Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, May 15, 1915, Page THREE, Image 3

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(Couti mic J from fge Two.)
Miiv 27. and 18 aue 10 arrive
M.miidy, May al. The mlit
Tuesday, June 1, the season
Mr. nil Mr. n...i n .
tU- ,, , v. nice nave
them Mr, i Muttie Lock wood of K.
to Salem. W,e miule a western trii
jevera months llg liml
from the present trio win ....... V.".''
Sun Francisco to vi i. '"
in Bo?"'"
u Boston l"'B'9.
ii:.. Variutret Griffin of Portland
'.viiecteii tr( arrive oal'ly next week to
".... time na the guest of JIiss
Ma Meii"'!'. Miss CSrif fin is'a chnrm
itgpirl, "' visits nr0 '"'I'l'i'y antic
ir"'d- . . .
A di-liy'i' t'ul custom, rapidly gaining
ftvor in la' ,''"'t' ot l,rt'sl-'"tillg o"c
. il in liiano or voice nt a recital is
Lnir slolv introduced in Knlom
Tk.w arc iimav features to musicals of
ibis kind to lie recommended: the pru
.nuns are necessarily of a more at
tractive length, the uudience is given
j better importunity to consistently
judge a musician's work, and the pupil
js furnished a greater incentive to do
kis or her very best. This method las
k(cn employed by Klmn Weller, in re
also fur .Miss
cent years,
and the results have been
i ... ...'....,...... M.... 1 ....... . ....
jnore man siiusniiuij . uti mu-ai iu
(ital wns given Wednesday evening ul
l... stiiiliii nti north l.ibertv street Miss
? BCl Bi- .
' Leomt Wieilnier, an advanced piano stu
dent being presented, Weller Chuniber
lain, liiiiitone, was the nssistaut.. lu
tcri'steil friends of the young musician
filled the studio, nccording .Miss Wied
Ber u most conipliuientiiry ovation up
on her uppi'iiranee, -Miss Wiedmer play
.i iil, tlnisli n tiiitii-iilile feittnro 1.
ioc tlie cxipiisite juelody which' churuc-'
9 ..i i. . , ....I. ...,:.... i.: i
't lerueil mi ccij nuvvuviii mm tjuiti-
I it v being eiually as prominent in tlie
i goiter pass: ges us in the louder, hue
plays caily, giucefully, unnfj'uctedly,
J ami imparts a rare charm to her unit
! ic. .She is essentially musical and has
I an infinite capacity for work, her
1 plnying demonstrating careful und ener
J et'ic study. For the pnst two yeurs
.1 tie lius been organist ut Nt. Joseph's
ihurch Inning the distinction of being
i me of the lew womeil in tho city to
I'lay n pipcuigun. iler work here has
' attracted lunch attention. Mr. Chamber
) lain, although -appearing in public but
,j rrri'iit ly , has already won iiiiiny udinir
J us. lie has a very good voice which
.? prnises much. His diction and tones
i arc particularly commendable anil he
'ii gifted with that most essential at
'triuutc temperament. The prognini
' . u ojM'iied by u quartet w hich played
: Weber's favorite, " tnvitalion to the
Dance." .Miss Clare burr's leadership
xeeptioutil, the entire uum-
ror her pleasure
i.iitt't I nil ,t , .... ... ...
we, ke;r1,n, '- "thIn,U during ,S
dinner uV"'i 'tM V" " "
trz:: ev"ning ia-vi"e -
f. "I?'d"n ' "f Arr. and Mrs
L .;.lV:". ot -V"ri"" "reef, was
iu urnve ionic
ford University today to
from Stan-
IIIIKU tlw. .......
""" "is parents. The Davises
most interesting people, are recent
iivals in (Milem coming here from Crin
brook British Columbia. Gordon C
is, a former freshman at Stanford fni
versity, u decidedly clever writer
whose work ,s U:U.(, ,vill(1
ion Altliough but twenty years old
he has alrearv loo I I,;. ...., . '
dnced ,, ... " " . I'r"-
. . ...i.ijjis ami tin,
Mrs. E H Choiite ami suns, fl,ert
Henry and I redcrick doseph, are home
tron, u delightful uutiiijf nt Xewpoit
going over about n month ugn
standard in Salem. A. 1,. Wallace is
manager of the chorus; O. .1 Mvers as
sociate mminger; Weller (hambeiiaiu,
secretary and treasurer; and the small
son ot (ieovge Curtis Lee Smder the
mascot. The members uf the .-horns
are: rirst tenors, Carl dabrielson. It. .1
'V.ir-ii l. ''""'roteys; Frank He
itt, 11. K Uoliitm-ff. Tom Campbell,
lr.; second tenors. O. K. De Witt, Ches
ter l-raser. William Walton. 1'aul Walk
er, Ward llubrock; first bass Fritz
Sehwab, Hairy llult. C. .1. Gieene, ,1
Wenger, W. '. l,.,-lii-k, I.. It. V(,ni;,,r.'
second bass, George C. ),. Siivder
1.. V. Walla,-,., Weller Chan'iberlui'ia,'
I'an 1-. Lmigeiiberg, S. Huerfler and F
Mrs. R. I, White entertained with
00 yestenlny afternoon for the
Pleasure of her hmise guest. Miss Vernal
I oo.ler. Frizes were awnnled to Mrs I
Hank Ward and Mrs. It. 11. Pound. The
rooms were prettily decorated with bus-1
kets of roses nnd fern, the tables heingj
cleared following cards for the colla
tinn, which was served bv small .Mar-i
garet White, dr.iig'olcr of' the liostss.
and Frances Ward. The guests were.l
oesides Miss Cooder, Mrs. Fiank Ward,:
Mrs, U. II. Pound, Miss Kubv Found, i
Mrs. Lloyd Mauser, Mrs. C. Fntton,
Mrs. John Suvage. I
Miss Miiiuettu
eeived an
of Miss .1
ter of the Warren
iMagers has iust re-
invitation tor the marriage
i.ii-iiti icn i nomas. , aim ,.
