r ........... THE SALEM CAPITAL JOUKNAI.. SALEMEgON, PAY;i "15; EIGHT ;7 Man Attractive Offerings in the Women Wear Section-Special Prices on Women Dresses, Waists, Middy Blouses affigSl'l AH Around Town Three Great Oxford Sales ORDS, in $1.00 This week in our Shoe Section A large assortment of WOMEN'S OXFORDS, Black and Tan, any style, take your choice now, per pair Dr. Mendelsonn, epeclallst in fitting (laaaea correctly. U. S. lank blilg. meeting. Dr. Stone's Ant Killer, 25c. A Sale of MEN'S OXFORDS, Black and Tans, your choice, per pair .... $1.50 BOYS' OXFORDS- many unusual offerings in Oxfords for boys, made to stand lots of wear---you'll fr 1 (f he surprised at these values, your choice, pr. 11 SEE THE WINDOW DISPLAYS OF THESE book BUTTERICK FASHIONS Tells all about the garment modes for summer 15 cents at The popular style the pattern counter. DYCO THREAD For tatting, crocheting, etc. An American product takes the place of D. M. C. sizes 3 to 100; in linen color, sizes 3 to 50. 10c and 15c per Ball The intermediate league of the First Methodist church will hold 'I lmlllIh. -j social in the rliiip-li 1'' fl.n s at i:W o'clock tomorrow eveni";.'. During his visit in San Francisco next week, Ivnn C!. Martin will attend the commencement exorcises of the Univer sity of California, Berkley, of which h Jitney Cof- is u graduate. rills. 0 Dr. Wisliceuus Sanatorium, Hubbard 'Blue flower" story hour at the pub- building;. Klectric light baths. JS'ight library Stiturdiiy in '"- "' service by 11 p oi n t men t. They all talk about the feu Club." hy ( lined lie tun a i iui Court House News m . 'mm l nRt niur Alleging that his wife 1,-ft the di,l., ! UllL TougHSickanuSufU , Pinkham'.Vegeir Richmond. To ing Lydi. E. PinkClN standing unwashed fur three days ,', time uhiln .1... n.t . . . J llt ' reu moving picture shows, Howard 0. Damon today' filed 1 a suit for divorce from Daisy j,,,,,., anion. The couple were married in Vancouver, Washington, February Hi 1)11 1. 1 here are no children or property 1 rights involved. The plaintiff slltU:s that his wife expressed the wish tint 1 her maiden name of Duisy Jones be stored nnd he said he had no objection, : to her droiiiiiiiL' the Damon. Att !. Smith A: plaintiff. Shields are representing In white, Tomorrow Is The Last Day Sale of Men's Summer Underwear. Ath letic Union Suits at 89c a Suit Here's an offering of splendid summer undergarments, made from good quality souisette and dimities, just like B. V. D.'s with short sleeves, short legs, closed crotch, elastic waist band ; some have hose supporters attached. These are our regular $1.00 and $1.25 grades. Supply your underwear needs Tomorrow SPECIAL, 89c A SUIT You'll find just the underwear you want if you come to Meyers. Torous Knit, B. V. D., Coopers, Munsing Wear, all the good makes, reasonably priced. See the Window Display. Cottage Hotel, on Front and Court streets, Mrs. Jessie JW-ut. pruprietress. Room and board Iffl per week. The Maccabee Guards of the Ladiea of the. llaoeabees are preparing to give! a dance ut the Arniorv next Weil in silay, .May .12. Invitations will l' issued to 1 morrow. j Automobile trips passengers and j baggage; rates reasonable. Country j trips a specialty. ('. (. McElroy. : Phono: Day, 047; night, (!.'