7 'ALEM CAPIT,T, JonBlrAI ,ALmt OTE(W)W FRIDAY. MAY 7. 19,5 Oft, Lifter To 7"H'S H0UEf2lWO tBOilT ThE Hi6H CoSt OF "P4(?TV OtZEtTtT 'F9. .11 H JfUSSSh 99 a& m - "" .. , i . . IIIU- HAV WEDAJIBHTFDr I T IMHoSSiblc! WHtO LOOKS" LIK.F Five Yds of'HiTp ' - I " 1 lt.ET NEJ AT VfcS. ourz fih NFT i.riTA....? AT - . 5t PEG Vfc. 1 L 1 1 T I i ni MEl?CEf2iZE0 CPTToN "THREAD. HOOkS AHO Drown xjr oner storrott T 1 - 1 l"iJ2?,A'rlW. lWr) ! Daily Capital Journal's Classified Advertisine Paec 1 RAIES IR ADVERTISEMENTS' One Cent per word for the first insertion. One-Half Cent per word for each successive subsequent insertion? ABSTRACTS LODGE DIBEOTOEY ?' ? W-Pr.tec.no. Lodge No. 2. v that Protoct. Our books potcd up to i aate earn niurmug. call wain law ? and a messenger will call for your ibitract. J. C. Siogmund, president; i I Max (JflilLar, secretary, 245 State itrcet. ; Meets every Monday eveninw at s in tho McCornnck Hull, cornner Court and Liberty streets. A. E. Aufrance M. W..j 8. A. McFadden, recorder; A. L. Brown F. AUCTIONEES. AUCTIONEER Salem's reliablo seller , Farm sales solicited. Terms, 1 per eat; patisfnetiou guaranteed or no j psy. Henry M. Yoorbies, Michigan iouuo, urai sireoi east oi tue stute fair grounds. CENTRAL LODGE, Nix 18, K. of P. McCornac.k building. Tuesilay even ing of euch week at 7:30. Geo. Win- chell, C. C.; James W; Cox, K. of K. and 8. CHIR0PRA0TI0-SPIN0LOGIST 91. 0. L. SCOTT Graduate of Cliro ;;ractc'a Fountain Head, Davenport jj. owa. If you have tried everything i id bavo got no relief, try Chircprac 't k si'innl adjustments and get well. .Office 4H6-7-8 U. 8. National Bank .Building, l'hone Main S7. Residence . iTain t28-R. CHIROPRACTOR, J0N8ULT DR. MAY, experienced and incceBsfiil Chiropractor, for acute and chronic diorders. Han practiced five ' years in Oregon. Free consullntion Uur, U to li, 1 to a. 305-0-7 Hub '; BUI).. Ladv attendant. Phono ,' 572; tpsidenee M2-TI. i!JWANDBE0O'NB HAND GOODS .IGIiEsT Drit-n ttni.l .1 i 3 - . - i 1 ! iur eocuiiu-imaii ; Tumitiire, ranges, hardware, tents, "5 7r.v the must complete .till - 0 'n town at 'rho: 0- U McPeek, 271 , ;:. " '-"'""'urciai st. l'hone M lain OMEOPATHIO physicians" fnn a' ' ( TT' tPthlo Phv Z l r u rn,Iuat of the Los An ?c cS college of (Wcopathy and J.os noil t"'","1 ot Ophtbai- '"B. 1 rents acute and chronic 'I'";"-'- ,, '-t0 Salem Bank Itov' o,WI11 aua B- w. WAL- .10. OHteopntlnc physician. ,nd - .(icviausis. Uraduntei '.'7,".u fc'uool of SALEM LODGE NO. 4. A. F. & A. M. Stated communications first Friday in each mouth at 7:30 p. m. in the Masonic Temple. J. C, Welch, W. M.; B. Z. Culver, socretary. PACIFIC LODGE NO. 60. A. F. A. M. Stated comfunication third Fri day in each month at 7:30 p. m. in the Masonic Teuiuje, Oleun C. Niles, W. M.; Ernest II. Choale. secretary. K. N. of A. "Oregon Grape Camp," sso. i.iou, meets every Thursday even ing in McCornnck building, Court