Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, May 07, 1915, Image 1

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"T" ' ' " . X it U VjMU 8TAyP8 yryB OBIfTI
IllS ATTEMPTING . 5lSilunn pa takp
m n n nnmoii nrr nniiunv nr u.u uwmiiw miu itwausss, ,wu 1 mm.
u dluvv Dn on urr n rami Fm!m m qmai i . roatq une
I Kaiser's Forces Bring Many Heavy Guns Into Action and
Violent Artillery Duel Rages-Enormous Quantities of
I Ammunition and Gas Shells ExpendedFrench With
I drawals Considered-Turks Claims Victories
' i By William Philip Simms.
((United Press Staff Correspondent.)
! I'nris. May ". The roar of heavy
'(Merman artillery in now slinking the
' jfnlire Intttie front. The kaiser's forces
ire bringing heavy guns into ni'.t inri in
eiiorminis numbers at every point. They
inive apparently decided literally to
blow tlic I'.ntish out of Vpres Reports
from the French, Uritish and Uelgiun
field headquarters bring the same sto
ries of violent artillery combats and
ttc expenditure of enormous quantities
of uiiitnunitinn.
.' f It was apparent today that tlio (lor-
."mini general staff has decided that im
portant gains are impossible unless the
strung i ! ioiiH held by the allies are
Niiccl. The Hermans are therefore
listing tin- rapture of their heavy nuns
b rouiili-i'-nltat'ka in order to bring
'iu into uetion to shater the ullied
' tine.
On t Flanders front tlio Germans
"Moi nut ov tlnuiing enormous quuu
titics of explosive shells into Vpres and
attain! tve l'u,c (ro, the city to Hill
K), but they have mounted extra heavy
guns mi tlio wooded hills about z;uiid
vonide, six miles southeast of Ypres.
While, desperate fighting about Zend
V'rdo has alternately shelled Vpres.
' the load to Poporinglie, , iinf am the
country us ij,r V(.t St. Kloi.
f The n.ie nt gases by il,,. (ioinians eon
"'' c'i i vH liere. Additional troops
have been brought up at till point on
the hue nn. I me prepared to attempt
to a. hun, C in inured nttaelis when the
rti!l, r,v -hall have completed its work
, i. hieing the allied positions. To
day , u! i n ial statement was laconic
" '" '"' a ral situation. It declared
enipiiainally, however, that the (ierinan
.JMim-U in the vicinity of liiigntollo had
reh,. I,, the region of Vuii(iiiiis the
J"'""1'" re -helling the French post-
'"is. it was stated. Reports that the
awe I mm ,,,s t liisehoote was being
' f'li'lclol untenable l,v ll, C.r, ,..
e huliieterie.l lis nlt&np.l
r'l tli,
I'linn,:,' (if lirorpi'lin llioti-
""'i it is uinlerstood the allied com
JiiiN.lci. m the north niav order with
i':.al. t ,-ertain points, but it Is
'.''-i.tncl, '"'rte.l that there is not the
.''U'Hi'-t , i, nn,-,. that a (ierinan drive
' alais and liiinhirk can sue-
' 'Ihe liermans have again attempted
; '"""'''I Itinihirk. but without ma
, ii.it u.-,.,.. Although manv inhabit
"" "t 'he town have fled south, the
V.' 'leelnred there was little
"lions damage to the citv.
I . !
,,-lale Fair Board Makes Provision For Innovation This
1 Morning-Directors Also Decide to Maintain Own Sys-
tern of Policing Grounds Instead of State Militia and
I Detectives 1
Ii I I .. .