!!). j In competition with a dozen com-j potitors, tho South Side in H"X factory . hns just been awarded the euiitinet for berry crates by the Salem Fruit I'nioii. , The uinount involved in the contract is close to $11,000. Have you bought a Grillstovo yet? If not, then probable you have not seen I the latest thing in 'ciillstuvos at :Uii , an effective "time ami step-saver." Salem Klectric Co., Masonic, temple. I'hrino IL'UU. Glut Cole has a jitney that looks more like a -o-cent ride than the cus tomary jitney per trip. Mr. Cole has established n thriving business to Highland, ami just to keep it gaing ordered u Hi-passenger IStudebaker car. It arrived this morning, ami hereafter his patrons will get a ride that feels like "J") cents for the regulation jitney tare. A regular dinner 15c. Scott's 179 South Ccdimcrcial street. Ivan G. Martin was elected to repre sent the local musical association as delegate to the national convention to be held in Sun Francisco from the lull: to the 15th of this month. Mr. Martin will leave for San Francisco this even ing and will be absent about ten days. Now bathing and diving caps. We have just received a new line direct from the factory. Perry's Drug Store. "Readings in Dialect" by Professor A. E. Redilie form the attractive mini- In department No. 2 of the circuit court today Judge Galloway heard un argument on a ucmurrer in the case of i 1' W. Bornemnn and Mrs. W. A. Borne-! uiuii, ins wire, ugainst t lie Falls Citv Lumber company, a suit for damages on an alleged fulse misrepresentation Judge llulloway took the matter under udvisement. i . . . in . I I.- s-d-l, Stat. i i fl given fa to ! : il l tV" I I D H. t i .......... . i ucr oi; uie limiuiy i.c. line uinse iiiiq C. Z. Randall, the attorney who was1 evening. The readings will be in the operated on Wednesday evening tor np iiendieitis, is reported toduv to be get MEYERS' EXPOSITION CONTESTS MEYERS' EXI'OSITJON CONTESTS. FIVE FREE TRIPS TO THE PANAMA FAIR A SEPARATE CONTEST EACH MONTH. ASK TO VOTE WHEN YOU MAKE YOUR BUY A VOTE WITH EVERY 25c PURCHASE. ting along very favorably. The best auto rates Salem ever saw tomorrow at 2:30. J. C. Perry is the latest Salem mer chant to become interested in good roads. Yesterday he purchased a Stude- buker ear. Don't fail to see the auto races at the fairgrounds tomorrow at 2:'M. The river is still fulling, today's record rending 1.1 feel above low water murk. Hiver men look for a continued low stage, as there is but little snow in the mountains. The Spaulding Logging Co. received I nnililftt-illiii r.f .tin tibnlrr llt S n'cloi'k. j Margueritte Clarlr. in Gretna Green j at the Ye Liberty today mid tomorrow. j The encampment branch of the Odd ' Fellows of this city will hold a special ' session at the lodge rooms next Tues I day evening. This will be in the form 'of an opening to which the subordinate I lodge and the Rcbeknhs are invited. ' Grand Chief Patriarch George W. Wright, of Albany, will deliver the address of the evening. Ben S. Via, a prominent attorney of tins citv,, has recently returned with Arguments on a demurrer were' heard in department No. 2 of the cir- i cun conn this auernoon in the case of tue salem Hank ot Common: the Horseshoe Lake Fanning velopnient company and others. YUnslow appeared tor the plaintiff and Carson and Brown for tho defendant. The judge took the matter under advisement. . , . times to h. 1 foot and what I did fe "J effwt. IcouldnotslcCnif1 of course felt v, ? e ngniastl and had a steady QX n'.t;tic:ate, ... c ,y,, .,n. eccn.,.y ' S"' ' " 1 'Y '.' I pleasing play, and the two films we Ins wife iroi.i a fishing trip to I ncifie, Tlw. , The county court today ordered a sur vey of the road petitioned for by U. K. Homager and others iu districts Nu. :i:t 1-2 and No. 34. The application of W. H. Brown and others for a county rontl in District No. 7 was denied when it was fmnd that a remonstrance against the proposed road contained more names of residents of the district than did the petition. Tho remonstrance re cited that the road was not of suffici ent public, utility, a privnto way was already provided, it would bo too ex' pensive and would damage Joe Schlech ter, Jr., and Joseph Schhleckter, Sr. The indemnity claim of Burdick and Smith for a tubercular cow ordered killed was set for a hearing June 4. The claim re port of the county treasurer for the six months ending April 1 was approved. theatre last evening was witnessed by more thnn 1,000, as the house was filled to capacity during each of tiie evening performances. Mrs. Blanche Nieiueyer and her company presented n very ticed that the hcA "r1"1"- I rested better, and m stronger. 