Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, May 04, 1915, Page FIVE, Image 5

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4. 1015.
11 VI!
NO. 57.
Ladd & Bush,
. a-iam. Oregon, in the State of Oregon, at the close of business May
Loans and discounts -.
Overdrafts, secured and unsecured
Bonds and warrants
Stocks and other securities
Banking house
Furniture and fixtures
WW real estate owned
Due from banks (not reserve banks)
Due from approved reserve banks 288,469.25
iwlta and other cash items
Exchanges tur clearing nouse I."i0,908.ti3
Cash on hand
Other resources
Capital stock paid in
Surplus fund
Undivided profits, lies expenses and axes paid
Dividends unpaid -
Due to banks mid bankers
Postal savings bank deposits
Individual deposits subject to check
Demand certificates of deposit
Certified checks
Cashier checks outstanding
Time and savings deposits
Notes and bills rediscounted
Bills payable for mieiey borrowed
Reserved fir tuxes '
Other liabilities
County of Marion ) ss.
J, Win. 3. Walton, cashier of the above-named bank,
Will Select Band and Engag
Special Aerial Features of
For the purpose of choosing a band
to dispense "official" music during
the week and to decide the question
of whether or not there will be some
special nerial navigation thrills as side
attractions at the state fair for this
year, and numerous other more or less
important matters remaining undecided
at the Inst meeting, a special meeting
of the state fair bonrd will bo held here
Friday, May 7.
There are three bids offered for the
band contract for the fair aad three
nppliations for aeroplane rind balloon
stunts, among the hitter of which is an
500,000.00 application trom a Seattle flyer, who
7,000.00) claims tne record for altitude flights,
02,129.21) I "-nd the Belmont sisters, who perform
Nonej some spectacular parachute thrillii with
203,982.71 1 different colored balloons. The board
None! is undecided what nature of entertain
1, 150,450.6 j mont it will provide in this class of free
201,1 15.40 exhibitions and this meeting hns been
u,uou.iu euiiru 10 pass upon tue Liters wliic!
4,1 Mi.:
ilo solemnly awear
j that the above statement is true to the best of my knowledge and belief.
'$ ' WM. S, WALTON,
Subscribed and sworn to before me this 4th dav of Mav, 1915.
L. 1 ALLiRK.'H,
1 Correal Al test:
s. ursir, -..
-Notary 1'ublic,
have been pending actiou some weeks.
Special days have been finally decid
ed upon by the state fair board for the
entire week of the fair as follows:
Monday, September 27. Children's
iduy; Tuesday. Woman's day and Good
nonets day; Wednesday, Sulein day,
Woodmen's day, State Societies' day,
and Campers' night; Thursday, Port
land day, Transportation day and Elks'
night; Friday, l'ress day, Oregon Man
ufacturers' day and Scandinavian day;
Saturday, Shriners' day, Orange day,
l'iuueor day and carnival night. Spe
cial programs appropriate to every oc
casion will be prepared and evcrvthincL
points to a whole week of gala events! - -
1- ,
nun nouicunut; ,t-ui irciy new every uny
Beiwood City, Cal. A inolion to (lis-
! Los Angeles, Cal., May 4. Los An-1 miss the charge of passing a bad check
pics held its municipal primary elec-1 which has been made against Mrs. Ado
lion today. Candidates for minor, city 'aide Hreckenridge, society mutrna of
ttornev.'the city eoriicil, board of edii- Npw Yorl!, w registered in Justice
tition oud n board of free holders tojsoeley's court by District Attorney
formulate a new charter were being 1 Swart, who said there was no proof of
I.. .- f rtimliilnitl inlnof "
urt.-uHrHiiuiis u u- ...........
Marinated. Also
tfx to tho city thousands of acres in
4t fertile San Fernando valley and to
liicx the town of The Palms, were on
fie ballot.
When it comes to calling men from
their beds, tho fire bell puts it nil over
tho church bell.
Andrew Anderson, aged sixty-severn,
died at the hospital in Pcrtlund on
Wednesday, llis body was brougfit to
the Miller cemetery for ihterment
which took place nt noon today.