I Jr; r-prialion of -U0 for the
t.I' M-''f 11 "tiirl"' 'P" at
Ch ," .'"iri eU'''U"n " dispense
,, ... , i e state militia
policemen und to pro
", ft:
's. . "'Ml Special loiliei. .,r, :,,., in
.m7,7'v". ,ol'''e depart-
t, , , j ""J Marion county, and
.1 T p'V" "'" '"TOKinK the services of
l.f, ', "- " Unite, Montana, nvia---lV",
U xhil,itin. in fancv
-ii, , ', "" "ernplune during
l i., I"''1' l; ,,,M Host iinportunt
Mi '", "' "'ate fair board,
'" "i speciul session t the
1 T:,., i,,','."',',""" n,"'iing.
ji, hi " " "'ill in session this after
? !. f ', "I"'" '"ring of a band
I..,.,' j ' ', "'"'e this question has
'"' lull','"'', "" v,'t "! there are
"' t... , , "r ""' contract, it ap-
.,","' ." ' rests between
-j, "'1'es' concert band, of
ti, ' '"' H military band,
! 1 ''' grentlv in fnvor' nf th.
'""' to -h.:
r' 't many other mitters
scouring of free open-j
Turks Claim Victories,
statement iBsued hero today claims suc
cesses for the Turkish troops every
where ou the (lullipoli peninsula except
in the regions where the allied forces
are operating under the concentrated
fire if their fleet.
Only nt Sedd-LI Bahr and Ariburau
has the enemy maintained such posi
tions, it was slated, and the Turk9 have
withdrawn out of range. No attacks
have been attempted by tho landing
Ten machine guns, quantities of am
munition anil many prisoners have been
captured in the (lullipoli operations, the
statement adds. A battaliou of the en
emv was annihilated near Ariburau.
Around Sedd-ol-Bahr, the Kuglish suf
fered heavy losses.
Many Mines Recovered.
The llngne, May 7. Mine sweepers
in Dutch waters have roemverod
J mines since tho beginning of the war,
an official statement announced today.
Of these '.'IH were Kuglish mines, Til
I I'lench and '.I'l (lerniau with 1 10 un
Cnmpaign la Vigorous.
London, May 7. With Vienna claim
ing the capture of Tarnow bv the Aus
tio-llermun troops and tho iiiimber of
Kussian prisoners taken in the dulician
fighting now declared to number iiti.uOO,
it was evuleiit tn lav that the supreme
effort nf the Teutonic allies to clear I
(lalicia of the enemy und break down!
the Carpathian campaign is being press-j
eil with the greatest vigor. i
Tho Hussions are declared to be re
treating to the east of the I.tinkow
'I'nss. In the drive through western
Uialieia the Russian front is now said
ltd have been forced back from the
! Dona ice to the Wisloka river. The re-
treat of the third aunv under (ienernl'
llimit rief f is now- completely cut off,!
ilispiitcues say, and its surrender or
annihilation is regarded us certain in
llerlin and V lenua.
l'et rograd admits heavy fighting is
in progress in this region and mentions
the "superiority of the enemy's urtil
Icry," Imt the confirmation (if the
sweeping victory claimed by llerlin
anil Vienna has not come from the Rus
sian u 1 1 i t n I . With the German cam
paign against the llaltic provinces con
tinuing and renewed engagements
along the cast 1'iiissian frontier and
in central Poland, the Hermans and
lliiHsiaus ate engaged along practically
the entire eastern front.
air special features for the big fair are
to be taken up for consideration and
action, among which is a big electrical
display proposed to be put on eneli
evening by the Poltland llailwny, Light
i Power company, and this latter has
practically been decided upon.
The inauguration of n "girls' fair
camp" in connection with the state
fair was ndopted nt the suggestion nnd
solicitation of State School Superin
tendent Churchill, whose depaitiuent
will hove supervision over the can.p nnd
the instruction work conducted in con
nection with it and the boys' (amp.
and it will If managed upon the same
basis as that of the hois' fair ciiuip
which proved such a pronoun 1 suc
cess lust year. Members of the girls' j
camp will be selected from endi county,
two girls winning the highest honors nt
the county and district fairs in indus
trial club exhibits to be chosen, mol
the fair board will provide ill of the i
camping equipment, subsistence' oml
(Continued oa Tsgo Tlires.)