1 continued iu made a new woman of ,e, canhardlyrealkethatlu so much as I do. Whenwr woman ln need of highly praise Lydia R RV etable Compound."-!,, tZ Clark, 3146 N.TulipSt.&boJf TVou.cn llaTeBcalfiBaji,,,, for forty years how LydiaKR, Vegetable Compound has restoMlfc health when sufferi urin, f-.i. This accounts for' the enommste font from coast to coast n troubled with any ailment pecabrb women why don't jou trytoj Pinkham's Vegetable Compwa) j will pay you to do so. LydUrjl ham Medicine Co., Lym, Hi Citv. Mr. Via savs thev came out shy on fish but caught three inches of snow ni this side of Dolph. The waters in the creeks about l'ncil'ie Citv were too carload of iron uuitcrial today for I cold for trout, as in some instances ice had formed at the -headwaters of the creeks. He reports a fine trip, however, though motoring through the snow has its disadvantages. Margueritte Clarlr, in Gretna Green at the Ve Liberty today and tomorrow. o- a the manufacture of I ho Indiana silo. All other mnteriiils in the silos will be manufactured at the ininpaiiy 's plant here. The Spauhling Logging Cm. has the exclusive right of niiiiiufi.ctiire nnd sale of this silo on ihe l'neifie coast. The world's greatest racing cars will be at the fairgionnds tomorrow at 2;:lo. I E, Horton of this city, has just re turned from an inspection trip ot sev State Souvenir Spoon Free With Each $2.50 Turchase. liOOOlilGOODstei Over 35 years of Successful Merchandising in Salem The opera house has socured an at-! traction for next winter that, will be a joy to the heart of the habitual theater-goer. This is Margaret lllington, who will be here I leceinbei' 20, in "The Lie." Ncnc better for the money Salom made, Lou T , . cents. "Where Aio the Dead" is the sub ject of ii lecture to be given at the (irnnd Open. ,.um on next Wednes- lay evening. M;iv 12, 1 he lecture will s)c c jjc sfc )c sc j( jjc 5t )c jc )c 3C J CITY HALL NEWS Inoriu.tg time. ' ' and not turned down evcrv James SbMirs wax nrrcsled this morn ing on n eluirge of begging, nnd upon i store U's plea ul guilty belore Judge l.lgin. was given a jail seulcnce of live days. Sleais called ut a house in which a spe cial olliccr was .piailcied, and when told that he was under iiire-t, he re plied: "Well, tin. I 's belter than muicnine, Jess Hall and Fred Wngner were nr rcsled by the Salem police this morning when they attempted to dispose of S"i upper cable nt u second hand in this i ity. The cable had been but Hall denied all knowledge of the affair. Laeli roll of blankets carried by the men contained about Oil or Oil pounds of the ruble which thev were trying to sell for 10 cents per'poiind. The men were taken back to McMinn villo this afternoon to stund trial in that citv. be given by the 1 1 mi. J. K, a lecturer of national fame, her of the .Wn York bur. Gocd cuts, e Club. Alwrys best, i onrt. cut I mm the rails of the Southern I'll-I rific company at Whiteson last Thins-! A few live sparks fell on the roof of day nnd lifter failing to sell the cable ! the resilience of Mrs. A. J. Monroe at in McMinnvillc the men brought it to -77 North Liberty lit II o'clock this this city, nccoiding to the information morning nnd buriied u fair sized hole given ut by It. MeShaae, the S. 1'. de- in the roof. The fire d .rtn.ent .,- Wagner admitted to the police called mid put