (lie peoploi Mine TiM Extouded. ngniiisl any hostile demonstrations Washington, May 18. A messago SKuinst the property of Austiians and li Consul Uonoral Hkinnor to the Cerioaiis when the declaration of warl slate department today shows thut tho is n ii linn ii I. I ilritinh niliiiirnlty lias greatly en I en, led The lliiirnnle D'llalia toduy said its mine fields nlmut (Ireiit Ilritaiii ami pin liiiiueiit woubl bo asked to confer! miUcrliilly narrowed the navigable wit plenary powers upon the government lers. without debute, Thus armed, the gov- i-in in ii t would be ready to net at a moment 's notice. Former Premier fliolilll hud ro lireil to his homo today. Ile told his friends he had exhausted all menus to -1 ward pence and would now abide by the decision of the cabinet. Riggs Bank Officials File Four Affidavits Washington, May 1H, Against the objection of the government, counsel representing the Itiggs National bunk f wnhingti.n, was permitted when the , ,. . . . , .. """ """" " """ "' Adoo snd Comptroller of the-Currency Willis,,,, was opened in the district court today to file four affidavits "up porting its contentions, .fudge McCoy, in permitting tho introduction of the ntlnli.vlls. said they could be presented fur what they sro worth," One of the affidavits, by Miss Lottn M. Tavlor, denies that she was ever ci pelled from (he office of the comp troller of the currency. Mcrrctury Me Adoo, In his reply filed lust week al leged she hud a desk In tho comptrol ler's of ice while employed by the itiggs .National hunk ami tint National ( it v Tho other affidavits were by Charles ), (ib.ver of the Higgs bank and two ,y J,i, Kvans, Hr. They are answers , ,M, tri-jury department affidavits wtll,., n,,,,,. unl il( ,mnk , frin ...tica and assistants on ,(K,urty. R ' (toil, I on reputation) nurse public spirit; make friends of visitor not necessarily nersonal friends, but 'rin,! fur Hnl.m If the literature distributed promises certain conditions and ad vantages, see that these are possible of fulfilment, nnd that they are fulfilled to tho letter iu every Instance. It Is far better to promise little and keep the promise, than to promise much and fail short when it comes to fulfilling it. If the slatemeils respecting the riiiomuiillv and its advantages ar false in one particular it arouses suspicion with respect to every other claim, One untruth discredits every other statement tmiiutiug from the same source, H, build on repots, ion, Hut se to It that the chaiaeter of the city Is such as to establish the right kind of reputation a reputation that will warrant building ou. Today s News Printed Today WANTS 300,000 MORS. London, May 18. Lord Kit chener, secretury for war, to day issued a call for .'iOO.OOO additional recruits fur the Brit ish army. In asking for additional troops, Kitchener also indicated that the allies may soon emulate the Oermuus by using gus bombs in making ! tucks upon tho enemy. Aildnwsiug the house of lords, Kitchener declared thnt "siace tho (lermans persist in the use of gas bombs, tho allies must protest their tn.ips by employing similur methods." The war minister did not state iu detail jimt what "similar methods'' the allies intend to adopt. Ho spoke brief ly of the prospects of Uio allies for tho summer and discussing the question of munitions sub!: "I am confident that, in tho very near future, we will be in a very satis factory position, su far as tho' supply of ammunition is cuncernod. " Italy Blezes Antoa. London, May IU,- Military author ities in Koine were todnr commandeer ing all private automobiles In the Ital ian capital us one nf the preparatory measures for Italy's entrance into tho war, according to I dispatch received here. Admiral Flshor May Quit. London, May IM. The resiunstlon of Admiral Sir oiiu I'lsher, heud of tk Dritish nuvy, is " probable " ns the r. British Oil Supply Out Off. Wellington, May IH. Advices to tho statu depart incut today declared that eooimuiiienlioii between Panned and Tiimpico, Mexico, has been cut. buttlimr up one of tho llrltlsh navy's sources of oil supply. Interstate Commission Block Railroad Order Wnsliingon, Muy IH. The interstate) - commerce commission issued an order disapproving the plans suggested Xif western rsilrouds for constructing rutea to the Pacific and intermediate back liuiil points. Ihe order sot up tho com- J I ,1.IMI. M ..u... ..I...I ... .SI !.... .L. , flinmCH VJW n. off W ,1 ilro.d. 'and the vnrious commujiltiea affected. Including practically evnry Important northern Sml western city. Kates were ordered constructed to back haul pointed in the following mau- neri Hy lidding to the terminal rates not morn t Iiiiii 75 per rent of th local rates to the nearest terminal, or by adding ar bitrary rates to the terminal rates, varying with the distance from porta, such arbitrsriea not to b more than 75 per rent of the local rates and the aggregate not to exceed the maximum prescribed for th intermediate point in this order, Cities entitled to terminal rates In clude! Astoria, Portland, Vancouver, Wash., llellingham, Hvcrett, Tacoma, Heat tie, Aberdeen, lloqulam snd Cos mopolis, Wash. sssss very x.