K. Tlllllliases. nf
io i.eiL'n Mil,, .- c. ,. .
u.,.1.11... . , " . "e
a '"'Hbant affair ot
". ', HiKiinr piac
Lpiscopal church.
at St. .Mark's
Miss Louise Hernilorfner, of Sacred
lieurt iicademy, assisted bv .Miss Marie
' ampbrll, will be graduated from the
"iiisiiui department next Friday
ing, -May 21st. at S.-llu i.-'
urauu oiiera house. A I
The craduatinir recital of tlie ,.lmnl
of music takes place Fridav eveniiiL'. i witl'
May 2S, in the First M. K. church, i eonrses the Swiss yi
Misses Louisa Heainan, Lenn Dotson lni,h S"veial nnisieal
and Liicile Kuntz nre the giaduates in
piano, and Miss Frances Dimick ill
voice. The students in piano have had
their work under Mr. Menileiihall, and
in voice under Mrs. .Mendenhall. The
recital is open to the public.
Most Successfully Treated by Taking
Hood' Saraaparilla.
Loss of appetite Is accompanied by
loss of vitality, which is serious.
It is common in the spring because
at this time the blood is Impure and
Impoverished and falls to Kive the
digestive organs what is absolutely
necessary for the propor perform
ance of their functions.
Hood's Sarraparllla, the old reli
able all-the-year-round medicine. Is
especially useful In the spring. Get
it from your druirj-ist today. By
purifying and enriching the blood
and giving vitality, vigor and tone,
it Is wonderfully successful In the
treatment of loss of appetite and the
other ailments prevalent at this time.
It Is not simply a spring medicine It
is much mora than that but it Is tho
best spring medicine.
Hood's Sarsaparilla makes the rich
red blood the digestive organs need.
and Srhaupp entertained jointly with a
surprise at the hitters suburban home
1!'"1 Market street in honor ,,f il,;,.
husbands' birthday anniversaries, also I I holiness rally Wednesday
for M. W. Clark mid, little Miss llelovse i First Presbyterian. I Kverybodv welcome. II, W,
Uouna. Dinner Wns send ;,t seven ou,V 1 pastor Carl II. Klliott will speak pastor, Waller street.
of doors, four birthday cukes gracing ,l) h'" Junior congregation on (renting!
the table, the lawn iicinc il,.c,t,.,l ; ""r eiieinies kindly and to the adults oiJ First. MothndLt r.uluermoi
I Portland School Students !
! Visit Capitol Building THE VALUE OF IDEALS
Hural Clinpol,
stover, minister. Snn.lnv
school at 10:30 u. m. Morning worship
at 11:30. Christian Kinleavor at 8
P. in. The morning sermon will ,e to
the graduating class of Middle drove
the graduating class of Middle drove
school on ihe subject of "Wisdom. '
Special music bv the choir,
In Iniquity.
Central Congregational.
Corner South Mlth and Ferry streets,
II. ('. Stover, minister. Sunday school
at 10 o'clock, christian Kml, avor at
i p. m.
Yon will
cuing services at " i.
be given a welcome
Nine students of the Eighth and two
jof the Ninth grades of tlie Woodlnwn
school, of Portland, accompanied bv
I their teacher, Miss M. Leasing, are in
jthe? city today making a tour of the
pg:,1:;: in Sin, Mission
I Ku,i-i us an aiii io ineir
1 studies in regular school work. Thev
were piloted through every department
! of the capitol building by Assistant
School Superintendent Frank K. Wells.
; Those composing the classes were:
Misses Sylvia J'encher. Klsie ('Iodine,
Catherine Dekum, Kthel l.ove, Char-
lotto lilndorn, l.enore Wilsshire, Flor.
j euce dill nii.l Masters Clarence Smith
iiiud .lesse Kiilneli, of the Kiuhth grade.
and Masteis .lames drahani mid (larcia
Itiiiee, of the Ninth. Accompanying
tlie party were Mrs. W. l.essiag iiml
the Misses drnce Wiltshire, Clara l.ove
iiml F. rnteliing.
3irthmrki Hereditar Blemithe.t
How Counteracted Motherly Ideal.
Fatherly Ideal Duoinem Ideal.
Social Ideal Neighborly Ideal, j
Chrietian Ideals.
: Fi p. in.
Mrs. II. H. (dinger has been passing
the week ill Portland the guest of
Mrs. Scba Case Wall is doinieilicd
one or tlie attractive apartments in
the Hubbard building, removing from
IS3 South Commercial street.
at the
ialtt inn.
gram is to be presented. Miss Iter,,.
dii.tner to preside at both the harp and
piano, Miss Campbell to assist with the
violin. Miss Ueradoifner is a par-
o v ,.l, i... , . "r'" '-..urge oily, on
, . ......... v ,-, ,,n ,ng w hich
im.- tiiiiuiis recita s eiven he t n.,
Hers entertained
selections littl.,
.Miss llogan pleasing greatly with her
singing. Philip Fisher assisted on the
program as did nlsd Mrs, ,lolnl Print,
and M iss Delilah Faulkner who con
tributed instrumental ami vocal selec
tions. The remainder of t lit- evening
was passed in doors with cards. Those
present were, Mr. and Mrs. I'liilip Fish
er. .Mr. nnd Mrs. (). W. Moon, Mr. nnd
Mis. licit -Neyhart, Mr. and Mrs. linv
jdrant, Mr. and Mrs. ,1. S. Henderson,
. I Mr. nnd Mrs. Hay Richardson, Mr. and
"'.Mrs. W. S. Yaple, Mr. ami Mrs. M.
in i ii- - i- i t i ....
irin-i, .in, nun uh. iiunn i rin ty,. Air
; mi- Mnh.,-i oi .Minn, houiir tt,t, tuntli, Mule iiml Cliuivh stn-vts, Ui.-lmnl X
imoutlHy review of u HilU hottk. Tho Avisoll. ininisler II- 1.", .. ,., u..l,l,..,l.
'"'leci oi me evening sermon is ' lie 1 school. Messrs. Schini ,.l
Art of Seeing ihe liomi Quartet in
the morning ami vested chorus choir at
night. All are welcome.
United Evangelical.
North Cottage street between Center
ami Marion, A. A. Winter, minister.
10:00 a. in Sunday School, prof. A. I,.
Schiualle, superintendent. Keport of
State S, S. Convention, Mrs. (I. N.