and Liberty streets. Elovntor. Mrs. Syl via Hchnupp, 171U Market, Oracie; Hazel Price, Imperial Furniture Ca, recorder. MULTNOMAH ROYAL ARCH CHAP 5'ER NO. 1, R. A. M. Roirulnr meRi.. ing second Friday in each month at 8 p. m. in the Masonic Temple. Al fred F. Marcus, Ex. High Priest; Rus sell M. Brooke, secretary. HODSON COUNCIL NO. 1, R. ft 8. M. Stated assembly first Monday it each month, Masonic Temple. Jnines Plant, Thrice Illustrious Muster; Glen C. Niles, recorder., DE MOLAY COMMANDER, No. B. K. T. Regular conclavo fourth Friday In each month at 8 o'clock p. m., in Masonic Temple. Sojourning Sir Knights are courteously invited to meet with us. Geo. U. Hnrr.ctt, E, (.'.; Frank A. Turner, recorder. of Ontnnnntti v Post graduate and si ,:.,!!, i i (.lauuHid anu h,.i. v.w . ni (iibcaaos. Consnltatinn tr... ,,I,ef't Office 605-500 V. 8 ;i". ","ml building. Phone 85B CHADWICK CHAPTER NO. 37, O. E. S. Regular moeting every first and third Tuesduy at 8 p. m. in the Ma sonic Temple. Elizabeth Rend, W. M.; Ida M. Bubcock, secretary. THE DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL Classified Business Telephone Directory A Quick, handy reference for busy people LITTLE BOBBE'S PA NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. I ABSTRACT! OF TITLB. Bilem Abstract Company, 212-222 Salem Bank and Trust BMg, AUTO TUBE VULCANIZING. Auto Tube Vulcanizing, 25c. Shop, foot of Union street EVERYTHING ELECTRICAL. Balem Electric Co., Masonic Temple, 127 North High LAUNDRIES. Salom Btoam Laundry, 130 South Liberty . (3o 1517-J , Main 1200 Main 26 Main 182 PLUMBING. STEAM FITTING AND TINNING. T. M. Barr, 184 South Commercial street , DNDia TAKER!. Rlgdon-Riclardson Co., 254 North High street Day. and night, Main 183 TRANSFER ANR DRAYAGE. Salem Truck & Dray Co., corner State and Front streets... , Main 74 JOB PRINTING. Beaver State Printers, Patton Block 1512 JITNEY SERVICE. .IIT.N'EV SERVICE .Jitney rules tm country trips niiil picnic parties. Get our prices bel'ore going. Salem .lit ney Co., 21(1 State, l'hone 3X0. My20 FOR BENT I'TIIN ISII El huuscliceping roiiins, Call I'eetz 1'iiinitiiie Stoic, or ItiU Union. Kllli U ET li kioiii i'n i ii i-li . house line garden, with truit, close in cheap. Siiini Heal Realty Co. FOR REXT Nicely furiilshcd house keeping rooms, reiihonublc. 855 North Coniiiiercinl. tf No. 02279 Department of the Interior, V. S. Lund Olfico at Portland, Or., Murch 20, 1015. Notice is hereby given that Ueorria I'OH REXT-I.ight housekeeping rooms rj- 1 ( "' J ?J 7' verton, Oregon, who jmi'ine ..- ixirill I UUICU 81. FOB SAIJB WOODMEN OF THE WORLD Meet every Friday night at 8 o'clock in McCornack block, Oscar Donaldson. O. U.j L. S. (leer, clerk. 