Mr. Anderson wus n resident of-Mon.
itor and was well known iu this vicin
ity. Ho was tnken to the hospital some
time ago where an operntion was- per
formed from which ho died. He leaves
a wife and family of children living on
a farm ut Monitor. Mt. Augo Tribune.
Occasionally a l.nchelor lives to mar
ry the daughter of the m,n who turned
him down.
Syracuse, X. Y., April 4. Among
those who have been siiliioeuacd in the
suit for $50,000 damages brought bv
William Humes, dr., against former
President Theodore Itoosevclt is United
States Senator Jnines W. Wadswurth,
Jr. Mr. Wadsworth was speaker of
the New York assembly for I'ive years.
May Day Festival
At Bueia Crest School
All who pay three months subscription, old or new, back
subscription or in advance, in case their paper is delivered
by carrier, will receive one of these atlases fret. All mail
subscribers, old or new, who pay a year's subscription
($3.00), either back subscription or in advance, will also
be entitled to receive an atlas without extra charge.
This is the most liberal offer the Capital Journal has
ever made.
The Capital Journal has just received a new shipment
of the "World at War" atlases. They are of a later and
revised edition and consist of 24 large, highly-illustrated
pages, printed on heavy enameled book.
The atlas contains splendid colored maps of all the
warring countries, with routes of travel and railroad
lines; many tables of army and navy and general statis
ticsin fact, the work is a complete ready-reference li
brary for students of the great war. It is a book which
would ordinarily sell for $1.00 or $1.50. but we are having
them made up in large lots and buy them at a price which
allows us to give them away to subscribers on very easy
Springs Fail and Nurses Car
ry Water to Hospital Floor
of Building
The spring which furnish the supply
of water for tho state tuberculosis san
itarium are slowly drying up and that
institution is so closely run fur its regu
lar supply for nil purposes that the
nurses are compelled to curry water for
the use of the pntients upon the hospital
floor of the institution at times and, if
it continues to run low, tho water will
have to be strictly conserved to abso
lute needs in order to have enough to
keep the institution going. As soon ns
the pump is installed in a new well,
which was sunk last year, which will be
very shortly, the pressing needs of the
institution will b. relieved.
Last year the springs run dry and il
was necessary for the nurses to cany
all of the water for all purposes of the
institution and, in anticipation of a re
occurrence of the shortage in supply,
the board of control authorized the
sinking of a well. The springs run low
six weeks earlier this year, however,
than was anticipated end the conditions
bid fair to be worse than last year. Last
Kundny there was no water on the
second floor of the institution and the
nurses were compelled to curry wnter
and the institution was obliged to drnw
on the supply of the boys' training
school, by means of an old pipe which
cornice's with what is known in tin.
" linker" springs.
Tho new well is capable of furnish
ing water at the rate of 1,000 gallons
per hour, which will bo sufficient for
all of the needs of the sanitarium and
it is expected tHt the pumping plant,
provision for which wns made by the
Inst legislntur.visIU l, installed within
a short time Vfiori tho conditions will
have been relind; As if is it will be
necessary- t "1'iV'uiUt the uso of water
for lawn sprlyltM purposes and all
other piirpusc.j,.lWecpt actual needs iu
order to provide utcr for cooking,
drinking and bstliUs needs of the insti
tution. is being converted' into ii handsome
private park ajid game preserve.
Mr. ami Mrs. llargraber will arrive
from lown this morning to locate nt
Cjiiinuby, where Mr. llargraber will
open n, blacksmith shop. Until tt larg
er house can bo secured tho family
Will occupy the F M. 1'ognn residence.
Qninnhy already Las an excellent
blacksmith in the person of l M. Tan.
quary, hut it is believed that there
will b0 sufficient work to keep both
men busy.
I'oultrvmen hcie are feclinir the rf.
feet of the new inspection law requir
ing n certificate of health before ship
ping fowls into the slnlo of Washing
ton. As there is no local inspector,
and in the le itrlmcnt of Agriculture
has stated that poultry is not subject
to the disease, it seems a plain case
of .giaft. in some di p:i 1 1 mcnt of fho
public service, for which poultr.vnien
must pay.