Thompson, delegate 11:00 it. in.
Mother's Day services special music
for the occasion; sermon text, "Heboid
thy Mother." Bvery mother a white
This year's Hose Festival
land which tnkes place next
in Port-
month is
nun .wis. v. ..i. iirnieu, .ir. ami M is. ea run i ion, everv tinner a white rose.
W. W. Faulkner, Mr. ml Mrs. N. O. 0:00 p. in. .luuii'ir Kiiiteilvor. Miss 1'aul
Hales, Mr and Mrs. F.llis Hennett, Mr. line K'einington, siiperlnten,ent. (I: to p.
nnd Mrs. J, -C. Schaupn, M,s. Helen in. K I., of C. K. nieetinc. tonic. " Why
supciinienuenis ii:ii a. m. the Kev.
deo. F. Hopkins, I). D secretary of the
Confcrenc,, Claimants Kiidowme'nt Fund
will liresetlt. t lit. cllliins of our roliro.l
ministers. 3:00 p. m. the Hev .lames!
'I vi n will speak at the Old I'eoples
Home. ii;:io p. in. the Intermediate
League. Mrs. .M ('. Fialey, superin
ten. lent. 0:30 p. in, the F.pworth
l-ciigiie, topic, "Kiihirgiiig Funetioa of
Ihe Missionnry,'' 7 : -t " p. in, the Kev.
II. .1. Tnlhoit, D. D. I.L I), will preach
the III alaurcate sermon before the
graduating class of Willamette l'ni.
versity. Mid week service, Thursdny
at 7:30. strangers always welcome.
b. i
sieal students of the neadeinv.
gcneriil iublic,
Ml'S. KOKS II. Monies Kllterli,li,n.l I),.,
Marigold club Wednesday II t rei nrwin
I'ho rim ns were most beautifully deco
rated with a profusion of rose's. Mrs.
K. li (lilliain, .Mis. Joseph Barbour and
"is. rt. iieiinelt were die invited
guests. Fpon depurture, each member
was presented with a bountiful boinpiet
of roses. The club will meet fin- mi i,ll.
home of
i TO (Mlit
; ir uiiiiB muni cieveny CAccuieu, tiieioay meeting at tlie country
; rytbio iiml melody of the piece being Mrs. A. J.. Stinsm, .May M.
j to ticable by its perfection. The pro-1 "
rIuws: , , , I Mr. ami Mrs. J. II McCoikle left to-
'.Uftcrilcning ium Tunz Weber: day tor Portland, where thev will pass
t (Invitation a iu Danse) u week previous to their depurture for
; Clare Burr, Isola Smith, I.eona Wicd- j - eskowin, where they will reiuinn tor
' iner, .Muriel Steeves. ithe siiinnier at their cottage, "The F.I-
1 Fantbiti Mozart, lea." Their home is iu Turner, their
Aiiagiu, Allegro, Anduntino, l'iu daughter, .Mrs. ,1. K. Hrophy, spelling
?. ..nr., rni tiv wuti iiieui nr tutu n
b'vl , ' , V
I i-ona Wiedmer. ...
,,. Mctculf ..T'l' ,- liobertses, of Sail lleinar
Bartlett '".,,! '"''
Chamberlain. Vl1.1""" 1
X utum
the lending schools and coIIcl'cs
mil- nf tlie state will sen, I rl,,n ,.l,,i. ...i
A most c'nnrnses. 1'nder the direction of Dean
to the Mendeiihal, Willamette ('Diversity is
: to be represented bv its mens glee' club
1 : i , . . , V.
oi iiiieen voices, nun ny its ladies inns
icnl club of sixteen voices. Huth or.
gani.iitions have been winking eon
, scientiously for the event nnd will no
'doubt compare most favorably with any
similar organization appearing. Among
the glee clubs to appear are the State
I'niversity Girls' dec Club of 24 voices
from F.ugcne, nnd the Pacific I'niversi
ty Hoys' dice Club of 20 voices fr
Forest drove. Or. These nnd others tire
to sing Thursdny, June 10, nnd till form
only u part of the general scheme of
vocal music now under progress. There
will be much singing by children on
the first day of tho Festival, dune 11,
iin.l several concerts by the leading
chorus choirs nod choral societies on
tlie last ilny of the Festival, ,lune 11.
In addition to this there is to be much
singing ny men s quartets not in regu
uir concert innn. It is lie Moved
Hognn, Mrs. Stritmettcr. the .Misses i I believe
Christian Kiiilciivor
iiiinia Winner, ieine Si halter, Hlla j loader, Miss l.ydin llerndon. 7:1
Hennett. rem Sclinupp, Kva Print., I m. sermon mid worship, "Woman, He
Delilah Faulkner, Hirdetta Hennett, hold Thy Son. " Self-denial envelopes
Hcloyse llogan, Messrs. Charles Hid-1 'o come in Sunday. Public cordially
fenstine. Trubert Henderson, Monis ' invited 7 : -I ." p. in. Monday, a short
nin e, Hohert Hennett, ( arl Hales, Loy
al Henderson, Harold nnd Max Moon,
Wallace Hennett, Doiuihl Srliaupp, Ow
en llogan and Kenneth Faulkner.
Mrs. T,. TT. JossC, Sr. expected to
leave tonight or tomorrow lor Cortland
to be the guest of her daughter. Mrs.
deorge Huack. ' ,
. j
Mrs. 1 Mendelsohn of New Yoik
City, is the guest of her sister, Mrs. I
Joseph Harris of Dellcvue street and
will remain lndefinilelv
j musical ami literary program given at
.the church; silver offering; program
j by the young people and followed by
a social hour with refreshments.
Bouth Salem Friends.
Corner South Commercial ami Wash
ington street, II. F. l'cmlicrion, pastor.
On Tuesday evening, 'Mny
was n very pleasant surmise
11, there
given at
'.! Vt'-Wiu So. 2
Memni Mui, al .
Allcgrrtto Ku. 0 !
,-( ' i'"uii,nte No. 2 Ohaminnde 1
' l.eoijii Wiedmer,
i lamp II, Troterel
;i lclJcr Ciniiiberlaiii.
,'(. To Spring Giieg!
