Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, May 07, 1915, Page SIX, Image 6

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Salem's First Great
Auto Race MepH
Star Drivers
mwiiwuiuj,i,imBRW ii i miniiii immm iwwmi
d by
the Am-
Jim Parsons
Parsons Special
Ray Lentz
James Crawford
Schneiders Special
Frank Elliott
Gordon Special
Fred Barsby
Chas. Latta
C. C. Clinton
Ray Bland
Pope Special
8ltkiiniMlJ Bnni''girtri'iVjl
liinni..rmil lnmi. mm II
ace 2:30 P.
Scale of Prices:
First time in America for high class Auto Races Admission 50c,
Grand Stand 25c extra. Box seats, including admission, $ 1 .00
encan Automobile
$2.00 Auto Racing for
50c Admission
Go Early to sec the
Machines tuned up
Same Great Cars and
Drivers that raced at
Portland last Sunday
The Greatest Possi
Advertising Benefits
for Salem
DDort News
I Auto Racing Has Its
Own Peculiar Thrills
Salem Hipji School To :
Play At Penitentiary
Tin- I'il-t Snlcni llill . Iimil tin I'lcill
will i' In h Willi the 1. S. I'. liWM'tn iii'Vt
I ii i-i In nl lei mum mi I lie n'ii diamond.
I i llii' uanic played Inn iieel.s ago be
liM'i'n iln'sc 1 1 -:i in x tin' pen wii liv 1
:i Mini' iif II In I'rnclnr pitched this
lt 1 Ihe llic.ll si'll.ml lulls i' I
Ik ll ill hurl. Iln'ir ln-t lllilli'N Willi
Kccnc ill On' Imx.
(iuni.l Waller 'riiiniiiiiii, I In1 I'i'ii
lllM'liull IllllHllilll', Kill's his ctllllllls will
111' ill llli' IllUlllllg mill llllll III' ill' 'i' ii I m
HI Ilio (llil Ucl'iablc .IhIiiimiii In talie
llli' hi tli school buys inlii camp in short
older. Mr. Thompson sals In- Ims
hi'iiril sumo reports aiming Hie fans
lluil .Illinium's unit was mum bad and
Hull ho nils nut iilchiug Ihi' game ho
I'nriiiorly t i I . This is n mistake in tho
ii, says Thompson, Ilio tiviilcr dial
is now lining luiil is u limn naiin''l Wal
l.'i' Johnson, who recently named sonic
fame on tlu Washington li'ain in Ilio
American li'iiuno. lint tho Johnson who
is tho inninsliii- In tho Inn lot tho
O. .S I', Is gidiij good and li:is eiery.
thing mi tho Inill.
Tlu'so two 1 1'll in rt urn oxpi'ilol to put
tip a fust I'onli'st ns tho II to '' tamo
wont II Innitii! nml holli Hvi'iis mo in
li'ttor sluipo I'or tho oominii ratilnit.
W. U. Team Leaves To
Coast League Standings.
VV. I Vt
l.os ,n,clc . . . 'J I l.'i .fiVi sj:
all Lake Hi 1.1 .Ml!
Sim l''inio iM'o .... IS 17 ..II I $
I 'oi I In n, . . Hi I : .Is.'i :!
Oakland Hi I'.i .1'.;
Venue l:t i; .1:::!
Yesterday's Results. $
At Sun l''ratti'ii'o I'oillan.l 7, $
San t'l nih'isi'o I ill iiiiiiniisK
Al l.os Anm'lt's l.os Anm'ti'S
7, Venice
At Sail Lake Salt l.al.o 7, $
Itllkluud .1.
in the tiTti'i'iimui. Oregon has liooii losing i
a iiiiiiiIii'i ol' liana's lately, white Y il- I
Innii'lli' is now in the best shnpo they'
Inn o lii'i'ii in this year. Malinger Arlio
Walker ol' tho .' . siiiinl state.l that !
ho believed Wlllaini'tti' had a good '
I'liiini'i' of winning in the ctiining yuan', i
The line up I'or Willainet le Saturday i
will lie ns follows: Itoiine, c; Adams..
p; Milli'l', Hi; Viekerr, 'Jh; Hates, llli;
Hooth. ss; Shisler, If ; 'llaine. of; I'loj;,'!, '
rf; I'l'aff or A, Irvine us snli. i
Tins i;ii mo lonaiill.'ss of the ronlts
will niie tho moil the neeessnry prai'- i
tiro for tho liu nanio nhieh thev will!