5U7 Court ,strect. Phono 503. icehersiil this fniirnoon, seel l'u & it T.i.ni.nui u 'irilt-v ",nr'- It "eeins that the father leiepnone the gurl Ojuvnie is a honest, mau but he ilosent like the gurl 'a sweet heart a 1 1 nly uu count wtih a lot of munny that is going to marry her or t'oarelose the morgidge on the stone quarry. It is a grate play, sed Pa, & the reeson 1 tun so much interested in it is beekaus 1 used to be a stone quar ry man myself. You did, sed Ma. Ves, yes, scil l'u, I used to be known is cue of the most powerful cutters & litters of stone that was ewer in this section of the country. I have often tl-ot, sed l'u, wen going buck onver them oald days that 1 niit" have been living in a long ngo ago. I have ot'tVa thut wea 1 was lifting blocks of stone about twenty feet long that 1 wns n ouarry slaiv in the davs wen Miste l'otolmy helped me to bild the pirn- nuns, i'a sou. .lest then the pieter beegan about the stone quarry man's daughter. It showed a big stone quarry sceen wlinrc all the men was iiisliing around & lift ing rocks into wagons. Then it showed the J t u I ll ll count u ii-li was going to marry tiicenie & tlnire wns a sceen whine she spurned linn. Then he toahl her in the (deter (lint lie It in I a mor gidge on lier father's qnavrv Sc how he was goin to sell it it xlic ilidcnt b Mini his bride. I lie hero of the piny wns a yung irishman that was lianulihg a nick. He iug a Irishman lie had a lot of time to lissen to the talk between (juocnio & the villin lieckau.i he wild swing his pick oust & (lieu he wild lite his pipe & lissen for a mittin or so & then lie wild swing the pick oust nioar & lite his pipe long enuff to git the rest of the notice nf ii.t.-ntion to :.... I ' "iry- "'ii W,,l,.,l ,.. 1. f... ii... m : .i. By William T. Kirk. I(lf ut the full Z In took , a & mo (o a moving picter ,,!,,,; (lti11(, ,(.,m,,i) uf tho Ml.. o as, nig t. l'n sed ,t wns going 'Killl v l,u,A tw,.sto ,,, bM1. e , hell ! 0,1 ii"'! """'' brick nnd frame construction, to W; qu,;:: ;;- tu: rr : ,'iE" So we went to the show & all the time """J. -'. thay kep showing ,,e first picters I'a ! , ' fnT1v,,' "J"'1 lu.,l ,y the kep" telling Ma to wait until .1, y " 'V T' 8' T' Iim.i fi, ; i District 2t, Marion County, Ore- Dr. Stone's Poison Oak Remedy CASTOR I A For Infants and Children In Use For Over 30 Years Always bears the Signature NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. (Publisher.) A A snow white! medicine, to ft and soothing to the skin, applied every hour at once relieves and soon cures POISON OAK. Price 26c and 60a For sale by all druggists and , on October 22, MOi), mado Homestead .Entry No. 0i;7!t, for southeast (innrter. i Section 32, Township 7 South, Rungo 2 East, Willamette Muridinrt, lins filed .'Phan.4no alnwl B,reet' cr- -' , JlCAVENjJElf fi?7'T'R-Ch Son. O. f rbllKe and refu of all 0(,1, rli.ii. .T Iuri Bn iff ir . , ulI,ce phone .IfeoVnc. Mni. ;a l .MTEl) AUTISAXS-Cnpital Assem bly No. 81, meets every Wednesday lit 8 p. in. in Miwse hall. Mrs. I. W. Cuok, M. A.j .1. T. Pcnn, secretuiy, 413 Masonic temple. Main MAUSOLEUM. KCM. fcniti, ''REST ABllEY MAIT.W. The iletter Way. Dry and Hill . .1 Win :u,li,ft 1 t0 4 p. m. J. v. i.i NiiLier. ii l E1 m .