,(li.' .Nurnegiiin Hiilal Party ... .Grieg
f l.eoini U icdiuer,
were Friday's guests of the Hi'" l'lan of extensive general sinirinir
Knighli.is, stopping off on ' will greatly promote the Kose Festival
trom Portlnnd. where thev ' spirit. The suindv of bnml ini,.
had been passing a lew davs with theiVibe equally generous. Among the larg
ilaugl.ters, Mrs. I'hilii, and Mrs Wi.ll.nr'er events will be ti ,,tn,.,,. I... ,1...
iMimiii, tins was their f rst im, to l estuii c niriis i.r.o,., l.
i r- - ""
and they were pur-1 2500 children from the
the home of Mr. and M
Swisher. ll(i.r North llltli street, in hon
or of Mrs. Swisher's birtlulnv. The
j evening was spent infm nuily.1 'i'lio first
I prizes in one coiites. wiis' awarded to
.Hiss .limine ImiImii ami Mr, Swisher,
the other prizes going fu Williitm Sor
rill, Albert I'liestnian und Mr. (tiles.
Several iniisii-nl selections were render-
Snbbnih school at 10 a. in , II
supei intendeiit. Meeting for
nt 1 1 a. in. Voung I'eoples nif
ti:-li, Mrs. Dr. rembertoa. leader. A
tempenince addicss at 7:1.1 u in. by
Kev. .1, C. Haley, field worker for
Minion county I 'raver meeting at
7: Io Thursdny evening, ,
j Tirst Congregational
i James F.lviu, pastor Sundav school
at 10 o'clock, I'rof. W. I. Slaioy, sup
! crimen, lent; scholars are requesteil to
meet promptly on liuio to practice
'children's day music. Morning service
at IliOll o'clock; talk to Juniors, "Tlie
best story book.'' The quartet will
sing; sermon subject, "The old Purl
I I n n ism and Ihe Ney Age." Chiistiiin
j Kiidcavor meeting at, t'c -l.", leader Mrs.
I . lames Klviii; subject, "Why I believe
iu Christina Kiulein or. Kv'eniug serv
ice at 7 : 1 ... Illiisluiled ndiliess on
; Congregationalism, "From Seroobv to
Miles,1 t l luoiitti, ' .Mnl. week service Thurs
ling al
Kansas City,
May 10, Pastor t
Iiussoll spoke lii'io,
today on die tcit, ;
"tilinpen in liilqul-j
ty, in hln did my I
mother con eel vol
nio-PHiltn 61:5, i
Tho entrance oC i
aln nnd Its deatli
peunlly Into tho
world brought so-'
l'lous linpiilruieiilH.
niontul, mornll
and pliyslcal-to ,
our race, tho spenkcr said. It lsj uo
longer nntiival to do fight, but contrnrl-,
(vise. As 8t. Paul declared, "Wo can
not do llio things that wo would." Iu
oilier worda, wo oro coiisUlolloimlly.
defective, a a result of our Hint pnr
etits' disloyalty lo Quel. Yet tho tulud
.an riso to loftier height than It enn
lift tho body. "To will Is present with
mo, but bow to perforin I know not"
Many nio grasping after this great
truth, and attempting human uplift
through eugenics, etc.; but they nppro
' lalo Imperfectly what they teach, full
ing to seo the mutter from (hp Illblo
standpoint. Tho mind, tho will, tho
body, should bo entirely submitted to
Uod'a will. Thus only enn tho highest
good be possible. This wns God s re
quirement of our Hist parents. In this
they fulled; and In consoqucuce mental,
moral nnd physical Impairment bnvo
come lo us as u race.
Tho 1'nntor then showed that tho Illblo
divides llio world Into two classes; tho
mass of sinners condemned of God and
this citv
i nis was
since HMi'i,
delighted with Oicgon nt this
i Mi-s Cail Soiiter, of Saith Pond,
Ubbiiijjtun, tninicrly of Taooinii, ur
,mcij jesterdiiy to be enteitained as the
Mac uuest f .is8 l-.lizaboth It.
tuiiiiz. Miss Soiiter is a charming
...I'tfl ami tilremly has au ndiiiinug bsi
, fiiemls here, having visited here be
lire as Mis. s u,ltz'b gnest. The hit
;tn entertained iiitorinally for her pious
'.ii.i' this niteinoii asking as guests
yliMi; who Iiml known iier previously
V.iMl otln rs to meet the northern vis
Uuring n,e hours the pleasing
.'I'" " -M"s Souter ' engugoincut to
,K''ee I rest, t Oregon City, was told,
wcilding to be late in Juno.
At tccent luncheon iu Portlnnd, of
ilumiitie association of Alpha Chi
; "na f..ro, ,t v. Mrs. R. Monroe Gil
,J't , of sal,.,,, 1S elected vice prrsi-
for oiegon. Mr,, Withrow ol
'" hill. ws chosen president j Mrs.
". Hopkins of Portland secretary:
; -N'"l"n of Corvallis, (reus-
Mi" ll"ll' of Portland, I.vre
C""r,M,'nt' -Mi Helen Weg-
'. Jct lVoilmid chiiirmini of the lunch-
' i,vT""."""' fiill,"r Ml".
'U . , ' ' "' me only local mem
"-'VI I , ' ,
,"""iltiirnl C,
yt in ,!,,
an elnl.
Ill a setting of fragrant flowers, Mr.
and Mrs. Charles F. Klgin, of 071 South
Capitol street, ciitertiiineil with six ta
bles of ".juu" lust night, the affair
being one of the most delightful of the
week. Small Florence Klgin, daughter
of the mists, let the guests in, Mrs.
A. U, llyun, Mrs. It. H. dunlin nnd
Mrs. Koineo Hunter assisting. The
rooms were a bower of roses, masses of
sweet brier foliage and its delicate
blossoms combining with the dainty!
pink baby ramblers in tlie living-room,
splendid I'npa (iontier roses imminent-!
ing the diiiing-rifiin. Prizes were won
by Mrs. F. K. Shafer mid 1'aul II. Hun
ser, the card tables being joined fol-j
lowing the gnincB for the collation. Iu
vitations were sent to Mr. and Mrs.
I1'. K. Sharer, Dr. and Mis. K. D. Hyrd.