, play on tho W illaiin'tte fi.'l.l next'Tni's.
ilni. win m the fat t'tiiwrsiu of Wash-
i hi; I . hi Hani will ho here.
v----....4f,,.i g ...
Smokers of
Turkish Trophies
Cigarettes fifteen years ago
are smokers of
Turkish Trophies
Cigarettes today I
are expi'i'toil to land thi'ir shnre in tho
cotniii im'ot, Couch clniicy nays lie
lines not exiiei't. his hoys to curry off
the first honors with the fonni'iliiblo
nrrny of Hussy athletes entered but
cxpeots the Snlem tonin to a gooil
iiei'ount of itself.
Soerotnry Compton says that the
curly season indk'iitions are that. Snlein
ivill be represented by n speedy bunch
of distniicp runners for the Portland to
Nulem relay rnce to be run about June
2 of this yenr. iSnleni 1ms Payne, Hun
gins, I.afke, Kiutus Jim, llni(jht, Dut
ton, Minton nnd Tullmnn, all veterans,
and B. Minton, Matlock nnd Clarence j
nnd Charles Bnyes nil good men trying j
for plnees on the team.
The rnce will be run from Portland ;
to Salem this yenr nnd will be started j
in Portlnnd at 10 a. m. ending in this :
city ubout four and one-half hours later. :
tseuretury Compton is now lining the
runners up for practice and those who
ore already on track teams arc truining
for the event.
(Cottage Grove, Ore, Uta)
"Kaiser Dill'i tliroat o"""'"1
a, s,.ri.)nSlvffectea"-.tBil! I
dav nn.l Hill Bryan w i '
..ti,..lU.. ffhriloitwi"'";
i l.n.i.t' inii'ii? r.
lo.iui'i".' j""--
It rerpiirea a good deal or diplomacy!
to enable a mun to back down with I
dignity aftor goiug too far.
... ii . . ii
j dignity alter gomg too tar. - j
Play U. of 0. Tossers Salem High Athletes
Enter U. of 0. Meet
I'M ion eior ride around n mile Viaiili Klliott, .m H. fiordon Spe- j
1 1 lick in a riiciuu cur with one of thejcinl. The Metvor, th Veile nnd the
niot linuoiis ii ii 1 1 iliivois in the mirth-1 linuimio Sp,.,in ilniviil tiiis forenoon,;
Host who had insiiii. tions to seme ioihuu.I will In mil t,,. rni.k this lifter- i
n ''it.' No. Well, it's ipiite a sousn- I noun nith 'tli,. p,,,,,. Special and the
Hon. Jim I'aisons. wlui diiios his Par- I llluo llii.l, wh,, ), .,s0 'arrived todav.1
son. Special m the races tomorrow, I C. N. llaul,hoa,l drives the Pope, and
look ii Journal ivpiesciitimve as a piis-jc. ( '. Clint,,,, the lllue Mini. The lllue
sender wlnlo ho was Irving out the tair-l Itiid has :i , , WM .,.,.,! f ,,
uioiniils tr.'iik yi'.ti'iilav ni'iei noon, an. I mile in nuilm,, h.,, ki. I...- I,
tlu'ie i mill inio .Inn l'ainis ami ; disinitcl.
"What! More debts."' cried the'
irate father. "Why, when I win your1
age I didn't owe a penny to any mi'in."
"That was tough Int'li, father," said
the son, sympathetically. "Couldu't1
you get anyone to trust you?" I
The Willuuii'tto 1'niicr-il v is,,,,,
ten in loaves iu the morning f..r I iii.H'iie
where they will lav the I . of P. team
i .1 h I l in, v, of I',,.
Mlcni Hilih
I 11. ll 11 ,..,.. I II V r j I
wilh oilier iiiitos anil I'onls, a lew sim
pie Miles aio laid down whoieliy any
citi.i'u might olitaiu tho miiiio sensa
tion. i 1'ii-t, seriirn n imrlicnlnrlv wild and
The track is a hide flat on the turns
lor records, say the drivers, but the
itiaightawais mc in fine condition,
rrn.sn is drove a mile yesterduv iu .IS
seconds, and with I lie loose dirt 'sera pod
nwnv ft :l... t u i- ...,uu:l.l.. i,..i i
nntanicl hoise n, hitch him up lo ,, I ,o track r iav I , I ,w ,.,..