out the blaze with the The Marion County Potato Growers' association will n.cet tomorrow noon llt I he rooms of the ( iiiiiinerclal club. Al ready inane oi tective. gn.vveis ol th i ut V have notified L I. lin 'i ... secreiatv ol' the association, thai i hey v.onM . present. Tin 'et- inc "ill lal.c the t.irm of a round table discussion, ii .,,-inl addresses being mii'lc. .hwi eral days in different parts of the county. Ho states that just at present it is difficult to form an opinion us to crop conditions us a whole, for while , somC communities huve suffered, yet 1 others were not damaged nt all by the cold weather. I Margueritte Clark in Gretna Green at the Ve Liberty today and tomorrow. I Miss Ruth Tower, who was called I to the bedside of her father, A. K. Tower, last week, nt -Marshfield, reports I her father very low, but slightly ini I proved since she arrived there. She j says the wagon road from Kosebiiry to I Myrtle I'oint. is one road she duos not : want to travel sron ngniii. She bad a very rough trip, witii no cover on the stage, and it ruined uiul snowed on the way. I An open meeting of tho Salem Worn- prominent potato nil's club will be hold nt the christian Huthcrford, ami a niein- Jitnoy Cof- dinreh Saturday, Mnv S, at 2::i0 o'clock. The musical prirjruui, under the imimigeinent ot Miss Magers and Mrs. Anna H. Fish, will reud. tun, lv topics on the jm- The Moose benefit at the Oregon THE STORE THAT SAVES YOU MONEY! i nil up i our nouses tins nun i ucy cut tne cnuics I rom t he mils, clieiuical extinguish.' m. The only dam- I1"!1' "s to the root and a few shingles " " pair i ae numiige. 1 Nils. Wilbur T. cm,, , p; Wie.ler, ul Albiiuv, were in the citv , yesterday, euests of the A. N. Gilberts. H. C. Miles, secretary of the Spauld ing Logging Co., motored to Newborn t.ilav. BARGAINS in Our EXCHANGE DEPT. Regular .$28.00 PreamOulator, nearly new, "ly $13.50 Regular .$25.00 Davenport Couch, good con dition, only $12.33 Regular $2.". Baby Buggy, dark grev, only $11.23 Regular .$:!2.r.() solid quartered Oak Dresser, like new, only $18.73 Regular $50 solid quartered Oak Dresser," like new, large mirror, only $21.75 Regular $20 Buffet, looks like new, only ..$12.13 Regular .$:!.") solid quartered Oak square Dining Table, only $10.50 Regular $:!0 solid quartered Oak square Dining Table, only $13.25 Regular $20, 5 solid quartered Oak Dining ' Chairs, only ,$ 9.75 Regular $12.50 (Jarland Gas Range, con nected up, for, only Regular $8.00 Coil Spring Regular $19.50 Sturgis Co-Cart, only . . Regular $15.00 Maple Chiffonier, onlv .. ..$19.50 ..$ 1.50 ..$ 3.50 ..$10.23 CASH or CREDIT home FURNISHERS ilUK C UURT&HIGHSTS. YOUR CREDIT IS GOOD HERE WEXFORD TODAY AND SATURDAY LAST EPISODE "THE MASTER KEY" In Two Parts The most popular serial prodnc. Hon over shown. 2000 people will soe the finish its a story all in Itself. Over 21000 Admissions Have Been Paid Seo the During Rescue from Fire 13 11 n n n u El ti m M n n u El H n u u M The OREGON TONIGHT LAST TIMES OF THE BIG MOOSE SHOWS THE SUCCESS OF THE SEASON TOO GOOD TO MISS ADULTS 10c CHILDREN Sc better thnn the average. The Lovnl Order of Moose will again share in the receipts of the entertainment tonight. Mrs. G. E. Knapp, of 870 North 11th street, today drew a $5.00 pair of shoes free, at the Price .Shoe store sale today. Paul and Lloyd Hauser, two of Sa lem 's most ardent anglers, left this morning in "Old Betsy ' their for the Sniitinm near Mehama their luck with the speckled trout those waters. Thev went prepared t. capture every fish that showed a dis position to be hungry and expect to re turn tonight well filled with fish or ex cuses. The E. M. Waite memorial fountain is to receive a brnnd new cont of paint, in keeping with the spirit of "elenn-up