Mr. and Mis. A. S. Ilussev, Mr. and
Mrs. A. .. Hyan, Mr. mnl Mrs. A. II.
Moore, Mr. mid Mrs. , lames Chiiinock. :
Mr. ami Mrs. Hon.a Hunter, Mr. ami,
Mrs. Paul II. Ilnuser. Mr. and Mrs.! Mrs- AImi - I)iivk. "'i'"1' dnughter,
IJnvd lliiuscr, Mr. ami Mrs. George Kl-,,,,'"n y' "' Atlnntn, Georgia, and
gini Mr. and Mrs. H. H. Coodin, Mr. ;-Mr"' ' T- M'-lntii" leave today for
and Mrs. F. H, Wind. Mr. and Mrs.j I'oitland, where the latter will remain
S. Z. Culver, Mr. nnd Mis. Fred M lie j over the week end, Mrs. David to pass
type, M.r. and Mrs. I, in Haldwin, Mr. jthe coming week there the guest of
nnd Mrs. Hamsun Klgin, Mr. nnd M rs. friends. Mrs. David and her daughter'
one by about
Public schools.
and a eoniiniiiiity sing by all the clubs,
choirs, choruses und singing citizens
en masse.
The personal of Willamette's two
clubs is as follows: l.ndies club, Misses
Florence Cook, Lucille McCully, Fran
cis Declaim, lsubelle McGilclirist, Fa
ther Kniinel, Vnleda Hoxie, Grace
Thompsiti Annie Hyan, Dorothea
Schnasse, Olive Hnseho, Lucille
Kuntz, Genevieve Avison, Car
rie Cook soy, Daisy Mulkey, Violet Me
Clean and llutli 'Winters. Mens Glee
Club: Paul Irvine, G. Anderson, .
Gillette. T. Douglass, 11. Hnrnes, K.
Chapplnr, G. .McCadilam, li. Lyons,
Dean Memlenhiill, A. Hall, F. Powers,
H. Metenlf, II. .lory, P. Smith, H. J,.f.
fries and I., Steeves.
June thirteenth is to be annual chil
droits ' day, und already ill preparation
for this event ninny of the elm re lies lire
drilling their Voung folk ill songs Und
exercises appiopriate to the occasion,
ed, both iiistriimcntnl and vocal, by
Misses Mnriorie and Loin Swisher, yi',
enlists, with Miss Kutli Swisher at the
piano, Hefresh nts were served in ;
cateteiia style, tiller which Mr. Dork
Tho Salvation Army.
Hall corner State ami Libeilv streets,
Captain nnd Mrs. S. II. I.orenzeu of
ficers iu ,'haige. Meetings every night
I at. H p. in. except. Mini. lav and' Thurs
: 'III, v liicht Siindnv nieclings: Holiness
I meeting at II a. in.; Sunday school nt '1"'1
il::iu i. ni.; free und easy meeting nt
' -i v it i.,- ...!....;
, " !' o", ' K 1 ' "I"' s iiit-t-iiiig ill o:.,o
, in.; Siihatioii n ting at s p. m,
First ChriKtinn
Comer High und Center, F. T. Poller,
ininisler, ! : -l". a. in. Ilil.le school, Dr.
H. C, F.ple.V, dilei'tor II tl, III. wolsllip
and sermon, subject, "Praising." li: l."i
p. in., C I'.., Hndcue McKinnev,
":'t p. in , sermon, subjest, "I
In isl," I mic, I innsie.
occnsiiui. 1 iut
pastor of the C. H. church,
nil aililress hunniing the
I hose invited were. .Mr. ami Mrs. A. F.
Clapper, Mr. and Mrs. A. Fuestinna mnl
daughter. Man-in, Mr. mid Mrs. Hoiks.
Mr. and Mis. Knnpp, Mr, m Mrs.
Ad s, Mr. nml Mis. Win. horrill, Mr.
iiml Mrs. F. Kiioiii ami son, l-Jdwin, M r.
mi.d Mrs. Giles, Mr. and Mrs. A. Alex
ander. Mr. and Mis. Hurr, .Mr. nnd Mrs.
W. Cooley, Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Kise,
Mr. and Mis. i .;. n. li, Mrs. Chapel, Mrs.
Probst, Mrs. Ilnwiiond, Mr. nnd Mrs.
Win. Swisher nnd daughters
Commons Mission.
211 Stale street, seniles Sunday at
3 and s p. m.; nlso on Tuesday. We, lues.
In v and Friday ewnings at S o'clock.
j I Kveiymie
.1. D. I super
Nnzerene Tabernacle,
North loth and Minion -tnets. Sun
day school 10 a. in.. Win. Dennis, super
intendent. I'relo tlin sen ices n.
in. it ti , I 7 : lo p. in. V ig People 's
Last Slate ami Kighi ih streets,
Geoige Koehlcr, pastnr, Suinlay school
at U:3o a. m.; tl i ine sen ice at lii;:;0
m.; evening service nKi.glisli at
7 lo p. m,
Coiner I npiiol and Marion si recti,
U . (I. Lieiil.iieinper, pastor, Sunday
school nt 10 a. in. Morning worship in
German at II; ubect, The Klesscl
bope. Keniiig -i n ic,. in L'nglisli at
c-i-i; siincci, Hunt iii i , u v,iu ,,r
hnst Meeling of Heidelberg
III " p. III.
Knllt and l.ois,
bill and Minnie
and .Misses Jiinuic
F. Chipper.
K. Loose, Ml
llanill and
I'ettys, Mi.
Mnl fee, Mis, W,
Miss M:
I Miss Vi
,d. W. (,
I son, No
(Ot Oi
gon i
! Kails, I
i.Mrs. O.
. few day
1 mile ol
I In
llcatnce Kt
out li li.ihota. i
M. I!llinll. in tl:
s. Mi-s o-tinii.li
the Twin Falls high
nty, a chnnter nf which
installed ut the Oregon
Hog.'. The members will
"hen they will celebrate
,,,.. i t -
i, n , ' uinciicun ai one oi
1 ler.hin.l hotels. Orogm 1 one
shingtoi, one and Californin
'"'"'"hip list of the former
'"'"g iniiny iiroiuinetit wo-
r ,t"., w
f llie n:
t) ii in
1 In
1 AMt
:V, I V
::-ll.i,c, .