If the statement ninde at a .'ew
Vork Asteuildy of women, that henhliy
American women are so rice that I Ii . .
aie almost extinct, is true. It is t i i.n-
'rBB,,MB,BB &HBMBsWIBJniMn . - - --L.- -1 .
; ((.'apilal Journal Special Servh'e.)
Qiunaby, Or., May 4. fed by the
Chemawa band of seveutceu pieces,
Bub Crest school gave ft"-May Hay
Festival at yuinaby Friday afternoon
fhat could not have been mirswssed by
aiyr city school. Several Srtisfie open
Sir drills were given by tho pupils,
followed by a May l'ole Dnnce. Fairies
and Klfs were much in evidence, and
evl pretty fluats were features of
tno parade, l.ouis llirod acted ns
king while Hazel Anderson made a
charming little queen, the two royal
personages tieing earned about in
Jiniricksha chairs by their attendants.
MifS Klsio Beckner secured tho prize
for tho most handsomely decorated
float, while -the prize in the beauty
coatest went to .Maxme Iicckner. A
baseball gamo between liuena Crest
and lirookg was a feature of the after
noon, honors gniiuyto tho visitors by
ono Kiint, Luncheon was served to
the band boys who proved nao of the
splendid attractions of the ilav, and
who complimented Mayor McKarlu
by a special scrcnudo before hoarding
tue. train. The attendance wns lur
iu spile of the boisterous weather that
prevailed early in tho afternoon, the
unions, near i.aKe nnd Mission Hot
torn schools tuiniinr out in la Tim mini
hers, while the following Salem people
were among ine visitors: County
Mierinteiident. Walter Hinith, Mr. nnd
Mrs. .1. W. Carson, Mrs. .1. , Vlrbh
Miss Helen Ingre.v and Miss lois vc
Tho s. hool is in clinran of Miss (lliulv.
Carson and .Mi'-s Kvelyn Nash, tin
hoaid being composed of J, ', Mel-'nr-i.
i, . , .
lune, i. nire .moics and liorncr (lou'cv,
nil or whom iteservo praise for tiie
splendid school that has made such
strides in an du atioual way while not
a year old.
An abrupt fall in temperature a few
nights ago when ice froze in various
sections of I lie country, is found to
have done considerable damage to ten
der vegetation, such as tomatoes, corn,
and beans. Fruit blossoms were in
jured to some extent, especially the
first crop of Mrnwhcrries, while hops
wero nipped back am) their growth
somewhat retarded and in many cuses
it will necessitate a second training of
tne vines. 1'otatoes are burned black
but will grow out another head, a
though it is believed that grapes and
walnuts linvo received something of
Iiithcr .T. fhapin, eountv airHeultur-
ist, lectured at uinaby last Thursday
evening, taking up tho general phase
! of farming which ho discussed in a
i helpful manner before a lara-n number
or praetrai isrniers,
Sunday services are shortly to be
transferred from Iinenn, Crest scbuol
house to (juinaby Park Tabernacle, as
sunn as the weather permits. Last
fcunday Hev. 8. H. Mummey of Knlem
I prea'be 1 nt the tabernacle receiving his
j usual welcome from his many friends
! here.
I What is believed to have been a
i dog suffering from rabies was killed
, by Bay Jones near Waconda last week.
, The animal could eat, but after being
! fed would attempt to bite thoso offer,
i Ing It food.
; Frank Mattlies lost a valuable mare
j last week from blood poison.
, The f'erkin' school will close Friday
I for the year.
Mrs. Frank Marshall snd, her
j daughter, Mis Jennie Marshall, will
leave today for a several months' so
; Journ in California. They will be
guests of Mrs. Marshall' brother, Mr.