Iiollg piece III clllllils dlaglllllit I on. Is I il.... I , : t ...l..:
j Your Last Chance
To get an Electric Grilstovo at
$3.35. Monday they go up to
'"" '"l'1 "''''f i'atingun the turn, will , track In bet
"' 1 "" " ""V" 11,1 ter l,;.po lor Hie meet, nnd will elirni
, ," , ". V,""' ' K V7:1" ' ,m' '""-I 'ul from the spectators.
. on the sen.:, ,., ol he ivheds skl- The , i , .,., ii ,.r,.ns
lii.tf on the urns. At the Mart olt j ,g with ,,e nppcaranee rf the car, in
? Il" '," I'",":'";'' "!-'. ""il in.,rics Iron, ontside town,
"" "V" """ """ ,"' "i.l.'is loi -boxes indicnte t.iat there
111,11 '"'lie broiv.e directly will be a good ci.ov.l i Hi.. r..n. M
... , " ii". i '.i-i uiiie uu Hi-iagor koiumi
u inpl lo i a i,e a lull drouth lot someone! he no fake
in' n nun. inn oi . u m
"If it's Electric, come to us."
Salem Electric Company
Masonic Temple Phone 1200
ft t
i savs that there will i
lour face. 1 liv il... ..., I. ..... . . . .... - -
Jiang a ngrtatcd gut.ing gnn a, your ! tn,' aro, "Ii "Z? IZ. Z
, lt olboi . end pb pair ol hiiatsj ti w ill be pr eset at "the track. Kach
Tl . I ,V. i. . ' . . ,i:.,'" "' 11 '''" fil1'' raee. and:
1 he diners who tried nit the truck (he spe.t.Hor, r,. promiseil l.lentv of I
with Ins I in. ons Speclnl: I.. U. Miller, i the iiorthwosi li,. ..... ........... i .1,.,
llrlV llkLT 1 It. I Ilk.. 1 I.. W ....... . I .... II. 1
4 1 i I , huh 1 1 rnt'K.
l'u ton, li uinuck Itntcbffe, llrown Dunmick will trv th. mile vault
and Mclliiii, in the bu InturachoUs I ll,,.. .i.,v . ,. r". '
- Will'
su;,r jiZ':r,r,;,.7vnrwi!!!. u . r,nt .i D,.tt.
v rrml "'"I "RV "n point, In former meet, and
Take a Glass of Salts to Flush Kid
neys if Bladder Bothers You
Drink Lots of Water.
Knting meat regularly eventually
produces kidney trouble in some form
or other. sny a well-known authority,
because the uric acid in meat excites
the kidneys, they become overworked;
got sluggish; clog ip and rnuso all
noils of distress, pniticularly backache
nnd miserv in tin. kidnei- mV,.. .!,,..
mntie twinges, severe headache,, acid
i onuien, constipation, torpid liver,
sleeplessness, bladdei and urinary ir
ritation. The moment your bnck hurt, or kid
neys aren't acting right, or if bladder
bothers you, got about four ounces of
.Ind Salts froni any good pharmacy;
" "iisi'uiiniui 111 a glass of wa
ter before breakfast for a few dav,
an.) your kidney, will theu act fine.
This famous salts i, ml,,o from the
acid of grape, and lemon juice, combin
ed with lithin, and has been used for
generation, to flush clogged kidney,
and stimulate them to normal activity,
also to neutralize the acid, In the u'r-
il '5 . no lon"T "itate, thus end
ing bladder disorder,.
Jail Salt, cannot injure inrone:
make, a del.ghtful effervescent lUhia-
water Unnk which millions of men and
to the
California Expositions
$26.75 S'NNcrsco
From Salem, Return limit 15 days.
. . sr.... f. In 1 1.
Sale dates .nay ?
jn.na-n Round TrilUoLo.sAnnd20.5 i
. . ... m v,int Pn atiai f l'
Deck Triple screw,
n oo. 57.31.
Sail-May 7, 11, iHJaM
North Bank Steamer Train leaves rortlan
.1 ID .Irt S. I?. ' "
aboard ship at navci,
3:30 P. m. next da.
For details of itinerari., and '
call on or write:
y Mfcno
x '"tw" r