China Agrees When Tokio
Withdraws fifth Group
of Demands
The principal articlo in group
five of the Japanese demands
upon China upon which an
agreement was reached today,
provided that the Chinese gov-
eminent should employ Japa-
nese. advisers in all political,
financial and military affairs.
Other demands were that China
should purchase n fixed ratio
of her war munitions from .la-
pan, or co-operate in the estab-
iishment of an arsenal; that the
police of certain soetintis, espe-
cially in Manchuria, should be
under the .joint supervision of
the Japanese nnd Chinese; rail-
road concessions including the
right to build a line connecting
Huukow mid llanehow; mining,
railway and dock conccsaiiws
in the province nf Fukien and
the riejit to laud ownership for
Japanese hospitals, schools and
other institutions.
Tokio, May 7. Peace between Japan
and China was insured toilay when the
Tokio government withdrew from its
list of lit demands made upon t'ekin
the fifth group, which from the stall
lias Deen oniuixious to the Chinese uov
eminent and threatened to plunge the
iwu iiutioiis into war.
All 'her concessions soiil'IiI bv Ja
pan lire to be granted in effect, it was
understood here toclny, and only the
working out of the details remains to
close the negotiations which have
threatened the ponce of tho orient for
weeks. The decision of the labinet, fit'
lowing the receipt of additional com
munications from Peliin, evidintly nu't
with general approval in Tokio. The
populace was extremely quiet tuday
ami there were no war demonstrations,
despite the fact that an ultimatum hud
been placed in the hands of the Japa
nese minister in IVkin tn deliver to the
Chinese government should diplomatic
negotiations fail.
At 7 o'clock last night the Chinese
foreign oft ice was informed that noth
iug could be accepted but complete
compliance with nil of the Japanese de
mands. It was maintained that mant
ing of the deiniimls would assist China
in every way. ;t that time the ln.oign
oilicc again declined and further nego
tiations were in progress throughout the
lairly today I'.hio Ilioki, thu Japa
nese minister, notified tile fnieigu of
fice that lie had received from Tokio
the nil minium which was threatened
yesterday. He stated that he was un
der instructions to fuiiiially serve the
ll 1 1 i nut ( 11 in unless China gave assurances
that the deiuiunls would be met by- .'I
o'clock this afternoon. President Viianl
Mini K.ii and his advisers immediately!
went into another conference, und it
nns decided that the government could i
do untiling but meet the demands. AIL
were accepted except a few sections oil
group live. In tins gniip it is under-,
.stood ninde counter propu-dtions which j
it was believed Jnpiin would be certain
to accept, nnd inert all possibility ol
Ultimatum Delivered. '
Washington, May 7. Despite the re-j
ccipt of dispatches "tilling that Japan1
and China hud remind an i.gicciucrit,1
the Japanese embassy today uniinuiiccd
that it had received a cable I nun Tnl.ht
declaring tint Ihe uiilwido's ultimatum
hud I ii delivered to the I'eliin govern-1
IllCllt. ,
Delicate Law Question
Involved In Suit
Againsf Fair Board (
In older to establish who is entitled
to receive a little over loilO, balaioo
due on n plumbing contract awarded
to W. II. Uodgers for ink performed
ill the new pavilion at the Atate fair
grounds, tin net ion has been begun
against the stale fair boui.l and that ,
body wns served with the pipers in
the i imc this morning. Before com
pleting Ihe job ltodgi-r went into bank,
ruptey nnd made nn litgninent of his
claim over I" the t. s. .National Hank,
of this city. The l S. Tiddly and
ttuiirauty coiup.-inv, which was upon his
bonds, finished the job nnd claims the
nullify, while l X. Derbv, Itolgers'
trustee in bankruptcy, nlo lays -lann
to the cash. The warrant is in thej
hands of th secretory of state who,
acting upon the advice of legal author j
ity, is withholding it until the question
of who i" entitle, I to reccim the money ,
is de ub'd. Allorm-is It, Inn I). Davl
nnd Walter C Wmslour re tho attor .
nrys in tho "tin.