' W-h
i.f '"iilit
'r. .,,
',' of th,
:1 ttt.-ri,.
ti- ,,
Mrs. A. L. Kynn nnd Mrs.
Mrs. d. F.. Selmefer en-
I i uli t fill children ' par
'itteriioon for her smnll
se, who celebrated her
There were mistimes
ril'tions for the pleas-
guests, who later in
' IH 'Id! It ITCH,- I.,l..,..n
n;t , w" a I'irthday cake.
; ih ""h ,'! em ami banked
'til!,. ,, " riruner roses mid
;l'ln r !r ''rn- Tl""" 1-resent were:
,r'i D ,7' "y Wl""""'. Mary
''Wti v , All,1'ron, Genevieve
,V,ry 't ,lunt' '1llm('8 "amble,
nT,'. , ,:1"n Mngors, Donald
.Moore. Kllenn Vviii
Don,,?;.",',"1' Moor,, ,l"""'e Kl
' ' lit ,i. 1 r . .
"rny left Thursday
"'lro ... ,'
. I..;.,,.. V',t;,'m' where she will re-
1utc .i ,"'nK to San Kran
iC " ' Oregon', of-
Cliffi.nl Klgin.
Miss Marguerite Flower, Salem's lit
tle blind singer, is to be presented in
private recital Wednesday. June L', by
nor insliui'tor, Miss Minaetta Mageis.
Local people iinve closely followed I In'
ndviiiieeiiirnt of Miss Flower, and those
who have hoard her most recently ate
delighted at the very great improve
ment in her voice, In the entrance
number to Ihe opeia, "Madam Untie,'
fly,'1 which sin1 sang at the Woman's
club miisicule, her inteipretatioii was
generally complimented. High D nltis
simo was taken easily and naturally,
and untied through seveinl It, ensures
of the snug. Doting the pas' year her
voice has gained ii'iearkiibly in power
mnl range, mnl her cisonal friends and
music Itneis in general nre awaiting
with iniich pleasure the date of hot
M'r, II. M, Corey was hn.tess for the
L. O. II. C. club Thursday afternoon,
ntkiug Miss Mueller to nssi-t her.
lioes and cut flowers made a pretty
background for the gucits, who num
bered, besides rlub members, Mr. O.
F. Oliver, Mrs. Flizabeth Heed and Mi"
L. K lliown.
i home.
the first of the month for their
Mrs. J. (', I'naipbill nnd Mrs. Charles,
L. Knowhind weie joint'hostessts Tues
dny nl'tei iiiioii etiteraiuing as a I'm ewe II
attention for Mis. Joseph Pei rv, who
with her smnll daughter, electa, left
ihis week lor Mayton to join Mi. pecry
to take up their i, idctice at that place.
The guests who n-iMibered the more in
t i in t( i- friends of .Mrs. Peeiy, wi ic en-,
tertained progressively nt- both lesi
tlcnees. which were decornted attract
ively with lose". The gnme of rook
filled the I", ins, Mrs. T. II. dnlliiway
nssi-ling the ho-tesses. Tllose pi, sent'
'beside the honor guests were Mrs, V. '
A. Maker. Mrs. Phil llaitley, Mrs. II.
(I. Whit.-. Mis. J. C. Campbell, .Mrs. T.
II. Giiliowny, Mrs. S. F.. Wolf. .Mrs.
I Hen Wtihlor. Mi". Linnnr Now by, Mrs..
Kay Pei nbcit. ut, Mr. I'. G. Met, Mrs.
j I IMnli, i b en Pi eiy, Paulino
j K now In ritt nnd Pavel Leoiiiud Cuu.p-
i bell.
Thursday tiftc rimon at the home of
-Mrs. Penny on South Coinmerciiil
street, Mr. Clonics Davis, .Mrs. J, ,
Peck, Mrs. Martha Peters, Mrs. Striteh
low, Mrs. Geo. Hansford, Mrs. Clif
ford Klgin, nnd Mis. Penny were host
esses to the I, mnl Woman's olnss of
the First Chnsimn church, sixty-five
lailies and ihe pastor accepting tlie hos
pirlility of the hostesses. After the
business meeting n program of readings
by Mis, Potter, Mis. Sigmond, Dorothy
Nash, Cecil Nash nnd May Potter was
much enjoyed. The hostesses later
served mi iiil',,1 mnl luncheon. Those J Nov,' Fiidnv c"
Who iiceepte.l their llllspi til ll t y Were : i Pi e-ln I e I In II chlll'll
Mrs. John bices, Mis. . .;, p.piey, Mis. 1 I , - i at lie II. d:iu
T. W. Hiiitik. Mis. I). U. Coltnth, Mrs. "The Tale of a Hal
Dee (Hudson. lis Mary Hunt, Mrs. K, .bv the "mn.' . a .l
.. Loose. Mi-. Win. Hnsiek. Mrs. C.
Tllillsilnv weie; M , s.
, ('. W. Ihcl.ell, Mis. I ail
son. Hi lln tl. Mr. M. C.
s. P. Kiiiipbnll, Mis. I list f
. K. Ilium, Mis, A-hei w noil,
ty U isnci, M is, T. .1. t illl'lnel .
-la ii i ,1 itt-t . Mis. AiIiiiiis. Mis.
I, im. Mrs Untold Idt'.eits ultd
I, Mis. I), ll, Moll, Mrs. W.
Mis. John reig,,.
I, and Mis Leone
it e.
dr.; Mrs.
Sf'Clnl HcTvlco Meeting.
the (' ii i I ii i in n chinch a I. T:.'l
k, Mr. II. C. diegg will Slienh ol
' 'I ensni -In , ami Itefonn." Mr, ehinh
llanJiill will s k on; "Tiosis
Mr. Win. Mcdilcirit will be th
oloit for the evening. It will be
goo, liieoliiig, bring jour fiiend
Kverybnily lnited.
nf Twill
guest of
city, lor a
was a giad
UiiJtminn Church,
Corner of I hemidiela nnd
stltels, lllcliu,,! F, Tiseher,
Sunday school at. 10 o'clock
Hilde class at III o'clock.