-a ' a ii iirt'L. tn V ' nniio li.'is j. HMEHTAKERS ' 0"-C. B. Webb, A. uioriie nm mn.i i it r .4 : i.tors, ', rown 'insi modern methods ' Court .t . i;r,0,.c"l"i emploved. rtjtreet. Main 120, Main 88. l""')x ;ii ihi,,. e .tr,,. . . f uneral i. . no. ertn o-.o v .-.i. " " lin SALEM HUMANE Keoler, president: SOCIETY D. D. Mrs. Lou Tillson, secretary, All cases of cruelty or neglect of jluiub animals should be reported to the secretary for investigation. MODERN WOODMEN OF AMERICA. Oregon Cedar Camp No. 521(1, meets every Thursday evening nt 8 o'cloi'k in McCornnck hull, corner Court and Liberty streets. Elevator service. W. V. Hill, V. C.) Rex A. Turner, clerk. NURSERY. FOR SALE All kinds of fruit trees; graftod walnuts 85 cents per tree. Leave orders for all kinds of top grafting and spraying. Mill Creek Nursery, 2110 State streot. Saletn, Or. end night phono ;,'"r ColT 'R. ,f OMPANY-Of.fi,., ni Vi.i ' officer """'thlv in advance. JODAND COAL i .. I y - ''". Ail 4-1. i . , pmcs or "Jt or r, i " ' " 01 '"7 "ood, fonr- fto d II v "'Z l'" ,0 en ,W """ the best !"!: It I. h ,"rk"- Try our King -Jiain 5j, if,ri, uu.i.ii . i,,,.,,. -PRESSING. , , 1 V,ir spring '.,. "u""" I''"11" ilhd get rr:r 'jk'Siint,.,, " I rompt service and . ...,':'i" "rk' w' n"'l ii,-."'ie' 1 itv "' Cleaning i. ' -iBte etreet. FIXE nursery stork. I'or 30 days I'll make special low prices oa everything in my city salesyard. State and Twenty-fourth streets. Northwest. ern Nurserv, Howard E. Jones. Nur sery phone 73-F-22; salesman! phone Il.iOK. ,,ru' f '; I'er. your Proof to establish claim to tli9 acre, clear ol iiicinobini s; will ex- ,.,I ni..-n ,i..-..r;ii i,..r.... ,L. r, chaiige for W,ll,,,,u,,c valley ae.-eage ,Htor ,1d K,.ccivcr, ,j. H. 1'arid Officoi "'nN'.: : 2';,i.,.a fron, Salem. hieh 1''.., the IHh day of nli.Ii' of -u It i nt iin : vitv misiiiiiil.lf .,f.Vi9! v ii.iiiiMiiL iiuimn io niMiram'B. H. F. Rode, of llullt, Oregon. K. L. Patterson, of Hullt. Orci'on. W. H. Jluiniiton, of Silverton, Oregon, T. ll . . . s 4.M.. ' B Jf'.eMl cosh, balance li per cent. 33 acres 2 miles from Salem. Will, take house .f'J.lKill first payment. i New O iooni house; trmlo tor tim ber. ; .JACOB CO., Hubbard lildg. I FOR SALE A real snap. Four-room house, nearly new; iiiitbiiildiiigs; twu laiije lots; alu'iulance of fruit. Price i ifii.'iil if taken mioii; easy terms. Owner going nwiiv. Ad'liess R. S., Journal, MayS Lucian Hampton of Silverton, Oregon N. CAMPBELL, Register. Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S C ASTO R I A TWELVE I'A KM BARGAINS FROM OWNEU- Tiacls from 20 to ,'J2H ni res. All tracts under 50 acres cash. All above oil acres half to three fourths cash, baluiico 0 per cent, or incoming hearing eitv property. Ail -. . . . , dress X, care Capital Journal.' My2 Ter Ldd Bn,hBank. Balem, Oregoi MONEY TO LOAN On Good Real Estate Security TH08. K. FORD l)A KG A I X From owner, 5 big lots, i h'j'ise nnd burn, beaiiug fruit trees! and berries; block to car line. Ad-1 dress 172(1 Xorth Summer st. My20: Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTOR I A Patience is the long rnnd that leads to SI1CCCS. l WATCHMAKER. I'. S. MILLER, the wnt. liinnl.er. pec tneles and ee glasses at eastern prices. 4M ( irtrt treet. MISCELIiAREOUa FOR Firo Insurance, Hnrety Bonds, Ac cident an.) Health Insurance, rail on the Square Deal Realty Co., lT. H. B.iuk building. tf WE P.I Y mil cell ui-d fnruiliire; nlo take, it as (art pay for new Wir fprecliea Ileal", h. Peetz Fur tiiture Co., 2.I3 .North Coniiiiercinl. l'hone (ixi. TcmnviT. fT.aRTrtEn xns ARE l'hone U 'BUSINESS GETTERS. FOR SALE-fifteen acres well lucntcd, el isc iu. on Pacific ILghwav, near (liegon Klectiic and street car. Guod si IiooI and clmri h. In prunes, pears and small finit. lair buildings in I'lodii g prune drier. Will sell all or putt. Would consider exchange for small amount of city prnperty. Square Deal Itcnltv Co., Mil L. 8. N. Iliin k building. tf MODERN 4-ronni house, goisl lot, beau tiful Riverside, ( alifomia, exchange for autonioliilo or acreage - Salem. Address M. E. Getter, 333 Mission street, Salem, May!) BARGAINS t:;n brass bed, flH; il'iung table, 11; qnarti-rid oak china closet, J:'; oak dresser, 11'xM, with bevel plate mirror, 21x30, 91 L'.'l.i .North I iroinercinl. tf SalemFence and Stove Works R. B. Fleming, Prop. Depot American Fence To Hop Growers: Morley's Tat. Braced Basket. Stands (he strain. Buy now and save money. Don't wait until you need them. Or order now and get them later. 250 Court Street Phone 121 Back of Chicago Store j tin 1 1 i.-lininii went oaver and slummed Oneenie's luvver iu the mouth or amongst flic eyes or siiuiivhnre & then mini the I'eevenge. Wen Ojiconiu hud went to gil Iter father's lunch the villiu sloul sum diniitiite & ciiiiu behind wlinrc the yung Irishman was picking with his pick, put the iliniinite iiinlcr the stonn & blew the whole lot of it onver the Irishman. Then lie ran uwuy & sed With Pal rick McGillimoMy out of the way the qtiurry shall be mine. But then Queeu- ie culm buck i. sturted in trying to lift the rocks away but her screenis at I no ted her l'u & he mini on the sceen Hi beegon to throw the rocks lite H left. Well, sed l'u, that rceaiinds me of the wuy 1 used to throw thoas grate masses of giiinite into the wagons of the teamsters. I was so strong iu thoas days sed I'a, thnt 1 had to lie cairfnl putting on my cl'as for fear I win! tear them. But Ma & me found out today that i'a was lying lieekaus Ma s cousin is a quarry imiii & wen Mu ni-kcd hjm if I'a i virr lifted roi lis lie sed, yes he Used to lift reeks Wen tllllV WH.NCIlt too hevvy to tliiow at c!,janiiiks. A cent a word