Over 60 Per Cent of Acreage
and Stock Singed Up
Outlook Promising
Foreign Prohibition Agitation
Subsides and Improves the
Market Prospects
With over (10 per cent of the capital
stock already subscribed and subscrip
tions coming in in good sized blocks
every day; with nearly 70 per cent of
tho growers nnd hop acreage of the
state signed up, the Oregon hop grow
crs' association is making rapid pro
gress along tho line of peimnnent or
ganization hiii according to the officers
of the association, will be placed up
on a solid coiiiiiierciul mid working basis
before June 1 of this year.
Not only are those who took an active
interest and purt in the organization
movement from the beginning signine
and paying up the tock subscribed to
but the lield ugerit.i, of which there arc
several, are sending in new ibers
every day and the scope of the associ
ation will be much larger thiui the lend
ers in the movement anticipated. As the
magnitude ot I lie nrgiiinzntioi Inrges
the wenUer-lii I, or rather doubtful
growers are beginning to exhibit signs
of Interest und confidence and the re.
suits nre daily apparent to the officers
at association headquarters. In short,
what was regarded ns u speculation a
few weeks ago, has developed into tin
umiualificd certainty and the nnlc tin no
that remains to be accomplished is to
make it iinani us so us to include
every hop grower ill the state.
Iteport of missing hills, badly lie
glected yards and some instances of
uctiitil plowing up of hops continue to
come in III incrc:is,ng numbers and the
latest estimate placed upon the probable
crop for this year for Oregon is not to
exceed liiu.i bales. . Of ficials of the
association win, receive daily reports
from field nyciiis in constant touch
with the grocers and the condition of
yards geneinllv state that there are not
more than L'ii.oho acres of hops in the
state, us eoinpaicl to nn estimated acre
age of to :.Ti,(l(l(l heretofore esti
mated and neural upon ns a basis of
probable yield, nnd this will serve to re
luce nil filiate estimates very material
ly. Little iuterct is manifest in the
hop market today, once In awhile n
contract being u ported for ll small crop
lit ll i ,ii nd II en's, but the conditions
lire becoming gnoliinlly settled and the
prospects u ie lor a fuirly good demand
for the Oregon piodiic) before the seas
on advance fin toward tho harvest.
Tl seme" that was precipitated
over the war sit uation in Knrope over
the agitation of the prohibition issue
hns subsided somewhat upon the offi
cial unnouiieeiio at that no
nttempt i
would be ion, I, ,,n the part of the Lug-
b ;h pnrbuinei l to levy un exorbitant
tax upon int"v atmg lievernges, and
I here being ie, .'Mention of n desire
curtail tin- niioeint of production
beer, ns wik hinted nt some time back.
I , llfid.'llce ill
the llllllket I-
and this ,vill -effect
upon 1 1
Alien, ly tlo
has signed n
contiols ii
Oregon ci-, ,
to make it a 1,
tor in the h"
to say that it
with in the i
der the urn v '
maud would 1
he future situation of
I" "g gradually restored
ii have its rejuvenating
,- market.
Ii, p growers' nssiKdation
enough membership nnd
' ' flit quantity of the
I hops for the year 1111.1
lutety the strongest fnc
market of the world anil
till huve to be reckoned
! , o-tinent nf things un--.
I law of supply and di -
potting it mildly. One
the great bulk of the
hops finds a waiting
thing is t-e 1 1 :t i o
Oregon clop ,l
rum hot iiiiioioi 1 1
crs of the I. , t
tl factor-, w i
tale for the 1 't-.
better class of brew-
and in Knglaiol. and
11 not accept ll sohsii
oil pro, lint winch cini
not be d.ipll'
I'nited Matt"
That being t
I iiiiv id,,, ., ..I... I n, ,
r moil, tv ,.! .1 r 1 1, I
case there will always I
be tl in'itkel
Oregon hops, so long
tictured, and the sso
1 no qunlins ,,f fear or
Ihe ultimate disposal
organization at satis
US beer I- III!'', 'I
i intern eiitcrt i.M
UtieafUess II- t"
of the hops in tl,
tiict,,rv ,l,
Copenhagen. M tl " 7. All official
stiiteinenl i--oi, here tonight announces
a buttle lid" i Russian and (iermafi
squadron fought in the Hull it- along
the Aacki nlianscii nnd l.ll.au Hntrnn
lino. No detail- are givea.