' Ituglana at Kai.U Itosa, and will make
;a tour of the south before returning
, to tyuinaby.
i ynnuoy is sun waging a eienn-ufi
1 campaign
I this
i -"" I.-.. nt no- wesr snors over scrcnming
; prutonienis sr., ine mooern lixiures, ,),,., f ,,,, ,,, ,!,)
j in the residence of A. M. Anderson ; j the,,, ,ec, by uing knives, rnors nnd
.J. I McFarlane has seeded h.s law n K.lssors are gone at last! "GETB IT"
and placed an ornamental wire fenre jH the new wav, the sure, simple, pain-
n.ooii.iiii miu.M unna n eooijocie i less wsy. 1 ry it Tor corns, callusei
the installation of a water syum in , Hn snd bunb n.
Cattle and hogs aro strong today,
with sheep barely holding its own.
liiains are all wouk, following the
mivernmenr s rcpo t ot luvorntilo con
ditions in all parts of the country.
Oregon cauliflower is now out of the
market. Lettuce is cominir in more
plentiful with quotations toduy ut
a crate.
There is no change in tho e'lrir market
today, although the market is linn nt
l.i cents, with several Ikiibcs in the
city paying lij cents for strictly firsts.
Hay. timothy, for tou (12
Clover, per ton .. S.SOtVrO
Hats and votes - $lldi)ll!
Cheat 10(7i11
Wheat, per bushel $1.10
ilats, por bushel 48c
Holley barley ;i;t
Com $;)n
'racked corn fill
Iban 28..'i0
Shorts, per ton $;U
Creamery butter, per pound Hoc
Vcgettblea. ':
Asparagu ........12c
Cabbage, per lb ,:f(u'Hij,e
Farsmps ..$1.8U
Tomatoes, Florida ...$4.50
String Oarlie 15c
Lettuce, crato t'J.fiO
Meets 1.50
Hadishes 4,'o
I'oliCoes, per 100 lbs ....2
Potatoes, new, lb fle
New pens' 8e
Uermuda onions
strawberries, eriito
Oranges, naval
I '.lunulas, lb.
Lemons, per boi ...
I'ineupples, per lb, ..
pplos, box
Kloridn grnjio fruit
f..2r,(n :i.50
iH.riom .1
7 .
...v tl.60(ri;l,75
Dates, dromodarv, rasa tXZS
Hates, I'orsian, lb... S'AOiHUjt
Fard dates JM.riO
oemnuts, per dnnen fl
Fig, per pack H0c(ri 1.S0
Egg and roiUUj.
Fggs, cash lric; trude 17e
liens, pound Lie
lioosteri, old, por pound '....."e
tag Be
Spring Chickens, lb : "l!c
Pork-, Voal and Mutton. .
I Fork, on foot $7(ir 7.25
I Fork, dress-d IOKikIO1 jC.
j Veal, dressed ie(i lite
;uiiig Inuibs, milk led !.,..Nc
stccrs 6ie((i lie
1 'OKI ft(l'U'C
T Oaa cent ner mnrA ..k I. . .
I Uea. ' '
f ('P7 idtertisemsnU on- '. '
f ner this heading should bs In br -I
Sp,n, '
WAXTODi-Prcssmakiiip, 2.110 State at
FOIt RF.NT I'p to date 7-room flat,
close in. 8ee R. . Fleming. J'hone
124. liesidenco phone 02.
lor tho women of inericn
wuriiing nnd look to llieir h
in ii v nu iieaoiit:nci4, on, i.acnes. 'Imaging
down pains, nerwniscoo', uienlal de
pression llnit are tell tale symptoms of
sonio orgnni" deiangemenls for which
f.ydia K. I 'in I. Ii .i id 's Vcgelnlilo Coin
pound tt simple remedy mailo from
roots and herbs is a specific and may
no reiif.t upon to remore women to a
he-alt by uorniul coinlilion.
i Moll,
lo t j, If n
lllh. It , oU",r" - 10
r.wes Ac.
Hhceji, ahe: n d c
Retail I rice.
Creamery butler .'Iflc
Flour, hard wheat 2.10(n 2.(i0
Flour, Tiilley fl.H.irr; 2
cv'g'i per doen 20r
sugnr, en IK $7. Ml
l'il.'ar, I), (i,
. tl.H0
Swish! Corns Gone!