will tell youi torv in Iht Journal NrW Today gun, at the office of the City Superin tendent, High School Building, Salem, Oregon, May 14th, 1015, nt 7:30 p. in. Plans and specifications iniiy lm ob tained at the office of Geo. M. Post, architect, Room 1, (irav Building, and the Clerk of the Board, W. II. Burg hardt, Jr., 3S5 (State street, Salem, Ore. Contractors will bo required to de posit $10 for each set of plans, as a guarantee that, the plans and specifica tions received by them will bo returned in good condition at date set. On re turn of said plans and specifications the money will be refunded. A certified check for iMOOO must ac company each proposal and be drawn in ,' . It 1 i : . . in.- , o :, h r J , l'!'r-' "tone 1. a regular gr.du , aio in medicine and has had many ter into contract and cxecuti, the , re- ycur, o( OIloriouce iu the prac.tlei quired bond, as nanied in tho specifica- (uiiaitltatioiis are free. Proscrlntloni lion same shall he. forfeited to ra fr0 nl,a only regular price for School District No. 21, Marion County, I medicine Dr. Stone can be found at Oregon, if award of emit met is madojlijs ,r,ig storo, Salem, Oregon, front hi iiiuuor an. i no nr iney inn to enter I U.-40 In the niorning until 8 at night DR. STONE'S Drug Store The only cash drug store in Oregoa and show cases are loaded with drugs medicines, notions, toilet articles, wine and liquors of all kinds for medicinal into a contract and furnish the required build within ten days from dalo of award of coiilruct. Proposals shall be made only on the form furnished by the architect. The envelope continuing hiil In be marked on the oiilsiilo " I'riiposal for McKinley School." The riuht is reserved to an- ept or reject anv or all bids, or waive any informalities iu bills. W. II. lU'UGHAKDT, Jr., Clerk of School District No. 21, Marion County, Oregon. Free delivery to nil parts of the city and within a radius of 100 miles. Hut. the man who pays as ho goes can never go broke. A few words in a Journal Want Ad will buy or sell for you. TRAVELERS' GUIDE 44-4-M--4-teTet 4 BAILROAbS. SOUTHERN PACIFIC COMPANY. 4:111 p.m.. (1:00 p.m.. 1 1 :45 p.m.. 13 Limited 0:40 p.m. SALEM GEER LINE 73 Ar. Salem 11:1.1 a. in. 7H--I.V. Salem 10:00 a.m. 75 Ar. Salem (mixed) 2:00 p.m. 74 Lv. Salcin 4:15 p.m. (No connection souk of Goer.) SALEM, FALLS CITY b Lv, Corvallis 4: It) p. m Lv. Eugene 7:35 a. in 11:15 a.m 1 :50 p.m...., 5:10 p. WESTERN. 12:05 a.m J7 Locnl ... 21 Owl Northbound. 8:10 p. i 1:56 a.i Hi'.l Lv, Salem (motor) .... Kll- Lv. Salem (motor) .... KI3- Lv. Salem (motor) .... li." l,v. Salem (motor) .... 107 Lv. Salem (motor) .... 311 Way Freight lv. Salem K12 -Ar. Snlein (motor) .... UU Ar. Salem (motor) .... KMI Ar. Sab in (motor) .... KIM Ar, Salem (motor) .... 1 70 Ar, Salem (motor) .... 