London, May 7. Shortly before
o'clock tonight the Cuiiar'd company
issued a formal statement announcing
that the I.usitania had been torpedoed
Vithnut the slightest warning Bnd sunk
within a very few minutes.
The bulletin stated that the entire
concern of the company was for the
safety of the passengers nnd crew, re
garding whose welfare it was not yet
fully informed. The stiiteiiienf !.
--"w - r u u ii m mm m m mm m ma
Iclared that the material loss was not
j being considered as it was fully
covered bv insurance.
It was explained that a large num.
her of bouts from the l.usitaniii are
known to he afloat. An exceptionally
large number of crafts in tho vicinity
at the time the liner was struck
answered the l.usitnnin's cull for help.
The fact that the company's official
bulletin nindn no mention of the num
ber of passengers and crew so far ac
counted for caused considerable un
easiness. There seems little doubt but
that some information is nlrcady avail,
able on this line and that the' failure
of the company to make even a meagre
announcement relative to passengers
saved did not tend to allay the un
easiness which became more manifest
as the evening progressed and the ten
sion increased.
Taking Passengers Off.
New York, May 7. At 4:.'I0
nfternoon the Cunanl company
out tile following cable message:
"Old Head wire begins; 'Cancel lust
message, Storm Cock Inking passengers
nnd boats from motor fishing boat.
Proceeding (Jueenstown'. "
The referred to a previous message,
which said the Htorm Cock had rescued
passengers from fishing boats and was
going to Kinsnle.
Hints At Loss Of Llfo.
Liverpool, May 7. An ominous hint
that, there had been serious loss of life
In the destruction of the Lusitania
came in an official statement tonight
by Ihe Cunard office. It said;
"W have great hopes that, ninny
have been saved."
This was interpreted to menu that
Ihe line knew that there had been some
loss of life.
Proposes Readjustment of
Local Kates Aheclmg
Branch Lines In State
For the puipose of readjusting rules
ami establishing a iiuifoiui schedule
of freight rates affecting nil of its
subsidiary lines in Oregon (ienernl
Freight Agent II. I'). Iliiishaw and Asst.
(Ienernl freight. Agent ,1. II. Miib-hey,
of the Sonlhciii I'acifi inpiiny Here
ill conference with the niiiiond com
mission this iiioriiing, discussing the
proposed schedule in detail. It. was ex
plained lluit, while there would be no
revision of inies upwind upon nny of.
its subsidiary lines, the general pur -j
pose of tin1 chnnge was for Ihe con.,
Velllelire lllld benefit ol' shippers ill the
Willamette valley bv eliuininliiig Ihe
double local inies for iniiin line ami
brunch lines and to make one Ihioiigh
local rate. D is not expected that the
proposed new sch
for some time.
ill be clfoclivc
i Santa Fe Train Wrecked
and ieven Are Dead
Los Angeles, Cal.. May Seven pel
sons wen. known to have I u killed
this afternoon when a Siiutii l-'e train
colli, leil with n Sooth Pnsudtna ear ot
Ihe Pacific Llei-trie railwiiv on Aliso
street, Los Angebs, near Ihe liver.
Mniiy others were injured. A score of
ainbllbilices were (i,eiet to the seem.
Two bodies were removed from the
wreckage, nnd it wns hciicvcd that
'more were buried. I'lt'tecn in piled,
'many of them sotiniisly, two women and
two men unconsciuus, lay near the edge
of. the pile of debus, ll was believctl
Hint toe hitler four were deiul.
Among lhu.c buried in the wrcclagf
weie n inotlii.r ami her niliiiit. lies,
euers wort1 muling frantic ell'orts to
r n,li them among the tangled mass ot
timbers and sic
I. It was not known
whether they Wele
lend or alive.