. Adult
chiid ui.
,ler ' itv
llperilltelnli'llt idliolt, Had
is on her way home from attending
StlMitoid lllllM't'SltV in I 11 1 1 fill II iu, tin
the. summer vioation.
S. Hliss, M
J. Hunt. M
White, Airs.
Stunt, m, Mr
Poittr, l(o
dlelison, Mt",
Keeton, Mr
White. Mt, I
St igmnnd. li
Clilnpboll, Ml,
Iliggs, .Mis. M
I'htee. Mi-. Al
P. 1
I hiimberlnin. Mt-
M. White. Mrs.
I'wvcr, Mrs. II. O.
Hull, Mrs. II. II.
Visekti, .Mrs, F. T.
Porter, Mis. loin
C. Witell, Mrs. Geo.
' H Kiibv, Mrs. C. T.
II Webb, Mrs. K. 1 1,
illinghsm, Mrs. J. C,
I.. H. Jseenii, Mrs. Silns
I'tiro, Mis. John Hum
. CI,.,,,,,,,), M , , j
who so sliccesslnllv
All, any teeentlv. M
ho lending lole, w ,1
11 III III lllldleliei'
iii the Filsl
will lie presented
ot iginal cauttiUl,
1 1 will be gi Veil
it Alliline people
apl'.-tirc't iu it iu
s. A. .1. Pllhll, in
I n -It ilit delight
he ,i, those in her
home , i
lole ill
gil'll ll
II, eel ing
she hlt ing
Icl'l, wilt te
:l.-. 1'iliM'i
Prut'. Mi-. M
With Iut, Mi ,
High, Mi-.
son. i f. ' . .
. Mi- II
's. Op
orge It.
I..L ." "J .Miss X..III.
.Mb, ',r',,e "M-ofition.
Ua.v a fortnight.
Hiches, ac
and Marie
visit to the
The party
the a, i, mnl 1'firiipiet of the Pil
grim's club of the pint Congregation,
nl church Ti cf'liiv evening in the
church pinion, entertainment numbers
were furnished by Mr. and Mis. II. .
Krotu a personnel r.f eight, the Orph- lines, who -si-tid with u o.ul duet.
eus male chorus has grow n to include i n ,M an iiistnia tal trio cnn,.-e. ti"
nearly 2"i of the bet vocal tiib-nt in .,ss Hcattoe Sludtoii. oignn; .Mrs.
Saleti'i. The organization is to appear I 'j Verdi r llolman, violin, and Miss
at the Oregon theater two evening". 1 deoiginbi lie II,, oth, oigniii.-t. The bun-
about the niidille nf June, this orgiiai-1 ()llet HnN served by the south section of
zation to be the beneficiary of th''!,!,,. Woman's I'ni'on. the following
two performance. Their work ha. nn't j ,jf(in(( jr, , M.Her, r,, , C.
with the greatest enthusiasm w"'r;'r I Hunter, Mrs. II. L. Clark. .Mrs. John
they have appealed, nnd now that iti ic ,., yxIJKwtx K,rk, Mi-s Kdilh
D. Oln
Fh'ta elitrl,,
It. T. Pmke
X. I luld..
Aii'lilola Al,
Mrs, J. A.
. S. linker, Mis.
M. Hake,, Mrs. II. '
.'lara Hliss, Mrs. A.
. Stone, .Mrs. K. L.
Polter, Miss Martini
.Nash, Mrs. li. .1..
Mi. P. V. Lewis, .Mis. D,
'I Mi-. H. C. Kenedy, Mrs.
-, W. M. Seigmoml, Mis.
I . - J. P. King, Mis.
l.l.ie Jukes, Miss
Mi-, ( buries Knuwliiiid.
Long t iu
c-n-nn, r,,
at th
Ta lor,
r,, of .
-1 ol t
1 1 1 1, t '
d Inci,
Thin .,!ll
Wl I
I f nil v orgsnized iiouy. incie .,,.
lor it a most desirable place in the list
of local niusii'til e'ubs. I'an I'. I."
genbetg, oignnirer and direct,, has
worked rduously and consistently in
i,n,,, th,, voices for ensemble urk.
and is appreciated a nmst valuable,
assistant in elevating the musical
llnzatil. Miss Ida Hoettu lo r, Mis.
Arthur K. Gil.linrd, Mrs. Che-tor Klgin,
Miss Florence Hiivne, Miss Agii'S
Hnyne, Miss Ilerth'u ("link and Miss
Hcrtiice Clark.
Tuesday evening Mesdunics
Is of Mrs. John per
' port, who I, n l,t- it
.'iihii Fe iguson 's, Jr.,
I ace Ncro-n Ihe ri er,
iret ov t-r her leave '
when M,sa Nellie
letiec is un the Will
l"l as hostess at uti.
recepi ion in her bun-'
redolent with Ma
r roses sad greette, V,
"Soticil Service Mcpting'
ut the
Sunday evening nt 7:'l'l o'clock
Censorship anlReform
I!y Mr. II. C. G
Mr. ( Imiles Itniidiili
lio-e fon-1, pre-1, 1
iaroruiiil tsiew, II
or. The roi.ii,. w
datn Alfied I n,n
Mi.. S, P. Kiinlall ami Mrs. M,
I'ettys s i-iing luring the hours. Mrs.
Feigusoii f.nn.ih resided on the place
now oc, ui tt'd b her son's fauiilv, but
for tin. oast luui i'ir of vrars has made
her home to Newport with her lute fius-lt
lit mu tt l,am. she ,, ti:n,e. to tlie latter pmc
Win. Mcdih hnst, Sr. will sing
llring Your Friendt.
day evening at ;:.;, 'co, ,; subject,, . - , lt , """C "' mo
"The sixth chapter of St. John's dos-l1''"' " liavo coiuo back Into relation.
pel." Nest Sunday will I bsei ved I "'''l' wlM tht'OUgll tbu merit of
as Salem Day with sermons iut sub- Christ. Tho speaker addressed tli
leets iipprnpiiate in the dny, inorning world Urst, und auggestcd that whllo'
they rniinot liopu to lift tliemnelves up
lo peifcsllon nnd ovgrliiHtlng life, they
enn do much toward the uplift of thein
silvos mid their children by conform
ing to certain Scriptural Ideals.
j Ml nppreciuto to aoino extent tho
I valuu of a good exntiiplii, of good train
I tug In tho family. The child that con.
tlnually hours course, rudo cxpivsshtni
In llio lumio will surely grow tip not
! in licit belter I tut i) IhtiHO mn foundings!.