We JJse "GETS-IT r
2 Secondi 2 Drops Conu Vanlnli
For everybody with corns, there is in
("very drug stoi " in the bind onn of the
r-ul woioli-rs o the world, and that's
"(IKTS1T" fir corns. It's the first
and only corn cure ccr known Ihstj
removes any and every corn or callus
without fail, without, fussing with
rortlnnd Markets.
I'ci-tland, tire., M,iv I. Wheat
Club, iH.Jtl; Mill-stem, l..'ll.
flats Xo. 1 while feed, fi:!.
Hurley Feed, 2l.2j.
Hogs- Host live, IrKYdS.IO;
steers, $7.2.Vh 7.IKI; fum-y cows,
best calies, H; spring
Under ( ity crenmery, 2.'ic.
Fggs- Selected local entrns, ISCc.
liens, i:i"(.f Hcf broilers, 27 C.di'lili
geese, Hn !lc.
w3 Fr Tn.1, M'ssutlh. Wk.iT Ceraf
UmI Ym.IIVhs UTMI."'.
thick bandages, too harnesses, corn.
swelling salves, irrilutlng ointments.
It's applied in 2 seconds bing, bing
2 iiro, the work is done, the corn
shrivel up, your corn agonv end and
I me corn naves rnreveri All tun limp
Itcpnits of discouraging rosidilirm in
hop ynrils of this rcetinn continue to
come in, says tho Auiora Observer. It
appears that the curly cstimaln of 21
to M) per cent of in ig hills was none
too large. Homo aids cliiiie tiiroueh in
'good shape, but I he majority of (he
j vnuls have an i ktruurilniaiy iiuiuber of
iiiisning hills, and hills in which the
vines aro weak ami slow to start.
I In his recent talk here on boos, Fro
feasor II. V. Tartar, of the Oregon Ag
rirultural college, 'in. I Unit he had
found tho missing hills to occur more
common on the bench lands than in
tho bottom land urds. Home attrib
ute this to grubbing the hops too close,
to iriniilficicnt cultivation, to early
frosts, and to various other causes.
"Hut my olmori aliens in many
i yarns, sum i 'releasor isrtnr, "i-ou-iviiice
mo that the missing hills are due
i to the condition of the soil. The soil
j loses much of Its hiimui or organic mat
tcr by year lifter year of clean culliva
tion. As the result of this the hot.
ipaigu and most of the homes m the pains that dart to your heart s l,a"1 vimlty, becomes weak
vicinity hav been brightened npleore, the cni-ifiiion of having to th" m'"i"K" hill appears,
some manner. Among; recent iu.-jWer shoes over scrcnming ,-orns, the! "T( ""'edy this, bnrnvard manure
! his house: John Xielinski has erected
I a garage an I large swing on his
lwnj Miss hntine Harold will short
ly erect gnrsgs; tho I'aul Oirod bouse
in iieaiing roii.pieiion, while a si acre
IF YOU wish your carpet steam or
vacuum cleaned by reliable firm at
reduced prices phone 1151. Mayltl
COMPLETE stock of teste! garden.
Thiolscn Co., HI North Uigh st. t
WlilTK Orpington baby chicks anil
eggs ior natcnnig. I'hone S7.F-13.
1). X. Hecciilcr, route I). May3
FOIt KHXT Furnished house, hot w
ter, bath, garden ground, i'hnjio
Mam 1321. Call 1S4 Court . JlylO
FOR BALK Small gnvcry anil confec
tionery. 2075 lloso ave., Highland.
LOST Locket, initials "8, M. P."
Finder return to this office or phono
3 FASiSLXOKIt h. Al. F. for sale cheap,
good condition. Address box 244,
Monmouth, Ore. MuylO
FOU SALK Kggs (',., lie- hing, Itlack
Minoreiis. Mis. A. K. l)avis, SOU N.
2 1st st. Fbono 7(14-J, Maytf
IONVKNIKNT furnished housekeeping
apartments; also single rooms. The
Lincoln, B.13 Ferry. J'hone 4il.". Myd
niSINKsa properly, close in, for sain
or exchange lor lanu land. 1 13 Court
sli'OHt. ilaya
FOI UK.NT--Moderu housekeeping
apartments, furnished or iinfiirnish
ed, 330 Hoiith Fourteenth st. Muy6
WAN'TKD Four hustlers, men or wo
men, good sulury or coniiuinaion, easy
seller. Address II, 4, cure Journal.