Known dead:
Mils. II. I', III Kl.lll l!T, Los An-
gt leS.
Lul ls LP lO.HITK, prisideut Los
Angeles Tent her ( o.
Mrs. II. P. Johnson, head injured
Miss l.illie S.-hmidt, bruised; .1. A.
Wliite, skull fractured; O. ( o,,k, arm
broken; Peter Host, at, I, skull fin, lined,
Mrs. M, (iteenwond, Pssadena, al.,
lightly Inpired; Mm. W. I', .lame",
broken leg, internal injuries; Itobert A.
('( onor, iiend injured; II. V. Harring,
head injure, I; O. T. Olson, iiitenially
iu uifinLL uuniu ffiiL i
Numerous Vessels Rush To Rescue Upon Receiving Wire
less Call of Distress and All On Board Are Reported
SavedReport Received That Lusitania Was Beached
and May Be SalvagedAmerican Passengers Warned
of Danger
Washington, May 7. The
stale department received a
dispatch from Walter Mine
Pago, I'nited HUlos ambassii-
dor to Kngliiml, at M:2ll p. in.,
continuing the loss of tho Lus-
i t ii ti i ii. His report said:
"The I .ii hi t u n i ii was torpedo-
ed oil' the Irish cuist this morn-
ing. Khe sunk in half nil hour.
No passenger list given."
At the state department this
afternoon it was snid toe Lusi-
tnnin and 1'illnbii disasters fell
In the inline category and un-
doiibtedly would be handled
along precisely similar lines,
t. insofar as America's official
interest in the matter was con-
Liverpool, May 7. The giant Cunnnl
liner Lusitiiiiiii with n heavy passenger
list h' American ciliens was torpedoed
I sunk off tho Irish coast this after
noon, Xo loss of life is repelled as
yet. Small boats of every description
were rushed from Ojicciislown to Old
Head of Kinsnle, off which point the
big liner was tiii'pcdocd,
An iiiicoiil'iriiii'd report reaching here
said Hint the l.iisituuiu was benchetl
The fust word that, the Lusitania was
in double wns picked up by wireless
at I. amis ,u,l. It r, 'polled thai there
was n very decided list lo Hut slciiiner
and I hat assistance was tngoiitly waul
eil. Later iiioenslown also picked up
appeals lor aid and Ihe port authorities
rushed e ei'.v thing possible to tho md
of the steamer.
The Lusitania was torpedoed ul U ; . 1 : 1
this ulleriiuiii. At the point of altink
the liner's course is iioimiilly within
sight of land.
The sinking of Ihe Lusitania with
m ii ii ' American pnsscugcis was the
haidesl blow of the war to dole so fur
as ueiitriil commerce was concerned,
The reports r ivc, here are fug
ineiilaiy but till agree that the big liu.
er began calling for help by her wire
less in -:,'ld. 'J'he first to pick her up
was Ihe wireless station at Lands I'lud,
Tlie appeal was urgent and iiuiiicdiuto
ly orders were sent to the iiciuest
points lo get every available craft to
the scene,
The fishing fleet from Kinsnle was
early on Ihe scene and iiniuediately
begun the work of taking on board the
piissengeis from the big liner, ll is
understood Unit the Lusitania 's own
bonis were used to care for her pits
seiigeis. On all of her recent trips
these boats have been swung overside
and their covets removed ready for any
eventuality and il is possible that this
piecaiition may be duo the salvation of
the passengers.
There was mii' li excitement here nnd
in Loudon. There hnl been grille
doubt that the (ioniums were in earn
est when they thleatened lo attack Ihe
passenger carrying liners. The sinking
of the I'nliibn hud been considered the
final act of this kind and when it wns
realized that the biggest piiHsengor
1 1 ii'-r in commission hud fallen victim
to Ihe war Kuglnitd was aghast.
Repudiate Responsibility,
Washington, May 7. That the dir.
man governiucnt would repiidiiite
re qioiisibility toward the I'nited
Stales for the Lusitania disaster was
ihe consensus of opinion In official
cin les here.