and paint-up" that is on throughout the city and state nt this time, nnd in prep aration for it members of the street de partment, under Street Coniinissioncr liudlong, this morning il ruined the fountain of water ami cleaned it out thoroughly. When the water was drained out a total of US fine specimens of mountain and rainbow trout were captured, aside from two gold fish, and these lmve been provided tenipornty (iinrters in the fountain of Jos. timber, on 1-'th street, until the city fountain biisin in renovated nnd ready to re ceive them beck. All of the trout are Special TonfeSi At THE HUB (Mi Athletic tim IN ADDIVOX TO t0'rTto&fiiW out ill j I .ro- Week of tat-i INCMBK0 A Chaplin Wj Prices . . , 10 i 1 -nnirf irmwrrMM""1"1" of good size 11 inches. and one measured over Northwest Residents Aboard. When in SALEM, ' B L 1 0 H HUiu Strictly Mm FreeMiW RATES 75c. W K The only hotel In barest W all -PoU' 111 nearest to w n . wTTrttt Prof. Both Phone. FeA n II n 14 n M n H n El PS ta El! H H n a ti Q Seattle. Wash., Alnv ". Four re dents of tho northwest are listed n i.tiu,,,rrn..u ,.n tl,., 1 tiui I II ill it ullicll U II S torpedoed today, I hoy nre: ,i. s. ,rier. : , -Mr. nnd Mrs. William Outlier, of Ta ) eoinii, and J. W. QiiiHinn, of .Spokane. "WILD BLOOD" A tense Dram with Violet Mor.sorcau and Wm. Garwood "Eddies Awful Perdiciraent" One of these clean, funny "Nestor" Comedies. 5c 5c Want Your Optical Business I can only expect to obtain it bv Riving you satisfaction, which courteous treatment and ' 7C4;vvr$a " ou-uiairy, quality, prompt I am ready to truavanti-P vnn vp. liable optical service with quality and workmanship the be.-t, which means satisfaction to . Miss A. McCulloch, Optometrist 208-209 Hubbard Bid. ' P Thone 109 A QUICK, SURE WAY TO END CATARRH ij ! J, Catarrh Germs Breed By Millions In Air Passages of Nose and Throat, Just One Way to Drive Tuem uni To stop catarrh for good you nui"' drive from your system the germs that cause catarrh mid 'that are now feedm- !nnd growing fat upon the swollen in ' flamed mucous membranes uf your mis'' and throat. A splendid means of destroying I .'it t n rrli germs and overcoming entail" has long been recognized by physician' ' in the well known oil of Ilyotnci (pro , nouiice.l lligh o.nie) and it is "" a ' verv simple matter for any catarrh sill . .. ...... ; tiiii.iiiiliil results at i' h i hi line .' " ni. - homo, by breathing its airt through " little hard rubber inhaling device whn ' leading dvng'gists are mpplvinif I,,,.,,.. ...,.i,,,l..(.i treiitinent. .Ins' pour a few drop of the oil of Ilyotnci into this inhaler, place it between yui lips and then breathe naturally and " j Iplensniit smelling antiseptic gonn hi -. .i. ..Ill i,.-,trnt deeo down into 1 everv fold nml crevice of y.mr tnw 1 ...-' .l.rn. ai.,1 llllll!S nnd i"' , llt! II"!?. , IIIIV..1 M - HI vnu quick certain relief, opening J i'the air passage, making yon bren . essilv. stoi'ldiig the inflanimali"n i t discharge nnd driving from your svsi. every caturrh germ that 1ms Jo"""( lodgement, there. If vou want to 1 free from svmptom of catanh, are tired "r ilig one thine ufflr miother ,v,t'ln''. benefit go to Dnniel .1. Fry or any .";, reliable drug store hereabouts nml j. , a complete Hvomei iuhal-'r outtit. :. ...'.- f,,f few minutes met ,,. ... ...,., ,,,,,, s out i Phone 1517-J st Day or WgW A j,, GODrBET Plumbing. Wf . ...' It f T i iV 1 1-BligH BIIXIABD r00L ScftD:'. .' ..... ...oe I'rst c iu ccnnKU 8 SHINES St TRY SAUJiS ;j ' .... iltj ' I 1 it does' not drive the "Ht,trrh prn nm , of ,-onr svstem and Jtiv ' , , .i: r.i,., Cnlarrh. vuur drilkk' "K n u. I , ,, Floor- , . jirt'- Can ""' ;. .in' 1 !:'."r 1 " ' Whole" W l'' u " r ii 1 ;v' t r, . if i t will give you your nionev nu