210 Way Freight ar. Salcin 0:15 p.m. Lv. Salcin 7:00 a.m. 4:35 p.m... 0:45 a.m. 1:40 p.m. I 3:25 p.m.j Lv. Salem 5:00 a.m.j 2:00 a.m... 8:40 a.m. 11:25 a.m. 8:Vi p.m. 6:30 p.m. 7:45 p.m. 1:35 p.m. 0:115 a.m... 10:15 a.m... Lv. Salem 1:00 p.m... Lv. Salem -roM,nj) u lv '"V urilUH3U l9 'IftiM. lascvf p oujt zr n n lannH t? (AJIW "I SlA'.mi ' ''.'" '"'" "V " y ii k r r j m r i MM: n qnn3 'tqits-f) I" V R '4 1 1 I ' fV m 'J UifStPf) 0 J'.'liadni of xtf " 1 63insda '"it '"ll 'Ni,;'"1 -t 4VU4 Children Cry FCR FLETCHER'S C ASTO R I A ; Always cheap and always 1 dependable a Journal jWant Ad. L. M. HUM Care of YICK SO TONG Chinese Medicine and Tea Company Has medicine which will cure any known disease. 153 South HiKh Street, Salem, Ore. Phone 283. XII "III I llllll Willi ll ! 11111 1 Ml II iii SOUTHERN PACIFIC CO. Northbound. HI Oregon Exprers 28 Willamette Limited 12 Minsla Limited 11 I'lirlland Passenger 20 -Portland Passenger 14 I'urtlaud Impress ... 220 Local Way Freight 222 Portland Fast Freight 10:38 Hou tli hound. 15 California Express 3:32 a.m. 17 Ririiburg Par.cugcfa .... 11:15 a.m. lUl ullage Grovo l'ias... 4:20 p.m. II Shasta Limited 6:4,1 p.m. 27 Willamette Limited .... 8:10 p.m. 13 -San Frauciuco Express 10:38 p.m. 21 San Fianeisco Fast Frt 12:01 a.m. 225 -Local Way Freight..... 8:22 a.m. . 6:00 a.m. . 11:22 a.m. . 11:55 a.m. . 2:00 p in, . 6:00 p.m. . 8:00 p.m. . J0:30 a.m. i. in. Ar. Haleai 20 6:37 p.ex. Ar, Balem 10 Limited MS a.m. 14 1:60 p.m. 10 Limited 4:00 p.ou 22 7:66 p.m. .... 2 Owl 8:10 a.m. Boutubound. Ar. Albany 0 6:36 p.uu Ar, Eugene 7:06 p.m. Ar. Eugene .. 21 Owl 7:50 a.m. 1 11:30 a.au S Limited 12:26 p.m. Ar. Albany V H;05 p.m. tltups at CorvalUl Ar, Eugene 0:10 p.m 13 8:60 p. as. CORVALLIS CONNECTIONS. Northbound. Lr, Curvjillis Ar. Salem 8:2(1 a.m 10 11:19 a.. (Local Albany to Salem.) 12:13 p.m 14 1:60 p.m. 2:32 p.m 10 4:00 p.m. 4:10 p.n 20 6:37 p.m. 0:05 p.n 22 7:65 p.m. Bouuinouua. Ar. CorvallLf - 1 6 B 7 13 Lv. Sab in 11:05 a.m... 10:15 a.m... 4:35 p.m... 1:00 p.m... ll: 13 p.m... ....10:31 a.m. ....11:34 a.m. .... 8:02 pjn. .... 1:32 p.m. . 8:00 p.m, WILLAMETTE RIVER EOUT1. OREGON ELECTR10 RAILWAY CO. Oregon City Transportation Company. i Leave Portland for Oregon Ar. Portland! '''Vi Hutteville, Nowborg, 6:55 a.m. Mission (St. Paul), Wheat- 0:30 a.m. I land, Salem (daily except 11:35 a.m. I Sunday) 8:41 .m. 1:45 p.m. Leavo Portland for liuiepeo 4:10 p.m. denre, Albany, Curvallle, 6:50 D.m I rucmiiiv, inursuay auu 8:00 a.m.! Saturday) 10:00 p.m. 1. 61 yes Lr. Portland Ar. Halem Corvallis 'n 1 8:53 a.m.) Albany 8:25 a .m 5 Limited 10:11 a.m.1 Independence 0:4'l a.m 7 ....12:55 p.m. 1 Sulem 10 a.m. Mod., Wed., Frt H:10 p.m 9 4;38 p.m. , Saloia 6 a.m. Tuee, Thur, Bat, Lv, Salem. 4:35 in 7:15 a. ii 0:45 a.m 11:20 a.m 1.50 p.m 4 00 p.m 5:37 p.m 7:55 p.m Northbound. Train No. .... 2 Owl ... 6 10 Limited 12 14 10 Limited 20 22 Southbound. ..8:43 a.ss. Retualug. 8 a.m. Mon., Wed., Fri. 7 a.m. Mod., Wed, Frt. B a.m. Mon., Wed., Frl 'Til