It was believed this CX ted atti
tude would be based on the advertise
incut published by the embassy in Xew
Vork newspapers the day Ihe vessel
sailed warning Americans against
traveling on Drilish ships. Of course
this warning, followed bv the sinking
of the vessel, caused roinineut concern
ing a possible fore kuowlclgo by the
embassy of what was to happen but
wns wholly unofficial,
this was wholly unofficial,
Today's News
Printed Today
London, May 7. Too Gorman
submarine which sunk the
Ctiunrd liner Lusitania is he-
lieved hero to lie the same
which yesterday sunk the twn
fillllO-toii freighters ( enturiun
nnd Ciiuditlate unit on Wednes-
day sunk the ship Karl of La-
them. The admiralty has sent
a flotilla of fast destroyers to
search for the undersea bout.
Lute this evening the. report
reached hero that the Limituuiu
either was beached or sunk in
water so shallow that she cun
bo salvaged. t
j This was conside'rctl ' likely,
as all liners have uiiiilo the run t
through St. ' (Ihorgeii channel
with all of loeir water tight -
ciiinpiii'tmeiils closed,
Boats Rush to Rosens.
New Voik, May 7. In brief ami at
first, lion- umitiil cables nf unconfirm
ed reports, the news of the sinking of
Ihe Liner Lusitania was received hero
today at the I iinaid oi l ices and imiiio
dialely made public in the nopo of re
assuring humlicds of re In lives of pas
sengers aboard the vessel.
Within a half hour niter the first re
port of the attack upon the vessel was
I r ived this iiftcriioiin dills poured In-
i in in,, r .1 ..i-i',..., i ii-t o. :..i..
I ' " ,, , l, . n. I 'I I 11 II1IIS Ul
Hie line gave these anxious relatives of
piissengeis every assurance! possible,
but not until reports began to couiA
froiii Loudon that the passengers were
believctl to have been saved could they
give miieii snlMiiclion, WitJtiu nil
lour crowd i were beginning to collect
about the offices, all cluiiioriiitf for
The Inst ii n in ii in r in . ti I from the
Cunanl oifiees stated that a cabin
from London brought the iiiieonfirmi il
report I ,ia I the l.usilania had been tor
pel,,,, I. Then cninc a cablegram f i ,. n
Liverpool stilting that the Lands I'.nd
wireless reported distress calls from
the Lusitiiiiiii. The big liner's wirelesl
wns calling ' 1 ( 'ome ut once, ' '
The tin, -I 's wireless stilted she was
listing badly and was 10 miles south uf
That passengers had escaped frnu
the vessel was ev ident when a cab'
grain from (J 'iistowu stilted that II
or lid small boats appiirent ly colitiinuog
survivors from the liner and been sight
ed near the spot wnere the Lusitania
was sunk. All small craft in th
ioecnstovvn harbor had been rushed tl
their assistance, it was stated. The
ciiblegranis as received hero follow;
"Liverpool, U : :i:t p, io. -(jiieeiistiwB
wired Obi Head wire begins: ' Largn
steamer just arrived in vicinity appar
ent Iv rendering assistance, fugs pa
trolling now on the spot taking bout
in low. Motor fishing boat with two
Liisitania 's bouts bearing probably for
Kinsnle. Ilavo wired Kinsnle uge'nt til
render eveiy assistance; to advise us
if ii iiv louts are towed in there.' "
"Old Head nf Kinsiilo wires:
" ' Al I '.'il bimta of all mr
longing to tho Lusilunin are in tha
vicinity of where the Lusitiiiiiii sunk,
"'About lo boats are making for
the spot to render assistance. SVeathcr
clou r. ' "
The last tncasmio fr,,, o,i.,uiu,,i
given out at the I oiiard offices was
limed l:o(l p. m.
(Continued on Pago r'lvs.)
The Weather
Oregon; r'nir to
night und Sutur
ilay; wed winds.
fTKTiTiJTrJ rf J
WlMafWsfl'l" 1 1