WE will allow you the highest prlca for
your used furniture in exchange foi
new. Calof Bros., horn furniaher.
I'hone 603.
FOCND Watch ,u, rn, east of state
hiispilul. Owner can hnvo same by
calling ut implement store of li.
1'ohlu &8011. Mnyl
FOIt MAI.K-lty owuer, 1,1 acres lino
land, fenced and clear, rock road.
Hurgain if taken soon, I'hone 124,
liosidcnee. phono 1)2. ' "
WILL i-aeril'iee for quick sale, modem
home, fine locution; alw) tine 2ft
aero fruit tract, 20 acres In fruit. A
simp for the price. I'hone 227S-M,
WANT Ml) Miime one lo take contract
of sawing wood by cord; must hnvo
own idttit. I'hniio 0112 uflcr (t p. in.
or before 0 a, m. Mny4
(1 FNTLL.M AX who took child's um
brella from llligh theater Huiidiiy
night is known. I'lcasu return lo
Hligii thciiter at oiieo to nvol-l
t""''l'le. Muyt
DAIIIV lunch near i;,.in, On, t(h per
acre, char of incumbrances; will .
chiinge for Willamette ulley acreugo
and some cn--v.
II acres ::
state of cn't
S?.M(I nisli, I
33 acre-. 2
Tilhe leni'e Y-
s from 8aleni, high
"ii ; very reusioiiiblu.
-' ii per cent.
" from hnlein. Will
1 first pnyment.
New 0 room house; triidu tor tim-
'Ac ill & CO., Hubbard m,..
When Boda Tablets Lose Effect Try
This Slinjilo Kemcily.
I'cople who are nccu-loiiied to Ink.
lug some digestive tablet after meals
which depend sob ly on Ho. la or I'ep
siu ns digestive aids, generally find
such remedies non loso their foreo
and that It tnlics two or three
tabids to biiug relief where nt first
it look but one.
Such a condition is dangerous ami
tho ue of such remedies should bo
promptly stopped before serious dam
line is done the stomach. The exces
sive 11 -e of Pepsin weakens llio unt
il 1:1 1 oruiuis of digestion, while frrc
fuenl doses of Nodn irritate tho
stomach walls.
Npecdy relief from the distress of
woir, gnsy st.uniich, heartbinn, or
that full, heavy, lumpv feeling can
be safely uhtai 1 ,',om Mi.o-na
Moinach tablets which are a physi
cian's prescription, Mi o nn increnses
the flow of tho gastric Juices,
strengthens, ,,steu, of weakens the
stomach and promotes a natural,
healthy and painless digestion Hint
soon makes any digestive pill uu.
These Min na Tablets are always
wd.l by Daniel J. Fry and other
lea-ling druggists on a positive
guarantee, of satisfaction or money
'iKTS-IT'' is sold by druggist
straw, or decayed vegetable matter limy
oe s.iue.i 10 ine ion, or some leguminous :
over crop like vet. h may be drown nnd1
plowed under, 1 think such a policy
will, in a gr.-at measure, cure the min
ing hill trouble."
Hcports from London says that the
everywhere, 21c a bottle, or sent diroct,hop trade is very quiet, and the market
)' r;- Lawrence Co Chicago, lis in a waiting attitude, Theio seems
be little pr.ispe.-t of improvement
tract of woodland on the M.-Munn farm times.
Spinsters dislike to talk of
I to
th(uiitil tin. ionic r of Ibpior restrictions
assumes greater certainty. Favorable.
The Journal Want Ad get.?
the business. It finds the
position and it places the
right people in the right
place. It is small, but its
carrying power is tremendous!
wenlher for plant growth is reported.
There has been little activity this
week in hop contracts. Henry L, ilents,
however, wrote one for 10,000 pounds
ut II cents, by which Johnson, of West
Woodburn, i to deliver him that noun-tity.