, Hut while encouraging high Ideals In
llio homo cleanliness, gentleness:, kind-iiiss-
lhe 1'nNior called apcclul iitlcn
lion lo tho duly of pnrcnlsj toward
Ibelr children beforo birth. Few Kcetn
to renllzo that (ho genernl nttltudo of
a un, I Iter's mind blrlbinurka her child
j Tor good or III. If parent rcull.cd Hint
i ii'iblo words, coiiiliict, thotiglUH and
Ideals would bo Imprinted upon their
, child, how grcnlly they would strlv
lo have children beautiful In iintieiir.
Guild ! alien lllltl llolilo In eliurnelnel
Christian Idtali th Doit.
God sets beforo tho Christian the
, very highest Idculs, tho speaker do
lured: "He like unto your Father In
jlloaveu." Only (jod can know when
I ills people arc doing their best; nnd
I lie nssures them Unit Ilo will Jutlgo
llioiu, not nccording to their aiicccs,).
but nicordlng to their widen vor, no
cording (o their Ideals nnd (heir mitcrl
ll. es Hindu lo allalti thoso lilenH. Truo
Chilstlana havo been begotten of th
Holy Spirit and adopted Into tho fam
ily of God. Ideal hollies, Ideal ('Mi
llion, Ideal relationships uro preemi
nently their privilege and duly.
Having been taught In Ilia Helmut of
( hi 1st, truu ChrlsHuns understand Hint
Hie Spirit of Christ manifests Itself In
iiiii'kiiess, uoiillenoHS, patience, long,
sniffling, bio'lierly kliidnoMs and love;
and that any other spirit la of the flesh
mi l the Devil.
Many lira Christians In naitio only,
Inning never entered Into n covenant
willi the Lord, nml therefore havo nei
ther part imr lot In tho things of (iod,
others, truly Ills, have teen sadly ueg
ic. tod as respects lessons In (ho School
of ( hi 1st. The great religious untltu
iliuiH of the world art) not touching tin
highest Ideals, hut are separiitlng tho
I t opic from those Ideals by misrepre
sentations of thn Dlvlno character und
Plan. The Lord's pcoplo should nwnko
to the Mituallun, to their privileges us
children of tind, and to tho truo teach
ings of tbu Illblo.
Buiinett and Social Idtals.
The remainder of tho discourse will
dmoted to tho dlsciisiilon of the Chris
tian's Ideal In business and social re
lation, hip. Tho Illblo Is addressed to
i hib llans only. A Christian business
mini's Ideal Is tho tloldon Ilulo, which
applies to Ids buying, his selling, his
uiHcrtlsIng, bis dealings with his clerk-,
as well us with his customers. More
and mure Hie Golden Itulo Is being np.
inc lined by llio public, and whoever
follows It will receive a blcsnlng.
The truo Christian should remember
Hint nothing less than tho (Jolilcn Itulo
may he follow nt any tliu. Ho must
see that his children, his chickens, his
dog, etc., do not disturb bis neighbors
In (heir proper rights, lie must do for
iwiy one In distress what bo would
have n neighbor do for hlin If bo wero
In trouble. ITo Is to do food to oil,
NiKslally unto tho Household of Faith,
On post card request I will loan my
readers a book on "Practical Cugeuktk''
(Id reus tu Brooklyn, N. Y. i
l service at 1 1 o'clock, subiecl. "Tl,
! Modern View of the llible.'' Music l,y
Mi-s linn, tienisiin, Mis. Waller Deii
,ton, oinanist, Social Service Meeljng
lit 7:.'ln o'clock, Mr, . c, dre will
speak on "eenmrship nn, llefnim";
Mr. I ha lies Paiiilall will speak on
"Trusts"; Mr. Win. Mel HI, hi ist, Sr.,
will "ing, Kwrvhoily is inuicl to
these in citing. P.ring your liicnds,
Highland Friends.
Corner of lliehlaml mi, Kim shel ls.
Snliliiith school III B, in., Kail Pinilt,
supei ji,tenieiit. Meeting,, for worship
a' 1 1 n. in. an. I 7: l.'i , oi. I luistiun
Kndeinor IL.'UI p, in. Piaver o tug
Thiir-dav , in, Kierjltmly weL
come wor,i with us, ,ln-i .h,i,c
llii' lictt, pastnr, phone II, j",,
Hnlcin Mlsswn,
i Met n e at. thn Calem Mission, cor'
ner Center anil I "loioen inl. Prenrhiiiir
nl ;i mnl
. pastor.
1 o'cbick, I), N. Mdnlnif
W, C T. U.
Keg, ilnr gi,s. servic
on Sunday, Mny Hitl, at
II. C. Tillman will s
heartily v, cl'ini.t
a I,
this hall
. m Kev.
K M'l' -OIIO
First Church of Christ, BHrmtlsts.
Suinlay services ate held at 4P
' heineketa street at 1 1 a. in, and a p.
III. Subject of llible IrSSOtl ",,0lts
and Immortals." Sunday s. hool ut
let", U, 1,1. Wcdnes.lny evening test!
! looiiisl ii ting at H o'clock. The read
ing room nf this c,,ir, h is lie atnl in
; the II iililmrd building, suite :;i,l, mnl is
open every day, ecept Sundays and
holidays, f, ni ;4.-, a. m, to 4 p. in.
All kin welcome li, our services nnd
invited In jsit uur reuding ronin,
Asroclatisd Bible CtudeiiM, I. B. ft. A.
Ilfgulnr weekly stndv in upstairs
j nan soiittiwest corner Ilih and Ferrt
j streets, Sondiiy morninir at lu o'clock.
! Monday, Mav 17th I'aator Mcpherson
.will be in Siilein and will address two
meetings at IStb and Waller streets
:':.lll ami K.00 o'clock p. In. All liible
istudents weli'iime, I'bone (SDH W.